Harem House – Selene Pt. 19

An adult stories – Harem House – Selene Pt. 19 by SirAeghann,SirAeghann Arthur awoke Wednesday morning to the faint smell of flowers he couldn’t place at first. The scent of Kat’s shampoo was under his nose as her curled blonde hair bustled in front of his face. They were both on their side, with his arm over her and her back nestled against his front. The feeling of her round ass pressing into him made him realize that he was hard, with his dick between her cheeks. He would have closed his eyes and reveled in the moment’s bliss if it weren’t for the phone alarm blaring behind him.

Kat slowly opened her eyes to join him in the waking world and groaned. Not the way he was used to hearing her groan, but in displeasure. She was barely awake, and she was grumpy about it.

“Shut off your phone.” Kat grunted and pushed her hips back against him. Her eyes woke slightly more as she felt him lodged against her backside.

Arthur rolled away and hit the snooze on his phone, turning off the annoying alarm, blanketing them in darkness once again.

“I need to get up and get to campus for my workout.” Arthur sighed.

“I can lock up.” Kat offered. She closed her eyes and settled back in.

“You don’t want to come with me?” Arthur asked, surprised. She’d come with him on Monday, after all, so had Selene. He was half expecting them to do it again today.

Kat waved him off. “I’m going back to sleep. Also, you need a coffee maker.” Kat said as she nestled the covers in front of her.

Arthur chuckled and got up, turning his pillow and closing the blankets behind him so Kat could go back to sleep. He knew where his clothes were and pulled them out carefully, trying to open his drawers as quietly as possible. He dressed by phone light and left the bedroom behind to hit the bathroom. Then he was in the living room, taking a moment before he left for the gym.

He checked his phone, seeing a series of goodnight messages in the House Chat and a few private ones.

Slut: Goodnight, Master! I hope tonight goes well for both of you!

There was a picture accompanying it of Selene, nude and kneeling as if praying at the side of her bed.

Slut: Let me know if you need me.

That message was from late last night, but there was no message from this morning. She was likely asleep. She’d been getting up so early with Arthur’s schedule the previous few days he’d nearly forgotten that she usually slept most mornings with her classes in the afternoon.

There was also a good night message from Mindy.

Whore: Goodnight, Boss! Staying the night at my folk’s place. Let me know if you put in an order, and I’ll make sure to be your delivery girl. Have fun with Kat!

He smiled, which quickly turned into a frown as he saw a text from an unrecognized number.

Unknown: Hey, this is Lynn. Your mom gave me your number to get in touch. Did you get my email by any chance? I sent you 1. Maybe it went to spam.

He closed his phone and put it away. He thought about skipping the gym and running but knew Kelly was waiting for him. Or at least he’d see her at the gym, and that was reason enough not to skip. He looked back at his bedroom door and, after gathering his things, crept in as quietly as possible. He crossed to the other side of the bed, looking down on Kat’s sleeping form, and gently kissed her forehead.

She stirred, blinking her eyes open. “You’re leaving for the gym?” She asked sleepily.

“Yeah.” Arthur nodded. “You’re okay to sleep for a bit; just lock the door behind you.”

“Okay.” Kat smiled, and her eyes started to close again. “Wait.” She said with a frown as her eyes opened again. “Do you want me to get you off before you go?”

“What?” Arthur asked, surprised. “No, you don’t have to do that.”

“I feel bad.” Kat said. “The others always wake you up with blowjobs, right?”

Arthur smiled softly. “Selene does, and Mindy, I guess. But you don’t have to.”

Kat yawned and stretched. “But I want to.” She protested. “I’m just a little sleepy.” She wet her lips. “Here.” She shuffled around on the bed until she was lying sideways across it with her head hanging off the side toward Arthur. Then she peeled down the blankets covering her until she was exposed from the waist up. Arthur could see her perky round breasts with their small areolas, the pale flesh striped with faint blushes of red in thin strips across her tits from the riding crop last night.

Kat pushed her breasts together and gently ran her fingers over her nipples as she started to stir. Then she opened her mouth. “Go ahead, Sir.” Kat purred sleepily. She reached lazily for him and brushed the front of his gym shorts before finding the elastic waist and pulling them down a bit. His cock sprang free, already hard at the sight below him, and Arthur decided to go with the flow. She stroked him a few times, slowly and lazily, without any real grip on it, then pushed her breasts together again and opened her mouth like she wanted him to take her.

Arthur obliged. He stroked himself a few times, looking down at her, then slowly squatted down a bit and pressed the tip of his cock into her mouth. She sucked on it as she closed her eyes, her head hanging off the edge of the bed a little. He pushed forward a little and watched his long thick member slide into her throat. She swallowed, and he withdrew when she started to choke on him, but she gripped his legs and pulled him closer, not letting him go. Then, after a few seconds, she pushed him away and sat up coughing, twisting to one side until the coughing stopped and she caught her breath.

“Sorry, Sir.” Kat sounded annoyed. “Please, let me try again. I’ll be a good girl for you. I promise.”

Arthur nodded and stroked her back until Kat laid back down on the bed. She opened her mouth again and waited. Arthur slid in slower this time and then gently rocked himself back and forth before drawing out of her entirely and letting her breathe. Seeing his cock swelling her exposed throat was intoxicating, and he felt harder just for seeing it as he slid his cock back in.

The grip on his thighs shifted as she moved one of her hands down under the blankets and started playing with herself, her legs spread gently to allow her fingers access. Arthur peeled the blankets back and watched with rapt attention as she played with herself.

Arthur rubbed her breast gently, eliciting an incomprehensible noise from her that felt great against his cock in her throat. He slid out again, his cock wet and slick from her saliva, and brushed it against her face. She grimaced but didn’t stop him or protest. Then he slid his cock back into her and pumped gently, drawing out into her mouth at the back of each stroke so she could breathe.

Her breathing started to quicken as he increased his pace, and she increased the speed of her fingers playing away between her legs. Arthur watched her toy with her clit and finger herself in alternating strokes until she finally brought her other hand down. Then she was fingering herself with one hand and playing with her clit with the other. Her arms framed her c-cup breasts and pushed them together with her hands between her legs.

He couldn’t take it anymore. He pulled out of Kat’s throat and stepped forward, trapping her head a little between his thighs and laying his wet cock between her breasts. She gasped and kicked a little in surprise at the feeling but did not stop him or protest. She merely lifted her head a little and started licking his balls. He started pumping.

Kat moaned and kissed his thigh, licking and biting him gently on his legs where she could reach, and let him fuck her tits. The feeling flushed her chest as the marks from last night flared with a dull pain that mingled inexplicably with the pleasure she gave herself between her legs.

“Please, cum for me, sir.” Kat moaned. “Cum all over my tits. I’ll be your good girl and wear your cum like a badge of pride.”

Arthur didn’t know what it was about Kat’s dirty talk, but she was good at it. The slightly whispered voice she used, the subtle embarrassed tone, the breathy little gasps she would take, and the words all worked together to fan the flames in him. He listened as she gasped when he ran his thumbs over her hardened nipples, and he watched as her hips started to buck against her hands.

Kat curled up slightly and sucked his balls into her mouth, playing with them as though she were trying to pull his trigger with her tongue while he pumped away between her tits. She succeeded.

He blew the first shot so hard it splattered against her hands and dripped onto her bush. The second shot landed a little higher, just below her waistline. The third was just above her belly button. After he’d stood up slightly and taken a slight step back once, she released his balls; the final landed directly between her breasts even as she pushed them together for him.

“Hm.” Kat cooed and softly closed her eyes as if going back to sleep. “Was I a good girl?”

“Yes.” Arthur replied as he caught his breath. “Good girl.”

Kat wiggled her shoulders happily and turned herself back around on the mattress. She left the covers off, lying there looking beautiful even as she was spattered with cum and had red marks across her breasts from her punishment last night. With her head back on the pillow, she blew him a kiss. “Have a good workout, Sir.”

Arthur almost laughed but thought better of it. He pulled up his shorts, kissed her on the forehead again, and closed the bedroom door behind him. He shook his head but grabbed his duffel and headed to the gym. He checked his phone again but still had no messages from Selene, and she wasn’t waiting for him at the car. She was probably still sleeping. He didn’t want to shoot her a message and wake her up if she needed the rest, and he knew she needed the rest. So he went to the gym alone for the first time in a few days.

The car ride was peaceful, given it was too early for much traffic. It was also his first time alone in the car for a while, so it was nice to get a chance to listen to some of his music as he drove. He missed the company and the pleasures Selene would often inflict whenever she was in the passenger’s seat, but ultimately he enjoyed the ride by the time he got to campus. The solitude gave him a chance to relax.

Parking the car and heading inside, he smiled when he saw Kelly walk in just after him. He’d already started his warm-up, but she quickly came over and joined him after giving him a quick kiss hello, which got them a few looks.

Kelly was a bombshell, as always. She forged her body here in the gym and showed it off with a modest black sports bra holding back her D-cup breasts but nothing else on her torso. The black lycra shorts Kelly wore left nothing to the imagination as far as her perfect heart-shaped ass was concerned and barely came to the tops of her well-toned thighs. She was all hard lines and soft flesh, and Arthur let his eyes give her a good once over and couldn’t help the goofy grin that struck his face, any more than she could hold back the proud smile that graced her lips at capturing Arthur’s attention.

“Good morning, Mister.” Kelly said in her teasing tone. “Ready to work out?”

“You bet.” Arthur nodded.

Kelly smiled back at him and started warming up with him. The workout went well as they moved through the exercises together using different weights from the free weight rack. It wasn’t until they were halfway through that conversation became interesting.

“Still looking forward to Friday?” Arthur asked.

“About that…” Kelly hesitated.

“Uh oh.” Arthur stopped. “What’s wrong?”

“So, it’s Katelyn’s first weekend being single, and she’s kind of angry at her ex, and she seems to think the best way to get over him is to go clubbing, have a girl’s night out.” Kelly explained.

“And she wants to go Friday.” Arthur surmised.

“Yeah. Saturday is homecoming, and Friday is the first night she’s available. I told her I already had plans, and she begged me to cancel them, so… I thought I’d ask you.” Kelly explained.

“Ask me?” Arthur sounded surprised. “Is it my decision if you go out with your friends or stay the night at my place instead?”

Kelly blushed and looked down, only looking up at their shared reflection in the mirror to meet Arthur’s gaze and his pleased smile.

“I was looking forward to Friday.” Arthur said. “Especially with what we’d talked about.”

Kelly blushed again.

“Couldn’t she go out with her other friends?” He asked.

“The only other friends I think she has is her volleyball team, and they aren’t that kind of friends.” Kelly explained. “That’s not their scene.”

“And it’s yours?” Arthur asked, slightly surprised. Kelly talked about going out and dancing occasionally, but he’d never really thought of her as a club girl.

“I like going out, dancing, flirting, and blowing my calorie limits on drinks that taste good and have risque names.” She smirked. “So sue me.”

“And I can’t come along because that would defeat the whole point.” Arthur deduced.

“Well, yeah.” Kelly nodded. “I’d feel kinda shitty bringing my man along on a girl’s night out.”

Arthur smirked. “And if I say no, you can’t go out with your friend, and we keep our plans for Friday night?”

“Then we keep our plans for Friday night, and I explain to Kate that I felt bad because you already spent the money on our plans.” Kelly said. “Which, if true, would make it a lot easier.”

Arthur thought about it. He hadn’t gone grocery shopping yet, so he hadn’t bought the ingredients for the dinner he planned on making. He hadn’t spent money or time yet on their anticipated date night. Still, he had been looking forward to it a lot. The only problem was he’d feel like a heel if he said no. Kate probably did need some support from her friends, and a night out feeling desired but in control would probably be good for her to get over her cheating ex.

Kelly watched him silently in the mirror as they breathed through their exercises. Arthur’s handsome face was set as he thought. He always looked so severe when trying to work through a problem. It was cute.

“Isn’t she friends with Kat?” Arthur asked suddenly. “They’re on the volleyball team together.”

“Well, yeah.” Kelly nodded, confused. Admittedly, she didn’t know Katerine very well. The other girls in the harem were people she’d seen around campus with and even had a few conversations with over the years, but they were new friends. Still, she didn’t think Kat was a club girl. She had a hard time imagining her being comfortable in that environment without a book, and that wouldn’t be any fun for poor Katelyn.

“What if she and Selene take Kate out, and you and I can have our date?” Arthur asked.

Kelly thought about it for a moment. Katerine might not fit in at a club, but punkish Selene would, so maybe there was hope. “Will they do that?”

Arthur almost laughed, but it became a smirk instead. Katerine would give him hell for it, possibly even refuse, but Selene would convince her, and Selene would do anything Arthur requested. He would be surprised to find out if there were anything she wouldn’t do, and going out for a night of fun was hardly a big ask for her. The most considerable difficulty would be getting Kat to agree, but she might be willing if he promised to make it up to her.

“I think so.” Arthur nodded. “I can ask, anyway.”

“That’d be perfect.” Kelly smiled. “Kate can go out, and I can have my night off with my man.” She blew him a kiss in the mirror.

“Perfect.” Arthur grunted as he finished his set.

By the time the workout was over, they were both tired and welcomed the cool down as they moved through the stretches on the mats. Kelly was deliciously flexible. Not quite as flexible as Selene, but much closer than Arthur. Arthur was working on it. His flexibility had never been his primary improvement goal when working out, but with more and more demands placed on him, he knew he would have to focus on it soon. Still, it needed to catch up to his endurance and stamina training. Stamina was the most important objective at the moment.

“Good workout.” Kelly smiled at him from her seated butterfly position on the mats.

Arthur stood and offered his hand to help her to her feet, which she accepted and pulled herself up gracefully. “Good workout.” Arthur agreed.

Kelly leaned up to his ear and whispered. “Want to do some cardio?”

Arthur swallowed and glanced at the clock. “What do you do for workouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays?” He asked.

Kelly frowned and pouted at him. She knew a no when she heard it. “Just a little cardio.” She answered, finally.

“Then let’s do cardio together tomorrow.” Arthur suggested.

“But that’s-” Kelly looked at him. “Okay.” She said with a sigh and crossed her arms over her chest. “You come in here, let me watch you workout, get me all worked up, and then skip out before you can make it up to me.”

“I have to work.” Arthur protested.

“Ugh. That’s only making it worse.” Kelly sighed. “Being responsible is sexy.”

Arthur laughed. “Go on. Think of me in the shower.”

“Oh, I will, Mister.” Kelly slapped him on the butt, then kissed him on the cheek quickly before sashaying away to the locker room door. Arthur’s weren’t the only eyes that watched her go, but his were the only ones she met when she looked over her shoulder before disappearing.

“Damn, dude.” Someone next to him said. “You hittin’ that?”

Arthur looked at the source to find a face he hadn’t seen in the gym before. A young man, probably a freshman or a sophomore, was still staring at the women’s locker room door.

“She’s my girlfriend.” Arthur answered.

“Damn.” The guy frowned. “If I’d have known girls like that worked out here, I’d have been coming to the gym sooner.”

“Don’t be a creep.” Arthur warned as he gathered up his stuff.

“Whatever, man.” The guy blew him off.

Arthur shook his head and made his way into the locker room. He checked his phone to see he had a message from Selene. He took his phone into the shower stall and watched the video she sent him with his earpiece still in his ear. Watching her perform her morning mantra was quickly becoming addicting.

Slut: Good morning, Master. I have work again today, but I hope to see you soon. I can’t wait to hear how things went with you and Kat last night. Did she behave for you, or did you have to punish her?

Master: I had to punish her, but nothing too taxing.

Slut: Are you home?

Master: At the gym. Last I left Kat she was sleeping in my room.

Slut: Did she wake you up with a blowjob?

Master: Did you tell her to wake me up with a blow job?

That would help to explain why Kat had been so insistent about getting him off before he left.

Slut: Maybe. Did she do it?

Master: No, but she gave me one before I left.

Slut: Lucky bitch.

Master: lol.

Slut: Are you with Kelly, then?

Master: Just said goodbye. In the locker room now, about to get a shower.

Slut: Wish I was there.

Master: Me too. For now, though, I need to ask you a favor.

Slut: Anything Master. Your wish is my command.

Master: What are your plans for Friday Night?

Slut: Getting ready for the weekend and trying to convince you to let me join you and Kelly.

Master: lol. Well… I need to ask practically the opposite of that. Kelly’s roommate needs a girl’s night out. Do you think you and Kat could take her out dancing or something? Help her get over her ex?

Slut: You need us to distract Kate so you and Kelly can fuck?

Master: Yup.

Slut: Of course, Master. I’ll let Kat know, and we’ll set something up. Though if the goal is to get her over her ex, you could always have her join you and Kelly.

Master: If Kelly wanted that, she would have suggested it. Take her out, let her feel desired but in control, y’know? I’ll give you some money so you can show her a good time.

Slut: Yes, Master.

Master: Good Girl.

Slut: When can I see you?

Master: I have work, class, and a late lunch today.

Slut: It doesn’t have to be for long. I just want to see you before tonight. I miss you.

Master: I miss you too. I’ll let you know. I might have a few minutes in between classes.

Slut: Enough minutes to pull me into a bathroom stall?

Master: Lol.

Slut: …

Slut: Please, Master? I’ll be the quickest quickie ever.

Master: We’ll see. Keep your phone on you.

Slut: Thank you, Master. Enjoy your shower. Please think of me!

She sent him a picture of herself, a naked selfie with one arm holding the phone out ahead of her and the other arm twisted behind her back, forcing her tits up and toward the camera. Arthur hadn’t jacked himself off in a while, but he was hard in the shower and seriously thought about it. Still, something told him he should save it up for her when he saw her next, so he turned the water cold to get through it, which solved his problem and cooled him off from the workout too.

He arrived at the office a few minutes early, dressed in his suit, to see Beth hovering by his desk as if waiting for him. He looked at her quizzically as if to ask what was up while he started his computer.

“Good morning.” Beth said. “Is Mindy with you?”

“No.” Arthur shook his head and glanced at Mindy’s desk. She wasn’t there, but he knew that already by her question. “Why? Did you need her for something?”

“Yes. Can you note when she gets here and let me know?” Beth asked. “She’s been late a lot recently.”

Arthur nodded. “Yeah, I talked to her about that, she’s working on improving. You want me to text her and make sure she’s on time?”

Beth shook her head. “No, that won’t be necessary.” She glanced at Arthur, and looked like she was about to say something, but Mindy’s arrival interrupted them.

They wore similar outfits today by accident. Beth was in a respectable fall-colored maroon sweater dress. It hung loosely on her, cinched by a wide black belt around her waist. Otherwise, it was utterly respectable, covering everything from the scooped neckline that didn’t show any cleavage all the way to the knees without being too suggestive of her tall figure. At 5’10”, she was taller than most women but still shorter than Arthur. He didn’t habitually check out his boss, but the tall black boots she wore with the dress were attention-grabbing, given the number of laces on her long calves.

Mindy, by contrast, had worn a gray sweater dress that stretched over every divet and curve of her body and seemed to threaten to stretch into sheer fabric if she moved the wrong way. It was also open-necked at the top, but with a plunging neckline that showed off the long line of her cleavage and the dress was much shorter than Beth’s, coming to mid-thigh whenever Mindy tugged it down. Her long tan skin was on display for most of her legs until the strappy black heels she wore on her feet.

“Good morning, Boss!” Mindy said as she came in, potentially greeting both of them though Arthur knew by her smile which one she’d intended to greet.

“Morning.” Beth replied as she glanced between Arthur and Mindy, who came to stand beside Arthur’s desk.

“Good morning.” Arthur gave her a slight smirk. “A few minutes early today, I see.”

“I didn’t want to be late again, so I set my alarm a few minutes early.” Mindy explained. She smiled at Beth, who didn’t smile back but nodded to them both and made her exit. She closed her office door behind her.

“What’s up with her?” Mindy asked.

Arthur shook his head. “I think she hoped to catch you coming in late. She asked if you were with me when I showed up.”

“Is she trying to fire me?” Mindy asked, alarmed. “Can she do that?”

“I mean… yeah. She’s our boss.” Arthur said. “I don’t think she will, though.”

Mindy moved to her desk, put her stuff down, and turned on her computer before returning to Arthur’s desk. “Please don’t let her fire me, Boss.” She said as she sat on the edge of Arthur’s desk, her legs together but not crossed as her skirt rode up a little. “I really need this job.” She said as she leaned toward him. “You’ve got some pull with her, right?” Mindy asked. “I’ll do anything if you can get her to change her mind.”

“Mindy…” Arthur warned.

“Anything.” Mindy promised in a voice that was just as suggestive as any line at the start of a porno.

“She’s in her office, and people come and go through here all the time when it’s not lunch…” Arthur warned her. “Behave.” He pointed toward her desk.

Mindy pouted. “Is it my outfit?” She asked. “Do you not like it?” She pulled at the neckline a little as she leaned over, giving Arthur an eyeful of the top of her breasts and showing off the transparent, white, lacy bra she wore beneath it. He could see the top of the dark nipple as she held her fingers curled against it, pulling down her neckline.

Arthur bit his lip as he took a deep breath and tried convincing himself that this was a bad idea. Anyone could walk through the door behind him without warning, and Beth could quickly return at any time.

“I can take it off if you don’t like it.” Mindy offered breathily.

Arthur’s eyes flicked behind her to Beth’s office door. Her shades were down and closed, but he knew she was in there. The door behind him was also unlocked. Other student workers could come in, or people from the other offices might need to use some of their supplies. There were a lot of reasons not to play at work, but at the moment, all he wanted to do was tell Mindy to get under his desk and pull that sweater dress down the rest of the way.

“Well, Boss?” Mindy asked. “What do you want?”

Arthur took a deep breath in.

“We could always go to the storage closet.” She suggested in a whisper.

Arthur shook his head. “No.” He said firmly. “We have work to do. Now get to your desk and get to work. We’ll discuss your insubordination while everyone else is at lunch.”

Mindy looked surprised and pouted when he said no, but the pout quickly turned into a smirk when he mentioned lunch. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, they covered the typical lunch hour in the office and took a later lunch themselves. It was always a ghost town, and despite Mindy’s many hints and flirtations, she’d never gotten him to make a move on her during their time alone in the office before last Monday. Things were different now, and she smiled at him as she let go of her neckline and sat straight on his desk.

“Yes, Boss.” She said demurely as she stood up and walked around his desk, giving him something to look at by putting extra sway in her hips as she made a show of walking over to her desk, pouting, and plopping into her chair.

Arthur relaxed little, willing the erection threatening to break his trousers away by sheer force of will. Though, Mindy’s walk didn’t help things.

“Arthur?” Beth’s voice called from the doorway. He looked up to see her standing in her now open office doorway and looking at him from across the room.

“Yes?” He asked.

“Can I see you in here for a moment?” She beckoned.

“Uh…” Arthur hesitated, his erection still present and noticeable if he stood up in these slacks. “Be right there.”

“Now, please.” Beth said. She wasn’t being mean, but she clearly wanted to speak with him, and she wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

Arthur nodded. “Yup. Coming.” Arthur said, not moving.

Beth sighed and started tapping her foot in the doorway, waiting for Arthur to get up and getting frustrated that he wasn’t listening to her. Their recent arrangement after their misunderstanding had given Arthur the freedom to do things his way in the office, but clearly, she felt that he was using that to not have to listen to her, and she didn’t like it.

“I said now.” She reminded him.

Arthur sighed, glared at Mindy, who was doing her best to look innocent, and then he stood up from his desk and walked over toward Beth.

Mindy and Beth blushed, Mindy’s darker complexion darkening even further and Beth’s pale face turning pink before she turned away and walked back into her office.

Arthur glared at Mindy as she looked over her shoulder at him and gave him a mischievous wink. He walked into Beth’s office, shutting the door behind him out of habit, sat in one of the two chairs in front of her desk, and crossed his legs.

Beth raised her eyes to his from her seat behind her desk and did her best to sit tall, with her back straight. Silence reigned between them as if both were waiting for the other to speak.

“Sorry about that.” Arthur broke first. “I uh… I was going to try to wait it out, but…”

Beth’s cheeks turned pink again, and she looked away from him. “It’s alright.” She said. “Nothing I haven’t seen before.”

Arthur scoffed a little. That much was true. She’d seen more than that when he ended up being the stripper for her sister’s bachelorette party. That had led them to their little misunderstanding Monday when Beth thought he was blackmailing her for sexual favors, like something out of a porno or bodice ripper. He’d corrected her misunderstanding, but things had been awkward since, and clearly, they were about to become uncomfortable again.

“I wanted to apologize for the other day.” Beth said, “It was inappropriate of me, and I thought…” She hesitated. “I thought worse of you than you deserved.” She smiled slightly.

Arthur nodded. “It’s okay.” He assured her. “As I said, we don’t even need to talk about it, or Saturday night, ever again. On Monday, though, I wasn’t offended or anything. I was actually flattered.”

“Flattered?” Beth asked, surprised.

“Well, it seemed like you wanted it to be true.” Arthur pointed out. “Like it was a fantasy of yours or something, and you cast me as whatever sexy bad-boy villain you had cooked up.” He knew he was teasing her more than he should, but he wanted to try and lighten the mood with a joke. Unfortunately, his words seemed to have the opposite effect.

Beth’s cheeks turned from the fading pink blush to a scarlet red that choked the words out of her mouth. Her grip tightened on her skirt in her lap, and she turned away from him for a moment, coughing to try and excuse the blush.

She was older than him by about ten years if he had to guess, and even if her body was a little thicker in places with a few more signs of age, she still took care of herself. She had long, well-shaped legs that she hid behind long skirts and dresses. Her upper half tapered from the waist to a wide set of singer’s ribs with a respectable but not oversized bust.

Arthur saw through her little charade of embarrassment. Or at least, he hoped it was her reacting the way she thought she should when she really wanted something she knew she shouldn’t. Maybe all the attention from his harem was going to his head, but he was starting to think he was blessed. Obviously, Beth liked what she saw last Saturday and was attracted to him. That created a problem for her because he worked for her here in the office, and that kind of thing was downright forbidden.

He and Mindy could get away with it so long as no one caught them doing anything on the clock because they were technically equals, but even then, it was frowned upon. Beth? Beth was his direct superior, and the situation had been awkward since they’d last discussed it. This time, Arthur hoped to be straightforward and cut through all the misunderstandings and awkwardness.

“I-” Beth hesitated. “I will admit, I think maybe I got a little carried away.” She admitted. “I realized, going over it since we last talked, that you didn’t intend to suggest you had pictures or were intending to blackmail me. And maybe I got a little flustered.”

“Is it a fantasy of yours?” Arthur asked curiously.

“That’s none of your business.” Beth answered, her face pink again, calming down from the red.

Arthur smirked and shook his head. She was right, of course. What she fantasized about was her business, not his. And he had five girlfriends already who were keeping him more than busy. He didn’t need to add Beth to his list of women who wanted to play out their fantasies with him. He realized that’s what most of his girlfriends were doing. He was safe, and they trusted him, so they played out their fantasies with him. They tried new things they wanted to try without fear of judgment. He couldn’t begrudge them that since it let him play out his fantasies too. He truly lived a blessed life.

“Why are you smiling?” Beth asked.

Arthur hadn’t realized he was, but he straightened up and shook his head. “Sorry.” He said. “Just thinking about something else for a second there.” He admitted. “But it’s okay. I accept your apology.” He nodded. “We don’t need to be awkward anymore, do we?”

Beth smiled softly. “No, I suppose not.” She said. “And you didn’t tell anyone about our… misunderstanding?”

Arthur shook his head. “No.” He assured her. “I have a few secrets I can keep.” He smirked.

“Good.” Beth breathed a sigh of relief, and silence fell between them again until Arthur looked around and started to get up.

“Was that all?” He asked as he started to rise.

“One more thing.” Beth said, raising her hand so that he sat back down. “My Aunt, the organizer for my sister’s bachelorette party, really wants your number.”

Arthur looked surprised. “Uh…” He hesitated. “For another party?”

Beth nodded. “Are you… doing that part-time? Or…” She hesitated.

Arthur laughed. The cash was good. Like, a week’s pay for a few hours of work is good, and that didn’t even consider the tips. He could use the extra money to pay for things for his girls, but it wasn’t the kind of work he imagined himself doing long-term. Still, he was young, fit, healthy, and it let him perform in a way that spoke to him as a theater guy. It wasn’t a repulsive idea, but at the same time, it didn’t seem like a good idea either. How would it affect his future in the business world? If people found out, would it cancel any hopes he had of a career? Did he really need to do it?

“You told them I worked for you?” Arthur asked cautiously.

Beth shook her head. “I told them I’d seen you around campus. That I knew you worked in the admin building.” She admitted. “I… might have left out that you worked for me.”

“Keeping me your dirty little secret?” Arthur joked, but judging Beth’s flushed expression, he wasn’t that far off the mark. “Sorry, that was inappropriate.” Arthur offered a small and sheepish apology.

“No. I wasn’t.” Beth said determinedly. “I just didn’t want my sister to call off her wedding over you.”

Arthur’s eyebrows rose to the ceiling like Beth had them at gunpoint.

“She didn’t know that dicks came in your size.” Beth explained. “Apparently, her fiance is rather small and… not great in bed. She thinks you’re hot, but you did the right thing when you turned her down last Saturday.”

Arthur’s smile faded a little, but he nodded.

“And don’t get any ideas that I will give her your number.” Beth said firmly.

Arthur raised his hands in surrender. “Didn’t even think to ask for it.” He said honestly. “Your sister is cute, but I’m not looking to break anyone up, and… well, we should probably change the subject.” He suggested, and Beth seized the opportunity to take him up on it.

“About our arrangement…” Beth started.

Arthur looked at her, waiting for her to continue.

“The one where I get more of a say in the office?” Arthur asked.

Beth nodded. “Yes. I… I realized you’re right. A little. You do a lot here in the office, and I thought we should make it official so that it’s not such an upset to the balance of the office.”

“Make what official?” Arthur asked.

“I’ve been permitted to hire you as a student worker supervisor.” Beth informed him. “Which is pretty much what you’ve been doing anyway, except now you get the title.”

“And a raise?” Arthur asked hopefully.

“And a small raise.” Beth answered. “It’s not much, but it beats what you’ve been making.”

Arthur nodded, understanding. The school wasn’t going to pay him more than it had to, and as it was, they knew they didn’t have to. It did make him feel a little guilty, though. He wouldn’t need this one if things worked out with his new job, being the maintenance guy at his parent’s house. At least he wouldn’t need so many hours. It felt a little dishonest not to warn her that he might be leaving soon, but Arthur decided to keep his mouth shut in case things fell through. He didn’t expect them to, but playing it safe rather than sorry was always better.

“Congratulations.” Beth said with a firm nod.

“Thank you.” Arthur said, still mulling it over as he realized the implications. He really was Mindy’s boss now. Mindy would love that. HR would not. Should he mention it to Beth? Should he talk to HR? He wasn’t sure.

“You don’t seem happy.” Beth pointed out when she saw the lack of smile on Arthur’s face. He looked more worried than happy. “You don’t need to worry; it won’t change things between you and me. I’m still your boss, and things will continue as they have been.”

Arthur nodded. “Good.” He said with a slight smile now that she’d pointed it out. “I guess I’m just a little surprised. I thought for sure after Monday that you were mad at me.”

Beth nodded. “I was.” She explained. “I thought about firing you, about… punishing you, giving you all the crap work, that kind of thing. I was embarrassed, more than angry, though, I think.” She was blushing pink again, though she didn’t seem to notice, and Arthur wouldn’t point it out. “The more I went over it, the more I realized you were right and were just saying things I didn’t want to hear.”

Arthur smiled sheepishly. “I still shouldn’t have said it the way I did. I apologize for that, at least. It was rude of me.”

“Thank you.” Beth answered. “It was a little rude.” She agreed with a smile that Arthur returned.

Sensing it was time to get back to work, Arthur stood up and almost laughed when Beth’s eyes darted downward. His erection had faded by then, and she looked away immediately when she realized what she’d done.

“Do you have a girlfriend, by the way? Someone, you might want to talk to before scheduling any more appearances with my Aunt?” Beth asked.

Arthur smirked as he headed out the door and back into the main part of the office. “I’ve got five, actually. I’ll run it past them and see what they say.”

Beth laughed and waved him on as he left her office, closing the door behind him. He hadn’t meant it to sound like a joke, but he couldn’t blame her for laughing. No one believed him when he told them he had five girlfriends with a straight face and a normal tone. He wasn’t confident he knew how to convey the information. Should he pretend it was a big secret they forced out of him? Should he reveal it with shock and awe somehow? Should he not mention it until people discovered he was dating more than one girl?

Mindy looked over her shoulder at him as he returned to his desk. Ashley, another student worker, was at a desk near Mindy’s against Beth’s office wall. Arthur sat at his desk and, with a slight smile to Mindy, got to work.

He was only a few minutes in when he got an email. Beth had copied him on her email blast to the office workers announcing his promotion.

“Congrats, Boss.” Ashley piped up. “Guess we can call you that to your face now.”

“Yeah, congrats, Boss.” Mindy piped up, looking over at him with an eyebrow raised. They were both thinking the same thing: how does this impact us? They were, after all, fucking and dating one another before he became her boss. So should they talk to HR? Should one of them be transferred to a different office? Neither of them wanted that to happen, and if anyone looked at their work schedules, they’d take away their hour alone together and ruin their office fun, which would kill Mindy’s opportunities to live out her office sex fantasies.

Neither wanted that, but neither could talk about it openly with Ashley there. Both knew that even if they tried to keep it a secret from Beth, it was only a matter of time before the other students found out Mindy was one of Arthur’s five girlfriends, if some didn’t already know. The word spread around campus in rumors, truths, and speculations even as they sat there, thanks to the altercation between Mindy, Rani, and Sanjay in the Monday night cafeteria.

Life was getting complicated, but Arthur supposed that was to be expected with six people involved in one relationship. Or was it five different relationships? Both? A quantum relationship that contained five relationships within itself? Was that how Quantum should be used? Arthur wasn’t sure. So many shows and books used the word to mean so many different things that any application of the scientific term was immediately suspect in his mind.

For now, he decided to put aside his worries and fears and focus on his work. At least for the next forty minutes, until he had to leave for class. Mindy would still be in the office for another hour, and then she’d have class when he returned, but they would see each other again at everyone else’s lunch hour. They could talk then.

The class was relatively straightforward compared to Arthur’s romantic life. He sat down, listened to the professor talk, wrote his notes, and amended them whenever he or someone else asked for clarifications. For a moment, he’d almost forgotten about everything outside the classroom walls until he was packing up his things to head back to the office and realized that someone was standing by his chair, waiting for him.

“Hey, Arthur?” A friendly but nervous voice piped up over the sound of Arthur’s book bag zippering shut. It belonged to Steve, a fellow business major Arthur had worked with on two group projects from two other classes over the years. He, too, was in the five-year master’s program, and his grades were pretty good. He was just a much more reserved person than Arthur tended to be, very quiet, and didn’t like speaking up in class or doing presentations, which Arthur didn’t mind.

Steve was shorter than Arthur, probably around 5’9″, which was evident when Arthur stood up from leaning over his book bag. Still, Steve was in decent shape, skinny fit from running cross-country. He and Arthur had talked about running a few times, but that was about as personal as their conversations got. Otherwise, they’d always talked about class or homework, that kind of small talk as they walked to or from some mutual location.

“Hey, Steve. What’s up?” Arthur asked with a slight smile.

“Nothing much.” Steve shrugged. “I was uh…” He looked around a little bit. “I was just wondering if I could ask you something.”

“Sure…” Arthur said, unsure where this was going but willing to be asked a question.

“Are you really dating five girls?” Steve asked, diving right to the point. One of the other students on Arthur’s left seemed to suddenly move much slower in picking up their things.

“Yes.” Arthur answered honestly. “But they’re all aware of the situation and want it to continue.” He explained. “I’m not running around behind anyone’s back or anything.”

Steve nodded, slowly processing what Arthur had said after ‘yes’ but not taking it in as much as Arthur might have hoped. The shock of the frank admittance took some time to wear off. “How?” Steve asked.

“What?” Arthur asked.

“How are you dating five women?” Steve asked. “I can barely work up the nerve to ask out one girl, let alone five, and to get them to all agree to date you at the same time? How in the world did you manage that?”

“Ah, well…” Arthur had to think about it momentarily. “I didn’t.” He shrugged. “Do you mind if we talk while we walk? I have to get to the office after class.”

“Oh, sure.” Steve said as Arthur started walking, and Steve followed beside him.

“Technically, I think I only asked one of them out.” Arthur said it as he realized it. “Kelly and I started dating casually because I asked her out. Selene asked me, Kat, kind of volunteered me? I’m not sure who asked who on that one.” He scoffed. “Mindy asked me, and then Mindy asked Rani, who came along with us, and now we’re… well, we’re trying polyamory.”

Steve had heard the term before by the recognition on his face, but he’d never understood how it could happen. It was something you read about on the internet or something that cam girls claimed to participate in to drive up their views, but not something that happened in real life. No one Steve knew could name anyone they knew who was in a polyamorous relationship until Arthur and his girlfriends came into the campus rumor mill.

“I am incredibly jealous, man.” Steve confessed.

“I wish I could take all the credit, but honestly, I feel like a lot of it was just pure luck and circumstance.” Arthur admitted. Though he could clearly see some of Selene’s hand guiding things behind the curtain.

“Watchya talking about?” Mindy asked, appearing in the hallway from around the corner Arthur was about to turn.

“How I ended up with five girlfriends.” Arthur answered honestly as the three of them stopped in the hallway.

“Oh, that wasn’t luck.” Mindy shook her head as she leaned up to her tiptoes and kissed Arthur, to Steve’s surprise, who awkwardly looked away while the two kissed. “That was skill and stamina.” She teased as she pulled away. “See you later, Boss.”

Arthur and Steve watched as she walked away. She gave Arthur a wink when she looked back over her shoulder before she turned the corner and made her way to class.

“Okay, now I’m really jealous.” Steve declared. “She is smokin’ hot, and she’s willing to be one of your girlfriends, not the only one?”

Arthur shrugged. “You just gotta find the people who want what you want, I guess.” Arthur said. “I’ll see you around; my office is right up here.” Arthur pointed toward his office door and waved goodbye to Steve as he headed toward it. Steve continued down the other hallway, shaking his head and mumbling about Arthur’s luck.

Back in the office, Arthur set his bag down next to his desk and got to work. Ashley had left at this point, but Evelyn and Sarah were at their desks. Beth’s office door was open, but she was at her desk. Arthur nodded through the congrats from Evelyn and Sarah on his official promotion, thanking them, and then got to work. He had a very productive time of it until about twenty minutes in when he heard someone on his left. He turned to see Evelyn standing at the side of his desk as though she were waiting for him to notice her.

“Hey, Evelyn. What’s up?” Arthur asked as he turned away from his screen to look at her.

Evelyn stood holding a small folder with her hands in front of her. “Hey, so… I had a question.”

“Shoot.” Arthur nodded, assuming it was a work question or something to do with whatever was in the folder. It wasn’t.

“Are you the Arthur that Mindy talked about in the video?” Evelyn asked.

Arthur smiled softly and hesitated but nodded. He felt a little too guilty to lie about it when asked directly, even at work where they were intentionally not mentioning it. He knew Mindy’s parents weren’t supposed to know, and he assumed Selene and Kat didn’t want their mom to know either, but other than that, they’d said they were okay to tell people, so… “Yes.”

Evelyn’s eyes flared at the confession as she momentarily looked Arthur up and down. He was used to that look at a bar or even the gym, but it was a rare experience for him in the office. He wore suits and looked good, but most people were more subtle about checking him out. Evelyn seemed to be looking him over like she’d never seen him before, and he was some interesting animal at a zoo. He wasn’t sure he liked the feeling.

“So… how does that work?” Evelyn asked in a hushed tone. “Do you like… all go on group dates together or…”

Arthur smiled a little but shook his head. “I understand the curiosity.” Arthur said. “But this isn’t really the time or the place… know?”

“Oh, no, I get it.” Evelyn nodded. “Sorry. I was just super curious. You’re hot and all, but I don’t think you’re five girlfriends kinda hot. Are you secretly rich or something? Guys like that are usually rich, right?”

Arthur looked up at her for a second. He was sitting down, and she was standing, so she was taller than him now. If he stood up, he’d have a good half a foot on her at least, but that would seem like he was trying to intimidate her, and he wasn’t. He just wanted to get back to work.

“I’m not secretly rich.” Arthur shook his head. “I have some savings, and my family is comfortably middle class. Maybe upper middle class, but I’m not a secret billionaire or something.”

“So what is it?” Evelyn asked.

“I don’t know.” Arthur sighed. “You’ll have to ask one of my girlfriends.” He nodded toward his computer. “Now, I should get back to work.”

“Yeah.” Evelyn nodded, but she didn’t move. “I’ll ask Mindy when she comes back.” She smirked. “Are you two allowed to date now that you’re officially our boss?”

“I don’t know.” Arthur answered honestly. “We’re still figuring that out. We were dating before I got promoted, so I’m unsure how that affects anything.” He shrugged. “I’m hoping to talk it over with Mindy soon.”

“What does Beth think of it?” Evelyn asked with a glance toward the open door on the other side of the office.

“I don’t think she’s aware of it yet.” Arthur answered. “But I’ll need to talk to her about it too.” He agreed.

“You should just call an office meeting and give us all the juicy details.” Evelyn smirked at him.

Arthur scoffed and shook his head. “Unlikely.” He said. “Now… Can we get back to work?”

“Oh, sure.” Evelyn nodded and went back to her desk to work as Arthur returned his attention to the computer in front of him.

Arthur didn’t know what it was about everybody today. He’d assumed there would be some level of curiosity, other people talking about them behind their backs, but he hadn’t expected the interrogations to be so direct and frequent. He wondered how things were going for the others if people walked up to them and asked them questions like this.

Mindy was in the video, as was Rani; people were probably asking them more than anyone else if they were talking to any of the girls about it at all. He made a mental note to check the house chat during lunch and ask how it was going. He was still hopeful he’d win his bet with Kat, that people wouldn’t slut-shame any of the girls for being in a poly relationship with him. Though, with how curious people were about it, and the looks they’d been getting, he had to wonder if he’d been wrong to take that bet.

Mindy had been getting looks all day, but she attributed most of that to how confident she felt and how sexy she’d dressed today. She typically wore this sweater dress with leggings, but she’d forgone the leggings for bare legs today. She looked hot, knew it, and felt great about it.

The class was boring. The only thing she wanted to do was lead Arthur by his necktie to his desk, sit on the edge of it with her legs around him, roll her dress up over her hips, and kiss him until he ripped her dress off and did his best to break the desk by fucking her on it. Maybe he’d take his necktie off, put it around her neck, and choke her with it while she came.

It was a hot fantasy, and by the time class was over, she realized she’d spent too much time fantasizing about it and not enough time taking notes. Oops. She wondered if the other girls had this problem, daydreaming about the fantasies they could get Arthur to fulfill, about how his shoulders and arms flexed when he pushed her back against a mattress or desk and held himself above her. Or maybe they fantasized about how hot he was when he gave her that look, the one that spoke volumes about what he wanted to do and how good a girl she was at the same time. Perhaps they started getting hot at the sound of his voice when he called them whatever he called them in that heavy commanding tone that made her want to kneel and obey.

“Hey, Mindy?”

Mindy startled, scattering her pen across the floor as she closed her notebook with a sudden jolt. “What?” She snapped, looking around.

Her eyes landed on Bee. That wasn’t her real name. Her real name started with a B. No one, including Mindy, could remember or pronounce it. So she went by the name Bee. She was a freshman, like Mindy, but not someone Mindy had talked to since orientation. They were dorm mates and had a few classes together, like this one, but they hadn’t had any real interaction since the orientation icebreakers.

Bee was a conservative, often smartly dressed young woman about Mindy’s height. She was Muslim but a little more modern than some of her older family members. She wore a hijab but didn’t go in for the full burka or anything like that. She was an American, her family was American, and she wore American clothes. However, she looked incredibly conservative standing next to Mindy, who showed a lot of skin in her tight sweater dress.

“Sorry, you startled me.” Mindy chuckled as she settled. “I guess I was off in my head.”

Bee nodded, waiting for Mindy to gather her things. Most of their class emptied as soon as the professor said the class was over. Mindy had been caught up in her daydreams, staring forward, until Bee had disrupted her.

“What’s up?” Mindy asked.

“I uh…” Bee hesitated and glanced over her shoulder to see her roommate, who was waiting for her by the door, and gave her an encouraging nod. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, just off in my own little world.” Mindy waved her hand in front of her face as she stood up and slung her bag over her shoulder. “I have to get back to work.” She chuckled. “Thanks for snapping me out of it.”

“Sure…” Bee said. “Can I… walk with you?”

“Sure!” Mindy said as she started walking. “What’s up?”

“Well… there’s no way to really ask this naturally, but… are you really dating some guy named Arthur with four other girls?” Bee asked.

Mindy glanced over at Bee’s roommate, who did her best not to look too interested in Mindy’s answer as they crossed the threshold from the classroom to the hallway.

Mindy smiled when she answered, though. “I’m dating a guy named Arthur, yes.” Mindy answered. “He has other girlfriends too. We’re… It’s polyamory.” Mindy explained. “We’re in an open, polyamorous relationship.”

“You know they’re not the same thing, right?” Bee’s roommate, whose name Mindy did not know, piped up, coming up alongside Mindy and Bee as they walked.

“Yeah, I know. We’re in this polyamorous relationship, but we’re open, free to date or see other people if we want to, on the side.” Mindy explained.

“Oh.” Bee’s roommate sounded surprised but seemed to need a minute to get over her surprise.

“So you’re also dating other people?” Bee asked.

“Not really, we’re more like… an exclusive club.” Mindy smirked, using someone else’s description of the harem. It wasn’t like she could use the word harem with Bee. It might be offensive to someone who wore a hijab; she didn’t know. She knew the term from anime, manga, comics, and stuff like that, but she knew its origins even if she didn’t know if it had any modern usage that way.

“The slut club.” Bee’s roommate scoffed.

“For dating one guy?” Mindy asked, surprised by the use of the word that made Bee flinch. “That’s like… the opposite.”

Bee’s roommate shrugged. “I just call it like I see it. You and those other girls are just freaks. It’s not like there aren’t plenty of single guys out there to choose from. What makes that one so special?”

“We like him.” Mindy answered. “As a person, as a boyfriend. Y’know… I don’t know. It’s not like we all just wanted some guy. We wanted him, and we share him.”

Bee and their roommate shared a look and shrugged.

“What?” Mindy asked, annoyed now.

“Sounds like you don’t have him at all.” Bee’s roommate smirked. “He’s playin’ you so he can sleep with whoever he wants.”

“By letting me sleep with whoever I want?” Mindy asked.

“Yeah, but if you sleep with other people, you’re a slut.” Bee’s roommate piped up. “And if he does it, it’s fine.”

“You’re the only one calling me names.” Mindy pointed out.

Bee’s roommate scoffed. “No, I’m just the only person saying it to your face.” She corrected Mindy. “Lots of people are talking about it and saying shit. Just no one’s brave enough to talk to any of you about it.”

“Not after Rani kneed Sanjay like that.” Bee finally spoke up.

“Queen.” Her roommate agreed.

“Aren’t we past the whole slut-shaming thing?” Mindy asked. “This is college. We all want to let loose a little and have our fun.”

Bee’s roommate shrugged, and she and Bee stood while Mindy put her hand on the office door. They’d walked with her directly from class, through the hallways, across the courtyard, and into the admin building as they talked.

“This is where I work, so… I guess I’ll see you around.” Mindy turned to give them one last smile, however forced, and then closed the door behind her as she stepped into her office.

Arthur looked over his shoulder at her and gave her a smile that let her relax into a genuine smile once more. She squeezed his shoulder before walking past him toward her desk, where she had a few seconds of work before Evelyn, Ashley, and Arthur got up to leave for class. Despite her declarations, Evelyn didn’t follow through with asking Mindy anything. Then Sarah and Tara replaced them, and Sara and Tara departed just after Arthur returned.

As soon as they were gone, Mindy checked the door between the offices, which was open. She peeked through it, but Beth wasn’t at her desk, so she must have left for lunch already. Mindy closed the blinds on the door’s window, then closed the door, just in case, then closed the blinds on the wall’s window, leaving her and Arthur blocked off from the rest of the world, alone together in the office.

“Hey, Boss.” Mindy said as she came over to his desk. “Do you have anything I can help you with?”

Arthur looked up at her as she leaned over his desk and nodded behind him toward the office door. “Lock the door.”

They needed to talk, but it was clear Mindy wanted to play, and their alone time was short.

“Yes, Boss.” Mindy said. She stood upright before walking as sexily as she could over to the door and clicking it locked. Then she walked back over to the side of Arthur’s desk and bit her lower lip as she looked him over. “Anything else?”

“How’s your butt doing today?” Arthur asked.

Mindy giggled. “I don’t think that’s an appropriate question, coming from my Boss.”

“I meant, are you ready to continue working off your tardiness from Monday? You have ninety strokes with the ruler left, right?” He asked rhetorically. They both knew she had precisely ninety spanks from the ruler left on her ‘debt’ of 120 from being two minutes late on Monday.

“Yes, Boss.” Mindy said, adjusting her posture so that she was standing up straight again. The wide wooden ruler was already on Arthur’s desk, and the way Mindy was standing, the hem of her dress came to just above the edge of Arthur’s desk.

He turned so that his chair was now facing her and gestured with his hand. “Lift your dress. I want to see what you’re wearing under it.”

Mindy lowered her fingers to her thighs and curled her fingers around the hem of her sweater dress, then she drew her hands up slowly to her waist. She pulled them forward a little, lifting only the front of her dress to show off the sheer white bikini-cut panties she was wearing, whose lace pattern matched the bra she’d given him a peek of earlier. He could see the dark outline of her pubic hair against the sheer material covering it and the rest that remained above the low waistband of the panties.

Arthur reached over and picked up the ruler but didn’t stand up yet. Instead, he moved his chair to face her still sitting and reached over his desk to place the ruler flat against the inside of Mindy’s thigh. She closed her eyes as he slid it up and pressed the edge of it against her folds. Then he turned it so that the flat was pressing against her and slid it back and forth against the sheer panties until he was sure he could see her glistening arousal soak through onto the ruler.

“Roll your dress up so it stays around your waist.” Arthur ordered.

She obeyed. “Yes, Boss.” She turned the hem in her hands over a few times, sweeping her arms from her front to her back until she rolled the entire hem over her hips to her belly button, held in place by the tightness of the dress itself.

Arthur stood and moved around her, admiring the round bottoms of her cheeks hanging out of her panties and her darker complexion showing through the sheer lace. He thought about it momentarily and then brought the ruler up to her mouth so its edge was across her lips. She took it into her mouth and bit down gently, holding it in her teeth at Arthur’s silent prompting.

Arthur reached into her sweater from her right side and clasped her left breast in his hands. He felt her hardened nipple against his palm before he drew her breast out of her bra and her dress and let it hang out over the bra and neckline that cut along beneath it. Then he brought out her other breast, exposing them to the office air and his eyes. Her dark brown nipples were tiny on her impressively large double-D breasts, and she tensed when his index finger curled along the underside of her breast to flick her nipple from below in several quick, rapid curls of his finger.

“I want you to straddle the corner of my desk.” Arthur told her. “I want you to rub yourself against it. I want you to pleasure yourself. Go to town. I want you to show me what a whore you are.”

Mindy closed her eyes as goosebumps surged over her bare arms and legs, betraying how much she loved Arthur’s tone of voice and even the names he called her. The girls at school might call her names either to her face or behind her back, and those might bother her. But those same names had different meanings in Arthur’s mouth. Other people didn’t understand. She enjoyed the humiliation, the depravity, in a way only someone raised on porn could, but there was no genuine shame in this humiliation. There was humility, but no condemnation when Arthur abased her, only lust.

Lust consumed all and replaced all, and it drove her forward as she stepped to the corner of Arthur’s desk and lowered herself against his desk with her legs against the back and side of it. Her thighs gripped against the wood as she rocked her hips, which made her breasts jiggle and bounce in slow rhythmic movements.

Arthur returned to his chair at his desk and watched. They could see the fire in each other’s eyes. Mindy could see the lust and enjoyment on Arthur’s face as she humped his desk like an obedient whore. It felt good, and as the feeling grew, she started to move quicker against it. She watched Arthur as he watched her, and she moved a bit quicker when he took himself out of his trousers and started stroking himself as he watched her.

She wanted to finish first so she could get on her knees and suck him off. She wanted to be the one to make him cum, not let him finish himself. Without realizing it, Mindy increased her speed until she was panting a little and clenching the ruler between her teeth. Her boobs were jostling, but her discomfort was minimal compared to the pleasure between her legs.

Mindy made a noise between a moan and a whine that made Arthur close his eyes in savory appreciation, so she made it again and again, desperately wanting to cum for him but worrying that she wasn’t going to be able to without using her hands, which she’d instinctively crossed behind her back. She could feel it, and she knew she was building up pleasure, but felt like she was loading bullets into a gun, rather than working the trigger.

Finally, she broke and started rubbing her clit with her fingers to get some direct stimulation as she humped the desk.

Arthur stood up and “tsk”ed at her. “Stop.” He said, and she whined. “Hold still.”

Mindy obeyed and turned her head to look at him as he moved beside her. He came to her right side, reached up, and took the ruler from her mouth. She opened her mouth again and let out a deep breath.

Arthur pulled down the back of her panties until he bared her butt, trapping the backside of their waistband with the round curves at the bottom of her cheeks.

“I prefer thongs.” Arthur informed her. “From now on, you only wear thongs. Understood?”

“Yes, Boss.” Mindy said immediately. “Any other wardrobe changes I should make?”

“We’ll see.” Arthur said thoughtfully. “Your office attire has usually been pretty good, but I think we should make it official that you aren’t allowed to wear pants or leggings in this office. Skirts, dresses, with or without stockings or thigh highs only.”

“Yes, Boss.” Mindy said.

“Good girl.” Arthur said with a small smile. “Now, start going again, but keep your hands flat against the desk. Understood?”

“Yes, Boss.” Mindy said in a breathy voice as she rubbed herself against the desk again. It only took a few rocks back and forth for her to make that whining moan again, and as soon as she did, Arthur struck with the ruler against her backside to a loud -clap- that made her jolt forward rather than rock.

“One.” Mindy counted. “Thank you, Sir.”

Arthur followed up with strikes two through five. As he delivered them, he was unaware they could be heard through the door separating them from Beth’s office.

Since Mindy had shut the door, Beth had returned from grabbing her lunch from the campus dining hall. The hall was too busy for her liking, so she’d decided to take her meal to go and brought it back to her desk where she could eat it while looking at reels and videos on her phone without all the mad background noise of students. It surprised her then to hear sounds she didn’t recognize coming from the other side of the door she was pretty sure she’d left open.

Curious more than anything else, she took two fingers, inserted them into the blinds that hung down on the door, split them apart, and peeked in to see what was happening. The sight on the other side of the door made her gasp.

She could see Mindy’s back, her bare ass with a few pale red stripes across it, with her dress rolled up to her waist, and, judging by the side boob, her breasts pulled out of her sluttier version of Beth’s sweater dress. Arthur stood beside her, arm flexing as he swung the ruler down again, striking Mindy. Beth heard the gasp, the count, and the thank you as Mindy thanked him for it, a twisted little game between the two of them. A game that made Beth warm, flushed, and practically hypnotized. She kept watching.

Arthur leaned over his desk from the side for a moment and straightened with something in his hand. Mindy was about to ask what it was when he brought his hand in front of her face and showed her. There were three binder clips in his hand, the small black clamps with metal wire making their handles.

Mindy looked up at him, bit her lip, and nodded fiercely, which drew a smile from him. He struck her again with the ruler in his left hand.

“Six, thank you, Sir.” Mindy gasped and then gasped again as she felt the cool metal of the office clamp press against the sides of her left nipple.

Arthur struck again.

“Seven, thank you, Sir.” Mindy said, expecting the next clamp, but it didn’t come immediately.

Beth didn’t even realize she was rubbing herself with her free hand over her sweater dress and black cotton panties as she watched from the other side of the door. She wasn’t thinking, her body was simply responding to this scene she was watching play out live.

“Eight, thank you, Sir.” Mindy said and then wiggled as she felt Arthur squeeze her clamped breast with his other hand. He’d placed the remaining clamps on the desk in front of her, not using them yet, torturing her with the possibility that he might decide to add the next one at any time. With each strike, he groped and played with her breasts, switching between the clamped breast and the free nipple, toying with her and causing her to move faster from the waist down with each spanking.

She continued humping the desk as he spanked her again, and again, and again. When Arthur reached fifteen, he placed another clip onto her other breast, closing it over her nipple in a gentle bite that drove her crazy as his hand squeezed the flesh beneath it.

“Please, Boss, can I… touch myself?” Mindy asked. “I… I’m close. I need…”

“Absolutely not.” Arthur said in a firm tone. “This is a punishment, after all. An orgasm would defeat the purpose.”

Mindy whined and pouted, jutting out her bottom lip in as cute a face as she could muster, but Arthur was unmoved as he landed the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth blow, causing her to drop the pout to count them and thank him for them like a proper whore.

“Don’t even think about touching yourself.” Arthur said sternly.

“Can you do it then?” Mindy asked. “Please?” Her humping on the desk was frantic now, rushed, but not enough to give her clit the direct stimulation she needed to orgasm.

“If you do a good job, take your punishment, and show me how thankful you are to still have a job despite your tardiness the other day, then maybe I’ll decide to let you cum.” Arthur said with a shrug. “But you don’t get to touch yourself or orgasm until I permit you. Understood?”

Mindy swallowed thickly before answering, prompting Arthur to swat her with the ruler again.

“Nineteen. Thank you, Sir.” Mindy said automatically.

“Understood?” Arthur asked again.

“Yes, Boss. I understand. I’m your whore. This isn’t about my pleasure. I don’t cum until you tell me to.” She nodded as she continued frantically humping the desk as though she were still trying to defy him by bringing herself as much pleasure as possible.

Beth listened to all of it, with the blinds split apart just enough to form a peephole to let her see them from behind and just enough noise through the thin pane of glass she could hear all of it in soft voices and tones. Her hands had worked their way under the hem of her dress, shifting it up in the front and letting her fingers play against the soft cotton panties she wore. She hadn’t realized she was doing it at first, but she knew what she was doing now, even though she knew it was wrong.

Beth should put a stop to all of this immediately. She should charge in there and save that poor girl from Arthur. She should fire him immediately and put him up with HR, using his position to force Mindy into this. But had he? The two seemed familiar, and Mindy seemed enthusiastic about what she was doing, not upset or crying or as if he were forcing her into it.

So what was the situation? And why hadn’t she stopped it when she first saw it? Why was she standing there on the other side of the door pleasuring herself to this poor girl’s frantic whines and moans, letting each spank with the ruler and the sound of its strike against Mindy’s bared flesh send shivers through her spine and heat between her legs? Why was she picturing Arthur, naked as the day he was born, forcing her, his boss, into this same situation, or better yet, forcing Mindy to spank her while he sat, watched, and stroked himself until he finally had enough and sprayed his load all over her spanked ass?

Beth came suddenly and more forcefully than she had in a while, clamping her thighs around her hand as the tremors took her. She removed her hand from the window blinds to clamp her hand over her mouth to avoid making noises. The last thing she needed was for either of them to catch her, even if they should be worried about her catching them.

Unfortunately for Beth, the sudden movement of the blinds clocked in the corner of Arthur’s eye just as he raised his arm to deliver the twenty-fifth blow. He stood, dick out, arm raised, staring at Beth’s office door as though studying it for any sign that the handle was about to turn or that what he thought he saw was real and not imagined.

It took Mindy a few seconds for the delay to register, and she froze mid-hump on Arthur’s desk, looking over her shoulder at him and the door beyond him.

“Everything okay?” She whispered.

“I thought I saw something.” Arthur said quietly, his erection already starting to soften.

Mindy fixed her dress instantly and stood with one hand on her opposite elbow, crossing her arm in front of her. The clips were still on her breasts, but her arm hid them as they pressed against the material of her sweater dress from the inside.

Arthur tucked himself back into his pants and moved softly to the door with his ruler still in hand. The blinds were still closed, but when he pressed his ear to the door, he heard the soft sounds of movement from the other side, as though someone was in there, walking or otherwise making more noise than they would if they were sitting at their desk.

He set the ruler down on the desk next to the door, then opened it to see Beth, slightly disheveled, with an uneaten lunch on her desk, in the process of sitting down in her chair behind it.

“Miss Rian.” Arthur said in a dark and steely tone.

Beth’s blush and how her eyes refused to meet his told him everything he needed to know. He closed the door behind him and stood there, looking at Beth until she finally seemed to gather her courage, swallow, and look up at him, her eyes lingering on his trousers long enough for him to notice.

“Yes, Arthur?” Beth asked in a higher and squeakier tone than she meant to use.

“I take it you saw me and Mindy?” Arthur asked.

Beth didn’t seem to want to answer.

“How long were you watching?” Arthur asked. “Did you get a good show?”

Beth blushed fiercely but didn’t seem to want to answer. She looked down at her desk again and didn’t look up even as Arthur started to walk around her desk.

“Is that what you wanted me to do to you the other day?” Arthur asked. “You wanted me to blackmail you, right? In that little scenario, you had worked up in your head. You wanted me to make you my office slut, making you give me sexual favors in exchange for keeping quiet about last weekend when any HR rep worth their salt could make a case for you sexually harassing me?”

Beth still did not answer, but she kept looking at her desk, trying to think of what she could say, what she wanted to say, but she still said nothing. Even when Arthur took her chin and turned her face to look at him, she said nothing. Even when his thumb parted her lips and pushed into her mouth, she said nothing. She closed her lips around it and sucked, doing the first thing she thought of as if on auto-pilot or in a dream she’d had before that she didn’t believe was true.

“Do you still want that?” Arthur asked, nodding toward the door. “Do you want me to give you what I give her? Her fantasies made real?”

Beth closed her eyes, focusing solely on the feeling of his thumb in her mouth and his fingers curled against the underside of her jaw. She melted into his hand, rubbing her cheek against it, and she felt simultaneously ashamed of herself and more aroused than she’d ever been in her life. It was a scene out of the stories she’d read, where the dark, hot, dangerous man overpowered the weak-willed beautiful woman and forced her to do things she’d never admit to wanting. Cliche and problematic, sure, but Beth’s fantasies were her own, and they had always been private little daydreams stirred by smutty romance novels. She never imagined she’d be living out the scene.

“Say ‘yes sir’ if it’s what you want.” Arthur instructed. “Say ‘no sir,’ and I’ll walk back through that door, and we’ll pretend like this never happened. Just like Monday and Saturday.” He told her.

After swirling her tongue around it, Beth drew her head back off his thumb and took a deep breath. She looked up at Arthur to see him looking down at her. He had Mindy, and she was a walking wet dream with a Korean schoolgirl/secretary vibe. Beth felt ordinary and average, even ugly, by comparison to most of the office girls. She was older. She had certain assets, sure, but she had more cellulite than the other girls and bags under her eyes that she hid with thick makeup. She couldn’t even boast that she had more experience than the others. College girls nowadays were proud of their sexuality no matter what it was, and they counted the men they slept with in the dozens.

Beth had never taken a man before and wasn’t a lesbian either. She was older, sure, but she was a virgin. She’d done some things, fooled around, but never gone all the way. Her longest relationship was only a few weeks, and she had been too scared to give in to her desires and hook up. The idea of Arthur taking her on her desk shouldn’t have made her as wet as it did. She knew better. And yet, when it came down to it, all she could say was a quiet “Yes, Sir.”

Arthur curled his finger under her chin and lifted it, pressing until she tilted her head as far as it would go, and then he kept pressing until she got the hint and stood. She wobbled a moment as he kept his finger lifting her chin, and she followed him as he led the way back around her desk and through the door into the other part of the office.

“From here on out,” Arthur said as he led her. “You can protest all you want. I’ll only stop if you say ‘Red light.’ That’s your safeword. Okay?”

“Okay.” Beth whispered as they crossed the threshold.

Mindy smiled to see them return, which was not the reaction Beth was expecting. She was expecting a gasp of shock and surprise, but instead, all Mindy did was smile and lower her arm, revealing the clamped breasts pressing against her sweater dress.

“Mindy, this is Miss Rian.” Arthur introduced them as though they were meeting for the first time. “She’s decided to join our exploration of office-based fantasies today, if that’s okay with you.”

Mindy’s smile turned as she looked at Arthur and then at Beth. “Of course, that’s okay with me, Sir.” Mindy assured them both. “You know me; I’d arrange for the entire office to be an orgy if we could.”

Arthur smirked and looked at Beth, who looked more surprised than she realized.

“Mindy and I started dating last weekend.” Arthur explained. “Since then, she’s been one of my girlfriends and my office whore. Our little game when we’re here.”

“One of your girlfriends?” Beth asked, emphasizing ‘one of’ rather than any other shocking revelations in the statement.

“Oh, he has five so far.” Mindy said with a nod. “We call ourselves his harem.”

“Oh.” Was all Beth could think to say. She thought Arthur was joking earlier, but apparently, he’d been telling her the truth.

“But don’t worry. Arthur has the harem’s permission to fuck anyone he wants.” Mindy said as she stepped a little closer to Beth. “And apparently, he wants you.” She glanced down, and Beth followed her gaze to see Arthur’s dick hard and ready, pushing against the thin material of his trousers.

“Where did we leave off?” Arthur asked Mindy.

“Twenty-four.” Mindy answered immediately. “I have six left today if we’re doing thirty strokes again.”

Arthur nodded. “Yes, you see, Mindy was two minutes late the other day.” He explained to Beth, even though he knew she knew. “So I’ve been helping to correct that behavior with some punishments. One strike with the ruler for every second she was late.”

Beth nodded, closing her eyes again and swallowing thickly, so horny and ashamed of herself and her current situation that she couldn’t bring herself to say anything.

“Would you like to deliver the last six?” Arthur asked Beth. “After all, you are her boss.”

“Oh- Uh- I don’t-” Beth stammered in starts and fits as she looked back and forth between Mindy and Arthur.

Mindy smiled and slowly started rolling up her dress again to reveal a pair of thoroughly soaked sheer white panties, which she rolled down even as Beth fell silent again. Mindy turned and lowered herself over the corner of Arthur’s desk again, her feet planted, knees bent, thighs spread, pussy rubbing on the desk, her torso leaning forward, and her hands flat on the desk.

Arthur returned to the door and fetched the ruler, which he placed in Beth’s hand.

“Go on.” Arthur encouraged her as he pulled up a chair and sat behind them, enjoying the view. “Hard, firm strikes.” He encouraged her.

Beth looked at Arthur as if he’d given her the manual to a spaceship and then at Mindy, who looked over her shoulder and nodded at Beth that she was ready.

“Spank me, Miss Rian.” Mindy encouraged her. “I deserve it.”

Beth closed her eyes, swallowed, and in her mind: jumped. She let the lust carry her away. She swung, landing the blow across Mindy’s backside far lighter than any Arthur had given her. Mindy frowned and shook her head. She looked at Arthur.

“Harder.” Arthur instructed.

Beth tried again, but Mindy shook her head.

Arthur sighed and stood up. He moved to the other side of Beth for a second and exposed Mindy’s tits again, pulling them out of her dress and letting them fall with the clamps still on. “Keep rubbing yourself on the desk.” He told Mindy. “I want you panting and begging to cum again.”

Mindy nodded and quickly started moving to obey.

Beth looked confused at Arthur as he came and stood behind her. He wrapped her arms around her, and she went still as she felt his stiff cock push against the fabric of her dress and slide into the crevice of her ass cheeks. She flushed with heat and shook a little as he laid his muscular arms over hers and placed his hands over the back of hers.

Arthur moved Beth’s right hand to cup Mindy’s breast just below the clamp. Then he took her ruler hand and pushed it back and forth a few times over Mindy’s backside, moving through the air harder each time until he felt she had the swing correct. Only then did he lower her arm and direct the swing that connected with Mindy’s ass.

“Twenty-five.” Mindy counted. “Thank you, Miss Rian.”

Beth felt the warmth from Arthur soak into her as she delivered the next blow with his help too.

“Twenty-six.” Mindy gasped. “Thank you, Miss Rian.”

Arthur let her take the next swing herself, and the swing came with a bit of a jolt as he reached down and pulled her dress up, exposing her black cotton panties. She paused in her swing as his hand pulled down her sweater top and exposed her breasts. He pulled them out of her bra slowly. To Arthur’s surprise, they were larger than he expected, about the size of Mindy’s though different in shape. Mindy’s were round and pert, whereas Beth’s looked heavier, and they had freckles spattered across them and blue veins that showed on the pale edges and underside of each breast.

Arthur moved back to his chair, sat down after taking himself out of his trousers, and started stroking. “Keep going.”

Beth nodded and started again, swinging hard this time, though her breasts swaying as she swung her arm distracted her a little, and the blow landed higher than she meant it to across Mindy’s ass.

“Ah!” Mindy gasped. “Twenty-seven.” She counted. “Thank you, Miss Rian.”

Beth didn’t look at Arthur before following up with the next strike, aiming better this time and spreading the bottom of both cheeks with the ruler as she landed the next blow.

“Twenty-eight!” Mindy clawed at the desk as she kept humping away at it. “Thank you, Miss Rian!”

Beth looked at Arthur to see he’d pulled out his phone and was taking pictures of the scene. She was nearly startled and blushed as she realized what he was doing. This was blackmail material. He’d… tricked or coerced her into this, and now, he’d given her what she wanted, what she would never admit to wanting. He’d taken the power out of her hands with the leverage he could hold over to get whatever he wanted, to make her do whatever he wanted. She was his now. She was no longer his boss, just another toy in his apparent collection of toy women.

“Twenty-nine!” Mindy gasped as Beth landed the next blow. “Thank you, Miss Rian.” Mindy was panting now. “Please, Boss, can I… can I touch myself?”

Beth knew Mindy wasn’t asking her. She paused mid-swing to look at Arthur for his answer, but he shook his head.

“No.” Arthur said sternly. “And just for continuing to ask in defiance of what I’d told you before, I’m going to make you watch as I give Beth here the orgasm I was going to give you.”

Beth blushed fiercely, coloring her face and chest, arm still raised and drawn back, ready to swing, which she did at Arthur’s prompting nod.

“Thirty!” Mindy called out. “Thank you, Miss Rian.”

“Good job, Beth.” Arthur smiled at her and put his phone away. “You gave me exactly what I needed.” He smirked. “You know what I took?”

Beth nodded.

“And you’re willing to do whatever I tell you, whenever I tell you, to whoever I tell you, in exchange?” Arthur asked.

Beth blushed fiercely and didn’t respond, speech driven from her again by shame, lust, and desperate need.

“Yes sir or no sir will suffice.” Arthur prompted.

“Yes, Sir.” Beth whispered.

“Good.” Arthur said with a smirk. “Come over here and give me the ruler.”

Beth didn’t hesitate but followed his instructions and handed him the ruler as he reached for it. Mindy remained where she was, still rubbing herself against the desk, but her pace had slowed from frantic to slow and steady.

“Alright, girls, panties off.” Arthur said as he laid the ruler on the mail sorting table beside him.

This time Beth hesitated, but Mindy did not. Mindy stood, stepping back from the desk only as far as she needed to. Then hooked her fingers through the already lowered waistband of her panties and drove them down her thighs until they fell to the floor. She stepped out of them and picked them up, holding them in her hand.

Beth followed Mindy’s example, although slower and more awkwardly. Bending over with her breasts out of her dress like this was a different experience, and she was keenly aware of Arthur’s eyes watching her reveal her unshaven, untrimmed bush and thoroughly wet and parted pussy lips. She held the panties up in one hand once they were off, standing in the same pose Mindy had assumed.

Arthur glanced at the clock on the wall. They had about half an hour left to the lunch hour before they had to worry about anyone coming back. Plenty of time for what he had planned next. “Good, now, put them both in Beth’s mouth.”

Beth looked shocked but offered no speech of protest. Still, she didn’t move to put her panties in her mouth. Mindy did it for her. To Beth’s surprise, she opened her mouth as Mindy’s panties approached her lips. The smell and taste were not as awful as she expected, but the humiliation threatened to turn her a permanent shade of red. Then her panties followed, pushed into her mouth until the panties were side by side, pushing out her cheeks a little.

“Mindy, I want you to kneel between my feet. Mouth open, wrists crossed behind your back. You’re going to use that whore mouth of yours to make me cum, and if I cum before Beth, you get a reward. If Beth cums before I do, you don’t get another orgasm for at least twenty-four hours.” Arthur warned.

Mindy offered no protest. She dropped to her knees between Arthur’s parted legs, crossed her hands behind her back, and took Arthur into her mouth eagerly and quickly, teasing his head and tonguing his cock as he curled his fingers at Beth, beckoning her to step forward.

“Stand here, next to me.” Arthur instructed Beth. “Put your feet shoulder-width apart, and cross your wrists behind you, just like my whore Mindy here.”

Beth moved slowly as though the panties in her mouth were keeping her bound in other ways, but she was in position within a few bobs of Mindy’s head. She wasn’t sure what Arthur planned to do until she felt the ruler press against her thigh. She spread her legs a little more at Arthur’s insistent press of the ruler, and then he set it back down.

He reached up with his hand and groped her breast first, surprising Beth but making her close her eyes in pleasure.

“Are you a moaner?” Arthur asked. “Do you make a lot of noise during sex?”

Beth shrugged in response.

“You don’t know?” Arthur asked.

Beth shook her head and tried to answer “no,” but the panties in her mouth muffled the sound into a soft, short noise that meant nothing.

“Let’s find out.” Arthur smirked. He groped and teased her tits, first one, then the other, until her nipples were as hard as diamonds beneath his fingers. Then he reached down and took a clamp off Mindy’s breast.

Mindy moaned against his cock, making Arthur close his eyes. He tossed the clamp away and repeated the process as Mindy dove down onto his cock, taking him into her throat so that when she moaned this time, it vibrated against him from every side.

Arthur smiled and stopped playing with any of their breasts for the moment. He pulled Mindy off his cock by her hair and brought two fingers to her mouth. She sucked and licked them, wetting them sloppily until he pulled them away and shoved her unceremoniously back onto his cock.

Beth felt his ring and pinky finger slide against her thigh until his wet index and middle finger found her still wet folds. She closed her eyes and hitched in a breath, holding it as she felt someone else’s fingers press into her for the first time. Arthur knew what he was doing down there, to her delight and complete absence of surprise. Every touch of his hand against her was pure pleasure, and as his fingers penetrated her, his thumb and the grip between his thumb and index finger rubbed and massaged her budding clit in ways she’d never achieved on her own.

Beth trembled and danced on her toes for a second before settling back down, closing her eyes tightly, turning her head away from them both, and doing her best to breathe through her nose in heavy panting breaths that did hypnotizing things to her breasts.

Arthur smirked. He was surprised by how tight Beth felt to him, even compared to Mindy and Selene. She also seemed incredibly sensitive. He’d only been physically touching her for a few minutes, and she was already tensing and shaking.

“She’s trembling already.” Arthur informed Mindy. “Better hurry, whore.”

Mindy started deep-throating him again, sucking on his cock like she was trying to draw stone through a straw.

Arthur took a heavy breath and looked up at Beth as her hips started to rock against his hand. This situation was insane. He knew it was. It could get him fired or, worse, blacklisted, or worse, arrested. Though, obviously, Beth wanted this. Mindy wanted this too. He wanted it. Three consenting adults could do whatever they wanted, right? And here he had a hot freshman school girl on her knees sucking him like a pro and a hot milf boss bitch dancing on her toes as he finger-fucked her.

If he got fired for this, it would be worth it. He didn’t need this job anyway, and if everything else fell through, there was always stripping.

“You’ve wanted this since last Saturday, haven’t you? You’ve wanted me to use this cock to put you under my power.” Arthur said as he started curling his fingers inside Beth and circling his thumb around her clit. She bucked against his hand, and he held her in place, his arm flexing a little as he tensed it and pushed back. “And to think you were ready to be such a bitch to me when all you wanted was to be my bitch.”

Beth moaned into the panty-gag, parting her lips and shutting her eyes even tighter than before as she focused on the feeling of Arthur’s fingers and did her best to hold back. She started leaning forward as the urge to tumble off the edge began to overcome her, but she knew she was only moments away from cumming at someone else’s efforts for the first time.

Mindy popped off his cock for a second with an audible pop. “That’s a good harem name for her.” Mindy said quickly before diving back onto Arthur’s cock.

Arthur looked down at Mindy, who was already looking back up at him and smiled. “Yeah.” He said as he looked back toward Beth. “What do you think?” He asked. “Should I call you Bitch when we’re like this? To remind you that you’re not some Boss Bitch, but my Bitch?”

Beth couldn’t answer him. She was too busy cumming. The shaking started just as Arthur leaned back in his chair, and the sight of it was enough to set him off, squirting his load into Mindy’s throat as she swallowed and slowly pulled herself off his cock, sucking all the while to drain every last drop out of him.

“Fuck.” Arthur breathed, taking several deep breaths as Mindy sat up straight, opened her mouth to show him the globs of cum remaining, closed her mouth, swallowed, and then presented her now empty mouth once again as she opened it for inspection.

Beth, to his right, stomped and stamped and trembled, losing her position and form as she came and clutched onto Arthur’s arm and shoulder for support to stay standing. She failed, eventually, sliding down even as she clung to him until she was on her knees next to him, breathing heavily with her eyes closed through her nose and laying her cheek on Arthur’s forearm.

Arthur looked down at his two women and his now-spent cock and smiled at them. He reached over with his other hand, patted Mindy on the head, and then pulled the panties out of Beth’s mouth, who was glad to breathe normally again. He handed the panties to Mindy, who took them and waited for instructions. “Swap them.” He instructed. “I want you to wear Beth’s underwear for the rest of the day, and I want Beth to wear yours.”

“Yes, Boss.” Mindy said. She knew it would be uncomfortable with how wet and gross the panties were, but that was the point: The private humiliation she’d share with him and Beth, who had joined them in their games. It was hot to think about. Of course, Beth was still not a member of the Harem, not properly, but a likely addition if she wanted to be, and the other girls allowed it. Either way, Mindy doubted this was the last time she, Beth, and Arthur would do something like this. She liked the idea.

There was something about the combination of having a man and a woman dominate her together that turned Mindy on. She liked it, just as she liked submitting to him and Rani. Though, she realized, it wasn’t an equal split of power. Rani, and now Beth, were both still submissive to Arthur. Beth seemed a more natural sub than Rani, though.

Mindy stood up and slid on Beth’s panties. They were a different cut and style and a little big on her. They slid a little, but she could probably keep them in place so long as she didn’t try to run. Beth had curvy hips with little dips, whereas Mindy’s hips were straighter and more square. Their butts were different too, with Mindy’s being squared off by her hips and round at the bottom. While Beth’s ass was higher and fatter.

Once the panties were on, she left the other panties on the table for Beth and took the same position on Arthur’s other side, resting her head on Arthur’s other arm and closing her eyes as she knelt next to his chair.

“Good girl.” Arthur said softly. “Both of you are very good girls.” He said with a nod. Beth squeezed his arm with her hand but was still silent, not saying anything.

Mindy smiled and kissed his forearm. “Thanks, Boss.” She smiled softly up at him as she let the next few minutes pass in a silent embrace. She squeezed Arthur’s arm when done and then looked up at him. “Should I… get back to work now?” She asked.

“I suppose we should.” Arthur said softly. He was still looking down at both of them, comforting them with his presence in a way only he could while they rested on his arms.

Beth stirred slightly as if waking up from a daydream, remembering where she was, and blushing crimson as she looked at Arthur and Mindy, clearly mortified.

“You’re okay.” Arthur assured her. “This was fun, and we’ll do it again soon. If you want to.”

Beth was quiet and didn’t move.

“Do you want to?” Arthur asked, a little nervousness coming through his voice now.

Beth nodded quickly, grabbed the panties on the table, and practically ran back into her office, closing the door behind her.

Mindy giggled. “Well… that was unexpected.” She looked Arthur up and down as he stood and tucked himself back into his pants. “Are you sure you don’t have like… hypnotic powers? Are you putting us all under some spell, you big, depraved sex wizard?”

Arthur laughed. “Ah, you’ve found me out.” He said with a smirk. “You are feeling very horny…” He said in his best imitation of a Dracula voice. “When I count to three, you will lift that dress, straddle my lap, and sink onto my cock. Bwa-ha-ha.”

Mindy slapped his arm. “Seriously, though.” She said, shaking her head. “This is ridiculous. Wait till I tell the Harem we’ve got a sixth girl coming our way.”

Arthur scoffed.

“It’s insane.” Mindy shook her head and fixed her dress a little, though she left her tits on display for Arthur as she moved over and sat on the edge of his desk, wiping the top with a paper towel she took from a dispenser.

Arthur shrugged. “I swear, it’s not my fault. She caught us, and I did the first thing that came to mind as the best way out without either getting fired or put on a list.”

Mindy scoffed. “Oh, I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. It’s hot as hell. This definitely ticked off a fantasy from my list I never thought we’d pull off. I just don’t think anyone would believe me if I told them you seduced me, and our boss, into a three-way right here in the office.”

“I seduced you?” Arthur asked. “You asked me out, remember?”

“Yeah, because you seduced me.” Mindy quipped right back, throwing the paper towel away in the trash can under Arthur’s desk. “With your hypnotic powers over women.”

“Ah, right. Those.” Arthur scoffed as he fixed his clothes.

“Seriously, though.” Mindy said. “If you ever want to roleplay some kinky hypno-stuff, we can.” She winked at him. “You don’t even have to ask me. Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it, as usual.”

Arthur moved over to her and kissed her, which she returned eagerly and made a cute little happy noise before she moved away and back to her desk.

“You should check on Beth before we leave for lunch.” Mindy said. “Make sure she’s okay.”

Arthur nodded. “I will. You hydrate.” He said as he unlocked the office door, then opened the blinds at the window again.

Mindy scooped her breasts back into her dress before the blinds came up, and she blew Arthur a kiss as he tried the door between the main office and Beth’s, only to find it locked.

He knocked, but there was no answer from the other side. He sighed and struck again. There was no answer. He tried again, but the door was still locked. He went over to his desk, grabbed the spare key, unlocked the door, and opened it to find Beth crying at her desk, her lunch pushed aside, and her makeup marred by tears running down her cheeks. She was crying and upset and flinched away from her desk when Arthur opened the door.

He closed the door behind himself quickly, relocking it with a twist of the knob. Then he moved around Beth’s desk and tentatively reached for her. She let him, and he hugged her as he knelt at her chair. She leaned forward and hugged him back, putting her face against his shoulder. He didn’t ask her what was wrong. Everything, and nothing, was wrong. Apparently, she’d been through the wringer and needed some aftercare now that she was crashing. He’d thought her hazy little sleep on his arm had been the crash, but he was wrong.

He held her and let her cry, getting her tears and makeup on his shirt in the process. He didn’t watch the clock, but it was nearly a dozen minutes before either spoke.

“They’re too small.” Beth said in a choked voice. “I tried, but… they’re too small. I’m sorry.”

Arthur was momentarily confused until he saw the balled-up panties in her fist as she drew her arms from around him and showed him Mindy’s saliva and otherwise soaked panties that had dried out a little since Beth took them back into her office with her.

“Hey, it’s okay.” Arthur said softly. “You don’t have to wear them then.”

“What should I…. what should I do with them?” Beth asked quietly.

Arthur thought about it for a moment. He thought about telling her to put them in her bra, but the bulge would be noticeable, and there was no way to spread them evenly across both breasts. So instead, he suggested a more private location, which he hoped would help her be more comfortable. “Put them in your purse.” He suggested.

“Okay.” Beth nodded, and she reached for her purse with a sniffle. Arthur offered her a tissue, which she took once she shoved the panties away. She blew her nose and then took a second and a third tissue from him as she cleaned herself up a little. Her makeup was still a mess, but she felt better about it. “I’m sorry.” She said. “I’ve… I’ve never done anything like that before, and I… I don’t know what came over me. I just… I swear I’m not some kind of freak or anything. I just…”

“It’s okay. You’re a perfectly normal human being.” Arthur assured her. “So am I. So is Mindy.” He nodded. “We’re three consenting adults engaging in consensual, pleasurable activities that we all enjoy.”

Beth scoffed. “You’re barely adults.” She shook her head.

“But we’re adults.” Arthur corrected her. “You’re not so much older than me.”

“Yes, I am.” Beth shook her head. “I should have been the adult in that situation. I should have made you stop, and I shouldn’t have done any of that.”

“But you wanted to, right?” Arthur asked.

Beth didn’t answer.

“Did you want to do what you did?” Arthur asked.

“In the moment, yes.” Beth answered.

“But you regret it now?” Arthur asked.

“Yes. No. I don’t know!” Beth shook her head and turned as far away as he could. “I don’t know. I don’t know what to do about any of this. I’ve never done any of that before, and I…” She shook her head, scoffing at herself as she wrung her hands in her lap. “Look at me. Crying over it all like I had no power in the situation.”

Arthur scoffed this time. “But you had no power in the situation.” He said as if reminding her. “You gave me all the power, remember? I’m the one who told you what to do, where to stand, all of it. You’re blameless if that’s what you’re worried about.”

Beth looked up at him, her eyes red and a little puffy from crying, her makeup still ruined but cleaned up a little from being wiped off. She was not an ugly woman. On the contrary, she was pretty, though a little conservative and plain. She wasn’t as drop-dead gorgeous as Kelly or as cute as Selene or Mindy, but she was someone he could have easily fantasized about if he wanted to.

“You’re attracted to me.” Arthur stated the obvious, and Beth didn’t respond. “And you’ve been thinking about me that way since last weekend, right?”

Beth nodded silently.

“Did you ever think about me that way before last weekend?” Arthur asked.

Beth didn’t answer.

“Would it surprise you to know I’ve thought of you that way before?” Arthur asked.

Beth looked surprised and looked up at him immediately to display it across her face. “You have?”

Arthur nodded. “I may have thought of you while rubbing one out before, over the summer, when it was just you and me in the office a lot, and you wore those shorter skirts.” He explained.

“Really?” Beth asked, surprised.

“Really.” Arthur answered. “And have you thought of me?” He asked.

“Maybe.” Beth said softly. “I don’t, um…” She looked around, afraid of the word she was about to say next. “Masterburate, often. But…”

“But you’ve thought of me before when you did?” Arthur asked.

Beth nodded, blushing again. She blushed so often that Arthur might have thought she was a virginal schoolgirl admitting a crush she’d long kept hidden. “I pictured you in different um… roles, in the books I was reading.”

“I’m flattered.” Arthur said with a smile.

Beth scoffed and waved him away. “You have Mindy and four other girls?” She asked. “So I’m just… nothing to you, right? Another notch you can put on your belt now to make you feel all grown up.”

“Is that what you want me to say?” Arthur asked. “That you mean nothing to me? That what we did out there, with Mindy, meant nothing? That anything we might do in the future means nothing to me?” Arthur asked.

Beth was quiet as if thinking it over.

“It doesn’t mean nothing.” Arthur said. “I know that’s bad English, but bear with me here.” He said with a laugh. “I can’t say that I care about you the same way I do, Mindy, or that I’ll ever propose marriage or anything.” He explained. “But I do care about you as a person, not just as my boss, but as a living human being. What we did, and what I might call you or do to you while doing that kind of thing, doesn’t change that.”

Beth seemed to take that in for a moment. “I’m not looking for marriage anyway.” She said with a slight smile, which Arthur returned. “I… I enjoyed what we did.” She admitted. “I… I don’t know that I’m ready to do it again or when or if I ever will be.” She explained.

“That’s perfectly reasonable.” Arthur nodded. “Take some time, process it, maybe think about it when you’re going to bed tonight.” He smirked. “If you masturbate to it or me, let me know.”

Beth shook her head but smiled a little. “You’re incorrigible.”

Arthur smirked as he stood up. “The correct response is: Yes, Sir.”

Beth laughed at that and gestured toward the door. “Okay, okay.” She said. “Now go enjoy your lunch and let me eat mine in peace, will you?”

Arthur nodded and gave her one last hug, which she returned before he walked around her desk and stopped at the door. “Seriously, though. Are you okay? If you need to talk more about it, we can.”

“I’m okay.” Beth assured him. “I… this helped.” She said, gesturing between them. “We’ll talk more about it soon, I’m sure. If we have to.”

Arthur nodded and then opened the door, stepping through it and closing it behind him. The other student workers had returned by that point, but only Mindy seemed to notice the watermarks and makeup stains on his shirt. She offered him a tissue, but he shook his head. He had a spare shirt in his car, which he kept for emergencies. He could change it to that before heading to lunch.

Mindy said farewell to her fellow workers and followed Arthur out of the office as they made their way to lunch. She was only a few steps from the door when she took his hand and hugged his arm. “Everything okay, Boss?”

Arthur nodded. “We’re good.” He assured her with a gentle squeeze of his hand. “Beth just needed to come down a bit; she rushed off too quickly.”

Mindy nodded, taking this information at face value as their phones began to buzz simultaneously with notifications. The lack of signal in the office always caught up with them in the hallway, and the various messages, emails, etc., and app notifications that failed to arrive when they had no signal always slammed into their phones with a vengeance once that signal reconnected.

“Looks like the harem chat has been popping off.” Mindy told Arthur. “We’re all meeting at Selene and Kat’s place for our first official meeting tonight while you’re at class.”

“Sounds fun.” Arthur said, noticing that his notifications were all emails.

“How do you feel about surprises?” Mindy asked in a tone that suggested he was about to receive one.

“They’re… fine, I guess? Depends on the surprise. Why?” Arthur asked.

“If I said no reason, would you believe me?” Mindy asked in response.

“Absolutely not.” Arthur scoffed. “I’d take you into the woods behind the parking lot and find new and creative ways to make you tell me.”

“Oh.” Mindy said, startled. “In that case: No reason.”

Arthur laughed. Despite his threat, he was hungrier than he was horny, surprising even to him. Mindy was the opposite, but he’d denied her release earlier, and she was worried he meant to follow through on his threat of no orgasms for twenty-four hours. She watched him change his shirt with indecent attention, lip biting, and thigh rubbing.

“At least pull me behind that tree, bend me over, and fuck me for a few minutes.” Mindy protested. “I liked it when we played outside last time.”

Arthur smirked, fully aware that she was trying to bait him into giving her what she wanted, but he was enjoying teasing her, and he was in the mood for food.

“If you’re good, and we have a nice lunch, maybe I’ll let you have an orgasm this afternoon. I’m planning on meeting Selene after my classes, before dinner. Perhaps the three of us can find somewhere quiet, and you can get what you’re looking for.” Arthur answered. “Until then, be a good girl for me, and let’s go have lunch.”

Mindy sighed. “Yes, Boss.” She rolled her eyes, but clung to his arm as they walked.

Lunch was surprisingly quick, with so few people taking lunch at this time, and the two of them were already a few minutes behind their regular schedule. Arthur practically scarfed down the chicken breast and salad he’d gotten, and then he was back to the office while Mindy was headed to her dorm to get some homework done before her next class. They walked across campus hand-in-hand until they had to split, and Arthur promised he’d text to let her know when he and Selene were getting together.

Work was business as usual, which was a little surprising to Arthur. Beth acted like nothing had happened in front of the others, which was good, he supposed, but still surprising. She’d fixed her makeup by the time he returned and did not comment on his changed shirt.

The class was business as usual, and this time Arthur was pretty good at focusing and taking notes, except for a short text conversation with Selene.

Slut: Where am I meeting you after your class?

Master: You know the bathroom in the back of the lecture building on the second floor?

Slut: Yeah. The unisex one?

Master: Yes. Be waiting in there for us.

Slut: Us?

Master: Mindy will be joining us. I’ll knock six times so you know it’s me.

Slut: Yes Master! I can’t wait!

Then he quickly messaged Mindy.

Boss: The unisex bathroom in the back of the lecture building on the second floor. If you get there before me, knock six times, and Slut will let you in.

Whore: Yes, Boss.

Arthur went right back to working on taking notes until the professor finally dismissed the class. Arthur grabbed his things and immediately wound his way down the hall. The only rooms this way were classrooms that didn’t have any classes and wouldn’t until the evening courses began, and the second-floor bathroom that most people forgot existed. The first-floor bathrooms were bigger, more accessible, and cleaned more frequently because people used them more.

Luckily, the bathroom was clean when Arthur arrived. He checked over his shoulder, just in case, and seeing that the coast was clear, knocked six times on the closed bathroom door marked ‘occupied.’ The door opened, and he stepped inside to see Selene waiting for him behind the door. She was completely nude, wearing only the thin unmarked leather collar around her throat and a smile.

She dropped to her knees on the tile and immediately started fishing Arthur’s cock out of his pants so quickly that her mouth was around it only a second after the door clicked shut.

“Well, hello to you too.” Arthur scoffed as Selene looked up at him. Her clear blue eyes were sparkling with mischief and desire. Her nipples were hard, and her breasts perky as they wobbled while she drew her head along his hard and ready cock. Arthur wet his lips and cupped her cheek with his hand as she worked his shaft with her hands, letting her tongue and mouth play with his cockhead.

She seemed determined to get him to cum as quickly as possible, which he appreciated since they both knew they only had a few minutes before he had to leave and hustle to make it to work on time.

She was about a minute in when another six knocks hit the door. Selene looked up at him, and he nodded, allowing her to stop sucking his cock and open the door. He stepped aside, his member bobbing in the air for a second with his pants around his ankles, using the door to hide as Selene opened it and Mindy stepped in, still in her sweater dress from earlier. She smiled when she saw them, and shut the door, then lifted off her dress to reveal she was only wearing the loose panties she’d traded with Beth earlier.

She shoved those down quickly and flung them into the corner before she and Selene sank to their knees in front of Arthur and cornered him against the wall, their mouths on his cock before he could even give them instructions.

Arthur stood with his back to the wall and a naked girl kneeling on either side. If his cock hadn’t been between them, they would have been making out, but as it was, they both pressed their mouths against the side of his cock and used their tongues to sweep along the underside. He let his hands rest on their shoulders as they took turns taking him into their mouth, with one of them sucking on the tip while the other slid down and tongued the base of his shaft.

“Have you two been practicing or something? You seem very… in sync.” Arthur noticed.

Selene smiled and started jacking him as she sat back on her heels. “We may have talked about it while you were in class.” Selene admitted.

“And we may have googled some techniques.” Mindy admitted herself.

“Good girls.” Arthur said in a tone that made Selene shiver. “But I want to let Mindy have that orgasm, I think.” He said. “And we only have a short time, so…” He nodded, and they both sat back to let him move past them for a second. He took Mindy’s dress and laid it on the floor, then laid on it face up and gestured for them to come over.

“Whore, you’re on my dick. Slut, you’re on my face.” Arthur instructed. “First one to cum wins.”

Selene smiled as she crawled over to Arthur and lowered herself onto his face. He reached up and gripped her hips as he started licking away at her, Mindy’s soft sweater dress protecting his head from the hard tile floor beneath him. Meanwhile, he felt Mindy guide him into herself. She was hot but not yet wet enough to take all of him. After a few squats of raising herself, lowering herself down, and using her fingers to pleasure herself, Mindy was wet enough to slide down almost all the way as she bounced on her toes. It was when Arthur started thrusting that she nearly cried out, causing Selene to clamp her mouth over Mindy’s. They made out, holding each other’s shoulders for support as Mindy rode Arthur’s dick and Selene rode Arthur’s face.

It was practically a race at that point, and Selene came first. Between Arthur’s tongue, his hands, and Mindy’s occasional gropes and teases on her nipples, Selene gushed and came with a tremorous squeal that echoed in the small room. She fell back off Arthur’s face and shifted away, letting Arthur suck in a few deep breaths before he turned his attention to thoroughly fucking Mindy.

When it seemed neither would cum from that, Arthur decided to change tactics.

“Sit against the wall.” He instructed Mindy.

She obeyed, and he stepped closer to her, spreading her thighs with his feet as he shoved his cock into her open mouth. She wrapped her arms around his thighs but couldn’t bob her head with the wall behind her. Instead, she let Arthur move his hips, fucking her face and throat. Then he snapped at Selene and pointed, and she quickly scrambled forward on her hands and knees, bringing her face down to Mindy’s lower lips.

Arthur was standing in front of Mindy, who was sitting on the floor with her back against the wall, her face up and mouth open as Arthur throat-fucked her. Her legs were spread wide, with his spread calves pressing her thighs just off the wall behind her. Selene was prone on the floor, lying on top of Mindy’s sweater dress, her arms looped over Arthur’s legs and her hands under Mindy’s legs, pulling her closer as she kissed Mindy’s folds and teased Mindy’s clit with her tongue.

Mindy moaned around Arthur’s cock as she came, twitching and pulling him as close as possible, screaming with his cock shoved into her throat so hard that Arthur forcibly pushed her arms away and stepped back so she didn’t pass out. Mindy went slack, letting her hands fall to the floor, and after checking to make sure she was okay, Selene took Arthur and pressed him to sit on the closed toilet seat. She couldn’t have pushed him down if she’d tried, but he got the hint and sat.

Selene straddled Arthur and lowered herself slowly onto his cock until she couldn’t take any more of him. She let her head hang back, giving Arthur a full view of her naked body, and letting him kiss and tease her while she ground against him and rode him, squeezing his cock with her insides every time she started to draw off him, and then rubbing her clit against him every time she sank back down.

Arthur closed his eyes at the bliss and cupped Selene’s face in his hand. “My beautiful, beautiful slut.” He sighed.

“I love you, Master. Cum for me.” Selene whispered in a pleading tone. “Please? Cum for your slut? Cum in your slave. Fill me with my reward.”

The whispering pleas were too much, combined with Mindy coming up and kissing his neck while Selene rode him. He gasped in a breath, and then his entire body spasmed as he came in her, pumping load after load into her already tight hole. Selene gave a happy little chirp of glee as she squeezed herself around him and tried to milk every last drop out of her master.

Arthur sank back against the toilet behind him, and his entire body went slack, more relaxed than he had any right to be on what was, objectively, a very uncomfortable seat.

“Thank you, Master.” Selene whispered, then kissed him on the cheek.

“Thank you, Master.” Mindy echoed, kissing his other cheek.

Selene slowly stood and slid off him, letting Mindy lick at his cock a little to clean it off before she moved away. The two of them kissed, and then Selene kissed Arthur, and then Arthur kissed Mindy, and then the three started moving around the bathroom as they cleaned themselves up and put their clothes back on.

“So much for a quickie.” Arthur smirked as he looked at his watch. He was five minutes late to work already. Ten, by the time he’d get there.

“Does that mean you get tardy spankings?” Mindy asked. “Do we get to spank you for a change?”

“No.” Arthur scoffed. “It means you get tardy spankings for making me late.”

Mindy looked shocked and appalled but didn’t protest as she brushed off her dress. Selene also put her clothes back on, and Arthur was the first one ready.

“Well?” Selene asked, still putting her shirt on. “What are you waiting for? Go get to work!” She laughed.

“I feel weird rushing off right after.” Arthur said. “Are you two okay? Do you need aftercare or anything?”

“This was just a quickie in the bathroom.” Selene brushed him off. “We’ll hydrate and be fine. This was super vanilla for us.” She shooed him off. “Now scoot so we can have some girl talk.”

Arthur laughed, but when Mindy nodded and shooed him toward the door, he conceded the point and slipped out the bathroom door once they were both dressed. Despite his fears, no one was waiting on the other side, and he had a quick jog to work so that he was only eight minutes late.

“Ready for the first official business meeting of the harem?” Selene asked Mindy once they were alone.

Mindy smiled and nodded. “I have some news on that front…” She said. “I may have found us a sixth member.”

Selene looked immediately interested, her curiosity piqued. “Someone else is crushing on our man?” She asked. “Who? And is Arthur into them?” She asked, not out of jealousy like one might have expected but out of genuine interest in her Master’s pleasure. She wanted him to fuck as many women as he could, and she wanted to be there to help him and pleasure him afterward if he wished to. She was his slave and his slut, and she loved the idea of watching him fuck woman after woman after woman, just like he’d fucked Mindy just now.


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