Friends and Partners Forever by Vark_Driver,Vark_Driver

“My fiancé and I are inviting you to dinner. Find yourself a date.”

The following weekend Sarah and I went to their house in a gated community. We entered and were greeted by Ellen and her fiancé Brittany. Ellen was surprised by my choice of date as she of course knew Sarah and told Brittany about the two of us. Over dinner, she asked, “how did you guys meet?”

“We collided outside her office,” I told her. That got a laugh from both of them.”We intermixed our documents as we exchanged our fallen papers and I ended up finding her office to return her papers that I had. We talked, went to dinner and became friends. Then she became my boss and stole all my ideas. I ended up promoted to accomplish in another division what we had accomplished in hers.”

“It was ours from the first day. I could not have done this without him. He showed me the his new ideas. We were able to implement and test them. He’s created a new position that transforms his admin into his gatekeeper. I appropriated his idea and use it as well. It saves me from so many interruptions. I can look up and select Georgia’s workflow and see what she working on and where she stands on priorities. It’s a lifesaver. Through it all we’ve remained friends.”

“Watching you two and how comfortable you are together I’d hazard a guess you’re more than friends. Your secret is safe with me.”

I leaned over and kissed Sarah. “You’re right. It’s just growing over time. Of course, there’s just no time during the week, nor is there the energy. We come together on weekends and meet with our friends.”

“We had an intense time together as we built on our new ideas. It was an exciting time to watch a group really begin to fly. We had been friends but became better friends, then we became lovers.”

“That’s a great story, well told by both of you. Brittany and I met through a mutual friend. I can’t say it was love at first sight but there was an attraction. Like you two, we went from acquaintances to friends to lovers. It’s been a comfortable time. When we get married you two are invited, hopefully as a couple.

Over coffee, we talked a little more business as she gave us feedback on my presentation to management. “They loved it. There are a couple of guys saying ‘over my dead body’ and that may end up the case,” She turned to Sarah, “he did well, calm, well prepared, an excellent speaker. The level of management didn’t faze him. He rose to it. Now, I have a confession to make. This is more than meeting Brittany and me informally. This is a job interview. It may not happen tomorrow or even soon but it will happen for both of you. The ideas are just too good and you’ve done so well. You may have heard rumors about change. Well, it’s coming and it’s coming soon. There will be a blending of groups with fewer managers but associates and managers like you, using technology you’ve brought to life. It’s an exciting time.”

We headed home excited. “They can’t separate us. I’ll talk to Ellen and have her advocate for our staying together.”

“You’re absolutely right. There’s one step we can take tonight to make that happen. We can become engaged,” Sarah said.

“You’re right.” I swerved the car into a parking lot and turned to Sarah. “Will you marry me and be my partner in life? We will be equals in every way. I want you in my life forever.”


Later, we went to Ellen and Brittany’s wedding as an engaged couple, a diamond flashing on Sarah’s finger. As we expressed our happiness with their wedding they equally expressed their happiness on our engagement. I had told Ellen on the Monday after our get together what had happened and how we became engaged. She said, “That’s awesome, you guys. I’m happy for you. No, you won’t be separated. Corporate may have planned to separate you but that idea will be shot down after I announce your engagement.”

We’re thinking about a wedding but having difficulty pulling it together. Our workload increased as other groups were merged into ours and those groups were dissolved.

“I’m so proud of you two, ” Ellen said to us as we came into their home again months later. “As I expected, you’ve done so well. I’ve seen so much change in such a short period of time. Thanks for making my job so much easier. Have we worn you two out yet?”

“Do we have to get married to have a vacation?” Sarah said with a smile. “It’s been difficult to plan a wedding given our increased workload.”

That got a laugh. “You can use our house for your marriage if that helps. That checks off the location question, right? Seriously, I’m thinking you don’t need a huge place. It’s a great house and we can set up a tent in the yard. It could be fun. And this way I get invited.”

I turned to Sarah, “will you marry me, really marry me? I want that more than anything in life.”

“Do you have to even ask? I’ve wanted to marry you since the day you proposed. Work gets in the way but we’ll survive. Yes, I’ll marry you anytime, anyplace.”

That got cheers from Ellen and Brittany and a smile from me.

It took a while but we’ll be married tomorrow in Ellen and Brittany’s backyard. Tomorrow we’ll be equal partners in life forever.

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