Diary of a Horny Student Ch. 27

An adult stories – Diary of a Horny Student Ch. 27 by LiminallySpaced,LiminallySpaced 27

It was dark. It was raining. We were running. The sky had opened up, a practical tsunami coming fast and hard down through the leaves of the forest trees, and we were desperately trying to race to shelter back at camp.

My hand was around her wrist–I didn’t want to lose her. We hustled and moved, over twigs and weeds, until we saw the faint light of the smoldering campfire. It was well past lights out, and the rest of our number had long since gone to bed. All but us. We laughed.

The rain was so loud, pounding on the leaves and the nylon roofs of the tents, we were desperate for shelter. As we broke through the trees, we beelined it for the first tent in view–my tent.

I laughed and swore as I fumbled with the zipper, her laughter joining mine in an intoxicating chorus as the rain pelted us. Freeing the door we quickly ushered ourselves in, closed the flap, and collapsed in a wet pile of laughter and exhausted breath.

My eyes fell onto her, this beautiful creature, and then onto her body. Her wet clothes clung tightly to her curves. Her hard nipples poked out prominently through the fabric. I wanted to taste them.

Our laughter died down, but the tension was rising. We looked at each other. We knew. The rain was loud; camouflaging. No one would know.

A crack of thunder in the distance followed a flash of lightning.

We kissed.

She took my hand and placed it on her breast.


“I hate camping,” I thought as we neared hour two of the long drive to the campground, “I don’t know why I thought this was a good idea.”

This of course was a lie. I was on my way to the church youth group camping trip, my final excursion with the group before aging out and heading off to college. It’s usually a pretty good time, and was always fun to spend some time away and hang out with the other kids, including the pastor’s daughter, my friend Christine. This year I thought it had the potential to be great, however, because this year I had been in the midst of a torrid, clandestine, sexual affair with Christine. Christine was a girl who cared about her piety, but still had natural, carnal needs, and so Christine and I had been seeing each other the past couple months so we could indulge those needs.

It had been electric.

We had rules though. There had been no penetration, and I was forbidden to touch her anywhere below the neck. Draconian, I know, but it hadn’t stopped us from getting creative and enjoying each other. I had been surprised to learn that the preacher’s daughter not only loved giving head, but seemed to have an honest to goodness cum fetish.

My mind drifted, remembering the feel of her wet, tender mouth sliding around the length of my hard cock; her tongue teasing my tip; her gorgeous brown eyes looking up at me as she sucked; the way her body shook in orgasm when she touched herself; the satisfied pleasure on her face when I finally gave her all my sperm. I shifted in my seat, turning away from the person next to me as I felt my pants begin to grow tight.

Those visuals lived rent free in my memory, but right now all I could see was the back of her head and her flowing brown hair. While I would have loved to be sitting up next to her, sneaking touches and feels secretly on the long journey, I was two seats behind her in the big van, thanks to our last encounter.

She had just returned from a trip with her parents, I had just spent the night committing adultery with my friend’s girlfriend Kerri, and when our bodies collided in the front seat of my car, something was off. She was much too eager, I was much too hesitant. Our arrangement had been just that–an arrangement–one that was purely physical. Up until that moment we had both been happy enough as it was, or so I thought, but now something had changed in both of us. There was something more happening between us than just mutually assured orgasm, and I don’t think either of us knew how to handle it.

I also didn’t think either of us really wanted to talk about it, but as the sexy plans for the weekend went out the window, I didn’t think we’d have much of a choice.

But as my eyes caught the second church van coming up beside us on the highway, my mind turned to the other wrench thrown into my expectations for the weekend: Rachel.

Rachel split time between our church and her parents’ church, so it’s true her presence wasn’t that odd, but in the entire time I had known her, she had never come to the annual camping trip. She had even, on occasion, been known to talk about how camping was one of her least favorite activities, so obviously my suspicions were piqued.

Why now? Why this trip? Was it because it was the last event before we left for college? Or could it have something to do with the last time she was in a tent, the night of her senior prom where I fingered her to orgasm and she jerked me off until I exploded all over her hands and streaked her naked tits with my cum?

Oh, those tits. The biggest I had seen in my young life. I shifted again, remembering the way they jiggled and shook as both her hands stroked me; how my cock came so tantalizingly close to slipping between them. And when she finally made me explode, the sight of those tits lashed by a whip of my cum made my orgasm even stronger. It was an already unforgettable experience made even more so by the sharp come down of what came next.

Passions fading, Rachel had taken stock of the fluids that covered her, my fluids, and responded the way any young, sexually naive person would hope their partner would express their acceptance of what they just shared–by exclaiming “Ew, gross!”

It was only two words, but they were two words that honestly hurt. We had just shared something extremely private with each other–I had shared with her my body, out of control, at its most vulnerable, and her reaction was to recoil in disgust. Maybe not the end of the world in the grand scheme of things, but for someone having their first sexual experience, it set an odd tenor.

We hadn’t really talked much after the awkward end to that night, but there was something in the air the few times we had interacted since, something that told me the night was memorable for her, despite her ultimate reaction. The way her chest flushed when we made eye contact across the room at church, certain cues I picked up on in those times we saw each other at the cafe, her willingness to follow up a bawdy joke with me online–it all made me wonder if her appearance here had anything to do with me. With us. But I was probably just overthinking it. Besides, she had brought another guy with her; I couldn’t imagine she had any designs on me. But still…it all seemed suspicious.

This guy she brought, I learned, was named Devon, and was that same handsome African American guy I had seen her with a couple times at the cafe. He seemed very friendly, and I’d learn later on that he also went to Rachel’s other church. I didn’t know the guy, and he seemed nice enough, but as soon as I saw him, I felt that cold pang of jealousy spread through my stomach. I couldn’t explain it– I wasn’t interested in Rachel at that moment, my mind was fully set on handling the Christine situation, but that’s the funny thing about the young, male, hormonal mind, isn’t it? Jealousy born of nothing but proximity and speculation.

Maybe it was because here was a guy she seemed to have chosen to spend time with, instead of awkwardly rejecting. Maybe it was because there was a chance he was regularly getting to play with Rachel’s massive, spectacular tits. Maybe it was because there was a chance she didn’t think his cum was gross.

After what felt like an endless ride, we finally made it to our destination. The campsite was remote, but had easy access to a big, beautiful lake. Our group occupied two sections of a fairly sparsely-populated camping area. Down the path past the office and the general store, around a couple turns past the public bathrooms, we stopped and unloaded. Our youth pastor gave us a run down of the amenities we could expect, and seemed to derive a certain amount of glee from how short the list was. Her husband just laughed and assured us it wasn’t going to be nearly as bad as we thought.

Our youth pastor Ginny and her husband Todd always came alive when we did outdoorsy stuff. There was always a certain extra pep in their step, as though there was a certain amount of freedom in getting so far away from society for a few days. Normally they were polite and proper as could be, but I couldn’t help but notice that once we hit the woods their extremely chaste exterior cracked ever so slightly with an increase of winks, pinches, and the occasional clandestine butt smack.

They were an attractive couple, and it was difficult not to notice that for Ginny especially, her change in attire, from conservative blouses and floor-length skirts to partially unbuttoned over shirts and leg-baring short shorts, seemed to signal some relief; an exhale of expression. Normally completely hidden from view, I could tell she was hiding nice breasts under her usual attire, and her legs were long and smooth.

Watching her give her husband a smile and a swat on the behind as she passed by, I couldn’t help but wonder what it looked like when they fucked. Ginny had been one of my early crushes, and I had always been extremely jealous of her husband. But now, I had learned multiple times over that a demure, church-going exterior was very possibly just a cover for a voracious sexual appetite, and I was dying to know if the same was true for Ginny. What her favorite position was. How nasty they got behind closed doors. What she sounded like when she orgasmed. Did she like sucking his dick? Did they roleplay? Did he like to cum on her face?

Christine and I passed each other a few times while we unloaded the vans and began setting up the site, but few words were said. I found a shady spot at the edge of the treeline to stake my tent, and I couldn’t help but notice that Christine chose hers about as far to the other side of the site as you could get. She was sharing the tent with a younger girl, which meant that even under the best of circumstances there’d be no hanky panky at her place.

I, on the other hand, had a tent all to myself. The younger kid I was supposed to share with backed out at the last minute, and so, with an even number of tents for an odd number of people, I lucked out.

“Hey, Tim,” I heard a voice call from behind me, and turned to see Rachel walking over with Devon. She smiled and waved, and approached with no hesitation. We used to converse fairly regularly, especially online, but ever since prom night we hadn’t said much to each other. “How’s it going?” Her casual tone seemed to be trying to ignore any awkwardness we might have had between us.

“Hey Rachel,” I said as cordially as possible. I couldn’t quite muster excitement, but produced enough forced enthusiasm as to not be rude. “It’s good to see you!”

It honestly wasn’t a lie. Before the awkwardness I really did enjoy talking and hanging out with Rachel, and I had been crazy for those massive breasts of hers as soon as my burgeoning libido developed.

And boy did she look good today. A totally different body type than Christine, she was generously thick in all the right places. Places that were testing the limits of what her clothing could handle. She wore straight-cut jeans that didn’t accent features, but hung off her curvy hips in a way that was impossible to hide what was inside them. A thin button down blouse hung open off her shoulders, tied up beneath her bust, showing some stomach, and giving me a great look at the shirt she wore underneath–a shirt that stopped me in my tracks when I clocked it.

Tightly hugging her midsection, and wrapped like a second skin around those glorious globes of hers was a green, spaghetti-strapped tank top–the same tank top she wore, hard-nippled and braless, in the pictures she sent the night she asked me to the prom. This couldn’t be a coincidence, could it?

“This is Devon,” she said. He put his hand out and I shook it, and we made pleasant small talk, but I couldn’t hope to tell you what either of us said, as my mind was totally on that green shirt doing its best to contain Rachel’s tits.

“Where are you guys set up?” I finally said, coming back to earth.

“Well obviously we won’t be staying in the same tent,” she said with a playful chuckle that jiggled her breasts delightfully, “Devon’s staying with Peter over that way,” she said, pointing across the camp, “and I’m set up right over here.” she turned and pointed back behind her.

I followed her pointing fingers, the same fingers that had been wrapped around my cock only months ago, and once again felt like she was playing a trick on me. Maybe I shouldn’t have read into it too much, like how many tents do people really own, but adding in the green shirt, I found it very significant that the tent she pointed to was the very tent she and I had spent our prom night encounter in.

“It’s a pretty rad tent,” Devon started, “really well made, and has a nice comfortable flooring on the inside.”

“Yeah I know,” I said without thinking, “my…friend has one just like it.”

I looked at Rachel. She looked away, but I swear I saw the pale skin around her chest flush a knowing pink.

Devon was then called away to help move something over by his tent, leaving me alone with Rachel.

“I’m surprised to see you here–I thought you hated camping?” I said as I went back to setting up.

“Well, you guys always made it sound so fun…and this being the last chance and all…” She trailed off slightly.

“Devon seems nice,” I said, changing the subject, but definitely still probing, “are you guys going out?”

“I don’t know what I’d call it,” she said, idly fidgeting with the tie of her shirt, “but yeah, he is nice.” There was a slight pause before she added “maybe a little TOO nice.”

I chuckled. “How are the back rubs?” My gaze examined her for a reply

“This is a nice spot you got here,” she said, changing the subject, “very…secluded.”

“Yeah, it is,” I responded, “and it’s just me.”

“Just you?” she said, her interest piqued.

“Yeah, lucked out.”

“I’ll say.”

There was an awkward pause. I tried to think of something else to say, something smart, something adult, something that would maybe get down to the bottom of what was going on here, but I couldn’t focus. Could’t stop thinking about those tits pressing out from behind that tight, green shirt.

A wave from Devon caught her attention, and she used it as an excuse to bail from our awkward silence. She made a cordial exit, but then turned back for a moment with a question. “I think a bunch of us are going swimming later, are you going to go?” She asked in a tone no less awkward than the pause that preceded it.

“Yeah, probably, if I have all my stuff set up.” The truth was, I wasn’t that interested in swimming with a bunch of younger kids, I was focused on Christine, and figuring out what was going on with us. At least I had been, before Rachel’s tits entered the equation.

“Maybe I’ll see you down there.”

She bounced off, leaving me with a view from behind that was no less alluring than the one from the front. What a body. I knew this “good Christian girl” was as horny as anyone else at her age, and I wondered how much of that body Devon had gotten to enjoy. I wondered if she had jerked him off, or maybe even sucked his dick; if he had felt her slick, wet pussy, or maybe even tasted it; if he had gotten to fuck her two massive tits; if he had cum on them; if she thought it was gross.

My cock twitched hard.

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I scanned the camp, looking for Christine, but she was nowhere to be found. Disappointed, I went back to setting up my tent.

Lunchtime came, and we all gathered around as Ginny, her husband, and the other couple of adult chaperones cooked up burgers and hot dogs, and other campsite favorites. There was no skimping, and the food was great, supplied by the parents who were no doubt happy to schlep their kids off to the middle of the woods for a couple of days.

We lined up to get our food, and I ended up a few people behind Christine. We still hadn’t talked at all, and I was hoping to use lunchtime to break the ice. I just needed to figure out what I was going to say. I watched her as she left the line, and rejoiced a little internally when she chose a place to sit that had open space around her.

I quickly grabbed some food and followed after her. I hadn’t been nervous around Christine hardly ever, but my stomach was in my throat as I crossed the distance toward her. Her head was down, so she didn’t seem coming, but when she looked up at me with those big brown eyes and a lock of her long hair fell across her angelic face, she stopped me right in my tracks.

“Do you uh…” I stammered, taken aback by her beauty, “…do you mind if I join you?”

She took a moment. I don’t know if she was as nervous as I was, but finally she responded with “it’s a free country.”

I sat, and we sat there both in silence. She shifted her potato salad around with her fork, idly, and I wracked my brain for something smart to say.

“Listen, I wanted to–” but before I could go any further, Rachel’s bright, peppy voice came at me loudly from the side.

“Hey guys!” She and Devon came strolling over with full plates, and both plopped down in front of us on nearby chairs. “Not so hungry today, huh, Tim?” Rachel said with a chuckle, pointing toward my plate. Looking down, it was only then that I realized all I had grabbed from the lunch buffet was a hot dog roll and a fork.

“Don’t wanna swim on a full stomach!” I joked back.

After a polite chuckle, Rachel introduced Christine to Devon, and the four of us began chatting about fairly mundane, late teenage stuff–colleges, summer jobs, graduation. As conversations tend to do, Rachel and Christine began to pair off, leaving me to talk with Devon. He was a good guy with a dry sense of humor, and I honestly felt that if we had more time to spend together, we would be friends. He seemed a bit uncomfortable, but it was in a way I could sympathize with. It was the discomfort of being the only new person in the group, and it was the same feeling I had when I went to Rachel’s prom. I wondered if she made a habit of bringing guys to events they were guaranteed to feel awkward at.

I was happy to be his lifeline and make the trip easier, but truth be told I never expected to see him again after this weekend.

“Did you ask Tim? He’s an artist, right Tim?” Rachel’s voice snapped me back to whatever it was she and Christine were talking about.

“Huh?” I said, having no idea what Rachel was getting at.

“Christine was just saying she was having trouble picking out colors for her dorm room, and I thought she should ask you–you’re a painter, right?”

My stomach dropped and I started to feel my cheeks flush a bit. Staring back at Rachel, her expression gave no indication that she was toying with me, but there was no other possible way for me to interpret that. When Tara and I had run into Rachel at the cafe, Tara’s quip about me painting her was dripping with entendre that I was sure none of us had missed, and Rachel’s flirty follow up online shortly after confirmed it. But now, had she forgotten? Or was she just playing a game with me?

My mouth moved, but couldn’t come up with a response. Luckily at that moment I was saved by the announcement that we’d be heading down to the lake to go swimming shortly, setting off a clean up of all the lunch stuffs. Christine popped up quite quickly, and I lamented watching her leave, but then I turned my eyes back to Rachel, once again searching for what her angle was, and once again finding nothing.

Devon and she began to get up, and as she turned away I could have sworn I saw her hard nipples pushing through her tight green shirt.


It was nice to take a dip in the lake. It was going to be a hot weekend, and the cool water felt refreshing and helped clear my head. I waded around and played games with the other kids, managing to keep my thoughts off the two women currently fighting for real estate in my mind.

One of these women was currently making it very difficult. Rachel and Devon had entered into a diving contest with one of the younger kids, which meant that every couple minutes or so I got to watch Rachel’s fairly modest one-piece swimsuit do its best to contain her bouncing breasts as she made her dive approach. This was followed shortly after by her pulling herself up out of the water, back on to the dock, sending water cascading down her long hair and ramping in spurts and sprays off her considerable backside.

It might just have been this wild conspiracy my mind was brewing, but I thought it quite a coincidence that she always made sure to pull herself up on the same side, in full view of me, should I want to look.

More than once out of the corner of my eye I caught Ginny and Todd horsing around in a way I didn’t expect from a youth minister and her husband. Maybe I was more attuned to it now that my sexual antennae were constantly at full mast, but I could swear they were flirting with each other. I couldn’t blame them, especially Todd. He was a handsome guy, but not a supermodel by any means, and he had managed to land himself a gorgeous, playful wife. The way she bit her lip at him when she smiled told me what was on her mind, even if her words were about something else entirely.

Taking a break, I sat in a nearby beach chair, and tried not to stare when Ginny dove into the water. She too wore a one piece bathing suit underneath khaki shorts that left her long, umber legs on full display. I tried not to stare, but couldn’t help grabbing a glimpse from time to time, and more than once I caught Dean, one of the other chaperones, doing the same when his wife wasn’t looking.

Trying to focus on something more wholesome, my plans were dashed when Christine made her way down from the campsite. Long, smooth legs ascending up into deep blue bikini bottoms were the first thing I saw, followed by the thin, flowing button down she wore semi-buttoned on top of the matching bikini top that hugged her small breasts.

I made a move to engage her as she made her way down, but she blew right past me and headed to the edge of the dock. The light caught her perfectly as she removed her overshirt, casting her tight body into gauzy shadow as it diffused through the thin fabric.

That body. Jesus, I missed it. I missed seeing her ass rise up in a lewd heart shape behind her head as she leaned in to suck my cock. I missed feeling her hard nipples press into me when we kissed. I missed the way she writhed and shook when she orgasmed. I missed seeing her deep collarbones, and that sweet dip where they meet the neck, draped with my cum.

I shifted in my seat as my cock surged with the thought, and I watched as Christine dove into the water and swam out to the floating dock–the furthest point away from me she could get.

“Everything ok with you two?” I heard a voice say from beside me. I was so caught up in Christine that I didn’t even notice that Ginny had pulled herself up out of the lake and made her way over to the seat beside me.

“Yeah, it’s fine,” I lied with a weak smile.

“Well it’s just that you guys are usually thick as thieves…but things seem kinda chilly so far this weekend.” She watched me for a reaction, trying to read me. I was doing my best to give her nothing to grasp on to.

“It’s nothing. College…stress…” I said, grasping, “it manifests itself in weird ways, you know?”

“Mmhmm” she responded, clearly humoring my attempt. “You know, it reminds me of a story,” She began, a far away smile pulling at her lips.

“Old Testament or New?” I joked.

“No, no, not that kind of story” She chuckled. “Back when I was your age, I had a…friend.” Her pause was deliciously implicit coming from someone like her. “Things got chilly between us too, and my mom gave me some good advice–she said ‘Gin, it’s really easy to break someone’s heart…if you don’t know you’re holding it.”

I suddenly felt something pull at the back of my throat, choking me up slightly.

“Not that that’s relevant here,” Ginny said, respecting my cover story, “I just thought it was good advice.”

She tapped my thigh lightly with her fist, and then got up to leave.

“What was his name?” I finally managed to get out. She stopped and turned back toward me.


She smiled a knowing smile, and headed off, leaving me with her wisdom.

That night, after an uneventful, yet delicious dinner, followed by some scary stories around the campfire that all seemed to have a rather biblical moral point at their center, we piled into our tents to sleep. But all I did was toss and turn.

I laid there for hours trying to calm my brain, but sleep was elusive. Well after midnight I felt the call of nature, and even though I could have easily relieved myself nearby in the trees, I needed a walk. So I quietly unzipped my tent and began making my way down towards the public restrooms.

I knew I couldn’t go on like this. I needed to clear the air with Christine the following day, and I needed to avoid whatever it was Rachel was or wasn’t doing in order to do it. I began trying to concoct a plan, but a buzz in my pocket caught my distraction.

I had entered one of the few areas with cell reception, and received an alert. An email alert.

“You around tonight?” the message from Just4theWatcherxoxo read. I opened the image attached to the message, and was greeted by a delightful tantalizing photo from Kerri. The camera was positioned behind her, giving me a great view of her toned, athletic ass, and the mirror in front of her showed off her thick, wonderful breasts. Her curly black hair cascaded down, her eyes were painted dark and alluring.

Most notable about the photo however was what was not there. Unlike previous photos, there was no semen splattered on her ass, no jizz dripping down her tits, no cum on her face–just her. Clearly she was alone. Mike must have been busy tonight.

I wished I was a short distance to her; it would have been so easy to drown my problems in that amazing body of hers. To bed her down and fill her up, to put all my angst and stress into every thrust into her juicy pussy. To release all my tension into her, spurt after spurt.

But it wouldn’t be honest. And I realized honesty was what I needed right now.

I sent Kerri an apology, explaining where I was, assuring her I’d contact her soon, and headed off to the bathroom.

Walking back, enjoying the silence of the wilderness, I suddenly heard some light splashing, and a giggle from down by the water. The path to the bathroom ran fairly close to the water, and sound carried well at night in the quiet.

My interest piqued, I stealthily made my way toward the origin of the sound. Two voices floated to my ears, but what they were saying was too hard to make out. All I could tell was that it was a man and a woman. When I dared not get any closer, I crouched down to look on in secret. What I saw was two people sitting one on top of the other on one of the fold out beach chairs.

Two people I knew.

Sitting up against the raised back rest, legs stretched out on the long end of the chair, was Todd, and on top of him, straddling his legs, was Ginny.

I was shocked to see my youth pastor in such a private display of affection, but I was more shocked when I realized the only piece of clothing on either of them was a loosely-hung, half buttoned over shirt barely hanging on to Ginny’s shoulders.

They talked in a low whisper that I still couldn’t make out, but I could see the smile on Ginny’s face, biting her lip seductively, as she tossed her long kinky hair over her shoulder. Both her hands floated down to where their bodies joined, and Todd let out a long sigh as she began a slow stroking motion.

Todd’s hand’s ran up Ginny’s smooth, brown thigh and squeezed her underneath the big shirt. Ginny looked down at him, a lustful look in her eye, and began to involuntarily shift her hips back and forth in time with her strokes. She leaned in to kiss him deep, and then a loud crack pierced the night air as Todd smacked her firmly on her ass.

Panicked whispers and giggles followed, and Ginny sat back suddenly, punching him playfully in the chest for such a brazen display. It clearly wasn’t the first time he had spanked her ass, and the thought of Ginny getting her ass smacked and loving it sent a renewed charge to my cock.

Still giggling from the swatting, Ginny’s face turned more passionate, and after a few more strokes, she shifted her body up, giving me a brief glimpse of Todd’s hard cock in her hand as she positioned herself, and then in one smooth motion she lowered herself back down. Her closed eyes and their shared gasp told me everything I needed to know: he was inside her.

Todd pulled Ginny close, and she draped her arms around him as they sat there motionless for a moment and just kissed, each reveling in the feeling of being joined with the other. Ginny draped her arms over his shoulders, and his hands renewed their traversing and grabbing of her long legs, and then slowly, deliciously, Ginny’s hips began to move, and I watched my youth pastor start to fuck her husband. No, this was not fucking–this was making love.

Their bodies began to find a deliberate, passionate rhythm, and stifled gasps and groans became their only sounds. Ginny sat back, putting some distance between their bodies, and began to grind on Todd’s cock, eyes closed in pleasure. His hands were getting more adventurous, and I felt an almost silent, involuntary “please” escape my mouth as he started pawing at her overshirt. He pulled free what buttons were still fastened, and I moaned slightly as the fabric slid down over her bobbing shoulders, revealing her full breasts to the warm night air.

They were as perfect as I imagined, and Todd quickly took them in his hands, a slight grimace of pleasurable pressure crossing Ginny’s face as he squeezed them hard. His mouth was quick to join, and soon he was taking each nipple into his mouth and sucking, something she clearly very much enjoyed.

Ginny grimaced and gasped, grinding harder and deeper onto her husband’s cock as he sucked and squeezed at her tender tits. Her movements were getting wilder now, a bit more determined, and I realized she was well on her way toward orgasm. It made my cock hard to know that breast and nipple play was such a turn on for this pious role model, and I watched in awe as the two raced toward their climax.

Ginny’s mouth hung open wide in a frozen gawk as Todd suckled on her nipples. She drove herself onto him harder and harder, and then suddenly I heard one word desperately escape from her mouth in the faintest whisper: “cum!”

Ginny shook, trembled, pulled Todd close and buried her head in the crook of his neck to keep from crying out as her body spasmed in orgasm. Still grinding, still gasping, she wildly rode him through her pleasure, only releasing him at the end, falling back off his neck and gasping like she had just come up out of the water for air.

Ginny smiled and they both chuckled at the intensity of her orgasm, but she knew she wasn’t done yet.

Running his hands over her breasts one last time, one hand slid up the flat of her chest and grasped the base of her neck momentarily before sliding up to the side of her face. Ginny tipped her head back, and her mouth opened with an almost animalistic baring of teeth, and she held his hand to her face and slipped his thumb into her mouth.

I was holding my breath, watching as my youth pastor stared her husband in the eyes with a deep, lustful look, sucking his thumb lewdly as she slipped his cock in and out of her pussy with renewed vigor.

Now it was Todd’s turn to start breathing heavily. His head started to loll back and forth, and his hand’s grip on her ass got tighter. Ginny’s hips picked up their pace, greedily devouring every inch that he repeatedly fed to her hungry body.

Her hands went to his chest to steady him, and then up to his hair, gripping it hard at the root as he started to tremble and lose control. The sensations of her mouth and slick pussy, combined with the sweet jiggle of her perfect tits was too much for the man, and with a short, pinched groan, his mouth hung open just like hers had, his body tensed up, and he emptied his full balls deep into his wife’s womb.

They both began to come down from their heated passions, holding each other, giggling softly, kissing, caressing.

I heard the snap of a branch behind me, and reacted like a scared deer, snapping my head in the direction of the sound. It was surely just an animal, but also…it had almost sounded like shuffling feet.

It was time to leave.

Back in my tent, I thought about what I had just seen. Even though it was sexy, taboo, and incredibly arousing, at no point did I feel the urge to jerk off like I had in the past–it felt disrespectful. It sounds corny, but there was something pure about watching those two together. I had seen many people having sex by this point, and had had sex myself, but what I witnessed that night was more–for the first time I had seen what it looked like when two people truly and deeply in love with each other expressed it. I just wanted to watch.

As I drifted off in my tent, I was happy for what they had. I wanted it too.

I woke up the next day reinvigorated and focused, determined to find time to talk to Christine. Noticing how cuddly and affectionate Todd and Ginny were being at breakfast, I smiled to myself. They were still basking in the glow of their lovemaking, and maybe somewhere deep down they knew it had been extra special.

Nine months later, almost to the day, Ginny and Todd would welcome their first daughter. They named her Lake.

In line waiting for my food, I spotted Christine. Even having just spent the night sleeping on the ground in a tent she still looked amazing. She was curled up in a big sweatshirt and pajama pants as she ate, as it was still a little chilly in the morning. I was going to make my way over to her as soon as I grabbed my food when a voice from behind me in the line broke my focus.

“Sleep ok?” I turned at the sound–it was Rachel.

“It took me a while to fall asleep, but It was fine,” I said dispassionately, barely even looking at her–I couldn’t let her distract me today.

“Me too,” she replied, “I’m not used to tents…not sleeping in them at least.”

This comment stopped my hand mid air as I reached for a slice of bacon. I turned back to look at her, but now it was she who was practically ignoring me, idly grazing at the buffet of campfire breakfast.

She might have been ignoring me, but it was clear she was trying to send me a message, because today she wore the same tight, green spaghetti strap tank top as yesterday, the one from the photos she sent me, but this time there was no over shirt. There was just the tank top, and the deep cleavage of her impressive breasts.

“Where’s Devon?” I asked, noticing she was alone, and trying to get my mind off her pillowy tits.

“He’s down taking a morning swim. He likes to work out before breakfast–he takes really good care of himself.”

Was she trying to make me jealous?

I didn’t know what she was up to, but she stuck to my side as I headed toward Christine, and the three of us sat together and talked much as we had at lunch the day before. Normally this would have been a non-issue, but I had a mission I was on today, and Rachel seemed determined to prevent me from accomplishing it.

Not letting me get a word in edgewise, Rachel dominated the conversation, taking all of Christine’s attention. She also made sure to sit across from me, and found every reason imaginable to lean over, or press her tits together with her arms, giving me a perfect sightline down her shirt. What the hell was she doing?

It all stopped when Devon made his way over after his morning swim. Rachel clearly had an agenda, and it was starting to annoy me.

After breakfast Ginny and the other chaperones led us on a hike through the forest up the large hill that overlooked the lake. It was good to get some exercise, and to spend time around Christine, even if there was no real opportunity to talk to her, because once again she was almost entirely monopolized by Rachel.

This time I didn’t even try, and let myself drift toward the back of the pack. Rachel’s obsession with talking to Christine created another orphan, and I heard a “hey, man” from beside me as Devon fell in beside me.

“Oh, hey, Devon,” I said cordially.

“You got abandoned too, huh?” He said with a chuckle.

“Yeah, I guess I did,” I chuckled back. I suddenly felt bad for this guy, being dragged on this trip with people he didn’t know, with a girl who clearly had an agenda that didn’t involve him. “How’s it going? I mean are you having an ok time?”

“Oh yeah, everyone’s been really nice,” he said with a smile, “but I’d be lying if I said I knew why I was here.”

“Yeah,” I said, matching his more maudlin tone, “Rachel seems a bit…distracted.”

“I’ll say,” he chuckled again.

“So what’s the deal with you two,” I said, trying to cut to the point, “are you guys dating, or…?”

“You know I’m not totally sure what we’re doing,” he sighed. “We’ve been hanging out for a couple months…I guess you could call it dating…but I’m not sure where it’s going. I like her a lot, and she’s really pretty…” his voice trailed off into a pause as he considered his next statement. “…but I think she wants something I can’t give her right now.”

“I see,” I said, intrigued by his vagueness.

“I think we might be interested in different things right now. I thought maybe we’d get some time to talk about stuff this weekend, but…”

“Yeah.” He didn’t need to finish that sentence for me to totally understand what he meant.

“What about you and Christine?” My defenses came up at the innocuous question

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“I mean, you two clearly have some sort of–”

“No,” I said, cutting him off, “we’re just friends.”

“Ok,” he said, unconvinced, “sure.”

We continued on in relative silence as we reached the peak of our hike.

After a short sermon on the importance of patience, Ginny led us back down the hill to the campsite where we had lunch, and then headed down to the lake to relax.

I spotted Christine sitting by the edge of the dock reading a book, her long legs folded up under her. I decided the time had come, and I approached, sitting down across from her.

“Hey,” I said, casually.

“Hey,” she echoed, putting her book down.

There was a long silence as we each tried to find the best way to start.

“I think…I think there’s something we need to talk about. Something we’re both realizing to be true.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” she said, turning her head slightly away as she said it.

“I think you do.”

“And what is it?” She said

“Well, I think, for both of us..” I stopped short as we both felt the vibration of approaching feet on the dock. I saw Chrstine’s head turn toward the sound first, and her eyes suddenly were as big as saucers. Following the trail of her gaze, I looked as well, and saw why she was so surprised: heading toward us was Rachel, her one piece bathing suit gone, replaced by a bikini that left very little to the imagination. She wore the thinnest of thin fabric coverings over her shoulders, but it was not nearly enough to obscure the jiggle and bounce of her two huge tits being barely contained by the immodest triangles and string.

“Hey guys,” She said, stopping just before the two of us. She took the covering off, fully exposing her thick, deep cleavage to the world, and dropped it nearby “mind if I dive off from here?”

“I uh…” I stammered, entranced by her display, “…no, go ahead.”

She smiled, then passed between us and jumped off the edge of the dock.

My eyes ticked over to where Dean was sitting, and he clearly was taken by the display as well, as evidenced by the hard punch his wife gave him in the shoulder.

“Listen, I gotta go call my dad,” I heard Christine say, and the trance caused by Rachel’s bouncing tits was broken.

I attempted to voice a plea for her to stay, but she was up and moving before I could form any words. All I could do was watch her tight little backside sashay its way up the dock and back toward the campsite.

“Fuck,” I muttered under my breath.

I heard the water shift and splash as Rachel pulled herself up onto the dock and sat herself right where Chrstine had been moments ago.

“Mmm that felt so good,” She cooed, relaxing back against the post of the dock. Here ripe-melon breasts were now just inches from me, wet from the lake, glistening in the sun. I did my best not to stare, but she was not shy about putting them on display. “Todd and Ginny are great, aren’t they?” She said, looking over toward the couple happily frolicing in the lake nearby.

“Mmm,” I grunted dispassionately, trying to ignore whatever this was.

Rachel leaned in slightly, pushing her breasts together slightly in a deep, plunge of cleavage, and said “You ever wonder what their sex is like?”

“That’s it, I’m done!” I exclaimed, getting up. “Whatever this is, whatever you’re doing, it’s gotta stop right now.”

“What? What’s wrong, what are you talking about?” Rachel responded, playing innocent.

“Oh come on–the tent, the green shirt, the crack about me being a painter, breaking things up any time I try to talk to Christine, and now THIS” I said, gesturing toward her plump bust.

“I don’t know what you THINK is going on, but you REALLY need to get over yourself, Tim” she said, standing up to defend herself, “not everything in the world is about you, you know.”

“Whatever this is, I for sure know it’s not about ME,” I said, starting to walk away, “it’s clearly your own shit you gotta work out, and you should be ashamed that you dragged a nice guy like Devon into this.”

“You’re insane,” she said blowing past me, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but you’re out of your mind. TOTALLY.”

Devon had just made his way down to the dock when Rachel made her exit, and I watched him try to engage her, but all she did was grab him by the wrist and pull him off toward the woods.

Sighing a deep sigh, I decided I needed to go find Christine. I went up to the campsite, but found nothing, and started down one of the nearby forest paths.

Hearing what sounded like a voice, I walked toward it, only to realize as I got closer it was actually two voices. I moved closer, treading off the path and toward a secluded section of the woods.

“It’ll be ok, trust me,” the first voice, a female, said, “please, can I touch it?”

“I don’t know,” the second voice, a male, said, trepidatiously.

Breaking through the secluded treeline I hunkered down and found myself in perfect view of Rachel and Devon in close contact. Devon leaned against a big fallen log, and Rachel, her breasts pushing into him, was running her hands all over his body.

“You liked it when I touched it before, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, but…” he began before being cut off.

“I know you did–you owe me a new sweater by the way,” Rachel said with a playful smile. My cock twitched solidly at the thought of Rachel’s sweater getting ruined by a load of erupting cum.

“I did, but…I don’t know if we should do it again. It doesn’t feel right. Especially not here!” He said in weak protest.

Rachel leaned off of him, and very slowly peeled the triangles of bikini fabric away from her nipples, freeing her amazing breasts to Devon and me and the whole natural world.

“What about now?” She said, squeezing her arms, pressing her huge assets together in a delicious presentation, “does it feel right now?”

“Holy crap,” I heard Devon whisper. I silently nodded in agreement. “Jesus, Rachel, what are you doing?”

“I just want to have some fun with you! If you really don’t want to, you can always say no…” She chuckled and brought her hands to the waist of his swim trunks. Untying the string, she pulled them down by the sides, and suddenly into view sprang the largest cock I had ever seen in real life, erect and ready for action. “Mmhmm…that’s what I thought!”

Rachel leaned her body against Devon’s, pressing her tits into his arm, and grasped his monster with her hand.

“Holy crap,” I heard Devon whisper once more as her hand began stroking.

“Yeah, that’s it, see? Doesn’t that feel good?”

It apparently felt TOO good, because after only a dozen or so strokes from her hand, Devon’s breath got short, his body began to twitch, and I watched as three strong ropes of white cum burst out of his cock and splattered against the nearby leaves.

Rachel’s eyes went wide with surprise and she immediately let go of his monster, leaving it to throb and lurch heavily on its own as the rest of his jizz raced out of his body. Rachel just watched in awe, surprised at how quickly it was all over, and was sort of in shock as Devon quickly pulled his trunks back up.

“Goddamnit, Rachel,” He said angrily as he tried to compose himself, “I told you what I did and didn’t want when we started hanging out.” He started to storm off “when we get back, tomorrow, that’s it. Don’t call me again. You need to find someone who can give you what you need, so you don’t have to take it from me.”

Rachel stood there, alone, taking in what just happened. She had a frustrated look on her face, and her breasts were still out. Good lord, those breasts. They truly were works of art and my eyes were glued to them. In that moment I felt bad for her–clearly she was looking for something Devon was not willing to give her.

But why me? Was it that she was so desperate that she was open to anything, and she knew I was a sure thing? Or was it more than that? Had I given her something that night that she had needed, and now she was chasing that dragon, desperate to have it again?

Looking at her thick, bursting breasts I suddenly wondered how many had gotten to enjoy those breasts before me, after me, and then all at once it occurred to me–was it possible I was the first? Was it possible so far I was the only?

A large snap came through the woods, startling us both, and Rachel quickly put her tits away and started off back toward camp.

After my erection went away, I started back as well. The sky was beginning to get dark, and thick storm clouds were rolling in off the water.

Dinner that night was enjoyable enough, and gave those of us aging out a nice group send off, but for Christine, Rachel, Devon and myself, there was clear tension in the air.

Rachel had put the big guns away, opting for a big sweatshirt and some loose-fitting lounge pants instead of something more seductive, but even so, Devon was keeping his distance, and their words together were few.

I tried once again to find an opening to talk to Christine, but there was no such luck. As the evening wound down, I was starting to feel really down about my chances of working things out, and was beginning to try and come to terms with this new chilly reality between us.

“Tim, Christine,” I heard Ginny say, perking my ears up, “I think I might have left my glasses down by the lake. Could you go look for them for me?”

“I…uh…sure,” I responded, slightly confused. As far as I knew Ginny didn’t wear glasses.

“Thanks, a bunch,” she said with a smile. As Christine started to make her way toward the lake, Ginny grabbed my attention with a touch of my arm. “Tim–it might take you a while to find them…so we won’t wait up for you.”

A wink and a squeeze of my arm knew exactly what the game was. She was giving us the space and the opportunity to try and work things out.

“Thanks, Ginny,” I said, and headed off to catch up with Christine.

Winding my way through the forest path, I made my way to the lake, where I found Christine sitting on the dock in the same place as she was earlier. I slowly made my way down to join her.

“That Ginny’s a sly one,” she said as I sat down.

“Sure is,” I chuckled. “Might not have been so quick so send us off together if she knew what we might be getting up to” I volleyed, trying to gauge how intimate she was willing to let this conversation get.

“I don’t know, she might have an idea…” Christine began, accepting my serve, “…she and her husband seem to spend time down here in pretty interesting ways…but you already know that, don’t you?”

“You saw that? You saw…me?”

“They do it on the first night, every time we come out camping. I’ve seen it a few times. I like watching them,” she said with a wistful pause, “they look so in love.”

“Yeah,” I said, equally as wistfully.

“I always try to sneak out and watch them if I can. I was surprised to see you join in, but I wasn’t surprised you stayed.”

“It was pretty tough to leave.”

“Yeah, I know,” she said, an anxious pause following as she decided if she should tell me more. “You know, the first time I saw them…Ginny was bent over this pylon right here” she tapped the strong wooden dock piece she leaned her back against. “Todd was taking her from behind, and after she had this big, shaky orgasm, she spun around, dropped to her knees, and started sucking him.”

“Oh yeah?” I watched Christine’s legs shift as she told the story. I myself was feeling a tightness growing in my pants.

“Yeah. And then when he was ready, she tipped her head back, and took his cum all over her face.”

“Holy shit,” I exclaimed. The thought of Ginny on her knees getting roped with cum was very arousing indeed.

“Yeah, it was so hot. It was the first time I had ever seen anything like that. It had…quite an impact on me.” She said, scrunching her face awkwardly. It was dark, but I could tell she was starting to blush.

“Yeah, I’ll say.” We both began to chuckle.

“And you know, I always thought it was purely the act that appealed to me–the taboo of it that turned me on so much–but there was something else there with them. A sweetness. A sense of loving. It’s a feeling I never felt with Eric.” she paused nervously, considering her words, “but it is something I feel with you.”

My heart leapt excitedly in my chest.

“Which is why we need to stop what we’ve been doing.”

As high as my heart leapt, it plunged equally as low.

“Is this because I slept with someone else?” I asked.

“No,” she began, “but also yes. But not in the way you think. I thought what we had was easy–that it was a simple, transactional interaction. We had our rules, and it wasn’t going to get out of hand, but that was never really going to be possible was it?”

“No,” I admitted. “When I was with her–with Kerri– on my way to meet you afterwards…I knew it was over. Because I felt guilty. That’s why I told you.”

“And I tried so hard to keep this a platonic arrangement, Tim,” she said, standing up, pacing, rubbing the side of her head, “I thought the rules would be enough, the distance would be enough, but when I was away with my family, I realized I couldn’t stop thinking about you…missing you…wanting you.”

“I felt the same way” I said quietly, taking her hand softly, calming her pacing, “Part of the reason I slept with Kerri was because I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I knew what we were supposed to be, what you needed us to be…but it wasn’t what we were becoming.”

“That’s why I jumped you so hard in the car–I was desperately trying to convince myself nothing had changed, that it was just a means to an end,” she said, stepping close to me, “When you told me you had been with someone else, I freaked out. I was mad, but I wasn’t mad at you, I was mad at myself…because I was jealous.”

“I’ve been jealous too,” I whispered, closing the small gap between us.

“Of who?” the words barely audible as they eked out from between her lips.

My hand felt her body shift into my hand as I touched the flare of her hip.

“Of whoever gets to finally have you…the way I want to have you.”

Our lips were now mere centimeters away from each other.

“And how…” she began, breathlessly, “…how do you want to have me?”

“I want you mind…soul…” my other hand slid up to feel the smooth skin of her long neck, “…and body.”

I felt her tremble in my hands, and my lips were about to close that distance of centimeters that felt like miles, when the sky opened up all at once, erupting in a torrent of dense rain.

“Oh my God!” Christine shouted as we were instantly drenched. We barely had time to react, we just began frantically running for cover, laughing hysterically at the sheer intensity of the rain coming down all at once.

There was the rain

There was the woods

There was my tent

There was our lips

There was was her breast. In my hand.

That modest, perky breast that had been so close, yet so far away. I had painted it with my cum, spilt my lust onto it in rapturous orgasm, but had never actually touched it. It fit perfectly in my hand. It was firm, yet supple.

I passed my thumb over her diamond nipple, and she gasped.

I felt our “neck up only” rule wash away.

A flash of lightning and a crack of thunder, and our bodies collided, a hurricane of lips and limbs pulling at wet clothes with the franticness of months of pent up desire. My hands grasped at her, pulling her close as we kissed, making up for lost time by feeling every inch of her tight, trembling body. The soft swoop of her back, the swell of her ribs, the firm cushion of her ass.

That ass. I squeezed. She moaned, tipping her head back. My lips attacked her long neck and I fell backward onto my back, pulling her with me. I felt the pressure of her body pin my hard cock between our bellies as she landed on top of me.

Gripping her ass even tighter at the delicious pressure, I pulled her up toward me. She braced herself up on her hands, stradling me, her hard, straining nipples mere inches from my face. I felt her arm wrap around my head and pull me close.

The flesh of her breast pressed against my face, and her nipple slipped into my mouth. I sucked. My hands gripped her ass hard, spreading her cheeks. A sweet, raspy moan ejected from deep in her throat, long and loud.

My lips and tongue slathered and suckled at her tit while my hands kneaded her perfect ass. Her breath started to come short and sharp, and I felt her involuntarily begin to shift and pulse.

Her body was electric. I needed more.

Gripping her around the waist, I rolled us over, Christine on her back, me on my side pressed up tight next to her. My hand squeezed and pushed at her breasts, my tongue and lips resuming their desperate tasting of her nipples. My hard cock pressed into her, arched over her thigh, and as I was lost in the taste of her breasts, I felt her take my erection in her hand.

She stroked me slowly. I had missed her touch.

I moaned into her breast, and slid my hand down her body. I felt her breath heave into her as I traversed her flat stomach, and then, my fingers danced deliciously at the top of her tuft of pubic hair.

I pulled my lips off her tit and looked at her for approval. No words needed to be said, as the slow spreading of her thighs to greet me spoke volumes. She nodded gently.

My hand slowly slid down over that final crest of her body, and the pastor’s daughter moaned as my fingers slipped between her swollen lips and entered the snug warmth of her dripping wet pussy.

I held my hand still for a moment, taking in the sensation, just feeling her. Her eyes were closed, her mouth hung open. I watched every twitch and shift on her angelic face. A hand flew to my chest and she gasped as I began to rock my wrist back and forth. Her tight, tender walls gripped at my fingers on each out stroke, as though they were begging my fingers not to leave. I slipped my digits up and found the lovely nub of her clit, dancing around it with my tips, being sure to periodically wet them with the cascading juice from her center.

Christine’s body wriggled and writhed, jerking into deliciously sinful serpentine shapes on the floor of the tent. I shifted my body lower, dragging the tip of my hard cock down her thigh, and took her sweet nipple into my mouth as I added another finger.

Another deep, raspy cry leapt from her throat, hidden from the outside world by the continuous ovation of hard, heavy rain.

I suckled and I tongued as my fingers drove her crazy, but there was more I wanted to do. More I wanted to taste.

Reluctantly pulling off her nipple, I continued down her body, kissing and licking every inch I could, until my face joined my hand. I slipped my juicy fingers out of this sweet girl, and made a big show of sucking them clean.

Christine’s body never stopped moving, she desperately needed more. I laid down between her thighs, teasing her relentlessly, kissing and nibbling the inside of her legs. Her hands ran through my hair, and she looked down at me over her heaving chest.

I tucked my hands under her cheeks, positioning her perfectly.

I looked her dead in the eyes

A quiet, raspy “yes…please…” slipped out between breaths

I licked my lips, leaned forward, and with a broad, flat tongue, I slowly spread her swollen folds and tasted long and deep of this good Christian girl’s most holy center.

I moaned a deep moan of relief into her body as my tongue began to roll around and explore. I bathed every inch of her pussy with my tongue, desperate to savor every moment. My eyes closed and I just let myself experience her, experience her body, in a way I had so desperately wanted. I licked at her like she was a soft ice cream that I was desperate to have melt all over my face.

Another peal of thunder hid a sharp, raspy cry when my tongue swept over her clit. I could almost feel the pleasure shoot through her body. My hands held her body tight as she wriggled and writhed against my lips. Her fingers running through my hair, grabbing, pulling, directing.

My cock was rock hard, pinned beneath me, surging with every squeak and gasp that I made jump from her throat. Her breath was heaving, her cries growing more frequent with each pass my tongue made over her little joy buzzer. I smiled each time I felt her thigh tremble against my head.

I slipped one hand out from her firm cheeks, wet two digits, and positioned them at her flared entrance. It was time.

I wanted to savor her, but more importantly I wanted to please her. I wanted to show her exactly how I felt about her. I wanted to make her squeal in delight like she had never known. I wanted to make this church girl see God.

I pushed gently, but firmly, and felt her tight body accept my fingers enthusiastically. Her slick juices guided my way and a sharp gasp followed by a joyous moan signaled their arrival. I peeked up at Christine, and saw her eyes shut tight, her mouth hung open in a silent expression of joy and excitement.

I smiled again.

Her pussy gripped my fingers snugly as their thrusting joined my tongue’s wild dance on her clit. I set into a rhythm, using the movement of my whole body to pleasure hers.

Her hands grew tighter in my hair.

Her gasps and moans accented each rhythmic push into her body.

Her thighs closed tighter around my head.

She began to tense up.

Her breath heaved, faster, faster, faster

And then I felt it.

Sucking her sweet clit between my lips, feeling her body careen toward ultimate pleasure, she pulled me as close as she possibly could, and then I felt it: the sweet, wet walls of her tight, heavenly pussy began to spasm and pulse, pulling, grasping, squeezing my fingers in rapturous orgasm.

Christine and I were no stranger to each other’s pleasure. She had worked me into a frantic orgasm many times, and I had watched her enjoy her own, Christened in my euphoric juices an equal number of occasions. But this, this was the first time I truly got to experience her pleasure. To feel the fireworks inside her body, to light the fuse and get fully caught in the explosion.

It was transcendent.

I held her tight, guiding her in her journey through the promised land, savoring every buck and spasm until her body came back to earth, and her breathing returned to normal.

Her grip on my hair loosened, and her hands began a gentle petting motion through my hair, giving me all the indication I needed of a job well done. I slowly withdrew my fingers and gave her sensitive clit one final kiss.

My own body was on fire, stoked to extreme excitement by what we had just shared. I reared up onto my knees, grasping my painfully hard cock in my hand. Holding it. Feeling it.

I felt Christine’s hands stroking my thighs. I looked down, and saw this angelic beauty below me, almost glowing in post orgasmic bliss. I looked down her body, past her hard nipples, past her flat stomach, down to her wet, swollen pussy that laid between two delicious legs.

Two delicious, spread legs.

My cock throbbed in my hand. It would be so easy. I wanted her so badly.

I released my cock and clasped my hands to my face in frustration. I couldn’t. WE couldn’t.

I felt her fingers gently take my cock into her hands.

“Yes…do it,” I heard her whisper. I opened my eyes and looked down at her.

She began to stroke.

“Please,” she whined, “please…fuck me.”

Both her hands were on my cock, pulling, coaxing. Her wet pussy glistened beneath me, so close. She was guiding me toward her entrance, her hips gently rolling and pitching in anticipation.

My tip touched her wet lips. I was at the gates to heaven, and all it would take was a final push to enter. Then, at the last moment I readjusted myself, and fell forward on top of her kissing her deep, pinning her cock-filled hands to just above her pubic bone. I could feel my balls draping against her sensitive clit.

I kissed her again, and I began to thrust.

She looked at me, confused, and all I could do was kiss her and say “It’s ok.”

In a pantomime of true penetration, I began to fuck her hands with the same vigor and excitement I would have if I had truly been inside her. Each push slapped my balls against her clit, eliciting a look of surprise from Christine as jolts of unexpected pleasure began to jump through her.

We were only simulating sex, but the passion of the moment was as intense as if I had been inside her for real.

“Yes, yes,” Christine moaned as I slipped my cock through her fists, “that’s it…fuck me.”

From the first day we got together, hearing lewd words come from this church girl in her sexy, raspy tone always sent me into overdrive, and that night was no exception.

I began leaking thick precum, making the journey in and out of Christine’s hands even slicker, triggering every nerve ending in my sensitive cock.

I throbbed and I pushed harder, faster, as the pleasure began to mount to unbearable levels. I gasped, beginning to lose control.

She wrapped her legs around my back and pulled me closer. Both our breaths were ragged and sharp in the intensity of the moment.

“That’s it, baby, cum for me,” she whispered, “cum for me.”

Those words, and the smile that followed them was all it took to send me careening over the edge.

I braced myself up on my hands and sent my shaft driving through her fists in frantic final strokes, before my balls lept up tight to my body and sent what felt like my entire soul careening out of the tip of my cock.

I cried out loudly, silently thanking God for the continuous deafening rain, and thick torrents of hot pleasure shot out of my cannon and raced up the length of Christine’s body. Her head was tipped down, wanting to watch the display, and she gasped deeply as the first powerful shot was enough to splatter against the edge of her chin.

The eroticism of the moment, my enthusiastic cum reaching all the way to her chin, and the rhythmic pressure of my balls on her clit was enough to trigger a second orgasm in her, and we both writhed in ecstasy as my body sent white-hot jets of euphoria speeding across her long neck, up the valley between her hard nipples, and over the firm, tensing plains of her stomach.

The final ebbs of orgasm dribbled out over her knuckles, and we both gasped and heaved as the world started to come back into view. I collapsed on top of her, pulling her close, and we held each other and just reflected on the energy buzzing between us.

I soon reached for my soaked t-shirt, and gently wiped my semen off Christine’s body, savoring every chance I had to touch her. She flinched and giggled at the cold touch. It was adorable.

We cuddled up close, wrapped in my sleeping bag, and held each other in silence, reflecting on the moment. The sound of the hard falling rain became a soothing soundtrack.

I felt like the king of the world with Christine tucked in tight next to me. The heat of her nude body warmed me, and her fingers idly scratching my chest began to lull me.

“Why didn’t you do it?” She said without judgment, still tight to my body.

“I wanted to…so bad…” I responded softly, “…but I couldn’t.”


We had come such a long long way in such a short, short time. From friends with nothing more than platonic friendship on our minds to confidants for our burgeoning sexual wants and desires, to pleasure seekers with what we honestly thought was a mature enough arrangement, to this… to lovers. We were lovers

We wanted each other, more than just a means to an end, we wanted each other completely. I wanted so badly to be inside her, to experience her, and when I heard those words finally come from her lips, that most delicious of desires, of commands, I knew she wanted it too.

Which was also why I knew I couldn’t do it.

“Because if we were ever going to be together like that,” I began, “I didn’t want there to be any chance you might feel bad about it afterward.” I felt something in my throat pull tight and choke me up slightly. “And I think we both know that isn’t possible right now.”

She considered my words in silence for a moment. Then, pushing herself up to look at me, she leaned in and kissed me.

“Thank you.” She said after our lips parted.

I pulled her in close to me again, and we kissed once more, long, slow, and passionate. Hands ran over each other’s bodies, memorizing each swell and dip, and eventually my fingers made their way back between her legs and found a home between her freshly moistened lips. I touched her gently, attempting to learn everything I could about her pleasure, and soon her body stiffened, her arms wrapped tightly around my neck, and I guided Christine through an orgasm for the second time.

Her raspy moans turned to calm breaths, and we kissed once more. She moaned into my mouth when she felt my hard cock press against her stomach. Giving me a final kiss, she melted her way down my body and took me into her warm, sweet mouth.

She suckled me sweetly and slowly, her hand gently rolling my balls with delicious pleasure. There was no urgency, just a coaxing, a drawing, a summoning of my pleasure. For a few moments there was nothing in the world but my cock and Christine’s mouth, and for the first time in a long time I felt complete contentment and peace.

Soon enough the pressure building inside my loins became too much, and with a soft grunt and a low groan, my body spasmed and Christine’s mouth filled with my hot cum.

I savored every pulse, every pleasurable sensation, just as she savored every drop of my seed, because as the last ebbs of my orgasm passed into her mouth, we both knew it was for the last time–at least for now.

Soon the pounding of the rain stopped, and we knew it was time for her to go, lest we be discovered indisposed together in the morning. Slipping back into her drenched clothes, Christine kissed me one last time and slipped out of my tent and into the darkness of the night.

The final day of the camping trip would pass without incident, and even Ginny noted that the tension between Christine and me seemed to have gone. The long ride home was pleasant, and we sat together and talked like friends. When all was said and done, and the vans unloaded, and the group dissipated to head home, Christine and I hugged for a final time and went our separate ways.

We would be friendly with each other for the rest of the summer, never shying from interaction when we were both in the same place, but that weekend truly was the end. When the fall rolled around we both headed off to college, out of each other’s lives and into our new ones. Our paths diverged, and we lost track of each other. Years later, when we were both in different places, both different people, our paths would cross again in a way I could never have expected.

But that’s a story for another time.


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