Family Inheritance Part 2 by TellTaleTick

Introduction: Cynthia has inherited her Great Aunt's estate. She has met and had sex with the twins who live next door. Now she meets the twins mother, then her ex husband shows up with his girlfriend. , Cynthia woke up unsure of where she was, it was still night and she could feel herself wedged in between two people. Oh yes, it all came back in a flash. The twins.

Robert was behind her sticking his erection into her, she supposed it was a morning woody, and Rosalind was sleeping facing her those beautiful breasts filling Cynthia's eye line, more shape that substance in the gloom. Less than twenty four hours ago she had left her marital home and her husband to move to her new home which she had inherited. She now had a dream house, grounds, her own wharf, a lake and she had been seduced by the twins, one male, one female and she had been to bed with both and had the best sex ever. Wow.

She needed the bathroom so she wiggled out of bed as best she could. When she came back she found Rosalind crouching on the bed sucking Robert's penis. Rosalind's anus was raised up and Cynthia wondered if… She kissed Rosalind's rose bud. She heard a muffled, keep doing it, so she did. She had no idea what she was doing or how she came to think of it but Rosalind was moaning so it must be working. Cynthia stopped and drew back, she pressed her thumb against Rosalind's anus and pushed in. She heard a moan, she started to see saw her thumb in and out, moans got louder, and she could see Rosalind's body shaking. It had got lighter and she was now able to see clearly. Robert was tied up, Rosalind had his hands tied to the head board and he had some sort of bag over his head, so presumably he could not see or hear.

Rosalind stopped what she was doing and lay still allowing Cynthia to play, within minutes Rosalind was showing signs of orgasm, she stopped Cynthia from continuing by raising her body and then indicated to Cynthia she should give Robert oral. Cynthia did so, but she knew that Robert would feel the difference, his sister was so much more skilled.

Cynthia felt fingers round the entrance of her vagina and then some fingers pushed into her. Rosalind was not gentle, she really rammed her fingers in and out and it took very little time before Cynthia came, abandoning Robert and collapsing across him.

Rosalind untied Robert and he removed the mask. He looked down at his erection and scowled.

“We will have another go later. Come on Cynthia, get some shoes on”

Cynthia looked at Rosalind. “We are going running, it is daylight now”.

Cynthia was not a runner, she had a pair of trainers that she could wear.

“What about running clothes?”

“We don't bother”.

In fact the twins having stopped in the bathroom were ready to run completely naked.

“Did you not run in bare feet when you were a kid?”

Cynthia did remember doing so but this time she was keeping her shoes.

They started off with a gentle jog, Cynthia was torn between watching Roberts penis swing and watching Rosalind's breasts swing and bounce.

“Doesn't that hurt?”

“No I am used to it, if it felt wrong then I would wear a bra. What about you?”

“This is a great feeling being naked but the running will wreck me”

Robert laughed ” Between bed and exercise we will have you fit in no time”.

Cynthia liked that image.

They ran a steady pace, slowing down if Cynthia faltered, all the way down to the sea, then turned back, unfortunately uphill so Cynthia was beginning to struggle. They crested the hill and there before them was the lake. They headed for the landing pontoon, Robert running straight onto it and over the other side diving into the water, Rosalind right behind him and Cynthia staring at her rear. Rosalind dived in and Cynthia jumped. The shock of the water sent Cynthia into a spasm, she looked down and she was goosebumps but her nipples were as hard and pointed as rocks, and the feeling between her legs, well…..

They swam across and got out the other side. The stood dripping wet, Cynthia' teeth chattering she was so cold. Robert stood in front of her and folded her into his arms, Rosalind came behind her and pressed completely into her back. She started to warm and also she felt Robert beginning to stiffen, she bent so her legs opened wider and he found her vagina. Rosalind was massaging her breasts and Robert had penetrated her. Cynthia started to bounce up and down, riding Robert. Rosalind grabbed her nipples and brutalised them, Cynthia screamed in pain but soon felt the pleasure. More and more she bounced and she could feel Robert getting near. She stopped and let Rosalind move her. Roberts facial expression changed his body tightened and Cynthia could feel him explode. As she was standing up he seemed to shoot high, what a great feeling. Naked, out in the open, having sex, what more could happen.

“Hello everyone, I see you are all friends?”

Rosalind turned “Hello Mother, what brings you here?”

“I thought I would come and see the new Cynthia” and she shook hands with Cynthia, who was naked, still locked between the twins and still connected to Robert’s penis, which subsided and slipped out.

“Mother” gave Robert a kiss on the lips and sank to her knees on the grass. Cynthia wondered if she was ill, but Robert turned and his mother took his penis in her mouth. Cynthia’s jaw dropped, but they had told her they were incestuous. Mother was very thorough in cleaning Robert and she made sure she licked every part of his penis and testicles.

“Mother I am very disappointed with you”

“What the matter Ros?”

“Well you are wearing clothes”

“I am sorry but I got an overnight flight and the difference in temperature is huge”

They decided to go indoors and have showers.

The twins disappeared to one of the bedrooms and Mother followed Cynthia.

“You look so much like her both face and body”

Mother followed Cynthia into the bathroom and started undressing.

“I thought you and I might get to know each other”

And stepped into the shower turning the water on. Cynthia looked, she knew Mother was in her seventies but looked very fit and to outward appearances could pass for fifty.

Cynthia kicked off her shoes and stepped in, the water was hot enough to make her jump, straight back into Mother. She felt arms coming round her and landing on her labia, she didn’t try to escape, but opened her legs a little more and then leaned her hands on the two walls, bracing herself.

Mother’s fingers found her clitoris and began circling. Cynthia had always done a straight up and down movement when masturbating so this was a new sensation, and very pleasant. It didn’t take long, she had had sex with Robert less than thirty minutes previously and she was still enjoying that so Mother had simply to turn on the tap, which she did very expertly.

Cynthia started coming and slumped forward a bit, Mother moved forward and kept up her fingering. Mother kneeled down and then pulled Cynthia back towards her, Cynthia feeling something pressing against her anus. Oh that is what she had done to Rosalind and now she was receiving the most wonderful sensation running through her body and up to her brain, the fingers at the front were still working and the new sensation just added. Cynthia knew she had had one orgasm and tried to count more, she lost count around seven and lost senses around five minutes later as she slumped to the floor.

When she came to, she was lying in bed with Mother one side and Ros on the other.

“Robert has gone down to do some work, so we don’t end up poor.”

They two women laughed and Cynthia understood it was a family joke.

“Oh fuck” Cynthia had a shocking thought. “I need to get to a doctor for birth control.”

“Nothing to worry about, Mother and I can’t get you pregnant and Robert had a vasectomy, a few years ago.”

Cynthia relaxed and fell back on the pillows, she felt one pair of lips on her breast and another pair of lips on her labia. She had received more pleasure in twenty four hours than the rest of her life, she was growing to enjoy it. Ohhh the feelings got stronger, she raised her head to see what was happening. Mother was sucking her nipple and had fingers in Ros’s vagina. Ros was sucking Cynthia’s labia and clitoris and had her fingers squeezing her mother’s nipples. Mother was kneeling beside Cynthia so it seemed only fair for Cynthia to insert two fingers into Mother’s vagina. They didn’t speak to each other, they were far too busy and they were all concentrating hard on the tasks in hand.

Ros came first, she made a huffing noise and then screamed, her inner thighs getting very wet, Cynthia next and she had to fight the waves of pleasure to keep working her fingers in and out of Mother. Mother started making noises like a train, and her body froze into place, Cynthia jammed her fingers deeper, harder and faster into Mother who all of a sudden fell forward grabbed Cynthia’s head and started kissing her with enormous passion. Cynthia was like a bucking bronco under Mother’s attack, until Mother collapsed, a huge puddle seeping into the covers.

No one spoke, the only noise came from their rasping, heaving chests. They sank back onto the covers and lay totally sated.

Robert walked in. “Oh I appear to have missed a party”.

Cynthia settled into an idyllic lifestyle, working with Robert making money, having sex with Robert, Rosalind and their mother, whose name was Pamela and getting fit. Within a few weeks Cyn had forgotten all about her old life, this one was far better.

One day she received a text from her husband Patrick. He had things he wanted to discuss and was she willing to meet him? She invited him and Lucy, his secretary, to come and visit.

Patrick would arrive two days later with Lucy. Cynthia was immediately on guard at this sudden change.

Patrick and Lucy arrived. Robert answered the door, naked and showed the visitors out onto the terrace where they were met by three naked women. Patrick flustered and blustered, nakedness was not his thing, though he seemed to have no problem staring at Rosalind’s body. Lucy was unsure about everything but she had an eye on Robert’s body. Cynthia was by now very fit and muscled without being overdeveloped. The four naked people sat perfectly at ease. The two clothed people were embarrassed.

Robert asked them if they would like a tea or coffee, and for Lucy’s benefit also asked if she would prefer something stiff to quench her thirst. She giggled. Pamela suggested if they took their clothes off they would be more at home. Patrick was horrified at the suggestion but Lucy was willing to embrace their lifestyle and started to strip. Patrick tried to stop her but she ignored him. Robert’s reaction was to stiffen and Lucy saw this.

“Lucy, while Patrick is talking to Cyn, shall I show you round?”

Lucy nodded and almost ran out of the room.

“Cynthia, as your husband…” and that was as far as he got. The women just laughed at him,

Rosalind widened her legs and he was like a rabbit caught in headlights.

“Patrick, what has happened that you are here?”

“I have lost my job, made redundant” and he actually cried.

Little sympathy came his way.

“No problem, you can find another job, Lucy will stick by you”.

“It has all been horrible and I don’t want to work any more, you remembered you said I could move here with you?” Cynthia smiled, she had said that then and he had refused point blank.

“I do remember making the offer and you refused”

“Yes, but things have changed?”

“Patrick, things certainly have changed. Pamela, would you and Rosalind see if Patrick is worth keeping?”

“Cyn, didn’t you say that he was crap at sex?”

“I did but he might have improved, screwing Lucy every night or what he does now”.

“OK, we will have a go.”

Pamela turned to Patrick, “if you can give us both orgasms then we will consider keeping you as our slave” Patrick seemed to shrivel up.

The three women got up and walked towards Cynthia’s bedroom, they all expected to see Robert and Lucy there. Sure enough Robert had penetrated Lucy and was keeping a nice steady pace. Ros walked up to him and smiled at Lucy. Lucy was enjoying herself. Ros kissed her, Lucy got the shock of her life. Ros stood back and Pamela came and kissed her.

Again Lucy was shocked. Then Cynthia decided to follow and kissed Lucy. Lucy started to respond and began kissing back. Cynthia heard a sharp intake of breath, Ros and Pamela had a nipple each and were squeezing and twisting. Lucy began to love the attention.

Patrick stood and watched his wife kissing his girlfriend, while the girlfriend was having sex with a man and his sister and mother were attacking her nipples. He sat down confused about what this was all about. Lucy had no such confusion, she was very certain what it was all about and that was to give her several orgasms, which so far Patrick had failed to deliver.

Robert increased the speed and depths of his thrusts into Lucy. Lucy got more and more vocal, even while she and Cynthia were getting more and more passionate with their kissing.

The combination of four people playing with her brought Lucy to a head and she screamed and came, sucking in deep breaths of air. One convert to the Post House lifestyle.

Everyone enjoyed it and they all turned round to see Patrick masturbating. Obviously he got his kicks watching because he was certainly beating his own flesh and as they watched he came, all over the floor. He was still the only one dressed. Pamela told him to go find cloths to clean it up. Stupid man wasting good semen which the ladies could have shared.

Patrick got down on his knees and started spilling water everywhere. They turned away from him.

“Well Lucy, how would you like to stay here with us?”

Lucy smiled, “Of course but can I bring my twin brother?” Read 41766 times | Rated 91.4 % | (509 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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