Good, good, neighbor

An adult stories – Good, good, neighbor by iTrauma,iTrauma Sleep didn’t come easy.

It came even less when you couldn’t seem to get a moment’s rest because your own mind wouldn’t shut up because of how loud the world was. It’d been fine, when Dolores, the eighty year old retiree had lived next door. Oh, sure, she had to deal with a little religious talk, and questions about why she wasn’t going to let the guy from B2 know that she’s single, but she was quiet, and she lied to bake her things.

Dolores, was sorely missed, shuffled off to live with her family, to be closer to her children and great grandchildren.

Dolores, was a good neighbor.

Her new neighbor though, Jason McAllister, was *not* a good neighbor, he was a nightmare of one, and it seemed like he was a retired pornstar from the amount of wall shaking the man did on the nightly! Was he a horse? A stallion? It might have been hot if he wasn’t so loud! No matter what she did, she got an apologetic smile, an oops, and then it kept going. Jason was far from a bad looking man, with blue eyes and dark hair that’s gone silver, a perpetual five o’clock shadow she wouldn’t have minded grating across her thighs for a good time. Truthfully though? She couldn’t even confess to that because of how utterly irate he made her.

It was an annoying, no win, situation.

Abby sighed, lifting a hand over her face and giving a sudden groan when she heard the moans and wall thudding, a picture getting knocked off of her wall. Sadly, the walls were thinner because this was one big house that’d been turned into smaller homes and this was the one point where they didn’t double the walls, it’d never been a problem and now..

And now, she shoved a pillow over her own face and screamed into it before looking at the clock.

0900, it flashed, red against the black.

Nine in the morning, and he was still at it? Oh no.

Not today. Not in Abigail Rutherford’s friendly neighborhood.

Putting on her pajama bottoms, slipping them over those black boyshorts, she was jerking on a tanktop, letting those heavy handfuls bounce with their freedom before our glasses wearing heroin stormed out in her bunny slippers, a mission on her mind.

She got to see her leave, the bombshell that’d been there all night long. She was intimidating, damn near made Abby stop in her tracks as she beheld her. Thicker than her by a mile, with blonde hair and startling green eyes. How, she almost mouthed, before walking to that door, banging on it with nothing but lack of caffeine and spite fueling her.

“Forget somethin’, Gor–” Pausing, he looked down, and then he blinked. “Oh, Abby. I–”

“Don’t you Abby I– mean, Jason! You kept me up all night!”

“Well, it wasn’t my f–”

“This isn’t the first time!”

“No, bu–”

“Or the second!”

“I’m a popular man.”

“I don’t see why! It’s not like you’re that good looking! What are you, hung like a horse!”

Her hand dropped from Jason’s chest, to his towel, swiping it by pure accident as her hand dropped, knocking it to the floor and revealing what was probably the biggest cock she’d ever seen soft in her life. Even *soft* it was one of the biggest, and Abby gawked, much to Jason’s slow burning smirk.

“I– That was an accident.”

“I know. Want to come in? For coffee?” Said the man who just turned around and walked his bare ass naked into the kitchen, with a sleep deprived Abigail Rutherfood trailing behind him, closing the door. It wasn’t like she had anything else to do.

“I’m sorry, really. I didn’t mean to keep you up, and I’ve already written the Landlord about the wall thing. I could fix it, if he let me.” Calmly, pouring up two cups of coffee, and putting it on the tray. Mouthing the words ‘sugar’ and ‘cream’ at her, he waited for her to hold up fingers to signify how much before adding it to it. “I’m not trying to be a bad neighbor, Abby.”

“..Yeah, fine. You’re going to pay someone to do it? Why not let the Landlord?”

“Oh, no. *I’m* doing it. Me. I used to hang drywall when I was younger, carpentry work too. All around general contractor.” Forcing a smile to his face, briefly, before stirring in their coffee.

“Pretty handy,” she remarked. “Maybe you’re not a full blown sexual terrorist.” Those words made him laugh, and hard, holding his stomach for just a moment.

“I don’t know, being called a sexual terrorist is kind of like a badge of honor, even if you are a prudish wallflower.”

“I’m a WHAT?”

“Prudish. Wallflower.”

“How *dare* you.”

“Well, I mean, only one of us is keeping the other up all night.” Brows raised, pointing the spoon at her jokingly.

She rose to her feet and without an ounce of hesitation she jerked that spoon from him and pointed it right back in his face. “Listen, Mister, I’ve got skills, I could rock your whole fucking world.” Not an ounce of hesitation to her voice, she grabbed that coffee cup and took a long sip of it before continuing, only to pause. “Actually– first? This is fantastic coffee.”

“Thanks, it’s the grind. I get it from a friend back in Colombia. He ships me beans from his farm.”

“I– That’s really neat and I can’t insult it.”

“Thanks, Manuel works hard on his farm.”

“You’re frustratingly interesting.”

He leaned in, his forearms on the table, no attempt to hide himself, not even once. “And you’re a remarkable young woman. I hear you practicing your violin late at night.” Those words, strangely tender, caused her to blink, maybe even blush a little as she scratched the back of her head.

“Thanks, Jason. I.. Yeah. I used to play in the city orchestra, but I wasn’t making enough money, and lab tech work made me hate the violin a little less.” Came the faint chuckle, cutting those eyes to the side, before looking back to him, biting her bottom lip a little. “Going to uh, put pants back on any time soon?”

“No.” Bluntly, smirking himself.

“You know, that suits me just fine.”

“Oh, I’m glad.”

“I bet you are.”

Another short burst fire of smart ass comments back and forth before Abby set down her half drank cup of coffee and stepped forward, putting her hands on the counter. “So, I was thinking.”, to which Jason simply replied “I’m all ears.”

“You, can’t keep me awake if I put you to sleep.” Stunning the older man as she reached down and grabbed her shirt, sliding it off so he could see those magnificent tits of her bounce free, her lips broadening that smirk seeing his stunned expression, especially as she walked forward and pushed him back, dropping to her knees in front of him, lifting his cock to eye level. “Hello, Neighbor. Nice to finally meet the noisy one. I’m about to teach you how to shut the fuck up.” Jason went to protest but it died on his lips as the faint sounds of suckling came from under him as she started to run her tongue along the underside of that battering ram.

Slow, rhythmic, bobbing her head up and down, tracing the veins and lines of his cock with her tongue, she slathered him in her spit, working her hand up and down whatever she couldn’t fit into her mouth, letting her tongue roll up beneath the underside of his cock’s crown, causing a very nearly feral sound to erupt from Jack’s mouth. Gnarled hands lowered, grasping her hair only for her to push his hands away, lifting both of hers to his hips, and then grabbing handfuls of his chiseled rear end to keep him from backing away. “Fuck, I.. Abby. Jeez.” Moaning out those words, moaning out her name.

Abby’s response? She pinched his butt, making him jump a little further into her mouth only for her to palm it again. She wanted to prove a point, to show this man was she was capable of, dropping his hand from his side to her neck, making him feel the bulge in her throat from how far she’d gotten him among those gagging sounds she’d released. Marveling, almost admiring her neck, he pushed her back.

“No, Nooo, no. I only got one load left, Little Lady, and I know exactly how I’m giving it to you.” Came that growl before he pulled her up, the violinist labtech nearly giggling like a mad woman when he smacked her derriere.

“Oh, did I get the best of you, Pops?!” Teasing him. “Almost put you out for nap time?” Oh, she was testing her luck, the man nearly growled at her before slinging her onto that bed with enough force that she bounced, but in truth? Abby was game for it, gesturing for him to get closer, even as he tore those pants off of her, slinging them to the side. Her lower body faced him sideways, being as that’s how she fake crawled away, still cackling.


He yanked her down and climbed onto her, kissing her, claiming those lips for his own, breathing her in. The kiss was fiery, slow burning, as if they’d been lovers for ages. Abby softened as she felt him on top of her, hands smoothing out along his body, dragging him down towards her, sliding her arms around his neck. She nipped at his top lip and he bit into her bottom one, tugging on it sharply only to chase it back to her mouth, claiming it for a second time.

Slow rolling, slow burning, he pushed into her with a groan and she felt her eyes fluttered. Slow, soft, but with a hard edged deepness to him that felt deep in her loins. Her neck craned, moaning away from him, hand in his hair. Her lips never left his until now, exposing her neck to him, her throat, letting him bite her, mark her, scrape his teeth up to the hollow of her throat, kissing her in the under ‘v’ of her draw, getting into those hard to reach places with kiss after kiss, his hands grabbing hers.

Intertwined fingers.

He pinned them above her head.

Over, and over he took her, his thrusts rhythmic and fierce rocked the bed with each and every hard thrust, creating a bassline to follow with that headboard. No wonder it was so loud, the oak beast was moved by those locomotive hips. Moans, whimpers, and silent yelps left Abby.

Earlier, she hated his guts.

Now? He was in her guts.

Breathless, her fingers bringing up red ribbons in their wake across his back after jerking her hands away from his in a moment of bliss where he was distracted. “Nn! Jason… Jason. Fuck. Give it to me. Give it to me.” Barely making a noise, erratic, her tits bouncing with each thrust being delivered again and again until “OH. FUCK. JASON! FUCK!” Vulgarities screamed an octave so sharp dogs started barking outside before her muscles seized, and she threw her her head back.

“I never said I was done because you are.”

“Huh–WHOA!” She was dumped onto her stomach, a hard SMACK given to that chubby rear that got wobbled from the swift smack, before that hand found her thick chestnut mane and yanked back on it like a set of reins, pulling her head up as he started to pound into her from behind, enacting his own brand of discipline on his bratty neighbor, driving those hips into hers against and again and again, trying her like an outlet to his frustrations with her earlier intrusions.

Abby loved even minute of it, eyes threatening to roll up into her hair as she felt him stretch her, felt her walls tremble, doing their best to accomodate him, doing their best to milk him, to slow him down, to.. “Nn, Daddy.”

“What was that?” Pausing for a moment, almost slowing his pace, but found his rhythm again, throwing his frame forward. “What’d you say?”

“N-Nothing. C’mon, fuck me!” Shoving her hips back as she screamed it, practically commanded it. She shoved those hips back again, impaling herself as she tried to get him off track. “Said! Thrust! “Fuck!” Thrust! “Me!”

It worked, he was jerking back on her hips, bucking those hips forward, mounting her with each and every muscle left in him before he finally had to stop, as his own muscles seized, as that cock throbbed until it erupted into her, leaning over her.. She just reached up and grabbed him by the head, leading him to lay down onto him, almost pressed up against him, with him still inside of her.

“I’ll get up in a minute.”

“Eh, don’t bother. Stay where the fuck you are, put an arm around me, and shut the fuck up so I can sleep.” Muttering as she tugged that blanket around them with a hard pull.

Somewhere though, as she laid there under covers with him nestled at her back, throbbing cock still pumping away inside of her, she wondered how much more complicated that she just made her own life.

“Fuck,” she muttered.


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