Kira Tales Ch. 05: Kira's Capture by Williamdark963,Williamdark963

Kira Tales V — Kira’s Capture

© William D’Ark

June, 2022

Whatever happens with us today

your body will haunt me.

Fervent, demanding, your lovemaking

blessed by the sun. Hot. Bright.

The insatiate prance of my tight nipples

my generous willing thighs

between which all your face has lain.

Make me cum and cum again.

The wisdom of the place I gave

your firm touch probing searching

your slick tongue and strong intent

reaching where I waited years

for you in this slick cave

rose-wet. Here. Come take it all. Again.

Whatever happens this day I crave.


‘Kira, did you just make a mess,’ Sir asked. Part of him wasn’t teasing.

‘A big one,’ Kira admitted. ‘It’s like I peed my jeans, I came so hard. I guess it’s no secret now, how easily I cum. And how wet things can get. I’m soaked.’

She thought about what she had just said. ‘Did that embarrass you, William? If so, I’m really sorry. This is just the way I am. The way I’ve been pretty much all my life. And these rubber bands… hissss.‘ I made a face.

‘Hmm, no. It’s fine. I like what you just did. Very sexy.’

Kira looked up at him sheepishly. He likes her like this! She took the next step. She could feel the nipples pounding with every heartbeat.

‘My mother thinks I have something called persistent genital arousal disorder. Translated as ‘she’s a sex addict, an orgasm junkie.’ She blames all my other issues on that. But it’s not a disorder, it’s something I’ve cultivated since I was a little girl left all to myself and learned what the body likes and doesn’t like. I’ve never had the heart to argue with mother about it. It might have been the thing that got me into trouble with drugs and alcohol but if this is an addiction… I’ll never give up.’

She paused to see how he would react. Sex addiction? Might challenge any relationship after a while.

Before he could reply a third voice spoke up.

‘How are you folks doing? What can I bring you?’ A waitress had appeared from out of the shadows. She had one of those clown-like, fakey smiles on her face. Her eyes were insincere. Vacant. Been in this job how long now? Kira and Sir were just a couple of customers.

‘Our girl here had a kind of accident,’ Sir said.

‘Oh my. Really? What happened?’ Her interest seemed to perk up.

Kira looked at Sir wide eyed. How could she explain?

‘Show her,’ Sir said.

Kira went stock still. Show her..? Show her what? Her cum-drenched jeans?

‘Show her everything,’ Sir answered.

Did he just read her mind?

Even more self-consciously, Kira looked at the waitress. ‘This caused it.’

The waitress watched in fascination as Kira’s fingers went to the shirt buttons. The front panels parted, the swollen banded nipples came into view. Waitress reached out instinctively to touch Kira’s breast.

‘That looks like it hurts.’

‘It does,’ Kira admitted. ‘So good, you know what I mean?’

‘That good?’ the waitress frowned and smiled at the same time. Maybe she did have a clue.

‘The bands made me cum…’ Kira blushed. ‘A LOT.’

‘So that’s not spilled liquor I’m smelling…’

Everyone laughed.

‘Well honey, just take those nasty rubber bands off. Give them to me and be done with them. We can take a trip to the ladies room, get you cleaned up a little. How does that sound?’

‘They’re so tight, I don’t think I can unwind them. Maybe we should cut them off?’

‘Oh hush, it’s not so hard to do. Here…’ The waitress took the nearest breast in one hand. A flashing movement later, two fingers of the other hand had rolled the band away from the deeply bitten, berry-sized nipple.

…It felt like hot iron had pierced Kira’s skin!

Kira shouted in surprise, in anguish, and pulled away. Her breasts swung free in the half light of the bar, the shirt wide open. Everyone in the room turned to see what was wrong. Kira sat there motionless, stunned. The second nipple began its own feverish pulse in sympathy with the first.

Sir leaned back and folded his arms, curious how this predicament would play out.

‘Let’s do the other one now,’ the waitress said. ‘Come on.’

‘I’ll do it!’ Kira replied. She lifted the second breast and oh-so-gently rolled the band with the fingers of her other hand. But no matter how softly Kira worked the nipple, once the biting pressure released and blood rushed into the capillaries… hot metal pins prickled and pierced the teat.

‘Sw-eet jesus !!’ Kira shouted again. Her eyes went wide as though someone had slapped her.

Nipples pulsing with every heartbeat, exposed to the room… feeling the sexual fire… Kira came a second time. ‘…UUhhh!!!….’ …And collapsed to the table. Her shoulders flexed, trying to shake off the exquisite pain. The scent of more cum wafted up from under the table.

People in the restaurant stirred. ‘Did you see that?’ one of the bar patrons said loudly.

The waitress looked at Sir. ‘It’s time to put this girl to bed, if you don’t mind my saying’. And I’m not sure rubber bands are her favorite toys anymore.’

‘Check please,’ Master said wryly.

‘I thought you might be ready for something more… private. Here you go.’ She handed over the bill.

Master plopped cash onto the table, including a healthy tip.

‘Why thank you Sir. I hope you’ll come again. Pardon the pun.’

Kira looked up and shook her head. Sir smiled.

‘I’ll hang on to these,’ waitress said, waving rubber bands in the air as she walked away.


Master had Kira by the elbow as they made their way to his car. She was upright and steady but somehow each step was a challenge. She blamed it on the high heels she was wearing.

The car was parked in back, facing a low brick wall. The weather was warm, balmy, the parking lot empty. Sir gestured for Kira to have a seat on the bricks.

‘We need to have a short conversation,’ he said.

‘About what?’ Kira was still trying to process what had happened to her inside. Should she be embarrassed? Thrilled? She had taken off her clothes at the command of a man she barely knew, had engaged in a type of bondage she never imagined could be so deliciously painful… had exposed herself to a dozen other strangers including the restaurant’s owner-barkeep, not mention a women who had fondled her breast without so much as an invitation. And she had cum hard, twice, while everything was churning around her. While her date sat quietly, no doubt amused.

She could still feel the pulse pounding inside her sensitive nipples. She had only half-buttoned the shirt so the material wouldn’t rub the uber-sensitive skin. The jeans were double-soaked with her cum. Not the creamy kind that came from slow, gentle sex. This was the explosive, like-a-spigot kind. The denim was shiny wet between her thighs, all across her ass, almost all the way to her ankles. She had nothing to change into before sliding — literally — into the Lexus’ leather seat.

She was a more than a little exasperated with this second date.

‘Talk about what?’ she repeated.

Sir cleared his throat. He might have something formal to say, Kira thought. Formal worried her.

‘Kira I think we need to be clear about the rules of the road here. Between us. It’s been over six months since we met. Our going out together, in the middle of your recovery, is pushing the envelope more than a little. It’s a turning a provider-to-client thing into a social thing that a lot of people would frown on.’

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