Dick-Sucking Sisters Ch. 02 by jhealy55,jhealy55

“Okay, dare,” Cissy relented quietly, her eyes downcast.

“Hmmm, I think you should have to take a shot of whiskey,” Carol announced as she popped up and went to the small dry bar off to one side of the room. She poured a small shot of whiskey from the crystal decanter into a tumbler and walked it back to her sister on the couch. “Bottoms up!” she announced as she held it out for Cissy.

Trey turned around from the fireplace, as the small fire started to lick up between the neat arrangement of sticks he’d piled up, to watch Cissy complete her dare. When Cissy caught his eye with a pleading look, he simply shrugged, as if he was helpless to stop the proceedings. In truth, he was starting to think the evening was going a little better than he had imagined it would when Carol had joined them, particularly as he eyed her still hard nipples accenting the fit of her sweater, while all the attention was focused on Cissy.

Cissy rolled her eyes and drank down the whiskey in a quick gulp, wincing afterward at the unpleasant burn and flavor of the alcohol. Setting the tumbler down, she turned back to Carol and asked her, “Well, what’s the farthest you’ve ever gone with a boy?”

“Guess I’ll take a dare too,” Carol said saucily, even though she didn’t seem at all embarrassed by the question.

“Fine,” Cissy stood up, a little irritated. “Guess you’ll have to have a drink too!” she declared as she marched over the bar and poured some whisky into the same tumbler. Carol didn’t seem to mind at all taking a drink, and too late Cissy realized that drinking was what had gotten Carol into trouble in the first place. Cissy felt the warm glow of the whiskey starting to spread out, even as the sting in her throat subsided. She realized that she would need to start thinking more deliberately, instead of reacting quickly, if she was going to beat Carol at her own game.

Carol got up to stand beside the growing fire, basking in the first wave of heat emanating out into the room. “So Trey, what’s the furthest you’ve ever gone with a girl?” she asked seductively, feeling the whisky already. She didn’t miss the sidelong glance her brother darted toward Cissy, or the way that he couldn’t make eye contact when he took the dare instead.

Trey’s parents had just arrived at the restaurant with Aunt Candace, when their mother ran into one of her closest friends who was on the way out with her own husband. After exchanging introductions, their mother asked her husband and Candace to head to the table while she spoke to her friend for a moment, about their New Year’s plans, while their car was being brought around.

Sitting down at the table, Candace looked over at her brother and beamed. “Isn’t it exciting that the girls are eighteen now and starting their special time with their brother?” She leaned in conspiratorially. “Reminds me of when you turned eighteen.” She smiled and raised her eyebrows feigning mild shock.

Trey’s father blushed in spite of himself and spoke with a quiet urgency, “Now Candy,” his eyes darting around to make sure no one was paying them special attention. “You know that was a long time ago.”

“Oh, I didn’t think it was that long ago,” Candace mused devilishly. “I seemed to remember staying with you when your wife was in the hospital with Trey and then again when the girls were born.” She raised her eyebrows in a mild challenge. “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten the way I’d looked after you,” she smirked lasciviously.

“Can we talk about this later?” her brother nearly pleaded. In fact he had remembered every moment of those visits. Mainly how much of a thrill it was to have his glamorous older sister bobbing up and down on his engorged cock again, after the long interval since they’d both met their future spouses in college. His dick was already stiffening as he fought the memory of his sister’s head bobbing up and down in his lap, as he drove home in the middle of the night, just hours after Trey had been born.

Their doctor had kept his wife and newborn son in the hospital for a few days after she gave birth. He and Candace had barely pulled out of the parking lot when his sister had ducked her head under his arm, before she eagerly devoured his stiffening dick while he drove home. He had pulled up the driveway and parked in the dark area in front of the family garage, his one hand free, to finally reach under to grab a handful of his sister’s large firm breasts as he pushed down on the back Candy’s head with the other, urging her to take his hard cock deeper into her heavenly mouth. He was so overwhelmed with excitement, and unexpected pleasure, that it only took a few more thrusts upward into his sister’s mouth before he released a mouthful of hot cum in a series of gushing spurts, causing Candace to groan with excitement as she eagerly swallowed every drop.

Candy’s husband had already been over in Europe for months before Trey was born, helping the British Army as a surgeon. So Trey’s father assumed that it was just loneliness that had made his sister so eager to resume sucking his dick the first moment they could be alone together. But when they’d finally gotten the back door unlocked, and set down their things, Candace had readily admitted, the taste of her brother’s cum still in her mouth, that she’d fantasized about the memory of sucking her brother’s dick for the entire time she’d been with her husband.

With as many times as his sister had ended up sucking his dick over the days that had followed, Trey’s father had finally admitted to Candace that he too often fantasized about his own memories of having her suck his dick when they were younger. He confessed how much he enjoyed seeing her naked and kneeling on the rug in the guest bedroom, her pale breasts bouncing as her shapely lips bobbed up and down on the length of his throbbing dick. He revealed that he’d secretly wished for years that he could get just one last blowjob from her and admitted that he was overjoyed that her visit had given them a few magical days to relive their earliest sexual memories.

“Will you promise to talk about it later if I’m a good girl for now?” Candy arched her eyebrow as she examined her brother’s flushed face across the candlelit table.

Trey’s father nodded imperceptibly, then quickly folded the white napkin into his lap as his wife walked up to the table and the waiter seated her. He did his best to sound calm as he gave the waiter his drink order, but he found his heart was still beating heavily as he watched his sister make small talk, her full lips a bright red against the pale, smooth skin of her lovely face. Her eyes continued to twinkle with the secret knowledge that her brother remembered, and still treasured, the dick-sucking bond between them.

“Then I dare you to run around the back yard for thirty seconds in just your underwear.”

When Trey had refused to say who the first pair of boobs he had ever seen belonged to, Candace had thrown out the dare with a taunting smile. They had already played through several rounds and made one another drink and perform silly dares for the amusement of each other, but this one was the first that involved someone taking off their clothes.


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