Ken, “Cousin” Connie & Ex-Wife Brandi Pt. 01 by MoMiner64Mete,MoMiner64Mete

She replied, “Yeah, I did, Kenny.” However, I didn’t care. If she wanted to sleep in the nude with me to help keep her warm, that would be alright, too, as far as I was concerned. Hell, she used to sleep with me when we were kids when she got cold in the night anyway. But, that was way before either one of us even knew what sex was and what it was all about. I thought it would be a whole lot more exciting to have her sleeping with me now.

The next morning long before daylight after we’d had breakfast, we loaded our gear into my 4WD camper pickup. We drove the winding roads up into the mountains to the cabin. On arriving at the cabin we off loaded our extra gear into the cabin we were not going to pack with us on the trail. We expected we would be spending the next couple of nights in the cabin. With that we hefted our back packs onto our shoulders and headed out on the trail and upslope.

My gear always included my semi-automatic 12 gauge shotgun that I always carried with me for self-defense if it was needed. Just before I start out on the trail I always load the magazine of my 12 gauge full with slugs without chambering a cartridge. I carried the 12 gauge for defense against grizzlies which are not uncommon to these mountains.

The old time mountain men used to say about the grizzlies, “They are unpleasantly abundant!” Then we started out on one of the trails from the cabin for a one day trip and to return to the cabin that evening before sundown.

Having lived in that general area for the many years I had become well acclimated to the altitude many years ago. However, I began to notice that Connie was falling behind my pace. She called out, “Ken, you need to slow up a little and let me stay up with you.

I had told her to stay up with me. I sure as hell didn’t want her lagging far behind me to be vulnerable to attack by a bear or cougar and not knowing what to do or worse being left behind by herself or both.

I had forgotten that Connie was a flat lander from not more than about 200 feet above sea level compared to our present elevation in town of well over 5,000 feet. She had not yet become used to the lower level of oxygen in the atmosphere at these higher altitudes.

I stopped and told her, “I am so sorry, Honey, and I’ll let you set our pace for the rest of the trip. From now on I want you to walk beside me as much as you can so that I can keep a close eye on you. I sure as shooting don’t want you falling behind and getting lost.”

A little after noon we stopped in a clearing by a small waterfall and rested for about half an hour. We talked and ate some energy bars and drank some sports drinks to replenish our energy. I guess that I should have given her more to eat for breakfast as she ate a bunch of the energy bars we’d brought along.

I began to think that she was going to bust after she ate all of those energy bars and the sports drinks that she drank. I thought she would waddle as she walked and whether she would even be able to waddle back to the cabin by or before sundown.

Connie said, “This is a whole lot different from when we were kids hiking through the woods and the swamp and the scenery here is breath taking, Ken.” She had taken many pictures of the scenery. She said, “I even got one shot of a buck I could clearly see through the woods looking right into my camera lens. He was showing us his magnificent eight point rack of antlers, Kenny. It was wonderful seeing that buck.”

I felt like telling her that I had a one point antler rack for her to see but, she couldn’t take a picture of it. However, I kept my mouth shut and chose not to say anything. I’m not completely stupid even though I was as horny as that eight point buck. I hadn’t been laid in over a year and to have such a beautiful woman as Connie with her magnificent titties with me kept me in a steady state of half salute condition.

We continued our hike for about one more hour and then we started back downslope on a different trail toward the cabin. When we returned to the cabin I let her relax and rest while I built a fire in the cook stove and started to fix supper for us.

I knew that she was exhausted from our back packing trip and we both knew that she should sleep well tonight. Then she put her arms around me, kissed me and said, “Thank you so much for taking me with you on this back packing trip, Ken. You sure wore me out today.”

I replied to her, “I loved having you with me on the trail today, Connie, and that made the trip that much better having you on the trail with me.” Of course, I wanted to add that I really wanted to wear her out tonight, too. But, as they say, ‘Discretion is the better part of valor.’

We ate our meal, relaxed and talked for a while until we were both ready to go to bed. I stoked and banked the fire in the stove to help keep the cabin warm as long as it could during the night. Since it was a one room cabin there was no private place for Connie to change into her nightie.

I told her that when she was changing, “I’ll step outside while you change into your nightie, Connie, if you want me to, Honey.”

But, she would not hear of it. She just said, “We have seen each other without clothes on since we were little kids and nothing has really changed over the years except the size and shape of our bodies, Kenny.”

“We aren’t little kids any longer, Connie.”

She just smiled and replied, “That doesn’t matter to me.” She took off her clothes and got into her nightie which was a very thin nightgown suitable for the much warmer nights that we always had back home. But, it really wasn’t suitable for the cool mountain nights we have to endure here especially at this high altitude. Her flimsy nightgown hardly hid her bulbous titties and her cute round ass.

I told her, “Connie your nightie probably won’t be enough to keep you warm after the fire in the wood stove burns down in the night.”

Then she said, “It’ll probably be OK if I am under the covers, Ken.” About two in the morning I woke up when she crawled into bed with me dragging her cover with her to go over the both of us.

I asked her, “What’s the matter, Honey?”

She replied, “You were right, Baby. I’m cold and can I sleep with you with both of our covers over us?”

Chuckling, I said, “Sure, Baby, just crawl in here with me.” She quickly slipped into bed with me and snuggled up against me. It was just like it was when we were still little kids at home many, many years ago. The big difference was that she had a big pair of titties a slim waist and a soft round ass for me to pat and stroke which I really didn’t know to do when we were kids at home.

I wrapped my arms around her to warm her up as she was shivering. She wiggled her cute round panty covered and nightie covered ass up against my crotch and shivered a little bit more from the cold. I had a hell of a time with my love member as it wanted to rise up to greet her and fall right in between her soft ass cheeks.

She said to me back over her shoulder, “I can see that you haven’t changed a bit from when I used to get into bed with you when we were kids in college.” Then she gave me a nervous little giggle and wiggled her butt against my dick again.

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