Lisa's Lunacy Ch. 04 by Danglingpartofme,Danglingpartofme

Authors note: Have I aroused/offended? Have I titillated/triggered?

Stereo was pretty loud, used his key, wondered how he kept the definition of his mid-section, “How many sit-ups do you do?”

“Crunches, a hundred.” grunting.

“I like watching..” Still wearing my work clothes, had to see him, even if it means I’ll have to work late for the rest of the week. “Was your Monday rough?”

“Can I tell you after my push-ups?” His sweat permeates the air, should offend my sense of smell, reminds me of dirty sheets, makes me wet.

“Yeah, boss is pissed at me, sales were down forty percent.” White fish baked with butter and garlic, steamed white rice and broccoli.

“All I could do today was organize two weeks of tasks, if I work late I can catch up by the end of the week.” Customers had waited for him to comeback, he was buried all day, didn’t want to talk, he’d been talking all day. “Do you have to work Saturday?”


“Ray! Haven’t seen you in years!” Went home Wednesday, Thursday and Friday after dinner, made him sleep alone! Why he didn’t want to go to this race track confounds me! One of the DC lawyers raced cars as a hobby, in town for the weekend, my boss insisted I attend. Nearly killed me to coerce Ray to come with, hour ride out here was a funeral procession. Those guys and gals dressed in white with all those patches, Ray said they were corner workers, gathered around him, some kind of icon? It’s been three days with out his love!

Wave at my boss, I’ll be there as soon as this guy will let go of Ray! Why didn’t he want to come out here? Doesn’t make sense, everybody loves him! “One of my old bosses.”

“This is Ray my boyfriend.” Introductions had been made, my boss wanted to talk privately for a few minutes, Ray is talking to the lobbyist, that strange hand language. What the hell are they talking about?! Loud cars, dusty and hot, doesn’t phase Ray one bit! “Ray could you walk with me for a minute?”

Row of Port a-potties, hate those things, most the time men don’t even lift the seat, dirty nasty, that sanitizer smell, “I don’t need to go!”

“Get in dirty dog!” Not much room in here, almost ruined my zipper getting it down, “Fuck me, fuck me,” Keeping my voice low, get one foot out of my shorts, on top of the ledge, wedge myself in the corner. “Fuck me,” glad he never wears a belt, he’s twisting the latch when I push his shorts to the floor, face smashing kiss knocks my sunglasses away, hope they don’t fall into the one hole.

“Pound me..” Don’t have time for niceties, piercing my dry tight pussy makes me yelp, “Come in me..” frantic fuck is rocking our enclosure on its skids. Heard a door slam down the line, YES! Cream on his cock, coming from the the depravity! “Pump me! Make me leak all day!” Some man is laughing near by, seems to echo. “Love, love, love you.” Both of use breathing heavy. “Not putting my hand down there!” My bright red throwaway sunglasses are sitting on top of whatever that stuff is. Older pot belly guy is standing nearby by when we open the door, gives Ray a thumbs up as we hurry away.

Happy as hell, DC lawyer keeps shaking Ray’s hand, first place when he was hoping for a third, “You drove the car!” Ray won’t take any credit for the advice, sly grin from my boss shows that he has achieved the strategy we had discussed earlier.

Hand on my shoulder turns me around, “Tell him he’s welcome back anytime..” Ray’s old boss, “He had the talent to go a long ways..” Admiration is pouring out.

“Having a get together at my house next weekend,” Big guy from my office. “Please bring your boy friend! He got us both a big raise!” My honeypot is flowing over. Never knew this part of the world existed, professional looking teams, glad the DC lawyer had ball cap for us. Families camping out having the time of their lives, old friends making new friends and the cars! “No prize money?!” My head is swirling.

Outside world doesn’t seem to exist for the four or five hundred people, dusty, sweaty, down to earth, reminds me of my father. My mother and father haven’t spoken to me since the university scandals broke out, only contact has been the lawyers incorporating the farm and setting the trust. Sixty sections of cornfields, what am I to do with that after my parents pass. Scenery on the drive out had some cornfields, mostly wheat, Ray has a surprise when I make him drive my Alfa home.

Coolers are busting out all over the place, ‘Beer flag’ has been thrown. All the people in white, standing out at the corners, in the sun, chasing these wayward cars drinking beer and stories of the days exploits. Many of them offering Ray cans of cheap suds, for old times sake, laughs with them tipping his water bottle. How many years has it been since I drank a beer? The three I’ve had sure went down easy, Port-o-lets have a line.

Can’t go ten feet before somebody else wants to say “Hey Ray!” Quiet shy man hiding behind his childish smile, “So good to see you Ray!” Wife of Ray’s old boss holding the plastic door for me, laughing as I pulled him in with me. Plenty of the door slams, plastic enclosures amplify the noises, thumbing his button while turning the knob so it shows occupied on the outside.

Rude how he turns me to face the wall, dropping my shorts to my ankles, “Be quiet..”

Hear a toilet seat drop next door, see him raise the toilet seat, looking down in the black hole, roughly grabs my tit, other hand on my shoulder, view of our feet with shorts hiding our shoes is better.

Arch my back, swivel my hips seeking his heat, “You gotta be kiddin’ me!” bastard is peeing! Knees buckle a little bit dropping one hand, look over my shoulder has the finger crossing his lips warning me to quit making noise. Giggle out loud at the way he is waving his piss stream back and forth, dick is getting stiffer with every second.

Exchange his hand with mine as the last dribbles drop, nasty thoughts, pussy is clenching, drooling. Arm crossing my chest, hand covering my mouth, mere seconds as I align, my world goes black, crushing past my cervix, hanging on his dick. Rubbery legs, his arms hanging me in the air, he waits for me to get both hands on the wall before he starts jamming me with short sharp thrusts. Can they see the outhouse rocking from the outside? Need him to come quickly!

Reach behind grabbing his cock, stop his frantic hips, feel him throb pointing his prick to my butthole, sphincter spasms drawing in the tip, both hands on the wall shake my head under his grip. Could they hear the muffled scream outside? Jizz burst up my ass, second throb chasing the first before reaching the depth of my bowels, felt his knees go weak…using all my leg and ass muscles to milk him dry, both his hands falling to my shoulders, who cares if my grunts and growls could be heard…

Well stocked with those paper toilet seat covers, didn’t use one. Gentleman had toilet paper folded ready to use, didn’t use that either. Passionate kiss as I finished fastening my shorts, “Ready?” Flip the latch, door was ripped from my fingertips, blonde pony tail desperate to tears holding the door open, charged past me smack dab into Ray’s chest. Quickly he turned both of them a hundred and eighty degrees stepping out backwards, terribly confused she fell backwards on the seat ripping at her jeans, “Run!”

My car is parked out here, somewhere, we had run past it, can’t look at each other with out another fit of uncontrollable laughter. Turning the convertible top down he was curious about the note on the windshield, “Offer to buy my car!” Name, phone number, quick note that it was one of the last imported and very collectible. Stuffed it in the glove box with my registration, “Big dick, you’re driving..”

Glad I had left some towels in the trunk, protect the leather seats, about fifteen miles of two lane highway, playing with my pussy for the last ten. “Eyes on the road!” Crossing the center line, giving him a taste. Drives so smooth, delicate touch on the wheel as we merge onto the interstate.

“Cover up! I’m passing this truck.” About the third time he has had to adjust his pants.

“Did you jack-off those nights I didn’t come over?” Turns his head, checking the mirror.

“Saved it all for you!”

“Liar!” Got his button undone.

Most of the cars we passed didn’t notice, my knees on the floor board, center console fairly low so you couldn’t see me from the side, angle was bad. Seat belt kept him from rising, even when he pressed my head down could only go a little past half. “Do you like the taste from your dirty ass?”

Making him fucking insane, “Tastes good on your dirty dick..” Next time my head came up, “Gonna get a ticket..” his right leg was shaking, “Give it to me!” Trucker was still blowing his horn.


Project at work has taken off! Nine at night when I knocked on his door, “Don’t wrinkle my clothes.” Tomorrows outfit was on a hanger, “Take me to bed..”

Tuesday he had a dinner plate ready for me. “It’s weird but Fridays are my worst day.” Told me how purchasing agents and maintenance supervisors calling in a panic, and has to work tomorrow.

“Any chance we could go to your sisters on Sunday?” What man could refuse while getting a blowjob in the shower? “Every body in my office will be at John’s tomorrow, we’ve all worked our asses off this week.” John, my boss at work was still perplexed, something Ray said to the guy at the racetrack had sealed the deal, “He really wants to get to know you..”

Can’t explain it, ten people work in our office, three brought their families, kids seemed to know each other, schoolmates? John’s darling little girls were sitting in Ray’s lap within five minutes. Surrounded by kids, laughing, wrestling. Grilled him from every side, attempting to get to the bottom of what he said at the racetrack to seal John’s crazy scheme. His shoulders must be sore from shrugging so much.


“Bring that bikini, the one from when we first met..” Late in the year for swimming pools, he was adamant.

Went to the side when we arrived, “Why did you leave your wallet in the car?”

“You’ll see..” Olympic sized pool was covered, gave him my best ‘What the fuck’ look. Sliding glass door opened to the indoor lapping pool,

“Ray!” Boy and a girl rushed him, he didn’t fight too hard before they had him in the pool fully clothed, splashing and having fun.

“Guess I should introduce my self..” One piece bathing suit, high hips, sinewy long legs, boobs smashed tight, shoulders that could carry the world.

“Glass of wine? I have a wonderful Beaujolais!” sparkle in her eye I couldn’t refuse, “Buck! Bring me wine!” George Hamilton look a-like complete with the tan, movie star smile. “Must be uncomfortable, I have a swim suit that will fit,” Not only warm, the tropical humidity had me fluffing my blouse,

“Told ya so!” Moment before the kids dunked Ray again.

She is beautiful! Female version of Ray. “He loves to cook,” Typical dad bod pouring our red wine,

“I’m drowning!” Little girl on Ray’s shoulders falling backwards with a splash.

“Those kids love him..” Gwen was beaming.

“That’s enough! We have guests!” Buck was giving Ray a hand out of the pool, a big man hug.

Innocent little girl, “Are you really his girl friend?”

“Last girl he brought over wasn’t really a girlfriend,” Cute boy was double teaming me,

“She told us she was helping Ray, so my mom wouldn’t bother him anymore..” Talking so fast.

“She played submarine races with us.”

“Are you going to play submarine races with us?”

Mom, dad and Ray are laughing, “That’s enough kids, go help dad with dinner.”

First few minutes had been a whirlwind. Gwen, as I came to know her, had all the typical motherly questions, ‘How’d you meet?’ Little boy brought out a lemonade for Ray, “He never drinks in front of the kids.” Ray was squirming in his seat when she told stories about the few times she had seen him drunk.

“Only way to get him to talk, been that way since he was a boy.” Before you know it I had removed my shirt and pants, exposing the bikini underneath. Matched everyone else in the sunroom. “Buck quit looking at her like that, she’s not one of your furniture models.”

“C’mon Ray! Submarine races, I been practicing!” Kids had endless energy, little girl so happy she could beat a real woman! Swimming underwater she could make a lap and a half, “It’s ok! I beat that other girl too!” Let them play while Gwen and I had another glass of wine.

“Buck loves that guy too!” Gwen was starting to spill secrets. “Let me show you the house!” Mini-mansion was custom built, fabulous kitchen, den, gaming room, every room out of a magazine. “Got pregnant so I could get out of the house, men think with their dicks.” Surprising story how she let the rich kid take her virginity, kept him coming back until she was assured of child support


“Scrawny tenth grader kicked the shit out of my college boy.” Buck was offering a lot of money so she would get an abortion, Gwen repeated the threat, “If you don’t marry her you’ll never walk again!” Buck’s dad had a big furniture store, Gwen started working for the family business. “Don’t know where it came from but I loved the store and business, now we have stores all over the western United States!” Buck was president in name only, Gwen ran the corporation. “Ray is such a butthead, he never told you about that?”

“Wanna know another secret?” Descending the stairs to the basement, “Most of my friends in school only wanted a chance to get near Ray, he never had a clue,” Dusty far corner storage closet, “Don’t tell hm, I saved all these, maybe one day..” Pull string illuminated trophy after trophy, old helmets and driving suits, “He never told you! God what have I done…”

“Gwen I need some more wine…”

Dinner was marvelous! Beef filet in a wine sauce, kids presenting the plates, so proud of their father! “You really like him don’t you?”

Little girl had been watching me, “No, I love him..”

“He’s a good man..if I wasn’t his sister..” Gwen whispered in my ear.

“Super Mario Kart!” Kids can’t get enough of uncle Ray. Settled in the den we got to know each other better, “Is she going to be my Aunt?”

“Princess it’s too soon to tell.” Buck was bouncing the little girl in his lap, “If it wasn’t for Ray I would not have all this now, Love that man.”

So cute and curious, chatterbox wanted to the center of attention. “I only have one grandma, the other one went to heaven..” Gwen and Buck glance at each other.

“We don’t talk about that much,” Buck noticed Gwen’s head shake, “Bet he still plays those records.”


Every sweet stroke, touches that spot, slow and tender building to mind numbing bliss, fifth love bomb he’s dropped on me tonight. Feel my sphincter flutter before the fog surrounds me, cocooning me in a mothers womb were everything is safe, heartbeats play a heavenly concert. His love seeps into my bloodstream. “Tell me what Gwen told you..”

“Need to hear your truth from your heart, your lips…” Is it a dream? Last vestiges of my orgasm are fading, the satiated glow, remembering our last words when my mind was overwhelmed with waves of fancy color. Subtle movement brought me down from the peak of arousal, clicking the switch on the alarm, that annoying sound that would have arrived in a few minutes. Did I even sleep!

“Did you sleep well?” Has the cup of coffee for me, sitting in bed, he’ll be in the shower before my mug is empty. Smile is the only answer I can give, his tan lines are fading as his cute butt heads to the to the bathroom. Shower starting is the next step in our morning routine, when was the last time we slept at my place? Intimate how we tend to our bodily functions together, no shame. Flush of the toilet and he is holding the curtain, inviting me to his worshipful body wash. Got the plane tickets for next weekend.


“Save the mile high club for our return flight.” Wednesday we slept at my place, lease had expired, paying extra for month to month, only thing that makes it home is my piano. Thursday made him sleep alone, “Don’t jack-off!” Friday is the first time ever he has been late to work, has an impressive unshaved jawline. Straight from work meeting me at the gate. “Alex has all those toys charged and ready for action!” All he really knows is that I packed his new tuxedo in the luggage we shipped out, carry on only as we rush to the town car Alex has waiting.

“Walking behind me to look at the ass you own or are you showing a little much?” Relentlessly I had been poking the bear.

“Fucking bitch..” As he stepped up beside me. Flight attendant with her rolling bag stopped dead in her tracks.

“She’s yours if you want her!” Opened my jacket, pokies made her weak in the knees, left her standing with a dropped jaw, Ray was rushing me to the driver holding a placard with our names.

“Need Alex to teach me some tricks, she has amazing cock sucking skills..” One of the airport shops had this heavy duty black leather belt.

“Fucking bitch..” He never wears belts, I was holding onto the end so he couldn’t get his tortured prick out driving downtown. Getting close to eleven, city is coming alive..

“Ms. Lisa, good to see you again.” Ray was taken aback, “Sir I need you to sign in..” Wide eyed at the opulent lobby, mumbled something about bending me over that couch, “I will ring you up, elevator three please.” They could control the elevators, special guests got exclusive non-stop service.

I was lucky finding this belt, had a firm grip dragging him. “No elevator sex!” Laughing because that was exactly what was on his thinking organ, it wasn’t his brain. Ding, running out the sliding doors without a clue where he was going, looking right his head snapped back to the left to see Alex. Half cup shelf bra, garter and matching black stockings, patterned with a seam. Missed her so much, got to get out of these jeans, itching to beat the bandit, haven’t shaved my legs in a week…

Whap! Sounded terrible, did’t really spank my ass that hard, second crack of the doubled up belt was firmer. Can’t get my tennis shoes off because he yanked my pants over them, have an ally in Alex, she did the same thing to him! Gobbling his knob! Alex is making turkey noises, must be getting gallons of Ray’s pent up sperm, round and round the cum kisses went. “Close the front door!” Sexy ass walking away while Ray and I untangle our feet.

“To the play room!” Originally it was the nanny’s quarters, large king size bed, overstuffed couch and the wall of doom. Sex rack was gone, replaced with a sex swing, a spanking bench with plenty of tie down points. Large ensuite with a walk in shower.

“Shower is what I need after the flight!” I was already naked.

“You haven’t shaved your puss!” Alex was leading him to the couch by his dick, “No you don’t dirty bitch! Sit right there!” pointing to the couch. “Hammer me with that big cock!” Bent over the arm looking at me in the corner sprawled out on the foot extension, “Haven’t had sex with anybody since I saw you last,”

Creases in his forehead, angry eyes, snorts from his flared nostrils, “Need you Ray!” Biceps bulging, abs rippling.

“My ass!” Muffled in the cushion as Alex’s arms give out. Primal breeding bull, devil only needs horns.

“I’ll be your cow Ray!” Fanning my pussy lips, splashing Alex’s face held up by his fist in her hair! Stomping his feet his cock in the valley of buns, pearly rope wrangling loose, almost reaching me, her hair, across her back, slapping her flanks, ride her cowboy!

Rolled the bag of manure in my face. Ass and cunt so I could feed at the trough, hot cherry pre-lube, vaginal delicacies, his frosting on my last meal, gorge myself before slaughter. Love her so much! Glimpses of Ray strutting, tinkering with the various dildos and large selection of fetish gear. Third time she squirted lost my hold Alex tumbling to the floor. Curled on the easy to clean hardwood floor while her tremors subsided.

“Fuck me Ray! Brutal!” Trying to get his attention.

“Lost my fucking shoe!” Alex exclaimed.

We joined in her laughter, “Back on the couch!” Rising to find her shoe I flopped back.

“No fucking for you miss hairy legs!” Rubbing her cheeks on my stubble, feel her breath on my neglected cunt, “Over there Ray, martinis are in the fridge.” Crawling away with puma agility. “Here’s to bottoms!”

“How was the flight?” Tray of finger food, some caviar, frosting on the bottle of Bombay gin turning to condensation, on our third. “If your feet touch the floor you are going to get punished!” Walking around on one shoe swishing the riding crop in the air.

“Shaken not stirred,” His accent isn’t very good.

“Stir me with that stick till I’m shaking!” Several drinks on the plane, added martinis had given us a case of the silly’s.

“Tomorrow we have the spa at two, dinner at seven, then a broadway show at nine!” She has plans. “Remember this?” Alex had the wearable vibe with the electrical discharge.

“Fuck me first Ray..”

“And one of these.” rather large buttplug, Ray was sucking on it, sent shivers all over my body. Cornered on the settee teasingly taking their time to install, hands, cheeks and lips reminding me of unladylike growth.

“Bristling..” Ray mumbles.

Wrists bound behind my back with sex tape, “One more thing.” Tiny latex boy shorts, pink, I knew I shouldn’t have put my feet on the floor. So fucking tight needed lube to get them over my butt.

“Walk over to the bed,” Alex threatening with the riding crop.

“Cruel motherfuckers..” spat at them.

“Makes my dick hard when you talk dirty..” Pillows so I am sitting up, Restraints above my knees from the top corners of the bed, at least I can move my knees up and down, can’t close them.

“Gonna need a drink for this next step.” Alex fed me a martini while Ray melted ice cubes on my nipples, inner thighs and stomach.

“Please..” Signaling with my eyes at the two remotes sitting on the bed, another drink, Ray fed me the olive with a kiss.

“Face fuck me, I need your cock..” Riding crop circling my breast, “Do it you fucking bitch!” Did I sound unhinged? Getting there quickly, “Please, please make me cum..” Begging with a little girl voice.

“Does playing with your tits make you cum?” Max twist nipple suckers.

“Almost bought those at Sadie’s!” clear cylinder with piston that screws out sucking my nipple, “Fuck I love you!”

“She needs some water, show is about to begin!” Finally a rumble in my ass, my pussy working the inert vibrator for all its worth, held in place with these humiliating pink latex panties.

“Her nipples should be really sensitive,” Alex popped one of the suckers away, rolling her tongue around, Ray followed her lead.

“Please my pussy needs more..” Shouldn’t have said anything, losing interest in me, kissing each other, Ray working the front hook bra. “I’m here too..” Feeling left out. “Face fuck me Ray..” They rolled away, my toes can almost reach the remotes, my kicking didn’t slow them. “Make love to me Ray..”

Alex was guiding his staff to her core, under him, smothered with his weight. “Feels so good, only man I will ever truly love..”

“Hey he’s mine!” neither of them seemed to notice me, “Use me..” Ray twisted so she could ride him, cussed at them, pleading my humiliation, nothing I could say broke their reverie, “Take anything you want…” spooning, her hand guiding him to her back passage.

“Can’t stop cumming..choke me Ray…” In the low light watched them sleep. Must have dozed off, unpleasant dream of losing him to her, losing her to him, standing in the rain alone. Sudden twist in the dream, hot shower washing my grief away.

Massive jolt opened my eyes! “Fuck me up!” Giggling Alex scooted forward to straddle my hips, my upturned buns, “Don’t take my man piss bitch!” Thrumming in my pussy made the words jumble, degradation of her bladder spilling over my tits enraging me, grinning man of my dreams stifling any more words with electricity seizing my awareness.

Distant climax so far away all night crashing into me, demolishing weight of a freight train, Alex’s kiss! Her breasts sliding against mine, slick with her deposits, Ray crowding in to slurp at my tits, my world spinning into the abyss, swirling back together with Alex and Ray melting together in a silly putty…helping me to the shower.

Bottom to top Alex and Ray took a leg each, scissoring the latex panties, removing the butt plug and discharged pussy toy, accepting my urethral discharge, drinking in our erotic equality. Razors sharp blades threatening to open my skin glide skillfully, hair removal gel leaving my dermis glowing. Heart shaped patch sculpted by Ray, his fingertips tugging the tuft, his kiss and nibble on my overstimulated clitoris, Alex doubling the sensations. Slipping down the wall, follow the cascading water circling the drain. Hooked! Rising, barb stabbing my cervix, turn my head away from his kiss, my breath stolen by Alex. Reeling from the depths of the ocean to dance in the sky..

“Yes you are going to the spa with us.” Full demanding bitch gets his attention, “Besides it’s a private room, the three of us together,” Alex the conniving seductress has the win. The competition since we woke this afternoon, who could persuade him to do something he didn’t want to do.

“It’s natural, everybody does it. Can’t let you out of my sight for one second.” He stayed while we took our turns on the throne. Behind his back Alex licked a finger and chalked one up in the air.

“Please I want it clean when I kiss your ass tonight.” Nasty boy didn’t have any problem helping us with enemas, score one for Lisa allowing us to have our fun.

“Just for you..” Bastard was rubbing it in, Alex frowning in defeat. Devious bastard had figured out our game.

Spa was wonderful. Started in the steam room, Alex got a point getting him to remove the shorts provided, towel only. Kept a firm grip, both of us wanting to em-bare-ass him to the other patrons. Opening our pores, sweat our toxins away. Moving to our private room for a massage, fragrant oils mixed with our pheromones, effected our attendants also. Evened the score, asking for his permission, saying yes to me, deep tissue treatment for our private muscles.

Woman’s touch as her hands worked the fibers deep, my labia. Thumbs spreading my buns, one then the other circles my anus, warn oil dribbles warming my inner wings, spreads them, a hint, retreats when my hips roll seeking penetration. Press my hips on the cushion, stimulate my clitoral hood, finger traces from top of the valley, grazes over the opening, slots down circling my nub that has come out to play.

My moans match Alex, volume growing. Both her thumbs unfold my inner lips, cool air on my inner pink. Firm hands grip my buns, relaxing a digit tests my tight orifice, from the other side presses in, wiggles, getting permission for more. Omph! Wanted more! Gently rolling me to my back.

Long blonde braid, piercing blue eyes seeking mine, classic Viking warrior, need her hands on me. “Please..” Alex groans, her Swedish masseuse is removing her shirt, drawstring on her uniform bottoms, simple tug from Alex’s fingertips has them falling away.

Face down Ray has hot stones on his back, attendant circling one, must be a tender spot, could they be triplets? Lifting the hem on her smock nod my agreement, my attendant turns her breasts away, revealed her very firm and shapely ass, reaching for a ceramic bowl on the heater.

Using a towel to hold the bowl, fingers dip letting the hot oil drip on my sternum, more drops between my breasts, my solar-plexus, line to my belly button, my heart shaped patch. Palm spreads the oil, an exotic fragrance, up my tummy, my chest, stops with a gentle caress at my throat. Drips on my left breast, spreads it with immediacy, ends with a very sharp pinch to my nipple, right side, oil is beginning to cool, I reach for my button, want the pinch down there! Gently places my hand to my side, grin says that is not allowed, returning the bowl to the heater.

Feet and ankles, opens my knees, soles of my feet together, pushes them up opening, diamond shape with her goal at the peak. Inner thighs, hand on each, kneading, slipping higher and higher, gets so close, surplus oil goes to her bosoms, pinches her nipples till her eyes flutter, sees my pussy and anus spasm repeatedly. Hands travel up my thighs, surround my vulva, fingers on my mons, thumbs closing my gaping pussy. “Need your fingers in me!” Desperate gasp made Ray chuckle, he’s refusing to turn over.

Slow affirmative nod she reaches for the hot oil. Hesitates, using another oil applies it to her own play zone, my jealousy racks my body grabbing the side of the table in frustration. She has a light blonde patch also, a broken heart. “Turn over Ray!” Alex giggles, not playing our game, she wins, I’m trembling, my seductress is getting her second knee on top of the table at my feet.

Feel the heat of the crucible, between her knees that are suppressing my legs, wiggle my toes trapped in her slit. “Do you want this?” Dips a finger snapping back, aroma wafting, latent heat on my right aureole that missed her pinch earlier.

“Need this from you..” Indecision or stalling, places both my hands on my boobs, then lifting the bowl, a sacrifice to the gods…Stream curls over the edge, an eternity as it falls, burning hot cunt is inflamed with a thousand suns…clatter as the bowl is tossed aside, her cooling hot nipple absorbs the heat, the other side swipes spinning my world, lips and tongue create a supernova in my universe…kisses travail my midsection, my breasts, collarbone, lips shine with the potions, hovering over me, lips connect with mine and the world is swirling again…

Consciousness seeps into my being, Alex with a sublime smile, powerless as the masseuse grinds pussy to pussy, both of them watching the tits massaging Ray, his shorts drenched in oil are almost see thru, her nipple circles his, bumps over his abs, length of his covered erection. “Please,” she begs, “Let me see it, let me do my job…” She uses one foot then the other against her delicious orbs, bats her hands away when she gets close to his man meat.

My attendant, “We all want to see it.” My loins are heating up again, our winky’s circling each other.

Alex’s attendant dropped the bomb, “Shayla says it’s most handsome cock attached to the most handsome man..evaaa.” Vanity usually doesn’t work on Ray.

Three glistening nude swedes surrounding him he may have no choice, talking in their native Swedish we have no clue what they are planning. Laughing he crosses his ankles leans back with his hands behind his head. “Are you triplets?” Alex on her side, she has the same view I have, defined deltoids, pecs, six-pack abs, not a hair below his neck, we made sure of that.

“Those two are twins,” Carefully positioning her self on all fours above him, “I’m the big sister.” Rocking back and forth, almost touching his covered cock in her cleavage, her breasts are bigger than her sisters.

“Li..are you ok with this?” Sweet!

Alex and I are even in score, “Keep yours hands to yourself, let her do her job.”

Six hands had his shorts gone in an instant, they all had to touch, stroke, wrap their fingers around, big strong hands made him groan. “Take care of your guests.” big sister retorts. Breasts and oh so smooth massage for us while we watched the full body massage.

Up his leg, smother his testes, disappear his penis, same on the other leg, goes all the way, face to face as she snaked her body full length on him. Several trips before she concentrated only on his cock, “Can you cum for me,” Sexy, coaxing, “My tits were made for this..want your man juice all over.” Breasts pushed together, thumbing her nipples, his dick in a warm tunnel, “Don’t hold back..” Kissing the tip as it neared on the downstroke.

“Wanna..see..Ray” Rising in me, her hands are amazing, Alex is flying to pieces on the far table. Splashes on her chin, thick and ropey, several more strings, her leg extending to the floor lifting his leg, cupping his balls, maybe more with her fingers, milking him, masseuse must have grown up on a dairy farm. Seeing double with the thrashing in my ass, palm pressurizing my bladder, somehow smashing my clit..

Aromatic steam fills the shower, body cleanse hints of jasmine and others I can’t name, our attendants help us stand treating every square inch on our body. Fluffy warmed robes delivering us to a crew of hair, nail and makeup experts, our evening clothes waiting, the finishing touches, every detail Alex has planned. “Does this make me Metrosexual?” Ray never had a pedicure/manicure.

Town car brought us to this trendy restaurant, reservation for seven o’clock making us wait fifteen minutes, open table near the center. Downright hostility from some of the booths, winks and nods from others, constant stream of fabulous people wanting to be seen with Alex. One shrimp, thin ketchup with parsley for twenty two dollars? Salmon that was barely cooked! Dessert was the best except for toasting the whipped creme over the brandied cherries. Hide in the cologne of Ray, our role of dear friends in the big city, wide eyed, heartland bumpkins.

“All the cameras will be on me, five steps behind smile!” We were walking the red carpet! Off Broadway making the debut on Broadway! Do people really pay a lot for high school plays?

“Your ass is good enough to eat!” I whispered, his laugh disturbed some of the famous faces in the back rows, actors lost a few lines in the climatic ending.

Alex leaned across Ray to admonish us, his low voice, “Thought Hamilton was a kitchen appliance.” High drama on stage was pierced with stifled giggles.

“Herbal tea at the spa is supposed to double your sperm! Tastes good too!” whimpered in his ear. Standing to the side of the champagne reception after the play, Alex wanted seats in the back of the theatre, seizing a tactical position greeting the powerbroker’s and high society before they could reach the refreshments. “Supposed to hold your drink in your left hand so you can shake with your right.” Comments had his black silk briefs in a wad, hand in his pocket to hide the evidence.

Introduced us to a few, elegant lady owns a modeling agency. “My mentor! My college roommate and her boyfriend!” number two at the network.

“You’ve been to the spa,” Introductory hug was held a little longer, conspiratorially, her husband must of gotten a rotten drink, his scowl. Loud and proud in her halter dress after hugging Ray. “Manipulative bitch.” Boss lady smiled at Alex with her proud own it smile. See and be seen, Alex was very good at her career.

Oozing from his pores a primal animal scent, powerful condescending men avoid him, wives or girlfriends possessively urged to quicken their steps. “Hose us with your love,” Every chance I get, goading.

“Lovely dresses..” Queen of the fashion industry circled back, “Darling, dark green suits you, deep cowl neck, Tiffany’s, I’m sure that neckless is on loan,” Her compliments are demeaning, Alex gushes in her approval, in college a bitch slap would have been the answer.

“One of my employees was disappointed when we found out this dress had already been picked for this event.” Under a microscope, head to toe, “One shoulder wrap with that glorious slit, white as a virgin bride.” Talking to Alex, felt the meat hook hanging me. “How could a girl like that find such a dress Alex?”

“She has the perfect body for it doesn’t she?” Alex delivered the drink in the face with words.

“Yes she does..” First time she looked in my eyes. Invading my personal space, fingertips edging the material on my side boob, waves of dominance. Tray of champagne flutes appeared, did she summon the drinks somehow? Busy hands forced Ray to step aside.

Lioness turned to her prey, “You..” Inhaling, sucking the air between her and Ray, baring her teeth in a charming smile, “Are a handsome man.” Free hand caressing his lapel, taking a drink, back of her hand on his perfectly trimmed scruff. “I could change your future..” Card appeared somewhere within the folds of her gown, “Direct line, call me.” Card halfway in his breast pocket, “Alex, so good to see you, let’s keep in touch.” Spins away ignoring me completely.

“I’m ready to leave..” Alex made a beeline to the coat check. Overcoats for Alex and I, provided a cloak of anonymity, waiting for our town car, low on the priority list, “She wants you to join ‘The Academy’! Want to be a male model Ray?” Alex knows something we don’t. Don’t like that lady, eats people and poops them out.

“Have you ever used that anal hook?” His query made Alex laugh even harder climbing into the car.

“What did you do with that card Ray?”

“Left it on the coat check counter.” Ray’s reply had her laughing to tears, calmed down, looked at Ray started all over again, the whole ride home.

Love those doormen, arranged the caviar tray, other delicacies, wink and a nod she left him a hundred dollar tip. Cognac washing down our midnight snacks, floor to ceiling window, view of the city lights. “Not a Steinway, it is grand.” Piano made the day almost perfect. Jacket off, bow tie loose around his neck, unbuttoned collar. Feeding me while I played, an adonis for my every whim, teasing prick..demanded we keep our gowns on. “Slow and easy while Alex tells us what was so funny.” Phone app was reacting to the music, zappers in our cunts at a low hum, “Easy, she needs to be able to talk..”


Male models in the agency started in ‘The Academy’. Trained in the social graces before moving on to serving a select group of her rich ‘friends’, old money have their needs. “By the way, having her direct line is pure gold.” Luxury apartments, credit cards, enviable lifestyle provided by the ‘Sugar Mama’. Real cash started rolling in if you were willing to service the male persuasion, “That’s where the anal hook came from!” The ex-Quarter-fuck wanted to see Alex get it rough from another man, Academy provided the gigolo.

The gigolo was very creative, Fuckhead, she still wouldn’t use his name, in his sex rack for a comprehensive cuckholding, anal hook for extra support. Gigantic penis extension was all business for me. The gigolo connected a rope over a pulley to the hook in dickheads ass. Alex slept thru most of that night, dickhead and gigolo were at it all weelend, first time he sucked cock, a real penis up his ass, “He had a little dick!”

“Tear me a new one!” That should be me! Up against the glass, dress pulled to the side, his tux pants around his ankles, bow tie keeping her wrists together above her head! I’m writhing on the floor using the app stabbing the lighting button till I couldn’t see straight. “Batteries don’t seem to last as long as they used too.”

Alex is laughing around our kiss, the mess we have made of the dresses, “I need to return these on Monday.” Herbal tea from the spa worked as advertised, crouched over us jacking off, his own finger up his butt. “To the playroom! Crawl if you have too!” His sweet ass bouncing down the hallway.

“Who wants this?” He had the un-used bondage harness, drinking a bottle of water.

“I hate pink!” Alex giggles, “Should we flip for it? Play spin the bottle?” All of us drinking water before opening some champagne. Extra black bondage set, black cuffs on the bed, double ended vibrator, and the anal hook. “Yay! I win! Now open the bottle!” Alex was thirsty.

“Hate pink, hate pink, hate pink..” I was tightening the pink harness, the black buckle leather cuffs.

“Pony tails!” He used zip ties! Did he get this oil from the spa? What the fuck did they do to him?

You know that feeling, after a long dry spell, wonderful first date, good night kiss that makes you question the third date rule. Foreplay that finds the embers of the fire within, hasn’t stopped since we left the spa. Buckling the harness, Alex is fixing the neck, Ray with the finishing connection at her waist, “Need his cock! I’m going insane!” Her tummy bulges when he grips the wide center band ramming her full! How many times have I seen her legs shake out of control?

Burst of passion subsiding, his long slow strokes, taking inventory of the d-ring connections, so many combinations for wrist and ankle cuffs to connect. Alex smirks at me when he clips one hand to the straps framing her breasts, right hand cupping her left breast. Clips the other side crossing her chest, neither hand can leave her nipples. “Your legs are so beautiful when your wear heels, makes your ass delectable, find the pink stilettos in the closet.” Alex asked lovingly.

“Please…” he begged. “Dance with me..” Ray had some smooth sultry jazz playing low in the back ground, “Love you Li..”

“Wish I had your body..” Alex’s words brought an extra swing to our hips.” Keep dancing you two..” Ray had moved the bed to the middle of the room, we danced around the bed, his cock and my dildo dueling, “Fuck me Ray..rough..the way Li needs it.” Alex couldn’t stand our kissing and grinding each other, millisecond before he entered my ass bent over the bed, moments before my dildo would have plunged into her needy cunt, “Manipulative bitch, next time we’re together I’m the boss…”

“Fuck her lights out!” Belching the words out in frustration, I directed Ray, ankles wide at the top of the bed, arms stretched to the bottom of the bed, wedge pillow so he cold jack hammer her holes. Put the ‘X’ in sexy. Extra measure her hips were strapped at her hips, this bed was made for this, myriad of straps that could be tightened and they were. Only thing she could move was her head, swiveling, waiting for the blow of the riding crop, “Don’t slow down!” His cute little ass had more than a few welts.

Last scream her buttplug shot out, “Cock in her ass!” Want his sweat on me! Desperately following my instructions so he can avoid the swats.

“No, no, no!” Alex started gushing, rubbing her pussy with the end of the crop.

“Here it comes bitch!” Three, four strikes when the convulsions started, ripples from her sphincter had Ray near blacking out, falling back his balls jumping, ejaculate flying in all directions.

Thought it was funny latching Alex’s hands behind his back, feet coupled at the back of his knees, left him tied on top. Found some more champagne in the kitchen, left all the clothes scattered in the front room, city lights. Couldn’t see the silhouettes in the two apartments across the street after the interior lighting was extinguished, if they have binoculars maybe the can see me, see my dildo pacing back and forth in my pink high heels. “LI, where are you?” Ray is awake. Show is over, turned down the lights, bottle in my hand is half empty, grab another.

“Your cock gets so hard, do you like my tongue in your ass? my fingers?” Alex giggles as I question Ray, finishes her bottle of french mineral water.

“Do I taste good on his dick?” Backed off, he almost came in my mouth, “MMM, I think he’s ready..” Alex was dribbling lube my dildo.

“Can we give him the old college try?” My hand coating the tip of my dildo.

“Oh no!” Ray spit up a mouthful of bubbly, jammed a small jeweled butt plug up his ass, “Dirt roads in New Jersey are closed!”

Our sillies were back again, “Model for us Ray!”

“We have lot’s a money!”

Laughed our asses off, dances like he has a stick up his ass, spread his buns showing the pink jewell. Spins his dick in circles, one way and the other, “Dance to the music!”

“You have no rhythm!” Drank champagne and nibbled the rest of our treats.

“Love you Li..” His kiss.

“Need you in me..” My plea was lost, he’s kissing Alex.

“Who’s winning the game Alex?” Ray knows his ‘yes’ answer to either of us scores a point.

“We’re even,” He’s played Alex and I all day, now she has his ass on the line.

“Do it for me Ray, game over I win..” Alex purrs. “Your cock in my pussy when she is loving your back door.” seducing him. “So much spunk, you had gallons at the spa.” Reminding him how he was milked.

“Let me turn you into a cock loving faggot..” my bad cop is taking over.

“You can come in my mouth if you want,” Alex’s options are the art of persuasion, “On my face, on my tits, anywhere you want,” begging little girl.

“Let me fuck your ass hard, love it when you tear up my guts.” I don’t want her to win, he popped the little plug out on the bed.

“I’ll do anything to see Li give you pleasure,” Alex really wants to win.

“Fuck you so hard you won’t shit for a week..” He made me promise nothing bigger than a finger, buttplug surprised me.

“Anything you want my love..” Alex laid it on thick.

“Winner gets twenty.” Ray picked up the riding crop from the floor, how far is Alex willing to go? Double blink and an eye roll, something abstract going on in his mind, “Yes or No! No means the game over even steven.” Twinkle in his eye says something unexpected is going to happen, dips his finger in Alex’s puss smears his anal crinkle.

“You have to make love to Li..” Ray gave Alex a lottery winning smile, “Before both of you pound my ass.”

“So sexy..riding that dildo..Cum for me again Alex.” Rotten bastard has been saying all kinds of things to Alex, I don’t even exist? Big bottle of lube, stretching his ass with two fingers gives Alex a wild look in her eyes. Riding crop slapping the bed puts her out of control.

“This is going to be so sexy..” Holding her on top of me while she catches her breath, winks at me when her limp arm clicks into her ankle. Laughs out loud when he has Alex frog tied on top of me, one slap with the crop, not very hard and throwing it across the room. “Love you Li..looks like the game is all tied up!”

Puts my wrist cuffs back on and latches my hands to her collar, “Love him, love him!” Both of us chuckling thru our kisses, our predicament. Both of us burst out laughing when my ankles were tied to her wrists, knees bent and the wedge pillow under my ass.

“I can get to both asses from here!” re-charged double dildo in our cunts, kid in a candy store! “Madams, would you care for champagne or water?” Anal hook clanged to the floor when he picked up the bottle of bubbly, rubbed his chin, changed his mind before bringing the bottle for our drinks.

“Don’t just sit there panty waste!” Vibrators go full blast, he is sitting indian style lubing his cock.

“That’s not a toy bub!” Squeezing my knees on her elbows created barely enough motion to keep us warmed. Alex and I in sync railing him with insults.

“Pretend we’re virgin little boys if that’s what gets you off gaybird!”

“Are you a momma’s boy?” Lights went out, my pink harness glows.

“Shit! Ow, ow, ow.” Stubbed his toe. Positive he heard Alex and me snickering, can’t see a damn thing except my pink straps, they glow. Heard him bump into something else.

“No more teasing fucker.”

“We need your hot poker!” Alex and I trading quips, “Marco!”

“Polo!” I answer laughing, “Oh where O where is that big fat polo stick at..”

Made him laugh, closer, feel the bed move. “Poked me in the eye!”

“Wrong end buddy boy!” Hand on my leg.

Alex giggles, “Getting close pal.”

“That tickles!” Lubed cock is rubbing the sole of my foot.

“That’s the spot,” Alex must of felt something. Feel his hand at the back of her neck, her hair brushing past. “No hair pulling.” Of course she wants that, loves it!

“Momma’s boy going to ram it up my ASSSS?!” Off to the races! Does he know which hole he’s fucking? Shove his cock in my pussy next to the dildo, double stuffed, my ass, a few minutes of empty, Alex getting filled? Hope that yelp was from Alex getting the wonderful two in one stretching her pussy. My screaming insults were no comparison to Alex, absolutely berserk! Haven’t heard her scream like that since…once a long time ago.


“Pervert up there has a telescope,” Alex pointing to one of the penthouses across the street, “Not a bad guy really, he was the one that told me about my exfuckbrain fucking men while I was at work, would have testified at the divorce trial if I wanted.”

Ray was laughing, “Think they saw me fucking you against the window?”

My blush, “Tell us what you did Li..” Any minute now we should be getting the call, car downstairs taking us to the airport.


“Excuse me.” Ray is infuriatingly clueless, putting our bags in the upper bin, drop dead gorgeous flight attendant smeared both her breasts across his back closing and latching the door. Fucking idiot doesn’t think it’s any more than a clumsy bump, “Sir it is my pleasure to help.” Should I be jealous? Only a couple days ago I shamelessly used her to drive him crazy at our arrival.

“Let me take your jacket,” Recognized us instantly, “It will be warmer once we close the doors.” My headlights went to high beam watching her greenish brown eyes, imploring stare into my eyes, one foot stepping between Ray’s feet and a wide stance over him putting my jacket in the overhead bin. Arched her back when I scratched my ribs, adjust an underwire bra that she knew wasn’t there. This is going to be a fun flight…

“Fasten your seatbelts for our descent.” Trina was having a spirited conversation with the other stewardesses, many glances our way.

“Temperature is thirty six, partly cloudy, for our arrival.” Soft touch on his shoulder, woke him up again. Every one of the cabin crew stopped by to make sure he received excellent service, even the males.

Called to their jump seats Trina wanted one last moment, “It has been,” one foot between his knees, one in the isle, “My pleasure,” squatting, “Having you on top, er, aboard.”

Couldn’t keep my laughs in any longer, discrete but obvious up-skirt view, dawned on him that her lust was off the charts, “I lost the bet,” hand on his knee was rising, “I was sure you two would join the mile high club,” He blushed, “I would have helped.”

Standing leaning across to me, “Both of you,” his head back on the headrest so her tit wouldn’t make contact, “Together, wouldn’t have it any other way.” Handed me the folded note with her layover schedule and contact info. Checked to make sure both our seat belts were properly latched.



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