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The nun exploded, having never before been questioned like this. “Don’t you dare take that tone with me! You interrupted my lesson and defiled my classroom! One more word and I’ll put the fear of God in you!”

The words came out before Helena could stop them. “Fuck you.”

Everyone in the room became as pale as corpses, all feeling like someone was squeezing their innards in a vise. Practically foaming at the mouth, Sister Olivia rushed towards the defiant student, her trusty meter stick raised to beat that spiteful look off Helena’s face. Helena put her right foot back, readying herself to deliver a punch if the nun went through with it. She could easily get expelled for this, but she was too pissed off to care. The flash of a black coat swooped between them with one hand grabbing Sister Olivia’s wrist and the other seizing Helena’s shoulder. Xavier had gotten in the way, leaping over a row of desks like an acrobat. He held her shoulder with his thumb pressing down on her arm, using his ungodly strength to keep her from moving that joint or bringing her arm forward. He wasn’t just keeping her safe from Sister Olivia; he was actually stopping her from doing something reckless.

“As a student, I have no right to speak, but I can no longer condone your cruel and draconian means of discipline. No teacher worth their salt would ever lay their hand on a student. Helena was sick and you denied her a chance to recover from her illness discretely. This is your fault, not hers. You have no reason to punish her.”

“I’ll see you both expelled for this! You ungrateful, belligerent maggots!”

With lightning speed, Xavier snatched the meter stick out of her hand and began spinning it. “And I’ll see you fired. If you want us punished, get on your knees and beg the Disciplinary Committee to take action.” He then snapped the meter stick with his fingers, sending splinters flying and making all the students shiver. “Because I certainly won’t answer to you.”

Whether it was the strength of his words or some kind of unholy power, Helena wasn’t sure, but whatever it was, it made Sister Olivia storm out of the classroom to find the Disciplinary Committee.

“Helena,” said Xavier, making her look up at him though unable to see his face. “I suggest you go back to your dorm room and get some rest. The sick belong in their beds.”

Once again, Helena didn’t know if it was the way he spoke or the effect of his powers, but she wordlessly retrieved her book bag and left.

“What can I do for you, Master?”

Smiling, Xavier pulled Daphne close and kissed her. Her eyes rolled back into her head, her Satanic heart overwhelmed with the happiness of being kissed by the Antichrist. But wait, there was something entering her mouth from his, other than his tongue of course. She could feel it running down her throat and filling her whole body. It felt like death. He pulled his lips away, revealing a black miasma flowing into her throat from him. The vaporous stream ended and Daphne fell to her knees, gasping for air.

“Ugh, disgusting. I’m from Hell and the taste of those menthols is making even me sick. Seriously, girl, cut down on the smoking. That’s what you can do for me. In all seriousness, I have just given you a bit of my power. That guy, Thane, he’s been taking pictures in search of me. If you use that power when he snaps a picture, you’ll appear as a black specter. I want you to cause trouble around the school that will send him running. Accidents, injuries, you know, just act like a poltergeist.”

She sat up straight and bowed to him. “I’ll do your bidding. Is there anything else?”

Xavier’s smile gained a sadistic twist. “Yeah, be at my room at 6:30 tonight.”

The redheaded lass was lying in bed, doing everything she could to not think about Xavier. She didn’t even know why she was in her dorm room, she wasn’t actually sick. Oh well, she only had another two classes that day, and after hearing what happened, her teachers would probably be lenient. She could at least use this time to study. About to reach for a textbook, the buzzing of her collar drew a sigh of annoyance. Damn it, this was the fifth time. Oh well, might as well just do it and enjoy the privacy.

She reached into her panties and began massaging her clit, playing with it like a tiny joystick. Her heart began to race, her breathing becoming shallow. She worked her fingers inside herself, relishing the feel of her interior. It was so soft and wet, and hot enough to make her feel like her fingers were melting. With her free hand, she started squeezing her breasts, knowing just how to stimulate herself for the best results.

‘I will admit this does feel wonderful, but this is seriously becoming a chore. Stupid Xavier, that black-hearted devil spawn. Making me sin like this so that my friend doesn’t get raped, how twisted can one man be? And what the hell was that stunt during class? Who is he trying to fool?’

Memories of that scene flashed through her mind, the sight of Xavier jumping in front of her and protecting her from Sister Olivia’s swing, and the feel of his powerful hand on her shoulder, completely immobilizing her with that simple touch.

She rolled on her side, her fingers continuing to slither through her pussy. ‘He was just showing off, cocky bastard. The next time I see him, he’ll probably say something lame like “nobody punishes you but me”. He’s possessive enough as it is, I don’t need him fighting my battles for me.’

She then pulled the blanket of her bed over herself, finding something comforting in the weight on her body and the way it rubbed against her when she moved. ‘Not to mention it was his fault that I’m in this mess. Sister Olivia wouldn’t have been mad at me if he hadn’t put me in that situation. What the hell is he trying to get at with this anyway? Does he think that tying me up or making me touch myself with turn me into some kind of harlot? As if!’

She had her eyes closed with a blush on her face. She was chewing on her thumbnail, while under the blankets, the movements of her other hand increased in speed. ‘The next time I see him, I’ll break his nose. I won’t let this damn collar slow me down. That’s right, the next time. I’ll punch him in his smug face so hard that he’ll go crying back to his daddy.’

She continued fantasizing about beating the crap out of Xavier the next time she saw him, but every time, the dream just got shorter. At first she imagined torturing him like a Spanish Inquisitor, then it shrank down to just beating him up, then to just punching him once, and then just to the moment where she would see him in the hall or bump into him at a corner. Her fingers were moving at their maximum speed, her body exponentially close to an orgasm, while in her mind, his face occupied her imagination. She finally came, while at the same time, her mind flashed her back to the church when he had fingered her.

She came to a stop, panting heavily with the blanket around her feeling like Xavier’s arms. ‘I won’t lose, I won’t let him beat me. He’ll never win my heart.’

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