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Soon enough, he arrived at her pussy. He immediately went to work, licking up every small drop of chocolate syrup. Then, once she was mostly clean, he flitted his tongue between the lips, making her shudder. The feel of his sinful mouth tasting her innocence made her sick. Smiling to himself, he began to kiss it, her lips against his, while he worked his tongue inside her. His mouth roamed her womanhood, switching back and forth between her erect clit, to the entrance, to her depths. She was certain that his tongue was longer than it should have been. She could feel it slithering through her deepest recesses like some unholy serpent.

Everything she was feeling went beyond any other sensation in her life. This made masturbation feel like scratching a bug bite. It felt… it felt… so GOOD! She never wanted it to end! She prayed to God, begging him not to stop Xavier, but to forgive her for how much she was enjoying getting eaten out like this. It took only a few minutes for her to cum, easily causing her the greatest orgasm of her life. Even after she reached her climax, he didn’t stop.

She didn’t know how long it went on like that, how long he continued to work his tongue and lips against her gate of paradise. It felt like hours, and she had no doubt that it was close to that. She had no idea how many orgasms she had, but each one was better than the last. Xavier just kept going, never tiring. He simply drank in her arousal like wine out of a glass. Every time she came, she felt her mind growing weaker, her memories fading. After a while, it was a struggle for her to remember who she was.

Finally, Xavier sat up and cricked his neck. “Ah, delicious. Well, I think it’s time I let you get some rest. I’m going to go put my tongue on ice.”

He snapped his fingers and her restraints disappeared, along with her gag and blindfold. She was too tired to do anything, even open her eyes. Xavier leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. “Soon, you shall give yourself to me, and I won’t need to tie you up to feast on you. I can’t wait for that day to arrive.”

Chapter 10

“Oh God! Please! No more!”

Sister Olivia was sobbing on the floor, having woken up in the church for another night of torture. She still believed this to just be a recurring nightmare. Xavier strode towards her, a hungry gleam to his eyes. He gave her a hard kick, knocking her onto her back and then setting his foot on her throat.

“That’s right, keep begging. Beg for mercy.”

She tried to push him off her, struggling to breathe. “Please, I just want this to stop! I don’t want to suffer anymore!”

“The suffering will never stop, not as long as I can laugh at your screams and lick up your tears. Now, let’s see how long it will take for you to beg for death.”

He took a few steps back and snapped his fingers. Her nightgown and underwear was burned off her body, and from the ceiling and walls, hooked threads lunged for her like the tongues of frogs. The hooks all dug into her skin like sutures, each one an inch apart, making her cry out in full-body agony. The ones going through her nipples and labia hurt the most. Heightening the volume of her screams, the threads all became taut, and as one, lifted her into the air. She hung above the pews, blood streaming from her wounds. Every drop caught the light of the surrounding candles like a molten ruby, while the web of threads almost looked like the wings of a demented angel. Her eyes were rolled back into her head, her mind struggling to retain its sanity. Xavier stood under her, opening his mouth and catching the drops of her blood on his tongue like they were snowflakes.

Reaching into his coat pockets, he pulled out two metal dildos, connected by a wire. He inserted them into her ass and pussy, and by holding the wire, channeled a violent electric current into the sex toys. Sister Olivia screamed and thrashed as a near flesh-melting charge was driven into her rectum and her cervix. The shock to her genitals invoked something that could not be called an orgasm, but made her give a similar cry, regardless of how agonizing it was. Electrocution was one of Xavier’s favorite methods of torture, especially to the erogenous zones.

The charges dropped and jumped like a heartbeat, pulsing through her muscles and making her jerk. Every time she moved, she inadvertently pulled against the hooks in her skin, widening the injuries. It didn’t take long for her to rip free of one, and like an opening zipper, it caused a domino effect in which her weight overpowered the hooks’ hold on her. In a vast splatter of blood, over a hundred deep cuts were opened across her body from the hooks ripping free. She fell to the floor with the entire front of her body as a shredded mess. Only her face remained recognizable.

Xavier snapped his fingers and her body was fully healed, leaving her in utter shock from the indescribable pain she had just suffered. “Don’t tell me you’re tired already? You know we still have hours left before you need to wake up.”

The next night, Sister Olivia was on all fours, crawling with bibles from the pews stacked on her back. She was wearing horse blinders with a gag in her mouth, and weights were hanging from her pierced nipples and pussy lips. She was sobbing as the metal spheres pulled on her, struggling to maintain her balance. Every “step” she took was agony, but she couldn’t let her balance falter. She reached out with her hand, but went out too far. The swinging of the weights on her nipples made her flinch, causing one of the bibles to fall off.

‘Oh no! Oh God, no!’

It hit the ground, and with it, the end of Xavier’s cattle prod was pressed to her rear end. She collapsed as the shock ravaged her, screaming in agony. He ground it deep into her soft flesh like he was putting out a cigarette, laughing as he did so. “Bad girl, you let them fall. Your posture is a disgrace.”

He gave a twirl of his finger and she was pulled back up onto all fours and the bibles returned to her back. “Now, again.”

Trying not to shake her body, she gave a tearful nod and continued crawling. A new burn wound was forming on her ass, one of countless others from the hour spent in this horrible exercise.

The night after, Sister Olivia was hovering in the church, her limbs outstretched and unmoving. She was rotating as if in a gyroscope, while above her, a hundred candles burned. A glob of liquid wax fell from one of the candles and splattered on her hip, making her whine. It felt like a drop of burning gasoline. Another one fell, this one hitting her face. For every one that made its mark, dozens missed her by mere centimeters and fell down to the floor.

Xavier was below her, watching with a grin. “Tell me, which is worse? The pain?” A red blot splattered on her areola, just barely missing her nipple. She cried and tried to pull at her invisible bonds, feeling the wax searing the tender skin. “Or the anticipation? At any moment, one drop could fall and land right in your eye.”

She continued to turn, and above her, the top of one of the candles gave way like a mudslide, and a tablespoon of molten wax splashed across her ass.

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