Jackie's Rules Pt. 02 by Dreming_Alice_,Dreming_Alice_

Jackie’s evening had been a blur. When Alice finally helped her down on numb legs, she was exhausted. Alice put her straight in bed and made sure her alarm was set. Tomorrow was Saturday, and she had plans for their Gym session…

The next day, Jackie was sat on the mats at the gym, listening to the sound file Alice had given her, trying to concentrate on her sit ups. A difficult task with a woman in her ear telling her how exposing herself in public made her horny, that she was an exhibitionist slut and would crave attention from everyone she meets.

She wasn’t sure if the ‘hypnosis’ files worked, but they were driving her up the wall. Her pussy was leaking again, and she was worried the tight gym shorts Alice had given her would show how wet she was. What was even more worrying was the old t shirt she was wearing. It was thin, making it revealing without a bra as it was; but now she had been sweating, it was clinging to her. Her pert breasts may as well have been pressed up to the window she was working out in front of. That was how exposed she felt.

Jackie’s core was on fire. She couldn’t remember how many crunches she had done, but it felt light thousands. Just as the audio file finished and Jackie’s daze began to lift, her phone buzzed.

Alice: “I am giving you a choice… 200 more crunches or 50. If you chose 50, I will collect your shorts from you before you begin.”

Panic rose through Jackie, she knew she didn’t have 200 more in her, but 50 would take a few minutes if she could do them at all. Meaning her pussy would be on display in the front window of the college gym. It was 7am, so the street was basically empty, but the lights were on in the gym, practically illuminating her in the dawn light.

She begged Alice for another option, begged with her eyes at least. She had been instructed not to talk to Alice, or reply. She was being observed from a distance.

The second message read: “30, but you can’t close your legs and I won’t return your shorts.”

Jackie just nodded in defeat. She took off her shorts, placed them to one side and waited. After Alice walked by and gracefully picked up the damp garment she began.

One. Two. Three… Jackie’s mind wandered, she hoped no one would walk by, she day dreamed about someone walking by and stopping to watch, pointing out to a friend that she was not only bottomless, but you could see the entity of her breasts through the soaking t shirt and her large nipples were trying to escape the fabric, not only that but as they admired her dripping hole, they realised her ass was plugged. Only she knew she had been plugged since yesterday afternoon though. She’d been dragged out of bed by Alice, given her outfit to put on and marched to the gym. Now she only had half of the outfit left and wasn’t sure when she would be fully dressed again…

Her phone vibrated…

Alice: “You realise you’ve done 100?”

Jackie sat in shock. She had totally zoned out, half naked in the gym. Luckily no one seemed to be around, so she reasoned she was safe. Even still she snapped her legs shut and began to stand as the next message arrived.

“No need to shower. You’re jogging home.”

As Jackie became aware Alice was nowhere to be seen, some car headlights turned on out the front. As she peered through the full height window at the car park, she realised it was the car they arrived in, Alice’s car!!

Alice was leaving her half naked at the Gym. She drove past blowing a kiss, Jackie’s chance at dignity resting on her dash, smelling of sex.

The panic came and went and Jackie steeled herself. She got herself into this and would have to get out. She checked the length of the t shirt and realised now she was stood still it covered what it needed to, when she ran it would lift, revealing her open wet lips at the front and her plug from behind. Her largest plug was not an attractive number, it was a wide based silicone plug, which was a baby blue that had faded with age. “The plug of a true anal slut” Alice had said. Thinking of that now Jackie was utterly humiliated.

Stepping out of the doors, the panic rose again and Jackie ran, tears forming in her eyes as she thought of her ruination.

She ran, blocking out the outside world, her mind was fogged with fear and anger. She didn’t remember the run home, but before she knew it she was banging on Alice’s door. Tears streaming down her face she screamed at Alice, an unintelligible scream of raw emotion. She had trusted her and felt totally betrayed. She banged her fists on the taller Girl’s chest and was quickly drawn into her arms.

“I trusted you!” she sobbed.

“You still can.” Alice replied in a soft voice.

“I thought you were ready… I thought you would be excited after the initial shock… I’m sorry. But you need my guidance to keep you on track and motivated, today was just a bit of fun for us both. If you don’t want that level of risk, that’s OK.”

Jackie’s tears had stopped, but she still had her face buried in Alice’s chest.

“But tell me, did you see anyone at all on your way back?”

Jackie shook her head, almost imperceptibly.

“You see, I wouldn’t put you at any real risk. It’s Saturday morning at the beginning of the Semester. Everyone has a hangover.”

Jackie thought for a moment. “I guess you’re right… Doesn’t mean they couldn’t have been someone, or that I wasn’t scared shitless!” she retorted, feeling some of the anger returning.

Alice took a risk. Stepping back, she moved her arms from around Jackie’s back, whilst maintaining eye contact she lowered her left arm and felt for Jackie’s bare mound. Except it wasn’t a mound, her lips were wide apart and her fingers slid easily down a valley of Jackie’s excitement. Pulling her hand to Jackie’s lips and teasing her with her own wetness, she could see the other Girl’s fight leave her, being replaced instantly with a hunger and lust that Alice desperately wanted to harness.

As Jackie stared at her own wetness, tendrils of which connected Alice’s fingers, she whimpered. She hadn’t realised how her body had reacted to this morning’s events. At least not to this extent. She felt for herself this time, her finger instinctively finding her engorged clit and gently caressing it, exploring the surrounding areas she found more wetness, and she lost herself. Her fingers slid backwards and forwards before entering the warm embrace of her still tight pussy, as she clawed desperately at the G spot she usually needed toys to reach. Her leg muscles tightened and her face contorted with pleasure, her open mouth finding Alice’s outstretched fingers and gently fucking at them. Her other hand found It’s way back to her eagerly awaiting clitoris. Both hands engaged in pleasuring herself in another Girl’s room, her mouth occupied by sucking hungrily on fingers covered in her own grool Jackie totally forgot herself end allowed the impending orgasm to fill her every thought.


Jackie’s face exploded with pain as Alice slapped her hard.

“You think you can have it both ways!?”

Jackie was disoriented and as she came back onto flat feet from her position on her tiptoes, her body relaxing somewhat she realise Alice had pulled her back to reality milliseconds before she climaxed. Her whole being felt disappointed and anxious to resume the sworded act. She forced herself to focus.


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