Fucking Sam’s Sister in a Snowstorm by Paul_Chance

An adult stories – Fucking Sam’s Sister in a Snowstorm by Paul_Chance,Paul_Chance Sam didn’t intentionally set out to fuck his sister. He consoled himself with that when he needed to, when the guilt crashed over him, or when he lay awake in the dark of the night, masturbating, reliving it all in his memory. He didn’t intentionally set out to do it.

That’s not to say it happened by accident or that it was an inevitable thing. Wine was involved, but not enough to make a difference, not enough that either of them were incapable of making good decisions. There were choices made. There were points as they slid down the slope that ended with them tangled together, points at which either one of them could have taken it in a different direction, laughed it off, or just acted like it wasn’t happening.

Afterwards, Sam was torn in two directions. Part of him was riven by guilt. Part of him recalled, in exquisite detail, that moment when his cock pressed into her, when she sighed into his ear, when her small moan escaped her lips and caressed his ears. So, it wasn’t unusual that he would lay awake at night, tossing and turning with guilt, while his cock hardened from from the memory.

Sam wouldn’t say he was obsessed with it. No, that would be a lie. It was more like he had this memory that was fully intact, complete, arousing, erotic, that lived in him. Sometimes he didn’t even think about it. Other times, he would reach out and touch the memory and all of his senses would snap back to that day. The sound of her breathing, first soft, then faster and harder until she was heaving with each deep breath. The way her moan started so small and rose to a crescendo. The way her skin felt under his hands and against his body, smooth and soft and warm, and then increasing in heat as the slickness of perspiration covered them both. Her kisses, so tender only to become so hungry. The scent of her, rising to fill the entire room with the raw and powerful odor of sex.

It was like a door to him, usually closed, but then every now and then something would open it just a crack and he would be drawn through into the pleasures of that night, remembered. In his mind he lined it out, one incident after another, how they tied together, how they led to the next incident, and how each incident took them closer and closer to a threshold neither of them could uncross. A threshold smeared with cum and scented with lust.

Sam never considered sleeping with his sister. She was his sister, older than him by five years. They were the product of divorce, custody split among the parents. She went with his mother, he stayed with his father. They both had ordinary lives, off to college and starting their careers. They saw each other on major holidays and sometimes for vacation. They each grew up in their own world, with incidental intersection points. They knew each other. They liked each other. They even loved each other, as best they could, growing up like they did.

The first set of ifs was entirely external to both. His father rented a house at Lake Tahoe for the ski season. He extended an invitation to the whole family to take advantage of it, to come out to the house, to enjoy some skiing, to enjoy the winter weather. It was Sam’s sister who thought it was a good idea to have one weekend where they were all there together, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the whole extended family.

Sam made that decision. He looked at his calendar, consulted with his girlfriend, and then booked the days off at work. A few days before the weekend. A few days after the weekend. The plan was he’d come in on a Wednesday evening, flying to Reno and driving up to Lake Tahoe, and he’d stay through Tuesday, before flying out again on a Wednesday. His girlfriend would skip the trip. She had plans for Thanksgiving with her family, and then a quiet Christmas vacation with just the two of them down to San Diego. She was comfortable with him spending the week skiing and enjoying his extended family.

So, the trip was booked, time flew by, and then Sam was on his way. The short flight from LA to Reno. A rental SUV for a beautiful drive up to Lake Tahoe. The house was both larger and nicer than Sam expected. Perched on a mountainside, alpine style architecture, four bedrooms, three baths, a loft, a great room and a deck, all with a beautiful view of the lake and the Sierra’s surrounding it, a horizon dominated by Mt. Rose, glowing at sunset.

As is often the case when vacationing in the Sierras in winter the weather was an active partner. This time, it was not cooperating, it had other plans. Those plans took the shape of a Pacific storm front, charging across California and slamming into the Sierras. The rest of the family was planning to come in on Friday, but by midday Thursday they started to cancel plans, one after another. The forecast was for heavy snowfall and road closures through the weekend. There was nothing to be done.

Sam made a run to a local market to stock up on perishables, then a swing by the local liquor store to get a twelve pack of beer and a couple of bottles of wine. He also picked up some magazines, a book of crossword puzzles, and assorted candy bars. When he made it back to the house, just as the first flakes of snow started to fall, he found and read the winter storm instructions in a binder in a kitchen drawer.

The house had a generator, which would last for two days, and a cord of firewood stacked just outside the back door for the two fireplaces, one in the master bedroom and the other in the great room. The general instructions were to sit tight until the storm was over and then give them one or two days to plow the roads open. The company that managed the house had several snow mobiles, a snow cat, and a snow blower. Once the storm was over, they’d start clearing the roads.

The town would be responsible for opening the other roads, one at a time, based on priority. During the storm they would try and keep the emergency routes open, but that was dependent on how much snow fell. Usually, it was two or three days before the roads to the highway were open and passable. Emergency services had their own snow cats and snow mobiles, but visitors should anticipate delays.

Sam made a simple pasta alfredo for dinner, cracked a bottle of wine, and settled into the great room to watch movies. He could see the snow falling, wet and heavy, through the two-story tall windows. He quietly watched it accumulate on the deck inch by inch. There were worst places to be in a Sierra snowstorm. Sam was just settling in for a quiet evening and a nice long run of days when he heard an engine coming steadily up the hill.

He walked to the window and looked out. A lonely pair of headlights were making their way up the road. A blue pick-up truck pulled under the streetlight and the headlights turned off. Sam ran through all the calls and texts he’d received canceling vacation plans and realized the only person he hadn’t heard from was his sister. Sure enough, a moment later, a figure bundled in a long down jacket slipped out of the driver’s side of the truck, then walked around to the passenger side door. She reappeared carrying a small duffle bag and an Eagle Pass carry-on. Judging from the height and the strands of curly brown hair that peeked out of the hood, there was only one person it could be.

He opened the door and held it for her as she carefully crossed the driveway and came up the small porch. He reached out and took the duffle from her, then held the door open. She came in and stomped her boots to clear the snow. He reached over and brushed the snow from her shoulders, then stepped back as she set the carry on down and shrugged out of her coat, shaking the snow from it.

Kelsey hugged him fiercely, kissed him on the cheek.

“I knew you were coming up early, so I caught an earlier flight, I thought we’d get a nice day to catch up before the rest of the family got here.”

“Well, you beat everyone else. You made it just in time to get snowed in with me.”

“No kidding! I knew I was racing the storm, so I rented the pick-up truck. Traffic on the highway is slowing to a crawl. I had just made it past the chain control station when I heard on the radio that they were getting ready to close the highway in the foothills east of Sacramento. It was a bit of a white-knuckle drive over the mountains, but I’m ahead of the worst of it.”

“You’re just in time for dinner. Fortunately, I made enough for the both of us.”

“Which bedroom did you take?”

“None of them. I figured that I would just camp out in the great room, the couch is one of those modular things that you can push into a bed.”

“Great. I’ll put my stuff in the master bedroom. I think we’re it for the family ski vacation.”

“Sure, I’ll help.” Sam picked up the carry on, adding it to the duffle bag he already held, and then gestured for her to lead the way. The master bedroom was just down the hallway, off to the left. Sam followed Kelsey in and placed her bags on the ottoman at the foot of the California King bed with it’s intricately carved canopy.

“Let me run through the shower and I’ll join you for dinner in about twenty minutes.”

Sam headed back into the kitchen to place the pasta into the oven to keep warm. A few minutes later he heard the shower come on in the master bath. He pulled out another place setting and set Kelsey up on the coffee table in the great room. The first real gust of the storm kicked up a swirl of snow visible through the windows.

When Kelsey came out of the shower, she was wearing sneakers, blue jeans, and a heavy long-sleeved gray t-shirt with a college logo, running a brush through her curly brown hair.

“Wait!” She exclaimed, “My brother can cook? That smells great. I was afraid we were going to be stuck eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for a week.”

Sam smiled. “That is what happens when you’re trying to impress your girlfriend, you accidentally learn how to cook and unintentionally impress your sister.”

“I was actually worried your girlfriend made it after all and I was going to spend the whole storm feeling like a third wheel while the two of you were all lovey-dovey.”

“No, not this trip. I thought you were bringing your boyfriend?”

“He was planning on coming in tomorrow, but that is off the books now. We’re stuck with each other for the duration.”

Sam and Kelsey settled in for dinner and a glass of wine, making small talk, watching the snow pile up on the deck. After dinner, Sam apologized for not making dessert, but brought out of the chocolate bars he’d picked up and split it in two. They poured another glass of wine and settled in on the couch to catch up.

It was there, as Kelsey sat, drinking the glass of wine, and nibbling on chocolate, Sam had his first moment of attraction. It was short, low-key, and simple. He noticed that his sister had developed into a beautiful woman sometime in the last couple of years. In one moment, she stretched her legs out, leaned back on the couch, her body long and graceful, a delightful array of curves. He saw her, in that moment, as a woman, not as his sister. His mind’s eye flashed on what she would look like, sitting there next to him, comfortablynaked.

It only lasted a few seconds, but in those seconds, his mind’s eye roamed over her entire body, from her curly hair down to her sneaker clad feet. The T-shirt vanished, the jeans slipped away, and in his imagination, she was totally naked. His mind easily translated the curves of her breasts beneath the T-shirt to their naked version, soft and full. The same was true for the lines of her legs. Though she was dressed ordinarily, it was a short trip in his imagination to imagined nudity. It was the first time he ever saw his sister as a sexual being, it came out of the blue, and it sent a small charge through him. His entire body tingled.

Then it was gone. The moment slipped away. They continued with their small talk and selected a movie to watch. They ended up watching two, sitting there on the couch in the great room, catching up on each other’s lives and watching the snow pile up outside. The first movie was his choice, the comedy “Johnny English”. The second movie was her choice, the Cormac McCarthy based thriller “The Counselor”.

Then, moments after the second movie wrapped up, just as they were discussing a third, the power went out. There was a long moment of darkness and then they heard the generator kick on outside the house and the power flickered back on. The TV came back on, but there were no pictures. They’d lost the cable as well. They turned the stereo on, found a radio station, and poured themselves a last glass of wine.

The conversation took a turn toward the intimate. They both talked about their current relationship.

“So, you up for a personal question?” Kelsey asked.


“Okay, you’re six four and what, two hundred and ten pounds?”

“Two fifteen.”

“So, I saw the picture you sent around this summer, of you and your girlfriend at the beach in Acapulco. Do you remember it?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“She’s very cute. But what is she, five foot tall and a hundred pounds?”

Sam laughed.

“She’s a bit bigger than that. She’s five foot two. I’d tell you her weight but that requires an oath of secrecy and a non-disclosure agreement.”

Kelsey laughed.

“Yeah, so I am looking at that picture and I think, in order. My brother looks happy. She’s very cute. But he’s a giant and she’s small. How does that work?”

“What do you mean how does that work?”

Kelsey laughed. Sam had another moment of attraction. She had a musical laugh; he’d never noticed that before.

“You know what I mean brother. We’re both adults now. Sexually, how does it work?”

That jolt of electricity rocketed through him again. It was a moment of decision. He could laugh it off and tell her it was none of her business. He could redirect. He could respond with something improbably humorous, or he could answer her. Maybe it was the wine. Maybe it was the intimacy of the night as they became rapidly snowbound.

“Pretty much like sex works for everyone else. It just takes a little adjusting with positions. Some work well. Others take a bit of maneuvering around.”

Kelsey was looking straight into his eyes, a slight smile curving the edge of her lips. Sam thought that was the first time he ever really noticed the curve of her mouth when she smiled, the fullness of her lips.

“Don’t you like, smother her in missionary?”

He was stunned to silence for a moment. Then he answered.

“Well, I can, but usually I’m holding myself up on my arms, so I am above her. But yeah, if I lay down on top of her, which she likes sometimes, her head is pressed into my chest.”

It was Kelsey’s turn to fall silent, though her eyes never left his eyes.

Sam decided to push her, to see if he could make her as uncomfortable as he was.

“When I am laying on top of her, she likes to find my nipple and lick or suck on it.”

“Whoa,” Kelsey said, “a little more than I expected brother, but thanks for that visual.”

It was Sam’s turn to laugh.

“Don’t ask questions you’re not ready for the answer to sister.”

Kelsey joined him in laughing.

“Let me see her picture again.”

Sam pulled out his cellphone, went into his photo files, and pulled one from the Acapulco trip up. It was a simple shot of him and his girlfriend hugging on a beach lounger. It was one of Sam’s favorites, intimate and yet safe. He was wearing a black boxer style swimsuit, and she was wearing denim shorts and a florescent green bikini top, curled up against his chest with her hand laying on his stomach. They looked good. They looked young and in love.

Kelsey took the phone from him and looked at the picture.

“Oh great,” she said, a gentle mocking, “Now, whenever I see her picture in my mind’s eye, I can see her sucking on your nipple. It’s a good thing she’s not here, or I would be paralyzed whenever I saw the two of you close to each other. I wouldn’t know whether to feign innocence or to latch onto the other nipple.”

Sam felt himself blushing. He imagined Kelsey’s mouth, slowly opening to take his nipple in. He imagined her tongue, twirling around it, making it hard.

“No biting. Well, not at first. Then biting is okay.”

Kelsey laughed and held up the phone.

“Do you mind if I look at some of the other pictures in this folder.”

“No, not at all, they’re all safe.”

She began to scroll through the pictures from the Acapulco trip, swiping her way through the folder. Each time she looked at a new picture she said, in a serious voice.

“Let’s see. Lips. Nipple. Lips. Nipple. Oh, nipple, lips. And nipple lips again. Oh, here we are, nipple lips nipple.”


Kelsey laughed and held up the phone so Sam could see the picture, zooming it in for him. It was a picture from one of the nights when they were out dancing. Sam’s girlfriend was wearing a backless halter dress. To Sam’s surprise you could clearly see the outline of her erect nipples under the dress.

“Damn, I missed that one. Oh my god, now I am wondering if that’s the picture I sent Mom and Dad!”

Kelsey’s musical laugh filled the room.

“Oh my God, they both probably saved it and use it to rub one out all the time.”

Kelsey’s laugh continued and Sam shook his head and chuckled.

“Great, thanks for that mental image.”

“You have not lived with Mom for the last decade. I swear to God, since she hit her forties, she needs zero excuse to rub one out. Last Easter, me and my boyfriend were there for a week, and I swear she was slipping off and rubbing them out by the hour. I was afraid I was going to have to put her on a leash and lock her in her bedroom to keep her from humping my boyfriend’s leg.”

“Ah, you probably just wanted to put her on a leash.”

Kelsey laughed and slapped Sam on the arm. She squeezed his bicep.

“You’re bad!”

“You started it. I was just innocently cruising along and the next thing I knew there was an excess of nipple sucking and Mom’s on a leash in the bedroom.”

Kelsey laughed again and Sam watched her body move. In another moment of attraction, she was naked in his imagination, her body shaking and quivering.

“Wait, wait I’ve got just the picture for you.” Kelsey reached into her jean pocket and pulled out her own phone. She opened it, dug around for a moment, and pulled up a picture. She held the phone up so he could see it.

“Exhibit A. Mom. Halloween, 2019.”

Sam took the phone and looked at it. It was his mother, in a black and silver cat suit, with a spiked collar and leash.

“Whoa. I never saw that before.”

Kelsey laughed, “Oh, that’s not the best one.” Kelsey took the phone back and scrolled, then held it up again. Same costume. Except his mother was on her hands and knees crawling toward the camera, licking her lips.

“Wow.” Sam exclaimed.

“No kidding. She accidentally sent these to me a few days after Halloween, and then panicked and asked me to delete them.”

“Which you obviously did.” Sam teased her.

“Oh, obviously. Then promptly rescued them. You got to admit, Mom looks hot in them. I figure when she’s ninety and in some old folks’ home she’ll want to see them again.”

Sam laughed. Kelsey scooted across the couch and sat right next to him, pressed against his side.

“Okay, hidden folder reveal time. Don’t pretend you don’t have a hidden folder.” She handed his phone back to him.

Another of those decision points. This one he blazed through, the thought occurring to him briefly that he was about to share the most intimate photos on his phone with his own sister, who was now pressed into him, her body warm and comfortable.

Kelsey swiped through a couple of pictures and selected one, then put it down on her thigh.

“Pick one.” She said, “We’ll share at the same time.”

“What kind are we picking?” Sam asked as he started to scroll through his hidden folder.

“Oh, good idea. Let’s have some rules. How does your girlfriend feel about sharing her pictures?”

“She’s got two nudes of herself in the living room.”

“Holy shit. The little tramp!” Kelsey said. “Okay then, anything goes. You’ve got to promise you won’t tell anyone and I’ll do the same. Pinky swear.” She held up her hand, pinky extended. He raised his hand, hooked her pinky, and shook it.

“Okay, here is how we’ll play the game. We find the picture and announce the category. Boyfriend or Girlfriend, Exes, Self, or Family. We’ll start with Family. Ready?”

Sam found a picture. “Got it. Ready.”

Kelsey revealed her phone.

“Mom.” It was a picture of their mother, standing, naked, looking into a refrigerator, her body gleaning in the reflected light. “She had a lover over and I’m sleeping on the couch, and I hear her in the kitchen. She didn’t even see me there. I took this picture. I think she’s beautiful in it.”

Sam took a close look at the picture.

“God, she’s beautiful in that shot. I can see where you got your looks from.”

Kelsey laughed, “Most of them, except the curly hair, that came from Dad.”

“Dad.” Sam turned his phone over. Kelsey leaned in to look at the picture. It was his father, naked, lit by the light of a swimming pool, his arms raised over his head in a V. “We were on vacation in Hawaii, and he asked me to take this for his girlfriend. I felt a little weird at the time, but it’s a great shot.”

Kelsey looked closely at the image.

“Well, I can see where you got your looks. Did you inherit all the genes?” She reached over and zoomed in on her father’s nude image.

Sam laughed. “Most of them. I got a few parts from Mom’s side of the family.”

“Okay,” Kelsey said, scrolling through her pictures again. “Exes.” She found a picture and selected it.

Sam did the same.

“My college flame, John.” Kelsey said, showing Sam the picture. It was a professional nude modeling shot of a gorgeous young man who looked like a Greek statue, a thin towel wrapped around his waist, barely covering him. “He was a nude model, absolutely gorgeous, completely edible.”

“Our neighbor, when we lived in Palisades.” Sam flipped his phone over. A beautiful young Mexican woman was sitting, naked and cross legged on the bed, smiling into the camera. “She was a wild one. Zero fear of nudity. She would climb the fence to swim naked in our pool at night. When I caught her, she fucked me to keep me from telling anyone. Also, very edible.”

“Lucky brother.” Kelsey said. “Everyone needs a neighbor like that.”

“Boyfriend/Girlfriend.” Kelsey pronounced, scrolling through her pictures and selecting one.

“Ready.” Sam said.

Kelsey flipped her phone over and held it up so Sam could see it. It was a nude picture of her boyfriend in the shower, water and soap cascading down his body. His build was burly and muscular, he had a small, trimmed patch of dark pubic hair, and his cock, three quarters erect, hung down between his legs, water streaming off it.

Sam flipped his phone over and held it up so Kelsey could see it. It was a nude picture of his girlfriend in the shower, water and soap cascading down her body. Her body was petite and trim, a gymnast’s build, with a small, trimmed patch of golden pubic hair. A stream of water ran from her pussy lips.

“Jinx!” Kelsey proclaimed, laughed, and darting up to kiss Sam on the cheek, then wiped it off with her thumb. Sam leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

“Though, I have to wonder why we both picked pictures where it looks like they’re peeing. Oh, and nipple lips.”

Sam laughed.

“I’m sure I could say the same about your boyfriend. Nipple lips.”

“Oh, you sure could. He can latch on like a lamprey sometimes.”

Kelsey was scrolling through her pictures.

“Okay,” she said, “Selfie, erotic but tasteful.”

Sam found the picture that immediately popped into his mind.

“Got it.”

“Okay, you first.” Kelsey said.

He flipped his phone over. It was a picture of him, sprawled out on white sheets, with a white towel, folded neatly and draped over his hip, just covering his cock and balls. The photo was intimate and sensual, without being explicit.

Kelsey took the phone from him and looked carefully at the picture, zooming in.

There was another of those moments of attraction that shot through Sam as his sister gazed carefully at the photo. Fear that the game had suddenly gone too far. Fear that the game was going further. He felt his cock stiffen in his pants. He held his breath.

“Beautiful.” Kelsey said, after studying the picture for several minutes. “Simply beautiful.”

She turned her own phone over and showed the picture to Sam. It was a nude of her, tastefully done. She was laying on the bed with a pale butterscotch sheet partially draped across her body, covering one breast. The other breast was fully exposed, and her hand was covering her pubic region. She had dark brown nipples, both erect, one pressing through the sheet and the other fully exposed.

Sam took the phone from her and stared at the picture, carefully studying it. It took his breath away. His sister was beautiful and sensual. Kelsey was quiet. Sam could feel the electricity in the air and the heat of her body.

“Beautiful.” Sam said. “Simply beautiful.”

Kelsey snuggled into his side, wiggling against him, settling in closer.

Suddenly, she looked up at him.

“What are we doing?” She asked him. “Should we be doing this? I’m feeling, I don’t know, guilt. Like there are lines and we keep crossing them.”

Sam looked at her, staring into her brown eyes.

“I know the feeling. It’s like every line I come up to one of those lines, I just want to run across it.”

Kelsey looked back at him, nodding her head, then dropping her eyes.

“I know. I keep thinking I should deflect, steer us into some safe harbor, but then, I cross that line too.”

Sam wrapped his arm around her.

“Look, if you think we’ve gone to far, we can stop, pull back. But I’ll be honest with you, like I’ve been all my life, looking at the picture of you, naked, I don’t want to stop. We’re brother and sister. But we’re also adults. Judging from the pictures we’ve shared, fully realized beings with active sex lives. We’re here, together, and alone. I won’t tell anyone if you won’t. I’m not going to pressure you into something you don’t want. But I will tell you, in that sense of openness that our parents taught us, if you want to keep going, we keep going, and it ends where it ends. If you want to stop, we stop, and I pick a bedroom and masturbate like a mad-monkey and fall asleep.”

Kelsey laughed softly.

“Well, you won’t be the only one masturbating like a mad monkey brother.”

She lifted her phone and scrolled through her pictures while Sam held his breath. She found the picture she was looking for, selected it and then laid the phone screen down on her thigh.

“One more time.” Kelsey said, her voice suddenly low and husky. “Mad monkey.”

Sam nodded. He found the video he immediately thought of, selected it, and laid his phone down on his thigh. He took his hand off it, reached over, and took his sister’s hand off her phone. He gave it a little squeeze and she squeezed back.

“Mad Monkey.” Sam said.

Then they sat there, holding hands, until Sam finally let go of her and picked her phone up. She picked his phone up.

“On three.” Sam said, “One, two, three.”

They both hit the play buttons on their phones together. Then, they sat there in near silence, each staring at the phone screen. Faint sounds filled the great room. Soft moaning, high and deep. Faint rhythmic liquid sounds. The great room was suddenly still and heavy. The sound of the wind whipping against the outside of the house seemed to rise in pitch.

A few minutes later they both set the phones down.

Sam broke the silence.


Kelsey nodded.

“Whew. You’re pretty hot brother.”

“You’re pretty hot as well.”

The silence descended again.

This time it was Kelsey who broke the silence.

“I’ve got a whole new perspective on you brother. I don’t think I ever considered you as a sexual being, other than maybe incidentally.”

“The same for me. Incidents and accidents, but nothing intentional. Growing up apart, I don’t think we spent enough time together. I mean, mostly when we’ve been together it’s been in family sized events, like this vacation was supposed to be.”

“Yeah, I noticed you as you went through college in the shared family photos a couple of times, just to kind of think that you were good looking or handsome.”

Kelsey reached out and gave his thigh a squeeze and pat.

“Now, I’ve got a whole new mental image of you.”

Sam just nodded and shook his head ruefully.

“No kidding. A whole new mental image.”

The silence fell again.

Kelsey broke it.

“Well, I think we need to take a breather and call it a night brother.”

“Good idea.”

“Good night brother.” she said, leaning over and pecking him on the cheek. He gave her a quick hug.

“Good night sister.”

When Kelsey stood up and walked out of the room, Sam watched her go.

Once she had vanished into the master bedroom, he shook himself, then set about preparing the modular bed. With clean sheets and a heavy comforter out of the closet he quickly finished the task. He turned the lights off, stripped down, put on his pajama bottoms, and crawled into the bed. He lay there in the darkness for a few minutes, thinking about the images and conversation, thinking about how his sister’s body looked, how it felt with her curled against him on the couch.

Then, he took a couple of deep breaths. He was three quarters aroused. He imagined he could smell Kelsey’s arousal lingering in the room. He deliberately turned his mind to his girlfriend, imagined her petite body riding his erect cock, and came in a few minutes. At the end, his imagination switched from the image of his girlfriend riding his cock to his sister. When the aftermath of his orgasm faded, he realized he’d cum all over his stomach. He carefully reached over the edge of the bed, found one of his heavy wool socks, wiped himself clean, then tossed the sock back onto the floor. Listening to the storm howling outside, he quickly fell asleep.

In the morning, he woke to the sound of the wind outside, still howling. Another quiet hush, the sound of the shower, came from the master bedroom. Underlying it all he could hear the generator running. He rolled out of bed and headed upstairs to take his own shower. Under the hot water, he twisted and turned as he washed, luxuriating in the warmth. Once he’d finished, he came out, wrapped in a towel, and headed back downstairs. The stereo was on, tuned to a local radio station, dominated by news of the ongoing storm.

Kelsey was in the kitchen cooking French toast, her dark hair in a simple ponytail, wearing a track suit bottom and a band t-shirt, barefoot. She’d started the coffee pot, so he poured himself a cup and sat down at the small kitchen table.

“How’d you sleep?” he asked.

“Restless,” she said, “I tossed and turned listening to that howling wind. The radio says the storm’s going to last two or three days, the roads are mostly closed, and it’ll probably be sometime next week that we can get out and move again.”

“We’ve got the generator and if it goes, then there’s a cord of wood outside for the fireplace. We should be good. I bought groceries for one, but I bought a lot of them, so we should be set there as well, though we might be down to cold cereal by the time we get out.”

They sat and made small talk through breakfast, catching up on the last year of each other’s lives. They were both doing well, personally and professionally, both in stable, friendly, relationships.

“Are you serious about her?” Kelsey asked.

“As serious as I can be. She’s great, but we’re more friends who sleep together than the love of each other’s lives. She’s in law school and graduates in a year and a half, and then she’s thinking about moving back to Texas, where her family is from.”

“Have you met them yet?”

Sam laughed.

“Yeah, Texans. That’s all I’ve got to say about that.”

Kelsey laughed.

“How about you?” Sam asked, “Marriage on the horizon?”

“Oh god no,” Kelsey said. “I’m the same. It’s more of a friend with benefits type relationship than a love match. Technically, it’s an open relationship, though in practice I think we only take advantage of it a couple of times a year, usually when work has us apart for an extended period.”

Sam nodded. “Yeah, we call ours an open relationship too. I think I took advantage of the open part twice over the last couple of years, both one-night stands when she was on vacation with her family or her girlfriends. She’s bi, so she has a long-term lover, another woman, that she’s known longer than me. They get together when they can.”

“I’ve thought about Mom and Dad. Back in their days, they didn’t really have our generation’s approach to sexuality, with all its options. I think they took advantage of the options, being human and obviously sexual beings, but I think it was harder. I’ve wondered if they would have stayed married if they’d had the ability to just declare it an open marriage and live like that.”

Sam nodded.

“I’ve wondered at that too. I’d say growing up, Dad was discrete but very sexually active, judging from the number of girlfriends he brought through the house.”

“Mom too. Not so discrete I think, but she tried.”

“Trying matters.” Sam said, finishing the last forkful of French toast.

“Let me get the couch back in position and we’ll see if we can find some entertainment. If nothing else, we can cast to the big screen. I’ve got a collection of movies on my iPad.”

“Just leave it.” Kelsey said, “We’ll spend the day lounging on it as a giant bed. I’ve got a nice collection of TV shows on my laptop, for work trips. Probably a good 20 hours of entertainment.”

They washed the morning dishes. Sam showed Kelsey the house binder and she started reading through it. Sam, who had glanced at it when he came in the day before, wandered off to find the generator monitoring station, which was hidden inside a bookcase. It said they had thirty-six hours of generator power left. Inside a small closet he found a canvas carry-all to carry firewood in. After a quick discussion with Kelsey, he carried his bag into the second first floor bedroom, put on clean sweatpants and a t-shirt, another pair of heavy socks, and pulled on his ski suit and ventured back down the hall. Once he’d slipped on his boots, gloves, and stocking cap he ventured out into the snow.

It was bitterly cold, and visibility was a few feet at best. The wind instantly chilled him to his bones. Fortunately, the wood was stacked neatly outside the door, a few feet away. All told, it took him four or five minutes to load the carry-all with a dozen sizeable pieces of firewood and get back inside. It was enough time that he was shaking, and his teeth were chattering, when he came back in. He closed the door behind him, then stood there stomping his feet, both to clear the snow and get his circulation flowing again.

Kelsey insisted he jump back under the comforter once he’d taken his ski suit off and he didn’t object. She set the fireplace up, using a few pieces of tinder from a copper bucket, and lit it while he shivered. Once the fire was lit and coming to life, she went into the kitchen and got two mugs of hot coffee. The house binder tucked under her arm she climbed on the bed and sat near him, cross-legged, while she read through the binder and sipped her coffee.

“Okay,” she said, “there are a couple of things of note here. There is a store of canned goods and dried food in the smaller of the two downstairs bedroom closets, along with two electric blankets, and more good heavy blankets. One of these drawers,” she gestured toward the credenza that held the TV, “has a collection of popular movies, whatever that means”.

She laughed, “We’re saved! There is a rolling bar in the closet of the master bedroom, stocked with liquor, wine, and beer. As well as a small quantity of California’s finest marijuana. Nice!”

Kelsey jumped off the bed and crawled across the floor to open the doors to the credenza and peer inside. Sam watched her move on her hands and knees. She was graceful, almost cat-like. Her track suit tightened across her ass and Sam found himself staring at it. She had a great ass, full, round, muscular.

She found the movie collection, magazines, several decks of cards and a couple of board games stashed in the credenza.

She selected several of the movies and brought them back to bed with her. Sam felt his arousal sliding over him, watching her. He casually lifted his right leg, creating a tent to hide his growing erection. He let her pick the movie, and then watched again as she crawled back to the credenza and loaded the blu-ray player. He glanced away when she returned. She settled in next to him on the bed, pulling part of the comforter over to cover her legs, and he looked around for the remote control, which he remembered setting on the floor last night.

“Can you check under the bed on that side?” Sam asked, “I think I left the remote over there.”

Kelsey scooted over to the edge of the bed, and then leaned over to look under it. Her track suit stretched across her like a second skin. Sam could see the clear outline of her ass and the lines of her underwear, a pair of French cut panties from the look of it.

“Here it is!” Kelsey said and leveraged herself back onto the bed. She pushed the power button and the TV blinked to life. The movie she’d selected was a romantic comedy neither of them had seen, so they settled in to sip their coffee and watch, joking about the characters and laughing at their antics. When Sam felt his erection softening as the arousal waned, he straightened his leg out.

Kelsey smiled, reached over, and did what she had done the night before, gave his thigh a squeeze and patted his leg. About halfway through the movie, she slid closer, curling up against his chest and leaning into him. He lifted his arm and slipped it around her shoulders, and she snuggled in tighter. He could feel the softness of her breast pressed against his rib cage, the heat of her body through their shirts. He tried to concentrate on the movie.

There were two sex scenes in the movie. The comedic “missed opportunity” and then the “finally find each other” scene at the end. The actors were, as most actors are, both beautiful. Kelsey commented on how hot the male lead was. Sam commented on how hot the female lead was. The last scene, the “finally find each other scene” was tender and erotic. Between the scene and Kelsey’s body pressed against his torso, he felt his arousal rising again. Casually, he raised his leg again, sheltering his erection within the tent. He’d chosen the wrong pair of pants. The gray, jersey like loose fit of the sweatpants did nothing to contain his straining cock.

After the credits they sat there and talked about the movie a bit, just small talk.

“So, is your sex life a comedy of errors?” Kelsey asked, “Mine feels like it sometimes.”

“Oh, I’ve had my moments.” Sam said. “But I like to think of it as more of an erotic thriller.”

Kelsey laughed.

“Why do I have trouble believing that?”

She reached over and patted him on his upraised knee.

“I’ve got a surprise for you.” She said, “Close your eyes for a minute.”

Sam looked at her, then closed them. He felt her moving around the bed while he waited.

“Okay, ready? Open your eyes.”

Sam opened them, she was hiding one of her hands behind her back.

“I think,” she said, “this puts you firmly in the comedy of errors. I’m sure I saw it in some movie.”

She slowly brought her hand out from behind her back. Dangling between her finger and thumb was the sock. The mostly stiff, cum soaked sock from the night before.

“Care to explain this sock brother? It looks suspicious. Like it might be laden with, I don’t know, DNA evidence.”

Sam felt himself blushing, felt the heat rising.

“And this?” Kelsey patted him on his upraised knee. “That trick never works. It’s amusing. We thank you for the effort. But women know.”

“Oh my god,” Sam exclaimed, “I…I…I…” he stammered, suddenly wordless.

He took a deep breath.

“The sock jumped on my cock and ravaged me last night?”

Kelsey’s musical laugh filled the great room.

“Good save!”

She wiggled the sock in the air.

“Bad sock. Nasty sock. Taking advantage of my brother like that!”

Sam reached out for the sock, but Kelsey quickly swung it out of reach.

“No, we’re going to talk about this sock.” She said, laughing again. “This sock has a story to tell.”

She held the sock up to ear level, still out of reach.

“I’m sorry Ms. Kelsey, but your brother was just laying there, looking sexy as fuck, and I had to take advantage of him. Oh, really? Are you sure it wasn’t the other way around? Him taking advantage of you? I mean, you are just a sock, he’s a pretty big guy. He could have had his way with you.”

Sam lowered his head, painfully aware he was bright red from the blush.

Kelsey continued, laughing.

“Oh, Ms. Kelsey, if you hadn’t shown him those scandalous pictures last night, my virtue might have been safe. But, your little brother, why he’s a man of simple needs, and like most men has no control over his erection. I mean, the slightest whiff of strange and they’re in trouble. Even his sister’s strange. I’m pretty sure he could smell your arousal last night before you left him.”

Sam’s head snapped up and he looked at Kelsey.

“Look,” she said, a slight smile curving her lips. “Last night, sharing those pictures, talking about sex with my own brother, I was twisted up in a knot inside. I soaked my panties through. I was torn between just how aroused it made me and the guilt for thinking about my own brother like that, in a way that was purely sexual.”

She set the sock down on the comforter next to her.

“What I didn’t know was if you were feeling the same thing. I didn’t want to come onto you and get rejected. I didn’t want to come onto you without you feeling the same way. Our hormones took us right up to the line last night. I was probably one or two more pictures away from jumping you.”

Sam swallowed and nodded as she looked into his eyes.

“I was aroused.” He said. “I wanted you pretty badly, but I didn’t know how you’d react.”

Kelsey nodded.

“I figured as much from the little speech about going too far that you gave, but I wasn’t sure. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that when it comes to sex, you need to be sure. I wasn’t sure if it was being tired, drinking a few glasses of wine, and sharing a little too much erotic content. So, I decided to wait until today and ask you straight out, while we’re both completely sober and we can consider it carefully, like responsible adults.”

“Okay,” Sam said, “I agree. The thing that kept me from making a pass at you last night was similar for me. I worried it was the wine and the proximity. I worried I’d make an ass of myself and then be stuck in a snow-bound house with you. That would be uncomfortable. Really, uncomfortable.”

“So,” Kelsey said, “let’s talk incest.”

“Okay,” Sam said.

“The prohibition primarily comes from two things,” Kelsey said, “First, the small risk to any offspring. I’m on the pill and I have Plan B at hand. If you don’t have condoms, I’ve got some in my bag, my just in case condoms.”

“I’ve got condoms as well.” Sam said.

“The second is from the power indifference and the damage non-consensual sex can do to a person. If we’re going to do this, we both must consent, and consent while we’re clear headed and sober, rampant hormones aside. Then, we’ve got to keep it secret, not tell anyone unless we both consent to tell them.”

Sam nodded.

“Let me ask a question.” Sam said, “If we do this, can you live with the knowledge of it? Sometimes, guilt sneaks up on us. We do something and we think we’re good when we do it, but the remorse can be sneaky.”

“I can.” Kelsey said, “I’ve pretty much rejected the old Judeo-Christian morality in my personal life. It doesn’t mean I don’t feel guilt sometimes, but it means I’m usually able to move past it.”

“Me too.” Sam replied. “Times have changed.”

“Then, you’re good with it?” Kelsey asked.

“I am. Are you good with it?”

“I am,” Kelsey replied.

They sat in silence on the bed for several long moments, looking into each other’s eyes.

“I have no idea what to do next.” Sam suddenly said.

Kelsey laughed again and put her hand on his knee.

“First,” she said, “You’re going to put this knee down.”

Sam stretched his leg out. His erection was prominently visible, making its own smaller tent in the comforter. Kelsey looked down at it.

“Now,” she said, “We’re going to watch another movie and I’m going to tease the fuck out of you. Literally. Did you know that last night, when I went to bed, I was so damned wet, I barely rubbed my clit and my ass was bouncing on the bed and I had my face buried with a pillow so you wouldn’t hear anything?”

Kelsey crawled across the bed on all fours again, crawling back to the credenza with the second movie selection. She looked over her shoulder at him.

“Oh, and by the way, I saw you staring at my ass earlier. We women long ago mastered the art of watching you in reflections.”

Kelsey crawled back onto the bed. This time she slowly crawled straight up Sam’s body, not quite touching him, grazing over his erect cock, then rolled over to his side and tucked herself back up against him, reaching up to pull his arm around her. She placed her hand firmly on his thigh and left it laying there, a warm and constant presence. She found the remote and pressed the play button. She set the remote down and snuggled into him with a little wiggle. She began to slowly stroke and massage his thigh with her hand, squeezing it and rubbing it up and down.

Sam’s cock tented the comforter. As her hand massaged him, he felt it twitch several times. It was so hard it almost hurt. He reached down with his free hand to adjust its position, but Kelsey quickly grabbed his hand and stopped him. For the next ten minutes she simply snuggled against him and stroked his thigh. Sam felt his breath deepening.

Then, Kelsey rose onto her knees, slipping from his grasp, and scooted to the bottom of the bed before hopping off. She took the comforter in both her hands and slowly pulled it off her brother. The weight of it, as light as it was, sliding across his cock, drew a soft moan from him. She pulled the comforter completely off the bed and tossed it aside.

“Take off your shirt.” She told him.

He quickly peeled it off over his head.

Kelsey leaned across the bed, grabbed the waist band of his sweatpants, and slowly peeled them down as he lifted his hips. She tossed them aside and then stood there for a moment, gazing at her brother’s naked body. His cock was fully erect and laying on his abdomen.

“Fuck.” Kelsey said. “That’s beautiful.”

Standing at the foot of the bed, she stripped her own T-shirt off, pulling it over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra underneath. Her breasts swayed freely from the motion. Sam could see that her nipples were pale brown and fully engorged. She quickly pushed her tracksuit down and stepped out of it, tossing it aside. Her panties followed a moment later.

She stood there while Sam looked at her, his eyes roaming over her entire body, noting her neatly trimmed triangle of dark pubic hair. Watching his eyes, Kelsey slowly ran her hands down her body, caressing her breasts, her abdomen, and sliding one hand over her pubic region. She cupped it gently and ran a finger between her pussy lips. It came away wet, gleaming slightly in the light. She traced a circle around first one nipple, then the other.

She crawled back onto the bed, once again crawling up the length of her brother’s body, grazing her breasts across his thighs, then lightly over his cock. He moaned again. She continued upwards, grazing across his abdomen, then up over his chest, straddling his thighs. Sam moaned again. She continued upward, taking his head in her hands.

She rubbed her nipple across his lips, and he opened his mouth to capture it, lightly sucking on it. It was Kelsey’s turn to let out a small, delicious moan. She moved his mouth to her other nipple, and he lightly sucked on it.

“Oh god.” Kelsey moaned again.

Sam leaned a little farther forward and sucked her nipple into his mouth, twirling it with his tongue. He quietly suckled on her, drawing the nipple inward until suddenly he let it pop free, covered in his saliva. He twisted slightly and repeated the process on her other nipple. Kelsey was breathing deeply, gasping for air, as he switched his attention from nipple to nipple. She held his head and moaned.

Her hips settled down on his, trapping his cock between them, pressing it against his stomach. Her hips moved in small strokes, and he could feel her pussy, gently dripping, sliding up and down the underside of his shaft. It was his turn to moan.

Kelsey lifted his head from her breasts and leaned to kiss him, softly and gently. They stayed in that position for a long time, her gently rubbing against him as they kissed. Sam could feel his sister’s warm body pressing into him, her hard nipples sliding across his chest. They were both breathing heavily now.

Kelsey reached around, found the remote, and pressed the mute button. The only sound was the driving wind outside the house, punctuated by their soft moaning and the liquid sound of their kissing. Time slowed down and stood still for Sam. Finally, Kelsey broke the kiss, rose and reached down between them, curling her hand around his cock.

Sam nearly came, taking a deep breath. Kelsey gave his hard cock a soft squeeze, then she pulled it upright and gently placed it against the lips of her pussy. Another minor adjustment and Sam felt her opening so just the head slipped between her lips. She rubbed it back and forth there, fitting it in.

Then, placing both her hands on his chest and staring into his eyes, she held her position for a long time. Sam’s soft and insistent moaning was the only sound.

She closed her eyes and with a look of intense concentration slid slowly down onto his cock, the hard shaft opening her and penetrating her. He felt every inch of it sliding in, engulfed by the warm, wet, heat of her body.

“God.” Kelsey whispered, “You’re so fucking hard.”

Sam could only nod as Kelsey began to rhythmically slide up and down on his cock.

“Fuck!” She said suddenly, leaping off him.

“Condom! Condom!”

Sam pointed toward his bag, laying near the entry way. Kelsey dashed over to it and tore it apart, throwing things in all directions. She dashed back, several condoms in her hand. She tossed them onto the bed, keeping one. She quickly ripped it open and a moment later was skinning it down over her brother’s cock.

“Fuck, I was so fucking horny I almost forgot the condom.” Kelsey said, leaning in, fiercely and deeply kissing her brother, her pink tongue darting in and out of his mouth. He returned the kiss with passion.

Kelsey remounted him, groaning deeply as his cock slid back into her. He felt her pussy twitch and tighten around it. Kelsey returned to her slow, rhythmic ride. Sam watched her body, twisting and moving above him. He closed his eyes. In his minds eye he could still see her riding his cock. He took several deep breaths, pulling himself back from the brink of orgasm.

Sam opened his eyes. Kelsey had closed hers again. She was riding him, her body rising and falling. Her face had the look of pure concentration. Sam’s hands rose to caress her swaying breasts. He slid his hand over them, feeling her nipples slide across his palms.

Kelsey made a half whimper, half moan, and came. Her orgasm was short and sharp. Her body jerked two or three times and Sam felt her pussy tighten and squeeze on his cock. He moaned deeply and then his body arched, rising Kelsey up slightly, pushing his cock all the way into her pulsing cunt. He released with a shudder running through his entire body, his orgasm rippling through him. He groaned and moaned, his hips bucking as his sister, in the thrall of her own orgasm, rode him. Then, she collapsed down onto him, her head nearly butting his. Sam felt one last, long, tight pulse of her pussy pulling the last surge of his orgasm out of his cock.

They lay there, brother and sister, for a long while, the sounds of their heavy breathing competing with the blowing wind outside. Sam felt himself start to soften, but then the thought of what he had just done gave him a jolt and he felt his cock start to stiffen again. He was buried in his sister, engulfed in her pussy, her body laid out on top of him, naked. His sister! The thought was gasoline tossed recklessly on the fire of his lust.

He wasn’t done. He placed a hand against the small of her back to hold her and rolled over. Her legs came up around his hips, squeezing tightly as they changed position. Sam leaned in and kissed her deeply. She kissed back, one hand raising up and tangling itself in his short hair to hold his mouth in place. When the kiss was done, he rose onto his knees, pulling his cock from her with a liquid slurp.

It only took him a moment to get the condom off, then another few moments to find one of the others lying on the bed, open it and put it on as his sister watched, wide-eyed, trailing her fingers down his chest, sliding her fingers over his small hard nipples. Her body was heaving as she caught her breath. She leaned up and tongued his nipple.

He moved back between her legs, reaching down to guide his cock into position, then dropped his hips to plunge into her. She moaned and it was her turn to arch her back as he penetrated her again.

“Oh fuck,” Kelsey muttered, “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

Sam braced his arms to hold his weight above her and started to slowly drive his hips back and forth. It only took him a few moments to find the rhythm. Kelsey twisted and moaned beneath him. He settled into long, slow, strokes, the full length of his cock moving in and out of her. He dropped down onto his elbows, pressing his chest against her soft breasts, pinning her down as the muscles of his ass hollowed with each deep thrust.

Kelsey was constantly moaning now, clinging to him, wrapping her arms around him. Her tongue found his and danced with it, wet and wild. Sam returned the kiss and kept up the rhythm. Each thrust drove him into her, and she met each with a moan. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his hips, matching each thrust with a counterthrust of her own. She let go of him long enough to slide a hand over his sweat soaked chest, slickly caressing his nipples, then sliding it down between them.

Sam could feel her hand, moving rapidly back and forth as she rubbed her clit. Once she started rubbing her clit, it didn’t take long before her body was bucking underneath him and she let out a long, drawn-out moan as she came again. Sam focused on maintaining the rhythm of his thrusts as his sister moved through a series of wave orgasms, one after another rippling through her body, her pussy pulsing around his cock.

It was too much. He felt his own orgasm building, his cock stiffening and then, as he came, matching her pulsing with his own. He groaned and moaned deeply, his hips jerking and jumping. He collapsed on top of her, pressing her fully into the bed, trapping her hand between them. His head dropped into the hollow of her neck and shoulder as she pulled her arm from between them and once again wrapped him in a tight embrace.

They lay there, entangled, for a long time, until slowly each began to relax and let the other from their embrace. At long last Sam rolled off her and laid on his back again. Kelsey rolled over and molded her body into his side. Their chests rose and fell together.

The post orgasm warmth swallowed Sam. He didn’t think he slept, but he must have dropped off a little, because the next thing he was aware of was the sensation of Kelsey, running her tongue over his nipple, her fingernails tracing slow circles on his abdomen. He moaned.

Kelsey took her mouth away from his nipple and smiled at him.

“I had to see what those nipples tasted like.” She said. “I still don’t see how your girlfriend does it. You’re what, six inches taller than me? You nearly buried me at the end there. God, that part was hot. There I was, pinned down, my own brothers cock sliding in and out of me, my own cunt trying to hold onto it. Fuck me, I came so fucking hard, both times.”

Her hand found his condom covered cock and slowly removed the condom, being careful not to spill it. She held it up for him to see. Then carefully set it over the side of the bed onto the floor.

“What happened to the other condom? I didn’t see what you did with it.”

Sam laughed. “Fuck if I remember.” He sat up and looked around, trying to recreate changing the condom in his mind. He twisted and looked over the side of the bed. The condom lay there, spilled on the floor.

“Well, I hope they’ve got a carpet cleaner hidden somewhere in this house.”

Kelsey laughed softly and then snuggled back into him as he laid back down. He pulled her in close and they lay comfortably together.

“God,” Sam said, “after I came that first time, I can’t believe how fast I was hard again. There was something about having my sister moaning and cumming on my cock. It was like my cock would not let go of it.”

Kelsey reached down and squeezed him lightly.

“You were amazing brother. I haven’t cum like that in a while. Usually, I need a bit of time to recover before the second orgasm, but when you started fucking me again, my greedy little pussy couldn’t get enough. That first time, I rarely have a penetration only orgasm, but fuck me, I did that time.”

They snuggled back in together on the bed.

“Jesus,” Kelsey said, “I left one hell of a wet spot. We need to get these sheets off before we stain the couch.”

Reluctantly, Sam rolled out of bed. Kelsey followed him and together they stripped the sheets. Kelsey bundled them together and took them down the hallway.

“There’s a small washer and drier in the hall closet.” She called back to him. Sam heard her open the door just as Kelsey called out “Found it!”. Together, they gathered their clothes and took them to the washer as well. Sam loaded the detergent and started it. Naked, they stood and contemplated the machine.

“Shower?” Kelsey asked.

“Shower.” Sam agreed, and then wrapped his arm around her waist and walked her into the master bedroom.

“Oh look.” Kelsey said, “There’s a perfectly good bedroom, and here we were fucking on the couch like mad monkeys.”

Sam laughed and started the shower.

The rest of the day passed in a slow and sensual haze. The storm outside was constantly rising and falling as the snow deepened and spun into drifts. On several occasions they found themselves standing at the windows, gazing out at the raw power and majesty of a Sierra snowstorm, arms wrapped around each other.

Around noon, the sudden chiming of their cell phones snapped them out of their post-sex reverie. The return of cell service meant they both settled in and returned texts and phone calls from family, friends, and lovers checking up on them. When the cell phone service dropped again in the early afternoon, they both felt a sense of relief. The world of modern communications was a wonder, but sometimes it was a wonder it didn’t make more people drop off the grid. There was something to be said for the silence and the rawness of the winter storm.

After a late lunch, they found themselves curled on the bed in the great room again, listening to the radio and simply cuddled together. Sam slowly ran his fingertips over his sister’s body, exploring all her curves. Kelsey matched his exploration with her own, tracing her nails over her brother’s skin. The slow caresses brought their arousal back to life.

Sam slid his finger over his sister’s pussy lips, stroking very lightly. Kelsey moaned and spread her legs. She traced his balls with a grazing touch. Sam’s cock began to slowly lengthen. Kelsey responded by taking the shaft into her hand, curling her fingers around it, and starting a soft, even, stroke. She moaned when Sam slid two fingers into her. As their arousal increased, their urgency increased. Soon, the sweet scent of it rose to fill the air. In silent agreement, they shifted their bodies, moving into a sixty-nine position.

Sam groaned as Kelsey took his cock into her mouth, pulling in just the head and twirling her tongue around it. She teased his cock, treating the swollen head like a lollipop, sucking it in and out of her wet mouth. She traced the lines of his engorged cock with her tongue, slow licks from the base to the head. She tried tracing each vein with her tongue. Sam’s moans filled the room. She moved farther down and lavished attention on his balls, licking each one sensuously, wrapping her lips around them and sucking them in, then playing her tongue over them. She stopped to admire his cock, covered in saliva, thick and full, then she returned to devouring it, taking it deep into her mouth and bobbing her head up and down in a steady, constant, rhythm, the sucking, slurping sound getting louder and louder.

Sam pulled his sister into position over his mouth, then reached out to slide his tongue over her pussy lips, over and over, gently, delicately lapping at her. He slipped his tongue between her lips, pressing inward, pushing them apart, tasting her for the first time. He took each of her ass cheeks in hand and held her as he ate her. His tongue slowly penetrated her, deeper and deeper, opening her up. She flowed wetly onto his tongue and lips, smearing across his chin. Kelsey moaned softly as well, almost a whimper, as he ate her out. Periodically, he would turn to her clit, kissing it, sucking it, lapping it which his tongue.

They edged each other, bringing them close to orgasm, then backing off. The sounds of the wet slurping and sucking filled the room as they moaned, deep into the oral pleasures they were giving and receiving.

Kelsey was dripping wet, her brother’s fingers sliding in and out of her as he sucked her swollen clit. Sam was rock hard, his cock filling his sister’s mouth, sliding over her lips and tongue.

Kelsey felt her brothers approaching orgasm, felt his cock in her mouth start a slow pulsing, swelling with each beat. She increased the pressure on his cock with her mouth. Placing her tongue along the underside of the shaft, she began to pulse against it, finding and matching his heartbeat. He pulled his mouth from her cunt long enough to gasp out.

“I’m going to cum.”

Kelsey just wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock to deny his orgasm for a few more moments, increasing the pressure of her pulsing tongue. Sam’s moan was long and desperate. She released the grip of her fingers, and he exploded. She tasted the first pulse of his cum suddenly filling her mouth. Pulsing wave after pulsing wave followed, hot and thick. Kelsey sucked and swallowed her brothers cum as it poured into her. When he started to slow down, she increased her sucking, drawing him into a second wave of cum. His moaning was reduced to a wordless, whimpering cry as he came in his sister’s mouth.

Sam’s chest rose and fell as he drew in deep breath after deep breath. The power of his orgasm left him speechless and unable to move for several minutes as his entire body trembled in the aftermath, his brain blank, overwhelmed by the pleasure. Once he was able to move again, he twisted around, his cock popping out of his sister’s mouth as he switched positions, moving so that he lay between her legs. Another adjustment and he draped her legs over his shoulders, lifting her to his mouth.

He started to lick and probe her pussy with his tongue. He penetrated her deeply with each thrust of his tongue, starting at the bottom, ending with a flick of her clit. His mouth and tongue were relentless, intent on giving his sister the same powerful orgasm she had given him. He slid his fingers into her, pressing upward, searching for and finding her g-spot, then starting a slow and steady pulse on it, matching the long strokes of his tongue inside of her lips. He felt Kelsey’s hand, grasping his head, curling into his hair. He devoured her. Concentrating, he focused on establishing a steady, driving rhythm, like the beat of a song, fast but measured.

Kelsey responded by moaning and whimpering, twisting on his mouth. She babbled. Mostly incoherently, except for a single word.

“Yes, yes, yes.”

Sam kept the pace and the pressure continuously until he felt her orgasm. Where his orgasm had been a pulsing wave, his sister came hard and fast. Her pussy locked down on his fingers, grasping them tightly and her body bounced up and down on the bed. She screamed and bucked as the ferocious orgasm ripped through her. Her back arched upward and frozen at the pinnacle, holding there for long seconds and then suddenly releasing and dropping back onto the bed. She pushed his head away from her pussy, twisting and turning as she tried to escape the overwhelming pleasure that crashed through her body. Sam held to her ass, his fingers still gripped inside of her, but he pulled his mouth and tongue off her, letting her twist in the delicious aftershocks of her orgasm.

Eventually, she rolled away, pulling his fingers from inside of her, curling up on the bed, still shaking. Sam was careful not to touch her, moving up to lay near her, until she finally seemed to settle down, then wrapping his arms gently around his sister, pulling her into the warmth of his body. They lay there, together, matching breath to breath. It took Kelsey longer to recover than Sam and he patiently waited for her. When he decided she was ready, he leaned over and kissed her, gently, softly, and deeply. She returned the passionate kiss.

They fell quickly to sleep, each seeking to recover, warm and satisfied. At some point in the timeless aftermath, Sam retrieved the comforter and covered them both. They descended into the warm cocoon of cotton and drifted off to sleep.

Later, as they drifted awake, Sam heard the radio announcer. They were forecasting the storm would end sometime tomorrow and then it would be three or four days before the roads were reopened. Kelsey kissed him softly.

“So, another four or five days.” Kelsey murmured. “Four or five days of fucking my brother. Can you keep me cum drunk for that long?”

“Yes.” Sam said. “I’m going to fuck you every way I can imagine.”

“Mmmm, I’m going to like that. My own brother, fucking me senseless, over and over.”

“My own sister, fucking me senseless, over and over.”

“It’s never going to be the same between us, is it?”

“No. It’s changed. We’re in a new world. We’re going to have to figure it out as we go.”

“We’ll make sense of it.” Kelsey snuggled deeper into his embrace.

They eventually left the bed in the great room when they realized they were ravenously hungry. The rumbling of their stomachs drove them to action. They dressed quickly and casually. Sam had picked up a couple of steaks, so they put together a full meal of steak, rice, and mixed vegetables. They cracked the second bottle of wine Sam had picked up and feasted, just as the early winter sunset turned the sky outside from gray to black.

They made small talk about sex over dinner.

Sam complimented his sister on her pulsing tongue trick.

“Oh, that one I learned from a lover, he told me how to do it, what to feel for, how to time it.”

Kelsey complimented her brother on his ability to find her g-spot on the first try.

“I had a college girlfriend who was majoring in anatomy.” Sam said with a chuckle, “She made sure I knew where it was, what it felt like, and how to bring it into play. With diagrams.”

Kelsey laughed.

“Yeah, sometimes men need diagrams.”

“Hell,” Sam said, “We need a playbook. And coaches to keep us on the playbook.”

“More like a dance instructor, tempo, tempo, tempo, stay on the beat.”

Sam laughed.

They exchanged more anecdotes and stories as they lazed their way into the evening. Sam realized that he felt comfortable with his sister, as if a door had opened between them, as if sexual intimacy allowed for greater personal intimacy. His mind swirled between recalling their sexual chemistry, recalling specific moments, and dancing with the delightful twist inside of him that came when he would remind himself that it was his sister he’d just shared three orgasms with. He realized that, though she had been in his life all those years, he had never really known her. Not like he knew her now.

Kelsey agreed.

“It’s like I’ve known you, but here, now, I’m actually meeting you for the first time, if that makes any sense.”

“It does,” Sam agreed. “Though it’s tough to explain.”

As early evening approached, the power came back on to the house. They both cheered. The howling darkness of the storm outside continued its savage dance as they settled in to play cards into the evening. They both took some time alone to call their lovers. They both told the same story; the storm was bad, but they were safe and warm, getting to know each other better, watching movies, and playing cards. The storm was going to last, so there was no sense in anyone trying to come up.

As the evening slipped into the night, they cleaned the great room and pushed the modular couch back into a couch shape, then settled onto it to sit closely, watch a movie, and wind the day down. Around eleven Kelsey took him by the hand and led him down the hallway to the master bedroom. Once inside, they undressed and climbed naked into the king-sized bed.

They lay there for a while, gently kissing, and Kelsey’s hand slipped down his torso over his abdomen to find his cock. It was already hard. She wrapped her hand around it again and alternated between stroking and squeezing until Sam was again fully aroused. Sam’s own hands were roaming over his sister’s body, caressing her softness and her strength, relishing her gentle curves.

“I want you to take me from behind.” Kelsey said. “It’s one of my favorite positions.”

Sam nodded in agreement. Pushing the blankets aside, he helped move her onto her knees and moved behind her in the soft glow of a dim lamp. It seemed that her body glowed, sleek and sensual. Once Kelsey was on her hands and knees Sam felt a surge of arousal rush through him.

“Fuck me.” He said, “There is something about having you on your hands and knees in front of me. You are so fucking sexy. You’re my sister, and I just want to pound you into the mattress like a little fuck-toy.”

He placed his hand between her shoulders and gently pushed her down, until her torso was flat against the bed, her ass rising.

“Oh god,” Kelsey whimpered, “my brother is going to fuck me, pinned down, with my ass up. He’s going to take his raging hard on and drive it into my cunt.”

Sam slid his hand over her pussy, fondling her, feeling the wetness from her arousal against his palm.

“Is that what you want? You want your own brother to fuck you on your knees, like an animal?”

“Yes,” Kelsey said, “I want you to fuck me like an animal. Like a needy little animal.”

Sam slipped his finger into her and began to pump it slowly in and out, twisting and turning his hand. Kelsey whimpered softly.

“More,” she said, “give me more. Please brother, please finger fuck me. I want it. I need it.”

Sam slipped a second finger into her, continuing the slow back and forth.

“Oh, please, please, more.”

Sam slipped a third finger into her, pressing her open, plunging his fingers in and out. Kelsey whimpered and moaned, her dark hair spread on the white sheet, her body rocking back and forth. Sam twisted his wrist, rotating his fingers, buried deep inside of her, stretching her pussy open. In the dim light he could see the glistening of his fingers as her liquid wetness spilled out. Kelsey reached between her legs to find her clit and slide her fingers across it.

“Please brother,” she gasped, “oh god, please fuck me. Please, put your cock in me, I want your cock. I want all of it, all the way in my pussy, every inch.”

Sam edged forward, until his cock was near her pussy.

“I want you to put it in.” He said, “Reach down, take your brother’s cock in your hand and put it in.”

Kelsey obeyed, grasping his cock in her hand, and guiding it to her pussy, fitting the head just inside the lips.

“Oh my god,” she gasped, “You’re even bigger than before. Do you want to fuck your sister? Do you want to take her from behind? Do you want to use her body for your pleasure? On her knees in front of you in the dark, like some greedy, desperate little slut? Do you want to feel her little cunt, split open, surrounding your cock?”

“Yes.” Sam answered, grasping onto her hips, then driving the entire length of his cock into her with a single thrust.

Kelsey cried out, her hair whipping as she snapped her head up and looked at him over her shoulder, eyes wide and wild. Sam drew back and drove his cock into her again, his hips slapping against her ass. Her head dropped back to the bed as she moaned with each powerful thrust. Her moaning and the sound of their bodies slapping together filled the room.

Sam settled into a steady rhythm of long, deep thrusts. Holding his sister pinned to the bed, he worked his cock in and out of her, each surge rocking her body back and forth. Kelsey moaned in time to the tempo of his thrusts, a continuous stream of moaning. He gradually increased the speed, until he was pounding her. His hand slipped from her back and Kelsey rose on all fours. She began to rock back and forth, meeting each thrust with a thrust of her own, her moans taking on a desperate tone.

Sam reached around and caught a swaying breast in his hand. He trapped the extended nipple between his fingers and squeezed roughly. Her answering whimper told him he’d made the right move. He grasped her other breast and lifted her up. She rose and her head tipped back, spilling her hair across his chest. Each thrust lifted her body slightly, her mouth opening wordlessly. She twisted her head around and back, her tongue darting out even before his mouth closed on hers.

After several long minutes he pushed her back down. His hand slid over the muscles of her back, up across her neck, to curl tightly into her hair at the base of her head. He pushed her down, holding her there by her thick hair.

Kelsey came, her pussy squeezing around his cock, pulsing again and again. Sam paused, his cock buried deep inside of her, holding her like that until her shuddering stopped. Then he started back up, driving his cock in and out of her.

“Does my sister love cock?” He asked her, “Does she love feeling it drive into her? Does she like feeling her brother, thick and hard, fucking her?”

“Yes,” she gasped, “Yes, yes, yes. Your fucking cock is splitting me open. I can feel it inside of me, inside my stomach, keep fucking me like this, keep fucking me, please, keep fucking me. Oh god, my brother is fucking me. His cock is splitting me open. His cock is going to make me cum again.”

Sam settled back into the driving rhythm. Kelsey came again, her orgasm shuddering through her. She looked back over her shoulder at him, her eyes partially glazed, her mouth open, gasping. Then her head dropped to the bed again, mouth still open, a strand of drool soaking instantly into the sheets. Sam kept fucking her. Gradually Kelsey collapsed until she was laying prone beneath him, his body covering hers, his hips plunging up and down, running his cock through her time and again. She screamed on her third orgasm and thrashed about, as if she was trying to escape. He relentlessly held her pinned to the bed beneath him.

Sam felt his own orgasm coming, deep and powerful. He suddenly realized he wasn’t wearing a condom. He realized he didn’t care, but somehow, he managed to speak.

“No condom.” He grunted as he thrust into her, “Do I cum in you, or on you?”

“On me!” Kelsey whimpered, “Cum on me. Cum on me.”

Sam pulled his cock out and flipped her onto her back. Kelsey had time to grab his cock and direct it toward her breasts, just as he groaned and came. The hot splash of cum spattered across her chest and one breast. Kelsey moved the head of his cock, and he fired another long rope of cum across her other breast. Successive strands of cum poured onto her breasts as she moved his cock back and forth, eyes wide as she watched the cum pouring out of it. With a last shudder Sam collapsed, falling to the side, half pinning her beneath him.

Kelsey wiggled free and quickly scrambled to kneel beside him, cum dripping from her swollen nipples. She leaned down and took his cock into her mouth, sucking strongly, her tongue swirling around it, gathering up and swallowing the cum from his cock. Her hand curling around his balls, squeezing them tightly. When she’d sucked the last of the cum from his cock, she slithered up his body, pressing against him, until she was able to kiss him. Sam tasted his sister’s lust and his lust on her mouth. They lay like that for a long while, kissing deeply.

Finally, Kelsey rolled off him onto her back, her heavy breathing making her cum covered breasts rise and fall. Sam’s chest matched hers, rising and falling, glistening from the cum that had been smeared from her body onto his. She leaned over and kissed him on the chest, sliding her pink tongue through the cum spread there. She slowly licked him clean. When she had finished, Sam did the same for her, licking the cum from her nipples and breasts.

“Fuck me.” Kelsey said, “Who knew that getting railed by my brother would make me cum like that. I couldn’t stop. I just kept cumming and cumming.”

“I didn’t know I had that much cum in me.” Sam said, “That was what, my fourth orgasm today? I would have thought I wouldn’t have much cum left.”

Kelsey laughed, “I think the steak recharged you. Mental note, feed lovers more steak.”

It was Sam’s turn to laugh.

“I don’t think it works like that, but I’m all for experimenting. Christ, my balls feel like they’re empty.”

“Emptied into your sisters’ greedy cunt.” Kelsey said.

She reached down and gave his balls a gentle squeeze.

“How do you feel about that?” Kelsey asked.

“I swear that, when I think about it, it makes me harder. I’m fucking a beautiful woman; rock hard. It’s my sister; diamond hard. Just the thought that it’s something I am not supposed to be doing, that it’s forbidden and secret, God damn, that just makes me want you more. More times. More ways.”

Kelsey nodded.

“That’s a factor that is taking the heat level up for me. I’m going along thinking this is a good cock, this a good fuck, this guy knows what he’d doing and then I think and it’s my damn brother. My brother is pounding me into the bed, and I go over the top, every time so far. It’s been a while since I’ve cum every time I’ve fucked in a single day.”

Kelsey curled up under his arm.

“How the fuck did you catch the condom thing? I’d completely forgotten about it.”

“It just popped into my mind. I have no idea how. Normally, I get that close to cumming and I go stupid. Me cave man. Me cum in woman. Ugh.”

“Ugh.” Kelsey laughed, “Ugh. That’s a good one. It works the same way for us. Cavewoman cum. Ugh. Cavewoman careful about pregnancy. No. Ugh. Cavewoman cum. Ugh.”

Sam chuckled. “Sex is a powerful force.”

“As my hard used little pussy can attest.” Kelsey said, “We do have a problem though.”

“What is that?” Sam said, rolling to look at her.

“At this rate, we’re going to run out of condoms.”

Sam made as if he was doing calculations in the air.

“Four times a day, times five or six more days. Hum, it’s going to be close. I brought a big box.”


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It was Kelsey’s turn to laugh again.

“What the fuck brother? You knew your girlfriend wasn’t coming, yet you still brought a big box of condoms?”

Sam shrugged. “Ski bunnies.”

She slapped him on the chest.

“Well, I’ve got another three in my bag. Leftover from the last trip I took.”

Sam made the imaginary calculations again.

“That might do it, but no guarantees. Right now, I just want to fuck you until neither of us can walk.”

Kelsey lightly pinched his nipple.

“Brother, that’s going happen long before we run out of condoms. I’m already going to be tender in the morning.”

“I’ll take good care of you.” Sam said.

Kelsey smiled and leaned over and kissed him softly.

“I’m sure you will. I’ll do the same, I’ll take care of you.”

They fell asleep there, together in each other’s arms, bodies tangled, skin on skin.

As they moved toward an uncertain future, trapped in a Sierra snowstorm, patiently waiting to return to the world they’d known, Sam knew that they wouldn’t be returning. The world, their worlds, had changed for the rest of their lives. But their simple promise to each other that night would guide them through it. They would take care of each other.


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