After a while Isabelle was completely relaxed, her arms and legs moved only a little, she was swimming all alone, calm, her body got straight, only her beautiful breasts protruded from the water like small islands, and she could keep her head above water by herself. I just had to make sure that nothing happened.
“Enough water. Lay me -la blanket.”
I lifted Isabelle out of the water and carried her onto the blanket. She was so relaxed now, her body soft and without any tension, I had to be careful that she didn’t slip out of my arms.
“Lay down next to me and take me in your ar- ar- ar-s arms, hold me tight.”
I turned her towards me and hugged her.
“John, don’t lea- lea- lea- leave me alone. I need you, I can’t li- live alone, I can’t li- li- li- live without you!”
“Isabelle, be sure, I will not leave you alone.”
Isabelle sobbed and I caressed her tenderly.
“John, -l -l -lease -l please hel- help me. So- so- so-ething so-ething so- so-“, Isabelle got excited, blushed and couldn’t go on.
“so- so-ething so-ething s- s- s-ecial s- s-”
“Isabelle, clam down. Together we’ll make it. so-ething is something, but I’ve no idea for s-ecial.”
“s- s-ecial s-ecial s-ecial s- unusual”, she was more than blushed and even more excited.
“Ok, Isabelle, I think I got it. You want me to help you with something unusual. Isabelle, you are an exceptional woman, and I’m aware that you may have unusual wishes and special needs of course. I’m not surprised as I’ve already expected that we will talk about more things you can’t do yourself. Whatever you want, it’s nothing to be ashamed for. And remember, my hands are your hands and my legs are your legs. I’m happy to help you more than to carry you around, feed you and…”
“undress you, of course.”
This time I grinned at her.
“You are making fun o- o- of me!”, and we laughed at ourselves.
“No, I just showed you that there’s nothing to be ashamed. So, what can I do?”
“John, hel- help -ee -ee -ee touch, -ee -ee”, Isabelle’s speech worsened as she got excited again.
“Isabelle, try to calm down. Seems to be important for you. Yes, I will help you, you know. Whatever it is, no matter how unusual it may be. Please trust me, there’s only you and me, that’s all, no one else.”
“Help -ee -ee feel, touch -y -y -yself -yself -yself, -o -o -ody”, Isabelle blushed again, and tried to smile, but a bad spasm stopped her, her mouth spastically open. I turned her head aside, so her spittle could run out and she wouldn’t choke on it.
“body. Feel and touch yourself? There wasn’t anyone to help you all the time until now?”
“Yes, can’t do alone, ne- ne- ne-er ne-er never. Laura re- re- refused help.”
“What’s to do? I’m pleased to help you. My hands are yours.”
“Take right hand. Re- re- re-ove remove towel, hold tight. -ai -ai wait.”
She struggled hard to open her clenched fist.
“Help o- o- o-en open, straighten -i -i -ingers.”
It took some time until we both managed to stretch her fingers.
“Hold hand tight. Stroke me, -o -o -ody”
I guided her hand over her body, let her feel herself, feel her skin, touch herself. And Isabelle could do it herself, of course she could not use her hand, had no control on her hand’s involuntary movements, but just these movements did a good job, caressed her.
“Do- do- do-n down, pussy”
Isabelle moaned softly as I put her fingers on her crotch.
“Good. wait. Hold hand there.”
“-r -r -reast -r, boo- boo- boo-s, ni- ni- ni-les ni-les ni- ni-“, Isabelle was stuck by bad spasm as she got aroused, and she blushed as I saw it.
“Isabelle, don’t fight with words. Try to say what you can and don’t care for what you want. And don’t care if I understand you. Let your body speak. I will understand. Let your thoughts flow and try to relax. Just let it happen.”
“ni-les nipples. Suck.”
I kissed her boobs, felt a hard nipple at my tongue, played with it, licked and sucked it, the other one too, both hard and erected.
“-i -inger finger in. Clit!”
“Wet! -i finger clit. -o -o -ondle -o”
I didn’t understand her but of course I knew what she wanted.
“Wet finger boo- boo- boo-s boobs, caress, ni- ni- ni-les ni-les ni-.”
I put her hand on her boobs, her fingers at her nipples, let her feel, moved her hand a little to pet her nipples and spread her wetness on them.
“S- s-ell s-ell s-, finger nose.”
“You, feel your dick.”
At first, I was afraid to pull her hand to my dick, afraid that her hand may cramp to a fist around it and afraid of her involuntary movements. But, as Isabelle trusted me so far, I should trust her too. And, of course she couldn’t avoid cramping her hand into a fist, and she couldn’t stop her hand, but her grip was soft, and I could easily hold her hand tight. Isabelle was perfect, my dick got rock hard.
“Mmmmh, hurry, kiss ni- ni- ni- ni-les, kiss me.”
“O- o- o-en open hand. finger ni- ni- nipples. Kiss.”
“Hurry, -u -uck -uck fuck me, make me a -o -o -oman -o woman.”
“Isabelle, you can’t do anything yourself, you can’t scratch yourself and you can’t scare a fly off your nose, but you can fuck like an angel.”
“Witch fucked. Angels make lo- lo- love. Next t- t- t-me t- t-me time angel.”
“Shall we take a shower?”
“Yes, -i -i -ine ok. Clean me, Laura must not notice anything.”
I carried Isabelle to my bathroom. I’d prepared a waterproof chair from the garden in the cabin to sat Isabelle down while showering her, but this didn’t work. Isabelle cannot sit alone, she cannot keep her body straight and without help she topples out of a chair immediately. And, as she also needs support to balance her head, I didn’t have enough hands to support and shower her. So, we settled on the floor, Isabelle sitting in my lap, her head secured at my shoulder. I soaked the towels around her hands and feet with water and made them heavy until her arms and legs couldn’t wriggle around that much anymore.
Washing Isabelle was a time of intimacy and closeness, we enjoyed it both. Isabelle moaned a little feeling my hands on her as I soaped her up, slowly and gently, holding her close to let her feel safe and protected. We were both silent, enjoying the intimate closeness and familiarity between us.
Maybe it’s crazy, but I was happy when I felt that Isabelle peed again. I was happy because of her trust in me, because it wasn’t worth to her to fight for a single word, because she saw no need to apologize. Isabelle didn’t disturb this magical moment, she just let it happen.
I cuddled with her for a while until the soap was washed off everywhere, stroking her here and there, wrapped her in a large towel and carried her onto my bed. I took another towel to dry her off, touching her careful and soft.
“Body lotion. Bag wheelchair”, she smiled at me.
“You have asked Laura to pack your body lotion? Did you know that you will need it?”
“Hoped so.”
I put some lotion into my hand and spread it on her, massaged the lotion in gently, everywhere, turned her around to do it on her back too. Isabelle moaned a little, and at the end I hugged and kissed her.
“Shall I dress you now?”
“No, shell first. Toilette once more.”, Isabelle stepped in.
I strapped her into her shell and fixed her to make sure that she can’t hurt herself and keep her head upright.