Finding Home Pt. 21b by BadWriter75,BadWriter75

My apologies! I submitted Friday before I submitted Thursday! Many thanks to those of you who pointed out my error. As always – thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy.


At 9 AM, Andy felt Sara get out of bed. He checked his watch and marveled. He could not remember the last time he’d slept for 10 hours uninterrupted. He got out of bed, and was stunned at how good he felt. Even his scarred left arm felt better than it had since before he was wounded. He heard the toilet flush, and heard the water running in the shower. Andy smiled, and headed into the bathroom.

“Good morning, baby,” Sara greeted him as he got into the shower. She hugged him and kissed him tenderly.

“Hello my love,” he smiled. “How did you sleep?”

She giggled. “Like a damn log. My man gives me good loving and then snuggles me. I absolutely love it.”

Andy stretched out under the stream of warm water. “I don’t remember the last time I slept for 10 hours straight.”

She giggled. “I love that we’re good for one another. It’s not just that the sex is great, though it is. I feel better than I have in my entire life. Physically, emotionally, intellectually, you name it. Being a girl in love is something this girl could definitely get used to.”

“Well, I hope you like it, because I aim to give you 60-70 years of this,” he grinned. “Have you washed your hair yet?”

She raised her eyebrows at him. “No. Would you like to help me?”

“I’d love to help you.” Andy grabbed the shampoo and began to massage her scalp as he worked the lather into her hair. He took his time, and made sure her scalp was thoroughly tended to. She moaned and sighed in pleasure, and was a bit pouty when he was done.

“Baby, I never thought of myself as being spoiled, but you spoil me and I absolutely love it.”

“Good. Now, we have several things to talk about while we’re in here. I call a moratorium on lovemaking until we get some decisions made.”

She looked at him and frowned.

He chuckled, “Look, I’m not asking you to read ‘War and Peace.’ We have the morning mostly to ourselves and we finally have the space to talk.”

She smiled and nodded her head.

“First, we need to call Eden and Kail and make arrangements for Saturday and Sunday. Our hotel reservation is the same, so we’re OK there. But driving is out, so we’ll have to fly. We could drive to Portland and then take a plane from there. Some of that will depend on how many of us are going, I guess.”

They discussed their plans, and decided to call Eden once they were out of the shower.

“Second, we need a honeymoon,” he grinned. “I have an idea, but I want to know what you’re thinking.”

“I want to have a honeymoon,” she giggled. “But I’ve been focusing more on the wedding, I guess. Moving the date up is great, but it means we have to make decisions quicker than we’d planned.”

He smiled at her, and she felt her knees go weak. He was so damn gorgeous, and when he smiled at her, she felt herself fully possessed by this man; by her man. She was also aware that her already aroused pussy was now leaking obscenely.

“We have four booked weekends in a row,” he continued. “The last two weekends in July through the second weekend in August. We have John and Jen’s wedding, our wedding, the Judge’s ceremony, and then Ellen and Christopher’s wedding. John and Jen’s will be fun, and we don’t really have to plan too much for that. Our wedding is – well – that’s a whole ‘nother story. But what if we just planned two little getaways, or staycations, or whatever, between the last week in July through Ellen’s wedding? We’ll have 10 days after their wedding until I have to be back for new student orientation. We can have a real honeymoon and then come back to the house.”

She kissed him passionately.

“I love it. But baby, we’ll need to be in Boston for some of that time. Miss Helen and your sister will need some help. Plus, if our friends are taking vacation time to be with us, we can’t really just bug out of town.”

Andy paused and thought for a second. “OK, so we’ll head to Freeport on Sunday. There’s a wonderful old inn there with a breakfast buffet that’s not to be missed. It’s called the Harraseeket. We’ll drive down to Boston on Tuesday, and hang out there. We’ll see if we can find a house to rent.”

At that moment, the hot water gave out, and Andy hurriedly soaped up, rinsed, and got out of the shower. Sara smiled as she held his towel out for him.

“Baby, why do we need a house to rent?”

“There will be the two of us, plus Tommy and Momma G. Then, there’s Kail and Eden – and probably a couple of other people I’m forgetting. No way all that crew can stay at Beacon Hill. We’ll also have the Connick’s and the drummer and his crew,” considered Andy.

“We don’t have to host all those people,” said a suddenly worried Sara.

Andy smiled at her. “No, we don’t. But I’d like to. Those are our people, my love. Maybe I’ve read too much Homer, but I’d like to offer hospitality to our people. Don’t worry. Priya is a wiz at this kind of stuff. She’ll know what the local Air b&b scene is like.”

Sara embraced her fiancé. “Are we done yet? All this talk about a honeymoon has me ready for some loving with my man.”

Andy kissed her quickly. “Almost.”

She pouted, and he kissed her passionately and caressed her breasts with his right hand.

“I’ll go quick,” he grinned. “How do you feel about the French Riviera for our honeymoon? Before you answer, please know that’s where Ellen and Christopher are going. We would have another couple to go to dinner with, or whatever. Because they’re family, we wouldn’t feel bad if we just stayed in our room,” he chuckled.

Sara squealed and kissed him. “Baby, I love it. I’ll talk to Ellen this morning.” She paused and looked at him, “Now are we done?”

Andy shook his head. “We need to get either a new vehicle or a second vehicle; and how do you feel about learning to drive?”

Sara broke their embrace and stepped back. She grabbed her towel and covered herself.

“Did I offend you?” asked a suddenly contrite Andy.

“You love that truck,” she said softly. “I love your truck. Why would we get rid of it?”

“Stick shifts are hard to drive. Tommy can’t drive it. When they come to visit, I want them to feel free to be able to come and go as they please. Our house has a two-and-a-half-car garage, so we can get a second vehicle. We don’t have to replace the truck – but I’m open to that conversation. It’s just a vehicle. Tommy and Momma G – not to mention you – are way more important than that old truck.”

Sara dropped her towel and embraced her man, kissing him ferociously. She pushed him back until he was seated on the toilet and hissed in his ear.

“You are so damn sweet to me. Stop being sweet and make love to your woman.”

“Stop running your mouth and get on,” Andy smiled in response.

Sara reached down and found her man hard as iron. She giggled, grabbed his manhood and lowered herself onto him.

“Yessss,” she hissed. “That’s what momma needs.”

Andy chuckled. Sara looked at him quizzically as she began riding him.

“Three weeks ago, you were a virgin, my love,” he said softly. “Now, you’re having sex with your fiancé on a toilet.”

She giggled. “I can’t help it that I’m totally crazy for my man. You’ve ruined me.”

“Good.” Andy put his hands on her hips and began to drive into her with purpose. Sara’s eyes rolled back in her head, and she began clinching her Kegel muscles.

“You in a hurry?” asked Andy teasingly.

Sara leaned forward and looked at him with pleading eyes. “Please Andy, I need this so bad.”

Andy considered her large hazel eyes. He took her face in his hands, and stopped thrusting. Something was going on in her lovely head, but he hadn’t a clue what it was.

“Not like this,” he said softly. “Let’s move to the bed.”

Andy withdrew from her warmth and picked her up. As she nuzzled into his chest, he felt her tears beginning. Andy lay them down on the bed gently, and drew Sara to himself. Her crying intensified, and he stroked her hair while he held her. Finally, he felt her crying stop.

“What’s wrong, my love?”

“We never finished talking last night,” she whispered. “And then this morning – baby, you’re so sweet to me, and I just about threw it all away.”

“Just about doesn’t count, Bellissima.”

“That’s why the girls were so mad at me. All these relationships were put in jeopardy, and I treated you like shit.”

“OK. We’ve covered this – or at least I thought we had,” he said softly. “Do you want me to cuss you out and call you a cheating bitch?” he said smiling.

She giggled. “No. That’s not you; and like you said, it would only make things harder.”

“So, what do we need to do here, Sara? I love you, and I’m more than willing to be your boy toy, but that’s not what this is about, I don’t think.”

“Do you remember what we talked about that second day? How we said because we’d both been hurt that we’d never do that to one another?”

Andy nodded.

“Andy that’s exactly what I did to you.”

“Well, that shows how much we know, doesn’t it?” he replied.

She sat up and looked at him. “What do you mean, baby?”

Andy grinned at her. “Sara, you’ve been deeply wounded by your birth father. That wound – or if you like – that scar tissue, impacted us. You and I both know you didn’t do it on purpose. We don’t always respond to the ways we’ve been wounded in good ways. I think that’s what happened on Monday.”

She nodded and began to tear up.

“Sara, I’ve forgiven you. I hope you know that.”

“I do. But then you go and do really sweet things. Baby, I know you love your truck, and yet you’re willing to do something different to take care of me and my family.”

“Number one, it’s just a truck. I am fond of it, but it’s just a hunk of metal. Number two, you and Momma G and Tommy are my family, too. Taking care of you is my privilege. I’m honored and flattered that you want me to do it – and that you let me do it. You’ve never had that, Sara,” he paused and thought for a moment. “I guess we both feel like we have some penance we need to do. I was AWOL for the people in my life for six years, so I feel like I need to make up for that. You made a mistake on Monday; but please know I don’t need you to make that up to me. That, my love, is not how we do us.”

Sara nodded.

“I want you, my love. You’re like cat nip. But making love is not something we need to do out of a sense of guilt.”

The next words out of her mouth surprised them both. “I think that’s why I’ve wanted another woman in our bed. I know I’d feel like shit when you fucked her, and then we’d be even.”

Sara began to cry again, and Andy reached out to pull her to himself. He held her, absolutely at a loss for words.

They lay there, like that, for what seemed like forever.


“You decent?”

Gina’s voice woke them up. Neither was sure when they’d fallen asleep, or even what time it was. Andy saw Sara’s wide eyes, and they both began laughing.

“I’ll take that as a no,” said a laughing Gina.

“Give us a minute, Momma,” said Sara. “If you could step into the bathroom?”

“Sure, baby. I’m sorry to interrupt.”

Sara threw on Andy’s t-shirt and slipped on a pair of panties. Andy slid on his boxer briefs and sleep shorts. Andy walked to the bathroom door and tapped on it. He smiled at his soon-to-be-mother-in-law and gladly received Gina’s hug and the kiss on the cheek she offered him.

“Well, if this isn’t awkward,” she began. “But damn girl,” she eyed Andy’s chest and giggled, “I know I wouldn’t be dressed either.”

A blushing Andy raised his hand. “No, it’s fine. We needed to get up anyway – and it’s always good to see you.”

Sara looked at her mother and smiled, but Gina recognized the pain behind her only child’s half-hearted attempt.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” she asked pointedly.

Tears flooded Sara’s eyes, and she went to her mother and embraced her firmly.

“We’ve had an interesting morning,” offered Andy softly. “We’re both recognizing how our baggage is impacting our life together. I’m afraid we’re not always very good at working through that.”

“That’s not true,” protested Sara. “Momma, Andy is sweet to me and loves me. I’m the one who’s baggage threatens our life together – not his.”

Gina held her daughter and stroked her back. She looked at Andy and smiled. She saw the pain and concern in his eyes as well.

“I came to get you, Andy. Kail has been trying to call you all morning. She sounded pretty upset, and she said it’s urgent. If you could call her, please?” Gina explained.

Andy nodded and went to retrieve his phone. He took it off the ‘Do Not Disturb’ setting, and noticed there were several missed calls from Kail, as well a couple from Jacob Glass. He frowned, and hit Kail’s number.

“Power Girl; how are you this morning?” Andy began cheerfully.

Gina and Sara could hear the distress in Kail’s muffled voice. Sara had to stifle a giggle knowing the torrent of information currently gushing out of her friend.

“Kail, it will be OK, I promise. Is Brian there? Let me talk to him, please.”

Sara saw the fire in Andy’s eyes, and the way his entire body became taut. Whatever was going on had his full and undivided attention.

“Jake, you need to sit this one out.”

Jake’s muffled protests were heard.

“Brother, I’m not asking you; I’m telling you. Let me handle this. You need to keep the big picture in mind. You and Grace married and living in Boston is the goal. This is parochial bullshit. Jake – I owe you. I was AWOL for 6 years. Please, you gotta let me do this for you and Gracie. I love you both – you know that. If this gets out that you took part in whatever the hell this is, it puts the big picture in jeopardy. I’m good at this Jake, and as I recall, you’re good at getting your ass kicked.”

Sara saw Andy smile, and both women saw the small bit of relief creep over his body.

“Well then, let me talk to him, please.”

Andy smiled at them as the phone was handed off.

“Jacob, what the hell is going on here?”

Andy listened, and at times alternated between rolling his eyes, and getting increasingly pissed off. Whatever this was, it was equal parts ludicrous and dangerous.

“Jacob, set it up in half an hour. Just Miles and I. I’ll stand in for Brian. The three aggrieved parties have to be there, and the ring leader as well. If they’re not there, then it’s a no go. I’m not mucking out this stall full of bullshit twice. Send Jake the Jet to fill John Moses in on what’s going to happen – Coach will know whether to let it happen or step in.”

Andy hung the phone up and exhaled deeply. Sara and Gina looked at him with growing concern. The fire in his eyes and the taut body were still there, and Andy had gotten his ‘Andy stare.’ Sara knew that meant trouble.

“Andy what’s wrong?” asked Sara softly.

“Do you know a basketball player named Isaac Wilson?”

Sara nodded. “We had a chemistry class together my freshman year.”

“Did he ever ask you out? Like as in a legitimate, ‘Hey Sara, let’s go do something Friday night?’ ask you out?”

Sara giggled. “No. He just stared at my chest a lot. He was only low-key pervy, though. I’ve had worse. Why do you ask?”

Gina turned to her daughter to say something, but then thought better of it.

“Apparently there’s a secret group of guys on campus who call themselves ‘The Society.’ They allow members to call dibs on particular women, and then they don’t have to worry about some dude horning in on the girl they have their eye on. All four of you have been spoken for, apparently; though Eden’s guy relinquished his rights on her. I have a pretty good idea who that dickhead was. Isaac Wilson called dibs on you, and now ‘The Society’ wants to give me a chance to back off or offer him satisfaction for taking his property – their words, not mine. They’ve made the same offer to Miles and Brian, by the way.”

“That’s absurd,” began Gina. “Those women are no one’s property. I’m going to call Gloria this minute . . .”

Andy cut her off. “Please don’t do that, Momma G. I get this – or at least I think I do. This place has been pretty hostile to young men in recent history. I understand why dumb ass fellas would feel the need to do something like this. Calling a woman to deal with this situation would only make it worse. This has to be handled mano a mano.”

Andy looked down, shook his head, and chuckled. He moved to Sara and hugged her. “Alright, if you’d like to be Sara Wilson, speak now or forever hold your peace,” he said smiling.

Sara giggled. “Nope. Sara DeGroat or nothing.”

Andy nodded and kissed her.

“I’ll see you at lunch, OK?”

She nodded. “Andy? Please make sure Jacob Glass gets this on his phone. I missed the last ass kicking you dished out. I don’t want to miss another one,” Sara said smiling, but in a tone that meant business.

Andy smiled. “I love you, Mrs. DeGroat.”

“Mmm. I love you too, Mr. DeGroat. Remember, my man kicks ass,” she giggled.

“Happy 3-week anniversary,” he said softly.

“Baby, these have been the best 3 weeks of my life,” she said passionately.

“Me too, Bellissima. Me too.”

Andy dressed quickly, kissed both women good bye, and headed towards campus.


The Colton College maintenance department had a large shop for snow removal equipment. Apparently, one of ‘The Society’ did some work study with this department and had access to the building. Andy and Miles walked in with Jacob Glass, Ethan Ross, and Cooper Hughes. Brian Jacobs had been sent to find John Moses, and the ladies were back in the Commons – with Sara on her way – to await the outcome of whatever the hell this was. Ten individuals awaited Andy and his crew.

“Mr. DeGroat, Mr. Givens-Price, thank you for coming. We hope to avoid any unpleasantness, and your appearance is a good sign,” said a guy Andy recognized as the backup quarterback on the football team, Parker Thule. He caught the sneer on Jacob’s face out of the corner of his eye, and Andy put his hand on his friend’s arm to stop him from saying anything.

“I’m not entirely sure I understand what’s going on here,” said Andy. “It sounds like my fiancé is not really my fiancé because some pencil dick doesn’t have sack enough to ask her out, but I’m supposed to know that bullshit – how exactly?” Andy was pissed, and he was pushing every button he could to escalate this situation. His morning had left him in a sour mood, and he wanted to kick the shit out of Isaac Wilson, the guy who thought he could call dibs on Grace, and the backup QB.

“That’s why we’re giving you the opportunity to walk away,” said the backup. “There’s no way you could have known that bitch was spoken for – that any of those bitches are spoken for. We know that.”

“So, I’m supposed to just walk away?” asked a bemused Andy. “I tell Sara what, exactly?”

“You’re a smart guy. You’ll think of something.”

“Can we at least meet the aggrieved parties? You know, the three guys who called dibs but aren’t actually man enough to ask Sara, Grace, or Kail on a date? Those lame motherfuckers should at least identify themselves.”

Mr. Backup nodded, and the three stepped forwards. They introduced themselves and identified which woman they had spoken for.

“Where were your dumbasses a couple of weeks ago?” queried Andy. “You know, when three guys threw a rock through the door in an attempt to harm the women you limp dicks called dibs on?”

Blank stares met him.

“I protect your property – your term, not mine – and the three of you can’t even acknowledge that? Not even a, ‘Hey thanks, Andy?’ No wonder not one of those women have a fucking clue who any of the three of you are,” he said angrily. “So, I guess Eden Adams didn’t make your cut?”

“No, she did. But her owner relinquished his rights. Ethan is good to go,” Parker said smugly.

Andy turned to Ethan and spat sarcastically. “You hear that? You’re good to go.” Ethan smiled and nodded.

“What happens if Miles and I – and I’m speaking for Brian Jacobs as well – don’t agree to walk away? You try to kick the shit out of us?”

“No. We’ll take it out on those three bitches. Actually, there are five women in this equation – we’re just dealing with the three of you first. Misters Glass and Hughes are going to be getting a similar opportunity. Oh yes, and so will your fellow Groton alum Owen Kresnik.”

Andy nodded. “So, to be clear: you’re threatening my fiancé, and two women who are like my sisters. Then, when you’re done with them, you’re going after Sydney Steele, Haylee Larson, and Molly Bird?”

The backup nodded. “That’s a harsh, but accurate representation.”

“OK. Here’s my counter proposal. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. All six of you renounce your rights, and I’ll let you walk out of here,” he paused and looked at Isaac. “You’re a basketball player?” Isaac was a tall, thin, African-American man. He nodded to Andy. “Kind of hard to play when you can’t walk without a limp, Isaac. You keep this up, and I’ll put you in the hospital. You will be permanently disabled. I promise you that. Ask Blake Johnson how well his rehab is going.”

Andy glared at him. His voice was hard and cold. He saw the young man swallow and look at the floor.

“And you, Chad, is it?”

The large, white male at the end of the line nodded to him.

“I have no idea what sport you play, but you can renounce your bullshit claim on Grace or the same thing awaits you,” Andy paused. “Here’s the second part of my counter proposal. Mr. Backup Quarterback is out as the leader of this group. I’ll be taking his place. The Society doesn’t have to be a total cluster fuck, but it will be with this asshole calling the shots. You have 1 minute to consider my counter proposal.”

“Mr. DeGroat, there are ten of us and five of you. None of us are drunk. I think you may want to dial down the machismo,” said Parker arrogantly.

“Actually, there are just two of us. Miles and I can handle this pack of assholes on our own,” Andy replied. “And you’re wrong about the drunk part,” Andy looked around the group that now encircled he and Miles. “Four of your guys are buzzed pretty good, and only two of you really want to fight. Isaac is wishing for a way out – but I’m not giving him one unless he asks nicely. In fact, nine of you can walk away. But you,” he said pointing the backup, “you’re going to find out what it feels like to have all 27 bones in your hand broken. When I’m done with Huey, Louie, and Dewey plus the rest of the Pips, I’m gonna beat your ass to a pulp. You have exactly 10 seconds.”

“I want out!” blurted Isaac suddenly. “I’m sorry, Andy. She’s your fiancé, and I respect that. I renounce my claim.”

Andy smiled at him and motioned for him to leave. Now that the floodgates of common sense were opened, Chad hurriedly offered the same renunciation, and the six men in the circle nodded to Andy and walked away, leaving only Kail’s aggrieved ‘owner’ and the backup QB.

“So big man, you a football player or a wrestler?” Andy asked Kail’s suitor.

“Both. I play nose and I wrestle heavyweight. I really like Kail. She doesn’t treat me like I’m a freak. She’s funny and pretty. I’m not good around girls – actually people in general – so I need this if I’m going to have a chance with her.”

“I understand. I respect what you think you’re doing – you’re wrong – but I respect your courage,” Andy paused. “You OK with a broken nose?”

The big man looked at him quizzically.

“You’ll have a concussion and a broken nose – but that’s it. You’ll be good to go when early camp rolls around. But your friend here,” he motioned to the backup, whose face had gone white as a sheet. “Your friend will never play again – nor will he ever walk pain free another day of his life,” Andy smiled wickedly as he said this.

“He’s not my friend,” said the big man named Trent. “And I can live with what you’re proposing. I’ve had my nose broken before. But how am I wrong?”

“Have you ever tried to talk to Kail?”

He shook his head.

“She’s an amazing woman and one of the kindest and funniest people I’ve ever been around. She would have gladly talked to you – probably still would. She digs Miles, though; so, I’m afraid that ship has sailed. You could still be friends, however.”

“Really?” Trent asked.

Andy nodded. He looked to Miles who nodded as well.

“I renounce my claim,” he said kindly. “Miles, please treat her with respect. Andy’s right: I was too chicken to ask her out. I don’t deserve a woman like that if I can’t even talk to her.”

Miles stepped forward and the two giant men shook hands. The big man then embraced Andy, and the two men shared a look of mutual respect.

“Trent, are you 21 yet?” asked Andy.

“I am. I turned 21 in February.”

“I’d love to buy you a beer sometime,” said Andy.

“I’d love that, Captain. I’ll hold you to it.”

“And Trent, the next time a young lady catches your eye, try going and talking to her. You might surprise yourself, but if you never put yourself out there – you’ll never know.”

Andy watched as the big man walked away.

“This changes nothing,” hissed the backup. “My dad’s an attorney. You touch me and I’ll sue your ass.”

“I have a room full of witnesses that heard you threaten my fiancé and five other women with bodily harm. Good luck with that, you stupid piece of shit. Some people just need a good ass kicking – and you are, apparently, one of those people.”

Andy stepped menacingly towards the terrified young man.

“I want out! You can be the president!” he cried as he backpedaled away from Andy.

Andy shook his head. “Nope,” he paused. “Unless . . .”

“Name it! Whatever it is I agree!” Andy smiled when he saw the look of abject terror on the man’s face.

“You’re gone by the end of the day. Transfer out and never come back. If I see you on campus tomorrow, there’s a 55-gallon drum of whoop ass with your name on it. Do we understand each other?”

He nodded his head, and sprinted out of the maintenance garage.

Andy waited until the space was clear, and then turned to Miles. “You OK, big man?”

The color had returned to Miles’ face, and he nodded weakly at his friend. “Dude, that was some bad ass shit. Remind me to never piss you off. Captain, I’ve never actually been in a fight, but when you told that ass hat that you and I could handle the ten of them, I almost shit myself – but then I was like, ‘O hell yes!'”

“You may want to sit down,” said Andy, smiling at his friend. “That adrenaline rush you’re feeling is about to wear off. When it does, the earth will get pretty unstable.”

Miles noticed his hands shaking, and he immediately sat cross-legged on the floor. By this time, their three friends had joined them.

“Captain, somebody wants to talk to you,” grinned Jacob, holding up his phone.

Andy saw Brian Jacobs and Grace Federspiel on the screen.

“Thank you, Andy,” said a teary-eyed Grace.

“O Captain, my Captain!” beamed Jake.

“Gracie, you know there’s no way I’d let some asshat derail what you and my friend Jake the Jet have. Thanks for keeping him at bay. I know he wanted to be here. It was best that he wasn’t.”

“I know Andy,” Grace said. “You always have our backs. I love you for that,” she blushed.

“I love you too, Gracie. And for the record, you could have kicked that guy’s ass,” he grinned. “And Jake, I hate your damn guts.”

Jake looked stunned, and Grace laughed. When she’d stopped laughing, she whispered to her boyfriend. “Oh,” said a clued-in Brian. “Much love, Captain. Much love,” he paused. “Power Girl is about to wet herself if we don’t let her talk to you.”

“Dreamy, you are Power Girl’s bitch!” she exclaimed loudly.

Andy laughed. “Miss Sunderland, your man did you proud. Power Man acquitted himself quite well. That Trent dude is one big hombre. I’m not sure if Miles has told you that he cares for you, but I think he just showed you.”

“We love you Andy,” a blushing Kail said softly. “I agree with Gracie. You have our backs.”

Eden’s smiling face appeared on the screen. “Damn Rex. That was some serious Kung Fu/Jedi Mind Trick shit you just pulled.”

“Nobody threatens my family or my friends, Snips. You know that. Some shit is just a non-starter,” he paused. “Maybe now the women on the campus will have a better experience.”

“You’re a good dude, Andrew David. You know I love you, big brother – but it doesn’t hurt for me to tell you that.”

“You honor me, Eden Ann. I love you as well, little sister,” he paused. “Have you talked with Sara this morning?”

Eden saw the love and concern on his face. “She’s right here, and dying to talk with her man. We’ve talked Rex. You’re good.”

“Thanks, Snips.”

Andy walked away from the group, who was now giving Miles some good-natured needling for sitting down after this intense encounter.

“Hello, my love,” said Andy softly.

“I love you, baby,” said Sara. “I love how you fight for me.”

“Always, Sara. It’s my privilege. I’d die before I back away from you.”

“I’m sorry about what I said before,” she offered softly.

“Thank you, Bellissima. I was a bit shocked, I guess. That’s not how we do us.”

“I know that – at least I do now,” she replied. “Your little sisters helped me see that. Ellen and Eden are amazing.”

Andy smiled. “That they are. They love us and take good care of us. I just wish we didn’t need it so much.”

“Baby, I’m hungry and I need my man. You ready for lunch?”

Andy laughed. “I am, Bellissima. The Dining Commons?”

“We’ll come get you,” she said sweetly.

“I love you, Sara.”

“I love you too, baby.”

As Andy disconnected the call, he heard John Moses’ voice.

“You handled that well. I’m proud of you, Andy,” said the older man.

“Thank you,” smiled Andy. “I was wondering where you were hiding; and that means more than you probably know.”

John smiled back, “No. I think I know what it means. My old man told me that once – on my wedding day. I’m realizing again that I need to tell you and Marty that more than I do.”

Andy’s hands began to shake. He focused, and paid attention to his breathing, trying his best to calm his adrenaline-juiced body.

“Are you OK?” asked John, suddenly concerned.

“I will be. Dammit John, I wanted to kick the shit out of that kid,” Andy confessed.

“I know. He had it coming. But you took out the trash and didn’t have to draw on him – so I’d count that as a win,” John grinned.

Jake’s BMW, Eden’s Volvo and another car Andy did not recognize pulled up outside the shop. Their friends began spilling out of the motorcade. Sara came to her man and kissed him passionately.

“Hello love,” said a grinning Andy.

“Hi baby,” she said softly.

“You look absolutely beautiful,” he offered.

Sara blushed. “You spoil me,” she giggled. “Please don’t stop.”

John Moses chuckled, when suddenly the group was bear-hugged by Marty.

“Dad, I got to ride with Sara! Andy, number 51, Sara let me ride with her and Eden and Power Girl!”

Andy smiled. “Like I told you, my man. You should always ride with pretty girls when they ask you to,” he paused. “Do you mind if I borrow Sara so that she and I can walk to lunch?”

The Downs young man nodded and grinned. “I’ll go with my dad.”

Andy and Sara walked arm in arm out of the maintenance shed until they heard Eden’s voice. “You mind if I join you?”

Sara giggled and smiled. “Of course not, E. You’re always welcome.”

“What about Ethan?” asked Andy.

“He and his boys are having a bromance moment with Miles. I’m not sure I exist right now,” she grinned. “Besides, he knows he has to share me with my bestie and the Captain.”

Andy put his arm around both women and they started across campus. When they had cleared the first building and were out of sight of the others, Eden stopped and kissed Andy passionately. In spite of himself, Andy felt himself give in and return the fervor of her offering.

They broke it off when Sara giggled. She saw the horrified look on Andy’s face.

“It’s OK, baby. You get a hall pass with Eden,” she said raising her eyebrows. “And I know that’s not the last time you’re going to get kissed like that today.”

“Droobie, you just undid all the shit we went through last year,” explained Eden. “I now know why Chase Patterson felt free to take such liberties in stalking me. He thought he had that pack of jackals at his back. You did good work today, though I do wish you could have kicked Parker’s ass.”

Andy felt himself losing control, and he had to sit down on a nearby pile of stone. Both women laughed at him.

“I know I’m a good kisser, Rex – but really?” she teased him.

Andy grinned. “Sorry. My system keeps dumping adrenaline. I’ve not had an outlet for it. I’ll be OK – I just need a second.”

“Fight or flight?” asked Sara.

Andy nodded. “This always happened post-combat. I’d stalk about the tent for a couple of hours and then sleep it off. This isn’t quite that extreme – I’ll get my shit together here, I promise.”


Sara was correct. When the trio reached the Dining Commons, Grace, Kail, Haylee and Sydney kissed him passionately. Andy felt bad until he saw the grins on the faces of their men.

“Nothing to see here, Captain,” assured Brian. Andy nodded to him. The group headed to lunch, and the story was told and re-told with much excitement and downright glee.

CeCe and Anthony found them at lunch, and gave directions and the timeframe for the afternoon’s shoot. Anthony exited with his usual dramatic flair, but CeCe remained.

“Something on your mind, CeCe?” asked Andy.

She nodded. “Ladies, would you excuse us? I need a word with my son’s mentor.”

Sara kissed him, took their trays, and left with Eden.

“I had an interesting video sent to me on my phone about a half an hour ago,” began CeCe.

“I’m sorry Miles had to go through that. If I’d known just how rancid this place had become, I’d never have suggested he come to Colton,” Andy offered apologetically.

CeCe laughed, “And miss out on Kail Sunderland? Not on your life. You did our family a great service, Andy. I want you to know that. My big, little boy is happier than he’s ever been – plus he saw something today, and was a part of something that every young man needs to see and experience. He stood up for himself and for the woman he loves. He does love her – even his momma has to admit that. I was so proud of my son for standing his ground and the way he stood with you. I’m actually quite stunned at the experience.”

Andy nodded. “Why do I feel like there’s a ‘but’ coming?”

“There is not. I just wanted to thank you. I’d forgotten what a powerful thing it is to see a man stand his ground for the people he loves. In the fashion industry, we’re pretty hard charging on the gender fluidity front. We’d prefer it if everyone was an androgenous stick figure. There was more of that rubbing off on me than I’d realized. My son was miserable with a mother who kept trying to get him to be something he is not,” she paused. “My husband will be quite pleased as well,” she smiled madly. “We’d been going at it hammer and tongs over Miles. I hate to admit when I’m wrong, but I certainly was in this case.”

“Miles is a good man,” said Andy.

“He’s certainly becoming one,” agreed CeCe. “With men like you and John Moses in his life, I feel very thankful that he’s where he is. When Power Man and Power Girl bring the Power Kids to visit – I know I’ll be one happy grandma,” she laughed.

“Thank you, CeCe,” said Andy. “That’s quite a compliment.”

She patted his hand. “You’re welcome,” she paused. “Are we on for tonight? I hope it’s not as big a to-do as last night. That was fun, but we still have work to wrap up.”

“Touch base with Tommy. Like I said before, I’m just the ear candy. He’s the brains behind that outfit.”

“I will. And Andy, if you and Sara could be ready about 2 PM? I think you’ve earned an hour with your lovely fiancé,” she smiled.

As he left the Dining Commons, Andy found Sara and Eden talking with Owen Kresnik and Molly Bird. Molly saw him first, and embraced Andy.

“Thank you, Captain,” she whispered. “You have no idea how wonderful the past 48 hours have been. To think that some asshole would try to take that away . . .,” she kissed him. “And you’re wonderful, too,” she smiled.

Andy looked up to see a smiling Owen Kresnik. “All the feels, Captain,” said his younger teammate. “Coach Moses always used to tell us ‘Drew kicks ass’ stories. I didn’t exactly doubt them – but I don’t know that I totally believed them. Damn if I don’t believe them now.”

“Molly,” said Andy looking at the beaming young woman, “Don’t for one second let Owen make you believe he would not have done exactly the same thing. He and I are both graduates of the John Moses School. Not a snowball’s chance in hell he’d have backed away from you.”

She smiled and went and put her arm around Andy’s teammate. “I know that, Andy. But thanks to you, two of your teammates were spared having to deal with those assholes,” she paused and her face lit up. “I’m so glad John Moses took my advice and got more Groton men here,” she laughed.

“We need to go, Lady Bird,” said Owen sweetly.

Andy made a fake gagging sound when he heard Owen’s pet name for Molly. She smacked him on the arm.

“So, it’s not great, but we’re getting there,” she laughed. “And Andy and Sara – would you mind if we borrowed your boat? The weather today is amazing, and we thought we’d go for a row.”

Andy looked at Sara and shrugged. “Sure,” she said sweetly. “We haven’t had a chance to set it up yet, so you’ll have to take a minute to get Owen settled in.”

As they walked off, Andy heard Sara’s giggle and Eden chuckling.

“Please don’t start,” Andy pleaded. “Unintended consequences.”

“Like I’ve said before; it sucks that the two of you suck at nothing,” offered Eden.

“Snips, can we borrow your car? The boss lady gave us an hour off, and I need some time with your bestie.”

She grinned wickedly. “Only if you promise to send me the video,” she said grinning even more broadly. “Poor Ethan will not know what hit him tonight,” she laughed. “Oh, and by the way, Miles is in this weekend, but Ethan has to go home for his great-grandmother’s birthday. I’d go with him, but being there when Gracie girl gets engaged is too important to miss.”

Andy nodded. “I’ll let Helen know we need an early flight for 5 passengers from Portland to Buffalo.”


20 minutes later Andy and Sara were lying naked on their bed covered in a mixture of sweat and their juices. This round of lovemaking had been urgent and passionate. Andy had wisely thrown a towel on the bed, for Sara’s orgasm had her squirting as she cried out his name. Now, they were content to lie there and bask in the afterglow.

“Baby, you were wonderful this morning,” Sara said sweetly.

“Thank you. I’m still a bit disappointed there was no fight,” he admitted.

“Why? John thought it was a good thing that there wasn’t any fighting.”

“I know – and it was. But sometimes certain people just need a good ass kicking. And, like I told you, I was relieved when the three stooges showed up that night at The Commons. I was ready to dish out some punishment – and even to take a little myself. I know it’s kind of sick, but I can’t just turn that off.”

She kissed him softly. “It’s not sick. It’s you. I love that, by the way. My man literally kicks ass,” she giggled.

He nodded.

“OK, but for real: rank the kisses you’ve gotten today,” she smiled.

“What?” This line of questioning left him befuddled.

“Baby, our friends have laid some serious lip on you today. You’re a man. Men notice these things. Rank them for me,” she said giggling.

“No way. I was born at night – but it wasn’t last night.”

“Please,” she batted her eyes and pouted at him.

Andy laughed. “OK, but when our daughters pull that, I’m gonna need you to call bullshit on those little heifers. Like I told Momma G, I find I can’t deny the Jones women much of anything,” he smiled and turned to her.

“Obviously you’re at the top of the list,” he began.

Sara nodded and giggled. “Thank you. You’re very handsome and very smart,” she said raising her eyebrows.

Andy grinned. “I’d say they’re all above average,” he began. “Let’s go good, better, best.”

“Nice. Very nice, baby. None of our friends is sub-par,” she smiled.

“Power Girl is in the good category. Every time she kisses me, it’s like she’s trying to crush me, or suck my soul out of my mouth,” Andy laughed, and was soon joined by Sara.

“Better?” she regained her composure.

“Probably motivated by fear and a smaller sample size; Haylee, Sydney, and Grace. I won’t let myself put Gracie in the top category, especially not since we’re going to be working together; and Haylee and Sydney are newer contestants.”

“Wow! Molly Bird made quite an impression,” she teased him.

Andy grinned sheepishly. “That girl can really kiss, which may explain Owen’s permanent smile,” Andy admitted. “And Eden is a damn good kisser – and even though she knows it – the fact remains.”

They kissed, and Andy reluctantly looked at his watch.


Sara nodded.


At 2 PM on the nose, Andy and Sara walked hand in hand to the shoot. Today’s affair was indoors, happening in the oldest and most venerable building on the campus. The styles were more relaxed, and a far cry less formal than the previous days. The old lecture hall had been transformed to include four different scenes/backdrops. The pair got their assignments and wardrobes and headed off to find where they were to change. As they got near the changing area, they saw Dr. Erik Taylor and wife, Felicia.

“I recognize that pretty lady,” called Andy.

“Sargent DeGroat,” she replied warmly. “I was hoping we’d get to see you today.”

She hugged him and held him at arm’s length to give him a military wife’s appraisal.

“You look good young man; really good. I’m glad to see you looking so well,” she said smiling at him.

“I’d love to introduce you to my fiancé,” said a smiling Andy.

“Mmm hmm. You’re damn right you would,” she said with a note of mock reproof. “We’ve been here for 48 hours and I’ve only heard of this young lady. You have not, I noticed, brought her by the house to meet me.”

Andy looked appropriately contrite, and Felicia laughed and hugged him.

“Felicia Taylor, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to Sara Jones-Easley. Sara, this is Felicia Taylor, the loveliest and most gracious officer’s wife in the entire Corps,” he grinned. “And I’m not sure where they’re hiding them, but I’d bet Aretha, Ella, Diana, and Rosemary are around here somewhere.”

Felica smiled at Sara. “I’m sorry, Andy,” she chuckled. “They’re at home with my mother. It is very much a pleasure to meet you, Sara. Erik and John have told me all about you. You have quite the fan club.”

Sara smiled. “Thank you. Andy speaks very fondly of Major Taylor and your family. It’s wonderful to meet you.”

The introductions and conversation were going along smoothly until both Andy and Sara heard a familiar Texas drawl. Sara knew the voice from last year. Andy knew the voice from longer ago than that. It was a voice from another life.

“Oh my! Girl, that is one nice rock on your finger! I’d heard the rumor, but had to see it for myself,” she said loudly.

The couple turned around to see the speaker. Katherine Hornsby stood 5’6.” She had bright blue-eyes with long, light brown hair. She was a cheerleader – quite a busty one at that, and had the posterior to match. Katherine was also quite beautiful. Not cheerleader cute; no, she was a stunner. Sara immediately noticed how pale and quiet the normally vivacious Katherine Hornsby became the instant she laid eyes on Andy.

“Hello Katie,” said Andy kindly.

“Shit,” she muttered. “Andrew DeGroat.”

Sara looked at Andy, “How do you two know each other?”

Erik Taylor, thankfully, entered the conversation. “Katherine’s dad was our base First Sergeant when Andy was in Sniper School.”

Felica picked up the thread, “As you can imagine, your fiancé was in high demand on the base social circuit. As I recall, Andy was kind enough to take Katherine to prom her junior year in high school.”

Andy nodded dumbly. He was stunned to see this girl here – at Colton. She’d been 17, and he was 21 when he took her to prom. Katie’s mom kept hinting, none too subtly, that Andy should ask her daughter to prom. The First Sergeant got involved, and promised Andy that Romeo and Maria would get a housing upgrade if Andy did the family this favor. It was unethical as hell, and against every regulation in the book. Andy did it in a heartbeat. He was a constant guest in the Garcia household, so an upgrade for them was also good for him. Plus, he’d have just about married the girl to help out Romeo and Maria.

Katherine recovered, stalked up to Andy and kissed him deeply. A shocked Andy could only stand there; and as soon as he came to his senses, broke the kiss as soon as possible. She responded by slapping him across the face, hard.

“Katherine Hornsby!” reproached Mrs. Taylor.

“Kat, you have about 2 seconds to tell me the whole damn story before I go ‘Sara from the Block’ on your scrawny ass,” hissed Sara.

“You’re engaged to my first love, Sara,” she admitted. The color had returned to her face and her blue eyes were fiery. “Oh my! I mean Andy was the dreamiest thing any of the girls on the base had ever seen. You’ve obviously seen his smile; and a girl could cut her hand on those cheek bones. I begged my daddy to get him to take me to prom. We moved just before my junior year in high school, so it kinda sucked for me, but it was a promotion for daddy – so I packed up my kit and soldiered on. My folks knew they owed me, and I don’t know how they did it, but Corporal Andrew DeGroat was my prom date.”

Felica picked up the story. “It wasn’t just the daughters. Half the wives on base would have ditched their husbands for a shot with Andy,” she chuckled. “Andy took Katherine to prom. They had a wonderful time, and to my knowledge – and Katherine’s everlasting frustration – Andrew kissed her goodnight precisely at the hour set by her parents for her curfew. And that was all that went on.” She emphasized the last sentence for Sara’s benefit.

Katherine sighed loudly. “Dammit, it’s true. Andy was the perfect gentleman. I had a great time – best night of my life. We danced, he made me laugh. He held my hand, and then he kissed me at the door. I was ready for him to have his wicked way with me on our front porch – but Andy’s too much the gentleman.”

“Katherine! Young lady, you need to watch that tongue,” chided Felicia. Andy noticed that Felicia’s glare had none of the usual mother hen warmth to it. Something had gotten under Katherine’s skin, and Andy had neither the time nor the inclination to figure that out.

Just then, one of the DK staff found Andy and Sara. “You two better hurry. Brian and Grace are just about up; then it’s the two of you.”

“Girl, your busty ass will stick around, ’cause this shit is not done,” said Sara matter-of-factly.

Felica gave Katherine another frosty glare, and nodded her head.

“Yes ma’am,” the younger woman said, sounding somewhat contrite.


“Baby, how in the hell did you not tell me about Katherine Hornsby?” fumed Sara. The pair had changed quickly, and before Andy could compliment Sara on how fetching she looked in her ensemble, she preemptively fired off her question.

Andy grinned at her. “Well first, I had no idea Katie was a student here. Second, as both she and Felicia told you, nothing happened. I made sure she had a good time, her dad ponied up better housing for Romeo and Maria, and everybody walked away happy. I had no idea I was the love of her life – I was just trying to not get sent to the brig for screwing something up with the Base First Sergeant’s underage daughter,” he replied rather testily. The memory of the event was raising his ire quickly.

“I mean Hell’s Bells, Sara – do you have any idea how many different ways that could have gone really wrong? I could still be in prison if that night had gotten sideways. She was 17 and I’d just turned 21. And it wasn’t like she was subtle. That girl rubbed her big boobs against me the whole freaking night. No joke she wanted me to screw her on the front porch. Everybody at the damn prom could tell that!”

Sara giggled at him.

“This shit is not particularly funny,” he fumed.

“I’m sorry baby,” she said kissing him softly. “You’re right. You were a perfect gentleman, and of course you did it to help Romeo and Maria. As Eden would say, ‘That’s a totally Andy thing to do.’ I just wasn’t expecting her to walk up plain as day and kiss my man. I really was not expecting you to call her Katie. Some dude in our English Composition class tried that shit and she just about ripped his damn head off. She is one bold little heifer.”

“When did ‘Sara from the Block’ get resurrected? I thought she was dead?” he mused.

Sara did not giggle; she flat out laughed.

“Baby, when some beautiful, big-breasted girl makes a move that brazen? ‘Sara from the Block’ will show her damn face. You best believe that,” she said with dead earnestness.

It was Andy’s turn to laugh. “OK, but please take it easy on her, will you? We actually did have a really nice time, when she wasn’t trying to grind on whatever body part was closest to her.”

Sara giggled, “I will, baby. I promise.”


Andy and Sara moved quickly through their first shoot. Anthony was easy to work with, and the couple had done this enough that it had become almost natural to them. Anthony’s encouraging words of adulation didn’t hurt. It was easy to glam it up when the photographer was constantly ‘ooing’ and ‘ahhing’ over you.

When they’d made their second wardrobe change, they went and found the trio of the Taylor’s and Katherine.

“Hey Sara and Andy,” drawled Katherine, “I need to apologize. I was very excited to see you, Sara. I really had heard about your engagement, and how much you’d changed, and how pretty you looked. And, that is a damn fine diamond Andy put on your hand,” she smiled and paused. “And I was not expecting to see Andy here – like at all. I thought I was seeing a ghost, or some damn thing. I was also really relieved. Momma told me when Andy got wounded, and I know it was pretty bad for a while. The shock and relief got the best of me, and I am sorry. My parents did raise me better than that.”

Sara went to her and hugged her. “Thank you, Katherine. I need to apologize, too. Andy did a totally awesome thing today, and you’re only the 50th woman on this campus, who’s not his fiancé, who has kissed his fine ass in the past four hours. It’s getting a bit old, to be honest.”

“Yes. I heard about that,” said Dr. Taylor. “Not the kissing part,” he quickly corrected. “But that Andy policed up some knuckleheads without anyone being carried out on a stretcher. That’s a first for him, I might add,” he said smiling.

“OK, now I’m the one totally in the dark,” Katherine protested. “Wait! Is Andy the guy who beat the shit out of those three pervy crew guys? I know I heard about that!”

Sara nodded and smiled. “One of them threw a rock through our doorway. Andy put all three of them in the hospital with concussions, broken jaws, and some other injuries,” she said proudly.

“And he did something similar today?” asked Felicia Taylor.

“It’s a long story,” interjected Dr. Taylor. “But the short of it is there were some young men who thought it appropriate to claim young women on campus for themselves – without the young women knowing it, however. If another guy started to show interest, this secret society would intimidate the interloper into backing down. Sara and two of her roommates had been identified, and supposedly spoken for. The group tried to get Andy and another new student to renounce their relationships with Sara and her roommates. Obviously, that did not go well for this now disbanded society. It’s a unique kind of stupid to think you’re going to get a young man to step away from his fiancé when there’s a ring on her finger,” he shook his head. “Particularly when that young man is Andrew DeGroat.”

“Was this group headed up by Parker Thule?” asked a suddenly icy Katherine.

Andy nodded. “But not anymore. He was given until sundown to withdraw from school and vacate the campus.”

“I did not just hear you say that,” quipped Dr. Taylor. “But let me just say, I’m very glad to not hear what you just did not say.”

“Yes, but I get why they did it,” said Andy. Three fiery sets of female eyes glared at him.

“Excuse me?” fired Felica Taylor.

“Felicia, hear the young man out,” said Erik softly. “He’s more than earned the benefit of the doubt.”

She nodded to Andy.

“Dr. Taylor’s predecessor was a fucking nut job – pardon my French. She accused me of being a mass murderer when she somehow got a hold of my Corps personnel file,” Andy began.

“She did what?!” exclaimed Katherine and Felicia in unison.

Andy and Erik chuckled.

“She did,” said Sara. “Andy’s sister stared that insane woman down and called her out – but in this really classy, subdued, DeGroat way. She basically got herself fired.”

“Andy, I’m so sorry,” said Katherine softly. “I know I’m biased, but what you did – the price you paid – it’s inexcusable for anyone to say that. She should have gotten much worse than simply fired.”

“Thank you, Katie,” Andy smiled at her. “And don’t worry. There are a few legal things in the works. My sister keeps assuring me she’s not yet gotten her pound of flesh.”

Andy paused. “But here’s the thing: all the men on campus were told they were toxic, and that their masculinity was the problem. They are just stupid predators – particularly the ones who are heterosexual. When you’re repeatedly told that you’re what’s wrong with the world, you do tend to believe it. The vast majority of guys on this campus were too scared to ask a girl out – for all sorts of insane reasons. So, I totally get having a group of guys call dibs on a girl who catches their eye. It gives them plenty of time, and runway, to navigate all the PC bullshit this campus has been steeped in. You can find your feet, and not have to worry about some other fella swooping in and stealing your girl.”

Katherine nodded her head. “It is true. It’s way easier for LGBTQ+ students to become romantically involved than for binary, hetero people to do so.”

Andy carefully watched Erik Taylor for his response to this conversation. His body language gave little away; but Andy expected that. It was his eyes. They flashed for a second, and then he saw the thoughtful reflection as Erik processed this information.

“I’m guessing you already knew this, though,” said Andy to Erik.

He nodded.

“Diversity is never an end in and of itself. It must serve a greater, common good.”

“The beatific vision,” offered Sara.

Erik turned his head to her abruptly, and then smiled. “Yes. Something very near to that, anyway. 21st century New England would find love for God a rather quaint, and troubling notion. However, love for one’s neighbor never seems to go out of vogue. We just need to tweak the scope in a particular way for this community. The world needs Colton graduates – just like the world needs Marine Corps snipers. We need to communicate that in concrete particulars. If you don’t, it will mean everything and it will mean nothing.”

“Yo! Dreamy and Kisses!” Kail hailed her two friends as a heads up that their turn was upcoming.

“You need to go,” smiled Felicia.

“I’m afraid we do,” said Andy.

“Katherine, I’d like for us to hang out some time,” said Sara kindly. “You and Felicia know more about the world Andy lived in for six years than I could ever know. I don’t need to know everything about being a Corps wife or daughter, but right now, I know nothing. There’s this whole part of Andy’s life I’m completely in the dark on. If you’re willing, I’d love to sit down and remedy my ignorance.”

“That would be great, Sara,” smiled Katherine. “It’s the least I can do. Thanks to Andy, I was the envy of my friends on base for like, a year. I’ll see you two to . . .” she corrected herself, blushing. “I’ll see you around.”

Andy and Sara nodded and walked away.


At 5 PM, the seven groups of models were told to dress for dinner. Their wardrobe change was in their respective dressing areas. Tonight, was a celebration – hosted by the College – to say thank you for raising $30 million dollars for the new Sumner-White complex. Once they were dressed, a member of the DK team would come and escort them downstairs. The old library reading room had been commandeered for a banquet space. The models would be introduced to a group of potential donors and friends of Colton College. When dinner was over, they had a 1-hour shoot in evening wear. This would be a group shoot, so they could just mingle and Anthony would direct them as needed.

Andy found his Colton hockey jersey, a pair of Adidas khakis, and a new pair of Yeezy Boosts in Colton’s color scheme. He admired the new sweater. There was a white block ‘C’ on the front, with an orange body and white sleeves. The numbers and name plate were white. It looked like the classic Detroit Red Wings jersey, but in Colton’s colors. He smiled as he ran his hand over the ‘C’ on the left chest of the uniform.

Andy changed, and then admired the new swag on his teammates. Cooper was grinning madly in his #55, and Ethan was quite fond of his #19. Jacob Glass and Miles Givens-Price looked quite fierce in their home Colton/Cleveland Browns classic football jerseys. Brian Jacobs and Rilian Sumner-White were wearing brown and orange Colton College polo shirts.

“Man, the Yeezy’s are amazing,” offered Ethan. The group was giving one another the once-over. Wide smiles were seen about the room.

“Dude, you changed your number,” observed Cooper to Jacob.

The quarterback grinned. “Yeah, I did. It’s a surprise for Haylee. Now we both wear #9. I used to wear #2, because it was my mom’s number. I think she’ll understand.”

“Man, I don’t think I could do that,” said Miles. “I’ve worn #89 my whole career. But it’s cool, I don’t think the crew ladies wear numbers.”

Andy laughed, “They actually do; or at least they do now,” he said grinning. “Sara and I had a long conversation one night about me changing my number. I was ready to do it – she wore #7 in high school – but she likes #51.”

Just then, Anthony Jennings-Brown popped his head into the room. “Alright gents, it’s ‘go time.’ Now, here’s the deal: you’ll meet your gal pal and then strut your stuff. There are ‘friends of the college’ who are here – which I think just means rich people,” he snickered. “This kind of partnership; between the college and an industry leader, is the kind of thing donors eat up,” he paused. “And make sure you check out your screens. There are some proofs of you and your partners looking muy fabuloso. Do not miss that. Alright – walk this way.”

As they approached the ladies outside the old library, Andy saw that they were attired similarly. Sara’s crew top took his breath away. He laughed when he saw the purple Huntress mask on the left sleeve, and his heart just about burst with pride when she showed him the back. Now, Andy had seen her new jersey before – but this was the first public occasion in which they would both be wearing their school’s colors with ‘DeGroat’ across the back.

“Hello beautiful Mrs. DeGroat,” he said smoothly.

“Hello handsome Mr. DeGroat,” she giggled.

Andy noted that they were the last in line, and he raised his eyebrows at Sara.

“Any word on what the hell is going on?” he asked.

“Nope. I think we’re just eye candy for a bunch of donors. I do know that the Judge and Miss Helen are here, and so are your Uncle and Aunt.”

“Really? This must be a big deal, then.”


10 minutes earlier the main hallway of the administration building had been filled with the parents and family of the 14 models. For many, it was their first time meeting the parents of their son/daughter’s significant other. There were 7 cheerleaders holding up a large picture of the respective couples, and the parents were told to gather by the picture of their student. A couple of the families had younger siblings in tow. Once everyone was settled, John Moses got their attention.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome. My name is John Moses, and I’m the AD at Colton College. We appreciate you making the trip here on such short notice,” John paused and smiled.

“Tonight, is a celebration. Your six female student athletes have done something absolutely unprecedented: they raised $30 million dollars for a new female-only dormitory and field house. The Sumner-White complex will be unlike anything this college has ever seen before. We feel like that’s worth celebrating.”

“It’s also worth noting that these remarkable young women had some help. Very willing help, I might add,” the group laughed at this remark. “Five of our male Colton student-athletes have given very generously of their time to partner with our young women. We’re thankful and proud of them as well.”

“Since some of you don’t know one another, I’ve been asked to make the introductions. But let me warn you: there is a strong Boston flavor to this group,” he smiled. “To my far left,” John motioned to the four folks standing by the picture of Mary Frances and Rilian. “is the Vice President of the United States, Mr. Henry Donovan, and his lovely wife Jane. The Second Lady is a Colton alumnus, and it was her group that gave the generous donation for the Sumner-White complex. They are here, however, because one of our three non-Colton models, Mr. Rilian Sumner-White, is a distant cousin of Mrs. Donovan. His family is from the United Kingdom, and we’re too damn cheap to offer to fly them across the Pond for this.” More laughter from the group. “Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Vice-President,” John nodded to the couple.

“With them are John Patrick and Margaret O’Leary – better known as Big Jack and Momma Maggie,” again the group laughed. “Their daughter Mary Frances is engaged to Mr. Sumner-White. Mary Frances and the primary designer of the Misfit line are childhood best friends. For those of you who aren’t from Boston or the Groton School, please know that tonight you will be introduced to a very tight community of love and friendship. You need to know that the O’Leary’s are smack dab in the middle of all the good things that community represents.” John nodded to them.

“Next we have Ralph and Helen Carlson. Their granddaughter is the primary designer of the Misfit line, and soon to be married to the oldest son of Kent and Dianne Hughes – I’ll introduce them in a moment. Their grandson is Andy DeGroat, the captain of our hockey team. They are with Miss Gina Jones, and her fiancé, Thomas Shaw. Gina is the mother of Sara Jones-Easley, who in roughly 3 weeks, is marrying Andy DeGroat. You will notice here shortly that Miss Jones-Easley has already changed the nameplate on her crew jersey – which is a spring sport. Sara is part of a 4’s Crew boat that’s won 2 national championships.”

The quartet nodded to the group, and Helen shook the hand of Carol Broquard.

“Our last non-Colton model is Brian Jacobs. If you’re a professional hockey fan, you know him as Jake the Jet of the Winnipeg Jets.”

John paused, and looked down. The entire group could see the emotion on his face before they heard it in his voice.

“Before I came to Colton College, I was the AD at The Groton School in Boston. Brian’s mom and dad were out of the picture when he was 13. Three of the families that are here tonight: the Carlson’s, the O’Leary’s, and the Broquard’s made sure he did not go into the state foster care system. Duane and Carol Broquard are damn fine people. They’ve raised, or helped raise, four of the best young men I know.” He exhaled deeply. “Their son Andre is another name that is well-known to hockey fans. This past season, he won the Vezina Trophy as the goalie for the Montreal Canadians. You’ll all be meeting Andre and his lovely wife Juliette this evening, as well.”

“They are with Scott and Angela Federspiel. The Dr’s Federspiel are both educators in Buffalo, NY. Angela serves as a school psychologist, and Scott retired this year as a high school principal. Their daughter Grace is another one of our 2-time NCAA 4’s Crew Champions. It’s an honor to get to meet the two of you,” said John nodding to them, “your daughter is one remarkable young woman.”

“Next is my boss and her husband, Dr’s Sean and Gloria Adams. Their daughter Eden is the third member of the championship 4’s Crew. Sean is a surgeon in Portland, and Gloria is our Provost. Colton College is undergoing a fairly significant change at the moment; Gloria is one of the main architects of that change.” John paused and looked at the Judge, who nodded to him.

“One of the wonderful things about a school like Colton is the relationships our students build. Here’s a case in point: Gloria Adams and Jennifer Carlson DeGroat – Andy’s late mother – were college roommates, and best friends. Sean and Gloria are the godparents to Andy and his two sisters – both of whom are also here this evening. We don’t think you get that at a large, state school. It takes a place like Colton to have that kind of community.”

Gloria began to choke up, and Sean reached over and lovingly put his arm around her.

“Next to them are Dan and Tracia Ross. Their youngest son, Ethan is a center on our hockey team. They hail from Freeport, Maine, where Dan is the CFO for L.L. Bean. We’re very glad that their daughter Mallory could join us this weekend for this little family reunion. Their oldest son Max is a winger on our hockey team.”

“Now we have the last of the reigning 4’s Crew members: Kail Sunderland. Kail’s parents are Ty and Shannon. They hail from Cleveland, Ohio and are lawyers by trade – so we won’t be offended when the two of you wander off with Judge Carlson and the Vice President to talk shop. Just please don’t bill us for the time,” he joked, as the group laughed with him.

“They’re joined by Marcus and Cecily Givens-Price. Their son Miles is a hell of a tight end, who transferred in this year from Columbia. He was a first-team Ivy League selection, and his new friend Jacob Glass is very glad he’s here – as is Miss Sunderland, I might add,” John paused while the group laughed again. “You’ll hear from CeCe later. Marcus is an electrical engineer with Con Ed in New York City.”

“Our runner-up trophy for the folks who have come the farthest goes to Jerry and Kathy Larson. The Larson’s hail from Des Moines, IA, and their daughter Haylee was a freshman All-American for us last year as an outside hitter on the women’s volleyball team. Mr. Larson and his brother run the family John Deere dealership; which, I’m told, is the second largest dealership in the nation.”

“The ridiculously photogenic couple standing next to the Larson’s are Jack and Julianna Glass. They are joined by their youngest daughter, Adriana, who’s coming to Colton this fall as a middle blocker on our volleyball team. The Glasses are both Olympic medalists, and their son Jacob will more than likely be our starting quarterback this fall. They are a part of the Groton mafia that now, it seems, threatens to take over Colton College. Jack and his family own a group of luxury car dealerships in Boston.”

“Our final group includes Bill and Elizabeth Steele. Their oldest daughter, Sydney is an All-American outside hitter for our volleyball team. They win the trophy for the longest commute, but just barely. Omaha is not much further than Des Moines, but it is, by 134 miles. I checked. Their two youngest daughters, Emma and Josephine were also able to make the trip. Bill is the CFO for Union Pacific Railroad. So, when Dan and Bill wander off to talk shop, we won’t take offense.”

“And finally, the lady who cannot stop smiling is Dianne Hughes – with good reason, I might add. Their youngest son Cooper is a defenseman on our hockey team. Their oldest son, Christopher is an architect with the firm that designed the Sumner-White Complex, and is renovating and expanding our Ice Arena.”

“The Moses Family Arena,” interjected a smiling Gloria Adams loudly.

“Yes,” said John in a ruffled voice, “It’s been named the Moses Family Arena – or The Marty – after my son,” he paused. “Anyway, Christopher Hughes is also about to marry Ralph and Helen’s youngest granddaughter – who is the creative brains behind this project. She’s the primary designer of Misfit, the line your daughters and sons have been working 10-hour days to help promote.”

“Diane’s husband Kent runs the largest State Farm office in New England – which reminds me – I need you to stop by the house while you’re in town,” he joked.

John paused and took a deep breath. “Now, please get something to write with, because the quiz on all this information will begin shortly,” he smiled. The group broke into laughter.

“Actually, just follow the cheerleader who is carrying your son or daughter’s picture, and they will see that you get where you need to go.”


There were happy reunions happening all over the venerable, old space. Each couple entered as they were introduced, and were stunned to see their parents in attendance. Kail had tears in her eyes, and yet kept her composure marvelously as she introduced Miles and his parents to Ty and Shannon. Sydney Steele, however, was a weepy mess as she tried to introduce Cooper and his parents to her family. The Glass/Larson introductions were going swimmingly – particularly since both fathers made their living in sales. Haylee was clinging to Jacob’s arm, absolutely glowing as he stood next to her, sporting identical numbers on their respective jerseys. That pairing was beginning to look like quite a match. Even the Federspiel’s were dealing well with having not one – but three – sets of parents introduce themselves as Brian’s adoptive family. The kicker, however, came when Mary Frances O’Leary came and charmed Grace’s parents as she spoke glowingly of her adopted brother.

Andy and Sara’s surprise came when they saw Jessica and Alex in attendance. Long hugs were shared, and tears were shed. Andy laughed when he saw Mikey and Priya there as well.

“How did they let a bum like you into a gathering like this?” Andy asked his friend teasingly. “I know why they let Priya in, but I’m not so sure about your ugly mug.”

“Hey!” Mike protested, “Pri and I are major donors at Colton,” he said smoothly. Then grinning, he added, “You pronounce that ma-jah do-nahs,” he laughed.

“Drew, the two of you look lovely,” said Priya. “It is a bit surreal to see all these people here. So much of our life together includes the people in this room.”

Andy nodded, but before he could respond, they were asked to find their seats for dinner.


Andy and Sara were seated with Jessica, Alex, and Jeannie Flannery. They were joined by Jack, Juliana, and Adriana Glass. Andy handled the introductions, and tactfully wondered why they weren’t sitting with Jacob and the Larson family.

“Too many Larson’s,” joked Jack Glass. “And, to be honest, I’m not sure if this is a Colton function, or a Groton function, or a Princeton volleyball banquet.”

“All the Glass kids are Groton alums, and there was some overlap to when my siblings and I were there, as well,” explained Jessica. “Then, Olivia and I were at Princeton together for one year – but it was a heck of a year,” she grinned.

“I’ve never been prouder of a team,” added Julianna Glass. “Liv still says that was the most fun she’d ever had playing volleyball. Watching the two of you play together really was wonderful.”

“Jess was the setter, and Olivia was an outside hitter – who really could jump out of the gym,” added Andy. “They made the final four that year before they lost to Nebraska – who won the national championship, I might add.”

“Speaking of jumping out of the gym, we stopped by the weight room on campus before we had to be here. Somebody at this table has an amazing vertical,” said Jack Glass. “I thought it was a typo, but Adriana found a coach who assured us it was not a mistake.”

Sara blushed, and nodded.

“My brother has done very well for himself,” said Alex, entering the conversation for the first time. “Sara’s mind is nimble as well. We have come to love her very much.”

“This might be the only table where the ladies present are better athletes than the men,” offered Andy. “And I say that with all due respect to the two Olympic gold medalists in our midst.”

Juliana smiled at him. “See? This is why we loved Drew whenever Olivia brought him around.” She paused, and her face grew sad, “And Drew, I’m not sure she’s forgiven us yet.”

“Forgive Andy for what?” interjected an incredulous Jeannie Flannery.

“Not Andrew,” said Jack looking at Jeannie. “Our daughter has yet to forgive her parents,” he said sadly.

“I’ve not heard this story,” added Alex.

“Neither have I,” Adriana chimed in. “At least not from Drew’s side. I’ve heard Liv’s rant more times than I can count.”

Juliana nodded at Andy, and so he began to tell the tale.

“The Glass’s had,”

“Oh no – HAVE,” Adriana corrected him. “It’s still in effect.”

Andy grinned. “They have two rules when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex while their kids were in high school. First, if it’s a guy, he has to sit down with Jack and have a man-to-man talk. Mr. Glass lays down the rules, and explains the expectations up front. For example: I could hold Olivia’s hand, but I could not kiss her.”

“Andrew was the only young man who ever enjoyed that experience,” a smiling Julianna explained. “I’m afraid he rather wrecked the curve for those who came after him.”

“I did enjoy it,” said Andy. “There were no surprises, and knowing the expectations let you just have fun. What the hell does an 8th grade boy know about girls anyway? Besides, it went along well with what John Moses was teaching us.”

Sara giggled when she saw Adriana roll her eyes.

“What was the second rule?” asked a very interested Alex.

“You could go out on a date – but you could not exclusively date. I could take Liv to the spring formal, but I couldn’t be her boyfriend,” said a grinning Andy.

“So, where’s the problem?” inquired Jeannie.

Andy smiled. “Olivia and I went to the 8th grade fall formal. Then we went to the winter dance, and the spring formal. Then, our freshman year, I took her to homecoming, and the winter dance.”

“Not to mention the fact that we had at least two, if not all four of the Four Horseman at our house all the time – though at that point, they were more like the four ponies,” grinned Jack.

“Sara you should have seen him,” interjected Julianna. “Drew was so adorable. He had this long, wavy strawberry-blond hair. He was tall and skinny, but just delightful. He was always so kind and so well-mannered,” she smiled at the memory.

Jessica laughed out loud, as did Jeannie.

Sara giggled, and then said, “OK, hold on for just a second. This is really a story my momma needs to hear. I’ll be right back.”

Once Gina had joined them, Andy sheepishly said, “Gina, do you remember when I said I had nothing to hide from you?”

She smiled and nodded.

“Yeah, I think I might have lied.” He grinned.

“To summarize for Gina,” said Jessica loudly. “Well-mannered and kind freshman-in-high-school Drew has taken Olivia Glass – who is not supposed to date – though she can go on dates – to all three major dances as 8th graders, as well as the first two dances their freshman year.”

“You forgot the part about how adorable he was,” said Julianna smiling madly. “And the fact that Olivia’s parents are not total imbeciles. We could tell that our eldest daughter was totally smitten with Drew.”

“So, in your minds they were dating – they just weren’t calling it that?” added Jeannie.

“Bingo,” said Jack cheerfully. “And then disaster struck,” he laughed.

Andy grinned and blushed. “One of you should probably tell the rest of the story.”

“How about if you let me tell it?” interjected Adriana suddenly.

Jack and Julianna nodded while Andy squirmed.

“Jakey and I loved it when Drew came over. He actually hung out with us. We played games, and Drew was awesome,” she grinned. “I know Liv loved that too.”

She paused, “One of dad’s rules was that there was to be no kissing. He could hold Liv’s hand, but no kissing. Drew respected that – but Liv rebelled against that – hard.”

She laughed. “Mom and Dad had a Groton board function to go to, and they OK’d Drew coming over to help Liv babysit us – which we thought was great. He popped popcorn, we made a fort in the living room, and we had a great time. We actually went to bed when we were supposed to, because we wanted Drew to be able to come and do this again. We were on our very best behavior. And Olivia was totally smitten with him; I do remember that.”

Andy was now squirming uncomfortably, and Jessica burst out laughing.

“Anyway, mom and dad come home at the time they said they would, and Olivia had totally – well – she basically attacked Drew. She was not having the no kissing thing. I mean, here was this great guy who’d given up a Saturday night to babysit her kid brother and sister, and she was gonna kiss him – dad’s rule be damned,” she paused and looked at her mother.

Julianna picked up the story, “So we walk in the door, and Drew and Olivia are on the couch, and Liv is sitting on top of Drew kissing him like there’s no tomorrow,” she laughed. “Jack lost his cool, and Olivia got absolutely irate. She was crying and screaming at her dad. I could tell from Andrew’s expression that he really didn’t have anything to do with this – which he confirmed later – when he came over to talk to Jack after we forbade her from seeing him again.”

Jack Glass looked at Andy and smiled. “Drew, that was one of the things I appreciated most about you. You didn’t throw Liv under the bus, though she later admitted to her mother what she had done; that she was the aggressor. But you came into my study. . .”

“More like the Olympic Shrine,” interrupted Adriana. “Mom and dad have all their Olympic stuff prominently displayed. It freaked most boys out. But I don’t think Drew was intimidated,” she smiled.

“He looked me in the eye and apologized,” said Jack fondly. “He owned it like a man. I found myself really liking that young man, in spite of myself.”

“So, the two of you never went out again?” asked Gina.

Andy shook his head. “Mr. Glass laid down the law. I respected him for that. After all, she was their daughter.”

“The really ironic thing is,” said Julianna, “We sat with John and Linda Moses at dinner that evening. We knew that every rule had an exception, and John helped us to see that Drew was the exception to our rule. We were going to come home, sit down with Drew and Olivia, and tell them that they had our blessing to date. Well,” she smiled, “that went out the window.” She sighed, “We’ve never had the heart to tell Olivia that part of the story,” she looked at Adriana and put her finger to her lips.

Andy sat there red-faced, and uncomfortable as all get out. Thankfully, Julianna Glass saved him when she got up and hugged him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“You really were sweet, Drew,” she said fondly. “Of all the scrawny boys who have trapsed through our door – and there have been quite a few of them,” she looked at her youngest daughter and smiled, “you were our favorite,” she paused. “Sara, we’re very happy for the two of you. Helen is a dear friend, and I know the past couple of years have been hard on Andrew. To see him here, with you – well, we’re just thrilled for both of you. Your fiancé is held in very high regard in the Glass home.”

Andy was saved once again when CeCe Givens-Price approached the microphone and informed the folks gathered that the 14 models needed to go change, and the remaining folks would be given instructions where they needed to be in order to watch the final shoot of the day. He nodded, grabbed Sara’s hand, and excused himself. He’d never been so glad to remove himself from a social situation in his life.

As they were walking off, they heard Gina call after them. Sara gently squeezed his hand, and they turned to talk with Momma G.

His future mother-in-law hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you, sweet man,” she said lovingly. “I know that’s not an easy story to hear, but please know it just confirms something Sara and I already know: you’re a damn good man, Andy. I loved you already – but hearing that story makes me love you more.”

“Thanks Momma G,” he smiled. “It is hard to hear. But now I understand why – I want to talk with you and Sara about this – but not here. Not now.”

She nodded and patted his face. “I look forward to it.” She hugged Sara, and they went to their respective dressing areas.


“Andy, my family was telling the Liv story, weren’t they?” asked a concerned Jacob Glass. “Shit, man. I’m sorry. My dad loves that story – and I think my mom does, too.” They were changing into their evening wear, and Andy was giving a once-over to his younger friends’ bowties. Miles looked quite dashing in his tuxedo, and Andy gave him a thumbs-up.

Andy nodded. “It’s OK. I appreciate what they were trying to do. If Sara and I have daughters, I think that rule sounds pretty good to me.”

Jacob exhaled. “Well, just a heads up. Olivia was not the only female in the Glass house to be more than a little bummed when she heard you were engaged. Please don’t tell Adriana I told you that, though. She and Haylee have really hit it off, and I know my lady would kill someone for you and Sara, even if that someone is my sister. She was really pissed when Liv wanted to talk to you. Haylee would give Adriana the cold shoulder if she knew my little sister has a thing for you.”

“No worries,” smiled Andy. “Mum is the word. You have a great thing going with the lovely Miss Larson. Groton guys look out for one another, Jake. No way I say something that would jeopardize that,” he chuckled.

“I’m going to tell them what you did today, Andy,” he said quietly. “My parents need to know what you did for Haylee and I; and that damn story needs to die. My dad lost his cool, and it cost him with his oldest daughter. They’re not kidding when they say Olivia hasn’t forgiven them – but it’s really just my dad.”

“That’s too bad,” he paused. “And Jacob? Between you and me, I did love hanging out with your family. It wasn’t just that I liked Olivia – though I did – I loved the whole family experience. I imagined that my family, had my folks not been murdered, would have been very much like yours. I could get back something I’d lost when I hung out at your house. I missed that very much when that was taken away.”

“Andy, I totally agree with Mary Frances when she talks about you as her adopted brother. Adriana and I loved it when you came over. You really were like a brother to us,” he said smiling. “I think that’s one of the things that upset Liv so much. No other dude she ever brought home gave us the time of day. Not the Captain.”

They were preparing to walk out when Andre Broquard found him. Andy nodded to Jacob, and the younger man left the two friends alone.

“Alright Captain,” he said putting his hands on his friend’s shoulders. “You OK? I know Jess thought that was funny as hell, but Alex could tell it bothered you. He deputized me to come check on you. I’m sorry they’re still telling that story, by the way.”

Andy smiled weakly at his friend. “Thanks Dre; I figured something out tonight. One of the reasons I loved going to Liv’s was I could imagine that’s what my family would have been like if my parents hadn’t been murdered. It felt so normal, and loving, and just – awesome. It did suck when I didn’t have that anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I really liked Olivia – but I loved spending time with her family.”

Andre smiled at his friend. “I’m sorry buddy,” he paused. “You were so good at taking care of all of us that I don’t think any of us paid attention to what was going on in your world. I mean, you had two amazing girlfriends in high school, and the rest of the school either wanted to be you or to date you. Plus, what the hell did we know?” he laughed.

“Thanks Dre,” said Andy sincerely. “I want to talk with you and Juliette tonight. Sara says you’re thinking about renting a house up here this summer?”

Andre nodded.

“Well, I think I’ve got a place you can stay,” he smiled. “I just need to check with one of the new owners.”

A rather upset looking DK staffer came to find Andy. “Mr. DeGroat, everyone is waiting for you.”

Andre laughed. “Get going Captain! We came all this way for a good show – so dance monkey, dance!” he joked.


At a break in the shoot, Andy stepped aside to grab a bottle of water for himself and Sara. As he lingered and watched his fiancé – now being paired with Miles, who had to be implored to move a bit closer to his new partner – he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. He turned to see his older sister.

“Can we talk for a second?” she asked softly.

Andy nodded. He flagged down Cooper Hughes to take the water to Sara, and then he and Jessica stepped outside the reading room into an unused hallway.

“Drew, I owe you an apology. I had no idea that story upset you so much. I was taking a bit too much pleasure from your uneasiness – and that’s a pretty shitty thing to do.”

“Thank you, ‘Sica,” he said. “I appreciate this more than you know.”

“You were always – I mean you’re still this way – good at everything. When there are stories out there about ‘The Captain’ being human, well, let’s just say I’ve taken a perverse bit of pleasure in hearing them.”

“I don’t really get that. You’ve had a front row seat for all my struggles and trials. You know better than anyone just how human I am,” he replied.

“I know that – intellectually. But Drew, my senior year at Groton, all anyone wanted to talk to me about was my kid brother. ‘Jess, you must be so proud. Jess, your brother is a total hottie. Jess, what’s it like to live with such a great player?’ I had a great senior year,” she lamented.

“You did,” Andy agreed. “You were a National Merit Scholar, and had multiple full-ride scholarships to go play volleyball. You kicked ass your senior year.”

“Thanks,” she said softly. “It just felt like no one really noticed. People wanted to talk to me about you. Even my friends were trying to get me to hook them up with you. God, Drew, it was awful,” she let out a sigh. “So that’s why I love a story from your freshman year that doesn’t have ‘Drew the Conquering Hero’ as the dominant theme,” she admitted.

“You know, that story did run both ways,” said a smiling Andy. “I had guys promising me rides, booze, weed, test answers – you name it – if I could guarantee you would go out with them. Plus, half the girls in the sophomore and junior class wanted to know how you did it. ‘Drew, your sister is so pretty, and smart, and she kicks ass in volleyball. What’s her secret?’ Then they’d bat their eyes at me. One girl even went to so far as to show me her breasts while she asked,” Drew said blushing.

Jessica burst out laughing. “No way! Drew, I’m so sorry. I had no idea.”

“Plenty of people noticed you, ‘Sica.”

“Why didn’t you say anything? I could have helped you out.”

“Because I was proud of my big sister,” he said. “Selfishly, it made me feel like the Big Man on Campus. It was a huge confidence boost for me, to be honest.”

“Well, I am sorry, Droobie,” she said sincerely. “I wish we could have had this talk sooner.”

“I do too, Jess. But I’m really glad we’re having it now. Sara and I love you guys, and we absolutely love being around you. We’ve talked lots about our future life in Boston; and that life will have the Fedorov family front and center. ‘Sica, you’ve been an absolute life-saver for me – and for Sara. I really can’t thank my big sister enough,” he said kindly.

She hugged him and kissed her brother on the cheek. “Thank you Droobie. We love you guys, too. I just wish that life was already here. To be honest, I’ve gotta get my head back in the game at work. I’m supposed to be the Senior Clerk, but I’m acting like a first-year law school student. All I can think about is the baby, and Boston, and the next steps in our lives.”

“That sounds pretty natural to me,” confessed Andy.

“It is; and the Chief Justice has been really great about it. But I really don’t like doing shoddy work.”

Alex found them, and informed Andy that he was needed inside. Andy put his arm around his big sister, and they returned to the reading room.

“Do you mind crashing back on campus tonight?” asked Jessica. “Our room at the Cabin is occupied, and the Boathouse is our only option.”

Andy smiled. “Of course not. My roommates have been not too subtly hinting that they’d like me to move back in. We were going to do so this weekend, so it’s no big deal.”


The last shoot of the day was over. Andy and Sara had changed their clothes and were preparing to head to his truck. Sara had given the roommates a heads up. They would head to the boathouse to grab a few things and then return to campus. However, before they exited the building, Gloria and Sean Adams met them, as well as Kail and Grace’s parents.

“Andy and Sara,” called Gloria. “Could we talk to the two of you for a moment?”

As they turned around, Andy was astonished when Shannon Sunderland wrapped him in a bearhug, and kissed him on the cheek. He saw the tears in her eyes, and could do nothing until she let go of her embrace. He looked at Sara with a pleading look, but she only smiled madly at the scene in front of her.

“Andy, it’s a pleasure to meet you. We’ve – well, we’ve heard so much about you. We already knew Sara, of course,” she beamed. “You have no idea how grateful we are for you. Gloria told us about what you did to those three young men who were trying to hurt Kail and Grace. And then with all your family has done,” her voice cracked as she began to cry.

Angela Federspiel picked up the train of thought. “Andy, we’ve never seen the young woman we met tonight. Yes, it’s our daughter; but we’ve never seen her so happy, and confident. Brian is an absolute delight. We can’t get over how good they look together. Grace and Brian tell us that you and Sara played a major role in their relationship.”

She paused, “And then, if that weren’t enough; Gloria told us what happened today. Andy, we really don’t have the right words other than to say, ‘Thank you.’ Kail and Grace are entirely new women, and I know from talking to Gina and Gloria that they feel the same way about their daughters. Andy, we’re so thankful for you.”

Finally, Shannon Sunderland released her bear hug, and Andy felt the air return to his lungs. He accepted an equally long, but much less painful hug from Grace’s mom, and hearty handshakes from Scott Federspiel and Ty Sunderland. Sean Adams stood back chuckling, and Andy grinned meekly at him.

“Thank you,” Andy began. “But it’s you who deserve the accolades. You’ve all raised remarkable women. I’ve just called a spade a spade. I care for them a great deal, so it was my pleasure and my privilege to step up and make sure certain knuckleheads got policed up when that needed to happen. Sara and I are the ones who are thankful. She’s the world’s only child with three sisters.”

“We’re here all weekend,” said Ty Sunderland. “It would be our pleasure to take all of you to dinner Saturday night. I know your evening is booked tomorrow, but we would love the chance to celebrate how proud and thankful we are for each of you.”

“We’d love that, Mr. Sunderland,” said Sara. “Please excuse my fiancé; he kind of has this habit of doing amazing things like they’re no big deal, and then doesn’t understand what all the fuss is about. It’s one of the thousand reasons I love him.”

“Your grandparents have invited us out to the cabin tomorrow night. We hear the music and the food are quite good. We can’t wait to spend some more time with all of you,” beamed Scott Federspiel. “Your grandmother was also telling us about the idea you have for how you’re going to educate your kids. Forgive me for sticking my nose where it may not belong, but educating gifted children has been a passion for Angela and I. We’d love to help in any way we can.”

“You raised an amazing woman, Dr. Federspiel,” replied Andy. “I know we’d welcome your input. You two have actually done what we’d like to do,” he paused. “Actually, you all have.”

“I know this,” said Angela Federspiel. “I’d bet our retirement that our grandchildren will be involved in this little educational enterprise of yours,” she grinned. “And, please know that we could not be more thrilled. We’d love the chance to get to know – not just Brian – but all three of the families that helped raise him. When a Cambridge-educated woman the caliber of Mary Frances O’Leary comes over – unbidden, I might add – and sings the praises of one of her three adopted brothers? Well, let’s just say we’re now huge fans of Jake the Jet. We’d be thrilled for Grace became Mrs. Jet.”

Andy could only smile and nod.

“I’m glad to hear you say that, Mrs. Federspiel,” said Sara. “I can only imagine how hard it would be to have your daughter meet, and then get engaged, to a guy you’ve never met in such a short period of time. Thankfully, my momma has dealt with it pretty well, but I do know that Dr. Adams was a huge help to her. Please know that if the Judge and Miss Helen vouch for Brian, he’s the real deal. For what it’s worth, I think he’s pretty amazing.”

“We need to let them go,” said Gloria Adams kindly. “My godson and his fiancé have had a long day, and I need a word with them before they can go back to their room.”

Hugs and handshakes were again exchanged, and Sean Adams escorted the other couples out of the building. Gloria motioned to three chairs, and the trio sat down.

“The two of you were wonderful today,” said Gloria warmly. “Thank you. You’re both fantastic ambassadors for the College.”

Andy and Sara nodded.

“I’ve talked with Jessica, and I know you’re set to return to the Commons tonight,” she said with a nod to Andy. “I have one more favor to ask of you today.”

“Of course, you do,” quipped Andy. “And I’d bet dollars to donuts that Pinky is behind this somehow.”

Gloria laughed. “Actually no. This is about this weekend. Mallory Ross and Eden are, apparently, quite close. Mallory is staying with Eden at the Commons. But,” she paused, “Mallory and the Steele sisters hit it off this evening, so Elizabeth Steele asked if it would be OK for Emma and Josephine to stay with all of you, as well. We’ve moved the three full-size beds back into the space, so that’s taken care of,” she paused and looked thoughtful as she considered her next words carefully.

Sara broke the tension when she giggled. Andy smiled as he had the same thought. “It’s OK, Mom,” said Andy, “we’ll refrain from any extracurricular activities while there are young ladies in the building. Are we OK to keep our usual sleeping arrangements, or should Sara plan to bunk with Eden tonight?”

“Thank you,” she said with the emotion rising in her voice. “I’ll trust the two of you to do what’s best. I know that your bed is up on the Mezzanine, so you would be out of sight. And Andrew, you have no idea how much it means to me to have you call me that.” She kissed him on the cheek.

“You have no idea how much it means to be able to have someone to call that,” replied Andy softly. “It’s a big deal for my sisters and I.”

Sara smiled, “I found out tonight that entertaining younger siblings is yet another one of Andy’s specialties. We’ll make sure they have a great time.”


At 9 PM, Andy and Sara walked into the Commons. It was a bit of a madhouse. Kail and Eden were dancing around the room, joined by their three guests as Taylor Swift implored them to “Shake it Off.” All the young women present were more or less dressed in their pajamas. Andy looked at Sara and raised his eyebrows. She giggled at him, and shrugged her shoulders.

“Dreamy and Kisses!” shouted Kail. “We were afraid you’d gotten lost.”

“Nope,” said Sara. “We just had to stop and pick up a few necessary items,” as she held up four quarts of ice cream, and Andy held up a large pizza box.

“Food!” squealed Mallory Ross. “Yes! I’m starving. Dinner was awful.”

Andy was just about knocked over by Emma Steele as she grabbed the pizza box out of his hands. He relinquished the prize and stepped into the warming kitchen to grab Gatorade, plates, and utensils. He came back into the room to see the pizza half gone already, with loud moans accompanying the consumption of this offering.

“JoJo, this is like Zio’s back home,” said Emma. “It’s so good!”

“So why was dinner no good?” asked Andy.

“Too fancy,” said Mallory with her hand over her mouth as she was chewing her most recent bite. “Give a girl pizza and ice cream and she’s yours,” she declared.

Eden looked at Andy and smiled.

“Since I just saw the three of you across the room, can I start the introductions?” asked an amused Andy. He’d never been privy to the inner workings of teenage girls at what was basically a slumber party. He began taking copious mental notes for future reference.

“Oh, we know who you are,” said Josephine, smiling. “We all know about Dreamy DeHottie.”

Kail burst out laughing, and high-fived her younger guest.

“Sorry about that Dreamy. We were filling our ladies in on the roommate situation. So, I’m afraid they know about Dreamy and Kisses – I mean not know, know,” she fumbled. “But they know enough,” Kail grinned as she took another bite of her pizza.

Andy grabbed one of the last slices and took his own bite.

“We call Josephine, JoJo,” explained Emma. “Unless mom or dad are mad at her. Then, she’s Josephine Kay,” she laughed.

“So that would make you Emma,” nodded Andy. “Do the two of you go to the same school Sydney did?”

JoJo nodded. “We do. I swim, and Emma plays volleyball. As well as it’s gone for Syd, we’re hoping our folks will let us come to Colton, too. They boys here are really cute,” she grinned.

“You can say that again,” grinned Mallory. “We came to homecoming last year, and Jacob Glass is a total hottie. So is Brian Jacobs.”

“Girl, Haylee will kick your ass if she hears you admiring her man like that. You can’t throw that kind of shade,” protested Emma. “Besides, all those guys are spoken for. Our mom can’t stop cry-laughing when she sees Cooper and Syd together. Daddy just makes grunting noises a lot.”

“Mallory, did you thank Andy for the song he and your brother did?” asked Eden, frantically trying to change the subject.

She squealed, and came to Andy and hugged him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! That was so awesome. You guys sounded really good.”

“You’re welcome,” smiled Andy. “Do you sing? Your brother has an amazing voice.”

She nodded excitedly. “Eden told me you know the Louisa Wendorff ‘Blank Space/Style’ mashup.”

“I do. My sister and I sang that together when we were in high school. How old are all of you?” he asked the three girls.

JoJo answered with a mouth full of pizza. “I’m 15. Mallory and Em are 17. I’ll be a sophomore and they’re going to be seniors,” she swallowed her pizza. “Just so you know, if Sara ever dumps you, I called dibs,” she smiled.

“O hell no, little sister,” retorted Sara in her best Brooklyn accent. “Your skinny ass did not just say that in front of me.”

Kail laughed loudly. “JoJo, you just got a taste of M&M’s. Trust me, you don’t want a face full of that. No way Omaha prepares you for Brooklyn.”

Andy saw Emma glaring at her sister, and motioning to Sara.

JoJo turned to Sara. “I’m sorry Sara. Syd’s told us really great things about Andy – actually about all of you. We know that it took Cooper getting Andy’d to finally ask our sister out; and we really like Cooper. In fact, we’re kinda hoping they get married,” she grinned madly.

“Thank you,” said Sara. “Now, who’s ready for ice cream?”


At 9:30 PM, Andy got the last of his things out of the truck. He grabbed a quick shower, and came into the Commons wearing his Batman sleep shorts and a tank top. He chuckled when he heard a chorus of wolf-whistles coming from the sectional where the six women were sitting.

“Rex, we’ll try to keep it down,” said a smiling Eden.

“I’ve slept through artillery barrages. I should be alright,” he smiled.

“I’ll walk you up, baby,” said Sara.

Andy smiled and walked over to Kail and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He did the same for Eden, and then offered Sara his hand. The three guests giggled as he did this. Sara looked at him and raised her eyebrows. Andy moved to each girl and kissed her hand – wishing them all a good evening. All three girls turned bright red, and JoJo protested that her hand was fine, but her cheek would be better. Andy compromised and kissed all three on the head before he and Sara made their way up.

“You look tired,” said a concerned Sara.

“Too much adrenaline early in the day,” lamented Andy. “No real release, and no nap to recharge. I’m getting old, Bellissima,” he protested.

She giggled. “We’ll get our guests to bed soon. We still have to shoot tomorrow. Did you see CeCe’s text?”

Andy nodded. “I like the later start time. I’ll go lift with the hockey team at 6 AM. Meet you for breakfast at 7:30?”

She kissed him. “Absolutely. Andy, thank you for today.”

“My love, you are quite welcome. I love days that begin and end with you,” he smiled. “I want to run something past you quickly: how would you feel about Andre and Juliette staying in our house this summer? They wouldn’t have to rent a place. For that matter, we could let Jake and Gracie stay there as well.”

Sara nodded. “I think it’s a great idea, Andy. I’ll tell Juliette in the morning,” she paused and then whispered. “If you’re not too tired, and if I can be quiet – would you be up to me waking you up when I come to bed?”

He grinned. “Lady, if I’m not dead – I’m always up for you waking me up.”

Andy lowered himself into the bed, and Sara kissed him one last time.

“Do you know how long Grace’s parents are staying?”

“I do. They’re going back on Sunday afternoon.”

Andy nodded. “So, I guess we won’t get to see how many Anchor wings Power Girl can demolish,” he chuckled. “Please remind me tomorrow to cancel our reservation for Saturday night.”

She nodded. “I love you baby. Sleep tight.”

“Get your fine ass in this bed and I will,” he growled, and gently slapped her backside.

Sara giggled, and treated him to some extra wiggle as she went downstairs.

Andy was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

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