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She continued sucking him off, refusing to let him go flaccid. Once he had regained his erection, she sat up and moved onto his lap, letting him enter her. She gasped in happiness as his cock slid into her pussy and began rocking back and forth on it. Xavier lied back with a satisfied smirk, watching as her tight, teen ass bob across his lap like a rolling pin. The way she was moving left him breathing heavy, the sensation of his cock being stirred in her velvet sleeve making his body search for any unused ammunition to fire.

Helena leaned back and Xavier lifted her up by the backs of her knees and again started bucking his hips, driving straight up into her with almost inhuman force. Helena was moaning at the top of her lungs, struggling to keep her balance on his cock as he harpooned her womanhood with it. The look on her face was one of hedonistic madness, a complete surrender to sexual pleasure.

“You’re so loose! You must really be enjoying this!”

“Oh God! It feels so good!”

She turned around to face him and changed her position, crouching on the bed so that he could continue thrusting up into her. She looked so happy. It actually warmed Xavier’s black heart in ways he couldn’t describe. A coy grin on his face, he reached down and stuck his finger in her ass, making her holler in shock and joy. He moved his finger inside her anus, pumping her with it while his cock punished her cunt.

In only a minute, she gave that signature moan. “Oh God! I’m cumming!”

Droplets of her euphoria splashed across his lap and she collapsed on top of him, gasping for air. Once she had calmed, she kissed his chest a few times and then moved up to let her lips join his.

She looked into his eyes, a smile of warmth and love on her rose petal lips. “I should have given in to you the day I met you. This has all been wonderful beyond words. But I’m surprised; I spend a week with you and I’m already a depraved jezebel.”

Xavier put his arm around her and kissed her on the forehead. “Same. You’re the first person I’ve actually truly cared about.”

She bolted up. “Oh shit! We’re going to be late for our next class!”

Her face then became red with embarrassment and she covered her mouth. Swearing was still something new to her.

Xavier and Helena rushed into the classroom just as the bell rang. They weren’t out of breath, as Xavier had used his powers to teleport them to an empty part of the building and make their way from there. Sister “the Sphinx” Olivia turned back to them with an angry glare. “You’re late, both of you.”

Helena glared right back, having yet to go back on her word to stop fearing the nun. “We’re in the classroom before the bell, so technically we aren’t.”

“Well the class has started and you’re not in your seats. That’s detention.”

“According to the school handbook, the bell is to tell students to get to their seats, which we were in the process of doing. You can’t punish us for following the rules. You’re the one getting in our way.”

Sister Olivia began to tremble with rage at Helena’s lack of fear. ‘Impudent brat!’ “Well let’s see what the Disciplinary Committee has to say about this!”

“Go ahead! Waste their time like you’re wasting ours. Right now, you’re being an even bigger interruption than we are.”

Everyone in the class looked back and forth between Helena and Sister Olivia, feeling like they were about to witness a bloody coup.

“Take your seats.”

They did as they were told, glad the situation had defused itself. Sister Olivia cleared her throat and began to speak. “Now that you’re all here, I have good news. I’m sure you’re already well aware of it by now, but at the end of this week, the entire 11th and 12th grade classes will go on a fieldtrip. We’ll be going to Jerusalem for three days and leave on the fourth. You need to…”

Xavier was no longer listening to her. He was sitting his desk, his face downcast and his body trembling. Normal people wouldn’t be able to see it, but Helena’s eyes recognized it immediately. It was too soft for her to hear, but she knew he was chuckling.

“What’s going on? Why’d you bring me here?”

Lily and Xavier were standing at the entrance to the school, with Lily back in her uniform. Sighing, Xavier rubbed the top of her head. “You’re a good kid, better than someone like me deserves.”

Through that contact, he gave her a total mind-wipe, erasing himself from her memories, while at the same time, restoring her to her original virgin form, untouched by any man. Her eyes rolled back into her head from the hard reboot and she collapsed. Xavier caught her before she could hit the ground and sat her down on the steps of the school entrance.

Retaining contact, he used her decimated mental state to make some changes, when she would be susceptible to suggestion. “Stop doubting yourself and letting manipulative people walk all over you. Go out and find some friends, your teachers and classmates care about you. Once you graduate, find a nice guy who treats you like a princess, marry him, and have some kids. You deserve to be happy.”

He let go of her and walked away. He had already taken care of anyone who might ask questions as to where she had been, so there wouldn’t be any complications with her reintegration with school life. She’d be fine. She had just needed someone to give her a little push. In his mind, Xavier was thinking back to all the people he had messed with, both with and without collars. He had been teleporting back and forth across the globe, finding the people he had hurt and erasing himself from their memories. It was a long and tiring process, but Lily had been the last one and Daphne before her, the only one whose memories he hadn’t erased. Or was there one more? He had a feeling he was forgetting someone…

Thane sat in the school church, deep in thought and prayer. Ever since his fight with Xavier, he had been racking his mind nonstop in the search of a way to defeat him. He had read every book he could get his hands on, but had found nothing that would suggest a way to beat the Antichrist. If only he could get help from the church, but the brand Xavier left stopped him from any sort of contact. For all he knew, the secret could be buried somewhere in the Vatican Archives, but even if he wasn’t branded, he didn’t have the authority to look. Xavier had said that even he didn’t know if he was completely unstoppable, meaning that there had to be something in this world that could kill him. If Thane couldn’t find it, he would have to trust others to do it. He as one man couldn’t defeat the Antichrist, but he could do the next best thing.

Helena was sitting in Father Hauser’s hospital room. His condition hadn’t changed since the last time she visited him, but according to Xavier, his mind was fine and he would wake up once his body finished healing. He had left her alone, giving her privacy. This was the first time she had seen him since she and Xavier were first intimate. All the times before, she had used the priest as a wall to bounce her problems and fears off of, someone to listen to her vent about her horrible situation even if he couldn’t actually hear her. With all the time she had spent complaining about Xavier, it felt strange to speak about him now in happiness.

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