Em & Mike Ch. 12: Pleasure Pain by emilyagilbert,emilyagilbert

Further adventures of Emily and Mike (names changed). Can be read in series or standalone, background in Part 1.

Tess O’Meter Green.


It was my birthday, and while planning our personal celebration Mike had said he was ready for his safe-word-free session, if I had wanted to use it.

He knew that I had been giving him time to consider, as he was aware that I wanted to use the session to explore post-orgasm torture, something that he was genuinely afraid of.

I had already done a safe-word-free session, but unlike him, I hadn’t known what to expect. At least Mike knew what he was getting into.

A large part of our games are about pushing our limits in a safe environment. Mike knew that I was not going to be anything but gentle with him, but he was always very sensitive after cumming.

I just wanted to be able to play with no interference from the man under my control, and in preparation for his agreement I had found the perfect location.

He thought he was going to grit his teeth and get through it, for me.

Oh no! It was going to be so much more than that.


I had arrived at 8.30pm and was unsurprised to see the accommodations were as pristine as expected.

At 9pm a text, ‘on my way, held up at work’ Uh huh!

At 12.30am my phone rang, I was already comfortable in the snuggly bed.

“Just say I told you so,” Mike’s croaky voice came down the line.

“I told you so.”

“I’m sorry, I’m crashed at a motel, I just have to sleep.”

“It’s fine, I told you trying to drive all the way here tonight was daft.”

“Do you wanna have phone sex” Mike’s voice was unenthusiastic.

“No, you sound like a crow, I don’t wanna have phone sex with a crow.”

Mike snorted.

“Or with a crow-pig.”

He laughed, then yawned.

“Just get some sleep,” I advised.


“And don’t get up too early, I’m having a lie in.”




I hung up, yea right bye then. ZZzzzzzzzzzzzz


The following morning, I woke to a text from Mike, sent a couple of hours previously, saying he was back on the road. That meant he would be here in about an hour, perfect timing for brunch.

After showering and getting dressed I wandered down to a diner near the harbor. Texting Mike the details of where to find me.

Sticking with toast until he arrived, so we could enjoy a proper brunch.

I was engrossed in my book and cursing steadily under my breath at the latest exploits of one of my favourite fictional heroes, when my ponytail was pulled, and my lips captured.

The kiss was a little too possessive and intimate for a busy diner, but Mike kept it short, he was just trying to assert some dominance.

Like that was going to work on me today!

He released me and sat down next to me with a heartfelt, “Urghh!

“What do you mean? Urghh!” I asked, offended.

“You taste like coffee,” he complained.

I grinned and lifted my cup for another sip, making him pout.

With an irritated sigh I turned my e-book off and reached for my bag.

“Are you swearing at your books again?” Mike asked, smirking.

I shoved the book home with a shake of my head, “It’s so bloody annoying. What is the point of going for a ten-mile run and then smoking half a pack of cigarettes?”

“Ah,” Mike said, “that one.”

“Yea that one,” I frowned, “I swear his beautiful dog has more common sense in his left ear, than that man has in his entire body.”

“But it’s a book right, a character?” Mike asked.

“Your point?” I asked crossly.

“It’s not real,” he laughed.

I gave in and laughed as well, “It’s real to me,” I explained my hand on my heart, “and it’s upsetting when someone that you care about doesn’t look after themselves.”

Mike laughed harder and I threw a napkin at him, “Oh, Shut up!”

“It must have been brilliant reading the Harry Potter books, being you,” he declared.

“I can tell the difference between fantasy and reality,” I insisted, which just made Mike laugh harder and point at my bag.

The waitress came over smiling at us laughing. I skipped more coffee, to Mike’s delighted relief, and we ordered OJ and pancakes.

We were on a beautiful part of the coast here, new to both of us, so we walked our breakfast off by strolling alongside the sea.

I was half expecting Mike to back out and he seemed distracted, so on a quiet section of the path I pulled him to a stop.

“You don’t have to go through with this,” I said, “we can do something else. This place is crammed with play equipment and opportunities.”

“But you really want to,” Mike said, “I know this is something you have always wanted to do.”

“Like you wanted to try pegging? Yes, I do really want to do it, but I don’t want you to feel unsafe.”

Mike shook his head and pulled me in for a kiss, “I would NEVER feel unsafe with you. It’s just, I think it’s going to hurt,” he admitted, looking embarrassed.

“You’ve had much worse and survived it,” I pointed out.

He considered this for a moment, then nodded, “That’s a good point actually.”

“And you love submitting as much as you hate it.”

He smiled slightly, “I guess.”

I moved forward and ran my hands slightly up and down his torso, through his T-Shirt.

“Why don’t we head back and see how you feel once you are in the space? Just remember; once you are on that table and the first strap is fastened. Nothing will stop me until I’m finished with you.”

I allowed my fingers to dance slightly under the waistband of Mike’s jeans, as he started to breathe a little faster.

“You will be completely,” I lifted my right hand to his cheek.

“under,” my thumb across his lip.

“my,” left hand casually brushing his crotch.

“control,” I pressed in and kissed him.

“Can we go now please, Mistress?” he asked breathlessly as we broke apart.

We grinned at each other and I took his hand as we walked back to our very special and unusual accommodations.


After collecting Mike’s car and driving a small distance, we dumped his bags in our room and headed for the playroom that I had reserved.

This place has a general playroom, a medical playroom, and a dungeon-based playroom.

I had reserved the general playroom as it had all that I needed.

I knew that there was another couple that had the other rooms reserved, but only their bedroom was on our floor.

Thankfully, I had warned Mike. As we walked down the corridor a gentleman in studded leather came out of the room and proceeded to lead his slave, on her hands and knees, carefully down the stairs.

The slave was naked, her outfit consisting of collar, leash, and ball gag.

We plastered ourselves to the wall as politely as possible and said Hi, as they passed. The slave had red welts on her bum, and I winced.

The Dom was polite, and they passed on by. He had to pull his slave away from Mike as she tried to sniff at his crotch which made me giggle.

Punishment was being promised as she was tugged gently away.

We entered our playroom and Mike, his cheeks flushed, looked at me, “Holy Shit!”

“I told you this was a professional establishment.”

“He was talking to her like a naughty pet dog,” Mike said unhappily.

“Some people enjoy that sort of thing,” I pointed out, “you had the third degree when you arrived, as did I, to make sure you were not being coerced.”

Remembering the owner’s quick but thorough interrogation, Mike was reassured, “Yea, you’re right.”

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