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“But… I’m too young. Nobody will hire me.”

“Well, I suppose you could always… use your body. You were able to clear my debt with that loan shark, so there’s nothing stopping you from doing it again to bring in some income.”

Lily’s heart stopped. Do that… again? That awful experience with that disgusting man? And others?!

Xavier looked at her and sighed. “You’re right, I’m sorry, I can’t ask you to do that. I guess we’ll just have to enjoy this place while we have it. Maybe someday we have a home of our own, but not today.”

“No! No! I’ll do it! I’ll do whatever you need to do!”

He smiled and rubbed her head. “Good girl, I’m so proud of you. I already know a few people who will pay good money for you. I’ll call them and tell them to come over.”

Sophie was standing in her room in her underwear, looking in the mirror over her dresser. Helena had yet to return from dinner, so she had some time to reflect. She ran her hand around her throat, trying to feel for the collar. Every day, Xavier would attack her somewhere in the school, drag her to some corner or closet, and rape her. It could last either a few minutes or a few hours. Every time he violated her, he would pull on her leash and her collar would appear. He claimed he liked the face she made when she choked her with it. She knew that Xavier was no ordinary human, that he had powers like that of a demon. What in God’s name was he? With all the stress she was under, it was a miracle that her grades hadn’t plummeted. She had taken to obsessive studying to keep her thoughts occupied. How long was this going to last? How long was he going to torture her like this?

Down the hall, Helena was in the bathroom, brushing her teeth. Staring into the mirror at her reflection, her arm slowed. She reached up and touched her throat. She could feel the collar, always there. That bind, that link between her and Xavier… How could she break it? How could she free herself? If she could keep her will strong and resist him, would he keep his word and leave her unharmed? Or would his patience run out and eventually he take her violently as he had seen him do with Sophie so many times?

But… what would happen if she did give in? Was this all just a big mind game? If she gave in to him, would he just laugh at her feelings, say it was a joke, and enslave her even worse than he had already? Or would he really make her his queen? If he did take over the world, where and what would she be? Would she be some piece of meat in a dungeon, a slave for him to torment and abuse when he got bored? Would she rule the world at his side and share his throne… and his bed? It used to be so easy and simple before. When this started, she saw him as pure evil, a heartless monster holding her captive, the subject of her most intense hatred. Now things were so complicated. She had seen a side of him that she didn’t want to see, a human side that extinguished her hatred.

Sister Olivia sat in her shower, trying to scrub herself clean of the filth that caked her soul. He would come for her as he had every night. He would come and make her life Hell. What would he do to her tonight? Would he torture her like a prisoner of war? Or would he rape every hole in her body until she was drenched in her blood and his seed? She felt like she was losing her mind. She could barely eat, teach, or even think. And sleep? She didn’t want to sleep; she’d rather die than sleep. She wanted to tell someone what was going on, but Xavier had forbidden her, and when she even thought of doing it, she could feel that cursed collar activate. Maybe it would be best for her to kill herself. God would understand, right?

Summer had arrived, and with it came summer vacation. For two weeks, students from abroad could go home and spend time with their families. For those with no home to go back to, all the schoolwork was optional for extra credit, but the school did everything possible to keep the students busy. Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop. Sophie was standing in the train station with several other students, all boarding trains for different points across Europe. With her was Helena, saying goodbye.

“Are you sure I can’t talk you into coming home with me? My parents would love to have you and my little sister really wants to see you again.”

Helena sighed with a sad smile and shook her head. “Thank you, but I can’t. Trust me, I’d give my right arm for a real vacation, but I need to do a lot extra credit work and get my grades up. But do give everyone my regards.”

The call was given that the train to Paris was boarding, meaning it was time for Sophie to go. Giving her friend a tight hug, she picked up her bag and made her way onto the train. She slumped into her seat, sighing in bliss. Finally, she was away from this school, away from him.

Marian jumped from the car and tackled her older sister, sending the two girls tumbling to the ground in the parking lot of the Paris train station. At fourteen years of age, Marian was the spitting image of her older sister, with the same blonde hair and blue eyes, though of course, she was shorter and her breasts weren’t as large. The two girls hugged each other while their parents laughed, glad that the whole family was back together.

Having returned home, Sophie’s pain vanished and she was happier than she had been in months. The drive to the countryside was beautiful, with Sophie and Marian chattering in French in the backseat. Once home, they had a delicious dinner and Sophie told her family about everything going on at Rosewood University, laughing as she talked about Helena and her fight with Sister Olivia. That night, she collapsed on her bed, smiling and exhausted. It felt so good to be in her own home, her own room, her own bed, and to be able to sleep without a roommate nearby. At last, she could relax.


The sound made her body tense up and her heart struggle to beat. Trembling from head to toe, she sat up and looked around. She saw him, Xavier, hovering outside her window, with his eyes glowing red and his sharp teeth gleaming.

Tears began to run from her eyes as she worked to pull in a single breath of air. “No! No! No, please! This can’t be happening! Not here!”

Without moving his body, Xavier floated forward. The bedroom window and the wall around it dissolved from his touch, the edges glowing with lit embers as he burned his way through.

He entered her bedroom, a deep laugh echoing from his throat. “Did you really think you could escape from me? Did you really think you could run away? That there was any place in this world that I wouldn’t follow? No, you are mine. You are my slave, my toy, my property. I will torment you until the day I grow bored and then I will eat you like a steak dinner. Your life belongs to me. Now get up and undress.”

Trying to hold in her tears, Sophie got to her feet and pulled off her nightgown, then did the same with her bra and panties. She got on all fours on the bed, her ass pointed to Xavier. She was used to this routine.

“Ok, I’m ready.”

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