Judicial Punishment Lottery Pt. 07

An adult stories – Judicial Punishment Lottery Pt. 07 by Gortmundy,Gortmundy Guys here’s the next episode of the Judicial Punishment Lottery series. I’d just like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to fellow Lit-author Avicia, who helped a lot with this one. If you’ve not read her stories, then I thoroughly recommend that you check them out.

Not much sex in this one by the way. But the second half should make up for it.

Judicial Punishment Lottery Pt. 07

When Margo awoke, she sighed happily and turned in her bunk, careful not to disturb the young woman sleeping next to her.

This was the ninth day of her ten-day sentence of “Correctional Therapy” for Assaulting a Police Officer and if anyone had suggested she would have found the experience quite so revealing she would have immediately called them out for being utterly deluded, but there it was.

Only a few days ago Margo had brought Sally, an indentured pleasure slave, with her from the United States to Scotland on vacation only to find that the institution of judicial slavery was not tolerated in that country. When Sally had been summarily emancipated on arrival by the Scottish authorities Margo, who had been more than a little drunk at the time, had caused quite a scene at the airport, culminating in her slapping a uniformed Police Officer as he was arresting her for Breaching the Peace, whatever that meant.

She had been restrained, handcuffed, arrested and thrown unceremoniously into a Police cell. After a brief, but excoriating appearance in court she had been sentenced to a public caning, a mandatory period of so called “Correctional Therapy” in a specialised short-term prison, followed by five hundred hours of Community Service, which had to be carried out naked, of course, to further increase the shame of the punishment.

Given she was considered a flight risk, which was fair enough because if she had been given even half a chance, she would have been on the first flight out of the country, her passport was seized and she was to be locked up in prison, albeit on a day-release basis, until her full sentence was completed.

All in all, it was a bit of a bloody nightmare, or so she initially thought.

But the funny thing was that she had always felt thoroughly ashamed of the way she had kept Sally as a sex slave. She was going through a horrible divorce at the time, was drinking far too much, was miserably lonely, and the pretty young thing had been almost a lifeline, keeping her company and brightening her day just by being there, even when she was otherwise miserable as Hell.

That plus, she was ashamed to say, having her soft body to play with in her bed was just simply wonderful.

Unfortunately, she had never really thought how it affected the girl, being enslaved, and sexually abused at the whim of her Mistress and owner. Margo liked to think she wasn’t as cruel as many, but she had still used the young woman as a toy, still forced her to indulge in all manner of thoroughly lewd acts just to please her, she’d spanked her more than once, and not always as a punishment, but sometimes simply because she wanted to, and because she got a sexual thrill from having a lovely girl naked and over her knee.

She’d never beaten the girl with a cane, or belt, didn’t make her kneel or crawl, nor did she keep her nude like she heard some others did. She’d given the young woman her own room and never called her “slut” or anything mean like that. But now she realised just how pitiful those concessions really were. She had still used her as a plaything, and the girl had no choice but to do as she was told, smile, and pretend she enjoyed it when her Mistress took her to bed or made her perform all those sexual acts on her.

Margo thought of all the times she had fondled, kissed, licked, fucked, and gone down on the young woman, hoping to make her enjoy it as much as she did, but despite her cries of passion she was now sure Sally’s responses were probably as much forced as anything else.

No, she’d been kidding herself. She was a fucking monster, and it was a good thing that Sally had been freed.

The beating she had received for slapping the cop had been thorough and excruciating, but it paled into insignificance compared to the shame she felt over what she had done to the poor girl. Legal or not, her behaviour was reprehensible. When she had power over the woman, she hadn’t been as kind as she thought, but instead had descended to the level of nothing more than a state-sanctioned rapist.

Now, perhaps belatedly, it was time to start making amends.

If she did that then maybe, just maybe, one day, she might even be able to look at her reflection in the mirror again and not be disgusted by the person she saw.

Margo was surprised at the effect this experience was having on her. She hadn’t realised just how much the weight of all the shame and guilt she was carrying had weighed her down, and now, with it lifted from her shoulders It was almost liberating in a sense. in fact, for the first time in years, she actually felt almost good about herself.

That wasn’t to say being locked up was all fun and games, or a cakewalk, by any means. She had been told in no uncertain terms that “Correctional Therapy” was a hideous ordeal of corporal punishment and brutality, but it just… wasn’t.

Well, it was, and it wasn’t at the same time.

Sure, the induction, showering strip and cavity search and all that had been as fucking awful as one would expect. But while the Wardens were efficient, uncompromising and downright strict in the extreme, they weren’t brutal. They didn’t demean their charges any more than was necessary, didn’t call them names, bully them or indulge in all the sick and sexual indulgences she’d heard happened in the slave-camps back home.

Sure, if you gave them lip, they would bend you over a bench and beat your naked ass in full view of everyone with the leather tawse they all carried. But if you were polite, kept yourself and your bunkspace clean and tidy, did the chores they allocated, and caused no trouble then they let you be for the most part.

The daily inspections were a pain in the ass, but again, make sure you were presented on time, keep yourself clean, answer when spoken to and make sure your cell was presentable, and like as not you would only get a single demerit.

The demerits were another weird thing. Some idiots were either lazy or stupid and could garner as many as a half dozen at a time. You could work them off by taking extra physical education classes, or volunteering for extra lectures, but if you ever got a total of ten then you suffered an immediate punishment, and each of the bloody things was worth six strokes on your bare butt with a tawse.

There were mandatory physical education sessions each morning in the gymnasium, or out on the track, and they could be hard work, but if you put in the effort, you would be okay. Margo had been hitting the gym and taking palates classes every day for years, so that presented her with no problems.

The compulsory lectures were mostly about the social contract between citizen and state and all that sort of thing, but they weren’t that bad. Plus, there were a couple of lectures teaching numeracy and literacy to those inmates that needed it.

She had volunteered to assist with those classes and given her degrees in business studies and computing, as well as her experience in successfully running her own companies back home the teaching staff had been happy to have her. It was a good way to work off stray demerits, plus the teaching staff were interesting to talk to.

So far, she had garnered a few demerits and had been given a belting once when a Warden heard her swearing when she first tasted the God-awful excuse for coffee they served. It was pretty funny when she thought of it, and even the Warden had grinned, but that didn’t stop her from being bent over the breakfast table, made to lower her bottoms and panties in full view of everyone, and despite her blushes and tears being given six strokes with the belt. The weird thing was the way the other inmates didn’t even bat an eye, it was just one of those things that happened in this place.

Mind you it had still stung like a bastard.

She shared a cell with Amanda Bailey, the young student and environmental activist she had met in the Police cells. Like her she had suffered a judicial caning and even after eight days the pattern of stripes crisscrossing their asses were still visible. They’d managed to get some cold cream from the prison commissary and spent an embarrassing, but otherwise pretty entertaining evening taking turns smearing the stuff over the livid marks on each other’s still stinging posteriors. They’d both ended up blushing and gigging like kids, but damn if the girl’s gentle fingers and the bliss of the cold cream on her blistered ass hadn’t felt so good!

Amanda was a pretty brunette with honey-brown hair and eyes like chocolate caramel. She had pouty lips, high cheekbones and a cheeky smile that Margo thought was just ridiculously cute. Curvy and attractive the woman set Margo’s pulse racing every time she lay alongside her. Last night the younger woman had rolled over in her sleep and her breasts had squashed against the blonde American. Then she’d unconsciously reached round and pulled Margo close, nestling almost like a child before murmuring happily in her sleep. It was fucking torture!

Like Margo, Amanda was no hardened criminal, just a young woman with convictions that had gotten her into trouble. But she was young, barely twenty years old, a student at Glasgow University, and she had been terrified of what would happen to her in this place. On the first night she had ended up weeping in her cell until Margo wrapped her arms around the girl and just held her.

Since then, she had spent every night sharing a bunk with the older woman. Margo had contented herself with just holding the poor girl, cuddling her, comforting her as best she could while stroking her hair and whispering that she would be okay, and that they would get through it.

It was almost as if it was a test for the American woman. She could have so easily pushed it just a little, and Amanda would have likely been so grateful she would have given her everything she wanted. Some nights when the warm, soft body was lying alongside her, breathing quietly, with those perfect young breasts squeezing against her, or with the alluring curves of her gorgeous ass pushing into her as she snuggled close, it took literally every ounce of willpower the woman had not to kiss the back of her neck, or simply throw herself at the girl and fuck her into a coma.

Amanda’s eyelids flickered open, and she sighed happily as she gazed into the eyes of the woman holding her, “Morning.”

Margo gave her a gentle squeeze, “Morning sleepyhead.”

During the night one of Amanda’s legs had curled around the older woman as she cuddled her, and Margo had to stifle a quiet groan of protest as the younger woman untangled herself.

The student looked about blearily, and Margo giggled at her disheveled state. The girl was clearly not a morning person, “Ugh, what time is it?”

“Oh-five-thirty. What does the “Oh” stand for?”

Giggling they both chimed, “Oh My God its early!”

Margo chuckled and shook her head in resignation when instead of getting up the younger woman simply wormed her arms around her hips and pulled her close. She could have happily lain there all day and not got bored once, but time was passing, so she sighed again, “Come on kiddo, just half an hour to get ourselves and our “suite” sorted out before early inspection.”

“Oh, God… Mornings are evil.”

“You’ll feel better after a cup of tea, or so you damnable Brits keep saying. If you want to head off to the showers, I’ll sort out your bunkspace for you.”

Margo chuckled and then stiffened when the cute brunette leaned close and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. She tasted sweet and even that brief contact made her tremble.

Amanda traced her fingers gently across the woman’s cheek and whispered, “Thanks Margo.”

The American woman drew a breath and closing her eyes she unconsciously leaned into the girl’s touch with a sigh. A moment later she blinked as she forced her mind to clear and leaned back, “Um… Oh God, I’m sorry… I…”

With a smile that almost took her breath away the young student halted her by placing a finger against her lips, “Shhh, it’s okay. I’m not Sally, you’re not forcing me into anything,” she grinned, and her eyes lit with a mischievous twinkle, “in fact I’ve made a decision.”

Margo swallowed nervously, “W-what decision?”

“Well, tomorrow we both move on. We might never see each other again, so I’ve decided that tonight I’m going to have my wicked way with you.”

“What?! No wait, you don’t have to d-”

The woman giggled and blushed like a schoolgirl, “You got me through this Margo, you keep saying you’re a bad woman, but I don’t see it. Maybe you made some bad choices, but we all do that, Hell according to the newspapers I almost killed some poor bugger by blocking their ambulance from getting to hospital…”

“You didn’t know th-”

“Doesn’t matter, you pays your money, and you takes your chances as the saying goes. I still did it. Anyway, if it wasn’t for you, I’d have fallen to bits in here. Seriously, I’d have had a nervous breakdown or something without you, and I know it must have been hard for you. I lay here every night, cuddling you like you were some kind of safety blanket, and you never once complained, or laid a hand on me. In fact, you didn’t ask me for a damned thing in return.”

“Yes, bu-”

“I’m a grown woman Margo, and I can make my own mind up and I’ve decided that I’m not letting you go without, well, without showing you how much I appreciate what you did or me.”

“Look I’m grateful, really, but you don’t have to do th-”

“Oh, shut up. I know I don’t have to, but I want to,” she grinned, “so get used to it, because tonight I’m going to fuck your brains out.”

“Amanda! Jesus!”

“Call it a reward if you want, call it anything you like. But I want to, and no good deed goes unpunished.”

“Don’t we get enough punishment in this place?”

“I’ll ask you that in the morning.”

“Oh, God.”

Laughing the younger woman got up and picked up her towel, “Right, I’m going to take you up on that offer and go grab my shower, unless you want to come scrub my back?”

“I think I’m too scared. Besides, if we get distracted and miss inspection, we’ll both get hit with a whole bunch of demerits.”

The younger woman paused and blew out her breath with a sound of resigned irritation, “Yeah, there’s that, are you still sure about going through with, well, you know?”

“We have to pay the things off before we leave this dump, so if we don’t then tomorrow’s gonna hurt.”

“Shit. Fair enough. I think you’re right but I’m not looking forward to it.”

Margo shrugged, “Who would? But it is what it is.”

“I guess.”

Prompt as always, the trio of Wardens appeared exactly thirty minutes later. dressed immaculately in their uniforms, with boots polished to a mirror shine, and trousers creased just so they made their way from cell to cell carrying out the morning inspection that had become part of their daily routine.

Like the rest of the inmates Amanda and Margo stood barefoot with their backs against the far wall of the cellblock corridor with their hair brushed and tied up and hands held out so the Wardens could check finger and toenails for cleanliness.

The trio of Wardens were efficient and well-practiced. One stood with an electronic clipboard at the ready to note infractions while the other two entered the cell and carried out their examination. This time however, Margo stifled a groan as she saw the one taking notes was Mrs. McCulloch, the most senior of the cellblock Wardens and a notorious stickler for the rules. She was a cold-hearted harridan and Margo would have happily nominated her for the “Bitch of the Year Award”.

Suddenly there was a commotion at the next cell as the Wardens hurled the laundry basked out into the corridor where it crashed against the far wall spilling soiled clothing about the place.

Striding up to the inmates of that cell Warden McCulloch snarled, “Where’s yesterday’s knickers? there’s only one pair in there, so which of you two is still wearing dirty fucking knickers.”

Of course, the two inmates said nothing, though one blushed furiously. McCulloch saw the reaction and stomped in front of the woman, “I appreciate your pal can’t grass you up, but you have exactly three fucking seconds to speak up or I’ll crucify the pair of ye!”

The girl squeaked, “Me, Wwrden, I was in a hurry and I didn’t have ti-”

“Did I ask for a fucking excuse?”

“No Wwrden!”

“Right! Three demerits each. You for not wearing clean knickers you filthy girl, and you for not keeping her right.”

It was at that point the other inmate made a big mistake, “Oh for fucks sake Warden, that takes me almost up to ten!”

McCulloch whirled like a striking snake, “WRONG! It takes you to exactly ten!”

She turned to her companions, “After inspection take this woman to the gym and give her thirty strokes with the belt. She can have the other thirty after supper.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

Turning back to the original offender she drew a breath, “As for you! Remediate your slovenly state immediately!”

Blushing furiously the young woman looked mortified as she slipped off the regulation knickers she was wearing and slipped on a clean pair. She reached for her overalls, but McCulloch wasn’t done, “Hold fast there! I think you can just go about as you are for the rest of the day. That way we can all appreciate how spotless your nice clean knickers are and maybe you won’t be so quick to forget next time yes?”

Tears appeared in the woman’s eyes, but she knew there was only one answer she could give, “Yes, Warden.”

“Good! Now get this fucking mess cleaned up.”

Margo swallowed as the trio moved to her cell. They gave their names when instructed and stood still as stone as the woman eyed them over. Finally, she turned to Amanda, “Hair’s unkempt, tidy it up when we’re done.”

“Yes, Warden.”

The other two emerged from the cell and she turned to them, “Anything?”

“Satisfactory, ma’am.”

The harridan grunted and made a notation on her tablet, “Very good.”

As she turned to go Margo cleared her throat nervously, “Um, Warden?”

McCulloch turned and eyed them both with an icy, unblinking gaze, “What is it, inmate?”

“Well, you see, tomorrow’s our last day…”

“So? Do you think we should throw you a party or something, is that it?”

“No ma’am, but you see, we’ve got a few demerits, not many, but a few.”


“Well ma’am, we should be able to work off a couple today, but if it’s okay could we maybe get a couple of the remaining um… dealt with this evening?”

The Warden tilted her head, “You hoping that this will make paying your final account tomorrow less of a pain in the arse so to speak?”

Margo smiled nervously, “Well, yes ma’am.”

“I see.”

She turned to the other Wardens, “What’s the story with these two? Anything of note?”

The younger Warden glanced at the two inmates and Margo was almost positive she had smiled, slightly, “No ma’am, nothing of note. No disciplinary infractions other than a singular dose of the strap for inmate DeVries when she used vulgarity to describe the coffee in the cafeteria. Otherwise, no issues.”

“Hmm, can’t blame her for that. The stuff’s shit.”

Turning back to the two prisoners she nodded, “Fair enough, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.”


“Simple, there’s a trainee on with us. You girls present yourself in the gym one hour before lights-out and let her practice on you, say twelve strokes each, and I’ll knock off three demerits. That’s one extra because the girl isn’t properly trained yet and this will be good experience for her. You willing to volunteer to help out?”

Margo licked her lips. Twelve strokes with a strap would hurt but getting rid of three demerits meant she’d miss out on eighteen tomorrow. It sounded a good, or at least not shit, deal and she nodded, “Yes, ma’am.”

A moment later Amanda nervously added her own agreement.

Mrs. McCulloch gave them both a thin smile, “Very good, I shall see you this evening, I look forward to it. Carry on.”

The cafeteria was a bustle of inmates grabbing breakfast before the day’s routine of exercises, chores and lectures really got started. Margo had her usual scrambled eggs and toast and cringed as she tried the coffee again, “Holy fuck, it must take real skill to make coffee this awful.”

Amanda sipped her tea and giggled as she saw the American woman shudder, “Aw c’mon Margo, it can’t be that bad.”

The blonde woman grimaced as she took another sip, before leaning close to stealthily murmur, “It’s fucking ghastly, but if it’s a choice between this and no coffee at all I guess I’ll just have to grin and bear it.”

Partly to distract herself from the truly horrendous beverage Margo looked about the cafeteria. The room was painted in some supposedly soothing pastel colour and continually monitored by ever-watchful CCTV cameras. In addition, a couple of Wardens wandered between the large tables warily keeping an eye on the inmates for infractions or signs of rebellion. The tables and benches were durable heavy-duty fixtures that were bolted to the floor as a precautionary measure and the inmates ate from plastic bowls using a spork that they garnered from the basins set at the ends of the serving counters.

One woman had obviously been caught committing some small sin or perhaps been heard making an unwise comment as she was unceremoniously bent over the table by a Warden, her lower quarters stripped, and she squealed as her bare derriere was dealt the usual half dozen strokes with a tawse that seemed to be standard punishment for minor infractions. The sound of the leather belt cracking across her bare buttocks, her yelps and cries of distress mixed with the mundane noises of inmates chatting and eating, and Margo shook her head.

It was almost surreal.

“Mind you,” Margo swallowed as she realised that watching the young woman’s rather pert little butt turning a cute shade of pink as the strap was skillfully wielded had induced a warm and strangely tingling feeling in her lower regions, while the tears on the girls face just made her want to go over and cuddle the poor creature. It was more than just a little disconcerting.

She flushed guiltily and had to almost drag her eyes away from the scene only to find that one of her hands had almost unconsciously drifted down to the front of her overalls.

Clearing her throat uncomfortably she deliberately put both hands on the tabletop and concentrated on the awful coffee, while trying hard to ignore the knowing smile spreading across Amanda’s cheeky face.

The girl leaned close, “Enjoy that did you?”

“No! It’s just… um…”

The girl giggled, “I bet you spanked that little slave girl of yours, didn’t you?”

Margo blushed an almost alarming shade of red as she let her forehead drop to the tabletop to hide her face, “Oh, God…”

Amanda leaned close and her eyes twinkled, “I bet you just loved playing with her cute little arse, didn’t you?”

“Oh, please don’t, I feel awful about… Oh!”

Margo started when she felt the younger woman’s hand sliding along the inside of her thigh and come to rest lightly between her legs.

The girl turned to her and gave her a deliberately guileless and innocent smile that was utterly at odds with her lascivious behavior as she whispered, “You can admit it now, or you can admit it later, but trust me, if you make me wait, I’m going to go down on you until you scream,” she shrugged and waggled her eyebrows in a comic leer, “mind you, I’m going to do that anyway.”

As she spoke, she stroked her hand surreptitiously between the womans thighs eliciting a small whimpering gasp, “Ah, oh my! Amanda… F-fuck… W-what’s got into you?”

Amanda continued to make the woman squirm by slowly and stroking her hand across the front of her prison overalls and chuckled darkly, “Do you really want to know? Well, Margo, I’m doing this for you.”


“You’ve been endlessly beating yourself up about this girl, about how you forced her into your bed, yes? In fact, there’s not a day gone by here when you’ve not whinged about it. Well, I’m going to do it to you tonight. I’m going to use you like a ragdoll. I’m going to make you do whatever the Hell I want and if you give me any backchat, I’ll put you over my knee. In fact, I’ll probably do that anyway, well, depending on how badly off we are after we get our arses thrashed this evening that is.”

“B-but, why?”

“Truly? Because I think you need it. I think it will make you feel better,” she grinned mischievously, “and because I think it’ll be fucking awesome! And I really, really want to see your face when you finally break.”

She rested a hand on Margo’s arm and squeezed, and her voice softened, “But, mostly because I care about you, and I want you to start feeling good about yourself.”

Margo sniffed, “I think that’ll be a long time coming.”

“We’ll see.”

Over in the far corner of the room June and Ellie, the inmates from the next cell, were consoling each other. June was wearing nothing but her bra and knickers with her arms around Ellie, who had just been escorted back from the gymnasium and now sat weeping piteously with her head in her hands and shoulders shaking as she sobbed, even as she squirmed in obvious pain and discomfort.

Margo got up and went over to the table. June looked up and blushed immediately as one of her arms crossed unconsciously over her bra-covered breasts, “Um, hi?”

Licking her lips nervously the American woman gave her a self-conscious smile, “Hey, um, look there’s a jar of cold cream in our cell, it’s on the shelf. You can go help yourself if you like, just… uh, just don’t use it all. I think me and Amanda are going to be needing some ourselves before long.”

“Thanks Margo,” she sniffed, “God, I must look a fucking state parading about in my knickers like a slapper.”

“I think you look cute, besides, it’s no different than being on the beach.”

June laughed, “You’d be more like to need a thermal vest rather than a bikini if you fuck about on the beaches here Margo, but it’s kind of you to say so. You okay if we head off and grab that cream? I think Ellie could really use it.”

Margo nodded as she helped June get the distressed woman up onto her feet, “Sure, no problem.”

“Cheers hen.”


“It’s like saying “thanks dearie”, only in Weegie and not Yankspeak.”

“Weeg…? You know, forget I asked. This is one of those two languages separated by a great big fucking ocean things, isn’t it?”

“Only two? You’re just no trying quine.”

“Qui…? Nope! Not falling for it. Go have fun with the cold cream.”

“Thanks, wifey.”

Margo just shook her head as June giggled and with a grateful nod she led her friend away in search of the much-needed relief. As she passed Ellie sniffed and gripped her arm, “Thank you.”

After breakfast the inmates puffed and panted through the morning exercise period, where they spent an hour out on the track. The fact that it was a cold, miserably wet morning didn’t seem to bother the Phys Ed. instructor in the least, and by the time they hit the showers they were soaked to the skin and shivering.

The communal showers didn’t offer much in the way of modesty, but at least the water was hot and the dozen women in the unit joked and giggled as steam filled the room.

Margo yelped as a warm hand suddenly squeezed her butt and she whirled round with a yelp, half expecting that Amanda had taken to being playful again.

The dark-haired ragamuffin before her grinned cheerfully and cackled at her reaction, “Nice arse, Yank. Those marks are almost healed up.”

Margo hadn’t seen the irascible little recidivist since that day in custody when they had all been caned and she felt herself smiling.

“Jeannie! I’ve not seen you since we got here, where have you been?”

“Same as always. I usually end up spending at least the first week in the infirmary cos of the withdrawals. Ye ken fit-like.”

“You okay?”

“Still getting the shakes most nights, but I’m no bad. Fit about you? Shagged that treehugger yet?”

Amanda leaned over with a grin, “She’s still feeling guilty, but I’m going to sort her out tonight.”

“Good lass, so if I hear screaming it’s a sign it’s all going well then?”


Ignoring Margo’s utter mortification Jeannie did the unthinkable and just shouted out, “Hey, Amanda’s shagging Margo the night! I’m opening a pool on how many times she gets off. Any takers?”

The American hung her head with a resigned groan at the answering cheers and shouts of encouragement, “Oh for fucks sake.”

One sizeable woman with arms like a weightlifter and breasts like bowling balls wandered over casually and gave them all a toothless grin, “Oh aye? Fits the scoop then?”

Jeannie pursed her lips thoughtfully, “Okay, we all put in one pudding from lunch and the one who guesses closest takes all,” she smiled mischievously, “minus my commission for being the instigator… Er, I mean organiser, and of course one for Amanda for doing all the work like. Um, in the event of a draw the winnings get split equally. How’s that?”

The woman eyed up both Amanda and Margo speculatively, “Sound okay, she’s no bad looking, I wouldna mind shaggin her myself. Um, fits the treehugger like? She good wi her tongue? I’m telling ye, if I had a cutie like her in ma cell she’d have learned to breath through her ears by now.”

Jeannie gasped in mock protest as she quickly put a hand over Amanda’s mouth to stifle her cry of mortified outrage, “What! A sophisticated young thing like her? I bet she’ll be in there like a ferret up a drainpipe. Plus, just look at the Yank, she’s obviously gagging for it.”

Margo simply gaped, and like Amanda she blushed furiously.

“Fair enough. Put me doon fer three,” she looked to Amanda and her eyes narrowed menacingly, “You better ken fit yer dein and put the effort in quine or I’m no gonna be very happy.”

“Um yes ma’am.”

Jeannie pushed her way forward with a smile, “Now Jessie, gonnae no scare the lass. It might adversely affect her, uh, performance.”

“Fine, just mind fit I said. I like my puddin, so ye better have this lanky bitch squawking tonight or you’ll be licking the bogs clean the morra I’m warnin ye.”

Margo watched the big woman lumbering off and turned to Jeannie, “What the fuck have you gotten us into?”

“Och, that’s just Big Jess. She’s a hoot. They say she murdered her last husband, strangled the poor bastard for being a shite shag once too often, but they couldna prove anything. She’s just in here for a wee bit of drunk and disorderly, smashed up a pub in Govan or so I heard, she’s fine once you get to know her.”

The demented little woman grinned as she moved about the shower collecting the other bets, but her comments echoed through the steam, “One! Just one? Fucks sake, you’ve no got much faith. Okay, two for you Gladys. Fucking five! Jesus, I ken the quine’s good looking but fucks sake Sandra. Three? You gonna tie wi Jessie? Oh make it two? Thought you might change your mind. Fit about you? Oh, four? Hmm. Ye ken what? I think I’ll go for four as well…”

And so it went.

Margo turned desperately towards Amanda for support, but the brunette was too busy laughing her ass off to be of much help.

Despite her embarrassment though she couldn’t help but feel a hot sliver of excitement worming its way through her as the bets continued and she was glad the shower disguised exactly how wet she was feeling. She shook her head incredulously, “Holy fuck, this place is nuts.”

The day’s schedule had Margo helping in the laundry after the morning lecture and the hot work of loading and unloading the tumble-dryers soon had her sweating again. Despite the regular water breaks and even with her hair tied back, her sleeves rolled up and her top unfastened almost to her navel, she was a hot sweaty mess by the time her shift ended.

The other women working alongside her had amused themselves by indulging in a good bit of banter at her expense as they laboured. But despite the withering sarcasm, or “crack”, as it was called, it was all strangely good natured, and they “took the piss” out of each other almost as much as they did her.

She had once asked a Warden about it and the woman had grinned, “It means they like you Luv, or at least think of you as one of them. It’s when they stop making jokes with you that you’ve got to worry.”

With that in mind she had set about giving as good as she got and taking the good-natured ribbing for what it was. Even so, some of the advice they were offering was downright pornographic. Jeannie in particular it seemed had an amazing amount of lewd experience to draw upon, “I’m tellin ye, if ye want Amanda to be flopping about like a jellyfish and squealing like a wee piggie you need to stick your thumb right up her ar-”

“Oh, dinnae listen tae her, Margo. I’m telling you, it’s the tongue! You need to get her to shove her tongue right where the sun don’t shi-”

“Aye bit ye kin dae that and the thumb thing at the same time, I’m tellin ye!”

“Twist her nipples a bit! That always gets em going.”

“Aye, and mind and get her to tie you up, I always liked tha-”

“Spanking! Smack her arse if she’s no getting you aff. She’ll soon learn I’m, tellin ye.”

Another woman piped in, “Fit about snoggin? A’body likes snoggin!”

“Well aye, but we’re well past that! Warden! Warden! Fit dae you think? Should she jist let the lass dae her thing wi the tongue, or should she maybe shove her thumb up the quine’s pooper to add a wee bit of impetus to the whole proceedings like?”

Margo seriously thought about either shoving Jeannie into a tumble-dryer, or just giving up and crawling into one herself and getting it over with.

The Warden considered thoughtfully for a moment before replying, “Hmm, now Jeannie, I would have to say that a well-placed thumb, at the right time of course, can indeed have a stimulating effect, on either partner I might add. My husband for instance, well he… ah, nevermind… Oh, and put me down for two by the way. I’ve got a bag of chocolate eclairs I can use instead of puddings.”


Margo just shook her head, “Oh fuck me…”

Jeannie grinned impishly, “That’s the plan!”

After supper the women had a few short hours of ostensibly “free” time before lights-out. Most spent it either in the games room or reading in their cells, but Margo typically gave up an hour to help with the numeracy classes. This evening she also volunteered to work off a demerit in the gym, where she and two other women with the same idea were told by the ridiculously cheerful sadist that took their class that they would be given a, “thorough beasting”.

Apparently, this was some old military term that meant the three of them were mercilessly made to run about the place until they puked. Still, having accomplished her vomit-inducing mission the instructor at least called a halt and let them hit the showers a few minutes early.

As she met up with Amanda in the cell afterwards and they both nervously made their way back to the training block Margo did a quick bit of mental arithmetic, “I’m down to three demerits, I think. You?”

The younger woman made an unhappy sound, “Five. I was down to four but got nailed for forgetting to get my hair sorted out. I was working in the kitchen, and it got loose. Cookie says it was a bloody “health hazard” no less and nailed me with a demerit. She says if she finds a single hair in tomorrow’s soup, she’ll bend me over the kitchen sink, take her wooden spoon, and give me a right hiding.”

“Shit, I’m sorry.”

“It’s my own stupid fault, don’t worry about it,” she paused at the door to the staff gymnasium and drew a breath, “you ready for this?”

Margo grunted, “Well, I’m not exactly looking forward to it, but we’ve both had worse, and we’ll be grateful for it tomorrow.”

“Yea, I suppose,” she rested her hand on the door but paused and with a mischievous grin turned back to the American woman, “c’mere a sec first though.”

Reaching out to her older companion Amanda took hold of her lapel and pulled the unresisting blonde close. Stretching up onto her tiptoes she kissed the taller woman full on the lips and Margo felt her other arm snake around her hips only to slither down so that the impish young woman could stroke the curves of her posterior. Margo almost melted as Amanda’s tongue slipped into her mouth, and she gave an involuntary moan.

She had no idea how long they kissed and was only dimly aware when Amanda urgently pushed her against the wall and unzipped the front of her overalls before sliding an inquisitive hand inside, first to push her bra up so she could kiss and nibble on her nipples and then to slide her fingers deliciously down her body and into the front of her knickers where she teased her near delirious victim mercilessly.

It probably only lasted a couple of minutes, but by the time the fiendish little minx was done, Margo had been reduced to a whimpering mess. Any thoughts of resistance or decorum simply evaporated, and she blushed with shame and need at how easily the younger woman played her like a fiddle, “God, I need this!”

Her knees almost buckled as she was brought gasping to the very brink of orgasm, and she mewed in wordless distress when the teasing fingers suddenly withdrew, leaving her panting with unfulfilled need.

Pulling back with a wicked smile Amanda lasciviously licked her fingertips and happily surveyed the results of her handiwork, “Right, I feel better now, let’s get it done I guess.”

Without giving the woman she had basically just ravished even a moment to compose herself she pushed the door open and taking Margo by the hand led her stumbling and shell-shocked into the gym.

The door of the staff gymnasium was surprisingly heavy, and Amanda shivered when it closed behind her with an audible “click” and she realised it was soundproofed.

The gymnasium itself was smaller than the one used by the inmates and filled with all the equipment one would expect to see in a modern fitness club, as well as a few other, more unusual pieces of apparatus.

The five people already there looked up as the two women entered and even though they were not in uniform for once, Amanda easily recognised Warden McCulloch and her two usual subordinates. All three were wearing tracksuits and other garb suitable for a session of vigorous exercise and the young woman swallowed nervously as she took in the predative expression on the Warden’s face as she smiled at them both.

“Welcome ladies, so good of you to come.”

The Warden’s eyes flicked to Margo and her smile broadened as she took in the dishevelled appearance and flustered expression. She stalked nonchalantly forward, and her voice held a strangely disquieting note as she murmured, “My, my, Margo, you do look a tad… unsettled, it’s rather becoming. Perhaps you would you like a glass of water before we begin?”

The American woman almost stumbled as she struggled with the zipper on her overalls and she stammered a reply, “Um, n-no, I’m fine. I, we… um we were just…”

The Warden chuckled, “Oh, I’m sure you were.”

Gesturing to her companions she indicated to the two strangers, “You already know Wardens Cassidy and Taylor, but allow me to introduce Miss Valentine, our trainee, and of course Nurse Penny.

The trainee was an attractive young woman, probably no older than Amanda and she looked almost as nervous as Margo felt. Nurse Penny was a little older and appeared friendly enough. Her hair was tied up in a bun and she wore a pair of round spectacles over her large brown eyes. She smiled cheerfully and nodded to them as she laid out a few pieces of equipment, “Don’t worry about me dearies, there’s always a nurse present when we do this sort of thing. It’s just routine.”

Turning to the trainee, McCulloch gave the woman a smile that was more than a little terrifying and drew a breath, “So, Miss Valentine, you did rather poorly in your last practical examination, but we’re all here to help you out, and these ladies have kindly volunteered to assist us with a little training session. Isn’t that nice of them?

Before the younger woman could answer she indicated to the two punishment benches that had been set up and continued, “As you can see, me and the girls have already prepared the necessary equipment and of course we have two benches, and two volunteers so that’s all very handy, yes?”

“Yes, Warden McCulloch.”

“Well Miss Valentine, I’m afraid you’d be wrong in thinking that, because the second one is for you.”

Margo could hear the trainee swallowing nervously from half-way across the gym, “Um, pardon me?”

“Oh yes, you see we know you have it in you Miss Valentine, you’re an excellent student, hardworking and conscientious. Which is why your recent poor showing was something of a disappointment. Now we could of course simply mark you down as a failed candidate, but that would be unfortunate. We think you deserve a second chance and perhaps, with a little added motivation to incentivise you, then your performance would improve significantly. Don’t you agree?”

“Um, yes but…”

The Warden interrupted her and spoke in a coldly matter-of-fact tone, “It’s very simple. Me and the other Wardens are going to demonstrate proper technique on you, and then you will demonstrate your understanding on these volunteers. And we shall repeat the process until we think you have grasped the lesson in full. Either that or you can go home, and no harm done. I’ll mark up your performance review as “unsatisfactory” and be done with it, which I might add is what I should have done in the first place. But as I said, I think you deserve a second chance. So, what’s it to be?”

The young woman blushed and with eyes downcast nodded.

“A wise decision Miss Valentine. Now, if you would kindly disrobe, we shall begin.”

The trainee hesitated as she eyed Margo and Amanda nervously, “What? In front of the inmates,” she blushed and whispered urgently, “I mean, what if they tell?”

Mrs. McCulloch snorted, “Oh, I’m sure they will. Let’s be clear here Miss Valentine. This is going to be rather a painful, but I hope valuable lesson for you, and we wouldn’t be doing it if we thought that you were without potential. If they tell their friends, then the inmates will have a laugh at your expense certainly, but you will also gain, I think, a modicum of respect in their eyes as they realise you can take a hiding as well as they can, and that you know what it’s like when you are obliged to administer punishment upon them. Further, I will also gain a certain increase in standing as the inmates will know that I am as hard on my staff as I am on them, and that I play no favourites, thus it’s useful for me also. So, you see, many birds, one stone and all that, understand.”


“Yes what?”

“Yes, Warden.”

“Better, now get on with it!”

Amanda and Margo watched in wide eyed astonishment, and with more than a little excitement, as the shamefaced young woman slipped off her leggings and top. She hesitated briefly until a scowl from McCulloch had her pulling her sports bra off to reveal a pair of pert and shapely breasts, before, blushing like a new bride, she turned her back to the onlookers and nervously lowered her thong down her shapely thighs and over her training shoes.

“Turn round.”

Miss Valentine had to suppress a whimper as she pivoted to face them, one hand squashed over her breasts while the other covered her neatly trimmed strip of pubic hair over her vagina. Margo felt a stirring of admiration, “Oh, she’s kinda cute.”

The Warden was having none of it. She nodded curtly, and Miss Cassidy casually whipped her tawse across her backside. The sound of the young woman’s pained yelp was a counterpoint to the crack of leather against her skin.

“Stand up straight for Gods sake! You’re a grown woman, not a simpering schoolgirl.

Turning to the two volunteers Mrs. McCulloch indicated to the punishment bench and spoke in an almost friendly manner, “Who wants to go first ladies?”

Amanda gave Margo a gentle nudge and she almost instinctively stepped forward.

The Warden’s eyes flicked between them, and she smiled wryly as she took in the little byplay, “Very well, Margo. If you would step over here, please.”

She turned back to the trainee, “Miss Valentine, this inmate is Margo DeVries and for the purposes of our little training session you may assume that she has been sentenced to twelve strokes with the tawse for… hmm,” she grinned, “let’s say engaging in Lewd and Libidinous behavior.”

Margo blushed and unconsciously licked her lips as she felt herself growing increasingly warm.

The Warden shook her head with a chuckle and continued, “Miss Valentine, please take charge of the subject and administer the punishment. My colleagues and I will observe and offer critique, understand?”

“Yes, Warden.”

“Good lass, please begin.”

“Now? Um, right. Inmate, step towards me and stand facing the frame please. Thanks, now strip please.”


The Warden stepped closer and gestured to Margo, “Miss Valentine, uh, Gail, this woman might be here for the first time, she might be bloody terrified for all you know, and near to panic. You need to take control, but also to try and put her mind at ease as much as you possibly can given the circumstances. A calm subject is far easier to deal with after all. If your instructions are vague, she’ll have to think, her imagination will begin to work overtime, and she’ll likely become distressed and agitated. So, give her clear directives, as well as encouragement, understand?”

Gail nodded, “Um, yes, Warden.”

“Very good, carry on.”

The trainee looked back to Margo who actually felt herself giving the young woman a small smile of encouragement.

“Um, Margo, you okay with me calling you Margo?”

At her nod of assent, the trainee smiled nervously and continued, “Okay Margo, I know this must be difficult, so just listen to my voice and carry out my instructions, and we’ll get you through this. Now, um, just kick off your shoes and push them to one side.”

Once Margo had complied the trainee gave her an encouraging smile and nodded, “Well done, now, if you could unzip the coveralls and just push them off your shoulders and down to your waist.”

The America felt her heart racing and her fingers visibly shook as she ran the zipper back down the front of her coveralls. To her side Mrs. McCulloch eyed her reaction and looking at Gail she nodded meaningfully towards the nervous woman. To her credit the trainee seemed to catch on quickly and she tried to speak soothingly, “It’s okay, Margo, you’re doing well. I know it’s embarrassing but, um, just listen to my voice and relax. There you go, well done. Now, just take a breath for a moment.”

To the side Mrs. McCulloch nodded in approval.

Soon enough though, Margo found herself standing naked before the punishment bench. The situation brought back strong memories of her experience when she was caned, and she shivered nervously.

Leaning forward across the bench she felt her wrists and ankles restrained. The leather cuffs were carefully tightened, and she was pulled further forward across the bench and up onto her tiptoes, which had the effect of enhancing the curve of her derriere and presenting it more fully as a target, and Margo whimpered in anticipation of what she knew was coming.

Mrs. McCulloch pursed her lips, “What now?”

The trainee hesitated, “Shit, I’ve forgotten something, fuck, fuck, fuck….”

Nervously she selected her tawse from the nearby table and stepped to Margo’s side, “Well, I take my post and make ready to deliver the puni- Ah!”

The crack of the tawse being whipped across her backside interrupted her.

The Warden gave an exasperated sigh, “No! You are the Punishment Officer, so it’s your responsibility to check the restraints. What if they’re not properly applied? The subject might be injured, or perhaps might wrest a limb free if she starts struggling.”

The girl drew a hissing breath and clutched at her buttocks, “Ow… Oh, um, of course… I’m sorr-”

“I’m not interested in apologies! Correct your error.”

Nearly stumbling in her haste, the young woman moved about the frame as she complied with the instruction and when Margo saw the look of embarrassment and genuine fear in her eyes, she almost felt sorry for the girl.

Seemingly satisfied Gail stepped back and recovered her tawse, “So, uh, now I take my post and…”

“Oh-dear oh-dear…”

The Warden stepped forward and pointed at Margo, “What’s that?”


“Gail, what am I pointing at?”

The trainee licked her lips nervously, “Um, her arse?”

“Are you taking the piss?”

“No, Warden!”

“Then what the fuck are those marks?”

Gail looked back at Margo, “Oh, well she was obviously caned recently, but…”


“Well, they look almost healed up, I don’t think they’ll be a problem.”

Warden Cassidy rolled her eyes while Warden Taylor pursed her lips and winced at the reply. Mrs. McCulloch shook her head with a sigh, “Gail, would you mind bending over the bench please while I ask you a quick question?”

Nervously the girl complied.

“Are. You. A. Nurse?”

Each word was punctuated by the crack of her tawse as she whipped it across the cheeks of the trainees’ rapidly reddening bottom.


The belt cracked again, “What?”

Almost blubbering the girl cried out, “No, Warden! Fuck! Ah! I’m sorry!”

“Then I’m afraid that your medical assessment is hardly valid, is it? Those marks are a visible sign of a potential injury on a woman subject to Judicial Punishment,” she paused, “Gail, contrary to public opinion I don’t actually enjoy doing this you know. But if you apply a punishment to a subject with a visible injury and inadvertently inflict some further lasting harm then that’s a case of Criminal Abuse and you’d be personally liable. You’d certainly lose your job, but it’s very likely that such an event would also lead to you ending up here as an inmate. So, with that in mind, what’s the standard procedure in those circumstances?”

“Um, get the nurse to assess if she’s fit for punishment?”

The Warden eyed the girl with a wry smile, “You asking me, or telling me?”


Nodding back to Margo, McCulloch stepped back, “Better get on with it then.”

Gail sniffed back the tears and stumbling back to the bench she gestured to the nurse who had been casually observing from the sidelines with a disgustingly cheerful smile on her face.

Penny rose and approached, “Yes, sweetie?”

“T-the marks? Um, c-can you examine the subject and assess if she’s fit for punishment, please, nurse?”

“Oh certainly, just a jiffy.”

Margo started as the nurse leaned close and ran gentle fingers across her posterior, “Hmm, oh yes. She’s clearly been caned recently, obviously a professional job and not some sexual foreplay, although,” Margo cried out in surprise as the woman’s fingers slid between her thighs and stroked along the folds of her pussy, “yes, as I suspected from the flushed appearance, excessive lubrication and tactile reaction, she’s clearly in a high state of sexual stimulation.”

Margo stammered, “Um, n-nurse?”

The woman looked up from her examination, still absent-mindedly stroking her curved posterior, “Nice skin, and clearly sensitive. Hmm? Oh, sorry. Yes, dearie?”

“W-why is that important?”

“The state of sexual stimulation? Oh, well when a person is aroused it causes certain biological processes to take place and certain parts of your… um, anatomy, becomes increasingly sensitive as a result. Should a Punishment Officer inadvertently strike such an area as you thrash about it could cause significant pain and even potential injury. I’d be duty bound to stop the procedure immediately at least temporarily in such an event, so I’m professionally obliged to let her know,” she gave Margo a small smile and a helpless shrug, “I’m sorry if it was embarrassing, but I needed to check.”

Margo nodded in shamefaced gratitude, “Um, thanks, I guess.”

The nurse smiled and returned to her examination, “So, yes, a professional job, very nice, you can see the marks are mostly parallel with almost no overlap, excellent work. I’d say a Judicial Punishment of some kind carried out more than a week ago. At least a dozen strokes, all healing quite nicely. Yes, dearie, they pose no impediment, and, in my judgement, she’s fit for punishment.”

Gail nodded, “Thank you.”

Penny didn’t move and continued to stare at the trainee expectantly.


The nurse sighed, “Would you like me to enter my appraisal and the results of my examination into the custody medical record ma’am?”

“Oh! Yes please.”

“Very good ma’am.”


The nurse chuckled, “You’re the Punishment Officer, you’re in charge dearie.”

Gail shook her head and muttered, “Doesn’t fucking feel like it…”


“Um, nothing, yes, thank you nurse.”

The trainee cast a nervous glance at Warden McCulloch as she moved back into position and almost gingerly moved her tawse to the ready position.

Taking her cue McCulloch nodded to Warden Taylor who was standing nearby. She was a lean athletic looking woman with hawkish features. She eyed the trainee and her mouth curled into a sardonic smile as she solemnly intoned, “Margo DeVries, having been sentenced to twelve strokes of the tawse for the crime of being such a lewd and thoroughly libidinous woman, and there being no medical or other impediment barring the execution of sentence, said punishment shall be carried out forthwith.

Nodding to Gail she finished the obviously well-practiced declaration with a flourish, “Punishment Officer, carry out your duty.”

Gail swallowed, “Yes, ma’am.”

Determined not to look the fool the young trainee drew back her arm and with a grunt of effort she let fly!

Margo flinched, but instead of feeling the burning touch of the tawse, the smack of Gail’s wrist being caught by Warden McCulloch echoed around the gym and Margo blinked, “Jesus, she’s fast.”

“No. This is what’s really causing your problems, Gail. We’re carrying out a lawfully mandated sentence, not trying to torture the woman. Your nerves are making you try overly hard and that’s partly my fault today, but you did the same thing during your assessment,” she smiled and looked into the younger woman’s eyes, “relax, you can do this.”

As she spoke, she removed the tawse from the trainee’s grasp and almost gently led her back to the vacant punishment bench, “Look, you can’t just thrash the woman full pelt. That could lead to excessive bruising, breaking the skin and causing unnecessary injury. We’re here to punish according to the law, it’s meant to hurt and to be a lesson, but not to cause harm and instill hatred for us, and for the system.”

As she maneuvered Gail back over the bench she continued to explain, “Plus, you couldn’t keep it up. You might end up dealing with a dozen subjects in a day, you’d be bloody knackered before you got half-way through. Your rhythm and the force used would be all over the place as you got tired. Which means some subjects might get a serious beating while others got off lightly, and that level of unfairness is just not acceptable.”

Looking at the tawse in her hand she sniffed, “Your strokes must be measured, regular and consistent. Hard enough to make the necessary point but not so vicious as to inflict injury,” she looked across the room, “Warden Taylor, would you please demonstrate.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Moving to the side of the trainee the younger Warden took her position, “Stand with feet slightly more than shoulder width apart, strong foot slightly forward. Draw back your arm and remember, when you deliver it, that most of the force comes not from the arm, but from the hips. Aim your stroke, and after you strike take a moment. It’s not to draw things out, but to assess the effect upon the subject. You don’t want to break skin, or overlap too many blows, though that can be difficult depending on the number of strokes and, well, the size of the target.”

She looked back to McCulloch who nodded.

Drawing back her arm Warden Taylor administered a half-dozen strokes to the trainee. She swung with the steady regular unhurried rhythm of a metronome and each blow cracked across the womans curved posterior with an almost shocking sound, eliciting pained yelps and cries of distress from the girl. But to her credit she didn’t break position or try to rise, and Margo was almost sure she saw a fleeting look of approval on the stern face of Warden McCulloch.

“Up you get lass, take a moment to compose yourself. I know it stings, but you’re not hurt, and that’s entirely the point.”

Gail had to turn away to hide the tears in her eyes and she rubbed the scarlet cheeks of her bottom as she took deep breaths and tried not to blubber.

Margo flushed in guilty shame as she realised that looking at the red marks the tawse had left on the woman’s still quivering backside had made her almost breathless and if she could move, she would have squirmed as she felt the increasingly moist warmth spreading from between her thighs, “Fuck! What’s happening? Am I getting off on this?”

Nurse Penny moved closer, and Margo hissed as she felt the woman’s hand slithering along and under the curve of her posterior where her cunning fingers gently, but firmly stroked along her sex.

Margo stifled a whimper and the woman grinned happily as she mused and continued her teasing, “Mmmhmmm my, my, you really are quite stimulated, aren’t you?”

McCulloch looked up, “What’s that Nurse?”

“Oh, nothing, just carrying out a supplementary examination to confirm my original assessment, seeing as we had a spare moment that is.”

“Any issues?”

Margo’s hands clenched tightly into fists, and she felt the muscles of her body tensing with effort to stifle her gasps as the fiendish woman deftly and surreptitiously inserted a finger knuckle-deep into her and moved it in a slow and deliciously tortuous circular motion that had the bound woman very nearly screaming with pleasure.

The nurse took off her glasses with one hand and smiled innocently even as her intruding finger gently churned Margo’s insides into a furnace, “Oh, I don’t think there’s anything worth mentioning,” she looked down at Margo, “do you dearie?”

The American woman shook her head urgently and tried desperately not to moan out loud.

“Tell you what Warden, if it’s in order once we’re done here, I think it might be worthwhile if I carried out a more thorough examination in the nurse’s station, just to be safe of course, I don’t envisage finding anything untoward, but best to certain.”

“Hmm, aye, well she did look a wee bit flushed when she came in, I suppose. We’re safe to continue though, yes?”

“Indeed, oh yes, nothing at all to worry about,” she grinned, “I’m sure I’ll get to the bottom of whatever it is.”

“Very good then. You know best, I’m sure I can leave her in your capable hands.”

Penny leaned close to the bound woman and whispered, “Oh, I think we can agree on that, don’t you Margo?”

Sweating with the effort of clenching her teeth to avoid howling like some lust-crazed banshee, the woman’s only reply was a pitiful whimper.

The nurse chuckled and gently slid her hand free from the heat between the woman’s thighs before surreptitiously wiping her drenched fingers across the smooth soft skin of Margo’s derriere, leaving a tantalizing wet smear.

Warden Taylor moved to the young trainee and wiped the tears from her face, “It’s okay, you did well, we know you can do this. You ready to give it another go?”

Gail sniffed and took a few deep breaths. After a moment she nodded.

“Good girl, come on, let’s see you knock it out of the park this time,” she giggled, “figuratively that is.”

Leading Gail back across to where the naked Margo was still quivering from the effects of the nurse’s “examination” Taylor helped the young trainee take her post. Smiling as she spoke a few encouraging words, the Warden helped adjust the woman’s stance, moving her feet slightly further apart with a gentle touch here and the set of her shoulders with a touch there.

Finally, she made a minor alteration to the way the trainee held the tawse she was gripping and after a final once-over seemed satisfied and stepped back with a smile, “Okay, Gail, remember and swing from the hips, take your time and watch your breathing.”

Gail measured the distance to her “target” and began. Her heart was still pounding, and her poor backside was sore, but the pain had faded into a warm ache as opposed to the abysmal scalding sting of only a few minutes ago.

Margo winced and sobbed as the woman laid on a half dozen hard strokes. The strap whipped in and after each scorching blow it felt, for a moment as though her poor posterior had been doused in boiling water. She tugged and pulled at the restraints helplessly and tears flooded her eyes. But even so, the discomfort was nothing compared to that damnable cane. That fucking thing had been diabolical.

Gail had kept her rhythm and the strokes fell evenly, so the torture lasted less than a minute, but Margo was still squirming and panting by the time the strap had blazed across the reddening cheeks of her ass for the sixth time.

A signal from Taylor brought a halt to the strokes and the woman stepped close to examine the evidence of Gail’s handiwork. The light stroke of a finger traced lightly along one of the reddening stripes on her posterior brought a hiss from Margo’s lips as the explosion of sensation to her already wildly stimulated nether regions dragged a desperate moan from her and her body thrashed helplessly, “Oh, God…”

Taylor nodded in appreciation, “Oh, nicely done Gail, you kept your rhythm, and each stroke was delivered well and to good effect,” her lips curled in a wicked smile as she stroked her fingers across the marks again, “wouldn’t you agree, Margo?”

The bound woman whimpered as she shook helplessly.

Taylor drew a resigned breath and sighed, “Mind you…”

Gail looked up in alarm, “What?”

“Well, look at the marks Gail, they’re nicely red and there’s little bruising which shows that the correct amount of force was used. But they’re not as nicely parallel as they should be and there’s significant overlap. That means a few of the strokes struck across the same place, and that can raise welts and even cause scarring. So, your technique has improved drastically, but your aim needs a little work.”

Tears began to appear in the younger woman’s eyes as Taylor led her gently back to the vacant punishment bench, “Let’s see if we can help you out with that.”

Once the girl had been bent back across the bench Taylor gently stroked her bottom and spoke soothingly to her, “Hey, don’t cry, this won’t be so bad. You’re doing really well, and you’ve made such a lot of progress already, okay.”

Gail sniffed back her tears and nodded.

Taylor gestured for Warden Cassidy to approach, before turning back to the trainee, “Lean forward a bit Gail, and grab the handles on the frame, there you go, that’s a good girl, oh, that’s lovely.”

She leaned close, and pushed an errant lock of hair from the womans face and smiled, “So, Gail, I watched you measuring your swing on the first stroke, and it landed perfectly, but then you just repeated your swing without making any adjustments, so it’s not surprising that most of the impacts were all in roughly the same place, understand?”

The woman nodded.

“Right, so what you need to do is make a “pattern” if you will. Some of us go from top to bottom, some the other way round, while others put a stroke up top, then another down low and then sort of fill in the gap between the two as it were. The difficulty can vary depending on the size of the um, “target area.” Your bottom for instance is just gorgeous, but it’s hardly the largest, so if we were to give you say a good thirty strokes…”

Gail whimpered

Taylor stroked her hair, “Oh, don’t worry, we’re not going to do anything like that, just a few, to make sure you take the lesson on board is all.”

The young woman almost slumped in relief, “T-thank you.”

“Oh Gail! You must think we’re punishing you. We’re not, you know. If we didn’t think you had it in you to get through this and learn then you wouldn’t have four of us here taking time trying to help you. After all, my shift finished an hour ago, I could have been at home in my fluffy slippers, eating a Chinese take-out, drinking my wine and watching a movie by now. But instead, I’m here for you.”

With a muffled sob, Gail started to cry.

Taylor continued to stroke the woman’s hair and gave her a few moments to compose herself again before wiping away the tears with a tissue and a smile, “There you go, Gail. It’s okay, really. This might be a little painful, and you’ll blush a few times, but I won’t let anyone actually hurt you.”

Taking the tissue she held it to the young woman’s face, “Here, blow your nose. Better? Ready to continue? Good girl.”

Standing back up Taylor drew a breath and let her gaze linger on the pretty young trainee before sighing wistfully and continuing her lecture.

“So, as I was saying, an experienced Officer like Rowan here can work a pattern pretty much by eye, but you might need to measure your distances and all that between strokes. There’s no shame in that, and you’ll get more accurate with practice.”

She looked back to Warden Cassidy, “What’s you plan, Rowan?”

The other Warden grinned as she eyed up pert cheeks of the girls upturned bottom, “I think for the purposes of the lesson I’ll keep it simple, just work from top to bottom,” she grinned, “and maybe finish up with a diagonal stroke if she blubbers too much.”

“That’s a bit mean.”

“You’re too soft.”

“I’ll remember you said that next time we’re training Rowan.”

“Promises, promises.”

McCulloch cleared her throat, “Unless you two miscreants want me to be the one demonstrating my technique with a cane on the pair of you, I suggest we move on.”

“Yes, Warden!”

Taylor looked abashed, “Sorry Rowan, I know you’re not mean.”

“It’s okay Jess, I was being a bitch. Don’t worry, I’ll take it easy.”

With a grateful smile Taylor turned back to Gail, “So, there, did you feel Rowan touching your butt just lightly with the strap, that’s her measuring up for the first stroke.”


“Good, so, here goes,” she nodded to her colleague.

Rowan was an experienced Officer, and she was damned good with a tawse. If she wanted, she could have crisscrossed the young woman’s bottom with a thoroughly scalding pattern of strokes, but she didn’t.

Instead, she took her time, and using only moderate force brought the strap down upon the girl’s posterior in an almost perfect pattern of six neat stripes. In between each swing she would deliberately reach out to touch her target and measure the distance as she adjusted her aim.

After each stroke Taylor would lightly trace the hot red marks with her fingertip, “That’s one here, and here, and another one there, see, all in a nice pattern. Just… lovely.”

By the time she was done Gail had forgotten to cry and instead was gasping each time the woman touched her as the intense sensations of mixed pain and pleasure burned through her like a wildfire. She found herself moaning, “Oh, God, p-please, s-stop. I’m going to… F-fucking cu… Oh!”

She whimpered as Jess pulled her fingers back, “Not now Gail,” she leaned close and whispered, “but maybe later, yes?”

Standing nearby Rowan had to turn her face away to hide her wide grin at the girl’s almost frantic nodding while Warden McCulloch rolled her eyes with a long-suffering sigh.

Sitting on an exercise bench off to one side and feeling just a little left out, Amanda desperately squeezed her thighs together and, not for the first time that evening, wondered if anyone would notice if she slipped a hand down the front of her overalls.

Standing the wide-eyed woman back up Taylor grinned, “There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Gail blushed an amazing shade of red and having seemingly lost the capacity for speech could only nod.

McCulloch moved forward, “If you two have quite finished, maybe we can see if Gail can demonstrate that technique on the subject perchance?”

Rowan smirked, “I think Jess is hoping she’ll demonstrate the technique on her a bit later Warden.”

“Not that technique you lascivious wee cow. Though I’m pretty sure you’re right enough, but you know damned well what I mean.”

Over the next hour Margo and Amanda both received their full allotment of strokes as Gail was put through her paces. But despite the quite thorough thrashing they both received it was never as “full on” as they had expected, and they survived the evening with little more than a deliciously red posterior and the need for a good cry.

As Amanda was released from the punishment bench Warden McCulloch grinned, “Well that’s that, ladies. Thank you for your participation, and good to my word that’s each of you absolved of three demerits.”

Smiling wolfishly, she picked up a cane from the table, “Unless….”

Margo almost whimpered, “Unless w-what?”

Well, it seems inmate Bailey still has two demerits outstanding. I think six with the cane would take care of that rather nicely, don’t you.”

Amanda blanched, “B-but that would hurt like a bastard! I-I mean, shit, sorry, but…”

McCulloch chuckled, “I know exactly what you mean young lady, but,” she brandished the cane in her hand, and it swished through the air with a menacing hiss, “this is actually a “mark three training implement”. It’s for practice so it’s significantly lighter and more supple than a real cane. Properly applied it would certainly still sting I’m sure, but it’s nothing like the real thing. You see, despite our efforts there are limited opportunities to practice the art of the cane upon live subjects. So if you agree to submit to Miss Valentine, for her edification then I could see myself wiping off the last two demerits, and you know what? You’ve both been such good sports I think I might just miss out your cell tomorrow when it comes to morning inspection, so you can have a bit of a lie-in,”

The woman grinned and her normally cold eyes twinkled with what looked like genuine good humour, “After all, from what I hear of your plans for the evening, you’ll both be quite tired I imagine.”

Margo flushed, “Oh God, you know about that?”

“My dear, I make it my business to know everything that goes on in here.”

As she spoke, she gave the nurse a meaningful look and the woman swallowed nervously.

Turning back to Margo she smiled mischievously, “I’m down for three by the way.”

“I’ll do it!”

Amanda blurted it out before she could change her mind and the warden nodded.


It really didn’t take that long and soon enough a cluster of women gathered around the punishment bench where Amanda blubbered and sobbed piteously.

Jess reached around the trainee and squeezed her shoulders, “Now that is a gorgeous pattern!”

Rowan nodded her agreement and even Mrs. McCulloch added her grudging admiration, “Not bad, and it only took three strokes to motivate her.”

Gail smiled shyly and flushed at the compliment even as one of her hands rubbed gently at the three parallel stripes that now decorated her reddened and well tenderized posterior.

Nurse Penny pushed her spectacles back up her nose and smiled at the girl as she very gently applied cream to Amanda’s burning posterior, “It’s a very tidy pattern Gail, well done,” her eyes flicked across the gym and her smile turned a little foxlike, “Oh, Margo, come have a look dearie, see what you think.”

Nervously the inmate edged closer and looked down at the six red stripes that crisscrossed her friend’s bottom. Amanda’s sobs had turned to gasping whimpers at the sheer blissful sensation of the cream being so gently applied by the nurse who in turn was watching Margo’s expression intently.

The American woman licked her lips and wasn’t sure if it was hunger or shame that made her flush as she stared at the bound woman who was beginning to writhe on the frame, “God almighty, she’s gorgeous!”

Thankfully Mrs. McCulloch rescued her before the desire to reach out and stroke the girl’s posterior overwhelmed her.

She cleared her throat, “Alright ladies, well done. I think that’s a good night’s work, don’t you? Gail, you can hit the showers, um, Margo, Amanda, you can as well if you feel up to it. The showers here are much better than the ones the inmates normally have access to and seeing you’re here it would be churlish not to offer. Once that’s done we can…”

The nurse interrupted, “After that, if you don’t mind Warden, I’ll take Margo to the nurse’s station and carry out that examination we spoke about earlier. She definitely had a slight, um, temperature so a few little tests might not go amiss.”

The Warden nodded, “As you say nurse, if you think it’s for the best.”

“Oh, definitely.”

“Anything else before we pack up?”

Jess still had an arm about the trainee’s shoulders, “Um, it’s been a bit traumatic evening for wee Gail here, so I’m going to make sure she gets home safely. I’ll take a tube of that cream with me and do a bit of aftercare. I think she’s earned a little TLC after all.”

“That’s very decent of you…”

Rowan choked at the word “decent” and drew a glance, “Um, nothing, just a… thought.”

“Behave Rowan.”

“Yes, Warden.”

Turning back to Gail, Mrs. McCulloch smiled, “I think you did very well in this Miss Valentine, an excellent effort, and I saw a clear improvement in your practical skills, even if it did require a certain amount of rather vigorous motivation before it manifested. Still, we got there in the end,” her eyes twinkled, “and, um, speaking of ends, I think that yours might be a little sensitive tomorrow, so it wouldn’t be unreasonable if you took the day off. If anyone asks, I’ll say you’re feeling a little under the weather, but I’m sure nobody will.”

Oh! Um, thank you.”

“Not at all, you deserve it. Now, off you go girl, get yourself sorted out and go home.”

A few minutes later the three women were luxuriating in the communal showers as steam filled the room. Margo was washing Amandas back, trying to be as gentle as possible, but even so the younger woman hissed at the sensations as her fingers brushed across the livid marks on her posterior.

Standing under another faucet, the trainee looked more than a little self-conscious and Margo couldn’t help but notice the cherry-red glow that suffused the cheeks of her poor derriere.

The younger woman caught the American’s glances, her eyes reddened, and she turned away in embarrassment.

Feeling a lump of sympathy in her throat Margo bit her lip and nervously moved closer, “Um, are you okay Miss… er, Gail?”

She giggled, “I’m sorry. I don’t know whether I should be calling you “Warden” or “Miss Valentine”, or what?”

The girl sniffed, “Gail’s fine, I mean we’re all naked in the shower having just had our backsides thrashed, I guess we’re maybe a bit past formality.”

Margo smiled, “I suppose, but you looked… upset. Do you want us to leave you alone? I mean me and Amanda can go and…”

“No, it’s fine, I’m just…”

Her shoulders began to shake as she broke down, “God, I’m mortified!”

Margo instinctively wrapped an arm around the upset young woman and pulled her close, “Why? What’s the matter? I thought you were very brave.”

“B-but everyone will know!”

“Know what? About this? The Warden said you’d probably get some “street cred” because of it.”

“No! I mean,” she blushed crimson and whispered urgently, “what happened!”

“Um, I’m not sure I underst-”

“Warden Taylor, Jess! I’ve fancied her for ages, but I was too scared to do anything and… and,” she sobbed, “and when she touched me, I almost came right there and then! Everyone will think I’m a complete fool!”

Margo stepped back and smiled, “I think she liked you. That’s what I saw anyway. I mean she’s offering to take you home. Now I’m not sure how things work here, but where I come from that’s usually a pretty big clue.”

Amanda giggled, “Yea, she’s obviously planning to bang you like a drum.”


“Oh, come on Margo! It was written all over her face.”

“Well yes, but…”

Gail swallowed, “But what about everyone else… They’re gonna laugh at me.”


She looked down at her feet, “The inmates. I’m supposed to set an example. They’re gonna laugh when they find out I just about wet myself when she… well, you know.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about it. They won’t know.”


“Who’s gonna tell them? As far as I’m concerned who and what gets you off is your business, they won’t hear anything from me,” she turned, “how ’bout you Amanda?”

The student grinned, “Hmm, oh, my arse still hurts, it obviously has a detrimental effect on my memory, I can’t remember anything about whatever it is I’ve obviously forgotten. Though I’m definitely gonna remember your reaction to being examined by that cute nurse Margo. That’s definitely getting saved in my memory banks for masturbatory purposes later.”

Margo’s look of horrified embarrassment was enough to make Gail giggle.

The trainee looked at them both, “You really won’t tell anyone?”

“My lips are sealed.”

Amanda laughed, “Oh, that’s what you think Margo. I’ve got plans for those lips, and your tongue, fingers, nipples…” she sighed, “sorry, getting distracted. Um, Gail, your secret is safe with us, besides, we’re both leaving tomorrow anyway. Seriously, we wouldn’t embarrass you like that, that would be a horrid thing to do. Though if you ever fancy letting me know how you got on with that cute Warden, I wouldn’t be averse to listening to the juicy details over a coffee someday once I get out of here.”

Gail’s smile could have lit up the room and she threw her arms around Margo, “Thank you! Seriously, thanks! I was just dreading it.”

Amanda gave a comedic pout, “What? No hug for me?”

At Gail’s gesture the student wrapped her arms around the two women and held on, giggling like a shoolgirl, “Who said prison was no fun?”

Margo was having a very hard time disagreeing. Being squashed in a steamy shower between two gorgeous young women barely out of their teens, with their pert breasts and dripping wet bodies pushing against her was not exactly how she envisaged prison would be like, unless it was in one of those eighties porno movies she’s sneakily watched on her computer and she felt herself snigger, “If jail’s always gonna be like this I’m going to be slapping a lot more cops.”

“You know, if I’d only brought my camera, I could have filmed this and put it on YouTube. I bet it would get absolute ton of hits.”

The three naked women flew apart with almost comical haste as the voice spoke. Looking round Margo saw Jess, Rowan and Nurse Penny standing looking into the showers. They were all grinning, but it was the ever-sardonic Rowan who had spoken.

Jess laughed at their blushes and gestured to Gail, “You coming? Some of us have homes to go to.”

Amanda whispered, “I bet you’ll be coming soon enough Gail.”

The girl snorted and gave her a mock glare. Then, stepping back she sighed sadly, and once again became a trainee Warden, “Thank you, inmates, for everything.”

Margo smiled back, “Our pleasure Miss Valentine. I might never see you again, but I’m certainly going to remember you,” she extended her hand, “and I really do wish you well in your chosen career.”

Gail sniffed back what might have been another tear as she shook hands. And then she slipped quietly off into the changing rooms. Warden Taylor eyed the two women intently for a moment and nodded, before turning to follow.

Warden Cassidy looked at them both, “Well, if you get dressed, we’ll get you to where you’re meant to be. I’ll escort you back to your cell Amanda, and Nurse Penny will convey Margo to the nurse’s station.”

She sighed, “It’s after lights-out so you have to be escorted and we’ll have to use handcuffs. It’s the standard operating procedure when single officers are doing escorts. I’m sorry.”

To give her credit the Warden did actually look somewhat regretful, but the gleam in the nurse’s eyes told a different story and Margo felt herself shiver.

The nurse’s station comprised of a well-appointed examination room, a small changing room and an attached shower cubicle, There were a number of sets of drawers and glass-fronted cabinets. Various bits and pieces of medical equipment were set up here and there, and there was a backpack-sized first aid trauma kit set up near the door, ready to be grabbed in an emergency. Next to it was the portable defibrillator and a Narcan injector.

The walls were decorated with various medical charts and there was a single motivational poster pinned to the back of the door. Margo looked at it curiously. It had a picture of a blue box and the words, “Trust Me, I’m The Doctor” and she assumed it was a medical thing.

Penny closed the door with a “click” and turned the lock before turning back to Margo. Pushing her glasses back up her nose she grinned, “Well, here we are.”

Hopping nimbly up onto the examination couch she gestured for the blonde to come closer.

Nervously the woman complied and the nurse grinned, “You scared Margo? There’s nothing to be afraid of you know.”

As she spoke, she unpinned her hair and the long dark locks tumbled down past her shoulders. With her hair framing her face, her cute little nose, generous lips and those deep brown eyes Margo had to admit the woman was certainly attractive.

She smiled, “Like what you see do you? I don’t often let my hair down in here, but I think tonight I’ll make an exception.”

As she spoke, she looked about for a moment before picking up a pair of surgical scissors with a happy smile.

Margo swallowed nervously but the nurse giggled, “Oh, relax Margo, nothing bad’s going to happen, I promise.”

As she spoke, she reached out and slowly drew the zipper of Margo’s overalls down all the way from her neck to her navel, before pushing them open to expose her bra-covered breasts and the skin of her flat stomach.

“Oh my, you really are very pretty,” she reached out and stroked her fingers down the woman’s midriff, “and your skin is so smooth, and soft. It’s wonderful.”

Margo licked her lips as she shivered at the woman’s touch. With her hands cuffed behind her she was more or less helpless, and she whimpered, “W-why me?”

Penny had pushed the woman’s bra up exposing her breasts and was so involved in stroking and caressing her nipples that it took a moment for the question to register, and she looked up into the American’s blue eyes, “Hmm? Why you? Oh, that’s easy, you’re really very beautiful and when I saw your state when you came into the gym, and your reaction when you were all trussed up? Well, what can I say, that was something else.”

She smiled, “Besides, I honestly don’t think you’re a criminal type Margo, and when you leave here tomorrow, I doubt I’ll ever see you again. Now your little friend Amanda? Well, she’s almost as cute as you, with that whole “girl next door” thing going when we both know she’s probably not as innocent as she makes out. But truthfully, with her environmental activism and her history of political protests it’s almost inevitable she’ll end up back in here sooner rather than later and I make a point of not messing about with people I’ll probably end up having a professional relationship with. I wouldn’t compromise myself, or her, in that way.”

“But you will with me?”

“Oh yes, like I said, unless something really weird happens I don’t think you’ll ever set foot in this place again.”

As she spoke the woman raised the scissors and began to deftly cut away at the inmate’s overalls.

Margo gave a cry and made to step back but Penny gripped one of her nipples between the fingers of her other hand and pulled the woman closer. Being handcuffed the woman was helpless to resist and she squealed as she was drawn near.

The nurse grinned, “Oh relax, these suits are made of recycled paper, there’s a whole cabinet full of them just over there. Don’t worry, I won’t send you back to your cell naked,” she smiled, “as delicious an idea as that is.”

The nurse skillfully used the scissors to neatly cut the overalls so they could be pushed over Margo’s arms without the necessity of releasing her restraints. Wrapping her arms around the woman’s waist the nurse pulled her close and lowering her lips to her exposed breasts, kissed and gently nibbled on them with her teeth while looking steadily up into the handcuffed woman’s eyes.

Margo squirmed and moaned as she felt her nipples responding to the teasing treatment, hardening almost instantly. She felt the heat building up inside her and her heartbeat racing at the delicious sensations. The nurse chuckled and sliding her hands into the coveralls worked the bottom half gently over the curves of Margo’s buttocks being careful of the sensitive red marks that had earlier been left by the tawse.

Helplessly caught in a whirlwind of sensation and need the handcuffed woman whimpered, “It’s not fair, you shouldn’t be making me do this.”

Penny sat back, “Making you…?”

She pushed her hand down the front of the woman’s body and into her panties and Margo squealed as a finger was effortlessly slid into her sex. Within seconds she was panting and making incoherent sounds, while leaning forward onto the nurse with her eyes closed and her mouth all but hanging open as Penny’s finger stirred her insides. The wet sounds coming from her pussy were unmistakable, as was the smell of sheer lust that came from her.

The nurse laughed, “Margo, you’re utterly soaking. It’s like a swamp down there. If you were any wetter, I’d need a mop. I’m not making you do a damned thing. The handcuffs are just for my kicks, and because I thought you’d like the idea of feeling helpless. The truth is I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman as horny and desperate to be fucked as you are just now.”

She sat back, “But I tell you what. If you want to leave, just say so and I’ll get you a new set of overalls and take you back to your cell right now. But if you want to stay then all you have to do is get on your knees right there in front of me. It’s entirely up to you.”

Margo’s heart was racing and the hot sensations the woman’s fingers had stirred up made it difficult to think, “W-what will you do to me?”

Penny smiled, “I’m going to strip you naked, and I’m going to kiss you and play with your lovely tits for a bit. After that I’ll have you lick my pussy and eat me out until I scream. Then, well, I think I’ll get you to do it again a couple more times. But, if you’re a really good girl I think I might just reward you by doing the same thing right back. Frankly I want to see your face when you explode all over the room, because I think your orgasms, plural, are going to be fucking epic. Oh, and once I’ve had my fill and I’m all fucked out I’m going to take you back to your little friend still handcuffed, and I’m going to give her the key and let her do whatever the Hell she wants to you. How’s that sound?”

Margo almost came just listening to the woman and sliding down to her knees she moaned, “Oh, God.”

Amanda felt conflicted.

Her backside was still burning from being strapped by the tawse and then caned but thankfully the painful stinging had eased a bit. But she could feel the warm tingling between her thighs, and the pounding of her heart as she thought back to watching Margo, and that cute trainee Warden being stripped and thrashed. Their squeals and cries, and the sound of the tawse coming down on their poor bums had really gotten her going and she blushed as hot feelings of guilt, shame, and excitement almost made her squirm.

In an effort to distract herself from these insidious sensations she surreptitiously ran her eyes over the woman escorting her.

Warden Rowan Cassidy had the svelte athletic figure of someone who exercised regularly. She was a little taller and somewhat older than Amanda with auburn hair and bright hazel eyes, and the younger woman felt her gaze being continually drawn to the enticing sway of the woman’s hips as she walked. She spoke with a lilting Irish accent and from all accounts she had quite the dark sense of humour.

When Warden Cassidy unlocked a door and ushered her into a Punishment Room, Amanda had become more than just a little nervous. Especially as the paper sign that had been carefully taped to the door read, “CCTV NOT OPERATING – DO NOT USE”.

The lights came on automatically and she felt her fear grow as she saw the punishment bench with its attached metal framework and restraints. She also knew that the various cabinets that lined the walls contained all the myriad implements used by the Corrections Officers as they carried out their pain-inducing duties.

She started when Warden Cassidy, Rowan, touched her arm and gestured to the bench.

The woman noticed her reaction and smiled, “It’s okay, relax.”

Ammanda heard herself stammering, “A-are you going to h-hurt me?”

Rowan grinned, “No, quite the reverse actually.”

She fumbled in her pocket and pulled out a tube of cream, “Got this from the nurse. Thought I’d apply it to your bum.”

Amanda blushed in embarrassment, “But, she already did that.”

“Yea, but according to the directions you’re meant to reapply it after a few minutes. Says the first application gets absorbed and eases the pain while the second gets smeared on the skin and soothes the, um “burning sensation” brought on by, well, you know.

She casually held the tube out to her, “Here, read it for yourself if you don’t believe me.”

Amanda glanced at the label and sighed with relief as she saw it was pretty much as the woman described. She looked about the room and back to the Warden who just stood there with that enigmatic smile on her face, “Um, but why… here?”

“Oh, CCTV’s not working. Didn’t you see the sign?”

Rowan couldn’t help but chuckle at the confused look on the woman’s face, “Amanda, I saw your reaction when the nurse smeared that stuff on your behind, and I thought that if you’re going to cream your knickers you might want to do it here in private instead of back in the cellblock where the cameras are continually monitored. Besides, the room’s soundproofed, so you can come like a steam train and scream your head off if you like and nobody will know.”

Amanda felt a warm rush running through her as she recalled just how close she had come to having a mind-blowing orgasm when the nurse had applied the lotion to her scalded posterior. The sheer fucking bliss of that stuff being smeared on her burning skin by the woman’s gentle fingers had made her literally want to scream. In fact, she was pretty sure that if she hadn’t been tied down, she would have thrown herself on the nurse and humped herself into oblivion right there and then.

Blushing furiously at the thought she swallowed nervously as she found herself wondering just what Rowans fingers would feel like on her skin.

“Um, why are you…?”

“Why am I what?”

The younger woman blushed, “Why are you being nice? I thought…”

“That we’re a bunch of sadistic bastards?”

The girl nodded.

“Some of us might be I suppose but why wouldn’t I be nice? You’ve not done me any harm, and…”


The woman sighed, “And sometimes when you work in a place like this it’s the little things that keep you from… losing touch, I guess.”

“Oh, I thought you just wanted to feel me up.”

Rowan laughed, “Well obviously! There’s that too,” she sobered, “but seriously, I can take the cuffs off and you can put it on yourself if you like. I can’t leave an inmate on her own in here thought, so I’lI have to stay.”

Amanda grinned, “You just want to watch, don’t you? Admit it.”

“Well now, I can neither confirm nor deny that allegation. But either way that doesn’t change the regulations. Hell, I shouldn’t even be taking the cuffs off when I’m doing a single escort, but c’est la vie I guess.”

The younger woman was already feeling a frisson of excitement as her fevered imagination played with the image of her all handcuffed and naked while the Warden stroked her burning derriere. She blushed even more as her imagination suddenly worked overtime and it was now Rowan who was helpless while Amanda took liberties with her naked curves.

“Oh my.”

“You alright there Amanda? You’re looking a bit flushed.”

“Um, just a… thought.”

Rowan chuckled, “From your reaction I bet it was a dirty thought.”

“Um… maybe.”

The woman smiled like a cat and slid closer, “Oh, and in this thought was I doing something to you I shouldn’t.”

Amanda swallowed and felt herself growing increasingly warm. When she met the Warden’s gaze, she felt a flush of guilt and looked away quickly.

Rowan wasn’t fooled, “Oho! Or was it you doing something to me that you shouldn’t, was that it?”

Blushing furiously the young woman could only nod.

Amanda felt her pulse quicken even more when the Warden moved closer and began toying with the zip of her overalls. She breathed in the enticing smell of the woman’s hair and found her gaze drawn back to those captivating hazel eyes.

Rowan’s smile and the distinctly predatory gleam in her eyes was almost enough to make Amanda’s knees buckle as the woman leaned close to murmur, “And what was it you were doing to me in this little daydream?”

The flustered student cast her eyes down and trembled as she spoke, “Y-you were wearing handcuffs.”

The Warden moved close enough to whisper in her ear, “Was I wearing anything else?”

Too tongue-tied to speak, Amanda shook her head in answer, and then whimpered as the zip on the front of her overalls was slowly drawn downwards.

“Oh my, Amanda, that does sound intriguing. Tell me,” she grinned as her fingers stealthily slipped inside the garment to stroke across the woman’s bared torso before sliding past her abdomen and creeping down to the waistband of her panties, “is that something you’d like to see?”

Amanda hissed at the sensation of fingertips moving further down, to tantalizingly play over the front of her underwear, “Yessss…”

Rowan continued to tease the girl, reveling in feeling the trembling responses to her touch, and the wetness soaking through the thin fabric.

Amanda moaned, and in her increasingly aroused state the Warden’s whispering voice was as low, enthralling murmur, full of the enticingly warm promise of forbidden delights, “And what would you do to me if I was helpless Amanda, would you spank me, make me your plaything?”

A fierce spike of excitement at the very thought burned through the girl, she leaned forward, running her lips across Rowans exposed neck, showering it with hungry kisses even as she moaned desperately, “Ohh God, yes.”

“Would you be mean to me? Get some payback maybe?”


Amanda couldn’t suppress her gasps as she felt the woman’s hand slip under the waistband of her underwear and slide across her pussy to cup her mound. After a tortuous moment where they were still, those fiendishly clever fingers began to play again.

“What will you do if I take these handcuffs off, Amanda?”

The teasing was driving her insane! She didn’t know if her skin had become overly sensitized by what had happened, or if it was the wild surges of erotic thoughts and sensations, she’d been feeling all evening, but she was so aroused it was becoming difficult to think! And every time those fingers brushed across her clit it was like a jolt of electricity lighting up every pleasure centre in her body.

Desperate with need she moaned the only answer she could think of, “Anything!”

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