I Want You to Watch Me Pt. 05

An adult stories – I Want You to Watch Me Pt. 05 by Mr_Brady,Mr_Brady I Want You To Watch Me, Part 5

A big thanks again to Kenji Sato for his proofreading and editing skills. And also, all characters in this story are above the age of eighteen.


After my disheartening few moments with Laura, after she sucked my cock, but refused to finish me and left me literally hanging, the two of us tried as best we could to be civil with each other for the time being.

About half an hour after giving me, what I considered her childlike-tantrum ultimatum, my wife informed me she was leaving.

“Okay, Kyle, it looks like I’m off. And just so you know, it’s highly unlikely that I’ll be coming back here tonight, after I meet with the rest of the group.”

Her testy pronouncement to me sounded so…final. Like there wasn’t going to be any debate as to whether she felt any wifely duty to come back and sleep with her husband in the same bed that night, or not. Or maybe even, ever again.

“Well, I guess that tells me that you’re choosing to be with them, more than your obligation to me, right, Laura?”

“Look, Kyle, I’m just going to say it. I love you, I have always tried to love you, and hope to never stop loving you. But I love the group, too. I love what I have with them, and I don’t have any plans whatsoever of leaving the group. So, I want you to know where I stand as far as they’re concerned. And if that’s not good for you, then I guess it just isn’t. I was hoping you could try to be understanding of me, but it looks like, right now, you’re not.”

In my mind, I knew I was trying my damnedest to see my wife’s side of things, in the entirety of what she was going through. But I was also trying to accommodate my own self, and my own needs, as well. The fact was, yeah, what had happened so far that weekend had been very stimulating for me, but I still wasn’t sure if it was something that I could be happy with, over an extended amount of time. So I decided to just let her have her way, again. But I had a serious concern that I hadn’t brought up with Laura. And with the way we were at odds with each other right then, I figured that it would be a good time to tell her what I was somewhat worried about.

“Okay, you’ve said your piece, Laura. Now, here’s mine. It looks to me whether your husband approves of it or not, you’re going to go off tonight and allow other men to fuck you. I haven’t brought this up, but damnit all, I’m going to now.

“What happens when you come home after one of these ‘meetings’ you have with these people, and you bring some kind of venereal disease back with you? What do you suppose that would do to our home life, to any sanctity that we might hope to have as a couple? Yeah, I get it, you’re all hot and bothered because some guy you hardly know has got his cock rammed in your pussy, or up your ass, or you’re in the middle of taking his cum down your throat as some other guy’s fucking you, too!!”

As I began telling her what I’d been fearing since I’d found out about her and the group, my voice was raising and I knew I was becoming more forceful with her than I had in a long time.

“What the fuck happens then, Laura?? Have you ever stopped to think about the unhealthy ramifications if somebody in the group is diseased and isn’t telling the rest of you about it? And what that could do if you brought it home to your family?? Well, goddamn it, have you???”

As the words that I had just angrily bellowed to my wife still hung in the air, she simply stood before me seemingly unfazed by them, and then answered me.

“I’m not oblivious to my health needs, or our daughters, or even for you, Kyle. Believe me, I’m well aware of what can happen concerning sexually transmitted diseases. And just so you know, we all in the group are, too. That’s why we keep the celebrating of who we are only within the group. Once we’re accepted by the others, we’re asked to make a solemn promise that we will not, under any circumstances go outside of the group to have sexual relations with anyone else. Of course, we do continue, if it works out, to keep having sex with our spouses or significant others. But that’s left…entirely up to us. If you follow my drift here?”

As she rattled off those things to me, my wife’s face was basically emotionless, reminding me how strongly she was connected to her group…of friends.

“And as far as any diseases, I should tell you, they’ve come up with a way that we can, about every two weeks, mail in a urine sample to a medical doctor who belongs to the group to check for any possible diseases that we might unfortunately get. So that hasn’t been a worry for any of us, thank goodness.

“Okay, there’s one more thing you need to know, and then I’m leaving for the night. You mentioned a minute ago about if I was concerned about my family, or not. Well, motherfucker, I am. And know this, too–the group…they are my family, Kyle. When I was in the depths of despair and felt abandoned by you, they were the ones who accepted me and where I was at in my life at that time. You? Where the fuck were you, Kyle? You, like an asshole, were off doing your own goddamn thing, jacking off thinking about your sister, or your mother, or maybe even fantasizing about sinking your cock in one or both of our daughters. The fact is, you hardly seemed to notice me and what I was going through.

“So yeah, I love you, and won’t ever stop loving you. But you’d better get at least one thing understood–I fell in love with the group. They, for all intents and purposes, are, for the time being, my significant other. You, you’re my husband, and I’m not wanting to change that. Yet. But you better be goddamn sure that when it suits me, I’m going to be hanging with the group, when or where I want. I’m more than all done asking for your permission. I tried to be nice about it, but it looks as if that didn’t work out like I hoped it would.”

As she finished having her say, it was like someone flipped a switch and the woman who I knew as Laura Nicole Dawson, the mother of our two daughters, the twelfth-grade math teacher, and my mom’s dutiful daughter-in-law suddenly returned. My Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde wife was standing before me again. The distant and quite emotional countenance that she had displayed to me disappeared, and her normal smile was radiating once more.

“Now, honey, like I said, I’m not going to be back tonight, so don’t wait up for me, okay? But, if it’s alright, I wouldn’t mind it if you came and watched me. I think it’d be so hot if my husband was there in the audience getting to see all the nasty action that I hope is going to be happening in the Temple.”

As she was in the middle of her urging me to attend the festivities, the look in her eyes took on a special glow, as she was trying to explain all that might go on involving her, and her friends that evening.

“And since you’ve met Dr. Dennis and Mary, I’ll just tell you. I think he’s going to bless your wife with that big black cock of his, and I’d love to have you there when he fucks me in front of everybody. And…I’ll drop this hint on you, too. I think that Nancy and Ray are going to have a special treat for us. Maybe if they do what I think it is they’re going to do, that’ll just hopefully get his mind off of trying to get me to run away with him. Because God knows, I’ve been trying to tell him that I’m more than happy with my husband and I’m not going to do it.”

And then Laura slithered herself up to me and wrapped her arms firmly around my neck, pulling me in to receive one of the sloppiest kisses I could ever remember her giving me in a long time.

“Now, baby, you are aware of what’s going to happen tonight, aren’t you? You know I’m gonna get naked in front of all those people and we’re just gonna have a bunch of nasty fun that we’re not supposed to. That’s what makes it so good for me. But I hope I’ll see you out in the audience watching me. Remember, that’s why I wanted you here with me this weekend. So you could see your wife have fun with all those men, and some women, too. I’ve been saving my tongue for all the available pussies that I can have. So come on, baby, I’ve told them about you, and to let you in when you come to the Temple. Don’t let me down, I hope I’ll see you there, okay?”

As she gave me a few more sloppy kisses, my wife finally stopped, and then simply grabbed her overnight bag that she’d previously packed and hurriedly walked out the door of our RV.


Sitting there for about the next half hour, my mind went back through all the astounding things that I had experienced over the last forty-eight hours or so. And I could hardly believe it. But I had to admit to myself that it hadn’t been a dream or some kind of delusion. My wife was involved with a group of people who were doing whatever their imagination drove them to do sexually. And it seemed they were all quite happy with the illicit activity that they were doing.

As I headed out the door, I still had mixed feelings about whether I should go, or not. But for me, I guess it was the curiosity of what might take place that won out, as far as if I would attend her event.

Making my way as the sun was setting through the campground, I noticed a few others walking in the same direction as I was, and I reasoned probably headed to the same place as me. As we began getting closer to our destination, where the big motorhome was parked and the Temple was located, it finally became apparent to me who the members of the group were as we approached the entrance to the big tent.

Upon my arrival I found there were a few others in front of me, the process of being allowed to enter seemed to be whether or not the big guy in charge of allowing people in, recognized you, or not. And then it was my turn, standing there and him checking me out.

“Hello sir, sorry but I don’t think we’ve met before. I hope you don’t mind if I ask you what you’re doing here right now?”

As hulking of a guy as he was, standing at least six-and-a-half-feet tall, I thought to myself, at least he was cordial, probably thinking that I wasn’t supposed to be there. But with the way he looked, that made me a little more than nervous, because I could tell by the way my voice was quivering somewhat.

“Uh, I got invited to come here tonight. My wife, she said it’d be okay if I came in…”

“Look buddy, you’re gonna have to give me something better than that to let you in here. This is a members only thing, if you understand!”

Just about then, on the other side of the doorway, Dennis showed himself and spoke up for me, informing Mr Hulk that I was safe to be allowed inside.

“Come on Jim, you do remember Laura telling you that her husband was going to show up tonight, don’t you?”

“Oops, so sorry, buddy. Yes, your wife did tell me earlier today about you. Matter of fact, I’ll just tell you, I haven’t jacked off for the last four days hoping she’d let me fuck her tonight. And if she does, I hope you’ll be there to watch us. I’ve got a nickname with the group, Jism Jim’s what they call me ’cause I usually have a decent load when I cum. And your gorgeous wife promised me last time, that on our next outing, she’d give me a shot at fucking her. And I can’t wait!!”

Nodding my head, realizing how uncanny it was that a complete stranger had just casually informed me how ready he was to have sexual intercourse with my wife, I entered the Temple. And except for the good number of people standing inside it, there didn’t seem to be any difference in how it looked from when I was there previously that day.

As I saw everyone was standing, I asked myself why I hadn’t noticed earlier why there weren’t any chairs available to sit on? But as it was, I accepted the fact that besides the Love-Throne situated in the center of the Temple, everyone else, if they were going to be there, were going to need to stay on their feet to observe whatever happened.

Because I was the stranger to the rest of the group, everyone stayed in their comfortable circle of friends to talk amongst themselves. I was wondering if because they didn’t know me, they might be concerned that I had somehow slipped in and was spying on them in some way? So up to that moment I had no one to talk with; that is, until I saw her come through the entranceway of the Temple.

It only took a few seconds as she scanned the room, until our eyes locked onto each other’s, and then I saw a slight wisp of a smile come to her lips, followed by a look of concern, as she walked over to where I was standing.

“Oh my god, Kyle, I didn’t know you…what are you doing here? Do you know what this is, what these people are going to do here?”

“Yes, I do, Claire. Without trying to give you the long version, I just found out a day or so ago that my wife, Laura; that she’s part of this group. Yeah, ain’t that a kick in the head, right?”

“So you, you’re not part of them, or what?”

“No, I’m not. But she asked me to come here tonight. She says she likes me watching when she…when she does her thing with these people. I guess they call what she is, an exhibitionist? Is that what it is?”

“Yeah…that’s what it is.”

I could tell that she was nervous, as she was openly conversing with me about what was going to happen there. Like she was nervous that I had become aware of the kinky side of her. But I wasn’t going to allow that to stop me from having a conversation with her about why the both of us happened to be there.

“Look, Claire, I hope you’re okay with me knowing that you’re into this stuff, too. I’m not going to judge you or anything like that. I guess we all have things we like to do, and if you’re like my Laura, and you enjoy showing off letting other people watch you when you do…this. Then, that’s okay with me.”

Another smile came to her face, as I could tell by our openly discussing her fetish, Claire’s nervousness about my presence was vanishing rather quickly.

“Well then, I guess I should tell you. My thing isn’t wanting others to watch me, it’s about me wanting to watch people when they…you know…have sex. I hope you don’t think bad of me, Kyle. I’ve been hearing about these people and what they do for the last couple of years, and this is the first time that I’ve been able to get with them. Thankfully, my daughter and her boyfriend got a ride back home today, so I don’t have to worry about them being around. And my other daughter, she’s such a daddy’s girl, is hanging with my husband at our RV, so I’m pretty sure that I won’t have to worry about those two. But I’m going to tell you that nobody…and I mean nobody in my family, well, except my brother…knows about me, and what I like doing. And I want to keep it that way, so I hope that I can trust you.”

And then as her eyes peered strongly into mine, she asked me…

“I can trust you, right?”

“Absolutely, you can. And if it’s okay to tell you this, I’m glad I’m not by myself, alone, now that you’re here. Being this is my first time, I just don’t know exactly what’s going to happen tonight, so I hope I can hang out with you. Is that okay with you, Claire?”

The only answer she gave me was tenderly wrapping her arms around me, giving me a gentle hug, and then a friendly kiss on my cheek. But as we drew ourselves away from touching each other after she’d planted her lips on the side of my face, for a moment afterward, she and I just stared into one another’s eyes. Probably with both of us deciding to give in to what we knew was inevitable, Claire then brought her mouth to mine and our closed lips touched for longer than what seemed normal for an amicable smooch. And as soon as that was over, she pulled her lips away, and we went back to how we were before.

While she and I stood there for a few more minutes, we made as much smalltalk as we felt comfortable doing. That is, until Dennis Dumont stood in front of everyone and began addressing the keyed-up assembly.

“Okay, the sun’s set outside and it looks like everyone else in the campground’s doing their own thing. So, as usual, we’re going to start off by making sure that there’s nobody here that shouldn’t be, everybody here is because they’re a member, or a guest of one of our members.

“If you haven’t met him yet, I want to introduce Kyle to everybody. Kyle, smile and wave so we all know who you are. Okay, good. Kyle is Laura Dawson’s husband and it was just last night when she let him know about her, and about us. And as it is with most exhibitionists, it’s a real turn-on the first time your significant other gets to watch you have fun with others. So that’s what he’s doing here, as a favor to Laura, so he can watch her for the first time here in the Temple.”

That’s when an attractive woman who was standing near the back of the Temple spoke up and asked a question.

“Well, I think he’s definitely a looker, will I be able to have him fuck me? I mean if I ask him real nice? Y’know what I mean?”

“Uh no, Cindy. Kyle’s not going to be partaking in anything we’ll be doing tonight. Like I said, he’s only here to watch Laura, and as her guest, will get to watch whatever else that we might do together as a group.

“So I hope everybody will understand what he might be going through right now. But I had the chance to talk with him today. And I’ll just say, I think he’s a really decent guy, and I have every reason to believe that our secret’s going to be safe with him.

“Now, that leads me to our next new person here. It happens to be the woman standing right next to Kyle, her name’s Claire McCarver. She’s been following us for a while, so Mary and Nancy went to talk with her today, and they decided that we could trust her in letting her be with us tonight. She identifies mainly as a voyeur, but I’m hoping that we can talk her into giving her exhibitionist side a chance at coming out, as well. But, that’ll have to be up to her. And I hope if any of us approach her while she’s with us, we’ll do it respectfully and without any inappropriate intimidation. Do I make myself clear, ladies and gentlemen?”

As he reminded them about how Claire should be treated with courtesy, I could tell how serious Dennis was against anyone coming on to her in a bad way.

“Okay, here’s the last thing we need to do before we get started. It looks like we’ve got a record turnout here, so we all need to look around and check if there’s anybody that we don’t recognize and that might be here to cause trouble for us. Everybody knows the last thing we need is for the Michigan State Police to show up and haul any of us off to the slammer. So, one last time, does everybody recognize everyone else? Yes? That’s good then.

“So, everybody’s good here?”

As he looked around, nobody said anything else.

“Well then, let’s do what we do. And let’s all have a very good time as we’re doing it, okay?”

And just right then, music began lightly playing in the background. As far as I could tell, it was techno music, probably from the nineteen-eighties. I wondered if it wasn’t there to drown out any sounds that might come from inside when someone might get excited because of what was going to take place there?

It wasn’t but about a minute or so, when I noticed a medium-built man approaching a quite-attractive, brunette-colored-hair woman, and then led her to get up on the Love-Throne with him. As the two began kissing, it wasn’t long until both of them had hurriedly undressed each other. Once they were completely naked, I couldn’t help admiring the woman’s gorgeous breasts, as well as her rather-slim figure, and well-shaped ass.

The man’s rugged features seemed to match in an odd way, the beautiful, petite woman that was with him. Because both were openly displaying their nude bodies to the crowd, we all could see the rather large penis that the man was sporting. And with the way that the lady was lightly stroking it, we all watched as his erection began to take shape, increasing in its length and girth.

Finally leaning his woman companion down onto the Love-Throne, the man placed his face between the woman’s spread legs, and then began eating her pussy. And what I found exciting was how they both explicitly positioned themselves, so that the rest of us could see exactly how his tongue was directed into her hairy muff, making her moan with pleasure.

As I stood next to Claire, I noticed her eyes were riveted to what was going on right there in front of us. And the sounds she made, let me know how aroused she was by what they were doing.

“Ohhhhh, yeah. Oh my god, that is so hot!! She’s letting him have a taste between her legs!!”

As she remained there transfixed by the erotic show they performed for all of us, Claire took my hand and tightly squeezed it, almost to the point of hurting me. Almost.

But it was what she was doing with her other hand that really caught my attention. She had placed it down inside the short, pleated skirt that she’d worn. And as her fingers busily worked themselves inside her, I could hear Claire’s ever-so-faint moans she was making.

“Oh, ohhhh, oh yesss. Oh yeahhhh!!”

And then hearing pleasured grunting sounds coming from the Love-Throne, we found out, because of the woman’s approval of what was happening to her, the name of the man whose tongue was actively running up and down in the groove of her moistening gash.

“Oh Roy, yessss, baby. Lick my cunt!! Yesssss, right there, don’t stop, baby. Oooh, just like that!! Oh fuck, they’re watching us, watching you lick my cunt…oh baby, don’t stop!!”

That went on for a while longer, until Roy finally brought the woman to orgasm by his earthy performance of cunnilingus on her. After that is when he lifted his body directly over hers, dominantly mounting and possessively taking her, as they prepared to openly and candidly copulate right there in front of us.

“Yes, baby, it’s time to show them how we fuck. Yeah, honey…show them you’re my man, and how you’re going to fuck me!!”

As they instigated a ferocious live presentation of steamy sex, we picked-up the audible hints of how they both enjoyed their mating. As Roy hovered himself over her, and escalated the tempo of his thrusts into, the still unknown to us, smaller-sized woman for the next few minutes, kept encouraging him.

“Oh yeah, Roy, ram that big prick in…fuck me with it!!”

It was right about then, that someone leaned directly into my ear from behind us and I heard a familiar voice talking to me.

“That’s Roy and Hazel Thompson. She found her way to us about six months ago, and then once her husband got over the shock of what he saw she was doing with us, his wife was able to talk him into being with us, too.”

Quickly turning myself around, I was met with looking at not only Ray Turner, but also his sister, Nancy. Watching them as they stood behind us, I could see the two of them holding hands while actively taking in the same erotic performance as Claire and I were.

With what was happening inside the Temple right at that moment, the sudden presence of the Turner siblings only threw me further off of any concept of normalcy, in what I was witnessing take place. Turning back around to continue watching the erotic actions of Roy and Hazel, I noticed that there was a sudden stiffness rising in my pants.

But then what happened next, with the two Turners and what was said between them, only helped to throw me even further away from what I thought to be routine and natural.

“Look at his big fat cock Ray, he’s fucking Hazel so good with it, isn’t he? Is that how you’ve been wanting to do me, too?”

“Nancy, every time I’ve seen you with any guy, I’ve wanted you to let me do you just about the same way.”

“Oh honey, I’m not sure how much longer I can go on like this. Whenever we’ve gone on our RV trips–even though I’ve had some good times with everybody, I know I’m still thinking…what if…what if I let my brother fuck me? Oh honey, you don’t think your sister is too perverted, do you?”

It was right about then, after Nancy had whispered that question to her brother that I turned around again seeing the two of them bring their faces together, beginning an erotic, as well as an incestuous, very wet kiss between them.

Feeling the slight pangs of jealousy at first, I quickly came to the realization that Nancy Turner had a rambling spirit and there wasn’t anything that I thought could excise that from her. She would always be her own person.

As more people there in the Temple began looking away from what Roy and Hazel were doing and turned their attention to the Turners, that was when Dennis Dumont walked over to where we were and began talking not only to Ray and Nancy, but to the crowd as a whole.

“C’mon people, we all know the proper etiquette here, one couple gets to entertain us at a time. Ray and Nancy, we’re all more than happy to have you accommodate us with what I’m sure’s going to be exciting to us, but we need to respect Roy and Hazel first, okay?”

With everyone gradually returning to looking at what was happening right then on the Love-Throne, we all went back to being riveted to the two naked bodies feverishly coupling before us. And once the collective erotic thrill took everyone over again, we found we couldn’t pull our attention away.

“Oh, dear god, fuck my pussy, Roy!! Ever since you’ve been coming with me to be with the group, I’ve wanted to have you fuck me in front of all of them. And now, you’re making my wish happen. Yes, baby, I’m all yours. It feels so good letting them see us naked. Fuck your horny wife, baby. Fuck me good!!”

And then after a few minutes more of Roy fulfilling her request, his body movements betrayed the fact that he was getting closer to begin forcefully ejaculating into his wife, Hazel.

“Yes baby…yes baby…stuff that cock in me…yes baby!!”

With him looking to be thoroughly enjoying himself, Roy brought his eager body ever higher over his wife and worked his hips almost into a frenzied state.

“Oh god, Hazel, your cunt feels so good! So fucking good!!”

At the same time he was jabbing his cock in between his wife’s spread legs, Roy’s eyes scanned the crowd back and forth, that was directly in front of him.

When his face lit up with an arousal from having others watch him do something that only normal people did in private, it wasn’t difficult to tell how frisky it made him to receive back our stares in return.

“I’m fucking her!! Oh yeah, you bastards, Watch me, as I fuck my wife. Watch her take my cock, you motherfuckers!! Can you see it? I want to show you my cock fucking Hazel’s cunt, you fucking bastards? Oh god…this is so…awesome!!!”

As the tempo of his thrusting rhythm rose higher, the ferocious look on Roy’s face increased exponentially as well.

“Oh, honey, I love you so much. I can’t believe we’re doing this. But…it feels so good!! Fucking you like this in front of all of them!! Are you ready? I can’t hold out any more. I’m going to…”

As Hazel seemed hesitant to her husband gushing his seed into her that soon, we watched as his hips spasmed and then Roy heaved himself even more forcefully as his orgasm rode itself through him, and then we could tell that his seed was transferring into Hazel.

“Unnnghghgh, yessss, cumming in you. Ohhh so good!!”

“Oh no Roy, not this soon, baby. It looks like I’m going to have to remind my sister Joan that her brother-in-law doesn’t last near as long as she says you do for her. Oh well, maybe next time, huh?”

I could tell that what Claire and I had just witnessed had extraordinarily aroused her. Because when I looked down to where her fingers were stationed underneath her skirt, they were still actively working, and then finally helping to bring her to her own orgasm.

Looking up to return my gaze at her angelic face, I saw her mouth lazily drop open, and then her eyes half-closed, proving to me how her own pleasure had taken over her body, as her own fingers continued running into her pussy.

“Ohhhh yeahhhhh!!”

Watching the gratification come to her face as she climaxed, for some reason, compelled me to ask her how she was doing.

“Claire, are you okay?”

“Oh yesssss, I am, Kyle. But I hope you’re not thinking bad about me. I guess finally being able to watch all this is really making my head spin!!”

As she said that, my eyes scanned the room and that’s when I observed a tall, maybe six-foot, rather debonair-looking, mustachioed, light-skinned black man, who I later found out his name was Frank Smith, gazing in our direction. It wasn’t difficult to see that the handsome man’s main focus was really Claire, and how she had been masturbating, enjoying what had just taken place there on the Love-Throne with Roy and Hazel.

As we remained stationed there, behind us, Ray was standing directly behind Nancy with his arms wrapped around her tummy area, and the two of them had backed off from their fervent kissing for the moment.

In the next half-hour, there were two more couples that got up and exhibited themselves in front of the group, and all the while, Frank Smith, from time to time, would glance back, getting a good look at Claire, as she remained standing next to me.

And then, almost out of the blue, I recognized a voice approaching from behind me. And then I hurriedly turned my head and saw that it was my wife, Laura…firmly holding onto Dennis Dumont’s hand.

Before they made their way to the Love-Throne, she first stopped to say hello to Ray and Nancy, and then Laura in a faux-friendly manner, spoke to me after that.

“Hey honey. I see you made it. Are you going to introduce me to your friend?”

“Oh yeah, this is Claire. Claire McCarver.”

My wife and Claire gave each other inanimate smiles and at best, a congenial-type feminine handshake.

“Let me just tell you…Claire, my husband can be a very nice guy, but I think sometimes he tends to err a little on the jealous side. But I hope he’s not going to be too envious of what I’m about to do. I’m not sure if he’s told you, but yesterday was the first time I allowed him to watch me fuck another man, who happens, to be standing right behind you. And now he’s gonna get to watch me do it again, and my pussy’s just soaking thinking about what me and my big black lover are going to show him this time!!”

Right after she said that to Claire, my wife turned around to Dennis Dumont to let him know how prepared she was for what they were going to do.

“Are you ready, baby? ‘Cause I sure-as-fuck am!!”

But before they’d walked up to the Love-Throne, my wife leaned over and gave me an erotic, open-mouthed kiss, doing everything in her power to make sure that Claire recognized her ownership of me. And that’s when I chalked it up to how angry Laura still was with me, as well as horny with the expectations she had for what was about to happen.

Standing next to the giant-sized bed, Laura and Dennis began casually disrobing until both were naked. Without anything else being said, their faces came together in a very sensual kiss. And just like the day before, I was made witness to my wife crossing another sexual line, except this time, it was with a black man.

Seeing that they were quickly becoming comfortable in their audacious actions in front of all of us, I was astonished at first seeing Dennis’s more than sizable black cock, as my wife stroked and petted it as if she were in the process of taming a wild serpent.

As she continued in the caressing of his very large penis, Laura told him, as well as the rest of us there in the Temple, what was on her mind.

“Ever since I joined the group, and then met you and Mary for the first time, after a while, I had to have you fuck me with this handsome piece of meat, Dennis. You see, I’ve been looking forward to when I could show off to my husband, how his wife could take something as precious as this into me. But before we do that, there’s one more thing that I need to show him.”

Submissively dropping to her knees in front of Dennis, Laura’s hand reached out to the massive cock in front of her face, and began slowly opening her mouth. As her jaws stretched as far as I’d ever seen before, I could tell she was preparing to accept his bulbous head, as best she could, between her lips.

Once her jaws opened enough, her head moved until she was starting to successfully take his sizable girth into her mouth. I found it surreal watching my wife overtly, in front of an audience, delighting the huge cock of the amiable black man that I had just met earlier that afternoon.

And as I could tell that Laura was more than flaunting her sexual freedom to me right at that moment, I wondered how many standing there, witnessing her fornication, were aware of the strife that was taking place between us. Because of her strong insistence that under no circumstances was she going to leave this group of exhibitionists and voyeurs, I knew what she was doing only helped to push her point home with me.

That’s why, it seemed by what she was doing right then, my wife was reminding me how ‘I needed to give her some space to let her hair down and be free for a while.’

And as her lips blatantly fondled and tasted the pre-cum oozing from Dennis’ big black cock to all standing there watching, Laura unmercifully flaunted the freedom that I had only reluctantly given her. That’s when she pulled his thick staff from her mouth, and as she softly stroked it, said to him…

“I love this delicious big, black cock, Dennis. Many times when my husband was off doing his own thing, I’d run my fingers through the pussy that he abandoned and think about it. And I’d think about the love I’ve found with all of you, and the freedom that being with the group gives me.”

As she was saying those vindictive half-truths, her hand kept stroking and rubbing what looked to be at least eight, possibly nine, inches of Dennis’ erected flesh as the head of it throbbed in her hand.

“But it’s this, this luscious cock of yours. I love thinking about what you’ve done to me with it. And how you’re going to do it again. And especially now, with my husband getting ready to watch you fuck me with it. Show him, I need you to show him, Dennis, how his wife’s going to get totally taken when your sweet, black cock sinks into my pussy, right in front of his goddamn eyes!!”

As she returned to deliriously performing fellatio on him in front of all of us, Dennis’ eyes locked onto mine for a few short seconds. I wasn’t sure if I was correct or not, but it seemed the look that he gave me, was one that was asking me to not be unhappy with what he was doing with my wife. As that went on there in the Temple, I had, what I can only describe as a ‘calm’ come over me, as Laura once again showed all of us how much of an expert she was at sucking cock, especially one as large as Dennis Dumont’s.

As the revengeful words that she had just said reverberated in my mind, it let me know there wasn’t any doubt of how unhappy she presently was with me because I hadn’t given her my tacit approval of her staying in the group. With her blatant disregard for letting my side of things be known, I wondered how far she was going to take out her frustration with me?

And then, once she’d pleasured him a few moments longer, Dennis sedulously laid her down on the Love-Throne. Spreading my wife’s legs as wide as possible, he bent down and began licking her pussy, while also seeming to do a very exemplary job of it.

As I could see the pleased expression on Laura’s face as she lay there with her legs widely spread, benefitting from his tongue savagely delving into her slit, she finally told Dennis what it was she was really wanting.

“Dennis, as good as what you’re doing feels good, it’s time that you gave me this big black cock. It’s been too long since you let me have it from the last time. I need you to help me show Kyle how much his wife enjoys her family, and what we do.

“Fuck me Dennis! Fuck my white pussy with this sweet, big, black cock of yours!!”

Without waiting at all, he immediately hoisted his body over hers and mounted my wife in the missionary position. When his more-than-large cock was sinking between Laura’s spread legs, I heard her groan as Dennis’ thick erection gradually pushed itself into her entirely moist pussy. That’s when I heard her grunt and curse, as it continued its further penetration into her.


As their naked bodies lasciviously melded and merged together, the distinct contrast of their coupling flesh, aroused me more than I, at first, wanted to admit. More, in fact, than I ever thought possible. As it was the first time that I had watched a black man fucking my wife. With the way the two of them were coupling, I assumed the particular passionate fire between them couldn’t have been fake or false in any way. The fact was, Laura was getting a very special thrill having his very large staff buried and driving itself deep inside her.

“Oh yeah, fuck me good, Dennis. I’m in love with your cock!! Show Kyle how hot it is for his wife to get fucked by a super-cocked black man!!”

After her entreaty to Dennis to continue take her body, and use it in whatever way he wanted, my wife raised her lips up to his and I watched, as they began again taking part in a renewed unbridled celebration of hot, fervent kisses and making out with each other.

Finally, Dennis Dumont spoke to Laura for the first time, while the two of them visibly copulated in front of the group.

“Oh yeah, Laura, you like this big, black cock don’t you? I can tell you like it a whole lot!!”

As she giddily looked up at him, while she had her hands wrapped around his torso as tightly as possible, Laura dedicatedly gazed into his eyes, helping me understand how having him inside of her like that had completely taken her over.

“Yeah, I do, Denny. Fuck me good, fuck me real good, baby!!”

“Oh, don’t worry, I’m gonna fuck you real good, for sure. Do you think Kyle’s surprised by how good this big nigga man’s cock fits inside his pretty li’l white wife so good?”

“Oh yeah, I’ll bet he is. This is one of the things that I was wanting him to see this weekend, me getting to have my big, black buck fucking me like you’re doing right now!!”

And then things took a turn for the unexpected, when Dennis spoke his next words.

“Oh yeah, very true, Laura. But I guess you’re gonna be the one who’s surprised, too. Okay guys, come on up, now I’m really gonna have some fun with this white woman!!”

And before I knew it, four of the men, who I guess you could call ushers, moved up and took hold of my wife once Dennis had pulled his cock out from between her legs. As they were holding onto her, with a look of total surprise on her face, they received further instructions from Dennis.

“Now, turn this bitch over, onto her stomach. She’s getting ready to find out just how much fun she’s gonna have with this big, black cock!! Mary, get up here, bring that lube with you, too! And hurry!!”

As his beautiful wife obediently came up to where the rest of them were; she took a position where she was to the rear of where Laura was lying facedown on the big bed. And then her husband gave her further instructions of what he wanted her to do.

“While you’re there behind her Mary, let’s show her what it’s like when she flaunts herself too much in front of her husband. There’s no reason why the bitch needs to do that to a guy who doesn’t deserve it. Yeah, bitch. You want this nigga’s big, black cock? I’m about to give it to you, ha-ha…in spades!!”

There was a look of strong reluctance, as I could see the realization come to my wife of what was about to happen, and the fear that it was going to be Dennis who was going to do it to her.

“Mary, get yourself busy. Spread those asscheeks of hers apart, and use your tongue to get her back hole ready for me!!”

I have to admit, there was the feeling of protectiveness for my wife that came over me, as things began happening in very short order. But I can’t deny that I quickly came to condone exactly what Dennis was doing, and because of my wife’s haughty behavior towards me, I was one-hundred percent in agreement with it.

So, as Laura had wanted me to, I did stand there and watch, as another man was getting ready to sodomize my wife.

As Mary followed his instruction, all of us in the Temple watched, as she began thrusting her tongue into Laura’s backdoor, with the goal of loosening her anus, preparing it so that she would be ready to accept Dennis’ cock to enter.

“Oh Mary, that feels good. But, but you don’t need to do this. I’m going to be a good girl, now.”

Because of the pleasure she felt from Mary’s soft tongue massaging her annular muscles, I could see Laura relaxing from her resistance just seconds prior to that. As the four men relaxed their grip on her, they continued holding onto Laura, that is, until Dennis spoke to his wife, Mary, again.

“Okay, I think you’ve done enough for our uppity, white bitch with your tongue. Now, I want you to spread that lube you’ve got way up into her. We’re getting ready for the main course now. Aren’t we, Laura?”

At first, with Mary running her lube-covered fingers into Laura’s asshole, I could tell my wife was still enjoying the sensation as she lifted her butt, helping Mary to probe even further into her backdoor.

“Ohhhhh yeah, fuck my ass with your fingers, Mary. I like what they’re doing to me.”

“Yeah? Well I don’t think you’ll like what’s gonna happen next, Laura. At least, not at first.”

I guess understanding what was ultimately going to be done to her in a public setting, she went back to struggling against the hands of those holding onto her. My wife then began yelling, forcing one of the men to cover her mouth. And then when Mary began talking to Laura again, she was simultaneously spreading a large quantity of the lube on the insides of her anus, and then a lighter amount onto her husband’s massive still erect cock, as well.

“Laura, since you’ve been with us, we’ve always treated you good, as one of us. Never, not once, did we ever do anything that we should be ashamed of. So, as one of the wives, I’ve gotta ask, don’t you see how wrong it is to be a haughty bitch to your husband?? Don’t you think it’s time you stopped with that bullshit? We took a vote today, and decided we’re going to discipline you, so you’ll start treating your man the way you should. Okay, Laura?

“Now, I can tell you, this is going to hurt. Well, at least, at first. But if you stay still and let Dennis get inside you back there, I think you’ll end up liking it. I’m not sure how many times you’ve had your asshole fucked, but I’m betting you’ve never experienced a cock as thick as my husband’s. So like I said, just be still and let him do what he needs to do, and then get ready to start the party…bitch!!”

Dennis brought himself behind my wife, and he spoke very closely to her ear. I could see the cheeks of their faces fondly rub up against each other’s, while the large man gave her one final instruction before starting.

“Hold your cheeks apart, Laura. If we do this right, and you don’t fight me, like Mary said, you’re eventually going to really enjoy what I’m going to do to you.”

A genuine look of fright came over Laura’s face, as she came to terms with what was about to happen to her.

“Dennis, please, don’t do this!! I promise I’m going to be a good girl from now on, I’ll change. I was just trying to get Kyle to see my way of things, that’s all. I promise, I will be a good girl from now on!!”

With the way Dennis spoke to my wife, it reminded me of how a parent speaks to their child, once it’s been determined that corporal punishment’s the only way of resolving the issue of the unyielding misbehavior.

“We’ve already been through this, Laura. It’s been decided, and there isn’t any way around it; you’re gonna have to take your punishment. Now, no more talking, let’s do this and get it past us. Spread your asscheeks for me.”

Silently, along with a noticeable pout on her face, like a submissive servant girl relinquishing all control over to her master, Laura compliantly stopped arguing with Dennis. I then watched, in awe, when in an act of total subservience, unlike she’d ever done for me before, my wife used both of her hands, and spread her cheeks apart, doing exactly as she’d been instructed.

As that took place, I suddenly became conscious of the unmistakable hierarchy within the group. Right at that moment, I wasn’t exactly sure how the power structure was set up, but with what was happening right in front of my eyes, I was sure that there was some type of order of authority. And with the way my wife’s body was positioned, getting ready to involuntarily have Dennis Dumont’s very large sex organ inserted into her backside, I could definitely see what direction the pecking order was oriented.

Another clue of Dennis’ authority within the group; earlier that day, he refused to answer if my sister Diane was a member of the group, or not. Even with the way he resolutely gave me his aloof, indirect, non-answer, while still wearing a smile on his face, I was given a glimpse of how a good leader protects the anonymity of those who want their privacy to remain…private. Thoroughly missing it from when I’d talked to him earlier, because of what my wife was allowing him to do to her, there wasn’t any way I could mistake the black man’s dominance, with Laura passively submitting to the commands given to her.

And one more thought that struck me was, how Laura was trying to get me to fall into a position of servitude to her, and what she was wanting to do with the group. With that suddenly becoming obvious, I became aware that my wife, in a figurative sense, was wanting me to allow her to shove her metaphorical cock into my analogous ass, but not in the literal way that Dennis was preparing to do to her. I couldn’t help wondering who’d be the first to give in, with my wife wanting me to relinquish my own self-governing power to surrender to what she was demanding of me.

With Laura holding her asscheeks apart like she’d been instructed to do, Dennis brought his engorged erection to her greased anus, introducing his lubed glans to her asshole. Holding the large, mushroomed head to the restricting muscle of her sphincter for a short time, it seemed to have a mind of its own, as it bit by bit opened itself to Dennis’ large presence, becoming even more accepting of his cock to creep past it further, allowing it to sink even further into my wife’s body.

Taking my eyes back to Laura’s overwhelmed, panicked facial expression, she put up a fair amount of resistance, as she was still gagged by one of the usher’s hands being held over her mouth.

Without having a choice, Laura’s body progressively became susceptible to his large, phallic shaft descending into her anus. However, her pained reaction was evident, as she grimaced and her face contorted with the discomfort of Dennis’ cock continuing to fill her.

“How does it feel, Laura? How’s my big, black cock that you say you love so much, doing for you now?”

Directing the usher to remove his hand over her mouth for a moment, my wife answered his question.

“Ohhhh, it hurts, Dennis. You’re really hurting me!! Please, you need to stop this right now, motherfucker!!”

“Feels really good to me, Laura!! Take this cock, bitch. Take it!!”

With a smirk on his face, he continued the steady in-and-out rhythm of injecting it into Laura’s ass, keeping the rise-and-fall tempo about the same.

“Oh god! It’s too big!! I’ve never had one as big as yours back there!! Stop it, you’re still hurting me! Ohhhhh fuck!!”

“Oh yeah, just like you’re hurting your husband because of what you’re doing, Laura.”

In an effort to make his point to my wife, Dennis rammed his cock into Laura’s backside with three distinct thrusts.

“Just!! Like!! That!!”

But just a short time after that, something extraordinarily changed. Laura began moving her hips in a somewhat sensual fashion, as if what was being done to her wasn’t as bad as it had been just a few minutes before. And even with the usher’s hand covering her mouth, we heard my wife making what seemed to be pleasurable moaning sounds, as Dennis kept up his sodomizing her.

“Mmmmm. Mmmmm!!”

Her pained reactions were decreasing and diminishing, and I watched her body become more accepting of the long, thick, snake-like cock continuously sinking into it. But, knowing her as I did, I couldn’t mistake the fiery look of anger still in her eyes, as Dennis hadn’t backed off from his anal coupling with her.

“Sounds like you’re starting to like me stuffing your ass with my BBC, huh?”

Nodding her head at what he’d just asked her, Dennis directed for her mouth to be uncovered.

But just as the usher removed his hand, my wife tempestuously stormed her answer to Dennis’ question.

“Fuck you, you stupid nigger!!! I can’t believe you’d stoop to doing this to me!! Especially in front of everyone here!!”

Angered by what she heard Laura say to her husband, Mary came around to the front of the Love-Throne and gave Laura a very sound smack on the face, that I was quite sure could be heard all the way outside the Temple.

“And fuck you, you stupid, whore bitch!! We’ve been more than patient with you and the disgusting way you’ve treated Kyle. But, I’m here to tell you, unlike you, I love and respect my man and nobody, and, I do mean nobody, is going to talk to my husband the disgusting way you just did!!”

Not allowing Laura’s hateful epithet to get in the way of him disciplining her, Dennis kept up his active thrusting into my wife. It wasn’t becoming lost on us either, even with the hard slap from Mary to my wife’s face, how Laura was beginning to surrender to the thrusting and receding cock, working itself into her increasingly accommodating backdoor.

“Oh fuck, I’m sorry, Mary. I know I shouldn’t have said that. But his cock…oh fuck, your husband’s sweet cock…it’s starting to feel good, just like you guys said it would!! It’s filling my ass soooo gooood!! Oh god…yessss!!”

As he continued, with his hips taking on a balanced tempo, Dennis Dumont was giving Laura the salacious treat of sodomy like I’m sure she’d never experienced it before in her life.

At that moment, I found it a little overwhelming knowing my wife’s anal depths were submissively accommodating Dennis’ ample-sized cock, as he was fucking her like I had never had the chance before. As I stood there watching them, I was reminded of how Nancy Turner had allowed me to fuck her ass just the night before. But never in our time together, had my wife ever invited me to sodomize her. But with her finally letting me know about her exhibitionist lifestyle, and what she was wanting me to witness her doing with her friends, it wouldn’t have surprised me to find out that she hadn’t turned away any one of her lovers who wanted to fuck her ass during one of their who-knew-how-many get togethers.

As we watched the two of them and the intense sexual scene that was taking place right in front of our eyes, I witnessed Laura giving in to a sensual gratification, that appeared as if it came straight from the depths of hell directly into her. As she began shaking, writhing and moaning incoherently, Dennis Dumont continued stuffing my wife’s receptive backside with the same aggressiveness as a red-hot bull in heat.

“Ohhh, ohhh, yesssss. Ohhhhh!! Fuck me, goddammit!!”

A beaming smile came to Dennis’ lips, once my wife assumed a much-more-subservient posture, as she was then freely allowing, and even inviting him to relentlessly drive his cock into her bowels.

And in not too much time, we finally witnessed Laura sink into what appeared to be a luxurious anal orgasm. And with Dennis’ fervent body movements, there was no mistaking how their animal-like coupling was bringing great pleasure to him, as well.

“Oh yeah, Laura!! Your sweet ass is soooo fucking tight, baby!! I love you, but you’re gonna have to stop treating your man so goddamn disrespectfully, honey!! I know you two have had your troubles, but Kyle doesn’t deserve to be treated like shit!! You both need to make your peace and get on with your lives. That’s the right thing to do.”

Thankful that I finally had someone stand up for me, and to sound off to my wife, for the horrible treatment that I felt she was giving me, I was still transfixed by the lurid entertainment Dennis and Laura avidly provided all of us at that moment.

Turning around because of the sounds that suddenly came to my attention from behind me, I watched as Nancy and her brother Ray were caught up in a ferocious French kiss, while he had his hands up inside her loose T-shirt, unashamedly groping his sister’s ample breasts. And that was when I heard her tell her brother the words I was sure he’d wanted to hear her say for so long.

“Oh Ray…I’m ready. I’m ready for us to fuck, honey!! All I know is that as soon as Dennis and Laura are done, I want you to take me up there and give me the fucking that I’m needing more than anything!! Do you understand me?”

Mindlessly nodding to what Nancy had seductively revealed to him, Ray Turner gradually moved one of his hands down inside her loose slacks, beguilingly resonating his fingers between his sister’s legs.

Before I turned my attention back to Dennis still sodomizing my wife, I again noticed Frank Smith, lustfully staring in our direction. But without paying any more attention to him at the moment, I quickly returned all my concentration back to the Love-Throne. As I was addictively pulled back into watching the two of them, I was fascinated because Laura appeared to be totally submitting herself to what was being done to her.

When my wife seductively flexed her hips upwards toward Dennis, my cock was stirred realizing it was helping to make their anal coupling even more pleasurable and arousing for the both of them. She was so into having her ass fucked by that time, that my wife and Dennis in an act of collaboration, developed a lascivious rhythm of coupling that held the rest of us spellbound

“Oh yeah, baby!! Fuck me with your big, black, swollen meat!!”

“Yesss, your ass is so tight, Laura. Take my cock, oh yeah. I need you to take this boy’s cock, white girl!!”

“Oh, ohh, ohhh yeahhhh…fuck my ass, mo–ther–fuc–ker!!”

And then her body began spasming, as he kept submerging himself into her. Laura began muttering again, too. But this time, it looked as if it was because she was reveling through at least her second climax of contentment. But with a somewhat guilty conscience, I hoped for a pinch of pain thrown in, as well.

“Oh god Dennis…don’t stop fucking my ass, baby!!”

As his large hands grasped her shoulders, while his bulging rod kept up its thrusting briskly into her from behind, it was more than evident how Laura was turned on because of Dennis’ dominating presence over her, as he hadn’t let up yet in sodomizing her.

“Oh fuuuuuck, fuuuuuck yeahhhh, mmmmmm, yessssssss!!”

With Laura now vigorously celebrating the decadence publicly taking place between her and Dennis, another observable sign of her submitting to him was the large amounts of drool dripping out the sides of her mouth.

As he knew that Laura was reconciled to the fact of how she’d been thoroughly dominated and mastered by him, Dennis gave my wife a very direct command.

“You like my cock now, don’t you Laura? Tell me to fuck your ass.Tell me you like me fucking your white ass!!”

“Yesssss!! Don’t stop!! Yes Dennis, fuck my white assss!! Oh please, please don’t… staaawp!!”

With the virile way he was relentlessly inserting himself deep into her, as well as his grunting, we could tell he had to be enjoying their perverse coupling, just as much as Laura was. And I was sure he had to be getting closer and closer to his own climax.

“Don’t stop Dennis…and then I want you to cum in me!!”

“I’m getting close to cumming, Laura, and for sure, it is going to be in your ass. And bitch, you better know this right now, too; I completely own this ass of yours!! But, before too long, after all the smoke clears, you’re gonna need to give yourself back to Kyle and let your husband reclaim you. Do you understand me, woman??”

“Yessss!! Oh yes, baby, I do!! But just for right now, please let me feel your jism gush into my ass, Dennis.”

As her body, as well as her hips, heaved, twisted, and flexed, my wife called out again to Dennis telling him what it was she wanted.

“Let me have it, baby…I want you to let me have every last bit shoot into me!!”

And because of what was being inserted into her backside, the look of carnal anxiousness flashed extravagantly across my wife’s face. As she had become willingly accepting of Dennis Dumont’s massive cock filling up space inside her rectum, it was pushing her closer and closer to another of her sexual nirvanas. Laura’s head lolled uncontrollably, pivoting in all directions, blatantly demonstrating the gratification that was oscillating through her.

“Oh…dear god, Dennis. I’m so ready!! Baby, I’m really ready for you to cum in my ass!!”

“Don’t worry, Laura. You’ll be ready when I’m ready, but not until then!”

As the black man continued his steady pace of driving his thick shaft into Laura’s bowels, I could tell Dennis Dumont’s rhythmic thrusts were pleasuring her, as he himself looked to be even nearer to his orgasmic release.

“Uhhhh, Dennis, fuck me good!! Yessss, fuck my ass!! Yeah…just like that! Ohhhhhh!!”

As we all listened to Laura’s clarion call, I watched as the nice guy I’d befriended that day, the good man who bravely spoke up and reminded my wife how wrong it was to disrespectfully mistreat her husband, began deliriously groaning as his well-deserved orgasm began overtaking him.

Giving one final hard thrust, his lunging completely stopped. Dennis drove his cock as thoroughly deeply as possible into Laura’s ass. And with the way that he forcibly closed his eyes, accompanied by the long and low grunting sounds coming out of his open mouth, it became obvious he was finally spewing great amounts of semen deep into my wife’s bowels.

“Uhhhhhh, aaahhhhh, cumming in you, Laura!! Ahhh hell, this is just too fucking much!!

“Oh yessss, you big, black fucker!! Shoot your sweet man-seed up my ass!! Ohhhhh!!”


Once Laura and Dennis’ impressive coupling had run its course, I found it intriguing that during the whole time we’d been watching their blasphemous act of sodomy, I hadn’t, not even once, looked over at Claire, or to gauge her reactions to what my wife and her lover were doing, as they held everyone spellbound because of the perversity of their actions.

But when I did finally pay attention to her, I noticed Frank Smith once more intently looking, as we both saw her hand travel underneath her skirt again. As she cooed out soft delicate moans, and exhibited blissful looks on her face, Frank and I watched her masturbating again as her fingers were fiddling themselves through her pussy.

“Oh my god, Kyle, your wife…she’s…”

“Something else? Yeah, that’s what I think, too. I guess it isn’t too much of a secret now, but Laura and I have been having our issues, and this has probably been her solution to dealing with them, the best way that she knew how.”

“We all need some kind of escape, in some form, Kyle. Maybe that’s what happened to me and Bill. Years ago, I never thought we’d be so far apart as we are now. But, that’s where we are these days. And I don’t think there’s going to be anything, or anyone, that can get us back to where we were.”

As she told me that, I could tell the sadness that reality was bringing her. So I put my arms out and it was almost like an instinctual move on her part, as she allowed me to envelop her with them.

Drawing our faces together again, she and I became involved in more fond kisses, deeper than we’d ever done until then. As our lips joined together, and our mouths passionately opened, Claire took hold of my left hand and guided it to where it became nestled underneath her skirt, over her panties, right next to the heat of her moistened sex.

As I looked at her, wondering exactly what the limits were and what was expected of me to do with where she had placed my hand, Claire told me…

“Yes, I need you to touch me, Kyle. Because I trust you. I know it isn’t right that I should ask you to do that, but I can’t help but feel like there’s a connection between us and I’d like to see where it goes from here.”

Giving in to her sweet temptations, all I could seem to answer back to her provocative invitation was a simple…

“Yeah, me too.”

And then we were back to petting and then falling into savagely making out with each other, as my invited fingers found themselves reflexively moving into her moistened gash, sinking deeper into her. We kept that up until the next couple took their spot on the Love-Throne to titillate us with another erotic performance, Ray and his sister, Nancy.


Once they had taken their positions on the Love-Throne, there wasn’t a person inside the Temple who wasn’t caught up in just about every move they made while they were there.

With the heavy petting the siblings had been doing while we all watched the two prior lustful demonstrations, there wasn’t much doubt that there would be heavier action between Nancy and her brother Ray that evening. And as we could see the two of them preparing themselves, the way that Nancy practically stared at me, while they were disrobing, I wondered if it wasn’t because she and I, the evening before, had forged a trusting relationship that no matter what, would stay with the both of us for a very long time.

And then, there they were, Nancy and her brother openly displaying their nakedness, ready to incestuously fornicate for all of us to witness.

Turning themselves to look at the other, their faces lovingly came together, as their lips joined as one. While that was happening, they brought their naked bodies even closer and their arms encircled, almost making them appear as if they were actually one mass of flesh.

Because I had watched my wife and Ray the previous evening, I felt as if I could almost predict how he would try and make love to his sister. But as they continued, and the two of them were caught up in very amorous kissing, I wondered if they were going to do something that nobody would expect. And we soon found that to be the case.

When he laid her down on the Love-Throne, he did it in a very gentle manner. Once Ray was straddling his sister, it was almost in an automatic way that the two siblings’ lips locked back onto the other’s. And for the next few minutes, they both fervently made out, only increasing their assiduous caressing and cuddling of the other.

Once Ray’s lips finally came up off of his sister’s, we could hear him tenderly speak to her.

“I’ve wondered what it would be like to have you this way. I can’t remember the first time when I realized that I wanted you to be more than a sister to me. But I knew that if dad ever found out that I was thinking stuff like that, he’d have kicked my ass for sure.”

And without him saying anything else, Ray Turner raised up off Nancy, and as his body was directly over hers, his hands tenderly cupped his sister’s abundant breasts and licked each of her aroused nipples, alternating both his hand and tongue back and forth between them.

“Oh yes, honey, that feels good. Ohhh, lick sissy’s tits, baby. I really like that!!”

As her fingers began stroking the side of her brother’s face, Nancy encouraged him as his extended tongue continued to devotedly lick and nurse on her breasts and nipples.

“Yes, baby, they’re here for you. I know we’ve been wanting you to do that for a long time now, haven’t we?”

“I love your tits, Nancy. I’ve never been able to take my eyes off of them. They taste so good!”

For the next few minutes, we watched as Ray kept up the licking and savoring of his sister’s breasts until his hands took to attentively spreading her legs apart, and then began running his fingers down into her feminine slit.

“Oh yeah, Ray. I’ve always wanted you to put your hands on me there too. Even though I’ve had my different lovers, I always wondered what it would be like to have my big brother feeling me up, just like you’re doing right now, baby. Ooh, I like that, honey…yesssss.”

Fondling her moistening pussy for the next few moments, it didn’t take long after that when he’d positioned himself until he was licking between his sister’s spread legs, pleasuring her just as his fingers had been doing before that.

As Nancy accepted her brother’s tongue working into her gash, she reached out her hand to run her fingers familiarly through his hair.

“Yeah Ray, this is another thing I’ve waited so long for you to do to me. Uh huh, lick my pussy, ohhhhh!!”

As that continued, and with her being overcome by her brother’s very good cunnilingus skills, Nancy Turner raised her hips up off the Love-Throne and directed her wet muff directly into Ray’s face.

“Yessss, honey. Eat my pussy, Ray. That feels so good, soooo good!!”

Wrapping his hands firmly around the sides of his sister’s rippling hips, we all could see Ray continuing the taking of Nancy’s pussy with his tongue, as it pushed and burrowed as deep between her legs as possible.

With Nancy still having her hips elevated and pushed into Ray’s mouth as forcefully as she could, it was evident how she was falling under the spell of being gratified by her brother’s magic serpentine-like tongue.

“Oh, oh, oh, yesss, baby. Don’t stop licking sissy’s cunt, sweetheart!! You’re making it feel soooo good!!”

In a matter of a few minutes, we watched as Nancy became overtaken by a raging orgasm. And it seemed like it was only an instant later, that Ray had pulled his face away from her sex and quickly roused himself over his sister, and replaced his tongue with his stone-strong erection.

With her legs spread wide, we watched Nancy willingly acquiesce to her brother’s cock driving into her. The enraptured sounds she made, gave away her acute acceptance of what he was doing to her.

“Yes, oh my god, you’re fucking me now. My big brother’s finally fucking me, ohhhhhh!!”

It was clear to all of us, how much Ray and Nancy were unabashedly celebrating their incestuous union, keeping her legs spread wide for her brother to drive his cock as deep into her obedient pussy as possible.

As Ray built up his rhythm to begin dynamically fucking his sister, Nancy wrapped her hands around her brother’s neck, and pulled him down until their tongues extended out of their mouths and seemed to form one cohesive unit of flesh.

Over the next few minutes, with the pace of their coupling not seeming to let up, Nancy told her brother…

“Baby, you feel so good in me, but I want you to let me have it in my mouth for a little bit before we’re through. Let sissy taste your cock, okay?”

Realizing what she was offering him, Ray took hardly any time at all, until he had pulled out of Nancy, and then with her lying underneath him, presented his erect staff to his sister as she willingly took it into her mouth.

“Mmmmm, suck your big brother’s cock…uhhggg!!”

As he animatedly slid his manhood in and out of his sister’s mouth, I noticed their eyes locked on each other, so it was very easy to see the pleasure that having Nancy’s lips wrapped around Ray’s stiff penis was bringing him.

“Oh yeah, sis, I’m finally able to fuck your mouth like I’ve always wanted to!! Yeah, suck me good. What do you say you let me cum in your mouth? Would that be okay with you?”

Hearing her brother’s question, Nancy only shook her head back and forth, letting him know, at least for that particular time, that that wasn’t where she wanted him to dump his load.

Picking up on the fact that Nancy was wanting him to cum inside her, Ray apprehensively pulled his cock out of her mouth and then went back to missionary style fucking his sister again there in front of all of us.

As his thrusting into Nancy kept up over the next few minutes, we could see the effect of what finally giving in to the other was causing. Nancy’s arms lovingly encircled Ray’s torso and she just kept staring starstruck up into her brother’s eyes.

“Oh Ray, fuck me. Fuck your little sister. I love you so much. Fuck me…fuck me, Ray!!”

Smitten by Nancy’s words of devotion, Ray Turner’s hips tempestuously continued their lusty motions, which only helped to drive his cock deeper between his sister’s legs. And that act only caused her to call out even more for her brother to continue his incestuous thrusting into her.

“Yessss, Ray…fuck me…fuck me, honey. Show them all how much you love your sister!!”

“Oh god, I do love you, Nancy!! I’ve always loved you!! For a long time now, I’ve wanted to take care of you…make sure you were okay. I’ve wanted you to be my girl…for…forever.”

As she gladly accepted him thrusting his cock deep into her, Nancy gazed up at her older brother and asked him…

“Do you still want me to be your girl?”

“Yessss, oh yes, sis. That’s all I want!!”

“Then fuck me, big brother. Fuck your sister, and I promise I’ll always be your girl!! Don’t stop fucking me, Ray!!”

Doing exactly as his sister demanded of him, it looked like Ray Turner’s only desire right at that moment was to do whatever Nancy told him to. And because I was sure she wanted to please her brother in any possible way, she then gave him another erotic demand.

“I want you to fuck my titties. I want to see what that feels like with you doing it!!”

Excitedly pulling himself from his sister, he brought his body up over her, while she used her hands to push her two ample-sized breasts together. With his cock noticeably wet from Nancy’s love juices, he then started moving it in between her pressed-together mounds. Managing to find a steady tempo, Ray Turner began the process of tit-fucking his sister.

“Yesss Ray, fuck your sister’s tits, you nasty fucker. It’s too bad our dad can’t see us now, isn’t it? Because I think this is something that he always wanted to do to his little girl!!”

“Yeah, I always wondered about him, and the way he’d look at you.”

“But it’s you that gets to have me, brother. And I don’t want anything to change that.”

“Me either, Nancy. Oh god, your tits, they feel so good.”

But when Ray said the words ‘look at you’, it reminded me that Frank Smith hadn’t stopped gawking at Claire for just about the whole time that we’d been there. As I quickly glanced again in his direction, nothing had really changed, as he was still directing his eyes back our way, but specifically at Claire.

As Ray didn’t let up in pushing and pulling his engorged erection between Nancy’s bounteous breasts, we all could see the energized expression given away by his aroused stares at his sister, lying naked beneath him on the Love-Throne.

“Oh sis, this feels so good, but I’m getting ready to…”

“Okay. And Ray, I don’t mind, because I know it’s something you’d like, you can cum in my mouth, if you want to.”

A broad smile came to him once his sister gave her permission, that she would welcome his seed where he had asked her earlier. Once he understood the pleasure that was going to give him, we watched as the actuation of his hips increased at an even slightly faster pace, bringing him closer towards the impulsive craving Ray Turner had of climaxing in his sister’s mouth.

I found it alarmingly erotic, the connection that the siblings were permitting us all to see, as brother and sister openly gave us a view into the intimacy that they had always wanted to share, but were only then allowing to happen.

“I’m ready for you to let go, honey. Cum in my mouth, big brother.”

With Nancy’s carnal invitation, and knowing that his pending orgasm could happen any second, she opened her mouth wide, showing her final approval of what she knew he wanted.

“Oh god, ohhhhh yesssss!!! I can’t wait Nancy!!!”

Ready for his orgasmic release, he pulled himself free from her still-pressed-together breasts, and then brought the tip of his engorged shaft to her ready and waiting lips. Once she allowed it to be safely tucked inside her squeezed-shut mouth, Nancy gripped her brother’s ass cheeks to help hold him steady as she also held his ready-to-explode cock in her mouth.

“Ohhhhhh yessss, Nancy, so good, so good!! Cumming in your sweet mouth, baby girl!!”

Along with what he told his sister, it was also Ray’s facial expressions and pleasured moans that let us know he was shooting his essence over his sister’s tongue. And then as we watched the flexing of her neck muscles, we knew as well that Nancy was accepting all of her brother’s cum sliding deep down into her throat.


As Claire and I finished watching the Turner siblings consummate their new relationship, the excited look on her face she showed me how aroused she was. But that’s when Frank finally approached her. Even though I think she was at first surprised by his coming up to her from behind, she didn’t seem to put up much of a fuss. As he began rubbing his hands over her bright yellow button-up blouse, he also used them to tenderly massage and rub her ass. As Claire stood there, with a slight mischievous smile on her face, she didn’t do anything to impede or obstruct his explorations.

Maybe because she’d been so affected by watching the Turners, Claire simply allowed Frank’s hands to continue his roaming wherever they wanted, and then he finally spoke to her.

“You’re definitely a fine specimen of a lady, Claire. When I saw you earlier, pleasuring yourself, I wanted to help you fondle your hot body and run my fingers all over you, too; touching you in all your naughty places. You don’t mind if I do that now, do you, Claire?”

As he spoke sensuously to her, Claire McCarver’s reaction to his lurid requests seemed to bring something out of her that I hadn’t as yet noticed. It was if a stranger’s hands made something come alive in her that I could only describe as a sexual awakening. Frank Smith’s left hand ran down into the front, underneath her navy blue skirt, and by the gasping sound she made and the gratified look on her face, I could tell that most likely he was sensually groping into the moistness between her legs, dutifully strumming his fingers into her feminine folds.

About the same time that Claire had essentially submitted to Frank’s roaming hands and fingers, was when he and another man who I didn’t know, very casually led her up to the front. They were joined by two more guys who easily picked her up and moved her so that she was on all fours by herself on the Love-Throne, there in the center of the Temple.

“I hope you don’t mind us doing this Claire, but we want to get to know you as well as we can. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll want to get to know us, too.”

After she allowed them to place her there, Frank came up behind her and used his hands again, running them up under her skirt, massaging her legs while also still rubbing her ass. Most likely he was doing it to make her feel as comfortable as possible and to get her into a more accommodating mood.

“C’mon Claire, spread those legs of yours a little more, let me run my fingers into your sweet pussy. Let’s get you prepped, so when it’s time, you’ll be plenty wet to get fucked just like you watched the other women who were up here before you.”

He continued with his questions…

“You are wanting us to fuck you tonight, aren’t you? But before we do it, will you give me a special treat so you can repay me for making you feel good? Oh my god, Claire, you are so beautiful!!”

At about the same time that was going on, was when I glanced over as the flap-door to the Temple was opened from the outside and I saw Nancy entering with Robby and Bonnie behind her. She then informed the guard that she was chaperoning them as her guests. While the two of them were hand in hand as they walked in with her, Nancy then slipped away, exiting the Temple by herself.

When they entered I couldn’t, at first, be sure if they could tell that her mother was the one positioned on the Love-throne, or not. But after a few seconds, while Claire was deluged with what Frank was doing to her, I saw the shocked look on Bonnie’s face and her hand came up and covered her mouth. I knew then that she was well aware of what was happening right before her eyes. That was when Bonnie, holding onto Robby’s hand, ambled themselves over quietly and stood next to me.

Most likely shocked by what she saw, I figured that Bonnie was hoping that she could rely on me for answers as to why her mother was caught up in the lewd acts that she was.

We kept our voices as close to a whisper as we could, realizing it wouldn’t be difficult to be overheard by anyone standing anywhere near us.

“Kyle, my mom, she’s…oh fuck!!”

“Yeah, she’s okay though, Bonnie. Your mother isn’t resisting any of what they’re doing to her. As far as I can tell, she’s been wanting this to happen, and for a while now. This might surprise you, because of her being here, but I found out she’s been following them, checking to see where they were going to meet. That’s why she came here this weekend. Yeah, it just so happened that the group is meeting here at this campground that your family likes to come to a lot. But no matter what, your mom wants this, so she’d probably not be too happy if we messed this up for her, okay?”

“Yeah, but oh my god, I never knew she was like this!! My mother…is she going to let them have sex with her?”

“Shush, Bonnie. Let’s not disturb the chemistry here. Let’s see how this plays out, okay?”

I couldn’t let on to Bonnie, but watching the things that were happening with her mother at that moment were really turning me on, and I had a strong hunger to see how far things might progress between her and the other members of the group.

While the three of us watched, Frank Smith’s fingers kept up their explorations underneath Claire’s skirt into her sex, not putting up any kind of resistance when he asked her if she wanted to be fucked by them, or what he kept doing to her. As she kept bucking her hips back and forth with the movement of his hands below her skirt, Bonnie reacted in a shocked way when she saw that her mother wasn’t shy about letting Frank know how she liked what he was doing to her.

“Yessss, ohhhh yeah, Frank…umm, that feels sooo good!!”

“You didn’t think we were going to just have you waltz in here so you could watch the rest of us have our fun with each other and not expect anything from you, did you, Claire?”

“I guess not Frank…but your fingers…oh god…if you keep doing that…you’re going to make me…ohhhh yesss, you’re going to make me…”

We could see the determination on Frank’s face. He knew that Claire McCarver’s experience with the group was a first for her. And I found out later that he’d been alerted how she wasn’t prone to using profanity like the many others in the group were customarily using. And then in the audience as Bonnie watched him continue overtly masturbating her mother underneath her skirt, it was evident he was going to ask even more of her.

“Go ahead, say it Claire, do you want my fingers inside your cunt like this?”

“Yes, Frank…oooohhh god, please don’t stop…it feels soooo goooood!!”

“What are you wanting me to do to you, Claire? If you want me to stop, I will. Because nobody ever really gets forced to do something they don’t want to do when we’re together. But I will tell you, we do try to encourage the voyeurs of our group, such as yourself, to be more open to exploring their more exhibitionist side, as well. But of course, this is all voluntary, so let me ask again, do you want me to stop?”

It was as if she was having trouble controlling her body’s reactions to Frank’s fingers probing in her lady genitalia when she answered him.

“No, please don’t stop…it feels too good…unnhhhggh!!”

“So, if you want me to keep doing this to you…then you’re going to have to tell me exactly what it is you want, to let everybody else hear you say it to me, too.”

“But those are things I’d rather not say, I was brought up to not talk like that. Please Frank, you’re making me really uncomfortable asking me to talk like that.”

There was no doubt at all as I watched her trying to decide whether she would give in to his conditions, or not.

“P-please don’t make me do it, Frank.”

As he listened to her pleading, his hand kept massaging between her legs, underneath her skirt. I could tell how unmoved he was by her requests to not make her use the profane and provocative language that he, and the rest of the group, was wanting to hear.

“I mean it, I really do want to keep making you feel good, but if you’re going to be with us, then you’re going to have to talk like the rest of us. Claire, if you’re wanting me to not stop doing this for you, make up your mind and tell us what it is you want!!”

At that point, I began to feel for her and what he was asking her to choose. I knew she was trying her best to remain true to the moral beliefs that her parents had drilled into her as far as her language was concerned. But Frank Smith gave her no doubt; either she was going to tell him what he and the group wanted to hear, or the pleasure that he was giving her at that moment was going to come to a complete halt.

And then in just a matter of seconds, her walls of morality began crumbling right in front of our eyes there in the Temple

“I-I-I need, I need you t-t-to–rub my p-p-pus-pussy, Frank. Oh my god, please, please don’t stop!! Oh god, Frank, finger me. Finger my cunt!!”

After Claire gave in to what Frank had asked her to do, he fiercely took her up on her request. We could see Frank doubled up on his fondling movements below Claire’s open legs as the quivering of his fingers inside her picked up at an even higher pace.

As she was still positioned on the Love-Throne on all fours, the look on Claire’s face was everything that the word ‘blissful’ could conjure in one’s mind.

“Oh yesssss, you’re going to make me cum, Frank!! Oh my GOD, yesssss don’t stop…finger my cunt!!”

As the pleasure rocketed through her, Claire’s physical movements increased as well. Biting her lower lip as well as twisting her hips back and forth, let us know how good Frank was making her feel.

And it was then that Claire, still on all fours, backed herself into Frank’s protruding fingers and exclaimed what was on her mind, and what was happening to her body right at that moment.

“Oh…I’ve wanted someone to do this to me for so long!! Yes… yesssss!!!”

It became apparent to all that were standing in the Temple, that Frank Smith’s massaging fingers had finally brought Claire McCarver to a luscious orgasm right there in front of us.

“Okay gentlemen, if you would, let’s get Ms. McCarver rolled over. I think there’s still more that our friend needs us to do for her.”

Without anything else being said, the same men who had taken part in transferring Claire to the Love-Throne came up again, and placed their hands on her, carefully turning her over so that she was facing up with her back to the bed.

As she was then reclined on her back, Frank located himself to where he stood at the base of the bed, near her feet, peering at her spread legs. He quickly flipped her skirt up so that we could all see the pink pair of panties she was wearing, while he kept the vibration of his fingers moving into her by-then-drenched sex.

“Does this still feel good, Claire? Are you ready for me to stop?”

“Oh no, it feels fantastic, Frank! You’ve made me cum once, and if you don’t mind, I wouldn’t mind you making it happen again!!”

“And I’m more than happy to help you cum again. But if that’s going to happen, we’re going to need to get your panties off. Are you ready to start exploring your exhibitionist side, Claire? And to show all these good people what I’m sure your gorgeous pussy looks like?”

As she lay there, still oblivious that her daughter was watching her giving in to her inner lusts, I could see her contemplating the momentousness of what it was Frank was wanting, and what might happen should she begin to bare her flesh to the rest of us. I assumed she’d made her decision, as she flashed her sensual smile up at him.

“Oh yeah, Frank. I guess I’m ready. Let’s do this.”

Subserviently, and almost appearing to be in some type of hypnotic trance, she closed her eyes and obligingly hoisted her hips up and held them aloft, so that Frank could easily begin to undress her. It didn’t take him more than a few seconds for his fingers to grasp each side of her wet panties, bringing them down and off in a flash, to where she lay before everyone in a semi-naked state.

As I became excited getting to see Claire unashamedly exhibiting her hair-covered mound, Frank took hold of her ankles and began to spread her legs wider.

“We’re gonna need to open these lovely legs of yours a little more, honey, if you’re wanting me to keep making you feel good.”

Using his hands and fingers, he returned to her exposed slit and began tenderly running them between her open legs once again.

As he fondled her pussy and the two of them kept looking into each other’s eyes for the next few seconds, I glanced over at Bonnie and noticed how entranced she became watching her suddenly promiscuous mother allowing herself to be fondled by someone who wasn’t her husband, and give herself over sexually to him. And the words that Bonnie said next, I’m never going to forget.

“Oh my god, Robby!! Is this even real? Is mom getting ready to have this guy fuck her, right here, in front of all of us??”

That was the first time I thought about Robby getting to watch his girlfriend’s mother taking part in all the debauchery that was taking place. And with the way it was having its effect on him, I wondered if he, himself, wasn’t in some hypnotic trance as well, when he spoke to his girlfriend.

“I’m not sure Bonn, but oh my god, I guess I never really knew how hot your mom really is. If she goes ahead and lets this guy have sex with her, I hope you don’t mind if we stay and watch it happen.”

That was when I remembered asking Robby, in a joking way, if he would ever be interested in being intimately involved with Bonnie’s mom. But with the sexual openness that Claire was allowing to take place right before our eyes, I began to wonder if the chance of that happening was more likely than I had originally thought possible. And then Bonnie answered her boyfriend’s comment about Claire having sex there in front of them.

“Robby, if my mother lets this guy fuck her, I think I’m just about going to lose it. I still can’t believe this shit’s even happening right now. But look, there she is, my moral, upstanding mom, the one who’s preached to me about saving myself for marriage, and not letting a boy go too far…and all that other bullshit.

“Oh my god, I hope my dad doesn’t somehow wander in here. I know he’d blow a gasket, or worse, come back and try to shoot up this place. I’m not sure what he’d do if he knew about this?”

All the while, Frank had been strumming his fingers into Claire’s openly exposed gash, he finally stopped and got up on the Love-Throne himself, on his knees, situated to the left side of Claire, right next to where her head was lazily strewn back on the bed. And then he spoke to her again.

“Honey, we’re going to ‘pass the torch’ as they say. Natalie’s going to take over for me, and if I’m not mistaken she wants to do more than just rub your pussy for you. Let me ask, have you ever had another woman go down on you before?”

As she listened to him speak to her, and then heard his question concerning oral sex from another woman, Claire seemed to become concerned and a look of anxiety came over her. When we could tell she finally understood what it was Frank was asking, she brought her head up off the bed looking like she wasn’t going to allow anything else to go on from that point.

“No, I shouldn’t…”

Just as she started to protest, a naked woman, we soon came to know as Natalie Dundee, approached the Love-Throne from the side and brought her mouth and lips to Claire’s open legs and began to earnestly perform cunnilingus on her.

“Oh my god, stop!! I don’t know if this is such a good thing for you to be doing that to me!!”

Once again, the same men, acting as ushers who had taken part in holding down my wife and also placing Claire up on the Love-Throne, came up and made themselves available again, restraining and holding her arms and legs as Natalie continued unabated, thrusting her tongue into her pussy.

“No, no this isn’t right. You need to stop this, Frank! She shouldn’t be doing this!! Ohhhhh!”

But in very little time, there came fewer protests from Claire, as we could tell she began unresistingly lavishing in the oral sex that Natalie was doling out to her. And then Frank spoke to her again.

“So, how do you like the feeling of another woman pleasuring you? Do you want Natalie to stop now, Claire? Because if you tell her to, she will. We only wanted to give you a chance to feel what it’s like, and we’re not going to continue to force this. It’ll be entirely up to you to stop it…or to keep it going. So, what’s it going to be…should Natalie quit now?”

“Oh, it feels good. But, but, I shouldn’t be liking this. I’ve never been with a woman like this before.”

As Claire, in her aroused state, was trying to fully answer Frank’s question, she looked down at Natalie. And as the naked woman kept pushing her tongue into Claire’s pussy, the two of them locked eyes with each other. But Claire didn’t close her legs or any longer object to what was happening to her.

“So, let me ask you again…do you like what she’s doing, or do you want her to stop?”

Claire simply closed her eyes and brought her hands to the woman’s head, softly stroking her hair and the cheeks of her face as Natalie’s tongue continued its earnest flittering and plunging itself into her cunt.

“Okay…yessss, Frank, I’ll admit, I like it!! Please, please, don’t let her stop. It feels so good and she’s getting ready to make me cum again.”

I could suddenly see a furious look flash across Frank Smith’s face when he angrily answered her request.

“She?? Who the fuck do you think you’re calling a ‘she’?? She’s…got a name. Call your lover by her name Claire!!! Natalie is her name!!”

A sudden look of remorse shot across Claire’s face when she understood what Frank was trying to tell her, about how she might’ve sounded disrespectful to her woman lover.

“Oh, Natalie, I’m so sorry!! Please, don’t think anything bad about me at all. And what you’re doing feels so good! Please don’t stop, baby!!”

When Natalie returned to pleasuring between Claire’s legs, the whole room could see how much she liked it, as she raised her hips making it easier for Natalie to plunge her tongue into her pussy.

“Yessss, just like that!!! Oh my god…yesssss, that feels sooooo good!!!”

And it seemed as if it was in a flash that Claire, naked from the waist down, began orgasming right there again. As her hips shook and twitched, she took both her hands and pulled on the back of Natalie Dundee’s head, trying to pull her face as close into her muff as physically possible, while also moaning loudly.

“Mmmmm. Mmmmm, yesssss!! Mmmmm!!”

As if Claire was a suddenly transformed person, Bonnie watched transfixed as her mother sat straight up and pulled up on Natalie’s underarms, extending the invitation for her lover to rise up and then to lie directly over her. As we saw the two of them merge their lips and make intimate contact, Bonnie moaned out loud as she saw her mother giving the other woman an intense open-mouth lover’s kiss.

As they then shared their passionate connection, Natalie’s mouth was covered with Claire’s sexual juices. After that, Claire pushed her tongue into her lover’s mouth, affectionately bringing them even closer together.

Frank, who’d been kneeling on the very large bed watching the two women intimately connect, at last managed to separate the lovers and then pushed Claire’s shoulders back down, undoing the zipper to his pants.

While Bonnie, Robby and I watched him expose his at-least-seven-inch long, hardened penis, he boldly pointed it down to Claire’s mouth, in an off-handed way, informing her what he wanted.

“Okay, we’ve more than taken care of you so far, Claire. Now, it’s your turn to start doing right by us. So let me ask, have you enjoyed what’s happened so far tonight?”

With us standing a few rows back from where she was lying on the Love-Throne, we could see that the wheels in Claire’s mind were turning very fast, as she was trying to come up with an answer that would help her keep enjoying what she had up to that point.

“Yeah, so far, you’ve all done right by me. And by the way, you’ve got your schlong dangling there in front of me, I think I know what you’re wanting me to do.”

“It probably doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it? And as far as us taking care of you, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say we’ve given you multiple orgasms so far. So I’m hoping you’ll keep being a good girl and do right by us now? For starters, you can help me with what I’m needing, okay?”

In the process of Frank making his request, Natalie had brought herself back between Claire’s widely spread legs, and resumed pleasuring her in the same loving way she had been doing before.

As we could see that Claire was still enjoying her first bisexual experience with Natalie Dundee, I assumed she more than understood the consequences of the pleasuring she had received so far from the handsome black man. Seeing how aroused she was, I wasn’t that surprised when her fingers gradually wrapped themselves around the base of his engorged staff. Obligingly parting her lips, Claire then lifted her head slightly upward and willingly maneuvered the impressive head of Frank Smith’s cock into her mouth.

That was when I heard a startled Bonnie uninhibitedly mixing a groan and a whisper, to make her comment.

“Oh my god, my mom…she’s taking him into her mouth!! Kyle, I can’t believe it…she’s…my mother’s sucking that guy’s cock!!”

I could see Bonnie intently watching Claire gradually build up a steady rhythm of her head, neck and mouth working her lips to glide over his saliva-soaked glans to sensually service her new lover. Her mother clearly demonstrated to us all how qualified she was in how she pleasured Frank. I couldn’t mistake the gasps that I heard come from her daughter, as we stood next to each other. It was evident to me how Bonnie was becoming aroused while she, for the very first time, watched her own mother explicitly sucking cock while all of us there in the Temple were witnessing it, too.

As she became completely pulled into the lure of voyeurism, I then noticed her tucking her hand inside her blue jeans. And from what I could see because we were so close to each other, just as her mother had done earlier, she was doing the same thing, masturbating and massaging between her legs as nonchalantly as possible without wanting to make a big show of it to the rest of us.

And then Frank let out an unmistakable groan of pleasure because of what was being done to him.

“Oh yessss, Claire! That’s a good girl. You are a good cocksucker aren’t you?”

While the three of us watched Claire seem to give in to what I could only describe as a deep, unfulfilled, primal lust, she looked as if she wasn’t at all concerned about appearing to the rest of the group there in the Temple as a wanton slut.

“Yessss, you are being a very good girl, Claire. And your lips are doing a great job. With as good as you’re making me feel, I don’t think this could be the first time that you’ve sucked cock!!”

Without stopping to answer his presumptuous question, she simply shook her head from side to side and then went back to diligently moving her lips back and forth on Frank Smith’s very stiff erection. With the persistent way she was going to satisfy both of their needs, I compared her actions to how a hungry baby tenaciously works at suckling milk from its mother’s breast.

As Claire continued to enjoy Natalie’s persistent delighting of her pussy, she also stepped up her machinations to Frank. As his large cock remained dangling above her face, it was arousing just watching the continuous intense working of his prick with her mouth, as we saw her lips avidly moving in constant up-and-down motions. There wasn’t any doubt that it wasn’t going to be too long until she would get Frank to release his semen, doing what I was sure would make him a very happy man.

“Yes baby, yesssss…suck my cock, Claire…suck my fuckin’ cock!!! You are such a fine woman. I’m hoping you decide to come back to another one of our meetings. I know you’re a first-timer… but you’re such a fine cocksucker!! My gaaawd, I hope this isn’t going to be the last time we get together.”

When Bonnie and I could see that she was drawing him close to his release, we watched Frank Smith take a firm hold of each side of Claire’s head. I heard another audible gasp from Bonnie when we saw him begin avidly fucking her mother’s mouth with his very stiff cock.

“Yessss, I’m so close now!! Fuck, this feels so good, so good!! Are you ready? I’m going to cum in your mouth, Claire!! Are you ready???”

As she compliantly nodded her head when he asked her if she was ready, I found it even more arousing when he announced that he was going to send his prize into her mouth, that she all the more energetically nodded at him again.

With Frank practically slamming his cock between her lips, she remained dutifully stationed underneath him. Claire looked to be very agreeable to everything that Frank was doing to her. As she continued her up-and-down movements, her lips stimulated the head of his cock, smiling knowing what was about to take place.

And then what he had told her he was going to do, happened.

“Oh God, I’m cumming!! Yes, Claire…I’m cumming in your mouth now!!”

As his orgasm began coursing through him, Frank asked Claire to slightly squeeze his cock-head with her tongue, so it would increase the pleasure for him while he was ejaculating into her mouth. With the next thing that he said to her, we could tell that she had dutifully obliged his request.

“Yes baby, your mouth is so good to me. Yes, yes, that feels so good!!”

As we watched what he was announcing take place, a slight sample of Frank Smith’s semen began escaping out the side of her lips, giving everyone there an idea of the great amount of jism that he’d spewed into Claire’s mouth.

“Can you taste it? Oh, fuck yeah, Claire. You’re showing off now, aren’t you? Letting all these good people see what a great cocksucker you’re being for me!!”

Without any more evidence of his seed remaining in her mouth, Frank leaned down to Claire, wrapping both of his arms around her neck and pulled them both together into a ferocious kiss. It looked from where we were situated, that she happily returned his adoration with some fiery kisses of her own.

“Oh Claire, you’re simply wonderful, and for what it’s worth, I want you to be part of us, always!!”

As Frank happily ambled away, with a gratified smile on his face, he left her there for the moment with Natalie, while the two of them made out for just a little longer. After Natalie had departed, it was Claire alone that lingered on the Love-Throne, looking far from finished with whatever was going to take place next.

But it wasn’t long as two more totally naked men, approached the Love-Throne situating themselves to where they were sitting on it next to Claire.

“Hello Claire, I’m Cole Daniels and this is Brandon Ross. We’ve been watching how good you sucked Frank’s cock, and also how well you did with our hot Natalie. I gotta ask you…was that your first time with another woman?”

“Yeah, it was, Cole.”

“Oh wow…did you like what she did to you? I mean, it sure looked to me like once you settled into it, you were enjoying it really well.”

“Yes, I liked it, a lot! She seems to be a real sweet lady and all. I don’t mind saying once she brought me to orgasm the first time…I was all in!!”

“Well, we just want to tell you how happy we are to have you with us so we can all finally meet you. And, we trust that you don’t mind, but we’re hoping that you’ll let us be with you, too. We want to make you feel good like Frank and Natalie did. Except that we’re going to do it a little differently than how they did it. Is that okay?”

I could tell that what he was asking Claire was making her excited, as she then answered his question.

“This is really all so new for me, but I’m willing to do pretty much whatever’s asked of me, and I’m willing to see where this can lead. I don’t think I’ve been this horny in a very long time. And I’ll just ask this…is what you people do while you’re together like this…will it be kept private? I don’t want my family to find out what it is I’m doing…I’m pretty sure most of them would disown me if they knew what I am now.”

When she said that, it reminded me of when my Laura had alluded to the same thing just the day before. And I wondered if it wasn’t wrong of me for not being as understanding as I knew I could’ve been with my wife at the time.

As Claire positioned herself on the Love-Throne, without asking any questions, she willingly gave herself over to what Cole and Brandon wanted. We saw her alternate between them taking turns as she performed fellatio on each of them.

And after a few minutes, in what was a first for her that evening, Cole had her lie back, making sure her legs were open. Locking eyes with Claire, he audaciously sank his stiff penis into her accessible pussy in the missionary position, making her moan loudly as she accepted it into her body.

“Yeah, that’s nice, Cole, so nice…”

As Cole and then Brandon switched off with each other, continuing to having their way with Claire, we could hear the pleasured groans she was making as they kept alternating back and forth between them, each of them taking their turn, plunging their erect staffs into her half-naked body as she lay there on the Love-Throne.

“Ohhhh, Brandon…please keep doing that…yessss!!”

As he kept ramming her with his cock, I could see an idea formulating in his head, and then he spoke to his new lover…

“Why don’t you tell me what it is you really want me to do to you, Claire?”

“What? What do you mean? You are doing what I want you to do to me, aren’t you?”

As we watched his cock persist in its sawing action in and out of her pussy, Claire’s moaning gradually became more pronounced while we could see the sexual gratification he was producing in her increase as well.

“Yes, yes Claire, I am doing what it is you want. But everyone here wants you to say what it is you want us to do to you.”

I could see the somewhat conflicted look on her face, as she listened to what Brandon was telling her, and while she was feeling the intense pleasure from him thrusting into her, Claire tried to answer.

“I’m not sure what, what you’re trying to get me to do…all I can say is this feels so good… making love to me like this!”

A conflicted look came over Brandon’s face when he realized his paramour wasn’t cooperating in the way he was wanting her to.

“I am not making love to you, Claire…what I am doing is fucking you!! And if you want me or Cole to continue fucking you, we’re going to need to hear you tell us that’s what you want.”

“Oh my god, I’m trying my best not to swear or talk bad, you guys. Please, I don’t want to have to do that.”

“Say it, Claire!! Tell me what it is I’m really doing…or else all this stops for you, right now.”

It was like what happened with Frank, almost as if she began begging, pleading with the two men to not stop having sexual intercourse with her.

“I hope you’re not serious, this feels so good and I don’t want it to stop!! It’s been so long since I’ve had a man do this to me…I need it, please, don’t stop!!”

“We’re quite serious, Claire, aren’t we, Cole?”

His partner clearly nodded his approval at what he had told Claire.

“Yep, we are, and you need to believe us. Even though this feels so good for us too, we will stop. And, you’ll be asked to get off the Love-Throne…and also you’ll be forced to leave the Temple as well, Claire. We take what we do very seriously. And, first-time guest or not, you’ll never be invited back to be with us…ever again!!”

As Cole went back to plunging his staff into her still-moist pussy, all of us there in the Temple could see how Claire was intently enjoying the two men fucking her.

As Brandon was about to take his turn again, he signaled the ushers in the Temple to set Claire up in the doggie position. And then as she was situated, her face was somewhat turned away from where Bonnie, Robby, and I were standing, making it almost impossible for her to know that we were there at that time watching everything that was going on.

And then he brought himself around back of her and began immersing his cock into her again. But as he again began pounding into her, just from the sounds she was making we could tell that she was getting even more into what was being done to her.

“Tell me what I want to hear…tell me to fuck you, Claire…c’mon, don’t be a prude and so uncooperative that you’ll ruin this for all of us, especially yourself!!

From what I could see of her face, with her somewhat turned away from me, there wasn’t any doubt that she was definitely getting into having him thrust his stiff prick into her.

“Yeah…that’s nice…I like it, Brandon…yeah…fill me with your…”

“My what, Claire…what are you wanting me to put into you…”

I could see her continuing giving in to the erotic forces, as they began tempting her even further into profane corruption.

“Ohhhh, your cock, yessss shove that sweet stiff cock of yours into my…”

“Your what, where’s my cock going, Claire?…Tell me!!”

“My pussy. Oh shit, your cock’s going into…my pussy!!”

“And what exactly is my cock doing to your pussy, Claire?? We all want to know!!!”

“Your cock, it’s…it’s f-fu…”

As I watched her submissively bowing her head, she looked to be falling even further into a state of compliance to Brandon and giving herself over to utter sexual depravity. That’s when Claire McCarver was in the process of surrendering the last vestiges of her moral purity, while Brandon decadently drove himself into her very moist pussy.

As her head swung titillatingly back and forth, I was sure it was due to the pleasure that was coursing through her. With Claire in the final stages of totally giving in to his demands, Brandon continued with his provocative questions, as well as him thrusting himself into her.

“What’s my cock doing to you right now?? Say it, Claire, tell us!!”

And then it was as if she didn’t seem to care anymore what words came out of her mouth, as she started yelling a blast of obscenities at her paramour!!

“Oh my god, your cock…it’s fucking my pussy!! Yesssss, baby, I love how your cock’s fucking my pussy!! Don’t stop doing that…fuck meeeee, Brandon!!”

“Yeah, now that’s much better, Claire. We’d really like you to keep telling us what you want me and every other guy that’s here to do to you tonight!!”

With the way the somewhat sadistic grin flashed across her face, I could tell that the virtuous Claire I had just recently met, wasn’t the same one taking up space on the Love-Throne right then.

“I want to be fucked!! I want all of you to fuck me!! Yes, Brandon, does that make you happy? Are we good now? Fuck me, you cocksucker!! Fuck my cunt…oh my god…fuck…me!!”

It was if she had just transformed right in front of us…especially in front of her own astounded daughter. As Bonnie’s gaze opened wide, transfixed on how her mother suddenly began taking on the role of a slut right in front of her.

“Yesssss, oh my god…your cock. Fuck me with it!!”

And then the two men switched off with each other again as Cole took his turn, placing himself back into Claire’s sopping-wet pussy, and Brandon was in front of her, where she was on her hands and knees.

As he stood before her, Brandon presented his very stiff erection to Claire’s aroused eyes.

“Now honey, why don’t we show these good people here how good you can service two guys at the same time? How’s about you do for me what you did for Frank, okay?”

Without anything else being said, Claire willingly spread her lips and eagerly accepted the cock presented to her, engulfing it deeply and longingly into her horny mouth.

He now had Claire actively sucking his cock, so as quickly as possible, he diligently worked to remove her top, without any resistance from Claire, pulling it off of her. Once he’d done that, he even more easily undid the clasp of her bra. As it fell away from her, Claire’s complete nakedness aroused all of us, as well as excited her daughter, in front of the whole gathering there in the Temple.

As Bonnie stood dazed and continued watching the spectacle of her mother in the nude fully servicing both men, I could hear her moaning next to me…

“Oh shit, is this even my mother? This is so fucking wild…I can’t believe she’s even letting them do this to her!!”

My eyes were drawn to two different sexual scenarios taking place…one was Claire and the men using her body to pleasure her and themselves. The other was her daughter, working to clandestinely masturbate, her hand shoved down into her jeans, right there next to me.

As my eyes were drawn back to Claire, with the two cocks that she was taking on, it wasn’t long until it was apparent that Cole, because of the rapturous look on his face, was very close to orgasming into her, from behind.

With his hips bucking and rocking at that moment, he decisively rammed his cock inside her and then his body became motionless, speaking blissful words of warmth and tenderness to the woman who’d allowed him to copulate with her.

“Oh yeah…cumming. Uhhhh yeah, cumming in your sweet cunt, baby!! Yes, fuck yessss, Claire!!”

Taking her mouth away from sucking Brandon for only a moment, she turned her head around, speaking seductively to Cole.

“Yessss, I love feeling your knob throbbing inside me. God, yes!! I haven’t been fucked like that in years, and I want all of that sweet man-cum of yours gushing in me, Cole…oh my god!!!”

Without much more waiting, she nonchalantly returned to fellating Brandon. It was about the same time that he told her and the rest of us there in the Temple about his impending climax.

“Yeahhh, just a little more. Suck me…just a little longer, Claire.”

That’s when she escalated the moving of her mouth on his stiff rod. And a little longer after was when we heard Brandon’s cries of pleasure, as we could hear the gratification that his ejaculation was bringing him.

“Yes Claire, yesssss, uhhhhh!! Swallow my cum!! Yesssss!!”

As we watched her partake of the remains of Brandon’s semen in her mouth and then Cole backing away from her after his orgasm, Claire finally looked out into the crowd and gazed straight and intently into my eyes. But it was only a few seconds after she smiled at me, that she finally noticed Bonnie and Robby standing alongside me, amongst the rest of the crowd.

At first, the facial expression that I saw on Claire’s face appeared to be one of shock and guilt, mixed in with a sort of relief. I was pretty certain that the reason she smiled at the three of us was due to her knowing she wasn’t going to have to hide who she was anymore to those closest to her.

But I was convinced when she read the occurrence of pure arousal on Bonnie’s face after she’d seen her mother’s wanton, erotic behavior, that it pushed her to do what she did next.

“Do we have any exhibitionist women who would care to step out and join me here? C’mon ladies, I’m sure Natalie’s not the only gal here who wants to have some fun. I’m willing to see what I can do to make some lucky woman happy that she came up here to get together with me.”

That’s when a younger-looking lady who appeared to have some Asian ancestry approached the front, and told Claire she was willing to be her volunteer. When the pretty woman with the long dark hair made it to the front, and said her name was Trisha, she buoyantly climbed onto the Love-Throne. Understanding the nature of what the group was all about, she and Claire didn’t take long at all until they were entwined in what we could see was a forthcoming, erotic, woman-on-woman love scenario.

And it wasn’t but a few minutes that ticked by, until Trisha was lying on top of Claire as they became engaged in some very sultry-type making out between the two of them.

“Yeah, you’re a really good kisser, Trisha, but I hope you don’t mind if we get some of these clothes off of you?”

And with her daughter intently watching her mother take on another female lover, it wasn’t but a little longer after that when the young woman volunteer was naked alongside Claire on the Love-Throne.

As their kisses and making out escalated, we could see Claire’s and Trisha’s bodies doing their best to sensually intertwine, emulating two snakes in a South American jungle tree setting. With the way they were captivatingly meshing themselves together, it was as if it was quite natural for Trisha to have Claire’s legs spread apart and her tongue running itself into her drenched slit.

“Oh my god, all these years I never knew how good something like this could be. Yeah, Trisha, tongue-fuck my cunt… yesssss!!”

Without much time passing by, Claire celebrated another powerful climax in front of all of us. We then watched Trisha bring her naked body around so that her pussy was situated right at Claire’s still-gaping mouth. Understanding what she was wanting, Bonnie, Robby and I watched her mother take her first initiative step to perform cunnilingus on another woman.

It didn’t look to me that Claire had any misgivings in doing her best to pleasure the younger female volunteer as she became more aware how she had the rest of us rapturously watching her, knowing she was holding us spellbound.

Seductively drawing her mouth to her lover’s pussy, Claire’s tongue drove into Trisha’s moist slot in a hot-blooded manner, and busily ran it back and forth as relentlessly as possible for her new friend.

As we could see how aroused Trisha was by a rookie’s cunnilingus skills, she raised her hips to try and make the mating of Claire’s lips and tongue to her pussy as rewarding as possible.

“Oh my gawd, Claire, you’re doing so good!! Is this your first time doing this?”

Simply nodding her head accompanied with a verbal, “Uh-huh,” Bonnie rapturously watched as her mother’s tongue kept up its sensual titillations to Trisha’s hair-covered slit over the next few minutes.

“Yes, oh my god!! Yessss, Claire…oh, don’t stop, please don’t stop…I’m going to, oh dear god, I’m going to… yesssss!!”

With Trisha falling into what seemed a luxurious orgasm, Bonnie suddenly turned to me and told me that she needed to go.

“C’mon Robby, if I don’t get out of here, I think I’m going to be mom’s next volunteer. I’m so horny right now, I’m tempted to take you up there and have you fuck me in front of mom and everybody here!!”

And without saying anything else, Bonnie and Robby did their best to escape unnoticed out of the Temple in the same manner they came in, with hardly a stir.

Once Claire had looked in my direction again, I was sure that she had to have observed the absence of her daughter and Robby standing next to me any longer. Finishing up her newly discovered bisexual urges with Trisha, it wasn’t but a few minutes after that until she had got down off the Love-Throne.

Without even bothering to cover herself, she milled about freely among the crowd, most of whom were still fully dressed. And with her standing there conspicuously naked, the only thing she wore was her flirtatious grin, as she amiably accepted greetings from the ones who came up to talk to her. As far as I could tell, Claire appeared to be unbothered in any way blatantly displaying herself completely nude to the many members of the group, both men and not a few women who couldn’t seem to take their eyes off of her.


While actively chatting with some in the group who were leaving the Temple, she absentmindedly started to leave as well, even though she still hadn’t put on any clothes yet.

Knowing she’d thank me, I went over and quietly reminded her to retrieve whatever clothes of hers she could and brought her a robe to put on before going out into the colder, late-night air. While I was wanting to keep her from doing something she’d regret, I also had the ulterior motive for her and I to spend some more time together that night.

“Oh yeah, thanks, Kyle. I guess I was so excited by what happened tonight that I didn’t think of what I was doing. If you wouldn’t have said anything, I probably would’ve left here naked as a blue jay, and walked into the campground.”

“Well, don’t worry, there’s no way that I’d let you do that.”

“But then again, I don’t even think I can go back to my RV for right now. That is, I’m not sure it’d be a good idea right now for Bonnie to see me.”

Before exiting out of the Temple, even though it was quick, I tried to do a somewhat thorough scan among those there, to try to find my wife. But, with no luck, I approached a scantily clad Mary Dumont and asked her if she’d seen Laura recently.

“Kyle, after her event with Dennis, I lost track of her and really can’t tell you anything as far as where she might be right now. But, you know how Laura is…she could be anywhere, and with anyone…so, if I were you, I wouldn’t wait around for her. Sorry I can’t be anymore help to you.”

As we walked further away from the Temple into the campground, it looked to me like most of the other RVs had their lights out. I figured that just about everyone had gone to sleep. But I wasn’t so sure how things were going to work out that late Saturday night for Claire.

So without trying too hard, I decided for the moment, because she seemed to be walking somewhat aimlessly around the campground, I’d accompany her to make sure she’d be okay.

“Y’know, Kyle, I don’t want you worrying about me. I guess I’ll just walk around a little more until I get the courage to go back and confess to Bill what it is I did tonight. I mean, how bad could it be…right?”

When she asked me that question, the fearful look on her face told me exactly the anxiety she was going through right at that moment.

“Oh my god, who am I trying to kid?? It could get real bad!! I mean, once Bill finds out what I did, he’s going to divorce me and then I’ll have nowhere to go, and all of our friends will find out what a slut I am. As far as I know, one of my kids already hates me, and then the rest of my family will, too. I mean…this could get real ugly, and then I’ll…”

“Claire, stop! Just stop!! You’re taking yourself places that don’t even have a street sign yet!!”

We were standing in a darker area of the campground when we had that conversation, but I could still see her nervously shaking as we talked about the fear that she was having to deal with right at that moment.


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