Ken, “Cousin” Connie & Ex-Wife Brandi Pt. 01 by MoMiner64Mete,MoMiner64Mete

That was because you left here over a year ago and I did not know that you would ever be back to live with me in this house again. I missed you terribly all the time you were gone. I could see and feel your presence in every room in this house. It made me so lonely for you and I’m tired of living alone without my loving woman, my sweet wife, here in my home.”

Then I saw Brandi’s eyes become a little red and tears began to gather in the corners of her eyes. She said, “That’s what I have been so afraid of when you told me on the phone that Connie was here visiting with you, Ken.”

Brandi went on to say, “In the past year I have had a lot of time to think and reflect on my past and present life. Then I came to realize that what I had done was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life even though I thought it was what I really wanted to do at the time. That was to leave the man I love and my safe secure home for all of these years.

I didn’t know how good I had it when I was here with you and I wanted to ask you to take me back.” She went on to tell us, “I’m tired of living alone, too, Ken, and I really missed the love and warmth that you have given me and our two babies who are now really grown young men.”

I reminded Brandi, “I have made you a promise that you could come back here unconditionally any time you wanted to. And I could not and I would not ever go back on that promise to you, Honey.”

The tears began to run down her pretty face as she said, “Ken, I have been thinking about this for some time and now it appears that I’m several weeks too late to come back home to live with you.”

I stood up and took her in my arms, kissed her and told her, “Honey, it is never too late for you to come back here to live with me. You are always welcome here and I still love you. That has never changed even though you have been gone from here for well over a year. You are still the Mother of our two boys and that can never change.”

Then she said, “I think I should leave and let you and Connie have this house, Ken.”

I replied to her, I won’t let you leave, Brandi. You have two boys here that love you very much and they expect to see you here for at least this weekend and I want to have you here, too. You know how disappointed the boys will be if you do not stay at least for the weekend. And that’s not even talking about far beyond this weekend.”

“And that’s not to mention how disappointed I will be, as well.” Then I went on to tell her, “I want you to stay here at least for the time being and I hope you will be back here with me permanently. I can’t tell you how much I have missed you since you have been gone, Sweetheart. This home needs you here. I need you here and our boys need you here, too.”

With tears in her eyes, Brandi put her arms around me and told me, “I have missed being here with you so much and I have missed seeing our boys, too, Ken. I just had to come back here. I have resolved to do more things with you if you will take me back and let me live here with you again, Ken.”

Brandi continued, “I have made a huge mistake by not going back packing with you and I want us to do that and other things if you allow me to come back here to live with you, Honey.”

Then I told her, “Connie and I have already spent two days and nights back packing and I would love to have you go along with us the next time we go out on the trail.”

Connie told Brandi, “It was pretty rough to hike like that but, the views and the scenery were more than worth going on those back packing trips, Brandi.” We both told her about the second day of our trip and the views we saw that was so breath takingly beautiful.

Connie added, “I want to camp up there overnight to see the sunset, the dawn and the sunrise at that summit with you and Ken, Brandi. I can imagine your boys talking about it after they had been up there. I think it would really be enjoyable for us both to see it, too.

And I’m positive that you will really enjoy it, too, Brandi, despite the hike up there and back if you choose to stay with us and hike up there with us.”

After all of that, I said to Brandi, “I have made Connie an offer earlier this week, if not a plea, for her to move out here and live with me before you called me. And I can’t and won’t go back on that offer to Connie, either. Now just what the hell can I do? Even more than that, I don’t want to be the cause of animosity between the two of you.

If either of you decide to leave because you think I have chosen one of you over the other then you are going to really be unhappy and that would make me really unhappy, too. I don’t see any solution to this short of having the both of you move in here with me as I have already offered to both of you.

Another wrinkle in this is that Brandi and I are divorced and I cannot marry Connie because she is my cousin or so I had thought. Both of you are equal as far as I’m concerned, you both are equal in my heart and I love you both. I want you both and I want to make love with the both of you.”

Then I asked them, “Can you both find it in your hearts to love and get along with and put up with one another?” By that time it was getting very late and I decided to hit the sack. “I’ll leave it to you two to talk it out and see if you can agree for both of you to stay here with me and I expect to hear your positive decision in the morning.”

A couple of hours later I had been asleep for a while and a woman’s warm bare body slipped into bed with me. She put her head on my shoulder and her hot soft titties on my chest. I rolled up on my side and realized that it was Brandi in the dim light of the night light in our bedroom.

She said to me, “I love you, Babe, and I have missed you so much while I have been away. I’m so hungry for you and I want to have you inside me like you did the night I gave you my virginity and the night you started our two baby boys growing in my tummy.”

“Sweetheart, my love for you has never faded and I have missed you so much as well, Honey. I thought that I was not ever going to see you again and that is why I had asked Connie to move in and live here with me. I can’t tell you how happy I am that you have come back to live here with me in our home. We both know how happy the boys are going to be to have you back living in our home again, too, Sweetheart.”

“Ken, I had a long talk with Connie and she told me how the two of you had grown up together. I could see that Connie loves you very much and that she wants to stay here with you, now actually with us. We have agreed to both live here with you and both make love with you.

Connie told me about her two girls and that they were very close in age to our boys. Connie is a very fine, sweet woman and she appears to be a really good Mother to her two girls, too. How could I not love and admire such a good woman as Connie is, Ken?

She wanted me to spend the night with you since she said she has been here with you and made love with you all of this last week. I have not made love with anyone since our divorce and I’m really hungry for you, Baby.”

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