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“Can you hear me? Are you alright?”

Thane nodded and Xavier stepped by. The senior stared at him as he walked away, picking up food laid out by the cafeteria workers and setting it on his tray.

‘What in God’s name was that?’

Xavier was thinking the same thing, while on his face, his lips had curled into an insidious smirk. ‘Interesting, very interesting.’

Helena looked down the hallway both ways for the umpteenth time, scared out of her mind. Completely ignoring the fact that girls were forbidden to enter the boys’ dormitory and she was essentially breaking into a dorm room after stealing a key from a student she assaulted, she was entering the Antichrist’s bedroom. She was sure he would be at dinner, but for all she knew, he could be lying in his bed, waiting for her. All of the dorm rooms in this corridor were empty, but the clicking of the key seemed louder than it should have been. She opened the door and stepped inside, feeling her heart beating in her ears. The room was empty, prompting a deep sigh of relief.

‘Ok, the first thing I have to do is figure out which is his bed.’

There weren’t any pictures or anything on the bedside tables and no posters on the walls. She crouched down beside the bed on the right, about to reach under and see if there was a duffle bag underneath. She stopped, suddenly realizing that it was in fact his bed. It smelled like him. For some reason, she found herself enjoying the scent.

Feeling her heart flutter, she slapped herself. “What the hell are you thinking?!”

Reaching under the bed, she grabbed his duffle bag and pulled it out. Unzipping the bag, she opened it wide but found only spare clothes. She dug through them, having to be careful and make sure that anything she touched was put back in its rightful place. Her patience wore thin though, and she merely emptied the contents on the floor. Moving aside the clothes, she found his wallet and passport, but found nothing of importance inside. According to his ID, he was from New Zealand, but considering his age, she knew that to be a lie. Underneath a discarded coat, she found a small photo album, about the size of a pocketbook. She was scared to open it, having a good idea of what was inside. They were probably pictures of women, either before or after he raped them, but they might also offer a clue as to his origins. She opened it up, feeling the knot in her stomach immediately unraveling.

The first picture was the Pyramids of Giza, taken from what looked like the balcony of a hotel room. The next one was a selfie, with Xavier standing… no… it couldn’t be… at the summit of Everest?! He was looking at the camera, not wearing any winter gear, completely unaffected by the cold. He was smiling. The third picture was very old, black and white even, and it showed the Eifel Tower. The fourth looked like it was from an old Polaroid camera. It showed Xavier, sitting on the grass at Stonehenge, with a big St. Bernard sitting next to him. Was that his dog? Or had the owners allowed him to take a picture with it? He wasn’t the one holding the camera, and like at Everest, he was smiling.

Helena slowly flipped through the photo album, keeping her eye on the clock but also taking her time on every picture. There was no telling what he had been doing before the creation of cameras, no kind of documentation of his actions, but could it be possible that he had always been like this? Traveling from place to place like a tourist? Had he really spent these last two thousand years like a college student backpacking around the globe? He was never with people in these pictures, never in a group photo, but there were plenty of pictures of him with dogs. She had seen Xavier smile, such as the fake one he wore when around people, and the sadistic smirk he had when he showed his true colors, like when he raped Sophie. These were different. He looked… happy. Was it possible for even the Antichrist to feel something so innocent as happiness without hurting someone? Was his appearance not his only human quality?

These pictures proved his age, some of them looking like they dated back to the nineteenth century. If she showed them to someone, she could convince them of what he was. She put his clothes back in his bag, arranging everything the way they had been before, but kept the photo album with her. About to leave with it, she pulled her hand off the doorknob as she felt her collar activate. It seemed that Xavier had predicted something like this and made rules regarding certain possessions. She finally had what she needed to break free of Xavier’s control and save Sophie and the rest of the school, but it was out of her reach.

She looked at the small leather book in her hand. It was the seal that had stopped her from taking it, but for some reason, a small part of her felt glad that she couldn’t. She had been so desperate for proof of what he was, proof that she could use to reveal him and free herself, but this wasn’t the kind of proof that she wanted. She wanted to use his evil against him, to reveal his crimes to the world so that he could be stopped and hopefully even destroyed. As much as she hated him and as much as she wanted him dead, it didn’t feel right to use his one piece of innocence as a weapon. She wanted the smoking gun that would show the world that he was a monster, not the one cherished possession that proved that even a monster like him was capable of joy.

She pulled his duffle bag back out from under his bed and returned to photo album. Xavier may have won this round, but she would find something she could use against him, something that would end his reign. With everything just as it had been since before she arrived, she made her escape from the dorm. She kept the key with her, hoping she could use it again sometime.

That night, Xavier came to her room to have his way with Sophie again. This time, he had her on her knees, bent over with her wrists bound to the headboard like before. He laughed as he raped her, thrusting into her deflowered pussy like a jackhammer. Every time he pushed in, his thighs would clap against her ass and make it jiggle. Sophie was crying nonstop, her anguish heightened when he would reach down and strangle her bouncing breasts. Paralyzed in her bed like before, Helena could do nothing but watch, crying tears of her own. The second time around was no less awful, the pain of watching her best friend being brutalized feeling like an icicle going through her heart. She just had to hope that Xavier would again erase Sophie’s memory and restore her body.

‘Just hang on, Sophie. I’ll find a way to save you.’

Chapter 4

Lily whimpered with her face to the ground, feeling more humiliated than ever in her life. She felt like she was doing something wrong, something dangerous and unwholesome. She was with Xavier behind the university gym, enjoying the privacy. Buzzing inside her were two large vibrators, one in her ass and one in her pussy, with Xavier stirring them to further intensify the tidal wave of sensations sweeping through her. He was training her in anal play, having convinced her that it would be a great method of bringing her joy and physical pleasure, as well as let them break down the physical and emotional barriers between them.

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