I Love Saying “Cunt”

An adult stories – I Love Saying “Cunt” by TellingSecrets,TellingSecrets OMG I am so dying to tell *someone* the story of what happened this past weekend that has totally changed my life. This is a definite first for me. I poked around on the internet, looking for some anonymous outlet for my emotions, and Literotica was easy to find. I’m writing this right after the experience. The feelings are still utterly consuming, and I want to get it down exactly as it happened — all my feelings, everything that happened, everybody’s words. “Loving Wives” is clearly the right group, and it is unimaginable, embarrassing, liberating and utterly thrilling to accept (if not brag) that I am a loving wife.

Bruce and I (Heather … nice to meet you) have been married 5 years. Two kids. Totally loving, stable, prosperous, joyful MONOGAMOUS marriage. Actually, our only sexual partners, ever. We got started early, and we are both 23.

A couple times a year we take off for a long weekend to this rustic little sort of “resort” we discovered in the mountains. Half a dozen little cabins, a hot spring and several trail heads (yep, we love hiking.)

So last weekend we parked the kids with grandma and headed off to our secret getaway. There’s no office — you pick up keys and stuff at the general store in a town a few miles down the road. 5 pegs and 5 (then 4!) keys. Bruce squeezed my hand, and my face hurt from my grin as the realization swept over us — We had the place to ourselves!

It was early, so we just hiked up the quarter mile from the little parking area, plunked down our stuff, shoved a few things into day packs, and hit the trail. GOD the mountains were beautiful. Physically spent, but full of life, when we got back we cooked a simple meal on the outside grill, cleaned up, and then to our favorite moment — the hot spring!

The “resort” had gone a bit elitist over the years. Long ago a simple cement enclosure had been created to catch the perfect 105′ water, but more recently a small underwater light and a couple of fun bubble-jets to swirl the water around, had been added. The pool was tiny, benches molded into the cement facing each other. Barely room for two to sit side by side, and your knees will almost touch people sitting opposite.

There are not words for how good it felt to slip my tired little body into the luscious, welcoming warmth. Bruce flipped on the switch for the pump, which runs for a while, then cycles on and off every so often. With the jets going, the surface was a solid mass of swirly bubbles, and you couldn’t see a thing underneath.

We sat on opposite sides. Bruce leaned over to kiss me, stroking his thumbs against the sides of my (enclosed) 32A breasts, and said “Let’s!” Once before when we had the place to ourselves we had shamelessly skinny-dipped in the pool, and we both loved the sheer freedom of it. So, 12 seconds later I’m squeezing the water out of my maximally conservative 2-piece, and his shorts, piling them carefully (I’m very organized) in a little stack in the shadows beside our towels. We sit and talk, loving this rare moment of just US. We cover the spectrum — kids, families, jobs, projects, church, plans, friends. We kiss and touch a little, and my body is responding. But we hold back, not wanting to start something we can’t finish till we get back to the cabin. There’s no rush. It’s still early. We are on vacation. We can sleep in as long as we like. Occasionally we sit up on the edge to cool off a bit, then plunge back in. The jets cycle on and off a couple of times.

The jets had just come on, and I had just dunked in after a cool-off, and only my head was above water. Bruce was resting up on his elbows facing me, half his chest out of the water. There was a short trail from the cabins down to the pool, shielded by big bushes, so from the pool you couldn’t even see the trail, let alone the cabins. And the rushing jets masked any small sounds. I was facing the break in the bushes where the trail came through, and Bruce had his back to it.

At his point in the story I bet you know what happened next! Yep. I see a movement, look up, and there is a MAN, in swim shorts, a few feet from the pool, walking right up to us!!!

I realize in a flash, he can’t see that we are naked, and he will never notice the tiny pile of swim gear in the shadows… EEEEEK!!

“Bruce” I whisper, then a moment later, Bruce whips around and ….

STRANGER: Oh, Hi you two! Sorry to intrude, but I hope it’s OK to join you. It’s such a long drive, and every time I come here, I can’t stop thinking about THIS moment. I’m Derek.

And with that he just plunks straight in, seating himself beside Bruce and smiling broadly, extending his hand to Bruce.

BRUCE: Hi Derek. Bruce. Glad to have you join us. This is my wife, Heather.

I’m thinking Jeepers Bruce, DO something. But of course realizing there is nothing to be done. Somehow we will just have to work with this. I know it might be different with other couples, but Bruce and I have never even mentioned the possibility of another man “seeing” me. We are unrestrained with each other, but totally proper and conservative in our church-centered community. No other man has ever seen me “exposed”. My brain is totally bouncing around in my skull, flashing a neon sign to the gods, pleading KEEP THE JETS RUNNING!

ME: Hi Derek, nice to meet you.

As I slip a hand out of the water, and feel it gently but intentionally enclosed in his. YIKES! another man is holding my hand and I am NAKED!! But then, somehow, Derek’s casual, confident, open and friendly persona reassures me. He looks to be in his middle 40s. (OK — twice my age!) Mature, experienced, a natural leader, completely at ease. Bruce and I might be freaking out, but I just know that Derek will take our “naturalness” in stride. It’s not unheard of for some people to enjoy the freedom of nakedness, after all. But why do my nipples THROB as I feel Derek’s fingers sliding across my palm as our hands release and he stares right through my eyes, and straight into my female center?

The three of us chat on quite normally, skating the surface of kids, family, homes jobs, pastimes, and of course our love for these cabins and this pool.

The jets turn off.

DEREK: OMG you two! I had no idea! But of course, surrounded here by nature’s perfection, with the planet showing off HER breathtaking beauty, it’s almost a desecration to hide our OWN beauty!

And with that he reaches down, slips off his shorts, and tosses them behind him. The water is 100% transparent.

Omg, omg, omg, omg, COCK! I know I shouldn’t even notice, and if I must, the right word is, of course, “penis”. But no, my whole life force is convulsing inside me, screaming COCK. Only the second one I have ever seen. Please, tear my eyes away! But in that brief, riveting stare, impossible not to compare. Not especially longer than Bruce’s, flaccid, but seems thicker. Like Bruce, a strong, physical body, muscular, defined, built from work and effort and activity — not the gym — I can always tell. Maybe an inch or 2 over Bruce’s 6-1.

A zillion conflicting messages attack my consciousness, and my rational neo-cortex fights it out with my dark, primitive, reptilian underbrain. I look at Bruce — obviously going through the same. Derek’s total ease with how simply natural for 3 people to be sharing a tub, naked and unashamed, reassuring us both with his casual ease that this is the furthest thing from any kind of “weird” or “creepy”.

DEREK: Feels wonderful, doesn’t it … AND … [he chuckles] so good of you two to establish the rules by example, even though unaware, avoiding that awkward discussion among strangers of “would it be OK if …” etc.

I see Derek scanning the Other Man, then I feel his eyes drift over to me, open, confident, explicit, not hiding his focused gaze. The light in the pool is small, but plenty bright enough. The water is totally clear. Derek scans me, slowly from my toes to my face, then all the way down, then back up to my face, looking right at me. Another man helping himself to my naked beauty. He looks in my eyes, looks down at this cock, looks up at me a smiles gently. Telling me with his eyes that he knows this is shaking my foundations, and reassuring me that it’s our nature, and it’s all good. I feel his protective presence sweep over me. Telling me it’s completely natural for us to be examining each other, letting our imaginations excite us. It would be strange for us not to. But wait! I’m a conservative young Christian mom. It’s completely WRONG for me to be aroused by this older stranger. WRONG for my body to respond, reflexively, to his eyes telling me we both know what the other is imagining, and it thrills us!!!

ME: This is a bit new for us Derek.

DEREK: OMG, really? Well then, accidental that it is, I am proud to have played a small role in helping you both get past THAT little barrier. Doesn’t this just feel so … well … natural and free to you, Bruce?

BRUCE: Still getting used to this. Heather and I have never been in any way “overt”.

DEREK: I understand. How about you Heather? Sitting here with two men, both of us totally aware of your beauty, your very femaleness — suddenly your experience of focused male attention doubles to 200%!

OMG I’m sitting here naked, exposing myself to a total stranger, staring at me, openly drawing attention to my beauty and “femaleness”, as my husband listens, watches, participates.

ME: Really Derek, Bruce and I have never even thought about or discussed, let alone contemplated this moment. Reckless perhaps — this place is vaguely “public”, and the only other time we did this here, we were certain, like now (it seemed), that we were alone.

DEREK: I can tell that for both of you this is a big moment. One of these turning points in life that you will remember all the details forever. All the strong feelings you are having, embrace them, accept them, understand that they are part of who you are, and that they are beautiful. The first time a husband witnesses his wife exposing her beautiful, married, nakedness to another man, it is going to be HUGE for both of them. Remember, people might lie to you all the time but your body and your feelings always tell the truth.

ME: But Derek, we ARE married …

BRUCE: Yeah …

ME: … and the understanding all along, kinda cemented by those “vows”, has been that THIS moment was off limits.

DEREK: I was at a wedding the other day. A friend’s daughter. And I listened as these innocent 20 year olds made promises (“in the sight of God”, yet), about how they would feel in 50 years, while the biological reality is that we have no control over how we will feel tomorrow morning!

… I look at you two, and I just KNOW how solid you are as a couple, how completely integrated you are together. Your beautiful human nature shines right out of you, your pure, unquestioning love and trust — and it’s THAT that holds you together — not the silly promises you made years ago about things you can’t control. And for that deep beautiful nature there is no conflict between your unbreakable bond, and the scintillating excitement that I know you are feeling at this moment. You can’t deny it … I can see that you are both excited by this beautiful experience. And sharing this moment, how you will both remember it forever, inevitably draws you closer.

BRUCE: Man, this is a lot to take in in one bite.

ME: Wait, I need to process all this.

DEREK: Studies consistently tell us that, like you, most couples never explicitly consider something like this. But those same studies tell us that virtually ALL spouses imagine events like this and they *feel* themselves responding. And those responses, again for both spouses, follow a pattern of going from *very negative* if there is any innuendo of threat, coercion, violence, abuse, etc., to *breathtakingly thrilling* where the context is supportive, positive, joyful. I don’t want to put thoughts in your heads, just reassure you that it’s more normal than not for both of you to be powerfully excited at just the idea of a wife being completely coupled to her husband, and at the same time free to express her deep female energy and not have to hide it from anyone, even other men. Most important, this beautiful energy IS her true nature. “Society”, with all it’s rules, does not really deny this, but *demands* that a wife hide this part of herself from everyone, ESPECIALY from her husband. But, a husband is already totally in love with his wife — ALL parts of her. How does it make any sense for her to hide this most beautiful part from the one she loves?

DEREK: Look at our cocks, Bruce — hard and thick and sticking straight up. Impossible not to respond. This is how we are built. It’s how we are meant to respond. Nature does not make huge mistakes of intentionally encouraging us down the wrong path. What would be wrong is if you and I could sit here, inches from this breathtaking woman, and *not* respond.

Holy cow — what do I do with this? This total stranger speaks my own feelings more clearly than I have ever expressed them to myself, let alone Bruce. It’s so true. Every day I notice men checking me out. I will always look away refusing to respond with my eyes. But if he is attractive, at the same time I will feel myself arching my back a little, implicitly responding to his attention, invisible encouraging him, and I feel it in my nipples. Then that night, with Bruce’s cock deep inside me, oh god I will try to force it out of my mind, but yes, it’s that strangers cock that I feel!

And how is Bruce dealing with this? I glance over. OMG yes! — his cock *is* totally ready! Is he really OK with everything Derek is teaching him about his utterly innocent and devoted wife?


ME: Gulp

DEREK: Your wife is so beautiful in so many ways Bruce. And here she is, right in front of me, hiding none of it. We can’t deny that this is an incredibly powerful experience for all three of us.

ME: Stop it Derek! … but … [giggling a bit] first tell me all the ways I’m “so beautiful”!

DEREK: Oh that easy. First, your world view, your optimistic, joyful, positive approach and outlook. You are just so obviously happy and fun. You are a very easy woman to love, Heather, no surprise that you are irresistible to Bruce. And then there is that woman-spirit deep in your core. That breathtaking female center. Your million volt sexual energy. You keep the lid on, but it’s impossible to hide, it clamors to be expressed, and just in this conversation, I can tell, you are coming to realize how desperately you WANT to express it.

DEREK: And finally, physically. Everything about you is engineered to powerfully attract men like me.

He pauses and looks at Bruce, who is nodding trace-like, almost imperceptibly.

DEREK: I love how petite you are, heather. Your small, fit, tight strong athletic body.

HEATHER: [Interrupting] Five feet, 108 pounds.

DEREK: … Differences attract, and it’s natural that a small, delicate, feminine creature like you would attract big, powerful, male creatures like Bruce and I. I love your small *alive* tits. Big jugs are just obscene to me. But above all your NIPPLES. Your modest tits totally emphasize your thick, dark, overt, sexual nipples. Look how they swell up and push themselves out, loving the attention, knowing that their whole reason for being is to show themselves off to men like me and get you in trouble. They are so swollen and eager … are they as sensitive as they look?

ME: [whispering] yes

DEREK: Show me. Lift up a little and let me see. Show me your tits, Heather.

I don’t even look at Bruce. In a daze I just rise up, staring straight at Derek’s cock, suddenly thicker and longer and just plain BIGGER than Bruce’s, in every dimension. A big bulging head (Bruce is more “pointy”) — it just feels so sexual, imagining how that thing would stretch me. In a move that I’ve never done, but now feels totally natural, I clasp my hands behind me, arching my back, *shoving* my tits out to this stranger. Using them to tell him, as my husband watches, “yes, yes, yes, yes”. The tub is small and I move a step closer. Our knees touch. My tits are right in his face.

ME: [barely audible] Do you like my small, young, married tits Derek?

DEREK: Never in my life have I been as aroused as you are doing to me now, girl. Can you feel the power you have over me right now? Do you like how the energy of your tits floods into me, going straight to my cock? Do you like showing your husband how much his wife loves using her tits to drive another man desperate with lust for you?.

ME: [Whispering] Touch them …

We stare at each other. Again, I don’t even glance at Bruce. I don’t need permission. Derek is in control.

ME: Touch my married tits, Derek. Right in front of my husband. Show him how it thrills me to be sexually touched by another man. Show him how it excites his wife to feel an older, dominant man’s desire course through her entire body.

DEREK: Do your perfect young tits love being touched, kissed, stared at, worked, used, enjoyed, played with?

I start making these whimpering sounds that I never heard before. I am beyond words …

His big hands encircle my tiny waist, pulling me slowly, gently through the two inches separating us. And then …. OOOOOOOH GODDDDDDD a sizzling lightening bolt of exploding, consuming sexual ecstasy as my thick, dark nipple presses hard into his hot, wet mouth. He sucks my nipple fully into his mouth, pulling, biting not too gently, swirling his tongue all around. He starts rotating me gently back and forth, sliding my nipples firmly and a bit roughly back and forth across his face, his open lips his tongue, his teeth, his mouth, his beard. I can tell he is intentionally positioning me to give my husband the clearest view of his young wife being openly molested by this older man.

ME: Take my tiny girl tits and use them, use them hard, you bad much older man. Teach me how naturally girls like me and men twice their age, like you, are drawn to each other. Teach me how a girl uses her tits to encourage a man she finds attractive …

DEREK: Are you wondering about how Bruce feels, watching as you show him how it thrills his wife to respond sexually to another man, offering herself up, giving all of her, to a total stranger? Reach down and feel his cock for your answer.

ME: Jesus Bruce. What is this steel pole in my hand? This rigid toy, that belongs to me, is telling me it turns you seriously ON to watch another man using my tits to drive me into a state of lust that neither you nor I have ever experienced?

I shift my hand from Bruce’s smaller cock to Derek’s prodigious one.

See how he holds your wife in his strong hands, moving her around any way he wants. See how I use my tits to encourage him? This stranger has unlocked a force of sexual energy deep inside me that neither you or I have ever seen before. I love stroking my tiny tits across his face, Bruce. Every time he thrills me by sweeping his thick tongue across one of my nipples, a generous burst of sex juice gushes out of my excited young slit. Every time, my whole body reacts with a little convulsion, and I can feel Derek’s cock throb in response, as I fondle and stroke him.

YIKES! — the jets come back on …

DEREK: Do us a favor, Bruce, step back to the switch on the post just behind you and turn that thing off?

Bruce gets out, his rigid cock flopping wild and loose, and switches off the pump. The first pang of guilt courses through me — my *shame* at how it thrills me to have my vanilla husband obeying this confident dominant stranger, helping him in his bold, clear seduction of my husband’s wife!

ME: Look at my hand, Bruce. Stroking another mans cock, a lot bigger than yours, a stranger I met barely an hour ago. Look how my rings glint as I slide them up and down, pressing them right against Derek’s naked shaft. Look how his cock responds to my hand and to my young tits shoved into his face. I can feel it in his cock, Bruce. Every time I slide my tiny hand over the hard, bulging head and then run my fingers down the nerve line on the underside, I can feel this beautiful cock telling my that experienced, mature cocks and naïve 23 yo girls are made for each other. Can you see in my face how much I love Derek’s cock, Bruce?

BRUCE: [Barely] yes

ME: Do you like it?

BRUCE: [Barely] yes

ME: What else about me attracts you, Derek?

DEREK: Oh heather — you are so *clean* and natural. Perfect right out of the box. No tattoos, no weird piercings, completely wild untrimmed pussy fur, leaving her free to do her job of attracting men, directing their attention to where it’s needed. So many woman shave these days, but when I see you, see that luxuriant silk around your cunt hole, all I can think is how it will feel sliding all over my mouth, my tongue, my face, drenching me with your thrilling sexual juices.

ME: Derek, You are adding to my vocabulary words I have never uttered in my life. “Tits”, “cock”, “cunt”. I love saying cunt. It feels so naughty, so sexual, so HONEST. And now you want me to shove my cunt into the face of a dominant commanding man twice my age? How dirty is *that*? And with my husband watching? You want him to see, smell, hear you taking and using and owning and molesting and tasting the same cunt I promised exclusively to him? The same cunt that has never been seen, let along touched by any other man? Is that what you want, Derek?

DEREK: Let me show you …

And he lifts me, setting my feet on the bench on either side spread by his thick legs, my left foot pressing between both men thighs, as they sit side by side. My open cunt right in his face, drooling, ready, out of control. Oooooh. He pulls me into him. I push. Oh God help me. Ooooooh the feeling as his tongue slides straight up my groove, from bottom to top. How I *want* this! Please don’t stop. I think I have always wanted this, totally unaware.

DEREK: Oh Jesus Bruce … you wife’s CUNT! The taste of it, the way she pushes her juicy married twat into my face, sliding her furry, young, gooey, cock-ready little snatch around my tongue as I shove it deep into her eager little fun hole.

BRUCE: You are so beautiful, Heather.

ME: I do love you Bruce and I love that we get to share this incredible experience. I can feel this drawing us closer, even as you watch me respond to DEREK’s exploring mouth and thick tongue, driving deep into my inexperienced cunt, skillfully sliding right over my solid, protruding, eager clit with every stroke. We are doing this together, Bruce.

ME: Dammit Derek, suck my young, receptive cunt. Hold me and use me, you unrepentant opportunist. Teach me that young wives are on earth to be caught and seduced and used by big mature men with big mature cocks.

The indescribable feeling sweeping through and over my confused young body. All those “monogamy rules” that have been preached to me my whole life, and that I have totally bought in to. But all that fades away as irreconcilable fiction in the glare of conflicting incontrovertible reality. With every slurp of a dominant strangers confident tongue swirling expertly over and around my receptive young clit, every part of me screams “yes — THIS is the truth!”. Nothing in my life has ever felt this good, or this completely RIGHT. As his tongue scoops me, I can feel my body blasting sex juice right into his mouth, and how much he loves my taste is obvious right on his face. My awareness of Bruce is fading — Derek and I are squarely in our own dimension now. Pressing my furry little snatch hard into his face. Both of us giving and taking ALL. Holding nothing back.

DEREK: I want to teach you another word, Heather.

HEATHER: Tell me Derek. Teach me. Train me.

DEREK: “Fuck”.

HEATHER: I think I heard that once before. Can you show me what it means?

He lifts me out of the water, easily handling my slight weight, sitting himself on the edge and casually spinning my throbbing little body around, leaning me back against him. I naturally reach up wrapping my arms around the back of my lover’s head, sticking my tits out, sprawling my legs around his huge ones, completely exposing, displaying my sex-crazed little body. I feel Derek turn us slightly, positioning us to give Bruce the clearest possible view. His fuck stick is pressed into my labia like a steel pipe, spreading them open, teasing them, as he holds me, sliding them up and down his rigid shaft.

DEREK: Bruce, could you help us a moment? Point me straight up, guide me in? Thanks.

Oh Jesus — (oh fornicating CHRIST — did I just blaspheme?) all the conflicting, thrilling, consuming feelings rushing through me — knowing I *should* be wracked with guilt to hear my sweet husband so humiliated, but yet overpowered by, ok, LUST, as I quietly and calmly say …

ME: Yes Bruce, I need more than your tacit consent and encouragement. I need to feel your concrete explicit HELP as you guide a strangers exceptionally large rigid fuck stick, straight up into your sexual about-to-be-promiscuous married wife’s fuckable young cunt.

I feel the thick head sliding around my eager young cunt lips

ME: Yes, stroke my gushing cunt lips with another man’s cock, Bruce. Use your left hand. I want to know the ring I gave you is sliding all over this stranger’s righteous cock that will soon be deeper in your wife’s core than yours will ever be. I love the irony of that ring being a symbol of my promise to never do exactly what I am now enthusiastically doing. Derek, feel my whole naked body responding against yours as you hold me while my husband thrills me with your cock. Play with my tits, pull them and slap them and use them the way my husband never does. Punish them for how overtly they inflame your lust and encourage you to seduce another man’s defenseless young wife, right in front of him. As you pull and twist and torment my married nipples, feel my whole body telling you how much I love your cock. How much I need it and want it.

Slowly Derek Lowers me.


ME: Oh Derek. Take me, open me, use me, stretch me, fill me, stroke me, fuck me, DO me. God yes Derek — hold me and slide my inexperienced cunt up and down your mature shaft. Force me. Own me, Feel me giving you the whole woman. Fuck me and fuck me hard and deep and long, you dominant male alpha. Show my husband what he has never imagined. Show him that a complete woman can never be fulfilled by just one man, one cock. Teach us both about your magic world that we never suspected.

OH Fucking Holy Fucking Jesus Fucking Christ in Fucking Heaven!!! That first incredible, breathtaking moment. That smooth, hard, slippery ball of his oversized glans — his mushroom, his cock head, completely slippery and gooey with my gushing fuck juice, insistently probing my flexible young cunt lips. I feel how naturally those lips swirl around the invader, forming themselves to his shape, inviting him in, loving his raw, primitive nakedness, his relentless pulsating lust. His desperate need for exactly HER. An inch, then two …

ME: Another man’s naked cock in inside my unprotected cunt, Bruce.

ME: I love saying “cunt”.

Derek starts stroking me. Another inch. And another. Holding me and fucking me the way a man fucks his woman. I feel my canal widening for him. I so LOVE this. This mature, adult man knows exactly how to do a girl like me. Forceful and relentless but infinitely caring and loving and aware. I know that he knows exactly how to thrill me, and THAT is what he is doing. That is what he wants. That is his entire focus. He is doing this all for ME. Sweet loving angel. Fucking me and fucking me hard, because he knows that this is exactly what I need at this exact moment in my life.

ME: You are setting me free Derek, and I will love you forever for that. Even if we never meet again. You have the key, and you found my lock. You knew there was nothing to discuss. Just shove your key into my lock and give this naïve girl the gift of understanding, opening my eyes to the true, beautiful nature that’s been lurking inside me forever. Thank you from both of us, you wonderful, bad man.

All three of us looking down in awe as Derek’s thick, glistening shaft slides slowly, seductively in and out of my open, receptive cunt. Beautiful long strokes. Deeper, deeper, and now, yes, BALLS deep. I feel them slapping against my ass as he cock-rams me harder. With every stroke he molds my insides to his shape. Now he’s really fucking me *hard*! Teaching me what it’s like for a girl to be just grabbed by a big powerful man. Taken and used and fucked for the fun of it. Oh god I love this so much!

ME: fuck me fuck me fuck ME. Give me your thick, hard, girl-punishing fuck stick, you shameless, wanton, wife-stealing slut-maker! Position me Derek, so Bruce can clearly see your big, experienced adult cock exploring depths of his young wife’s hole reaching places that he will never know. Show him how much more sexual I am than either of us ever imagined. Thrill him with the sight of a superior cock sliding in and out of his wife’s tender little twat to make him know how wrong it would be for me to conceal from him this most beautiful, natural part of who I really am.

DEREK: Bruce? Heather is getting tired holding her legs up like that. Could you come stand in front of her and hold her knees up for me? Thanks.

OMG there it is again — the shock of how this man casually orders my husband to help him fuck me — how *wrong* is it, but how absolutely, primitively thrilling. I love giving Derek control … feeling his reassuring domination … but … for him to also dominate my HUSBAND! Jeeziss god that feels powerful. [Even writing this now, days later, my cunt positively *gushes* at the thrill of it].

Now I am face to face with Bruce as he obediently hold my legs, wrenching my hole open to be punished by a stranger’s powerful cock. We stare into each others eyes, then both look down, watching another man drive his big hard naked cock over and over, firm and deep, straight up into my receptive, eager, inviting married unprotected cunt. Watching together as another man fucks me. Bruce leans in and kisses me. My husband’s tongue swirling around mine while the second cock in my whole life drives me ever deeper into ecstasy. I pull back a little, stare into his eyes again.

ME: God, I love this Bruce. Kissing you while Derek fucks me, balls deep, and fondles my tits as he holds me with his strong hands around my slim chest. Look down and see how my belly bulges every time he drives in, filling and stretching me as he forces and strokes that big golf ball the full length of your wife’s delicate fuck hole. You can see the shape of his invading cock as he penetrates your petite, delicate wife, stretching me filling me, marking me as his. I can feel that thing sliding like a slippery, tight, steel pipe all along the walls of my cunt, over every little bump and ripple. It feels so different from your smaller cock, Bruce. It’s so thrilling to be fucked like this. The physical sensation of a different cock in my young cunt is consuming. And then just the raw feeling of being taken and owned and used by a confident, worthy adult MAN. It’s overwhelming, and it lays bare my true nature. Suddenly I am FREE. I need this. I will want more of this, Bruce.

Derek fucks me like that for a almost an hour. He tells Bruce to keep holding my legs with one arm, and reach down and work my clit with his other hand, while Derek shoves his too-big, mature cock, over and over, straight up my willing young cunt. Bruce obediently complies. I wonder how he feels, thrilling his wife’s clit, alive and owned in the moment by another man, while feeling Derek’s cock sliding over his finger as the stranger’s shaft plunges in and out of my hole. Derek commanded me to wait, and his will was so strong I was able to hold off, even as we drove each other relentlessly higher and higher.

ME: Fuck me hard, Derek. Use your invading cock to teach my cunt that her destiny is to be a slut for other cocks. Don’t hold back — make your cock shout it loud and clear. Use your cum to tell my cunt that she needs to be fucked, and fucked often, and fucked by many different men, with nothing concealed from my husband, ever. Teach me how to express love for my husband by fucking other men.

DEREK: NOW! Let it go, Heather. Show your husband the full white-hot measure of his wife’s sexual fire. Show him how it thrills you to be fucked the way you were made to be fucked. Show him how you cum, screaming and writhing in ecstasy around another man’s cock, as you feel a stranger’s cum, gush after scalding gush, blasting deep into your beautiful female core

And I did. I’m sure they heard my gasping screams at the store 2 miles away. Four strong male hands holding me, keeping me safe as I squirmed and I struggled, completely out of control, my body flailing as I finally understood about ORGASM. Hot, thick ropes of mancum blasting in, and soon squishing out, of my now slutty, faithless, promiscuous, cock-addicted, young married cunt. Total waves of pleasure washing through every cell in my body. Completely in union with Derek. A single, infinite orgasm, merging us together, in the moment, into ONE perfect creature. In that moment Bruce was relegated to being an observer. In that moment, every cell, feeling, thought of my whole being belonged to Derek.

Well, that’s my story — of course there was plenty of cool-down sex with both of them all night (we all slept together in our bed) but I know that nothing, ever again, will touch that experience. I am so grateful. It was completely wonderful. It set me free. I know my nature, and I love being this new way. I love my husband, my family, my life. I love men, I love cocks, I love sex. I love saying “cunt”.

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