Full Circle Ch. 03: Finding Help

An adult stories – Full Circle Ch. 03: Finding Help by soppingwetpanties,soppingwetpanties Full Circle – Searching for Help (Ch.3)


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, merchandise, companies, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.

Chapter Three

Searching for Help

Elaine checked her phone, which showed no service. The battery indicator was red. Walking away from her disabled Tesla on a dark country road, she made a kicking motion into the cold night air to vent her frustration. What more could go wrong? According to her workout app, she’d walked exactly a mile. She was hoping to see the gas station she remembered was on this stretch of lonely expanse of thick woods but all she’d seen were a family of rabbits, two deer, and what she could swear were the glowing eyes of a coyote. She wanted to live in the country so here it was.

Elaine was almost a comical sight wearing an indecently short red designer cocktail dress and battered sneakers that were about to fall apart. Her bare shoulders were unprotected from the biting wind because Elaine, in her haste to get away from her country estate and the break-up she’d just finished with her three-year girlfriend, forgot to bring the jacket she’d carefully set aside for her drive to New York City. Elaine’s wispy blonde hair was a jumbled mess and her make-up had smeared down her cheeks. She wasn’t the epitome of elegance of elegance and sophistication she was just a few hours earlier at her 50th birthday gala at her magnificent 160-acre Somerset County estate. She was just Elaine. Cold, tired and now ravenously hungry Elaine.

There was no sign of the gas station she remembered and with each step Elaine doubts about her decision to go in the direction of the gas station instead of towards home increased. Her arms and legs had gone numb from the stiff breeze. The sole of her left shoe had now fully separated in the front, so she had to walk awkwardly so she wouldn’t trip. It was almost pitch black and the dense forest was only a few feet back from the dirt shoulder of the road. Her hopes flagged with each step.

It was without a doubt the suckiest day of her adult life.

Elaine was also becoming more fearful the farther she strayed from the safety of her Tesla. She was more than twenty minutes into her walk and she hadn’t seen a single car. She didn’t have any food or water and in a short time that wouldn’t matter because she would have frozen to death. But giving up never entered her mind. She continued to put one foot in front of the other, telling herself that everything would work out.

Elaine’s thighs and calves ached from her awkward gait and her feet were starting to scream in pain. Finally, in the distance, she saw the dull glow of the streetlight she remembered marked the location of the service station. Her heart leapt knowing she might be able to get some shelter as well as access to a working phone. She walked briskly, trying not to trip, and ignoring the pain from the blisters that formed where her shoes rubbed against the back of her heels. Her face dropped when she saw the station was closed. The lights above the pumps were dark, as were the lights inside of the station.

The station was built in the 50’s, and still maintained most of its original architecture. It had a small office and two service bays adjacent to it. The roll up glass paneled doors were in the down position. With the faint light from the streetlight Elaine pressed her face against one of the bay doors noticing there was a car up on one of the lifts. She recognized it as an older model Ferrari. She walked past the service bays and around the corner of the building to the back. There was a pockmarked asphalt driveway leading to a parking lot filled with cars in various states of repair and beyond that a log cabin and a dock leading to White Feather Lake.

It was a small lake surrounded by rustic log cabins like the one located next to the dock. The cabin was dark but there was light leaking out from a door to a shop adjacent to the cabin. The shop was about the size of Elaine’s six-car garage but made out of corrugated sheet metal walls that long ago had rusted to a pleasing shade of bronze. Elaine walked closer, careful not to trip in one of the potholes, and could hear Jon Bon Jovi singing “Livin’ on a Prayer,” and a strong female voice, pretty much in key, belting out the words with him. Elaine got to the shop’s large sliding door and knocked, knowing it probably wouldn’t be heard. She waited for a few seconds and then pounded on the door with her fist.

“Just a minute!” a female voice on the inside shouted out. The music was silenced and Elaine heard only the waves from the lake slapping against the pillars holding up the dock.

Elaine stood at the door, arms folded across her chest and shivering. The corrugated metal clad door slid open and bright light flooded out into the darkness. A tall dark haired woman wearing bib overalls with nothing on underneath answered the door. Her face was smeared with black grease and her long straight hair was pulled back and covered with a Harley-Davidson bandana. She was young and stunningly beautiful. Her dark, smoky eyes apprised her late-night visitor standing there in her skimpy red cocktail dress.

“Hey pretty lady. Are you lost?” she asked in sultry voice, not able to resist poking her unexpected visitor.

“Kind of,” said Elaine, her teeth chattering.

“Where are my manners? Come in this instant,” the woman said, pulling Elaine into the shop.

Elaine felt a welcome warmth as she stepped in, greeted by a strange mixture of smells – – gasoline, car exhaust, strong coffee and stale cigarettes. She noticed the inside was neat, with Snap-On logoed rolling tool chests on top of an epoxied floor and well-lit workbenches lining the two side walls. Her eyes travelled to the rear wall, where there was a small kitchen area with a mini refrigerator that had an ancient coffee maker and small microwave on top of it.

The woman wiped off her right hand with a rag and extended it to Elaine, who shook it. The woman’s hand was warm. Elaine’s was freezing.

“Sylvia . . . Sylvia Bianchi, but my friends call me Syl. And who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?”

“Elaine . . . Elaine Harris. My friends call me Elaine, and the pleasure is mine.”

Elaine was reticent to let go of Sylvia’s hand, being both soft and warm, although she did let go.

“So Elaine Harris, how can I be of service to you?”

“A landline would be amazing. I can’t get any cell service here. My car’s about a mile from here and kind of a wreck.”

“I think better with a cup of coffee in my hand and I think you need one to warm up.”

Syl went over to the coffee machine and poured each of them a fresh mug. Elaine wrapped her hands around the warm mug.

“Ummm,” said Elaine. “I can’t thank you enough Syl.” She took the first inviting sip and felt the hot liquid warm her belly.

“You drink your coffee and wait here,” said Syl. She went over to a set of lockers in the corner of the building and opened one of the locker doors. She pulled out a worn and scuffed brown leather jacket and brought it over to Elaine.

“Turn around,” she said to Elaine. Elaine turned her back. Syl looked at the flawless skin revealed by the deep cut in Elaine’s dress and then draped the heavy jacket over Elaine’s shoulders.

“It’s my motorcycle riding jacket. It’s old but the warmest thing I’ve got.”

Syl’s hands rested on Elaine’s shoulder for a moment before Elaine turned back around.

“What do you think?” Elaine asked as she assumed a model’s pose with her hand on her hip.

Syl put her finger to her chin. “Very sexy, but in a weird way. The sneakers don’t really work with your dress.”

Elaine looked down at her ratty shoes.

“It’s an embarrassing story.”

“I’ll tell you what, why don’t I set you up with a phone so you can make your call and I’ll finish up here? We may have some time after that for you to tell me that story.”

Then Syl stopped as a thought jarred loose in her head.

“Do you own a Maybach?” she asked out of the blue.

Elaine was shocked by the woman’s question. How did she know?

“Why yes I do,” Elaine answered.

“I know Geraldo. I’ve worked on your car at your place.”

Elaine’s eyes lit up. “You know Geraldo?”

“Sure. I like him.”

“So do I.”

“You have a nice spread . . . at least what I saw of it the few times I was there. I think I saw you in the distance once.”

So Sylvia did know me, Elaine thought. She wondered what Geraldo had told her, though she shouldn’t have worried. Geraldo was the master of discretion and hadn’t betrayed any confidences. Syl only knew that Elaine was beautiful, wealthy and single and nothing more.

“I just wanted to thank you again,” said Elaine. “I know this is a terrible imposition this late at night.”

Syl smiled back. “It’s no problem. I run the local service station and auto repair so I get all kinds of urgent requests. Your ask is one of the easy ones.”

Elaine was looking at Syl’s eyes as she spoke, comparing them to Rae’s, both women having dark eyes and hair. Elaine wondered why, just hours after seeing Rae leave forever, she has a chance encounter with another beautiful woman.

“Focus Elaine,” she told herself. Getting distracted by an attractive young woman wasn’t helpful to her plight.

Sylvia seemed oblivious to Elaine’s internal conflict. She kept talking. “Let me take you to the office.”

Elaine followed Sylvia outside, guided by the streetlight in front of the station. Elaine could see her breath as she walked. The heavy leather jacket felt good on her, and the cold didn’t seem so foreboding in Syl’s company. Elaine could smell Syl’s scent from the jacket and admired her lanky gait as she followed to the office door.

Sylvia unlocked the rickety glass half panel door, with “White Feather Pump-N-Go” painted in faded white letters. The windowpane rattled when she jerked open the balky door.

“Meaning to fix that,” she said, ushering Elaine into a small office with a desk piled with yellowed papers and surrounded by stacks of dog-eared shop manuals. Elaine spotted the old-fashioned push-button phone on the desk behind a jumbo-sized fast-food paper cup.

“Excuse the mess,” Sylvia said, brushing aside the cup and a half-eaten candy bar sticking out from its shiny silver wrapper.

Sylvia turned to leave but Elaine grabbed her by the wrist. Sylvia stopped immediately and her dark brown eyes softened as she looked back at Elaine. Elaine felt that familiar twinge between her legs that she couldn’t suppress.

Ridiculous, Elaine told herself. Syl looks to be half my age. Like Rae. Haven’t you learned your lesson? Keep your head on straight, she chided herself.

Elaine released her light grip on Sylvia’s wrist. “I wanted to tell you again how much I appreciate your help.”

Sylvia put her hand over Elaine’s. “Believe me. It’s no problem. I’m happy to help you. Really.”

Sylvia looked at Elaine’s flawless porcelain skin and then her own greasy hands. She took a clean rag out of a cardboard dispenser box and wiped her hands first, then the smudges on her cheeks. Elaine wet the tip of her finger and then leaned over to take a bit of grease off Sylvia’s cheek that she’d missed. Her fingertip lingered for perhaps a beat too long.

“I must look like I was in a hurricane,” Sylvia said, no doubt realizing how grubby she looked.

“Don’t give it another thought,” said Elaine. She thought Sylvia looked sexy with or without the grease spots.

“You make your call. I’m a night owl anyway. I’m going to get cleaned up while you make your phone call.”

Elaine watched Syl’s hips sway as she walked back towards the cabin. As the outside and then the inside lights of the cabin switched on Elaine wondered if her life was going to change yet again.

* * *

“What?” Elaine asked incredulously.

The woman answering the Tesla road service number repeated her answer.

Elaine’s mind reeled. “10 a.m.? That’s the best you can do? I’ve got important meetings in New York City starting at 8 a.m. I need to be on the road by 7.” Elaine knew none of what she said would matter but had to say it anyway to make her feel better about how fucked up things were about to get.

The customer service rep was sympathetic, but of course in no position to help Elaine. Elaine’s call was routed to Tesla’s Sunnyvale call center, and the young woman was just reading the service vehicle’s availability off her computer screen. The repair van was being dispatched from a service center 60 miles away.

“OK,” Elaine said glumly, resigned to having her Monday destroyed by her flat tire. “I’ve given you my address. I’ll expect to see your service vehicle by 10.”

Elaine hung up the phone. Her next call was to personal assistant Vic and her mind was focused on how to rearrange her schedule. Vic answered the call on the fourth ring, awakened from a deep sleep.

“This better be good,” she answered, noticing it was after 1 a.m. Her caller ID was coming up with a number she didn’t recognize. She was ready to hang up, thinking it was a solicitation or a prank call.

“It’s me, Elaine,” Elaine blurted out.

There was a short pause while Vic processed this information. Why was Elaine calling from a phone that wasn’t hers at 1 a.m.?

“Elaine? Where are you calling from?”

“From a landline at White Feather Lake. You know, where . . .”

“I know where it is. What happened? Are you OK?”

“I clipped a deer. Spun out and got a flat. Tesla service is supposed to come here at 10 a.m. tomorrow. I’m fine, just a bit cold and tired. I had to walk maybe a mile or so.”

“Don’t tell me you were wearing your cocktail dress.”

“I was.”


“Yeah, and I forgot to bring a jacket.”

“Oh Elaine . . .”

There was a pause on the line before Vic continued. “So is Geraldo going to go back to pick you up?”

“No can do. He dropped Rae off in the City and went on to Philly to see his nephew.”

“How about I call you a car service?”

Elaine thought for a moment. “No. I have to take care of my car before I go back to the City.”

“I could drive out early and let you have my car. I’ll take care of yours so you can make your 8 a.m.”

Elaine was gratified by Vic’s offer. But something told her it was kismet that she ended up in White Feather and meeting Sylvia. Besides, it was going way above and beyond the call of duty for Vic to leave the comfort of her bed to make an hour drive at 1 a.m., and where would Vic stay while she was waiting for Tesla service to arrive?

“No. No. I don’t want to do that to you. Just reschedule my meetings to Tuesday. You can schedule the brokers at 10 a.m. and cancel my masseuse.”

“The brokers are going to be pissed . . .”

“Fuck them. It wasn’t like I got a flat tire on purpose.”

“Right. I just hope they don’t kill the messenger,” Vic lamented. “So where are you going to stay tonight?”

“I’ll figure it out.”

Actually Elaine hadn’t given it any thought until Vic mentioned it. She figured, unconsciously, that she’d ask Syl if she could spend the night.

“Well OK, I’ll tell everyone that tomorrow is postponed and I’ll see if I can reset the meetings to Tuesday. What did you want me to tell Julia about lunch? Reschedule?”

“We’ll have to. Damn it.” Elaine knew that Julia would be pissed. They had traded texts for two months before they found an acceptable date. Cancelling the last minute, though justified, would not be well received.

“I’m glad you’re OK. I’ll take care of everything.”

“You’re a gem Vic.”

“Just remember it when you’re figuring out my next raise.”

Elaine hung up the phone and took another sip from her coffee cup, thinking she might be up all night, but ignored the consequences as the hot coffee cut through the chill she was feeling. She took off her shoes and cleared some papers to the side so she could put her feet up on the desk. She was enjoying the last bit of her coffee when Sylvia returned, dressed in fresh clothes and scrubbed clean. She was wearing a tight-fitting t-shirt with no bra under an unzipped pink hoodie and blue jeans with rips on the knees. She couldn’t help but look sexy.

“All set then?” she asked optimistically.

“Not good news,” Elaine replied, though she didn’t feel bad saying it.

“How bad?”

“Service truck won’t be here till 10 a.m. They’ll pick me up here and take me to my car. That’s the best they can do.”

“That’s not good.”

“You wouldn’t happen to know someplace I could stay?” Elaine asked, hoping it would be at Sylvia’s. It was as if she was consciously tempting fate.

“Not at this hour. Why don’t you just stay in my cabin? I’ve got a pullout sofa that I can use. You can sleep on the bed.”

“I’m not going to sleep in your bed. It’s yours,” Elaine insisted.

“Nonsense. Elaine, I can see that you’re dog tired and sore. Take a shower. I’ve got some clothes you can borrow. Just say thank you.”

“Thank you Syl.”

* * *

Elaine followed Sylvia on the short walk to her cabin. She’d seen too many movies about this exact situation. Woman in distress meets beautiful savior. She told herself this wasn’t destined to be so simple.

The lights were already on when Syl opened the door. It was small, rustic and cozy. There was an efficiency kitchen in one corner of the single room, a kitchen table and a bed and sofa. The kitchen table had a worn, washed-out red Formica top. The four-burner gas stove sat next to a noisy full-size refrigerator. There was a Mr. Coffee on the countertop and the pot was full.

“I figured you might be staying here. I put on a pot in case you did.”

Syl went over to an upper kitchen cabinet to retrieve two mugs. She poured coffee in each. Elaine glanced at a framed picture sitting on a side table next to the sofa. It was Syl with her arm around an attractive short, curvy redhead. They were standing in hip waders in a shallow, rocky river.

“Here,” said Syl, “it’s decaf,” giving Elaine a fresh cup. Elaine sat down and took the cup, watching Syl sit down with her own.

Elaine looked at herself, realizing she looked ridiculous in a fancy evening dress covered by a heavy leather motorcycle jacket.

“I’m sure you’re wondering how I got here.”

Syl chuckled. “I kind of wondered . . .”

Elaine took a sip of her hot coffee. The bright lights of the kitchen area and the shot of caffeine energized her.

“It’s a long story.”

Syl settled back in her chair. “I’ve got all night.”

Elaine told her about her lavish 50th birthday party (leaving out some of the details, like the caviar bar), Rae and the break-up (and why they broke up, which Elaine attributed primarily to their twenty-year age difference) and her forgetfulness after Rae’s emotional departure, hence the lack of a jacket. She told Syl about the deer, the flat tire and the lack of cell phone reception, the culmination of her night of heartbreak, absentmindedness and just plain bad luck.

“You must have thought the world was conspiring against you,” Syl said.

“Conspiring? It felt like an outright rebellion. I was fit to be tied, and it was freezing outside. Thank God I found you.”

“It all sounds like a humbling experience.”

Elaine’s eyes became thoughtful. “Maybe I needed it. I feel like I’m out in front of my skis right now and need to reassess what I want and where I’m going.”

Elaine wanted to ask Syl about the picture and her relationship with the woman in the picture but thought it rude to ask such a personal question at the outset. She decided to go to safer ground.

“I see you have a vintage Ferrari on a lift in the garage, and what was that, a 1967 GTO in your shop?”

Syl’s eyes sparkled. “Right on both counts. You know your cars.”

“I’ve owned a few.”

Syl smiled. “Now I remember. I think you had a McLaren and a Porsche?”

“Your memory is good.”

“It’s hard to forget your garage.”

Syl noticed that Elaine’s cup was already empty and got up to retrieve the coffee pot.

“So tomorrow at 10?”

“That’s right. I gave them the address here. Tesla service is going to pick me up and take me to my car. They said it should take no more than an hour to get me back on the road, assuming my rim wasn’t damaged.”

Sylvia got up and opened a closet door to retrieve a clean bath towel.

“Go ahead and shower. Help yourself to my soap, shampoo and cream rinse. I’ll leave some pajamas outside the bathroom door. Hopefully they’ll fit.”

Elaine took the towel from Sylvia and went into the bathroom. It was narrow, with a plastic molded shower stall on the left and the toilet and sink on the right. The bathroom was clean and neat. Elaine closed the door behind her but didn’t lock it. She hung the jacket on a hook on the door, shimmied out of her cocktail dress, unhooked and shrugged off her bra and then slid her panties to the floor. Elaine was wet between her legs, and it wasn’t from the exertion of the long walk. She turned on the shower, held her hand under the spray, and waited for the water to get warm. When it did, she stepped in and was immediately enveloped with a wet, warm glow. She stood there and let the hot water cascade down her back. It was a glorious feeling, as good as sex. Elaine lost track of time. She heard a knock on the door.

“You OK?” Sylvia asked through the door.

“Fine. Good.” Elaine answered, grabbing the shampoo to wash her hair. She quickly finished washing her hair. When she started rubbing the bar of soap against her skin to lather it her hand wandered between her legs to relieve the dull ache she felt from being around Sylvia. Her fingers caressed the hood encasing her clit, then squeezed to expose it. Her thumb rubbed hard against the small nub until her knees were about to buckle. She stopped touching herself and braced herself against the wall of the shower. She realized where she was and scolded herself for acting like an adolescent with a schoolgirl crush. Sylvia was too young for her and that was that.

Elaine finished her shower and toweled off. She opened the bathroom door a crack and retrieved a well-loved button-up pajama top and short stretchy pajama bottoms. Elaine looked up and could see Sylvia’s back as she worked in the kitchen and could smell coffee and bacon. Syl was humming “Livin’ on a Prayer” while she was turning the bacon in a skillet.

Elaine closed the door and saw one of Sylvia’s hairbrushes in a storage caddy attached to the back of the bathroom door. She figured Sylvia wouldn’t mind if she used it. Elaine looked in the mirror as she brushed her hair. All of her make-up was gone, but even plain she felt she looked acceptable. She buttoned up the shirt, leaving the top button undone. Right before she opened the door she unbuttoned the second button, smiling to herself at her impulsiveness.

“Smells good,” Elaine said, entering the kitchen area. Elaine’s mug of coffee was sitting on the table in front of an empty chair. Sylvia was holding her mug as she tended the bacon. She was surprised that even without makeup and wearing her old pair of pajamas Elaine’s well-scrubbed look was still sophisticated, elegant, and above all sexy.

“Figured you’d be hungry. I’ve got eggs and toast. You can ask for your eggs any way you want but I only know how to make scrambled.”

Elaine laughed. “Scrambled it is.”

The long walk did make her hungry as she had practically nothing to eat during her party. Syl pushed down the lever on the toaster and then used a fork to take the bacon out of the skillet and onto a paper towel. She then poured beaten eggs into the bacon grease. They puffed up quickly. Syl expertly moved the spatula to evenly cook the eggs. She divided them between two plates. She buttered the toast and put two strips of bacon on each plate. She handed a plate to Elaine.

“It’s not much, but it’s what I have,” said Syl.

“It looks delicious,” said Elaine, and meaning it. Sylvia freshened up both of their coffees while Elaine began eating. She tore a piece of bacon off with her teeth and chased it with a forkful of egg. It tasted better than anything she’d had at her birthday party. Elaine made quick work of her plate of food. When she looked up Syl was only half done, with a smirk on her face.

“I guess you were hungry,” she said.

“I guess I was,” said Elaine, surprised at her hearty appetite.

“I can make more.”

“No, no. I’ve already eaten too much,” Elaine protested.

Syl sighed. “Elaine, I’m sure you’ve been carefully managing your weight your entire life. Live a little. You’re entitled. And for sure on this day.”

“Maybe one more egg, and another piece of toast?” Elaine asked.

A smile of satisfaction crossed Syl’s face. “That’s the spirit.”

* * *

Syl was back at the stove. She scooped a tablespoon of bacon grease into the cast iron skillet. When it started sizzling, she dropped the egg mixture in, moving it slowly with a spatula until it was soft scrambled. She studied Elaine as she moved the eggs onto Elaine’s plate. Syl was used to country folk who were plain spoken and easier to read. Elaine was neither of those.

“So tell me, lady who comes into my shop in an expensive dress and shabby shoes, what are you about?”

There was so much Elaine could have said. She thought it better to keep it short and go where Syl was interested rather than volunteering too much information.

“I’m a retired businesswoman. I want to spend most of my time on my country property.”

“So you own property elsewhere?”

“An apartment in Manhattan. I was on my way to the City to meet with some people to sell it when I got waylaid by that deer.”

“So what was your business?”

“I’m about to sell the business to my partners. We make investments in other companies, mostly emerging ones.”

“Sounds . . . interesting,” Syl said, not finding the right words. Her only exposure to business was to her own. She had no idea of the scale of Elaine’s business interests or her extreme wealth.

Elaine tried not to laugh. “Interesting? Not really. It’s a cutthroat business.”

“Then . . . then I guess I’m glad you’re retiring.”

“You know Syl. I really haven’t had time to think about my retirement. With the birthday party and all I’ve been pretty busy and haven’t focused on what I’ll do.” Elaine decided to change the subject. “You certainly look like you’re focused on what you want to do.”

Syl ran her hand through her thick mane of dark hair. “Yeah, I guess I do. I love what I’m doing.”

Elaine finally had to find out if there was someone else. “So Syl, you must have some free time.” Elaine pointed to the picture she was curious about. “Like there, it looks like you’re fishing there. Is that your girlfriend?”

Syl giggled. “No, it’s my sister Lenore. She’s the pretty one in the family.”

Elaine disagreed but said nothing. She waited for Syl to realize what she was really asking.

“Oh. You want to know if I’m seeing someone. No I’m not. I don’t have time for it right now.”

Syl leaned over and took a bit of the egg off Elaine’s plate with her fork and ate it. “So why the fancy dress on such a chilly night?”

Elaine sighed. “In short, I’m an idiot. I wore the dress to my party tonight and wanted to wear the dress to a party I’m going to on Tuesday. I figured I’d just leave it on and wear it in the car. I was so flustered by the break-up with my girlfriend I forgot to bring the jacket I set aside for the trip. On top of that, I wore an old pair of shoes that I thought were good enough for the drive, but not good enough for walking a mile. I hope you won’t think I’m an idiot.”

“Of course I don’t. I won’t go into my list of things I wished I could have back. You’re just lucky you found my station before you froze to death.”

Elaine playfully swatted Syl’s fork away when she tried to swipe another piece of egg.

“So you own the service station and repair shop?”

“I do. My brother is my business partner. We own it 50-50. He supplied the capital. I provide the sweat equity.”

“Have you always been a mechanic?”

“Always. My two older brothers were always around cars and it rubbed off on me. This is all I’ve ever wanted to do.”

“What’s the story on the GTO?”

“I got the ’67 GTO in a trade. It wasn’t working when I got it and I’m pretty close to getting the restoration done.”

“And I noticed a Ferrari on the lift.”

“That belongs to one of my clients. She’s got an impressive car collection. I’m fixing the transmission on that one.”

“So you’ve been to my garage so you know about my cars. What do you know about me?” Elaine asked, teeing up the question she was itching to ask.

“I know that you live in a nice place and have an excellent driver in Geraldo and a well-maintained Maybach. You wear nice clothes but are absent-minded, like forgetting to bring a coat. You’re a put together woman but right now you’re unraveling on the edges. I think you’re upset but at the same time can’t take your eyes off of me. I know I’m attracted to you as well. You’re pretty Elaine. You must know that.”

So it was on the table. The mutual attraction. For Elaine, her life was all about control. At that moment she felt none. She was a prisoner of her emotions and knew she was careening towards Syl. Did she really mean what she said? was the question reverberating in Elaine’s head. Elaine had told her it was her 50th birthday party. Would their difference in ages be an unscalable obstacle?

“For an older woman,” Elaine added, casting for Syl’s reaction.

“For any woman,” Syl corrected.

It was exactly what Elaine wanted to hear, but her small victory gave way to another layer of questions and doubts. Was Sylvia making a pass? Was she interested? Maybe I’m not too old. But Rae. Was this Rae all over again? And why now? All of these questions raced through Elaine’s mind, and at the worst possible time.

Elaine should have been focused on getting back to the City and figuring out how to rearrange a carefully orchestrated series of meetings. Elaine should have reminded herself that she had just broken a three year relationship in heart wrenching fashion. These are things Elaine should have done. But that wasn’t the way she was wired.

At that moment Elaine saw Syl steal a glance at her and then she knew. She fucking knew. Not only was Syl interested in her, she was a submissive. Elaine had had many in her time. She owned a BDSM club in the City. She saw Syl bend her head forward as if she was looking over at the sink, but her eyes dipped down as she stole her glance at Elaine.

Syl got up to make another pot of coffee. Elaine watch Syl’s backside as she stretched upward to retrieve a container of coffee on the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet. She was a magnificent woman, thick dark wavy hair, square jaw and a muscular body sculpted by her work as a mechanic. Even though Elaine’s body had warmed in Syl’s cabin, a cold chill went up her spine as she imagined Syl nude and on her knees, ready to serve.

Elaine’s conscience intervened. What the fuck are you doing Elaine? Chasing pussy when the love of your life just walked out of your life? Act your fucking age.

Elaine looked at her diamond crusted watch, noting it was well past 2 a.m.

“I think I should try to catch a few hours of sleep before what’s going to be a shitstorm tomorrow.”

Elaine mentally patted herself on the back for being responsible. Syl leaned over to clear the table off, and in doing so gave Elaine a clear view down her shirt. Syl wasn’t wearing a bra, and Elaine saw a deep valley of smooth unmarked skin between two large, firm breasts. Elaine couldn’t keep herself as salacious thoughts returned to her mind. A mental image of Syl, restrained with ropes on her spanking bench, her back already reddened by a flogger, begging for more, flashed through her mind.

Fucking focus Elaine! Sometimes you’re such a whore. Syl’s a nice girl and doesn’t deserve the likes of me.

Elaine looked over at Sylvia, but lust wasn’t in her eyes.

“Can you give me a hand opening the sofa bed?”

After the bed was pulled out Elaine sucked in her breath as she watched Syl as she plumped up the pillows on the bed and turned down the comforter and sheet.

Elaine slipped in under the warm covers, surrounded by Sylvia’s seductive scent.

Sylvia turned off the lights. Elaine could hear the bedsprings creak as Sylvia got into it.

“Good night Syl.”

Elaine set her alarm for 9 a.m. and curled up in her sofa bed, noticing she was wet again between her legs. Her conscience may have been salved but her libido wasn’t. She was so tempted to touch herself. During the tumultuous three monthlong break-up with Rae, Elaine was practically celibate. Syl seductive body stirred up Elaine’s longing for sex. But with her host only a few feet away from her, sex-starved Elaine decided to let her need go unabated, drifting off to a deep sleep.

* * *

Elaine stirred in the middle of the night. Her dreams were intense and graphic, with Syl’s submissive cues triggering Elaine’s powerful urges to dominate her. She imagined herself standing over Syl’s chiseled, muscular body, nude, bound and glistening with sweat, awaiting her next punishment. Elaine could never bring that kind of dream to a satisfying climax . Frustrated, she woke up with a swampy mess between her legs. Half asleep, she felt someone spooning against her, assuming it was Rae. Then, as her mind came into the present, she realized it was Syl.

Elaine shifted her body slightly to feel Syl’s nipples rub against her back.

“Hmmm,” Syl purred, though she didn’t wake up.

Elaine lay still, not daring to move again until she figured out where this might be going. She knew she could have Syl if she wanted her. But she could get a submissive in New York. In fact, she’d planned on it after the broker’s dinner on Tuesday. With Syl, Elaine felt a stirring more like the lust (and then love) she felt for Rae. She decided she wouldn’t tell Syl about her past life as a Domme. She also decided that she wanted to see what there might be between the two of them.

Elaine rolled over from her right side to her left, so she was now facing Syl. Syl was still asleep, but it now wasn’t a deep one. Elaine felt for the elastic band of Syl’s panties and then wiggled her hand under Syl’s loose fitting t-shirt, running her hand along Syl’s abs and then under her breast, letting its weight settle between her fingers. Elaine’s caresses brought Syl to a hazy awakening.

“Hello,” the younger woman said dreamily.

Elaine stared into Syl’s deep dark eyes. “Hello yourself.”

“I’m sorry I’m in your bed. I woke up earlier and was cold. I figured you wouldn’t mind if I snuggled up against you.” Syl put her hand over Elaine’s, keeping it on her breast. “And I guess you don’t.”

“When I first felt you against me I thought I was with Rae,” Elaine confessed.

“I guess you’ll have to settle for me.”

“Settle wasn’t the word I had in mind. More like want,” Elaine said.

“Do you want me?” Syl asked rhetorically, wanting to hear Elaine say it out loud.

“I want you,” Elaine said, running her hand across and then under the lamb soft skin of Syl’s breast.

“I know,” said Sylvia. “When you walked into my shop I knew I wanted you.”

Elaine’s head dipped lower to plant a light kiss on the top of Sylvia’s breast. “I’m too old for you.”

“No you’re not,” said Sylvia. “You’re just right.”

“I’m fifty.”

“So you are.”

“Don’t you care?”

“Not if you don’t. Now kiss me fifty-year-old Elaine.”

They kissed, but not in the way Syl was used to. Elaine was possessive, smothering in her attention. It was clear that Elaine was in control. Elaine’s hands wandered all over Syl’s body, feeling the curves of her hips and the swell of her breasts. It was new sex, fresh sex, the best kind. Syl’s hardened body was a joy for Elaine to explore, her fingers finally finding Syl’s pussy, the lips ripe and wet. Elaine’s face came close to Syl’s tummy, but she stopped to see Syl’s chest move with quick, shallow breaths. For Elaine, part of control was creating anticipation, and Syl was on pins and needles as she felt Elaine’s hot breath on her pussy.

“Please Elaine,” Syl heard herself beg. She’d never begged like that before, but somehow it felt right.

Elaine smiled in quiet satisfaction, knowing her instincts were right about Syl.

Elaine took her middle finger and inserted it ever so slowly into Syl’s steaming pussy. Syl’s hips undulated as Elaine’s finger went deeper. Elaine could feel the wall’s of Syl’s pussy constrict around her finger as pulses of pleasure coursed through Syl’s body.

“Yes Elaine . . . thank you . . .” Syl panted. Her breaths were short. She humped Elaine’s finger to maximize its penetration. Elaine pulled her finger out, but then worked two fingers into the opening of her vagina, stretching the opening and eliciting a contented sigh from Syl.

This time Syl’s vaginal walls were tight and tense as Elaine forced her fingers inside. The pleasure Syl was feeling already was more than anything she’d ever experienced.

“Fuck me Elaine . . . please.”

Elaine did, but only enough to take Syl to the edge, but not over. Syl’s thighs were quivering.

“Elaine . . . no . . . please . . . oh God . . .” she babbled as Elaine edged her again.

Elaine slowed her finger fucking. Syl tried again to hump Elaine’s hand. Elaine pulled out. It was instinctual on her part.

“It’s on my terms, isn’t it Syl?”

Syl would have agreed to anything. “Yes . . . yes Elaine.”

Elaine was more aggressive this time, fucking her hard with two fingers. She went right to the edge quickly. Elaine stopped.

“Why . . . why?” Syl asked, silently sobbing.

Elaine leaned closer and whispered even though there was no one else there to listen.

“Because it’s better this way.”

Elaine lowered her head to first smell her lover and then to suck her two fingers and taste her as well.

“Mmmm,” Elaine purred at the rich, earthy taste she’d grown to love. Syl gasped as Elaine thrust her two fingers inside while sucking Syl’s clit into her mouth.

“Oh God!” she cried out as the force of her orgasm forced Elaine’s fingers out. Syl’s hips bounced on the bed as Elaine’s continued to lash Syl’s clit with her tongue. Elaine thought that Syl was going to hyperventilate and pass out. Elaine didn’t stop until Syl’s body stilled, and the only sounds to be heard were the younger woman’s heavy breathing. Both lovers rolled on their backs, trying to regain their breath and clear their heads.

Syl was stunned by the viciousness of her orgasm. It was so far beyond her past experiences, and with a woman almost twice her age. Elaine was experienced but there was something more . . . but what was it? Syl had never met anyone like Elaine, clearly intelligent, if not brilliant, articulate, elegant and a lover beyond description. But her hesitation couldn’t be articulated. But whatever it was, she liked it. She liked it a lot.

Elaine knew that Syl wasn’t yet self-aware of her submissiveness and thought to herself that she had a choice. She couldn’t resist edging Syl. It was glorious for Elaine, washing away much of the bad taste left by Rae’s departure and her unscheduled meeting between her Tesla and a family of deer. It was pure joy to watch a nubile young woman, completely unschooled and unaware of the practices Elaine knew too well, bending to the will of the tall blonde and acknowledging her submissiveness with her hard body, writhing and twisting under Elaine’s ministrations.

Elaine looked over at Syl, who was blankly staring at the ceiling apparently lost in her own thoughts wondering exactly what had just happened. Elaine suspected that Syl was puzzled by her feelings, raw and intense, wondering why it felt so good . . . and so right. Elaine wasn’t sure she wanted Syl to become her submissive. She’d never had a deep, loving relationship with a sub, not like the feelings she had for Rae. She wanted that again and already knew there was a possibility of that with Syl, and maybe even more.

Elaine was a fiend for analyzing her life to the nth degree but Syl’s nude body was too much of a distraction. The allure of soul satisfying sex was too great and the dry spell with Rae over the past few months left Elaine still horny and yearning for sloppy seconds. Elaine reached over and touched Syl’s well defined bicep, drawing her out of her reverie. Syl’s dark eyes wandered over to Elaine, who sat up in bed and started to unbutton her borrowed pajama top.

The top fell open and the vision of Elaine’s mature breasts, full and heavy, filled Syl’s curious eyes.

“Touch me,” Elaine said, her voice low and throaty, dripping with desire.

Syl hesitated and for one of the few times in her life she harbored self-doubt. Elaine was a well-practiced lover who clearly knew much in the ways of making love. Would her efforts be up to Elaine’s standards? That doubt was short-lived. Syl, like Elaine, found the other irresistible.

Syl’s hand first cupped Elaine’s full, mature breast before her head dipped down to kiss the tops of each one. She slaked her thirst for Elaine by seizing a nipple in her mouth, lightly raking it between her teeth. Elaine caught herself before she said “Rae.”

Syl couldn’t get enough of Elaine’s breasts, squeezing, licking and sucking on them until she was satiated. Elaine was a giver, not a taker, and took control again, her experienced fingers revisiting Syl’s drenched cunt, gently massaging the hood around Sylvia’s clit, working her new lover’s slippery essence around the hard nub of flesh.

A long “ummmm” escaped the young dark haired woman’s lips as Elaine’s fingers worked their magic. Two of Elaine’s perfectly manicured nails teased Sylvia’s labia before the two fingers slid effortlessly and deeply into the sopping wet channel. Sylvia’s legs opened wider, beckoning Elaine to fuck her.

“You make me so hot,” Elaine whispered in Sylvia’s ear as her fingers churned inside her young lover, creating a frothy foam.

“Please Elaine . . . make me cum,” Sylvia panted, voicing her body’s desire. The pleasure was exquisite and excruciating in its intensity.

Elaine’s Domme instincts were too deeply ingrained. Sylvia’s plea simply stoked Elaine’s lust and her instincts to let the dark-haired beauty drink from the deep, dark waters of submission.

“Not yet sweetheart, not yet.”

Elaine’s slowed her finger fucking, keeping Sylvia on the knife’s edge. Sylvia’s body turned and twisted under Elaine’s practiced touch, trying desperately to squeeze out her release. Syl resorted to begging.

“Please . . . Elaine . . . I can’t take this anymore.”

Elaine smiled inwardly. The pleading fanned the flames of her own desire. Her wet middle finger wandered lower, finding the perineum’s thin ridged skin and massaging it. Sylvia gasped as Elaine’s finger grazed against her anus.

“Oh fuck Elaine. What are you doing to me?” Sylvia demanded in a higher pitched voice. Her need overwhelmed her senses.

“Making it better,” said Elaine, knowing it was true. “Much better,” she assured her young lover.

She licked the end of her index finger, first rimming Syl’s asshole, and then using her middle finger to push against the tiny opening in the middle of the anal ring, forcing it open, as her thumb mashed into Sylvia’s clit. Sylvia howled as an orgasm ripped through her with ferocity. Her body was ablaze with ripples of pleasure. Between panting breaths she asked, “Elaine . . . who are you?”

“Hush my baby,” Elaine said, cradling Syl’s head in the crook of her arm. Sylvia drew a deep breath and suddenly had an overwhelming urge to fall asleep. Elaine closed her eyes, tired but content, drawing Syl close to her breast . . . and her beating heart.

* * *

The morning light coming through the sheer curtains of Sylvia’s cabin awakened her. Elaine was next to her, asleep. It was strange for Sylvia to wake up with someone next to her. She could count on the fingers of one hand how many times this had happened to her in the past. She wasn’t an easy or loose woman. Far from it. She’d only had two serious relationships, and sex wasn’t part of it until well into the relationship, and certainly not on the night they met. But there was something different about Elaine. Sex was something that came naturally to her. She had the magnetism to make Syl want to be with her.

Sylvia propped her head on her hand as she looked at Elaine’s blonde hair, carefully colored to hide the gray in it. Thoughts started running her head as she watched Elaine sleep. Who was this mysterious woman and why do I feel like she has a spell on me? Will I fall in love with her?

Elaine stirred at that moment, her eyes fluttering open, perhaps sensing that Syl was watching her.

“It’s you,” she said to Sylvia, her eyes adjusting to the bright sunshine.

“It’s me,” said Sylvia. “Not your ex-girlfriend.”

Still half asleep with her head on the pillow Elaine chuckled. “I guess you won’t let me live that one down, will you?”

Sylvia bounced out of bed in her skimpy pajamas. “You need to get ready to go. It’s almost nine. How about I make you breakfast?”

Elaine’s mindset had changed overnight. What was the rush to go to the City? She had found a good thing and she decided to run with it.

“I think I want to stay here for a bit, if you’ll have me.”

Syl stopped in her tracks, expressing surprise at Elaine’s change of heart. “Of course I want you here. I need to rearrange a few things. I was supposed to deliver a car to a customer. If you’re going to stay, how about you help me with a chore later today?”

“I can do that.”

Elaine gave Sylvia a peck on the cheek. “Now about last night. There’s some unfinished business.”

“Business?” Sylvia asked, though she knew what Elaine wanted.

“It’s my turn now,” Elaine said, taking Syl’s hands to the buttons of her pajama top. Syl unbuttoned each one, allowing Elaine to slowly expose her creamy white breasts to the early morning light.

“You are beautiful Elaine.”

Sylvia’s hand went inside Elaine’s open shirt and teased her nipple. “You know I want you.”

It’s Rae all over again, Elaine thought, and it’s ironic that I’m the one now who has no control over my emotions, my body, like the submissives I’ve had for so many years. Now the shoe’s on the other foot. I feel powerless to resist.

Elaine shrugged her shirt off and let it drop to the floor. “You can have me.”

“I want you Elaine. All of you.” Syl ran her hand through Elaine’s fine, blonde hair and nuzzled her neck, planting soft kisses on her shoulder and then lower to the top of Elaine’s breast. Elaine reveled in the attention, a far cry from her usually distant demeanor when it came to sex with her submissives. This foreplay was a precursor to love.

Syl lightly pinched Elaine’s nipple between her fingers, tugging on it to elongate it, and then licking the stretched nipple.

Elaine encouraged Syl on. “That’s nice, ” Elaine sighed. “Don’t stop.”

Syl cupped Elaine’s breast, feeling its weight and fullness, then kissing and licking the other one. Syl’s hand teased Elaine’s belly button before wandering lower to Elaine’s well-trimmed bush, the hairs dewy with desire. Syl wet her finger from Elaine’s labia and smeared the clear viscous fluid on Elaine’s clit.

“Oh God . . . oh yes,” Elaine moaned. Her eyes were clamped tightly shut as she felt two of Syl’s fingers penetrate her swampy maw.

Now the shoe was on the other foot. Syl slowed her fucking motion, keeping Elaine at a rolling boil.

“You little minx,” Elaine said between panting breaths.

“It’s better, isn’t it Elaine?” Syl asked, taking a page out of Elaine’s book.

“No,” Elaine said flatly.


Syl forced Elaine’s legs wider, lifting Elaine’s knees over her shoulders to fully expose her sex to Syl’s lust filled eyes. Syl’s eyes weren’t focused on Elaine’s pussy. They were on Elaine’s delicious winking brown pucker. Elaine had opened her eyes to the joy of anal play and Syl had no inhibitions about licking Elaine’s delectable bottom.

“Ummmmm . . .” Elaine moaned as Syl began to rim her asshole, making slow circles around the edges before probing the center with the tip of her tongue.

“Touch me,” Elaine cried out, approaching ever so close to her release.

Syl buried her tongue deep in Elaine’s ass as her fingers furiously rubbed the blonde’s clit.

“Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck,” Elaine chanted. Her hips snapped up and her back arched, feeling as if she was strapped to a rocket. Her asshole was furiously clenching and unclenching around Syl’s tongue. A gush of liquid spilled out of her pussy. Elaine’s head throbbed from the intensity of her orgasm.

“That was a good turn,” she said to Syl, whose cheeks bore a sheen of Elaine’s wetness.

“I think that counts as two,” said Syl.

Elaine’s phone buzzed. The caller ID said “Tesla Service.” She showed her phone to Syl, both of them naked and sweaty.

“I guess we better get cleaned up and dressed,” said Syl.

“Showtime,” said Elaine.

Syl gave Elaine a quick peck on the cheek.

“That’s a down payment for later.”

* * *

Elaine emerged from the shower with a towel around her midsection and one around her head. There were still dots of moisture on her forehead and locks of her usually perfectly coiffed hair hung loose over her face. The bathroom door was open and Syl was standing there waiting.

“I just realized I don’t have a stitch to wear,” Elaine declared.

“I’ve got that covered.” Syl held forward some clothes in her hand. “Try these on. Apologies, but I haven’t done laundry in a few days . . . actually it’s been a couple weeks. It’s what I had clean.”

Elaine didn’t think she’d have a difficult choice but she did. The red cocktail dress she was wearing obviously inappropriate for casual daytime wear, but Syl’s offering – a faded grey Yankees t-shirt with a name on the back Elaine didn’t recognize, a canary yellow Valvoline sweatshirt with oil stains on it and a pair of faded jeans was not much better.

Syl went back to getting ready while Elaine sighed and put on her bra and slipped the pinstriped t-shirt over her head. At least it fit. Syl was kind enough to include a nondescript pair of white cotton panties with the jeans. The sweatshirt was garishly bright. Dressed she exited the bathroom to an unintentional stare from Syl.

“Sorry,” said the brunette, blushing. Syl almost didn’t recognize Elaine wearing her beat-up clothes that were rightfully stored on the bottom of a rarely opened drawer. For Elaine, it was a huge comedown from a glamorous and outrageously expensive designer red cocktail dress.

Elaine started laughing and Syl joined in.

“I look pretty ridiculous, don’t I?” Elaine asked between giggles.

“You do,” said Syl. “And what does that say about me? Those are clothes that I’ve worn.”

“No comment,” said Elaine. “But you look better with them off.”

Syl lifted her eyebrows in mock surprise. “I do?”

“Let’s find out.”

“Elaine, the Tesla repair truck will be here in ten minutes.”


“You’re such a slut,” Syl said.

That comment elicited a hearty laugh from the usually reserved Elaine.

“I quit before you did,” Elaine replied truthfully. She was smiling broadly as well, suddenly feeling liberated from the slow three-month break-up with Rae. The trauma of the spin-out and the cold march to Syl’s service station were patched over by the discovery of a newfound playmate, and maybe soulmate.

So there Elaine stood, wearing Syl’s hand me downs and looking like an escapee from a NASCAR homeless encampment, but feeling on top of the world.

* * *


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