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Chapter 6


Helena stared at the card in horror, feeling like she was going to scream. That bastard! Bad enough he put her in those awful ropes the other day, now he wanted her to violate herself in sinful vanity! And even worse, he had forbidden her from just skipping school and hiding away from everyone.

“God, I swear to you, I will kill this monster if it’s the last thing I do!”

Her collar then activated, appearing around her neck and rumbling. Xavier wanted her to… touch herself? Right now?! This was too sudden; she had never done this kind of thing before! But she was in her dorm room, which meant she had privacy… at least until Sophie came back. She had given her the same excuse as the morning before yesterday and bought herself some time. How long did she have before her friend came barreling through the door and caught her in the midst of her shameful act of hedonism? The collar’s heat and power increased, telling her that she was running out of time. She had to do it now or else the deal would be broken and Sophie would be served up to Xavier on a silver platter.

“All right, I’ll do it! Just… give me a minute.” ‘And now I’m asking this collar for mercy. Oh how I love my life…’

Resigning herself to her fate, she climbed back into bed and lied on her back. How was she supposed to do this? She had certainly gotten an orientation from that porno, but all the details seemed be slipping out of her mind. If she just… started, maybe she would be able to figure it out. Taking a deep breath and praying for God to forgive her, she slipped her hand into her panties. Her flesh was still as smooth as glass from Xavier’s flames, as if her body was incapable of producing new hair follicles, and she had to admit, the softness of her skin didn’t feel half bad. She slowly traced the petals of her virgin flower with her fingertips, feeling that gentle touch reverberate through her lower body. It was like a tickle, one that didn’t make her laugh but instead made her feel warm. She did this for a couple minutes, letting herself get used to the sensation. Her breath fluttering, she pushed it further and moved her finger between the lips, stroking the pink interior. She could feel herself becoming wet, her body reacting to the stimulation.

She continued on like that for five minutes, the guilt of her sin being washed away by the liquid arousal clinging to her fingertips. She could not deny the pleasure she was feeling, the soft bolts of electricity crackling through her body. But she felt stagnant, knowing that there was more she had to do.

‘How will I know when I’m done? Do I really have to have an orgasm? I’m not sure I’ll get one at this rate, considering what I saw that woman do. Should… should I try going inside?’

With her eyes screwed shut, she slowly inserted her middle finger into her slit, making her shudder in the sudden wave of strange bliss. It felt good. She began moving it back and forth, her finger sliding effortlessly through her velvet sleeve. Her fluttering breaths became deep pants, with her muscles expanding and contracting and making her writhe and stretch.

‘Oh God, oh God, oh God!’

She couldn’t help it; she needed more. She inserted her index finger as well, while her left hand struggled to find something to grab onto. At first she clutched her shoulder, then her arm, but at last settled by grasping her breast. Her hand was under her bra, her palm massaging her womanly shelf. Had her skin always been so soft and smooth? Had her breasts always been this large? She experimentally gave her nipple a soft pinch and gasped, feeling as if a bolt of lightning was stretching between the soft nub and her pussy. Her whole body was becoming tense and hyper, like Restless Leg Syndrome. She started arching her back and then curling up, her voice beginning to slip free between her frantic pants.

A memory flashed through her mind. Xavier had done the very same thing to her in the church. He had embraced her, using one hand to fondle her breasts and the other hand to finger her pussy.

‘No! I can’t think about that now!’

She tried to push the memory out of her mind, feeling it contaminating the pleasure she was feeling. Regardless, it crept in, her imagination syncing up the past and the present so that her hands became his.

‘Get out of my head! I want nothing to do with you!’

She tried even harder to keep the thoughts out, focusing solely on the pleasure and the physical aspects. She was so close; she could feel it. But she could see Xavier’s arms around her, this figment of her imagination flashing in and out of her mind’s eye like a strobe light. She could feel his breath and lips on her neck and smell that masculine scent that his bed shared. Her will broke, those thoughts of Xavier momentarily flooding her mind, and in that moment, she came. Waves of euphoria, indescribable to her innocent soul, submerged her body in a hot bath while billions of tiny massage therapists gave every muscle a deep rubdown. Her voice slipped free, a single moan echoing through her room, while she could feel drops of her arousal splattering against her palm.

Soon, the bliss ended, and she was left gasping for air with her chest heaving and her mind dark. What in the world had become of her? She dreamed of becoming the first female member of the Swiss Guard, but now found herself the captive of the Antichrist, rolling in bed while pleasuring herself like a common heretic. The collar was calm now that she had satisfied the command. With a full day of school and five more sessions to go at random times, how in the world would she do this? Wait, people wouldn’t be able to see it, would they? She sighed. There was no point in worrying about it. She could do nothing but wait for the collar to reactivate and then come up with a plan.

After taking a moment to ask God to forgive her for her sinful act, she got dressed and left her dorm room for the cafeteria. There was still plenty of time before breakfast ended. Once there, her friends all began complimenting her, claiming that she had never looked so vibrant and full of life.

Xavier glanced back, hearing the clicking of a camera. He was in a crowded hallway, and holding the camera was a student he had seen before. Tattooed, disheveled, and with a bandana around his head, Xavier remembered seeing in the kitchen. He had also gotten a strange vibe off him. Was he the exorcist that Daphne had told him about?

‘What was his name? Andy Cain? Andrew Bane? No… Alexander Thane. Yeah, that was it. With him taking pictures like that, I can’t use my powers around him. Or wait… what do I look like when I have my picture taken? Wow, the years are starting to take their toll. Oh well, I might as well give him something to chase.’

Trying to maintain her dignity, Helena left the classroom and walked down the hall. The collar had activated and was buzzing around her neck. Luckily, it didn’t seem like anyone had seen or heard it. She was off to commit the sin again, this time in the bathroom. How horrendous. She entered the lavatory and checked each stall to make sure they were empty. Finding herself alone, she locked herself in the corner stall. Muttering curses, she removed her skirt and panties and left them folded on the toilet paper dispenser. She sat on the toilet, her face in her hands, contemplating her shame. The heat of the collar increased, telling her that it was now or never.

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