Gym shower – Jerk buddy by cj37

A literotic sexstories: Gym shower – Jerk buddy by cj37 ,
A quick introduction, my name is CJ and I’m 24 years old. I am white with long blond hair. I’m 6′ 1” and 180lbs, lean and athletic. I am very active and like to work out almost daily. I have a membership at my local LA Fitness where there are a lot of beautiful males and females. I am definitely bi-sexual, but tend to find myself more attracted to females.So this is a true story that happened a few days ago. It started as a normal gym session, with cardio to warm up, followed by a heavy push day focusing on my chest and triceps. It was Friday evening, so the gym was less crowded that it typically was, but everyday there seemed to be a large and very fit Asian guy around my age who always works out the same time as me. He must’ve been 6’4” and 220lbs of mostly muscle. I’ve seen him there for about 2 years now, ever since I started going to this gym. He is very quiet and always works out alone. I wasn’t sure if I was attracted to him or if I just admired his work ethic at the gym and his body. I do not know his name, but for the sake of the story, let’s call him Josh.

Anyway, after admiring him from a distance, I finished up my workout and headed to the locker room. I strip down to my underwear, wrapped a towel around me, and headed into the sauna. When I get in, it was pretty much empty, besides Josh sitting in the far corner, also only in his underwear. “Holy fuck” I thought to myself, admiring his sweaty body as I sat myself down in the nearest corner to his corner where he was siting. With both us being quiet and never talking to each other, I wasn’t going to break that mutual silence we shared with each other. I just sat there and occasionally admired his body while he was not looking. He was stretching his back and legs and it gave me plenty of opportunities to catch glimpses of his incredible body.

We had to have been in there for 40 minutes, and being the competitive person that I am, I could not leave before him. At this point a few others have entered the room, and he eventually grabbed his towel and left for the showers. I wasn’t going to follow him, so I stayed in for a few more minutes. But this sauna was hot and over 40 minutes in there had me exhausted. I grabbed my towel and went to the showers.

The showers were individual stalls with three tile walls and a shower curtain for each. I typically went for the far stalls down the row because it gave a little extra privacy and I liked to sometimes jerk off in there. When I got to the end of the row, I noticed the stall parallel to the far on I like to use was in use, but nevertheless, I turned on the water and took off my underwear while waiting for it to warm up. I noticed the curtain on the other stall was open maybe a foot, and with a quick glance saw Josh lathering his backside with soap. Feeling my cock starting to grow, I quickly jumped in and closed the shower curtain. However, instead of closing the curtain completely, I also left about a foot so that I could steal a few more glances at Josh while he was washing himself.

Not only did I notice him lathering himself close to that opening, I had the sense that he was trying to catch glimpses of me as well. To put this to the test, towards the opening of the curtain, I started soaping up my ass and rubbing it, making sure he could see. As I turned around, I noticed him looking, but he quickly looked away. Another thing I noticed, was that he was sporting a nice semi chub. I haven’t shown him yet, but I was not not semi-hard, rather a fully erect 7.5 inches. I turned around and focused on washing my upper body while trying to make sure my boner was visible to Josh in the other shower stall. I think it worked because when I looked back over, I could see his now fully erect, maybe 5 inch circumcized cock through the opening of his stall as he washed his body. “Where do we go from here?” I thought to myself, followed by an internal “fuck it”.

I grabbed some more soap from the dispenser and started washing my hard dick and balls. When I looked over, he was doing the same. This time when I looked over, he did not look away. We were both staring at each other and before we knew it, we went from washing our privates, to straight up jerking off while watching each other. We both opened our curtains up a bit more to catch a better view of each other. He was firmly grasping his cock with one hand, and cupping his balls with his other. His strokes were slow but powerful. I copied his movements. If he picked up the pace, so would I. And if he slowed back down, I follow his lead.

I knew I was close to cumming, but I did not want to cum too soon. Eventually, I could tell he was too, because his body was moving more and he was making a lot of hot facial expressions. I started to pick up the pace, and he seemed to follow suit. I started to feel the orgasm pick up and I knew I reached the point of no return. Right before I reached my limit, I watched Josh start to convulse, moan, and shoot rope after rope from his cock onto the ground. Not a second later, I was doing the same thing, feeling the orgasm from my feet to my head, shooting ropes onto the wall and floor. This was an incredible orgasm; one of the best I’ve had in a while. He quickly jumped out of the shower and wrapped his towel around himself and left the shower area. I stayed in the shower for a few more minutes to get soft before I left.

By the time I got to the locker room and Josh was not in the same section as I so I dried off, got dressed and left.

I am hoping this is the first of many encounters I have with Josh. Maybe next time we will even say a few words to each other.


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