Kira Tales Ch. 05: Kira's Capture by Williamdark963,Williamdark963

Kira was awake enough to scoop Sir’s bubbly white juice from her face with a finger. She sucked it down. Smiled faintly. Sir hadn’t cum in her but he had cum on her.

It was a beginning.


Crawling back into the Lexus, Kira was dazed, confused …’for so long it’s not true’… hearing stupid stuff roll through her head. Sir crawled into the car behind her, across the back seats, shutting the door behind him. He turned Kira onto her back, flung her legs over his shoulders, grabbed at her ass and pulled her sloppy pussy towards his mouth. Kira groaned. An inch from his face her clit took on a life of its own. Distended like a little digit, it pulsed. Wagged. Like the clitellum of some slow moving annelid, he thought. His tongue flicked out, lapping at the rounded head. Kira jumped. Fists quickly pounded his shoulders. ‘Soo sensitive!’ she cried out, only half conscious. He lathered the clit glans more, pursed his lips and sucked at the surface. Kira’s pummeling became more urgent. ‘William, NOO..! I can’t stand it!’ He rolled his lips entirely over the fibrous sheath, sucking and lathering, flicking back and forth… ‘AHHHH…’ the wide open vestibula poured clear liquid down his chin over the leather seat. ‘AHHH-uuh…’ Kira wailed. More juice ran. ‘Oh my goddd, William, please…’ He brought his right hand to the scene, pushing against the inside of her thigh to lock the leg in place. His forefinger stroked the clitoral sheath using her own cum as lubricant. Kira couldn’t form words. She wept. Her head rolled side to side. ‘You may NOT cum,’ Sir shouted, pressing his finger against the clit, licking at the head. ‘You may NOT cum.’ Kira’s sobs became a choking sound. ‘If you cum without permission you will be punished.’ His thumb and forefinger rolled the clit, squeezed it, stroked it up and down. ‘WILLIAM..!’ she screamed. ‘WILL IAM !! ‘ Sir’s lips formed a circle. He breathed hot air over the quivering organ. Kira jumped and twisted and cried out. ‘Noooo…! Torture,’ she managed to say. ‘It’s cruel!! STOP… I have to cum!!! I can’t hold it like this! She flexed her back, pounding at his head and body… Sir spat into the open vagina. His middle finger sought out the delicate gland lying just beneath the vaginal floor… …gently massaging it. Kira began a jabbering, incoherent noise. Then the stomach and thigh muscles relaxed completely, as if she had fainted. Her clenched fists fell against the backseat leather. The vibrating, wagging clit went still. Sir smiled. Kira blathered. ‘Now,’ he said. ‘Cum for me NOW.’ He pressed firmly against the vaginal floor, sliding the middle finger deeper with ever-quickening strokes. His mouth went back to the glans, sucking at the bulbous nerve. He moved his mouth up and down, fellating the distended clit stalk. Kira clenched. Eyes squeezed shut. Fists tightened, knuckles turning white. She lifted her hips despite Sir’s weight, opening the pussy wider. She bounced against his mouth while his finger fucked her high up, just back of the clit… the G spot again … lips suckling up and down, in and out, up and down in and down and up and out and in and… Kira’s forced cumming became a stormy turmoil. ‘HAAAAA, she screamed. ‘HAAAAAA!!!…’ Juice sprayed the back of the Lexus’ front seats, blasting across Sir’s face. ‘ahhh… HAAHHAA!!!’ The screaming paused so she could gulp ‘huuuhhh…’ fresh air, then a final tearing orgasm… ‘AWwaaAGG…ghhh…,’ waves ripping through her frame like oceans blasting a concrete wall.

Sir paused. Raised up. Flicked at the clit with his thumb, then lifted away from the girl’s spent body. Her limp body was bent, S-shaped against the backseat and backdoor frame. He rearranged her neck and head, sliding her flat on the seat, one leg draped on the Lexus floor. He folded her arms together and rolled out the opposite door.

Standing up, closing the door behind him, Sir found himself facing another man. A stranger.

He was dressed in overalls and a bill cap.

‘Hello there. Henry Lee’s the name. Are you Mr. 94P5ON?’

‘Yes I am,’ said Sir, holding out his hand half-heartedly.

“I thought so, seeing the Lexus. I’m the caretaker here. Paid by the college. I try to keep up with the folks renting parking spots.’

‘I’m an alum,’ Sir said. ‘A sports fan.’

‘A ladies man, too, I take it.’ Henry Lee grinned.

‘Ah… Well, my girlfriend. Hope we didn’t disturb you.’

‘Oh I wasn’t disturbed. More interested to figure out what was going on. Making sure nobody was getting hurt. Hope you don’t mind that I watched a little of that.’

Sir smiled, a bit suspicious of this man’s motives. ‘Did you really, Mr. Lee?’

‘Watched, yeah. She’s a beauty, I’ll say that much. A real beauty.’

Sir sought the upper hand. ‘Would you like to meet her?’

‘Meet her? Why, I don’t know. She doesn’t have any clothes on, last I saw.’

‘As you say, she’s a beauty. A special kind of girl. She wouldn’t mind your saying hello.’

‘Well, in that case…’ Henry Lee took his hat in his hands.

Sir walked to the Lexus and opened the rear door closest to Kira’s head. He kneeled down and spoke.

‘Kira…come meet Mr. Lee,’ he softly said.

Kira stirred. ‘Mr. Lee?’ she said weakly.

‘Henry Lee. He’s one of your new fans.’

‘Huh? I have fans?’

Sir helped her slowly lift up from the slippery leather seat. He turned her to sit on the seat’s edge, bare feet on the parking lot asphalt. Her breasts dangled between folded shoulders. Her knees parted. But she was able to stand up, stiffly, barely coherent. She felt her breasts waggle. She felt Henry Lee’s eyes.

Sir tried to smooth down the leaf laden, shoulder length hair.

Kira found her voice. ‘Hello Mr. Lee.’ She extended her hand. ‘My name is Kira.’

‘Hello miss. Mighty glad to meet you. Are you comfortable like that? I can find a blanket if you’d like.’

‘She’s just fine, Mr. Lee,’ Sir replied.

Kira spread her arms wide and shared a shy smile. ‘You’re meeting the real me, Mr. Lee. Nothing to hide.’

‘I don’t think I’d want it any other way,’ he replied, eyes capturing all the details. He looked at Sir and said, ‘Guess I should confess. I did take a couple of pictures while you two were in there.’ He twisted the bill cap held in his hands.

‘Pictures?’ said Sir. ‘Photos? Of me and our girl here?’

‘Well, mostly the girl. You know. In the car. All the pretty faces she was making.’

Sir nodded. ‘Tell you what, Mr. Lee. Can I call you Henry? How about if I pay you for that film? And the camera too. You use an Instamatic?

Henry nodded. ‘Turned off the flash; pictures may be too dark.’ Then he pursed his mouth. Scrunched his eyes. ‘How ’bout this in return, Mr. AODIFNAD… I’ll give you the film. If you promise to send me copies of anything that comes out right. I’d like to have some memories of the day I met Miss Kira here. And you too a’course.’

Sir considered the offer. He looked at Kira. ‘You have a problem with that?’

‘I belong to you, Sir,’ she said with a sigh. ‘Whatever you think is best.’ She turned so both breasts were pointing at Mr. Lee. ‘Do you like what you see, Mr. Lee?’

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