Invasion – A

An adult stories – Invasion – A by Atomica24,Atomica24 Thank you for reading my story, I hope that you enjoy. Mica. Xx Yorkshire England

We lost Mum and my husband Paul in the attack. I supposed that the governments didn’t want anyone to know that aliens were coming, but amateur astronomers saw them, and it was all over the internet. A big spaceship, over ten kilometres across they said, was first spotted by Mars. The fact that it changed direction, slowed down and then sped up again was the clincher. This was not a natural phenomenon. The internet went wild. There were riots in many cities, the God Botherers were holding rallies, it was all a bit crazy.

Dad owned his own property businesses and was rather wealthy. He rang me.

“Baby, I need you and the baby to go to the house. God knows what is going to happen.”

“Okay dad, we’ll set off now.”

Mum and dad live in a purpose built property about three miles outside town, it is in the middle of around ten acres of land that dad had cleared and landscaped, all apart from the edge of the land which is planted with trees, briars, nettles, and generally spiky and unwelcoming plants. Outside the planting is a ten-foot-tall taught wire fence. That is all very visible, as are the iron gates that protect the driveway. What can’t be seen is that as the house was being built, dad had a very large Atlas Survival shelter installed next to the house. They dug a hole forty odd feet deep, seventy long and sixty wide and installed three interlinked military tubular shelters, then buried the lot under concrete and soil. The entrance came up into the corner of the downstairs study and was hidden behind what looked like a strongroom door. Dad then had that hidden behind a bookcase.

He then had a swimming pool installed over the top of the shelter. No one would know it was there. Over the course of the last year dad has been buying all the essentials for a sustained period of time below, a large solar array that fed down to battery banks in the bunker, ensuring that there was always electricity. In a garage he had an old caterpillar bulldozer, an old JCB digger, two old Massey Tractors and an old series one Land Rover pickup.

“They don’t have any electronics in them, they are pure mechanical, they will always work as long as there is some diesel fuel, and I have a ten thousand gallon tank of diesel hidden underground too.” He had said. There was dried food stored in the bunker, several year’s worth, a water filtration system and hidden in the bunker was a stash of weapons he secretly bought from America. It wasn’t that he was a prepper as such, it is just he saw what was happening with extremism and decided he needed to protect his family. None of us expected Aliens.

I was at the compound as we called it, from the outside, or from above, it just looked like any reasonably sized country house, and attracted little attention, but dad was happy that if we were there, he could look after us all. We watched on TV as the Alien spaceship approached Earth, and then was lost to view behind the moon. It was there for a few days, those of us on Earth wondering what was going on, although the Chinese who had satellites around the moon were probably fully aware of what was going on behind the moon. We mere civilians had no news.

The TV programmes were full of talking heads some arguing that we should nuke the hell out of them, others arguing that they were here in peace and that this was an opportunity for us to take our place in the Universe. Rioting and looting was still taking place in most cities around the world, and nearly everyone now owned telescopes or binoculars.

I was pretty much occupied with baby John, 12 weeks old and still attached to my boobs, but now living at the compound, just to keep dad happy. The alien space ship came from behind the moon, and in a matter of what seemed like minutes was in Earth orbit, visible from the ground, it was really big. My husband Paul and mum had gone down to Birmingham to pick up some Nursery furniture and dad phoned them and told them to turn round and get home quickly, the furniture could wait.

“Baby,” he said to me, “we have no idea what is going to happen, go down to the bunker. You can watch everything on the TV down there. Shut but don’t lock the door. I shall just secure the house and then I will join you. I can track Paul and your mum on the app and can get them in as soon as they arrive.”

I knew better than to argue with dad, even though no one had expected Aliens, he was prepared for the worst, and it would be stupid to ignore it. And then the attack came. It wasn’t in the form of bombs or missiles; it was some strange energy beam that seemed to interfere with living tissue. It was a broad, about one mile wide, shimmer that raked across the earth, killing everything it touched. Including mum and Paul who were on the M6 when the beam caught them.

Millions were killed across the planet as the beams came down, silently ending the life of people regardless of military or civilian, doctor or builder, all touched by that beam died. Dad was sure that we were safe under the insulation of the swimming pool and ten feet of concrete and grounded steel.

“Baby it is as safe as I can make us, if this doesn’t protect us, then sadly nothing will. I do not know if Earth scientists even know what the weapon actually is or even if there is a defence.”

We sat in the bunker watching as the Aliens raked their beams across the planet, killing millions across each continent, no nation, no ideology was spared, jews and Arabs, communists and democrats, all suffered.

It did seem as if deep underground provided protection. Underground systems worldwide were turned into safety bunkers for the masses. Long mothballed nuclear bunkers from the cold war were hurriedly recommissioned. We could only sit and watch as our world was turned upside down by an enemy we didn’t know, that had no regard for us.

After four days things changed dramatically. We later found out that the Americans, Russians and Chinese had collaborated and engineered a fight back. As we watched the livestream of the space ship bright lights and flames suddenly shot out of portals all around it and a huge blast of light erupted from the bottom. The killing beams from the ship stopped and the spacecraft tilted in the air. Then another huge fireball shot out of the bottom of the ship and cracks appeared all around it and it began to fall visibly to Earth.

It crashed into the Atlantic Ocean and sank, above one of the deepest parts of the ocean, as it sank the deep-sea pressure would have destroyed any living thing inside. We were told that the Russians, who had previously detonated the biggest bomb ever on planet Earth, had one three times that size stored in Earth orbit, tumbling to look like space debris, but able to be commissioned if needed. The bomb was so huge that it would have wiped out any European country, or half an entire seaboard in America. The Americans had something similar but smaller, its intent was to completely destroy Moscow. The Chinese ‘assisted’, but those details were never released.

The Russians managed to land their massive bomb on the middle of the far side of the alien spacecraft and detonate it. Just over One Hundred and Fifty Megatons of Nuclear hell was unleashed on the aliens. It blasted throughout the ship and then the American bomb detonated one minute later, puncturing and splitting the ship. The plan had been to sink the ship in the deep Atlantic, miles from land. It had been successful. British submarines then fired a number of nuclear torpedos at the submerged wreck. It was as overkill as Earth could manage.

We saw all this, but did not know of the planned attack and I think we all expected the aliens to be protected by forcefields, but seemingly not. There were several days of unease as we waited to see if more aliens would appear, none apparently had remained behind the moon, and none seemed to surface from the sea.

Their weapon was a form of very high intensity microwave beam apparently, simply on a scale larger than we could imagine. We had no idea what propulsion system that they used that allowed their spaceship to move so quickly. It had sunk beneath the waves leaving more questions than could be answered. The wreck of their spaceship was too radioactive to approach, and too deep for anything other than the most sophisticated submersibles anyway.

Dad, baby John and I stayed in the bunker, Gates secured and sealed. Life began to slowly return to a semblance of normality. Martial law was in place in most countries, looting and unrest was rife. The government announced that all food shopping was to be done online and would be delivered. There was to be no in person shopping, the streets and stores were too unsafe. You had to declare who you were shopping for and which households, and you were allocated amounts that you could buy. All shops had to charge the same for the various items.

Well that was okay, we were given a one hour slot in which the food would be delivered and we had to be at the gate at that time, otherwise they would just go and you would lose your delivery and your shopping. We managed to order nappies, baby formula, dried foods, longlife milk, some meat products, enough that we could add little bits to the stockpile dad had created. All rubbish had to be separated into green bags for recycling and grey bags for landfill, and would be collected every other week. We realised that meat products would soon be in very short supply as the alien weapons had killed livestock equally as it killed humans.

Dad and I lived pretty much in our underwear, me in bra and knickers, dad in shorts. The bunker had a pretty even temperature, warm enough that we didn’t need clothes, and dad only dressed when the perimeter alarm was set off and he had to go and investigate. It was easier to just keep washing ourselves and our underwear, than to keep washing outdoor clothing.

Slowly over the weeks life began to ease for people. There seemed no more alien threat, the army patrolling the streets had allowed civil order to be restored, and the government started to allow smaller shops to reopen, clothing, sports wear, that sort of thing. Gyms reopened, but hospitality remained virtually shut, hotels were not allowed to take guests, and restaurants could still not get provisions to be able to offer table service.

The Americans, Russians, UK, French and Chinese governments had created some sort of collaboration where they would pool knowledge and resources in order to be able to better defend the Earth. Dad said he thought that they would probably also be working out ways to get down to the spacecraft to get their technology. The old middle eastern nations were left to their own devices, and were ignored by the west and China, their squabbles seen as too petty in light of the Alien attack. The media did not report on them, and we had no idea if Israel or Iran even still existed.

Any form of extremism was stamped down on hard in the new Alliance countries and a very middle of the road existence began to evolve.

Dad was sat in a chair watching the live stream of the Atlantic, I had baby John and had just breast fed him, my boobs still filling at the rate he needed. Dad looked across at me.

“It’s sad you know.”

“What is dad?”

“I have lost Mary, you Paul, the world is constrained, we may never find love again.”

“That’s a bit maudlin dad, really it is.” The sad truth was that with all the Alien distractions, I had not mourned Paul, or mum, they were simply gone now.

“In my first decade I didn’t know love, you know with a woman, but in every decade since I have, and now in my fifth decade I won’t know the love of a woman again, I feel that means I am in my final decade, I will die loveless.”

“Bloody hell dad, where has this come from?”

“I don’t know. I have felt a desperation since we lost Mary and Paul, a terrible loneliness, one that I can’t shake, and with the world virtually locked down still, I don’t see how it can be resolved.”

I hadn’t had that depth of loss, perhaps because most of my life was spent looking after baby John, I hadn’t really had time to mourn Paul, or mum, the events that had unfolded were so monumental, that I really couldn’t assimilate them and deal with my loss.

“Oh dad, you know I love you, Baby John will love you as he grows, he will need you to be a father figure now we have lost Paul.”

“Yes, but you know what I mean, you and I can be mum and dad to John, but you and I cannot be each other’s Mary or Paul.”

I knew what he was saying. We could not sleep together, not in the same bed, not be intimate, that is what he was missing. I hadn’t thought of that. Paul and I hadn’t been intimate since before John was born, my inside too stretched and tender before the invasion, and although recovered now, I hadn’t even given that side of my life a thought. I assumed mum and dad had an active intimate life, active enough to meet their needs physically and psychologically, and now that had been terminated, as mine hadn’t restarted, but I had never had cause to think about it.

Obviously as we walked around in underwear I was aware of dad, his bulges, how sometimes they were bigger than others, but I had never really taken any notice. I presume dad looked at me, saw me covered in the slightest of clothes, perhaps the wet patches on my bra where the milk had leaked, did it remind him of mum, or did he begin to look at me in a different way.

I lay in bed that night and as I dozed off my dreams took a shocking turn, I imaged my dad naked, his dick hard and my hands around it, holding it, lining it up, and helping him penetrate me. As dad pushed in, filling me I awoke with a start, alone, of course, in my room, panting, my breath holding in my chest.

I lay gasping at how real it had felt, at the shock of what I had imagined and wondering what I should do. Could I contemplate sharing a bed with dad? Would dad be appalled or delighted; I had no idea. What should I do? Had dad put the idea in my head on purpose? I was confused and very aroused, aroused for the first time since before the birth, and it was an itch that did not want to go away.

The next day after I had given John his breakfast, some rusks in milk, I decided that now that I was weaning John, I would bind my boobs and try to get my milk to dry up. As I sat in the easy chair, John playing with his food, I looked across at dad. He seemed to be watching me, looking at me, my body. His eyes didn’t meet mine, when they glanced at my face there was no recognition, no smile, no, he was simply looking at me, as if taking in my details.

His shorts were as full as I have seen, was he aroused I wondered. Did looking at me in my underwear have that effect on him? I wasn’t sure how to react to that. Yes, as a woman, it is nice to know that you can arouse a man, but still, he was my dad, were dads supposed to be aroused by their daughters?

I sat back and pressed the soles of my feet together, widening my knees, spreading my thighs. Dad’s focus was definitely on my crotch, his bulge twitched. Yes, that pretty much confirmed it, what was I to do with this knowledge? This new knowledge. Should I act on it, could I act on it?

I suddenly realised what I was doing and snapped my knees together. What was I thinking? This was my dad. Luckily at that point John started crying and I was able to distract myself and go and deal with him.

Dinner was the wholly exciting pasta and tinned tuna. Fish was now becoming an increasingly expensive item with the Atlantic pretty much a no-go zone. Most nations bordering the Atlantic had built defences and observation towers along their Atlantic seaboards.

After dinner dad played with John for a while and I sat there watching. Dad was youthful for his age, could easily pass for ten years younger, his problem was his libido. I was twenty years younger than dad, but, and this was the big thing my brain was getting hung up on. He is my dad. Dad and Daughter should not.

My brain waved a little flag to attract my attention.

‘Why Not?’

“I’m going for a shower dad,” I said as I went through the bulkhead into the wet room. I stripped my bra and knickers off and let the hot water run over my body. My stomach had returned to its usual pre pregnant shape, my boobs were a little bloated still, but hopefully once the milk had dried up, then they would be normal. I did need to shave though, that was getting rather fuzzy down there.

I lathered and then shaved, lathered again, shaved again, and then one final time. I felt lovely and smooth down there, perfect. I looked in the steam covered mirror and decided I looked good and then I decided dad had a point. In this post invasion world, where was I going to get loving?

Clean knickers and bra and I went into the main room, John had fallen asleep on dad. I took John and put him in his crib, he would be good for a few hours. I went back into the main room and stood in front of dad. He looked up at me with a question on his face.

“You are right dad.” I said.

“About what baby?”

“Who do we have but each other.” And I went and straddled him, my weight on his lap and my hands holding his face. There was no turning back.

I leant to his face and kissed him, properly, my lips open, wet, sliding on his, my tongue diving inside his mouth as his lips parted. I let go of his face and took his hands and placed them on my boobs. Not only could there be no turning back, there could be no mistake.

“My room or yours?” He asked between kisses.

“Yours, I don’t want to disturb John.”

I stood up and turned to go to dad’s room. As I entered I pulled his quilt back and then turned to watch as dad came in. I undid my bra and then pushed down my knickers. Naked I lay on his bed and watched as dad pushed his shorts down and I looked, properly for the first time at his dick. Not stupidly massive, but probably about seven inches long, way more than the width of my palm that was for sure. In thickness, a good courgette, just a bit more than my hand would encircle, uncut and sporting a rather good pair of balls.

“Good enough do you think?” He asked as he watched me examine him.

“Looks that way, I am sure I shall soon find out if you can remember how to use it. I am hoping that I am up to your standards.”

“Oh fuck Sarah, yes.”

Dad came to the bed and knelt in the middle, I had expected him to cover me and just shag, the simple act, but no. He dipped his head to my crotch and I heard him inhale, breathing in my scent before I felt his tongue on my crease and a finger pressing between my lips.

“Alexa lights down to 10%” dad said, using the AI to dim the lights, the brightness went and lighting became much softer, still bright enough, just not glaring. His finger slipped between the lips of my sex, sliding in the wetness of my arousal. He found and gently rocked my clit, my breath responding by catching in my throat. I could feel his breath as his tongue worked around his finger, licking me in my valley, circling my entrance dipping into my opening, taunting with what I hoped was to come.

Two fingers dipped inside me, penetrating me for the first time in months, oh it had been such a long time. I felt him stretch me, widen my insides his fingers stimulating places that had not been stimulated for a very long time, my pressures building as he gently sucked my clitoris into his mouth, his teeth nibbling my nubbin, little shards of electric shooting along my valley, connecting my clitoris to my fanny, circles of electric pleasure inside my body, tickles taking my breath away.

Dad started shagging me with his fingers, pumping inside me, curling as they moved, the sensations seemingly long forgotten, but not, just hidden by the unbelievable events that had overtaken the world. This was grounding me, getting my feet back on the ground.


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