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‘Ah damn it. Now he’ll make fun of me for sure.

Preparing herself for Xavier’s ridicule, she surfaced, but couldn’t find him anywhere. Had he left? “Xavier?”

The reply came when she felt his hands on her back and rear end. He burst from the water beneath her like a missile, picking her up and tossing her a few feet away with a splash. She gave a shrill yelp when he sent her airborne, and upon rising to the surface, she splashed him. She didn’t do it out of rage or frustration, but out of some kind of childish instinct. Laughing, Xavier splashed her back, and the two of them began fighting in this manner. They moved around in the pool, trying to avoid getting hit with each other’s waves while sending their own, all while the clock left the original deadline in the ancient past. For that time, Helena could not stop herself from smiling. She didn’t want to admit it, but she really was having fun.

Once she got tired, she called for a time-out to catch her breath and check the time. It shocked her how late it was. Had she really been so preoccupied to lose track of time to that extent?

“Uh oh, I really need to get to bed.”

“Hold on. Before you go, I have a proposition.”

She turned back to him. “What?”

“Well I heard that you’re the fastest on the girl’s swim team. How about a quick race? One lap? We can even make it interesting.”

She looked at him suspiciously. “How?”

“Let’s see… How about if you win, you can give me one free kick to the testicles any time and I can’t stop you. Hard as you want, no collar to hold you back, and I won’t even use my powers to block the pain. You can save it for the next time you’re angry.”

“And if I lose?”

“You have to return to your dorm without your clothes. Let the night air dry you off.”

Helena’s whole body tightened up at the prospect. On one hand, the idea of getting an unhindered kick to Xavier’s nuts was a dream come true, but on the other hand, getting caught running naked across the campus would easily be an instant expulsion, but she really was the fastest on the swim team, but then again, she wouldn’t have shoes and the run back would probably be freezing, although…

“No powers, right? You swim like an average human?”

“Of course.”


“Damn you, Xavier!”

Helena sprinted across the university campus, naked as a jaybird. Somehow, he had beaten her by a hair, regardless of how hard she swam. He had teleported her clothes to her room and she had showered, so all that was left was to get back to her dorm room without getting caught and ruining her life. She could only move at a certain pace without shoes, and every drop of water on her unclothed body felt like the prod of an icicle. She also didn’t like the feel of the cold air on her naked form, or to be more accurate, she didn’t like that she liked it.

Xavier was walking back to his dorm, whistling to himself with his hair wet from the shower he took after swimming. That had gone even better than expected. He could see it in Helena’s eyes, her conflicting feelings towards him, caught between hating him for what he was and what he had done, and being drawn to him for his rare kindness and the sexual pleasure he forced her to experience. It was that conflict that strengthened her emotions. He knew precisely how to manipulate her thoughts and feelings and pull her closer to him. Bending girls’ hearts had always been second nature to him, as well as a way to kill time and indulge his thirst for sadism, but she was different. He wasn’t lying to her as he would to any other girl; he wasn’t holding anything back. It really excited him to see the results of his work. It made him… happy… to see her smile, to know that he had made her smile.

The sound of spray paint being released and its stinging aroma interrupted him from his thoughts. Who could possibly be out this late? He followed his nose to the back of the gym, his favorite place to screw Lily. There was a girl there, about Helena’s age. She had wiry black hair, tied into pigtails, with a cigarette between her lips and a can of spray paint in her hand. On the wall was a crimson pentagram, lopsided and runny like egg yolks.

She turned to him and took a drag on her cigarette, the end almost as bright as the flame that would have lit it. “What the fuck do you want?”

Xavier sighed. “Satanist? Really? Is that your real belief or do you just do it to be a rebel? Are you just some poser that wants to look cool to the Catholic schoolgirls? Why don’t you just paint that big A for anarchy while you’re at it.”

“Fuck off.”

“You people always make me laugh. You’re more delusional than the Christians and the easiest to mess with.”

“Hey, I told you to fuck off!”

“Or else what? You’ll blast me with some heavy metal?”

She turned and sprayed him in the face with the paint can, yet not a single drop ever landed. Her eyes widened as the crimson paint simply swirled around him like flames. Her jaw hanging slack, the cigarette between her lips fell to the ground.

“You should be careful,” said Xavier as he picked it up. “You have to make sure you put it out or else it could start a fire.”

He held it up to his face and stabbed himself in the eye with the lit end, extinguishing the ember without even the slightest twinge of pain.

The girl staggered back. “What… what are you?”

“That depends on your level of faith. If you are just a fake Satanist, then I am the man who is about to turn your life into Hell. If you truly believe in the Antichrist’s arrival, in MY arrival, then I am your new Master.”

“You’re the Antichrist?”

Xavier’s eyes lit up like burning coals and she was brought to her knees by the weight of his power, crushing her from all sides like the ocean. A wide smile crossed her face, when any normal girl would have been crying in terror.

“I’ve been waiting for this day my entire life, the day when I would finally meet you. It’s been my dream to take part in the end of the world, to help bring about the destruction of mankind.”

A cruel smile crossed Xavier’s lips. “It seems you may be of some use to me. Very well, I will let you serve me from this point forward. What is your name?”

“Daphne, Daphne Brooke.”

“Daphne, do you swear to do anything I tell you and obey my every command?”

“I swear!”

“Do you swear to give yourself to me, mind, body, and soul? For every cell and hair to become my property?”

“I swear!”

“Do you swear to be whatever I command you to be? To be my servant, my apostle, my slave, my disciple, the toy to bear the wrath of my lust and hunger, as well as my second in command?”

“I swear!”

Xavier began to chuckle and then leaned down. He pressed his tongue to her forehead and branded her with the three sixes, while around her neck, an ethereal collar formed. She screamed at first from the pain, but soon settled once he stood back up.

“Then from this point forward, you are mine.” He then reached down and unzipped his pants, hefting his manhood in front of her face. “Time for you to pleasure your new Master.”

Without hesitation, she lunged forward and began sucking on his cock, eager to please him and begin her life at the Antichrist’s side.

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