Jenny's Submissive Daddy Pt. 04 by MarkTass,MarkTass

Jenny was in town one afternoon the following week, idly window shopping with no particular plan in mind until she felt a slight hunger pang and decided to have a slice of cheesecake and some coffee. Looking around, she spotted a nice-looking café which she had been into once or twice before and made her way down the pavement towards it. Parked outside was a smart open-topped sports car which sparked a memory. Where have I seen that before, she asked herself as she pushed the door open and entered the café.

Looking around, she spotted a free table at the rear of the café and took a seat. As she checked the menu and settled on her choice, she looked up to catch the eye of a waitress. Instead, she spotted a familiar face sitting at a nearby table. Kim! And another girl with her back towards Jenny, and they were in deep conversation, faces conspiratorially close together. Jenny gasped, not knowing what to do. Just then, Kim raised her eyes and saw Jenny looking at her, clearly flustered. She smiled in recognition and waved at Jenny, indicating that she should come over to her table.

Jenny rose and walked with slightly trembling knees and stood beside Kim’s table, looking directly at Kim.

‘Well, hello, Jenny. How lovely to see you again. How are you?’ she purred.

‘I’m great, thanks, Kim. Nice to see you too.’ Jenny stuttered, and then glanced at Kim’s friend.

Oh my god, she thought, it’s Joy. That’s where I saw that car. It was Joy, and she was going to Mistress Dee’s house, and here she is now with Kim. Oh, god. And she’s still as beautiful as she was. Jenny blushed, turning towards Joy.

‘Yes, Jenny. It’s me, Joy, from school. Do you remember me? I remember you, with your adoring eyes and your adorable face. I haven’t seen you for over a year but you look older now, more mature.’ Joy openly looked Jenny up and down, taking in the skintight jeans hugging her hips and the loose blouse hiding her breasts.

Jenny was nonplussed. Joy remembered her, and was flattering her on her appearance. Maybe she had noticed back then, but just wasn’t interested.

‘Hello Joy. Yes, of course I remember you. You were in the year above me so I guess we never talked. It’s lovely to see you again too.’ Avoiding the issue that she had spent a year or more wishing she could have sex with this goddess.

‘Yes,’ Joy smiled back, ‘a happy coincidence. Kim and I were just talking about you.’ Joy smiled a little wider and Jenny blushed bright red.

‘Do take a seat, Jenny. Join us.’ Kim invited, and nervously Jenny sat with them.

‘Oh, Jenny,’ Joy continued, ‘it turns out you are rather a naughty girl. What fun. I always wondered why you kept looking at me like that at school, and now I know. I think you loved me a little, didn’t you? You wanted to serve me and I ignored you. Oh dear.’

‘Tell Joy your favourite number, Jenny.’ Kim said, more of a command than a request.

‘My favourite number? What do you mean?’ Jenny asked back, confused.

‘Think back, Jenny. I’m sure it will come to you.’ Kim teased, and the penny fell. Jenny blushed even more and her voice trembled a little. Back to being the obedient submissive.

‘I think I have two favourites, Kim. May I call you Kim here? The first is the number six, and the second is forty-two.’

‘Well, good grief!’ Joy sat back, as if astounded, enjoying Jenny’s embarrassment. ‘Please explain why the number six appeals to you, Jenny.’

Jenny looked imploringly at Kim but found no succour there. She wrung her hands and then, unexpectedly, a new strength filled her and she took a deep breath. She wasn’t ashamed, she was proud. It was pretty obvious that Joy already knew. She had been talking with Kim, as they just said, and Jenny had seen her entering Mistress Dee’s gates moments after her visit there last week.

Sitting up straighter and looking Joy in the eye, she boldly spoke out. ‘When someone is punished, each set consists of six strokes. Six is the minimum number of strokes of the cane awarded. But, I think maybe you know that already, Joy.’

Joy beamed. The girl is quick. I am so going to enjoy her, she thought to herself.

‘And what is it about the number forty-two that you find endearing?’ she asked.

Again, proud of herself, and recognizing that squirming feeling in her lower belly, Jenny unconsciously raised her left hand and gave her tit a squeeze as she stated what Joy already knew. Her nipples were beginning to ache.

‘Forty-two is the number of strokes of the cane that Kim inflicted on my naked backside last Saturday, Joy. That is why I like that number so much just now. Currently that is the number that came to mind when Kim asked me just now but I expect I may change my mind sometime in the future and give you a higher number.’

‘What if I don’t believe you, Jenny. What if I say I don’t think you were caned at all? I wonder if you are lying to me, Jenny.’ Joy adopted a challenging mien on her face.

‘I think maybe you are going to have to prove your claim, Jenny.’ Kim intruded. ‘It’s only been a few days. I’m sure the marks haven’t gone away yet. Why don’t you ask Joy to accompany you to the ladies’ room so she can see for herself? Ask her nicely, Jenny.’

Jenny gulped. She hadn’t even had that coffee she had come in here for and now she is effectively being told to bare her ass to the girl she used to have a crush on. This is crazy, she thought, but in fact her submissive side was truly beginning to kick in and she could feel her pussy heating up as the thought of what she was about to do became more real.

‘Joy, would you please accompany me to the ladies’ so that I can show you my bare ass? I want you to see the marks that Kim made there with her cane. There won’t be forty-two stripes any more for you to count, but you will be able to see that I was caned.’

They left Kim at the table and returned ten minutes later. Jenny was looking flushed and Joy had a very satisfied, smug expression on her face. Kim guessed that more than a simple dropping of the pants had taken place.

‘Jenny has kindly invited me to provide her with more of the same, haven’t you, Jenny?’ Joy grinned. ‘The question is, do we want her daddy to join the fun. I think not, Kim. Would you agree? I think it might be nicer just to enjoy Jenny on her own. We had better keep those two apart from what I hear.’

Jenny’s heart rate was returning to normal, having risen considerably when Joy had made her step out of her jeans completely and lowered her panties, bending down to give Joy an unimpeded view of her striped buttocks and swollen pussy lips. She hadn’t expected the invasion of Joy’s finger, past those lips and into her pussy, but when it happened, she mewed with pleasure as Joy thrust first one then two fingers deep inside her. Joy was impressed at the state of Jenny’s ass cheeks, recognizing a decent caning when she saw one. When prompted, with Joy’s fingers sliding in and out of her, she had indeed begged Joy to give her an equally hard caning once the skin had returned to its pristine condition.

For Jenny, a fantasy was coming true. She had been thinking about Joy a lot, ever since seeing her that day, and the idea that she was going to submit to her for a caning was almost too good to be true. Just a few weeks ago, she had been a normal school leaver, wondering how to pass the summer and what to do with her future and now she had become a cane loving lesbian, willing, no, wanting to submit to her Mistress to be stripped naked and thrashed. Who would have thought it? Other than her mother, who had engineered the whole new scene.

And then, a week later, her mother moved out of the house, claiming she had had enough and was going to live with her current flame in a town more than two hours’ drive away. Henry put up a token resistance but Maria was adamant and he bowed respectfully as she departed with two large suitcases.

“Watch that man, Jenny.” She advised her daughter. “And send or take him for a good beating regularly to keep him in order. I gather you aren’t averse to that yourself these days. Have fun!” she finished, and off she went.

Jenny was actually quite pleased, now having her daddy just to herself without her over-demanding mother to control them both.

Life in the house took on a new atmosphere. Henry returned to his own bedroom and behaved with great respect towards his daughter. She in turn allowed him some space to come to terms with the new arrangements. By now, her buns were almost fully recovered from her caning and her imagination had been running riot with thoughts of submitting to Joy. She put her daddy to the test.

It was the old game in reverse. Saturday afternoon and Henry was mowing the lawn. Joy went up to her room and removed her clothes slowly, luxuriously. She pinched her nipples until they ached and waited till she heard the mower stop. She went to the bathroom with her towel, leaving the door ajar and hung the towel on the rack. When she heard Henry start up the stairs, she nipped back to her own room to fetch the razor she had ‘forgotten’ to take with her and just as Henry arrived at the top of the stairs, she emerged, stark naked, onto the landing in front of him.

“Oh, daddy.” She pretended to be surprised, “You caught me naked. I just went to get my razor for my shower.” She ended lamely.

“And what a beautiful sight to behold.” Henry came back, overcoming his surprise.

Jenny continued standing there as her daddy eyed his naked daughter, noticing her stiff, reddened nipples.

“If you don’t go for your shower immediately, I’ll begin to think you wanted me to catch you,” Henry added, “and the last time that happened to me, you condemned me to a hard caning.”

Jenny continued to stand there, turning a little so she was giving Henry a full-frontal view. She spread her feet a little and asked sweetly, “If that were true, daddy, that I was inviting punishment, what do you think I should take for exposing myself like this to you?”

Henry wasn’t surprised at this little game he found himself playing. In fact, he had been hoping it would begin but he hadn’t found the courage to initiate it himself. Now, he was delighted to find his daughter dealing the first hand, as it were.

“Well, as your mother insisted, we should award each other Black Marks for bad behaviour. I am happy to continue with this family tradition and I rather think you are too. Am I right?” he asked.

“Yes, daddy. I think it is only right that you award me punishment if I don’t behave properly, just as I will for you too. I haven’t forgotten mum’s parting advice.”

Henry nodded his approval. “Just to be clear then, Black Marks earn six strokes from whip, riding crop, paddle or tawse, or some other instrument, and once you have earned twenty Black Marks, you will be sent to Mistress Dee who will administer the punishment. It is she who determines whether you should be caned over and above the initial beating of one hundred and twenty strokes from the other instruments. However, we may make a request for a minimum number of strokes we would like her to deliver if she chooses to inflict a caning. How about that?”

Jenny couldn’t help her hand rising to fondle her left nipple as her daddy reminded her of the house rules. He watched as she did it and there was no doubting the sudden swelling within his shorts.

“You can see what your display of nakedness has done to me, Jenny. For your lewd and cunning floor show, I award you ten Black Marks. I think you deserve sixty strikes in what I expect will be a warm-up for a good caning. Nice girls don’t go dancing naked in front of their daddies, waving the razors they plan to use to shave their pussies. Happily, you aren’t a nice girl, and I couldn’t be accused of being a nice man, so clearly we are getting on famously. But, behave yourself from now on, as Black Marks are easily earned in this house!”

Henry adjusted his shorts and went into his room. Jenny had a pretty good idea of what he would do in there. Satisfied that she was on the way to another session at Mistress Dee’s, she went for her shower.

Some days later, Jenny inspected her ass to see if the marks were completely gone. It wasn’t easy for her to be absolutely sure so she decided to enlist her daddy’s help.

“Daddy,” she started, “would you do something for me?”

“Of course, darling. Anything for you.” He replied.

“Would you mind checking my backside? I want to be sure the marks are gone now and I can’t see properly.” Knowing what the answer would be, she promptly slipped off her dress and walked over to Henry, clad only in bra and panties.

Henry adopted an unfamiliar dominant mien and told her to remove those too. She obeyed, thrilling at her own nakedness and submission to her daddy’s command and posed before him as he sat in his easy chair.

“Turn around and touch the floor, knees straight, feet apart.” He ordered, and Jenny complied, presenting him with a fabulous view of her naked ass, pussy and anus just a couple of feet from his face. Oh, how he would have loved to kiss her there but he knew that was out of bounds, a pleasure only permitted in the punishment chamber at the command of Mistress Dee or one of her assistants – or perhaps by invitation from Jenny herself, but there had been no signal from her that she wanted that.

Instead, he allowed himself to touch her with his fingertips, tracing them across her pristine buttocks. There were no remaining marks from her experience with the cane. He didn’t expect there would be as it was now the best part of a month since that wonderful day they had shared at the hands of Mistress Kim. He drew his fingers down her bottom to the crease at the top of her legs and back again, testing the feel of her skin while looking for deeper bruising. She was fully recovered. With a final stroke, he brought his finger down the crease of her ass and touched her anus which pulsed open and closed at the stimulation. He dared to continue and briefly brushed his fingers over Jenny’s swollen pussy lips before he lost courage and sat back into his chair.

“I have seldom seen such a perfect, unblemished bottom.” He announced. “There is no evidence of your caning; it is completely recovered.” Jenny stood up again and turned to face him, somewhat flushed from the position she had been in and from the unexpected touching.

“Thank you, daddy,” she said, “I’m glad to hear it. I don’t imagine it is going to stay that way for long though.”

Henry looked up, reluctantly, as he had been gazing at her cleanly shaved pussy, and raised his eyebrows.

“You have a plan?” he asked

“Yes, daddy, I do.” And she told him about her schoolgirl adoration of the oriental-looking girl, Joy, and how she had met her a few weeks ago with Kim. She confessed to Henry that Joy had commanded her to call her as soon as her ass was clear again. Joy had made it clear that Jenny would receive as much, if not more, than she had suffered under Kim, and Jenny had gladly promised that she would willingly submit. She also told him that he would not be invited to witness the session, but that Joy also planned to act as his mistress one day, having learned about him through Kim.

“And, just to help you towards that, daddy, I award you five Black Marks for touching my asshole just now. That was very naughty of you.”

Henry blushed a little and thanked her for being so lenient. Jenny quickly dressed again, trying to control her arousal, for making that confession while standing naked in front of her father had stimulated her more than she could bear and she rushed off to her room to do something about it.

Henry, in complete accord, did the same.

* * * * *

“Hello, is that Joy?” Jenny spoke into the phone. She had found the courage and her heart was pounding as she made the phonecall.

“It is.” She wasn’t making this easy.

“Hello Joy. It’s Jenny. I hope I’m not disturbing you. You told me to call you to request a visit to Mistress Dee’s when I was ready. I am now ready.” Keeping it polite and simple to begin with.

“Ah, yes, Jenny. How nice to hear from you. I was hoping you would call. In fact, you don’t need to go to Mistress Dee’s house now. Kim has an equally interesting cellar in her house, recently built and furnished by her father and her. I think I would like to see you there sometime soon, assuming you are willing.” Joy sounded confident.

“Yes, of course. I don’t know her address but I would certainly like to meet you there. You mentioned Kim’s father, would he have to be there too?” Jenny didn’t want him to be. She didn’t want a stranger to witness her debasement, especially a man.

“Oh, no, Jenny. You don’t have to worry about that. He never interferes in Kim’s business without an invitation. You won’t even meet him. There is a special door outside the house which leads to the cellars. No, it will just be Kim and myself, and you of course.”

Jenny was relieved. Joy gave her instructions on where to go, setting an appointment for the following weekend. Jenny felt her lower belly churning as she asked Joy a final couple of questions.

“Do you have any special instructions for me, Mistress Joy?” Calling Joy that gave her a delicious thrill. “Should I wear anything particular? I will do anything you command.” She promised.

“Not really, Jenny. I already know that you are shaved bald. That is one rule. The other is that I shall expect total obedience from you which you have just promised me. I also have a suggestion – bring some cotton knickers to wear afterwards, and a dark coloured skirt, in case you make me punish you hard enough to make you bleed.”

Jenny let out a gasp. “Yes, Mistress. Thank you. I’ll see you at two o’clock on Saturday. Bye bye.”

Jenny spent a long week in anticipation of her ordeal to come. She had spent many a night in the past couple of years fantasizing about Joy, albeit without the punishment aspect, and she had found out that her dreams were not wasted when Joy had taken control of her in the cubicle at the café a few weeks ago. Now she longed to serve Joy. She hoped Joy would let her worship her pussy with her tongue, like she had with Kim that first time.

Henry was full of pride for his daughter. She was completely open with him about the new direction her life was taking and he had no reservations about supporting her all the way. He wished silently to himself that he had a greater part to play in it, but wisely kept his thoughts to himself. He offered to drive her to her appointment and was impressed by Kim’s house as they arrived outside the gates. It was similar to Dee’s house, but larger, with a driveway hedged by rhododendron so mature that the view to the house was obscured. The drive separated, with a sign indicating the house to the right. Another arrow pointed left, with a drawing of a loaf of bread and a French flag. Jenny quickly understood the cryptic clue. “Bread in French is ‘pain’, daddy. I guess people might think the sign refers to deliveries.” Henry took the left fork and drew up at the side of the house. There were some stone stairs heading down to a large black-painted door with what appeared to be brass studs.

The door opened and Kim came out, ascended the stairs and smiled her welcome to Henry.

“Hello Henry. Nice to see you again. Thank you for delivering Jenny to us. Joy will be pleased to meet you; she has heard a lot about you and is looking forward to entertaining you one day.”

At this, Joy came up the steps, dressed in a mouth-watering black leather miniskirt, black leather bolero top and knee-high black leather boots. With the leather cap, she looked absolutely stunning and Henry let out a moan of desire. He leapt from the car and shook first Kim’s, then Joy’s hand.

“I’m delighted to meet you. I think I should call you Mistress Joy, shouldn’t I?” he stuttered. Joy beamed at him and agreed.

“Yes, you may call me that here, Henry, and I expect you will be calling me that in more earnest soon enough, but not today. Today is Jenny’s day, so thank you for bringing her to me. You may return to collect her in two hours. Jenny, come!”

Henry climbed back into the car and drove off with the three girls watching until the sound of his engine faded.

“Jenny, you may disrobe now.” Joy informed her. Only a little startled, having learned at Mistress Dee’s that the supplicant should arrive suitably unclothed to a punishment session, she quickly unbuttoned her long black dress and removed it. Underneath she was naked, and she folded her dress neatly. Kim pointed to a box by the steps and told her to deposit her bag and dress there and secure the padlock. The sun was shining and it was a warm day, but Jenny’s nipples were tight and hard as if they had been rubbed with ice. She could feel Joy’s eyes on her but chose to keep hers down, in deference to her mistress.

“You will be provided with the key to the padlock when your father returns to collect you, Jenny. Obviously, he will see you as you come up the stairs naked. You will keep your back to him and your legs straight as you bend down to retrieve your belongings from the box and your bottom will be exposed to him too. That way, he will have a foretaste of what I will do to him when he comes to visit me.” Joy was clearly enjoying herself, and the naked Jenny shivered in spite of the sunshine.

“Thank you, Mistress Joy.” Was all she could think to say. She adopted the punishment position, standing outside the house but facing it, with her feet apart and hands behind her neck, elbows back and tits thrust forward. As she allowed her eyes to rise, she thought she noticed a face looking down from the second floor of the house. A man. Probably Kim’s father. And he was staring at the naked girl in his garden while his daughter and her leather-clad friend ordered her to remain in position. Joy told me I wouldn’t meet him, but she didn’t mention that he would probably see me, Jenny thought, but if that is what Joy wants, then I don’t mind. Let him look.

“You are earning punishment more quickly than I expected, Jenny.” Joy announced. “Here you are, standing naked in a stranger’s garden, knowing that the man inside is watching you and yet you make no attempt to cover yourself. For that, you will be beaten. I sentence you to six strokes of the cane.”

“Yes Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.” Jenny retorted, impressed at how dominant Joy was proving to be, and how grossly unfair the punishment. Her pussy gave a little spasm at the thought of just how much she was already in Joy’s thrall. “Please punish me for my impudence, Mistress.” She added.

The trio descended the steps and entered the cellars. They ran throughout the basement floor of the house and at the end of a corridor there was, just like at Dee’s house, a table with a contract on it. Joy invited Jenny to read it carefully and then to sign it if she agreed to the terms.

The words danced in front of her. Agree, slave, punishment, worship, safeword, obey, instruments, refuse, and more. Jenny didn’t really care. She trusted these people and was here of her own volition. No turning back now. She signed and handed to paper to Joy.

“I humbly give myself up to your mercy, Mistress Joy. Please know that I truly want to be here and if you make me suffer beyond my limits, it will be my own fault that made you do that to me.”

Kim smiled, knowing that was unlikely, having punished Jenny herself. Joy looks the part, but I am a far harder mistress, she told herself. Joy is demanding, and Jenny will be well marked when her daddy looks at her arse in a couple of hours, but she won’t be broken. We never do that to our slaves. After all, we want them to come back.

Two hours pass very quickly when you are having fun, and Jenny was quite surprised when Joy announced that there were just ten minutes to go. Jenny had been subjected to a wide variety of treatments, starting with an enema. Kim had inserted the tube into Jenny’s rectum as she knelt with her tits pushing against the floor. Just one pint, but as a first experience, is was enough to humiliate her. She held the liquid for five minutes only. She had been commanded to hold it for ten. That earned her a whipping. She had been secured with her hands chained above her to the ceiling and whipped first on the buttocks, then on the tits.

“How many lashes would you like me to give your breasts, Jenny?” Joy had asked and Jenny begged for a dozen. The tails spread across Jenny’s tits and her nipples were stung by them. Her skin turned red and marks were clearly visible. Joy announced that she would also like to strike Jenny’s nipples with a riding crop and again jenny was invited to beg her to do so. This time she pleaded for twelve on each nipple and she was granted her wish. Although Jenny started to howl after the first six, Joy allowed no mercy and the full two dozen strikes were meted out. Jenny’s tears dripped onto her ravaged bosom and helped to cool the fires raging there. Politely, she thanked Joy.

Kim suggested that as Jenny had failed to keep the enema liquid, she should learn to take a butt plug in her ass, and so once again, Jenny found herself on her knees, bent over presenting her anus for training. They started with small plugs, lubricating her anus with their fingers, and then introduced larger ones. Finally, Kim produced a penis-sized dildo and made Jenny beg for it.

“Please slide your dildo into my ass, Mistress Kim. I want you to stretch my anus and fuck me with the dildo.” She implored. Kim did as she was requested and was delighted at the compliant girl who was learning so quickly. More than compliant. She was reveling in her submission and accepting levels of pain far beyond what a novice would normally take.

Jenny’s nipples were clamped, with weights attached. She cried out loudly when they were removed after twenty minutes and the blood returned to fill those poor tortured buds. Joy attached clothes pegs to her pussy lips, and then whipped them off with a long crop. As Jenny was tied into a gynae chair at the time, her cunt took a lot of whipping until the final peg flew off. Her clit had emerged from its hood and was struck a couple of times making Jenny scream in pain.

“Would you like me to stop whipping your cunt?” Joy asked, to which Jenny shook her head furiously and pleaded with her to continue.

“Please don’t stop Mistress. I want you to whip my cunt as much and as hard as you like.” She gasped.

Kim took pity on her poor flogged pussy and spent five glorious minutes bathing it with her tongue. The result of that was for Jenny to weep with pleasure as a wave of orgasm rolled over her and her bladder released a full stream of piss straight into Kim’s face. That earned Jenny eighteen strokes of the cane.

In fact, throughout the session, Jenny had been accumulating strokes of the cane and it was to be the final punishment. Now she had totaled forty-eight. More than she had taken from Kim on her previous caning.

“Well then, Jenny. It is time for you to receive the caning that you have earned. Place yourself on the caning bench for Kim to secure you. I intend to make this hurt and I don’t want you writhing around.”

Jenny placed her knees on the supports, widely spread and bent over the frame, her ass uppermost and in the perfect height and position for her to take her caning. Kim used the belts and buckles and soon Jenny was rendered absolutely helpless and entirely at the mercy of her mistress.

“As you know, slave Jenny, you have been awarded forty-eight strokes of the cane during this punishment training session. Do you agree that every stroke has been awarded fairly and that you deserve every single one?” Joy taunted the immobile girl before her.

That’s a bit rich, thought Jenny. Almost every stroke had been awarded for the feeblest of reasons, from the very beginning, apart from pissing in Kim’s face, however, it was a bit late to object now and would profit her little to complain.

“Yes Mistress. Thank you, Mistress. You have been completely fair with me and every stroke you were forced to award me was fully deserved without exception. I beg you to give me the full caning I have brought upon myself.”

“Good. I shall begin. You will count each stroke aloud, thank me and beg for the next stroke. You are forbidden from any other utterance. No shouting, no cursing. Just numbers, thanks and requests for more. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress Joy.”

And without further discussion, Joy commenced the final punishment of the day.

Joy was not as skilled in caning as Kim and Jenny quickly realized this. The first six strokes were mild and the second half-dozen tested her not at all. However, she quietly and calmly took her punishment, thanking her mistress and requesting the next stroke as commanded. By twenty-four, Jenny wondered if Joy was trying to make her laugh rather than cry. She felt compelled to do something about it.

“Twenty-five. Thank you, Mistress. Please cane me harder. Oh, I’m sorry, I meant please give me another stroke, Mistress.”

Joy responded at once. The next stroke was indeed harder, and the one after that. By thirty-six, Jenny was sweating and there were just twelve to go. She had taken harder from Kim and really wanted Joy to test her today. “Thirty-seven. Ohhh, Christ! Thank you, Mistress. Please cane me again.”

“I warned you, no cursing. That stroke will be repeated.” Joy would tolerate no disobedience. She knew that Kim was a far more accomplished caner than she, but it was giving her a wonderful thrill to punish this girl who had spent more than a year with her adoring eyes following her everywhere at school. Suffer, Jenny, she thought as she increased the tempo of her swing.

“Aaaah! Thank you, Mistress. Thirty-seven again. Please give me another stroke.”

“And no shouting!” Joy found herself enjoying this a lot. “That stroke will be repeated too.” She adjusted her position and let fly.

White lightning! Searing pain. Oh, now she’s picked up her game, Jenny acknowledged to herself.

“Thirty-seven. Thank you, Mistress. Please cane me again.” Back to the script, she thought.

The next six strokes had Jenny gasping and taking in a huge lungful of air at each blistering stroke. She managed to remain controlled and kept her speech brief.

“Forty-five. Thank you, Mistress. Please cane me more.” Joy could see the effects of the past few strokes. Jenny’s skin was pretty tough, but it was bright red now, with many darkened lines running evenly across it. Let’s make these last strokes memorable, she thought. She may not have been as good as Kim, but she was still good.

“Aaaargh! Fuck! Ohhh goddd. Forty-six, mistress. Thank you. Please cane me again.”

“Oh, Jenny. You must learn to control your mouth. That was a dreadful outburst and the stroke will be repeated. Take it in silence, wait for the count of thirty and then thank me.”

Mind games. Jenny was on the point of tears. Silence? She knew she could. The endorphins were racing through her and half of her complaint was play-acting, trying to draw Joy out to go beyond her limits. She was quite close now.

Whooosh! Crackkk! A merciless stroke which landed exactly where Joy had aimed it. Just above the crease at the top of Jenny’s leg, a previously untouched spot.

Agonising pain. Jenny braved it through, whimpering gently and counting silently in her head. Finally, “Forty-six. Thank you, Mistress. Please cane me again.”

Whoosh, crack! Another merciless stroke. This one on top of several previous ones. As the white line from the cane turned to red, a drop of blood rose from Jenny’s beaten buttock.

“Forty-seven. Thank you, Mistress. Please cane me again.”

Joy did. She aimed it to strike Jenny exactly where the previous stroke had landed. As she raised the cane, the skin opened further and a small rivulet of blood rolled down Jenny’s ass.

“Forty-eight. Thank you so much, Mistress Joy. I wanted to be tested and you have certainly done that. I hope you are pleased with me.” Jenny exulted in her achievement. She had taken what had turned out to be a longer and harder caning than Kim had given her and wasn’t crying.

“Jenny. I think you are forgetting yourself. I did not ask you for comment. And, there is something else we have to discuss.”

“Yes Mistress. Sorry, Mistress.” What the fuck, Jenny thought.

“What is the rule about the number of strokes regarding a caning, Jenny?”

Oh, bloody hell, thought Jenny. This isn’t over. “A caning is delivered in sets of six strokes, Mistress.”

“Indeed. And how many extra strokes did you earn from your outpourings?”

“You awarded me three extra strokes, Mistress.” Jenny, still helpless in her inescapable bondage, found her heart beating wildly. Her pussy was leaking and she knew what she had to do.

“Please, Mistress Joy. I have not received the full set of strokes that I deserve. I have three strokes of the cane yet to be inflicted. Please give me those three strokes to conclude my punishment.”

“Would you like me to cane you gently, Jenny, as you thought your ordeal was over?”

“No, Mistress. It was my own doing that I earned the additional strokes. Please make the strokes hurt, to punish me for swearing.”

“You know that you are already bleeding, don’t you?” asked Joy.

“Oh, I didn’t Mistress. I apologise. I didn’t ask your permission. Please give me the final three strokes even harder than the last one you gave me to punish me for bleeding without permission.”

Joy was delighted with her new slave. “You may scream if you wish.” Joy gave her permission, and as each agonizing stroke landed on Jenny’s scorching buttocks, scream she did, in pain and pleasure as she submitted to the girl she loved. Joy took a cold wet towel to Jenny’s bleeding buns and dabbed them clean. Kim released her from her bondage and they both helped her to rise from the caning bench. She was very wobbly on her feet and needed to lie down on a day bed at the side of the room, on her front.

“Your father is expected in ten minutes, Jenny. I think you will need all that time to recover. Just lie there while Kim applies some salve to your ass. You may think you have been through a fierce caning, but experience tells me that with skin like yours, you will be healed in no time at all. Maybe then you will call me again and beg me to be even harder on you than today.”

Jenny surprised herself at her quick recovery and within a few minutes she was standing in the punishment position, looking imploringly at Joy.

“There is one thing, Mistress Joy. I have spent almost two years gazing at you and loving you. I fully expected you to have me provide you with body worship today, but I haven’t even seen any part of you naked. Would I be permitted to do that?”

“Oh, Jenny. You poor girl. How frustrating that must have been for you.” Replied Joy with a smile. “Okay. You make a full recovery from today’s session and I’ll promise you two things. The next time you come here, you can pay homage to my body until I squirt in your mouth, and in return, I will make sure you take at least sixty strokes from my cane, or Kim’s. Fifty-four is obviously not enough.”

Just then, Kim announced Henry’s arrival outside, as seen on the cctv screen.

“Your father is here, Jenny. Here is the key to the box where your clothes are. Remember, give him the full-frontal so he can admire the bruises on your breasts and nipples and particularly your well-whipped pussy, and then straight legs, bending into the box so he can see the state of your ass. There is one final humiliation I would like you to submit to. Are you willing to indulge me?”

‘Yes, of course, Mistress Kim. I will do anything you ask me to.” Jenny replied.

“Good. Turn around and bend over. I am going to insert a whip dildo into your anus. The dildo is the shape and size of a seven-inch penis and once it is in your ass, the tails of the whip will hang between your legs. You will request your daddy to remove it from you before you get dressed. Joy and I will accompany you to ensure your compliance. Is that okay?”

Jenny was stunned. She knew she wouldn’t refuse but this was going to be humiliating.

“Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress. Please insert the dildo in my ass for my daddy to remove. What would you like him to do with it once he has taken it out?”

“Well, maybe you should take it home with you and every Saturday between now and the next time you come back to serve us, you could ask him to return it to where he found it, and make you wear it for an hour. We wouldn’t want your anus to be too tight for a fucking, would we?” Kim smiled sweetly, having passed sentence. “And maybe he would be so good as to take a picture and send it to us each week, to prove your submission to my wishes and for us to check the condition of your skin.”

Oh, lord, Kim is very inventive. Jenny bent over with her hands on her knees as Kim lubed her anus with her fingers and gently inserted the large dildo past Jenny’s anus and deep into her rectum. She was more receptive to it now, after her previous training. The whip tails hung down, as described. It was not especially comfortable, but Jenny got used to the fullness in her ass and was soon walking quite normally.

“One more thing, Jenny. After your daddy has taken the dildo back out of your ass next week, you will lie on your back with your legs widely spread and you will ask him to thrash your pussy. Twelve strikes the first week, twenty-four the second week, and so on. Just imagine, if you wait for five weeks, he will have to beat your cunt sixty strokes.”

Henry was waiting outside the car, beside the steps from the cellars and saw first Joy, then Jenny and then Kim come through the door and walk up the steps. Jenny was naked, just as she had been when he last saw her, but as she came opposite him, he could see the multiple whip marks across her breasts. Some of them still bright red, and her thickened nipples. Her pussy was also inflamed with many whip marks. He gawped silently, not wanting to be the first to speak.

Then he noticed something odd between her legs, down to her knees. What the hell is that, he wondered. She turned round, walked to the box on the ground and spreading her feet, bent at the waist to unlock the padlock and open the box. Henry immediately saw her ravaged buttocks, recognized a serious caning had been inflicted and noticed the still weeping drops of blood from one or two of the stripes. As Jenny leaned deeper into the box to retrieve her clothes, he identified the whip dildo sticking out of her ass. His cock leapt to attention immediately. Foolishly, he had donned just a loose pair of shorts and a tee shirt to come and collect Jenny and they did nothing to conceal his erection. Kim noticed it first and smirked. Joy saw it and frowned.

Jenny turned and noticed too. There was nothing else she could do. She was under instruction.

“Daddy, would you please help me by removing this dildo in my ass. We are to take it home, and every week I would like to ask you to slide it back in my ass, to stretch my anus to prepare it for a fucking. After I have had it in for an hour, would you please remove it and use the whip to thrash my naked pussy, one dozen strokes, rising by a dozen each week?”

It was a long speech and Henry’s cock was about to burst as each new request was made. Kim was the first to react.

“How dare you come here to my house sporting an erection? Remove your clothes at once.”

Henry was, after all, deeply submissive and he thrilled to the sound of this young dominatrix’s words. He lifted off his tee shirt and slowly dropped his shorts. To make matters worse, he was wearing no underwear. His engorged cock pumped to the pulse of his heart. Joy hadn’t seen him before today, but Kim already knew this man.

“Jenny. You will still follow my instructions to the letter regarding your Saturday ritual, but for this shameless display, I add the command that having taken your pussy whipping, you will do the same to your father. You will thrash his cock with the whip the same number of strikes that he gives you. Maybe that will help him to control himself. You will take pictures yourself and send them to me so I can enjoy his pain from a distance.”

Henry was then instructed to ease the dildo from his daughter’s anus and she quickly dressed, this time putting on the cotton panties she had kept in her bag to comfort her well-beaten behind. A shame-faced Henry then dressed himself again and they drove away, Kims new instructions ringing in their ears.

* * * * *

“You don’t have to do it, daddy.” Jenny said to Henry as they drove home.

“What’s that, darling?” he asked, uncertain which part ‘it’ consisted of.

“Any of it, actually. I’m in it right up to my neck – probably beyond that if I’m honest with myself, but if you don’t want to play their games, I’ll explain to Kim and Joy and I’m sure it will be alright.”

Henry pictured Joy again, as she had emerged from the cellars at the beginning of Jenny’s visit. Short leather skirt, bolero, which although held together with a clasp had been full of the promise of unclad, young naked breasts within, and the boots and cap to match, his cock began to swell again.

“Are you saying this to save me the embarrassment of sliding that rubber cock into your ass, darling? Because if you are, don’t worry, I won’t mind doing that. Mind you, an hour of that thing stretching your anus will be quite a test. Maybe I could be kinder and just take it out after a few minutes?”

“You heard Kim, daddy. She wants me to put it onto a direct stream to her through my phone, so we can’t cheat. Either we do it right or we don’t do it at all, and if we do it at all, we have to do everything we have been commanded to do, like it or not. That includes the whipping, don’t forget!”

Henry hadn’t forgotten. His own daughter was going to whip his cock. At that thought, the cock in question came to as full an erection as was possible from the driving seat. Unencumbered by underwear, and loose in his shorts, it escaped through the leg and sat proudly pointing at the steering wheel.

“And which option would you prefer, Jenny? It looks like we are both in this together, and believe it or not, it is actually you who is in charge. You know me. I just do what I’m told, particularly when it is a female handing out the orders, so effectively, it’s your ass, and mine!” Henry thrilled to his submissive side, wondering if his daughter would take the dominant role at least in the house. He so wanted her to, but equally, prayed that she would simply say no to those two young dominatrices and take a different path into her future.

Jenny looked across, wondering what expression might be on her father’s face as he spoke those fateful words. She was in two minds about this, but then she noticed his cock sticking out from his shorts.

“Oh! Daddy! Naked erection again. It’s the second time I’ve seen it today. It reminds me of the cock whip-dildo Kim gave me. About the same size. And from the look on your face, I think I know which way you want this to go. However, I’m going to let you stew awhile. I’ll tell you after dinner.” And no more was said on the drive home, each lost in their thoughts.

Continued in Part five.

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