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Lily stood in front of Xavier’s dorm room, afraid to knock. He had left her a note inviting her, saying that his roommate would be gone and they could spend some time together. It wasn’t the rule forbidding her presence in the boys’ dorm that left her petrified, but the sounds coming from inside. She could hear panting, moaning, and the squeaking of mattress springs. With her eyes wet, she knocked on the door.

“Come on in.”

She opened it and stepped inside, the sight before her hitting her in the chest like a car. Xavier was on his bed with an upperclassman that Lily didn’t recognize, some girl with black hair. He had her on all fours and was thrusting into her dripping cunt with his whole body weight, making her moan as her pale ass clapped against his thighs. He looked at Lily, a smile on his face, as if unaware of the presence of the girl he was fucking.

“Don’t be shy, come on in. Take a seat, make yourself comfortable.”

“Y-you’re cheating on me?!” she cried, stepping closer as if to make sure her eyes weren’t playing tricks on her.

“What? Of course not! How could you even ask me that?! You know I love you!”

He denied it without ever stopping his thrusts.

“But you’re making love to another girl!”

“Her? Oh no, you misunderstand. This is Daphne, a good friend of mine, and this is a game we’ve been playing since we were kids. We’re not making love, just goofing around. It’s only sex. It doesn’t mean anything. I only make love to you, Lily. I love you with all my heart. Remember the rules? We both have to love each other more than anyone else possibly could? I still love you more than anything, and I guarantee you you’ll never find someone who loves you more than I do. Understand? I would never cheat on you because I love you. Take a seat, relax.”

While Xavier tried to calm Lily down, Daphne was intoxicated with sexual pleasure. This was the best fuck she had ever had. Xavier was brutal, knowing which spot to hit and slamming it like a sledgehammer. He didn’t give her any rest, any mercy, or even a moment to think between thrusts. She felt like a porn star. “Oh yes! Harder! Faster! Fuck me more! Shove your cock deep into my slutty pussy!”

Lily’s mind was screaming at her that this was wrong, that he was tricking her, that he didn’t love her, but her heart was too terrified to believe it. He had always told her he loved her, why would he lie? He loved her, that’s all that mattered. He wasn’t cheating on her, just playing with a friend of his. It was ok, she had no reason to doubt him. She couldn’t handle losing him; no one would love her as much as he did. Yes, it was better to just agree and not rock the boat. If she made the fuss, she would have to punished, and that would hurt them both. She had to be a good girl.

She sat down on the floor, switching her gaze between Xavier and Daphne and the floor over and over again. No matter how much she rationalized it, seeing Xavier thrusting his manhood into another woman made her feel sick, but she didn’t have the will to disobey him. She would look down at the rug, telling herself that everything was ok, but then a moan or grunt would draw her eyes back up and she would see the two of them drenched in sweat, their naked bodies pressed together, sucking on each other’s tongues, and doing all the things that he did with Lily.

The knot in her stomach tightened as Xavier grunted, telling her he had just ejaculated. He pulled out of the girl with a string of semen still connecting her pussy to his deflating manhood.

“You… you came inside her. You gave her your love! You’re only supposed to that with me!”

“Lily, darling, relax. It was just a physical reaction. Besides, it’s still yours. Daphne, give it to her.”

She got to her feet and approached Lily. She stood over her and spread the lips of her pussy, the girl’s tear-streaked face inches from the dribbling semen.

She gave a coy smile. “Come on, this is what you want, right?”

Lily stared at it with shock and terror. How could she be expected to do something so revolting? Xavier had convinced her to do a lot of things that scared and embarrassed her, but this was too much. She couldn’t…

“Lily, what are you waiting for? Don’t you want my love? I thought you didn’t want to be alone anymore.”

The words broke what little will she had left, and with fresh tears rolling down her cheeks, she leaned forward and hesitantly flicked her tongue against the exposed labia. She could taste Xavier’s semen, and it gave her the courage to continue licking. Daphne giggled and put her hand on the back of Lily’s head, pushing her deeper. She didn’t resist the girl’s hold on her, she simply continued licking the semen out of her pussy while trying to ignore the vileness of the act. She could taste it, her female essence. It made her own body shiver as she realized that this was how she too tasted. Once Daphne’s pussy was cleaned out, Lily licked up the white streams that had run down her thighs.

“Ok Daphne, you can go.”

She wordlessly obeyed, picking up the heap of her clothes and stepping naked into the hallway.

Lily remained on the floor, overwhelmed with disgust. Xavier got up and stepped over to her, standing over her as Daphne had done. She looked up at him, staring at his hardening manhood.

“I still have lots of love for you if you want it.”

Her eyes blank, she nodded and took his cock in her mouth, sucking it clean of semen and the other girl’s wetness.

Xavier rubbed the top of her head. “See? Good girls get rewarded.”

“So what do you think is going to happen when Sister Olivia shows up?”

Helena perked up, turning to Sophie. She was eating breakfast with her friends and the mood had suddenly turned sour.


“You didn’t go to detention last night. She’ll probably burst in like the Four Horsemen and behead you with a flaming sword.”

A flare of spiteful anger allowed Helena to regain her composure. “Well unless she tells me that I’ve actually been expelled, I don’t care about what she has to say. I’m done being afraid of her.”

“You sound like Xavier,” said one of her friends.

The words sent a bolt of electricity up her spine.

Sophie began to giggle. “Yeah, you really do. Lord, forgive my sinful feelings, but when he jumped between you two and broke her ruler, it was one of the coolest things I had ever seen. I could have almost fallen for him.”

The other girls all squealed and laughed, but Helena had to contain her look of disbelief and terror. She had seen Xavier rape Sophie for hours on end, and even if her memories had been erased, to hear her say such a thing about Xavier made her want to throw up. Then there was her other reason to be concerned: Xavier hadn’t yet given her a task for the day. The card had just told her to wait, but it was the waiting that was truly killing her. Regardless of her fear, the memory of him shielding her from Sister Olivia flashed through her mind as it had again and again, and for the rest of breakfast, she couldn’t get it out.

Helena sat at her desk, waiting for the first class to start. Everyone was anxious, unsure of what would happen when Sister Olivia arrived. Neither Helena nor Xavier had attended detention the night before, both because they weren’t sure they still had it and as a sign of protest if they did. The door opened and the nun stepped inside, looking far more tired than usual. She avoided looking at the class and simply began writing at the bored. Helena’s tension increased, almost wishing that whatever was going to happen would just happen already. The class progressed without any incidents. Not once did Sister Olivia raise her voice, scold anyone, or even look at the class. What was with her? Was she so angry that she had actually snapped? Or was there some other reason for her behavior?

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