Friends and Partners Forever by Vark_Driver,Vark_Driver

“I can’t do that! That’s so unfair!”

“No it’s not. It’s about getting you going in the right direction quickly. I’ve prepped her for bigger and better things by quizzing her on the group priorities and how do we get there. Obviously there was only so much we could do but she networked well with others and passed the word on what’s really important, not what Charles wanted. We pitch it to the group as a partnership of getting you up to speed as quickly as possible. I’ll send you our file on meetings and the wish list collected from everyone on what we could do if only we had competent management.”

And so it went. Georgia soon had Sarah up to date on everything. Sarah called an all-hands meeting to introduce herself and talk about what everyone could expect. “It’s a partnership, one where my job is to get you what you need to be effective and then get out of your way.” I thought of that line and was glad to see it so well received by our staff. Morale began to rise. I seemingly lived in her office as she picked my brain on what’s going on, should be going on, corporate intrigue in our division and how things in general worked. Georgia sat in and moved everything we said to an electronic file we shared. My search for an admin led me to Tiffany, who will be good in time. Georgia is force-feeding her information to get her up to speed. Months passed as things settled down and more got done. Our personal dynamic settled down as well. It had been a shock to suddenly work for my friend but I realized I was working with her, not for her.

“You’ve made this a seamless transition and imparted so much knowledge. During my first meetings with Hank he asked me how it was going and I told him you should be in my position. He said I was being too modest and then he said that made sense of something he had wondered about. He said Charles told him the problems were due to inefficient and incompetent staff. Now he saw the problem was Charles all along. I told him that all they needed was someone to help them accomplish our goals, not micromanage them.”

“Sounds like a modest manager deflecting praise to others.”

“What’s your next suggestion to make my life easier?”

“Meet me for dinner.”

“Offer accepted. Meet me at Renaldo’s at seven. I’m paying. My expense account can stand it. It’s business casual.”

I was at our table when she came in. Her first surprise was her that idea of business casual and mine were decidedly different. I was in nice slacks and an open collar long sleeve shirt. She was in a short skirt with heels. I’d not seen this side of her. Our meetings outside of work had been jeans and a casual top. Her office attire ran to slacks and a shirt. She smiled as she watched my eyes roam her body, I got up and hugged her and she surprised me again by kissing me on the lips. It was a lot more than a peck on the lips, a whole lot more.

“I’ve missed these meetings. Work has been all-consuming. You’ve been fantastic to work with but I miss our friendship away from the office.”

“Well at least we don’t have to moan and groan about our bosses anymore, or at least I don’t. How’s Hank?”

“It’s been good so far. He’s been supportive when I’ve mentioned the need to increase the equipment budget and IT support. I told him I had all the staff I needed, I just needed to support them better.”

“Well said, o wise one.”

“Stop it. It’s your idea in the first place.”

“Enough business. How’s your love life? Christina is just gaga right now over her new guy. I shouldn’t assume in this day and age, should I? For all I know it could be a woman. Barbara is good but between lovers, Paula is just edging toward something, not committing to it yet and also not talking about it other than in generalities.”

“Who’s got time? You’ve got these great friends to be with. I feel I’ve no time.”

“My friends are your friends. Call them, invite them to dinner, tell me what they say behind my back.”

Sarah laughed. I realized I had missed her laugh. The office had been pretty intense.

“How’s your love life?” she asked.

“About the same as yours. I’ve got this hard charging, slave driver of a boss that just wrings me dry.”

I got the laugh again. I had missed this so much.

“Don’t hate me. You have to promise.”

“Now you’re scaring me. OK, I promise. Why would I ever hate you?”

“I can think of one reason. I’ve recommended you for a promotion to my old division.”

I was dumbstruck. “We’ve worked so well together. Why would you exile me?”

“Because, silly, then we can date without being afoul of company directives.”

Oh. I was stunned, shocked even. My friend wanted more, that much was clear. I was quiet as I tried to wrap my head around it.

“Say something,” she said. “Tell me I’m not crazy. If I’ve gone too far I apologize. I don’t want anything to wreck our friendship.”

“You’re not crazy. I’m just stunned. I already love you as a friend. You’re smart, sexy, accomplished and flat out desirable.”

“So are you: handsome, smart as hell, unflappable and with a great butt.”

“You noticed, did you? Well I can certainly say the same for you. When you came in tonight with that skirt and heels I saw a side of you I’ve not seen. You’ve got great legs and an ass to die for.”

We had finished dinner and were drinking coffee afterwards. Sarah put down her cup and said, “take me home, your home.”

I ordered a ride and told her it would be ten minutes. She smiled at me, “I’m looking forward to this. I’ve wanted to do this for a while but was scared to say so.”

Our ride came and we went home. There we faced each other and really kissed for the first time. It was heavenly. Her lips are soft and full, we kissed lightly, just enjoying the moment. I led her into the bedroom and slowly undressed her, revealing each portion of her body. First was the skirt, revealing her long legs and sexy red thong. Next her top – I unbuttoned each button slowlyj, enjoying the view as each new amount of skin was revealed. Finally I gazed at her lacy, sexy bra. I reached around her and removed it. Her skin was a light golden brown hue. She was beautiful, striking. I gazed at her breasts for the first time, then stepped back to look at her fully. She was so attractive. She was still wearing her heels and they added to the curve of her legs. I kissed her again, lost in the wonder of it all. I stepped around her to pull back the covers, then invited her to recline. After she did so I removed the heels, leaving her in her thong only. She took my breath away. I stripped off my clothes and lay beside her, using my hand to graze her lightly.

“That’s nice, I’ve looked forward to this happening.”

I bent over her and kissed her again, then kissed her neck and grazed her ear with my tongue, then kissing down to her breasts. I took my time, kissing all around her breasts, first one and then the other. She groaned as I licked her nipples for the first time. They were erect and long. I lightly bit her nipple, eliciting another groan and a ‘yes’ from her, then licked her nipples and breasts before sucking on each one. This was heaven. I reveled in it. Kissing my way down her body, I came to her mound. I stroked it with my fingertips as I touched all around. She was bare and sleek. I removed her thong, then I moved between her legs and kissed my way from foot to thigh on each leg then slowly kissed up her inner thighs to her beautiful pussy.

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