Discord Pt. 01 by Lydra,Lydra

Okay, it was actually probably a good thing Vy couldn’t see her. Whatever goofy smile she was wearing, Sylvia was positive it was embarrassing. She hugged herself, silently begging her brain to stop freaking out over Vy’s approval and get some work done.

“Thanks,” she finally managed to get out. “That — um — it means a lot to me.”

“Now, do you mind if I ask you something else?” Vy asked, her tone shifting subtly to sound slightly mischievous again.

“Sure, anything.”

“Rather than feeling like a failure for never finding a partner and wallowing in imposter syndrome and all that, why haven’t you ever asked to play with me?”

Sylvia nearly choked on her cupcake, making Jane jump up in alarm and give her a loud meow. Two bombshells in a row, this must be what heart attacks feel like. What? WHAT?!? Sylvia pet Jane’s head, trying to calm herself down, but unable to stop her pulse racing or think of a good quip.

“Um–because I really like you and I’m terrified of rejection,” Sylvia said, trying to put enough sarcastic spin in her voice to disguise the fact that it wasn’t a joke and was absolutely true.

“Well then, I’ll take the dive for us. How would you like to do a little webcam play with me sometime? After Juno ends, of course, so you can enjoy me to the fullest,” Vy’s voice dripped with sex at the end, forcing Sylvia to give up even trying to regain her composure. All she could hope was her barely contained groan of desire didn’t sound too desperate.

Yes! Yes! A thousand times YES! “I’d like that,” she said, cool words contrasting the excitement from her voice.

“Great! Listen, I’ve got to go, but I’ll talk to you again soon– Oh! And since we’re going to get a bit more serious, you should probably know that my real name is Violet. You don’t have to tell me yours if you don’t–”

“I’m Sylvia,” Sylvia quickly told her. “Wow, you really didn’t go far from your name to get your Discord handle. Is Vy a nickname in real life?”

“Yep! And just for the record, it was my name back before Arcane came out and everybody started stealing it. You can pick either one, it’s fine.”

“I think I like Violet. It sounds nicer,” Sylvia said, choosing to leave out the real reason. Violet was Vy to everybody else, but she’d trusted Sylvia with her full name and by god she was going to use it!

“I like your name too, but I think I’ll still find a use for your other one, Domina.” The way Violet said it, serious but with a bit of her playfulness around the edges, made it clear that she meant it as an honorific as much as a play on her Discord handle.

Violet logged off, but it took a little while for what had happened to fully hit Sylvia. Excited jitters kept coursing through her, and she kept giggling like a schoolgirl whose crush just asked her to get coffee. She was actually going to be a real dominant playing with a real live submissive! It wasn’t just a fantasy, it was actually happening! There was so much she wanted to do with Violet, so many fantasies she wanted to bring to life, and now she could!

She picked up Jane and hugged her close, spinning them around in her chair and laughing while Jane clung on for dear life.

More than the sexual excitement, it was the acceptance that had her close to crying in happiness. She’d called her Domina, and she’d meant it. It kept playing in her head, the word in Violet’s voice. Domina. That was her. She was Domina, and for the first time, it felt right.

Now, all she had to do was figure out how the hell to have kinky webcam sex.


Before COVID hit, Sylvia had been just like all her coworkers who hated working in the office. Hers was an open office layout with workstations four feet apart that was meant to encourage collaboration. In practice, it ended up being about as loud and distracting as working on a hotspot in a Starbucks. Two years later, however, and a lot of them had changed their tune, and were clamoring to get out of their homes and into the office. Especially the parents who couldn’t stand being around their kids anymore, go figure.

Not Sylvia. The only redeeming part about the two days a week she was required to go into the office was that the diminished capacity meant she didn’t need to wear headphones to hear herself think. It also helped that most people seemed to want to get their days out of the way at the start of the week. By Friday, when Sylvia came in, she pretty much had the office to herself.

She sat, gazing out the window and happily ignoring the occasional ping that meant she should probably be paying attention to her emails. Whatever. If it was important, they would call her. She’d ignore that too, but she would at least feel bad about it. Maybe. Depending on who it was.

It’s not that she was lazy, but after five rounds of edits to the same PowerPoint, there’s only so much she could possibly pretend to care about whether the boxes on slide 7 should be maroon or burgundy, or whether they should swap capitalization schemes for the headings yet again. Her part — the actual content they were presenting — was done. If it made the anal-retentive crowd happy to agonize over color palettes, font choices, and whether everything aligned down the pixel, power to them. Sylvia was here and ready whenever they decided it was time to get back to doing real work.

That was the story, and Sylvia was sticking to it. The fact that she’d been daydreaming nonstop and had been glued to her phone all day had nothing at all to do with it.

She was planning! Not just mindlessly gooning over Violet, she was being productive! The first part of every plan is figuring out where you wanted to end up, so naturally the only effective use of her time right now was to fantasize about fucking Violet. Not literally, of course. That’d be difficult to do over webcams! But some game that involved Violet fucking herself up for her amusement! Mmm…

Quickly, for what felt like the hundredth time that day, Sylvia glanced around the office. Still nobody. It was actually so empty that she needed to stand up and wave her arms around every so often to keep the automatic lights from turning off.

Just the way she liked it. Not that her coworkers were bad people or anything, they were just better when enjoyed through emails than face to face.

Paranoia satisfied, she turned back to her phone, where she had some of Violet’s lewd videos and gifs on Discord already loaded up. For research purposes, of course. The flood of warm, tingly feelings seeing them sent coursing through her body was just a happy coincidence.

Violet really was so fucking hot. Sylvia licked her lips and squeezed her legs together, fighting the urge to dash to the bathroom, rip her pants off and rub herself to satisfaction. Not yet. Two more days before she could finally cum! She pulled up one of her favorite clips — Violet with her legs spread wide using a rubber band to snap against her thighs, creating thin red lines up to her pussy before snapping it right into her clit. On its own, the pain play would have been enough to get Sylvia’s sadistic blood pumping, but what made it a perfect 10 out of 10 was Violet herself.

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