‘One last look,’ she smiled, bending down to kiss him, a hand sweeping lazily over his body but not touching his long, now flaccid, penis and his skin slicked with her juices. ‘We’ll have to find a way to keep meeting…and loving, won’t we?’ Lydia stepped away and completed getting dressed. ‘I’ve got to go…’
‘I know, but I’ll say this…you’ve made an older man very happy and tired.’
‘The same goes for me…and I’ve got a lot to think about.’
Lydia drew the thin duvet over his body and saw that he lay with his eyes closed, possibly already drifting into sleep. She bent to kiss his lips, felt an answering pout in response and no more.
Her lover had wanted to live out his time with her and she was glad to have been the one to have shared; to have loved with him in ways quite different from those that had gone before.
‘Look after yourself, Richard. It’s begun to matter to me…’
‘And I’ll see you right, I have no one left I can do that for, Lydia, my angel of mercy.’