Jared’s Sexy Adventue

An adult stories – Jared’s Sexy Adventue by LambInWolfClothes,LambInWolfClothes “Oh yeah baby, keep going. Just like that…uhhh, yeahh”

Jared leaned back in the couch as Kelsey’s lips were wrapped around his cock. She moved her head slowly back, up and down as he enjoyed the view. Her back arched away and curved up to her hot round ass. He reached back and cupped her ass cheek as she continued sucking his throbbing cock. He squeezed her cheek, softly at first and then more firmly.

“MM” Kelsey warned, as she lapped her tongue around his dick.

God fucking damn it, thought Jared silently to himself. Fuck it, every time I even get near this ass she turns into a bitch. It’s like I can’t even touch it.

Jareds cock was still stuffed down Kelsey’s throat though the ass touching was making her reconsider her efforts. Maybe it was time to get herself some attention on her neglected pussy. She opened her mouth up and started to let Jared’s sloppy wet dick fall out.

Fuck, if she’s never going to give up this ass to me, I may as well enjoy myself, Jared thought to himself. Oh what, she’s stopping? Now? Oh right, she just wants me to eat her pussy, or fuck her pussy or something. Not today, if I can’t have this ass, we’re gonna finish this blowjob the right way.

“Get back on this dick,” Jared ordered. “I’m not done with that throat.” Jared stood up from the couch and reached out to grab the back of Kelsey’s head pushing her back down onto her knees and pulling her mouth on to his hard cock. “That’s it, give me that throat,” as her started to fuck her face, slowly at first, and then with more energy.

“Yeah, that’s it. Take this cock, let all that spit out on me, you know I like it wet.” Kelsey was slobbering all over his dick, spit was flowing down her face and dripping onto her tits.

Jared closed his eyes as he face fucked his girlfriend like he had 100s of times before. They knew just what each other was fine with, where the limits were. How did it come to this, he thought to himself. Here I am fucking my chick’s throat, we don’t even like each other. She tolerates my dick in her mouth so that I’ll fuck her loose pussy. It’s so loose sometimes I don’t even cum, I just fake an orgasm and wait til she’s asleep so I can go watch some anal porn – some real good ass fucking. What was I watching last night? Oh yeah, it was this tiny white chick bouncing on this huge black cock. She fucked this guy for over an hour on the video and not once did he put his huge dick in her pussy. It was anal missionary, anal doggy, anal cow girl, anal reverse cowgirl. So fucking hot, just ass fucking over and over again until his cock started throbbing and he started pumping his huge load deep down her anal canal…Jared started to cum down Kelsey’s throat without realizing it as he fantasized about the pornstar.

“Whaa, bleeeh!” Kelsey gagged and shoved Jared away, her teeth scraping against his cock’s head the haste. She spat the thick white goop out on to the floor. “What. The. Fuck!? What the fuck did I say about cumming in my mouth!”

Oh god, he fucked up. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean – ”

“Oh, you didn’t mean to?!?! Did I fucking stutter the last time this happened? I said you can fuck my mouth, rub your dick over my face, whatever, but don’t you ever cum in my mouth!”

“Ok, you know what, I’ve had enough of this, I am so done” Jared started picking up his clothes off the floor. He couldn’t find his underwear so Jared just pulled on his jeans going commando. He slipped his t-shirt on, picked up his shoes and left the apartment, hustling down the 1 flight of stairs to the street level as fast as he could. Once outside he put his shoes on and walked quickly down the block.

What a bitch, I’m so done with her. First it’s bossing me around in front of her friends, then it’s fighting me at the restaurant every time we go out to eat. And now this, exploding at me every time I cum in her mouth. And I actually didn’t mean to this time! She should take it as a compliment she gives such good head, I couldn’t help myself. Well, maybe it was that sexy blonde getting railed in the ass that I was thinking about that really put me over the edge. But still. Good riddence. I’ve had enoguh of Kelsey and her shit…

Jared walked a few more blocks and reached the edge of the park separating the neighborhood Kelsey lived in from the one where his apartment was. Instead of going around like he usually did, he decided to take the scenic route and cut through. Because of where his house was it was actually a longer walk to go through the park, but it was a warm night, and he wanted some more time to clear his head.

As he was walking deeper into the park he decided to take a detour up through the hill in the center. Maybe he’d sit and relax for a while in the quiet night. The main part of the park was fairly empty right now, but there were still a few people walking around. Up on the hill at this time of night it should be completely empty. Maybe he’d watch some porn on his phone and jerk off a bit, that could be fun. Try and forget about Kelsey for a moment.

Jared wound his way through the trees on the small walking path until he found a stone staircase. He walked up the twenty or so steps and found himself in a small clearing at the top of the hill, surrounded by trees. Off to one side there was a clearing with a bench where you could sit and look out into the park and even see some of the city skyline glowing in the background. The moon was bright enough it didn’t matter there weren’t any lanterns up here, it was easy enough to get around, though he did walk into a pricker bush on the steps coming up. I guess the park maintenance people haven’t cleared that path in a while, he thought, as took a seat and picked some of the thorns out of his socks.

What a nice night. Wish Kelsey was here with me, I’d make her suck my cock right here and now. No-one around, yeah, I’d pull out my hard cock right here and shove he throat right down on to me. Uhhh, yeah, that’s what I want. Keep making her suck until I’m cumming right down her throat. Filling her up with my cum. Cumming and cumming until she can’t take it any more. Push her down on her knees and pull out my cock and keep jerking off into her mouth. She’d look up at me pleading for more cum, and I’d keep cumming and cumming. She’d stick her tongue out and I’d cum onto it, the white gooey liquid sliding back into her mouth which is starting to fill up. Filling up so nicely, oh yeah.

Jared was rubbing his cock through his pants. He was still a bit soft because of actually cumming eariler, but a few minutes of day dreaming and he’d be rock hard again. If he was actually having sex he could usually cum 2 or 3 times without stopping, and sometimes even 4 times with a break.

But that bitch Kelsey hates cum in her mouth. The events from earlier came flooding back; Jared’s cock softened in his pants. Fuck. Maybe things just aren’t gonna workout between us. Kelsey would totally suck me off in the woods here, but she’d never let me cum down her throat. She’d never sit there on her knees with my cum in her mouth, swirling it around, waiting for me to keep jerking off and keep cumming in her mouth, filling her up like a bukkake slut. Ahh, fuck, there I go again day dreaming….Jared’s cock was confused, getting hard, soft, and then hard again.

I dunno. I guess we’re just not good for each other. I’m sure there’s someone out there as depraved as me. Someone who likes sex in the ways I want. I just have to find them…no idea how to do that, but maybe if Kelsey and I break up it’s for the best. And then there’s the ass question. Kelsey’s ass is just so fucking hot. Its bubbly and juicy, and I just HAVE to fuck it! But she barley lets me touch it and she’s made it abundantly clear my cock is never going anywhere near it. I don’t even know if girls like anal. Does anal only happen in porn?

Jared was about ready to start dreaming about pornstars taking giant dildos in their asses when he heard a sound near by. Some leaves were rustling behind him. It was probably just squirrels running around or burying nuts or something, but being alone in the park at dark, even for a guy, was a bit scary. Jared peered out into the darkness. He was about to call out and ask if anyone was there when he heard a quiet moan. It sounded like a woman. She probably thought she was alone up here just like he did. He didn’t want to scare her, she would probably be more scared than him to find out she wasn’t alone. But also, how was he supposed to leave without making his presence known. He squinted out into woods trying to see where the sound was coming from.

As he focused his ears he started to hear more what was going on. Vague whispers “uhh……fuck……uh, uh……yeah……” It was impossible to tell where it was coming from. Jared strained his eyes, but couldn’t see anything.


Were there two people out there? Probably not, two people would be louder, right? Jared decided to test his luck and try and get a closer look. He stepped very slowly around the bench, right onto a stick on the ground. “SNAP”.

In any other situation it would have been the quietest breaking twig, but in that moment it felt like the loudest sound he’d ever made. The moaning stopped immediately. Jared stood frozen, cursing himself for being so careless. He didn’t even make it one step before alerting his invisible park buddy to his presence. He waited a minute, then another, barely breathing. But he couldn’t hear anything. Surely the other individual was still there, right? He slowly walked towards the tree where he thought the sound could have been coming from, but there was nothing there. Clouds were starting to move over the moon now and it was getting even harder to see anything in the woods.

Someone else was still here, right? She couldn’t possibly have gotten away so silently, right? Or maybe I’m just a clumsy elephant, walking around swinging my big dick trunk everywhere, looking for tight pussies to fuck and blow my big load in, but never finding any because I scare them off with my tree trunk feet crashing around, crushing trees left and right.

Jared walked around not bothering to try and be quiet, but it seemed like whoever had been there had vanished into the night. He was starting to get cold and decided to give up and just go home. Who was that, who could it be? What were they doing? Were they rubbing their clit? Were they watching porn on their phone? Jared got lost in thought as he walked back down the hill, totally unaware of the eyes peering out at him from the dark, watching his departure carefully.

Jared woke up late the next morning, having slept through his alarm. Ah fuck, I’m going to be late for work. God damnit. Jared pulled on the same jeans from yesterday, grabbed a shirt off the floor and gave it a deep sniff. Satisfied with the results, he put it on before grabbing a hat with little wings attached to the sides above the ears, and a black scarf with a repeating pattern of small white birds all around the edge, from his desk. He pulled on his sneakers that were still tied, and ran out the door.

Jared arrived at the Dull Beak Cafe 15 minutes late, his co-worker Jewel was behind the counter preparing a latte of some sort.

“Ca-CAW! Ca-CAW!” Jared announced himself, and swooped down under the folding countertop separating the cafe staff from the customers. “This bird is reporting for duty!”

Jared straightened his winged cap and positioned the scarf with one end hanging over his shoulder and looked out across the cafe. The large fake American Eagle stood watch over the door eyeing everyone inside.

“Oh shut up, you’re lucky you’re cute or I’d tell all the hunters in the area where your nest is, and they’d be eating you for dinner faster than you can prepare today’s special Condor Coffee”.

“Condor Coffee you say,” Jared said, raising an eyebrow. “That wouldn’t happen to be roasted in California would it? Home to the great Californian Condor?”

“Why yes it would. And did you know that Californian Condors can weigh up to 26 pounds and have wingspans of nearly 10 feet?”

“Incredible. I knew there was a reason I came to work today. To learn all about these amazing birds from my best bird buddy.”

Jewel smiled and walked back to the register and the man waiting behind it. “One Condor Coffee and one Blue-Jay-Berry muffin, that’ll be $6.75”

“Here’s a $10, keep the change,” said the man, giving Jewel a wink as he walked away with his bird themed breakfast. Jewel came back over to Jared and spoke softly.

“I think this guy is hitting on me, he was trying to talk to me before you came in, and he just tipped me $3 and winked at me.”

“Well, do you think he’s cute? Wanna suck him off in the bathroom while I keep watch? I’ll make sure no one goes in after you.”

“How are you gonna do that when your face’ll be glued to the key hole trying to see in?”

“Hey, I wouldn’t do that….immediately. Maybe if things were taking a bit too long I might need to investigate, you know, to make sure you were ok.”

“Oh, are you insulting me now? You don’t think I could make him cum in under 3 minutes?”

“Is this a bet? Are you telling me you really think you can make this guy cum in 3 minutes after closing that bathroom door behind you?”

“Of course I can, I could probably do it 2 if I’d come prepared.”

“Prepared? What does that mean?” Jared eyed her suspiciously. What could she mean by that.

“Oh never mind, the point is, what do I get if I win the bet?”

“I’ll cover your shift for the rest of the day. But you better believe I’m watching the whole time.”

“Oh for fucks sake, of course you’ll be watching the whole time, that’s what makes it fun! Ok, whole day off sounds nice. I could go shopping, I could go home and masturbate all afternoon. And what do you want if you win the bet?”

“Well obviously I want to have my own turn in the bathroom.”

“Ha! What, and we let the man watch? Wait, aren’t you still with what’s her face? I can’t just be sucking you off all the time, you’d be cheating!”

“Nah, we kinda broke up last night,” Jared explained what had happened the previous evening at Kelsey’s. Jewel and him shared almost everything with each other, they also constantly flirted at work, but hadn’t ever actually done anything physical, not even a flash of some titties or anything. It was as if they were constantly trying to raise the stakes to see who could take the flirting farther. The whole conversation about sucking off the customer in the bathroom was completely unserious and just their normal work time antics to make the day pass, but Jared was surprised to notice Jewel continue to glance over at the man in the corner.

It was a quiet morning, and except for the one customer, no one seemed interested in coming in even for a Hawk Chocolate. Jared started to think back to the woods the previous night, and the mystery woman. Maybe he imagined the whole thing. Maybe he had just been day dreaming and horny, that he imagined some sexy woman joining him in the woods and moaning in the bushes somewhere and she rubbed her clit furiously. Maybe she had been humping a particular nice, hard, piece of oak tree. Or maybe she found a nice cock shaped branch and had impaled herself on it, fucking herself in the night with Jared only a few steps away.

Jared snapped out of it as a her heard a faint “hoo-hoot, hoo-hoot” The cafe phone was wringing.

“Ca-CAW, Dull Beak Cafe, this is Jared, how can I help you?”

As Jared wrote down the phone order of 2 Lark Lattes and 4 Dove Donuts, he noticed Jewel had gone over to their guest and was chatting with him. He couldn’t hear what they were saying but it looked like Jewel was definitely flirting him, twirling her hair around her finger and laughing at what ever he was saying. Then suddenly she stood up abruptly and the Condor Coffee on the table that still had a little left in it went flying right into the lap of the man.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” Jewel yelped. “I’m so sorry, let me help you clean that up”

Jared walked over to the register to get ready to hand Jewel some paper towels while the person on the phone asked if the latte’s were gluten free and if the donuts had any sugar in them.

“It’s quite alright,” said the man trying to compose himself.

“My fault really, I shouldn’t have put that mug in such a precarious place where it could easily fall.”

“No, no, it’s all my fault, here, let me help clean you up.” Seemingly out of no where Jewel produced a handful of paper towels and approached the man who was still sitting down in the cafe chair.

“Here, lets dry you up before it leaves a stain.” Jewel got down on her knees in front of the bewildered customer and started rubbing the towels all over his lap, paying special attention to his crotch area.

“Mmmm, oh, there we go, lets get you nice and cleaned up.” Jewel looked up at the man who was staring down at the sexy 23 year old hostess rubbing his cock through his pants. Albeit while holding some damp paper towels, but he was starting to get hard and if he didn’t stop her soon she would surely notice.

“Uhh, that’s quite alright, I really should be going.” He tried to stand up, but Jewel dropped the paper towels and put her hand right on his quickly growing hard on.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” Jewel said seductively. “You see, I haven’t cleaned you up all the way. I can’t let you leave our cafe looking like this, what will all the customers outside think when they see someone coming out looking like this.” She squeezed her hand emphasizing ‘this’. “All my towels are wet, will you come with me where we can find some dry ones?”

Jewel stood up and practically dragged the older man behind her. She opened up the bathroom door, pushed him inside. Before following him in she turned around and looked directly at Jared for one second, raised her eyes to look at the coo-coo clock stationed above the counter, and then back to Jared. She then shut the door to the bathroom and Jared was left standing stunned, still holding the cafe phone.

What followed was the 3 slowest minutes of Jared’s life. There wasn’t actually a key hole on the bathroom door so he couldn’t spy even if he tried, but he actually couldn’t even move. He couldn’t believe what he just saw. Jewel was actually sucking off a complete stranger, a customer, in the bathroom, right this very second. Fuck. She, is so. Fucking. Hot. Jared thought to himself. He was rock hard imagining Jewel on her knees in front of the man, swallowing his cock all the way to the hilt, and then sticking out her tongue to lick his balls. She’d slowly lap at his ballsack, trying to reach as far around his drooping nuts as she could. Spit slowly drooling out of her mouth, making his sack wet and slobbery. She’d just stay there, cock all the way down. No gag reflex. Just holding his cock there, trying to suck his balls. Massaging his cock with her throat, holding it deep down, not moving her head at all. She’d start to moan, her pussy beginning to soak her panties as she willed him to cum in her mouth. He wouldn’t be able to last even one minute, staring down at the hottest girl to so much as bat an eyelid at him in years, someone he thought just half an hour ago he’d try and flirt with by leaving a small tip.

She got a tip alright. Jared laughed at his own dumb joke, and briefly forgot about imagining Jewel deepthroating the customer before he realized Jewel was actually standing in front of him and the man was hastily leaving the cafe.

“Hello, birdbrain? You there?” Jewel snapped her fingers in front of his face.

“Wha, what?” Jared shook his head quickly and blinked a few times. “Sorry, I was out of it. What just happened. Did that really just happen?” Jared glanced up at the clock. Two minutes had passed since Jewel had walked into the bathroom with the stranger.

Jared looked back at Jewel, then back up at the clock, then back to Jewel.

“Are you fucking serious. Two minutes? You were in there for two minutes?”

Jewel smiled.

“But how do I know you actually sucked him off!? Maybe you actually just patted him down and then kicked him out-” Jared stopped as he noticed what Jewel was doing. She was slowly opening her mouth and delicately lifting up her tongue. There was a small pool of white liquid resting there. She then moved her tongue underneath the goo and rolled it into the center of her mouth where she swirled it around, her mouth open the whole time for Jared to see. She moved the creamy substance up to her lips letting it almost drip onto her chin, before she sucked it back into her mouth. She opened her mouth wide and let Jared stare at the creamy liquid, resting there in her mouth.

There was no doubt about it, that was cum. Jared had seen enough of his own cum to recognize. Jewel was standing in front of him playing with the cum of some random ass stranger who just busted his nut in mouth in under 2 minutes and then ran out the door. And now here she was swirling his cum around, pushing it out to her lips and then sucking back down. Moving it all around her mouth and tongue, every which way.

Jared was about ready to explode in his pants, his cock was so hard, it felt like it was going to break a hole through his boxers. Fuck, it felt like it was about to break a hole through his jeans.

Jewel started to close her mouth incredibly slowly. Her lips moved at a snails pace as the cum in her mouth slowly slid to the back of her throat. She finally brought her lips together and swallowed what remained of the strangers cum.

“Mmm, delicious.” She winked at Jared, “and now, I’ll have to be going. I do believe that we had a bet. And I do believe that I have won said bet.” She picked up her purse from one of their cubbies behind the counter and swayed her ass seductively as she moved towards the door. “You know, I actually thought 3 minutes wouldn’t be enough time. I was kind of hoping…you know. That you would win the bet.” She smiled a wicked smile at Jared. “Oh well. I’ll just have to satisfy my oral fixation somewhere else.” She slowly licked one of her fingers while staring directly into Jared’s eyes. “Have fun on your own today little birdy. I hope big bird can handle waiting to see me again” She glanced down at Jared’s visible hard on.

Finally she was done teasing him, and she left. Jared was still holding the phone, his mouth slightly agape, not sure what the hell just happened.

I feel like I could pass out right now, he thought to himself. That was one of the hottest experiences of my life, and she didn’t even touch me. I didn’t even see her naked, she just stood in front of me with her mouth open. I don’t even know if that was actually cum! It could’ve been milk, or juice, or I don’t even know! But I feel like if I touched my cock right now I would explode. Jared looked at the door, no one was outside, the street was dead.

Fuck it, I can’t wait til I get home.

He ran over to the bathroom and quickly shut and locked the door behind him. His cock was out and in his hand in a couple seconds and two strokes later he was already coming onto the wall. He meant to try and shoot his load into the sink but he exploded with such a force it blasted all over the faucet handles and the wall. Some even got onto the mirror.

Fuck. Guess I’m on cleaning duty today too.

A few customers did eventually come in, but over all it was a quiet day. Jared closed up the Dull Beak at at 5:00 pm and started walking home. He decided he might swing by the grocery store, maybe pick up a frozen pizza or something for dinner, when his thoughts drifted back to the mystery woman at the park the previous night.

Maybe I should just go back and see if there are any signs there. Maybe a used tree dildo, or a big wet patch on the ground where she came all over. Yeah, that makes a whole lotta sense. Jared quickly sidestepped around a couple making out in the middle of the sidewalk that he almost walked straight into. God damn it, I gotta pay more attention to my surroundings. How will I find clues if I can’t even see what’s right in front of my face! Speaking of right in front of my face, how did I end up with Kelsey instead of Jewel. I work with the hottest, cum swallowing chick in the universe, and I date a cumphobic bitch who can’t stand it when I so much as look at her ass. And speaking of ass, I wonder if Jewel would let me fuck her ass. She seems slutty as fuck, I’m sure she takes it up ass every day. She probably chased down that old man and made him fuck her in the ass in an alley way on her way home earlier today.

Jared chuckled to himself imagining Jewel’s slutty ways as he wound his way through the park and back to the clearing on top of the hill.

The sun was starting to get low in the sky, but it was still daylight, and the space looked completely different. The trees looming over the clearing, curving up towards the sky. The sun low in the sky touching the sky scrapers in the distance. The bench perfectly positioned to bask in the view over looking the park. It truly was a magical spot.

He looked over to the space in the trees where he thought he had heard the noises the previous night. He walked over to and kicked around the leaves on the ground. Looks like normal forest he thought to himself. Maybe it was a wood nymph. Wood nymphs are total sluts right? They can’t stop rubbing their pussies. They’re either feeding off each other’s huge milky tits, or they’re humping their sap covered pussies on the hardest tree bark they can find, that’s what wood nymphs do, right? Jared was about to imagine a world full magical woodland beings all sucking and fucking each other when he noticed something on the ground that didn’t belong there.

Wait, what’s that.

He knelt down and brushed some leaves off of the object. It could have been mistaken for a rock, the surface certainly looked like stone, but its edges were too straight to be just a normal rock. It looked more like a brick, or a large smooth concrete block, except rock colored. It didn’t look like concrete. Once it was uncovered he realized it was actually plastic, and it wasn’t a brick, but a box, with a tiny latch on the back, nestled up against the tree. The hinges hidden somewhere inside.

That’s strange, well I have to open it now, right? When one finds a mysterious box, one opens the mysterious box. I wonder if I’ll find the wood nymph’s stash of Satyr cum. The nymphs, when they’re not masturbating, go around the forest chasing after the Satyrs calling them names. Once the Satyrs’ cum is all over the forest floor from being humiliated, the nymphs collect the cum and use it to build their nests for the winter. This could be a chest full of Satry cum, I bet I could sell it for a pretty penny on the black market.

Ok, back to the task. The latch was stuck, or locked, or something, and Jared had to focus to stop his mind from wandering. Ok, maybe I need a key to open it. Wait, what’s that. Right next to the latch was a tiny hole, big enough for a pin to fit into.

Maybe if I poke something into that hole, it will open, Jared thought. Ok, what about a small stick.

He picked up a stick lying near by. He brought it up near the box and tired to push it in, but it wouldn’t fit.

Kind of like my cock when I get to fuck Jewel’s ass, he though to himself. Too big to fit in, I just have to push harder to make it fit.

He pushed the stick into the hole, forcing it in.

Yeah, she’ll be bent over the cafe table, Mr. Eagle looking down on us. Her tight ass will barley fit my cock. I’ll have to force it in, pushing harder and harder, she’ll be screaming out in pleasure telling me to push it in harder and harder. Her big juicy bubble butt jiggling back and forth. Her asshole stretching wide open trying to my cock up but it just wont fit.

Jared put the stick down and grabbed a leaf stem. Maybe this will work.

Jewel will kick me in the balls and tell me sorry, my cock is too big for her. The old man customer will come over and take my place behind Jewel. His cock is just the right size, he’ll push it in and cum instantly because her ass is so tight. I’ll have to sit in the corner and jack off, lamenting how I’ll never get to feel Jewel’s soft silky bowels.

The leaf stem fit into the hole perfectly, and Jared heard a little click. The box opened up revealing an almost completely empty, definitely Satry cum free, interior. Nothin except for a small piece of paper folded in half.

Jared picked up the paper and unfolded it, it was a note. It was upside down. He turned it around and read.

| Same time, same place, Friday

| – AB

Jared stared at the note. Was this from his mystery woman? Or had this box been lying here for centuries, its original writer long passed away. Could this note actually be for him? Did his nighttime companion notice he was there, return to this spot earlier today, and leave this note, with the hopes that he would find it? And that he would then return again on Friday to -? To what? Have sex? Listen to some quiet moans in the distance, only to never see the mysterious companion?

Well, Friday was only two days away, and one thing was for sure, he would definitely be returning to the park to find out if this note was real.

Jared pocketed the note, but before closing the box realized he should probably put another note in its place, to like confirm to the mystery person that he would in face be there. If she did leave this note for him, it would surely be a shame to see that it was gone and not know if he was intending to show up. He opened up his tiny swiss army knife he carried in his pocket and pulled out the tiny pen that was included. He pretty much never had a reason to use this pen so he was excited to try it out. He tore off a blank piece of the original note and rubbed the pen back and forth a few times to get the ink flowing.

| I’ll be there.

| – JD

And with that he closed up the rock like box and made his way back home, imagining Jewel ass fucking the customer in the middle of the cafe to keep himself occupied.

The next two days went by quickly, and by the end of the day on Friday, Jared was getting excited. Today was the today he’d meet, maybe, his mystery forest buddy.

Maybe he’d get to fuck this secret slut. Maybe he’d arrive in the clearing and she’d be waiting for him right by the bench. Maybe she’d be wearing a blindfold and would be naked from the waster down. She’d be bent over the bench with her big ass in in the air, wearing a butt plug. She’d have left another hand written paper note on the ground with a few simple but pointed instructions, “remove and fuck. don’t speak. cum inside. leave.” Jared would oblige, he’d grip the base of the buttplug and slowly pull. He’d be shocked that as he pulled, it continued to come out. It wasn’t just 2 or 3 inches. It was stuffed up deep into her ass. At 6 inches he could believe what was happening. He kept removing the thick black dildo until all 10 inches of it was out and the mystery slut’s ass was left gaping in front of him. While continuing to stay bent over the bench, she’d reach back with both her hands and pull her ass cheeks apart and her asshole would open up, beckoning him inside.

He’d almost cum in his pants, but he’d hold it together as he unzipped his trousers and prepared to impale her. He’d push his dick into her ass and start to fuck her as quickly and vigorously as he could. She barely moved; she stayed put with her hands on her buttcheeks, holding her ass open so that if Jared pulled out for a second, he could see her gaping asshole, begging for him to shove back in and keep pounding. After only a few minutes, Jared wouldn’t be able to hold back. He’d pump his cum deep into her canal, filling her up to the brim. He’d pull his cock out with a loud popping sound, and cum would start to ooze from her ass. He’d stare at his handy work before completing the final instruction, and leave the clearing, hike back down the hill and head home.

Jared arrived at the clearing to no such sight. No naked lady wearing a buttplug. No assholes waiting to get fucked. Oh well, he thought, I didn’t think that was all that likely – but I wouldn’t have complained if it had turned out that way! I guess I’ll just take a seat and wait, I’m a few minutes early anyway.

Jared sat down on the bench and waited for the agreed upon time. The sun was already down, but now it was starting to get quite dark. The forest leaves blocking visibility and making it even darker on top of the hill. The meeting time came and went and still there was no sign of any mystery slut.

Jared peered out into the woods, waiting to see if his companion would show. Eventually he got impatient and started to walk around the clearing and that’s when he heard it. The same faint moaning that originally tipped him off to the visitor earlier in the week. He must have not been listening as intently and couldn’t hear it from the bench he thought to himself.

He tried to walk softly, although in theory his presence should be expected. He approached the trees where he had discovered the box and notes earlier that week and discovered an intriguing scene.

A women, probably 24 or 25 years old, was partially laying down on a blanket or sheet that had been placed on the ground. Her back was resting against a tree, and her legs were in the air. She was wearing a tight fitting top with a deep cut showing off her cleavage. Her hair was tied back in a loose pony tail to keep it out of her face. She was naked from the waist down except for lacy stockings that reached up to hear knees. Her pussy was completely exposed and she was masturbating. But she was wasn’t touching her pussy, instead she was fingering her asshole. She pushed her fingers in and out of her small tight asshole, moaning with each penetration.

Jared couldn’t believe his eyes. He had been hoping for something sexual to happen, but he didn’t really believe it would until now. He stared at the girl, fingerfucking her butt and he started to get hard. He rubbed his cock through his pants and coughed to make sure she knew he was there.

She looked up, but wasn’t startled at all. She must have known he would be there, or maybe she had watched him arrive and had known the whole time where he was at every moment.

She didn’t say anything to him, but she pulled her fingers out of her ass for a second and brought her hand up. She made a fist and moved it back and forth a few times before returning to pleasuring herself.

Jared didn’t need to be told twice, he unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out and started stroking it in front of the girl as she continued the assault on her own ass. Jared stroked up and down his large cock, enjoying the feeling of his hand. Like any guy he was a master-bater and knew how to keep himself close to cumming but not going to far in order to enjoy the moment. This girl was hot, and the situation even hotter. He’d finally found a girl that fucked her own ass as much as he wanted to fuck it. He wasn’t sure where the night was going but he hoped it would include some first rate butt fucking. But he was having trouble holding back. As she picked up the pace fingerfucking herself, he had begun to stroke faster too, keeping time with her motions without even thinking. He groaned as it was obvious he was getting close and might not be able to hold back.

“Cum on me”. The girl said. Her eyes were closed and her fingers were moving quickly in and out of her ass now, it looked like she was getting close too.

“Wha – “, said Jared, surprised to hear her speak for the first time.

“Where should I -?” He wasn’t really prepared to respond to her demands. He stepped forward and got a bit close to her.

She reached out with her other hand that wasn’t inside herself, and yanked him even closer. He was standing right above her now. Her head directly under his cock.

“Keep stroking,” she said in a low monotone. Almost as if she wasn’t paying him much attention and was more focused on her own needs.

She reached up and gently grabbed his wrist that was wrapped around his cock and pulled him close, right up to the top her cheek where her hair line met her face. Jared was a bit confused what was going on but had gotten himself close enough that with a couple more strokes he started to cum. The first rope shot up from his dick and went into her hair. A second thicker dose didn’t come out with as much force and went right next to her ear and started to slide down her cheek.

“Uhhh, fuck…Uhhhh,” Jared groaned as he came.

“Fuuckkkkk. Yess”The girl moaned softly. It seemed like maybe she was cumming to, but it was hard for Jared to tell.

Jared kept stroking and another two thick streams of cum shot into her hair. She was messy now. He could see the gluey white spunk making a spider web pattern in her hair. Oozing together and making her hair sticky. The cum on her cheek had slid all the way down to her chin and was threatening to fall down, but was somehow staying pretty well stuck to the chin. A drop would hang down on a short thread, but then would bounce up before dropping.

The girl seemed to have finished. Her feet were planted on the ground and no more hand in the ass. She looked up at Jared, with her cum filled hair, and cum smeared cheek. “Nice,” was all she said. And then “Call me.” before then pointing to the path exiting the forest, clearly indicating that the evening was over and it was time for Jared to leave.

“But wait, I don’t have your number,” Jared protested.

She didn’t move. She stared at him, hand still pointing to the exit.

Ok then. Jared zipped his pants and shuffled away into the darkness.

“Wait, what? Are you kidding me?” Jewel whispered to Jared before returning to the waiting customer. “Two Parakeet Puff Pastries and a bottle of White Ibis Water, $6.75.”

She closed the register and ran back over. “This chick is filthy. Do you think she likes cum even more than me? She put it in her hair? What? Who does that?”

Jewel was back at work and Jared had filled her in on what happened with the girl.

“Yeah, it was fucking hot. I bet she loves cum anywhere and everywhere. I bet she eats it just as good as you, but she’ll put it anywhere” Jared bragged.

“But I don’t have any idea how I’m supposed to call her. She said ‘call me’, but I don’t have any phone number or anything?”

“Wait, how did you say you met her in the first place? You said you knew to meet her that night, right? You didn’t just jerk off onto a completely random stranger without any prior arrangement, right?”

“Well…she was a completely random stranger, but yeah, she had left me a note in this disguised rock box under a tree.”

As Jared said the words, he realized how ridiculous he sounded, but his own stupidity also dawned on him.

“Wait. Shit. She probably put her number in the same place for me!”

Jewel gave her best ‘unimpressed’ face. “And how many days ago was this now?”

“5 days.”

“Well, all I can say is when I fuck strangers in the woods and tell the guy to call me, he’s got 48 hours or I’m never giving him another chance. Slow players may as well not play.”

“Fuck. Fuck.” Jared could feel his chances with mystery-anal-hair-cum-girl rapidly vanishing.

“You can cover me for today, right? I gotta go see if her number is still there in the woods.” Jared pleaded. Jewel looked for a minute like she was gonna draw out her answer and make him beg.

“Hmmm….I dunno, it’s pretty busy today…” Jewel played like she wasn’t gonna let him go. “But ok, I guess I – ” she cut off as a customer entered the store. Someone who looked suspiciously familiar. Jared frowned and then the recognition dawned on him. It was the older guy Jewel had sucked off in the bathroom the previous week. “Hold that thought” Jewel said. “I might need you for a few more minutes to watch the store.” And she walked over the counter to greet the man.


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