Dick-Sucking Sisters Ch. 02 by jhealy55,jhealy55

The expression on her aunt’s face, the twinkle in her eye and her knowing smile had left Cissy feeling naked and exposed, even more so than in those moments when she had pulled up her top for her brother’s pleasure. Replaying the conversation in her mind, Cissy could see details that she had been unable to focus on while it was happening; her Aunt Carol’s face had looked flushed and beaming, her lips had been slightly parted and her breathing had changed as she had searched her niece’s face. She hadn’t been shocked or scandalized, Cissy realized, she had been excited by the discovery. Perhaps Aunt Candy had even been looking for the signs from the very first moment that she and Trey had stepped through the door.

Cissy suddenly realized that she had been absent-mindedly touching herself as she replayed her aunt’s reaction in her mind, focused on the deep red of her aunt’s lipstick against the pale contrast of her ivory skin, the hint of her white teeth revealed between her parted lips and the flush in her cheeks as they spoke. Cissy’s hand sped up and pressed more urgently, as she rolled fully onto her stomach, and elevated her bottom, to allow her hips to curl into the exquisite relief her fingers were giving to her. Cissy’s cheek was pressed flat against the rumpled bedspread as her breath now raced in and out between her own now parted lips. Her mind flashed through a kaleidoscope, of her brother’s erect penis sticking up obscenely in the car, the sensation of his lips on her neck, her ear and his tongue entering her mouth, the rough thrusts of his dick into her mouth and the instinct she had to suck him for a few moments more to ensure that he would remember her first time sucking his dick fondly.

As her body reached its climax, she held herself there for a long, long moment, her mind a collage of her aunt’s knowing smile and the expression on Trey’s face the first time she’d looked up at him after his dick had been in her mouth. She hung there, savoring the delicious shame of it all before tumbling down through the throes of a shuddering orgasm, rolling at last onto her side, panting and spent, until a single long shiver ran through her body, before she went fully limp.

Aunt Candy eventually went upstairs herself to tap on Carol’s door. She had excused herself after coffee, needing time to rest and freshen up before going out to dinner that evening with her brother and sister-in-law. When her knock wasn’t answered, Candy knocked again, saying, “Carol, it’s me. Aunt Candy. Please open up.” A few moments passed before Candy heard a small click and the doorknob turned to reveal her niece, disheveled in her pajamas and with her eyes puffy from crying. “Oh sweet dear,” Candy’s voice reached out to soothe her favorite niece, even as she stepped into the room to take her into her arms.

Sitting together on Carol’s bed, Carol told her side of the story and the crushing disappointment of missing out on her Christmas vacation at a critical moment in her social life. The captain of the basketball team was single for the first time that year and everyone knew that his next girlfriend was a shoo-in for Prom Queen, just as his last girlfriend had been crowned Homecoming Queen. There were several girls vying for his attention and now she was on the sidelines while the others had an open field over the next few weeks. Carol concluded the accounting of the wreckage of her romantic, and social, life by sobbing, as Aunt Candy comforted her, and assured her that that there were now more important things to consider, as she was about to become a college girl.

Carol looked up in disbelief, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks. “What could possibly be more important?” she protested, sure that her Aunt Candy, of all people, would surely understand the catastrophe her life had become.

“Why getting all the time you can with Trey before you all head up to college this Fall,” Candy showed an uncharacteristic wrinkle of concern in her forehead as she looked down at her niece. “You only have him for a few breaks during the year and then again this Summer.” She looked at Carol pointedly. “Plus you have to split your time with Cissy, dear. That puts you at a serious disadvantage.”

“What on earth are you talking about?” Carol felt like the world didn’t make any sense at the moment, as her aunt had brushed aside the worst crisis of her teen dating career, acting as if it hardly mattered, and instead was going on and on about her brother of all people.

“Oh dear,” Candy’s eyes went wide. “No one’s told you?!?” She did her best to keep her sense of horror out of her voice, but it was clearly already too late.

“Told me what?” Carol had turned her full attention to her aunt, searching for any clue to the urgent and mysterious secret, that was now unmistakably being withheld.

“Oh, honey,” Candy reached over to comb her fingers through her nieces’ hair affectionately. “It really isn’t for me to say.” She looked flustered, even evasive, for the first time that Carol could ever remember. “You’ll need to speak with Trey, or perhaps your mother…”

“They all hate me,” Carol urged her aunt. “They think I’m an embarrassment to the family and wished I could be more like Cissy.” She shook her head dejectedly, before looking up to her aunt with pleading eyes. “If you don’t tell me, then no one will.”

Candy glanced briefly toward the closed bedroom door before lowering her voice and swearing Carol to secrecy. “You’ll need a close friend, with an older brother, who has already passed her eighteenth birthday to explain how you know all of this,” She looked directly into Carol’s eyes to emphasize the importance of what she was telling her. “These things are never to be spoken aloud outside of your immediate family and your parents would be scandalized if they knew I’d said anything.” She allowed herself a slight smile. “But sometimes sorority sisters, and even close girlfriends, will talk about it, if they can be trusted to keep a secret between them.”

Carol had her aunt’s full attention in that moment as she sensed the immensity of what was about to be passed down, with all of the intrigue of a state secret, or the location of a hidden treasure, built up around it. Aunt Candace spoke urgently, her voice just loud enough for Carol to hear her, her eyes now wide with disbelief, as the full understanding of what she was being told broke through her initial shock.

“So you see now, why you have to put all of that high school silliness behind you, to focus on what you’ll need to be successful over the next few months,” Candace looked intently at her niece and waited for her to nod. “High school sweethearts can be quite a lot of fun, but the real game is just about to begin and you can’t afford to let Cissy monopolize all of your brother’s attention.”

“That back-stabbing little Miss Goody Two Shoes!” Carol’s disappointment and disbelief had now swung around to competitive anger, as she came to grips with the fact that Trey and Cissy had intentionally left her out of the secret.


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