Ken, “Cousin” Connie & Ex-Wife Brandi Pt. 01 by MoMiner64Mete,MoMiner64Mete

“That is principally because of its markings and that it does not have a triangular looking head like most venomous snakes have and it doesn’t have a rattle on its tail. Not only that, if it had been a rattle snake you would have known that it was right off the bat by the buzz of the rattle. The best thing that you can do if you ever see or hear one is to freeze, be very quiet and move back and away very slowly and very carefully.”

“They will generally try to get away from you if you do that.” Then I told her, “From now on you probably need to pee a little closer to the clearing where we make our rest stops or I need to be there with you to see that you are safe.”

As I held and hugged her, I tried to comfort her by gently rubbing and patting her soft, bare butt cheeks and being my own snarky self I just had to ask her, “Do you need me to help you pull your pants back up now?”

Then she indignantly shot back in her slightly trembling voice, “No, you pervert. I think that I can manage to do that for myself, Thank You.”

Again my snarky nature jumped up, “You came on this back packing trip to see the great views and the wildlife. Since you wanted to photograph the wildlife, where’s your camera, you need to get a picture of that harmless little gopher snake so you can study it and recognize it the next time you see one.” I just had to say with a mischievous grin on my face.

She just slapped me on my shoulder and told me, “Shut up, smart ass. I didn’t come all this way up here to take pictures of snakes unless it’s a white snow snake. And I haven’t seen any snow snakes just yet” Connie sure knew that she got my attention with that remark and she knew that she put a quick end to that round of my snarky remarks.

Just to continue to tease her I asked her, “If you play your cards right you may see one tonight. Do you need to finish your pee?”

Again she indignantly said, “No, I told you a while ago I’m finished.” After that we returned to the small clearing. She was still shaking and she stayed very close to me when we prepared to resume our hike back downslope to the cabin.

Then I asked her, “Are you ready to head back downslope to the cabin, Baby?”

“Yeah I am. I’ve have gotten much more tired on this hike today than I did yesterday.”

“It’s going to be a whole lot easier getting back to the cabin since it’s nearly all downslope this time and it’ll be a whole lot less time for us to get back to the cabin, too.” Thinking to myself I said, ‘God knows how I love this sweet, beautiful woman. She’s a real hoot to tease and she takes it so well. No wonder I love her so much. Of course, she can give back as good as she gets, too.’

On our way back downslope there was some uncertain footing and she took my hand to steady herself. Once we got through that area she continued to hold my hand all the way back to the cabin.

When we got back to the cabin she threw her arms around me and she said, “Thank you for taking me with you on this hike again today, Ken. Although I’m totally exhausted after our hike today, I really want to make that hike up there again to stay the night and see the sunset and the sunrise.”

Then she kissed me as passionately as she has ever kissed me. I was ready to take her to bed and make love with her the way I should have done last night. However, I figured that she was too exhausted to make love just then. I thought what the hell; I can wait till later tonight when she gets cold she’ll come trotting over to my bed with her blanket in her hand.

I told her, “You go pull your boots off, lie down on the bed, pull the covers up over you and rest.” I restarted the fire in the cook stove again and fixed us something to eat. She amazed me as I had never seen one woman put as much grub down as she did that evening. I guess I worked her a little bit too hard this afternoon going upslope.

But, she really didn’t complain at all during or after our hike today. I really had to wonder if I worked her too hard would she be too tired to make love at all tonight. Then I thought, ‘If not tonight there is always the morning after we have slept and we have gotten some rest.’

After we ate our meal we sat and talked, she put her head on my shoulder and she was so tired that she nearly went to sleep with her head on my shoulder. I kissed her cheek and her forehead and told her, “Come on, Connie, you need to get ready to go to bed before you fall asleep here on my shoulder.” I put my arm around her shoulder and kissed her. Of course, she wasn’t going to let that slide. She just had to kiss me back to keep things even.

I was feeling pretty tired, too, and I told her that we both needed to go to bed and get some sleep. I got ready to go to bed and slipped into my bed as she changed into her nightie. Then she pulled a fast one on me when she got changed into her nightie. She picked up the cover off of her bed and spread it out on my bed and quickly crawled into bed with me.

She shinnied her cute panty covered ass into my bed up against me just like she did last night. She grabbed my arm and wrapped it around her under her arm. She pulled the cover up over our shoulders and then she said, “Now that is a whole lot better isn’t it, Honey?”

I felt like she was talking to one of her little girls. I couldn’t get over just how sweet and loving she was. I wanted her to move out here and live with me and sleep in my bed with me every night. That is especially since my wife, Brandi, got her divorce and left me a year ago.

Since she wrapped my arm around her I reached over and cupped her soft tittie in my hand and fondled it and then gently squeezed it. She quickly and softly said, “Not just yet, ‘Romeo’, we are both very tired and we need to get some much needed rest first. Once we have gotten some rest we can make love with each other then.”

I put my cheek up against hers, kissed her then I whispered in her ear, “OK, Connie, I can wait a little while for you to rest up. Our love is not going to go away.” Hell, I thought that my wife had returned and crawled into bed with me tonight.

She just giggled and wiggled her soft panty covered ass up against my crotch again. She did just like she did the night before, with my hard love member pushed up in the crack of her ass and we both quickly drifted off to sleep.

Sometime before daylight broke that morning I was awakened by a pair of large warm titties laying on my chest. A hot body woman was holding me and kissing me. I asked, still mostly asleep, “Connie?”

She flippantly replied, “It sure ain’t Santa Clause, big boy.” Before I knew what was happening she reached down and grabbed my quickly hardening love member. She asked, “Have you had enough rest now to show me what you can do with that big thing for me?”

“Connie, I got to thinking last night before I went to sleep, we can’t be making love with one another. We are cousins and we are related by blood and that would be incest.”

“Oh, Ken, we’re not cousins at all.”

“Yes we are, Connie, my Mom and your Mom are sisters and that makes us cousins.”

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