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Seeing her step into the church, he grinned and waved her over. A nervous smile, she approached and stood next to him in front of the young children.

“Boys and girls, this is one of my best students, Helena O’Connor. She has a noble path before her, one that was handed to her by God, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. You always had brilliant imagination for cathedrals, you could have been one of the greatest architects in Catholic history,” he beamed. He then looked at the children. “Now that I think about it, on a day as beautiful as today, not even a church is good place to keep you all. We’ll end this lesson, go out and enjoy the greatest architecture in the universe: the world that God created for us.”

The young students cheered at the prospect of getting out early, and as they swarmed out into the sun, Hauser turned to Helena and hugged her. “It’s been too long since we last spoke, how have you been?”

“Oh, uh… I’ve been ok,” she mumbled, suddenly more nervous than before, but comforted to have the care of someone she so respected.

“Come, take a seat. Normally when you come to me, it’s because you did something bad and need a Confession. Tell me, how many sinners did you punish this time?”

He sat down on the pew and Helena sat with him, but she couldn’t make eye contact. Her palms were sweaty and she was wringing her skirt.

“Uh, none. It’s not about that. It’s… it’s something different.”

“What is it?”

She looked at him, her eyes trembling with fear. “Everyone in this school is in danger.”

The calmness on Father Hauser’s face vanished. “What do you mean?”

Helena could feel the collar beginning to awaken. If she was right, then if she tried to reveal Xavier’s secret like she had with Sophie, the seal would close her throat and stop her from speaking. But perhaps, if she chose her words very carefully, it wouldn’t be triggered.


Helena’s throat tightened, cutting her off. She broke out into a coughing fit, struggling to breath.

“Helena!” Hauser exclaimed, trying to keep her from falling over.

Her throat relaxed but she could tell the brand could have done worse. That was a warning. She couldn’t mention Xavier even ambiguously.

“I’m ok, just allergies.”

“Helena, what were you saying about everyone in school being in danger?”

She took a moment to think, trying to come up with a way to fool the brand. ‘Maybe I don’t have to tell him, maybe I can tell the truth by lying.’ “Last night, I had a dream. It was more than a dream, I’m certain beyond doubt that it was sent to me by God. There is going to be a war.”

“What kind of war?”

Helena glanced up at the large crucifix on the back wall of the church. “A war that will… show… the truth. Father Hauser, everyone in the school is in danger.”

She then got to her feet and began hurriedly walking down the aisle.

“Helena, wait!” She stopped and looked back at Hauser. “Don’t go, we need to talk about this.”

“I’m sorry, Father, but my next class is about to start. If I say anything more, I’ll be late. Do you understand? I can’t tell you anything else right now because of class.”

Leaving the priest bewildered but concerned, she rushed out of the church.

The student stared at the entrance to the school, deep in thought. He was a senior, but he had been gone for a while. His hair was long and unkempt, his shirt was undone with rolled up sleeves, and he even had a tattoo on his neck. To strangers, he looked like nothing more than a punk that didn’t belong in a strict Catholic school, but above all, he was a man of faith, and the scowl he wore was one of stoicism. He had finally come back to school after taking care of business back home, but now he was hesitant to step onto the premises.

“There’s something evil here.”

Chapter 3

“Your teachers sure weren’t happy about you not coming in. You were supposed to be back for class yesterday. Did things back home take longer than expected?”

Father Hauser was in his office, pouring a cup of tea for a student. He was a senior, taller and more muscular than others in his grade, and while he had high grades, he was often punished for his disregard of dress code and proper appearance. His long hair was unkempt, his shirt a mess, and he had a bandana around his head. He took the cup of tea but sat it down on the table beside him.

“Not exactly, I just didn’t quite feel comfortable coming back to school. I still don’t feel comfortable here.”

“What do you mean?”

“Father, has… has anything strange been going on?”

“Such as…?”

“I’m not sure, but when I came here yesterday… something felt wrong to me. I stood at the entrance to the campus and I had the feeling that I had to turn around and leave.”

Sitting behind his desk, Father Hauser leaned back in his chair. “Was this like the other times? Did it feel like the investigations?”

“Much worse. Normally when I come to a scene, I can feel something watching me, always one or at most a handful. I can feel their presence and their desire to keep me out. Here, it’s like I’m being ignored but I still feel the evil. There is something in this school, and while it isn’t aware of who I am, the weight of its presence is more intense than anything I’ve ever felt.”

“Thane, do you really believe there is something at this school? A spirit? A poltergeist? A demon?”

“None of those. This is something new.”

“And you’re sure?”


Once again, Hauser leaned back in his chair, deep in thought.

“You know something, don’t you?” Thane asked.

“A few days ago, there were three suicides in the city. They weren’t our students, but it was very unusual. They were performed simultaneously at different locations and in very gruesome ways. Then yesterday, a student came and told me about a dream she had of a coming war. She told me that everyone in school was in danger.”

“Who was she? What was her name?”

“Thane, do you really think I can tell you that? I don’t want you bothering her. She’s clearly stressed and I want her to be able to put this whole matter behind her. I don’t know what kind of dream she had, but if it really was just a dream, then it’s better that she forget it.”

The anxious student sighed. “All right, I understand. Just please keep a lookout for anything unusual.”

“I will, as soon as you get to class.”

“What did you want to talk to me about?”

Xavier was facing Lily, the two of them standing in the shade behind the school gymnasium. The small girl was even more nervous than before, but she seemed less mournful.

“You said you wouldn’t abandon me, right?”

He gave her a bright smile, one that warmed her heart. “Of course I would never abandon you. You’re too precious to me to ever leave you behind.”

“There’s something I really need to tell you. Xavier… I… I l-lo…”

She turned away from him with her hands over her face, overwhelmed with embarrassment. He stepped forward and lifted her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “Relax, you can tell me anything.”

He put his other arm against the wall behind her, sealing her in.

“Xavier, I l-love you,” she murmured with a blush of fear on her cute face.

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