Little Dancer – Chapters One and Two by Semiater


I've wrote posted a number of stories previously on bdsmlibrary, but am trying my hand here. I'm always interested in hearing comments, especially from women who like my stories. If it goes well, I'll probably look to update my other stories here too. , Little Dancer



Chapter One

I always feel naked when I’m in the office and don’t have a suit on. It was Sunday and the sun was just starting to go down in the west. The shadows were getting longer and darker by the minute. There was hardly a person in the streets as I stood at the large window in my office and stared down from the second story.

It was getting harder and harder for me to focus on my work and I was struggling to keep focused on the numbers. I found myself being more and more drawn to the street, there was really nothing going on outside, but staring out the window was far better than the tedium of spreadsheets inside.

I avoided working the weekend if I could help it, but rarely did I have a choice in the matter, things had to get done and I could generally work more effectively at the office versus at home. It was always too distracting at home, especially on a beautiful summer Sunday when there wasn’t a cloud in the sky with a gentle breeze playing through the trees, like today.

I came to town, oh, about 15 years ago, after a stint with one of the international CPA firms in the big city. It’s not a huge town, maybe 30k permanent residents, it’s a university town, so lots of work for me from the university community. Of course the population nearly doubles with the students around, but during the summer, most of them leave, so it’s quite pleasant. I’ve got a captive clientele though; university professors, staff, a good crowd with steady paychecks and lots of investments they need to manage and pay as little tax as possible on.

I lived in town when I first set up shop but ended up moving like 20 minutes away after a few years. I know it doesn’t sound that far, but it’s a world away. I wanted privacy, none of the gossip of a small college life, I didn’t want neighbors to deal with and bitch to me if I didn’t cut my grass or plant flowers and crap. I wanted trees, land, to be left alone. And the drive, it’s not bad at all, it’s all country roads, driving past farmers fields and pastures. I love it to be honest. The smell of manure, as odd as it may sound, it triggers positive memories from childhood for me.

At this stage, I own my office building. It’s nothing extravagant, mid-century brick, elegant, three stories. It’s a pretty typical Midwestern downtown-ish building, though, back in the 80s, before I bought it, one of the former owners added a sliver of a building on an old parking lot, a modern looking thing; sharp lines, mostly glass… The 2nd and 3rd stories have floor to ceiling panels of glass, and that’s where my office is, on the 2nd floor. Maybe if the windows were a little smaller, then I wouldn’t spend so much time staring out them.

I’ve got a little apartment I crash in sometimes upstairs, if the weather gets too bad, or I don’t feel like driving. The original building is the product of the cold war, so there is a huge bunker/bomb shelter down in the basement, though, I haven’t been down there in years. One of the local restaurants wanted to rent it as a wine cellar a while ago, but I passed, the only entrance is via the basement, and it’s hidden at that, so I didn’t want to deal with people traipsing through my office to get some diners wine all the time. Like I said, I rather enjoy my privacy.

It’s really just a one-man operation, my firm. Though, I bring in a couple people during the rush times to help out, but it’s mostly me, since I’ve still got to check their work regardless. I guess it saves me from some of the drudgery at least, but that’s about it. I also work with the university’s business school and bring in a couple interns every semester, preferably, young attractive girls, of course. That’s how I got my current secretary/office manager Anna. She’s 24 now, she was an intern for me, graduated, but didn’t really wanna pursue a hardcore career, she’s got side interests – she’s a music groupie – so working for me, it lets her stay in town, follow the bands that come to play and follow some of them around on tour occasionally. She’s kind of a music junkie, she loves the concert scene, loves live shows, loves being on the road with the bands. It works for me, she sticks around when it’s busy, then disappears for a few weeks at a time in the summer following her most current obsessions on the road. They’re not bands I care about, but she does her job, keeps the office running, and, to my great joy, she’s also a needy submissive who loves cock, so she blows me at least once a day, among other things, but we’ll get to that later.

I never married, I was a career man for awhile, shooting for partner desperately, but I saw the toll it took on my mentor, so I said fuck it. That’s when I hung out my shingle and haven’t looked back. It worked out better than I could have ever imagined, and, I’ve never really wanted the family thing, and I get more pussy in middle age than I did when I was in college. Of course, there are always lots of young college girls roaming around town who like older guys with some money.

I stood up and stared out the window again, I was having a harder and harder concentrating on the numbers, and the shadows were starting to get really long. I could hear the campanile from the church down the street indicating the service was over. I needed to try and finish the audit I was working on, but I really didn’t want to.

I saw her at a distance, but even then I could tell she was gorgeous, unique. She was heading toward my end of the street. I was on the main drag, but it was a small town, and past my office, the properties started to spread out, businesses stopped and houses started, houses with high hedge rows and brick walls. It was pretty dramatic actually, how quickly the main drag stopped and the country started. It’s like the town grew, but then suddenly stopped, afraid to go any further.

As she moved closer my radar was confirmed by my vision. I could feel my dick starting to get hard just watching her. She’d obviously just come from church. She wore heels, but nothing too dramatic, conservative, but with style. She didn’t look overly tall. She wore a lovely black knee-length skirt and a white blouse. It was buttoned high, but I could see her lovely, though not too large, breasts pressing against the pure linen of her top.

I knew she couldn’t see me watching her, the windows were tinted and with a mirror finish at that, so I could see out, but she couldn’t see in. It was good, because I had my had my hands down my shorts rubbing my aching dick. I don’t know why today, but I’d never felt the degree of instant lust, the fire that I felt at that moment with this girl.

She ambled under my window and proximity did nothing to lessen my opinions about her, she was phenomenal. She had long straight blonde hair. The cut was non-de***********, but absolutely lovely nonetheless, it fit her perfectly.

I wasn’t thinking, just reacting. The girl carried a gym bag, and I knew where she was going. The last business past my office was a dance studio and I knew she must be heading there. I raced down the stairs, grabbed a dark hoddie I had hanging in the hall toward the back door. It was a Sunday and I’d gone for a run before I got to the office so I had on shorts and sneakers, black shorts, and black shoes, it was perfect, though I really wasn’t thinking that far ahead.

My heart was pounding as I snuck out the back door and out onto the sidewalk. I wasn’t thinking, just operating on adrenaline and lust. I didn’t have a clue what I was doing as I skulked around the back of my building, then into the street. The girl, she was at the door of the studio and I just barely saw her go inside. Darkness was setting in quickly, there were just a few streaks of the fading sun, and this far to the edge of the main drag, there were no streetlights, just a few porch lights on some of the houses.

The lights of the dance studio came to life. I wasn’t being rationale, I know that, but I also knew, she was the only one in the studio, there was no class, just her. Maybe she was a teacher getting in a post church practice? I’d never seen her before, never.

I moved slowly past the front window. The lights were on, but there was nobody in the studio yet.

I knew she must be changing so I snuck around the back of the building. My head was pounding and my ears were ringing. If I’d have thought about what I was doing, perhaps I would have realized the path I was going on was wrong, but I wasn’t thinking, and at the moment, I didn’t give a fuck if it were right, or wrong, that’s for sure.

I tested the back door of the building, it was unlocked. I guess I really wasn’t shocked, there is little to no crime in town, but for a few out of control frat boys partying too loud and stuff like that, but true crime, no, not at all. So people often left their doors unlocked. Hell, I often did at the office too.

As slowly, and quietly, as I could, I turned the handle and gently pushed the door open. I could hear the music on in the studio now, and hear the girl’s exertions on the dance floor. I knew I didn’t have to be quite so cautious, she couldn’t hear me over the music, but still I moved as stealthily as I could.

As soon as I was in I made sure the door was closed, and locked. I caught a little peek at her dancing in the front room. She’d pulled the blinds so nobody could see in, though I wouldn’t go for her in the studio, I found a spot in the changing room and waited.

There were a couple rows of lockers where the girls stored their stuff and it made it easy to hide in the shadows out of sight. I could tell her locker, her clothes were strewn around casually in front of it. Her phone was on top of her skirt and blouse, I turned it off and hid it in the pocket of my hoodie.

The girl, she was diligent, she kept going and going. I hadn’t even thought to grab my phone when I bolted out of the office and I rarely wore a watch, so I wasn’t sure how much time passed. I was starting to get a little stiff and uncomfortable as I sat there in silence, but never once did I think about the ramifications of what I was doing, the only thing I could think about now was fucking the girl.

The light came on in the changing room. I could barely see the girl as she went to her locker. She didn’t notice her phone was gone, she was in a tight ballet outfit. The girl was incredible, absolutely gorgeous.

She gathered her towel and went to the shower. My heart was beating like mad as the water turned on and cascaded over her lovely body. My dick was so hard it wasn’t even funny. I knew I was going to rape her, I wanted to fuck her so bad and all I had to do now was pounce.

Maybe subconsciously I actually considered what I was doing, because I paused, but I didn’t actively think.

The girl was at her locker. I watched her pull on her panties, then step into her skirt. She pulled her blouse over her shoulders, but didn’t put on her bra.

At that instance I attacked. I’d found a knife in the office as I’d waited for her and I was on her in an instant. With one hand I had the knife to her throat, and with the other I clamped my hand over her mouth. I easily held her in my grasp, she was perhaps 5’3”, and I was 6’2”.

“Don’t say a fucking word bitch!” I spoke smoothly, but forcefully, into her ear.

“If you fuck with me, I’ll fucking kill you!” I didn’t know who was talking, it was me, but it wasn’t me, it was whatever had invaded me.

I’d also found some duct tape as I was waiting on my prey.

“Don’t fucking move or make a sound cunt!” The girl started whimpering as I took my hand from her mouth and the blade from her throat. I quickly tore a piece of tape and pressed it tightly over her mouth, then I grabbed her arms and started wrapping her wrists together behind her back. She sobbed, but didn’t fight me.

“That’s it baby, I knew you wanted to get fucked!” I took hold of her thick mane of blonde hair and jerked her head back so she was staring me in the eyes. I bent her over one of the benches in the changing room. I kicked her legs wide with my knees, then reached around and grabbed her tits. They weren’t huge, but absolutely lovely, everything I’d imagined they’d be.

“God what nice fucking tits!” I pinched her nipples till she shrieked.

I could feel her fingers wiggling against my belly as I mauled her tits. She was sobbing desperately, crying with snot running down her nose.

I lifted her skirt and pulled her panties around her knees. My cock hurt as I scraped the fabric of my shorts trying to get it out.

I took hold of the girls hair and tugged on it brutally, like the reins of a horse. The girl wailed as I slammed my thick hard cock in her pussy without any gentleness.

“Fuck!” The girl was impossibly tight and screeched for all her might. The sound was heaven to my ears, I knew the girl was a virgin.

“Incredible!” My heart was pounding, I could feel the sweat pouring off my body onto hers. My hips slammed forward like a jackhammer as I drove her thighs harshly into the wooden bench with each brutal thrust of my cock.

I rutted her like an animal, pulling viciously on her hair as I rammed my dick into her convulsing pussy over and over again.

I’d never cum that hard in my life, it felt like my balls were burning as I came in her belly. My dick kept pumping and pumping, it was the most glorious feeling I’ve ever had. When I finally stopped spewing, I was more spent than I’ve ever been. I collapsed on the girl finally letting go of her hair, my arms hanging limp over her body as she sobbed and cried beneath me, my twitching dick still impaled in her quivering hole.

I don’t know how long I lay atop her. She never stopped crying or moaning in pain.

“Fuck!” My dick ached and actually hurt as I eased it out of her pussy.

“Holy fucking shit that was incredible.” I stood over her, grabbed her long hair and used it to dry my prick before I eased it back in my shorts. I sat on the bench just down from where she was bent over it. I felt her phone in my hoodie and I tossed it on the ground under her. I reached under her and grasped her nipples, I tugged and pulled on them till she squealed again.

“What lovely fucking tits cunt.” She sobbed, and tried to work herself off the bench, but before she could I took her under her arms and lifted her up, pushing her against the lockers I stood in front of her, over her.

“You’re not going to say a word to fucking anybody, you understand me?” Tears streaked down her cheeks taking with them the last remnants of makeup she’d been wearing to church.

“You ever say a thing and I kill you.” I let go of her, and she stayed standing, pressed against the lockers. I found her purse in her bag and dug through it till I found her wallet, I pulled out her drivers license and held it up for her to see.

“You say a word, and I’ll come after you, and, and your family.” I held a picture of a group of people in their Sunday best.

“I take that’s who these people are.” I reached out and grabbed for the end of the tape stuck across her lips and jerked it off.

“You understand me cunt?” I loomed over her and she nodded reluctantly.

“Now, when I leave here, I want you to get dressed, go home, and never speak of this again, you understand me?” She was trembling softly.

“yes” She was barely audible.

“What was that cunt?”

“Yes.” I loved the way she cowered as I stood over her. I had no idea what had got into me, who was talking, but I liked him. I’d never done anything like this before, and had never felt anything so good, so amazing, in my life.

I looked at the drivers license for the first time.

“So, Haley, nice to meet you.” She didn’t say a word.

“We should do this again sometime.” I chuckled.

“Definitely nice to meet you though.” I ran my fingers over her chin, then down between her breasts and over her belly.

“You’ve got a nice tight pussy babe!” I grabbed her by the shoulder and twisted her around, pushing her face against the lockers I took the knife from my pocket and cut the duct tape from her wrists.

“You don’t mind cleaning up a little, do you?” I laughed and went out the back door.

Chapter Two

I was too wide-awake to sleep when I got back in the office. I sat in the darkness staring out my office window, waiting, wanting, to see if she walked past. It took a couple hours, but she finally did. Her gait was different, less strident, less confident, but other than that, she looked the same. She was still in her skirt and blouse, heels, but her top was no longer tucked in and the buttons weren’t done up as high. My dick went hard as I saw her pass, actually, my dick had never gone soft at all I was so turned on it wasn’t even funny.

I thought about following her, tracking her, seeing where she was parked, what kind of car she drove, but I didn’t need to. I had her drivers license and I’d taken her registration along with a few other documents from her wallet. I don’t know why I took them, I don’t know why I did anything I had that evening, I’d planned nothing, it was all a whim.

I knew I couldn’t make the drive home, so some time in the middle of the night I finally went up to my apartment and collapsed in the bed. The rush, the adrenaline had finally worn off and I crashed hard, though I never stopped thinking about raping the girl, I even dreamed about it.

“Alan.” I heard the knock at the door, but didn’t respond.

“Alan, are you alright? Anna came into the apartment and started tapping me on the shoulder.

“Are you alright?” It was hard wiping the sleep from my eyes.

“Yeah.” I rolled on my back, Anna was standing over me. She’d been my secretary since she’d graduated a couple years ago, she did everything around the office, she was good at what she did, so long as she got her time off to follow the bands she loved, she’d do whatever I asked, or needed.

“Yeah, yeah, just tired.”

“You look a mess. Did you stay late working on that audit?” My head was pounding and my dick was throbbing.

“Thanks, you look good too.” I got up on my elbow and looked at Anna. She was beautiful. She had on a nice long skirt, a frilly top with a nice amount of cleavage showing. She was probably 5’3”, but always had on at least 3” heels. She was eye candy my clients enjoyed, but none so much so as me, because she wasn’t merely eye candy to me.

“What happened?” She helped me sit up. I was sore as hell.

“Went for a run, worked late, guess I just didn’t realize how tired I was.” I ran my hand through my hair.

“You need a shower, I’ll have coffee ready for you when you come down, to get you going.” Anna winked.

“Yeah, I’ll need it!” I winked back.

“Give me like a ½ hour and I’ll be down.” She was already heading out the door when I rose my weary body off the bed.

“You’d better be!” She chimed in enthusiastically. My hips, my thighs, my stomach, my dick, they all ached. I went to the closet and pulled out a dark blue suit for the day, I was feeling adventurous.

Anna handed me a huge mug of coffee as I came down the stairs and entered the office, officially. Nobody else was in this time of year intern wise and she wouldn’t unlock the door for clients until 10:30. I went straight to my desk. I couldn’t help looking out the window and wondering about the girl.

“I didn’t get fully dressed this morning.” Anna was just to my left, she opened up her blouse, she wore no bra and had clover clamps pinching her nipples tight, dragged down by a heavy chain hung between them. Instantly my dick came to attention. I reached out and tugged hard on the chain.

“What’s this, jewelry?” Anna moaned as the clamps squeezed tighter and tighter on her nipples with the strain I put on the chain.

“On your knees!” I tugged the chain hard so her breasts were near my face.

“Yes Master!” Anna went to her knees between my spread thighs. She expertly worked my raging cock out of my pants. She barely had time to open her mouth to take me in before I was pressing on the back of her head, forcing her to deep throat me.

I started getting that feeling again, like the night before, I wasn’t thinking, just lust.

“Fuck!” I could feel Anna start to gag and fight as I held her lips wrapped around the base of my cock, her hands pressing into my thighs trying to rise up, but I loved the feel of her throat starting to convulse, so I held her down.

Anna would willingly blow me, but I wanted a fucktoy at the moment. I wound my fingers through her long dark locks and started moving her lips up my shaft, only to push her head down hard so she was deep throating me again.

Over and over I used her head like a piston. I knew I couldn’t last long. I found the end of the chain clipped to her nipples and tugged brutally, while using my other hand on her head pumping her lips up and down my cock.

“I’m cumming!” I pushed down hard on her head, forcing her nose into my groin as my balls started to contract and spew semen down her gullet.

“Fuck!” Anna howled as I pulled violently on the clover clamps and shot my load in her mouth.

“Unbelievable!” After savoring the feel on her lips wrapped around me, I slowly, reluctantly, relented and let Anna off my cock. She pulled off for an instant, only taking a deep breath before closing her mouth back on my dick, moving up and down over me and gently cleaning my shaft.

I finally let go of the chain and relieved the strain from her nipples. Anna spent a good five minutes just running her tongue over my prick, lapping every drop of sperm from my member.

When she was satisfied, she sat back, squatting on her heels, legs spread squatting between my thighs.

“What got into you this morning?” I ran my hand through her smooth, luxurious hair, and started at her.

“Guess I was a little horny!” I chuckled and took hold of the clamp on her right tit, she groaned as I released the pinching metal from her breast.

“Oh God!” Anna closed her eyes and moaned as the blood flooded back into her erect bud. I cupped her breast in my hand, loving the weight and softness.

Anna lapped her tongue on the tip of my still hard cock, rubbing it against her cheek and forehead. She shrieked as I tugged on the remaining clamp till it finally popped off her nipple.

“Fuck!” Anna closed her eyes and gritted her teeth as the feeling streamed back into her tit.

I leaned back in the chair, my hands behind my head as Anna stayed between my thighs. At first she continued to lick my shaft, then she got close and squeezed her tits around my cock till she made me groan.

“You made me cum Master.” Anna was pressing her nipples against my dick.

I stared down into her eyes. She was only a few inches away from my face.

“You orgasmed without permission?” Anna hesitated, then reluctantly responded.

“Yes Master, I’m sorry, it was, it was just you were like a different person, I couldn’t help it.” She smacked my dick against her face cooing with delight.

“You know you’ll be punished later then.”

“Yes Master.” She didn’t seem to upset either way.

“I suppose we should open the office.” Anna ran her smooth, soft, hands up and down my finally waning prick. Hesitantly she eased my dick back in the folds of my suit pants.

“I’ll attend to your punishment later, expect to stay late.” Anna looked at me dejected, I knew she probably had a concert to attend, but she knew the rules, and in the end, I’m not sure which she liked more, the concerts, or being used and abused by me.


Anna had come to me as a diligent, assiduous, college junior, an accounting major. She was ambitious, dedicated, and a virgin, though I didn’t know that at the time.

I noticed her tendencies early on, just her general obsequiousness, her desire to please, she was always right there, trying to anticipate my needs and make me happy. Initially she was only supposed to be there for a semester, but she was so good, so helpful, I arranged with the school to keep her on longer. At the time, it was good for her career prospects. I even got my old firm to hire her for a summer internship in the big city, which got her an offer for after she graduated, but she never ended up leaving. She came back to work in the fall after her big firm internship, and never left.

One night, it was late and I was rushing to finish up some work. Anna offered to stay late, to get me coffee, make copies, whatever I needed. It wasn’t really active work, she was just waiting at my beck and call, for when I needed something. She didn’t even notice me come out of my office, her back was too the door and she was transfixed on the screen. She didn’t have the volume on, and she was leaning back in the chair, legs kicked wide playing with herself as she watched a young girl strapped over a rail being whipped brutally. Then, as soon as the whipping was done, the guy started fucking the girl, her legs were spread and chained to the ground, her arms were pulled forward, so there was nothing the girl could do, and the guy, he was tugging on the heavy clamps snapped to her nipples as he pounded into her.

You should have seen Anna’s reaction when I tapped her on the shoulder. She’d had NO idea I was there. She actually fell on the floor she tried to get up so fast, all the while the video ran on.

“What do we have here?” Anna struggled to her feet, her legs were like jell-o and her face went a brilliant shade of red. She fumbled with the mouse and tried to get the video to stop, but her hands were shaking and she couldn’t manage the controls.

“Don’t bother, I think it’s pretty sexy.” Anna started sobbing.

“I’m sorry Sir, I, I know I shouldn’t…” I started rubbing my cock through my slacks.

“It doesn’t bother me.” I gently took hold of her elbow and walked her into my office. I set her on the couch in the little seating area I had to talk with clients. I sat next to her and laid my hand on her thigh, slowly working my fingers over her flesh, up under her skirt.

“So how often do you watch these videos?” I could feel her skin tingling under my touch.

“This, this, it’s the first time Sir.” I locked my eyes on hers, but she couldn’t maintain the focus and looked away.

“Really, the first time?” I kept my hand still, up under her skirt, but not moving further.

“I swear, this is the first time I’ve ever watched these videos here Sir.” She gasped as I moved my fingers deeper between her legs.

“I wasn’t asking if this was the first time you watched them here, I want to know how often you watch this type of stuff?” I smiled and scraped the nail my index finger against her panties.

“Oh,” She groaned as I softly rubbed her pussy through her cotton panties, “oh, I, I, I don’t know Sir.” She was distracted as could be.

“Do you like watching girls getting whipped? Bound? Fucked?” She leaned back in the cushion, turned her head and whimpered.

“Do you dream of that for yourself? To have your nipples clamped? Is that what you and your boyfriend do?” I kept my hand still, I could feel the heat off her smoldering pussy. She couldn’t look me in the eye.

“No, I’ve, I’ve never had sex, I’ve never let anybody whip me.” She almost jumped as I pressed my thumb into the folds of her sex.

“Mmm, never let anybody fuck or spank you? But you love it, don’t you?” I pulled my hand from beneath her skirt and raised my fingers to my nose, I could smell her, I could feel how wet she was.

“No.” She answered softly.

“Do you want me to spank you?” It wasn’t really a question, I knew she did, and I knew it would embarrass her.

“You know I should spank you, for being such a bad girl!” Anna tried to stifle her tears, but couldn’t really mask them.

She let out a cry as I stood up, I went into the corner of my office and grabbled a stool, I set it down in front of the couch and sat down. I tapped my thighs.

“Slut, get over here, get over my knees, NOW!” I loved the look of confusion in Anna’s eyes, confusion, and need, absolute desire even.

I tapped my thighs again, this time with more urgency. Her legs wobbled as she tried to get to her feet. Slowly, she ambled the short distance to where I sat and went over my legs.

“You’ve been a BBAAAAAAADDDDD girl!” I moved my one hand to the hem of her skirt while, with the other I wrapped my fingers around the back of her neck. She struggled for just an instant, then went submissively limp. I heard her murmur as I pulled her skirt up over the back of her thighs. I saw a shudder run through her body as the skirt bunched in her lower back.

“You’ve been a bad girl, and you know it, don’t you slut?” I wedged my fingers up under the waistband of her panties and jerked them down over her thighs till they were around her knees. I loved the way her ass jiggled ever so. I heard her moan as I moved my palm over the firm globes of her ass.

“Bad girl!” I took my hand from the back of her neck and eased it under her body, I slipped my fingers inside her top and mauled her breasts till I worked her nipples free of her bra. Anna groaned as I went from nipple to nipple, pinching and twisting them harshly. Her whole body started visibly vibrating, throbbing as I touched her.

Anna squealed when I bought my palm down brutally on her ass for the first time. I think she was in shock. But again and again I slapped her ass till my hand started to hurt.

I couldn’t stop, she started to cry louder and louder as I spanked her, and started to beg me to stop, but that only drove me on more.

Finally I couldn’t take it anymore, I easily picked her up from my lap, she might have weighed 110-120 lbs at most and I carried her to my desk, bent her over the edge and mounted her. My dick was so hard it hurt, her panties were around her knees and I think she orgasmed the instant I entered her. It’s not like I was going to last long, I rutted her like an beast, holding her wrists pinned under my hands, my hips jerking violently into her as my cock plunged in her virginal pussy over and over.

I roared like a brute when I finally spewed in her pussy. It was incredible. It’d been the most glorious orgasm I’d ever felt to that point in my life. My body was tingling and I collapsed onto of the girl, feeling her crushed beneath me, my dick pulsing insider her snatch was heaven.

“Fuck!” I eased my dick out of her cunt maybe 5 minutes later and fell back on the sofa, spent.

“Get over here and clean me slut!” Anna, she was lost in her reverie.

“Get on your knees, come clean me!” She collapsed in a heap on the ground, perhaps unable to stand had she’d wanted to, so she started crawling toward me, the top of her tits peaking out of her bra, her panties still around her ankles.

“You ever had a cock in your mouth?” Anna was between my legs, she stared at my prick for a minute, “go on,” she then started lapping it with her tongue, tasting the sperm and pussy juices mingled on my shaft for the first time. She sucked on me for a good twenty minutes, savoring every second.

That’s how it had all started with her. Anna never took the big firm, big city, job, she fell in love with the music, and being my office slave. She generally sucked my cock or had my dick in her pussy most everyday she’s worked for me since.

I heard Anna’s knock softly at my door.

“Did you lock up downstairs?” Anna nodded, she was hugging the door, her head just barely popped in.

“You do the reports and shut down?”

“Yes sir! All done.”

“Are you ready?” She wasn’t fooling anybody, she tried to play it calm, but I knew she was excited.

“Alright. Riding crop, and, I’ll let you choose, nipple clamps, whatever ones you want.” Though she tried to repress it, I could see her smirk. After all, she was supposedly being punished, so she couldn’t seem to enjoy it.

“Thank you Master.” Anna scurried away.

I could hear the clang of metal before I could see her. Then, a few seconds later, I saw Anna shuffling slowly across the floor on her hands and knees. She was naked now, well mostly, her hair was in a ponytail, a thick black leather collar was around her neck with a large ring on the front and back. She had matching leather cuffs around her wrists and ankles, and she had on strikingly large high heels, even though she was on all fours. Anna loved wearing her collar and cuffs whenever she had the opportunity, and the heels, the taller the better. Her tits swayed side-to-side as she moved, they were tugged by clamps on her nipples, heavy lead weights dangled from her breasts. She had a long riding crop between her teeth. She kept her eyes down, but slithered in front of me, stopping at my feet. She offered the crop to me with a gentle nod.

“So,” I swung the stiff shaft through the air making it whistle, “I see you got the strong clamps.” They were actually industrial clamps, not really for bdsm, but worked fine nonetheless, especially for a needy painslut like Anna.

“Present!” Anna got up on her haunches, keeping her knees widely splayed squatting on her heels. I could see her grit her teeth as I reached out and squeezed the end of the clamps and pulled them off her breasts. She moaned as the blood raced back into her teats.

“I like these clamps on you.” I set one down on the desk, then squeezed her breast between my fingers, working the heavy spring clamp back on her nipple. I then twisted it brutally, stretching her precious nip till I got her to cry out in anguish.

“Nice.” I reached out for her unadorned breast and snapped the other clamp in place. Anna’s eyes squinted for an instant, absorbing, savoring, the pain as the weight hung heavy from her nipple again.

She stared up at me, her hands behind her head, fingers wound together behind her neck as I’d taught her to do. As soon as I leaned in, Anna opened her mouth. I gathered a large wad of salvia in my mouth, then spit it between her lips. She swallowed it immediately.

“Thank you Master.” I smiled, loving her obedience, her need to please. I found the crop on the desk behind me and picked it up again. I started tapping on the ends of the weighted clamps, softly at first, then using the end of the crop to pull down on the clamp till I was stretching her aching nipples making her wail. She didn’t move, but for a little unintentional quiver in her frame caused by the pain.

“Have you cum today?”

“No Master. I mean, yes Master, this morning, but not since.” Her torso started to shudder ever so slightly from the pose.

“Good.” I walked around her, occasionally setting the wide leather head of the crop on her skin.

“I think you need a good pussy whipping, whatta think?” I loved whipping her tits and pussy, I loved hearing her scream for me.

“I’m just a stupid slut for you to use in any way you want Master.” Her arms were starting to tremble with more urgency, I could see her inner thighs starting to shake.

“I want you to masturbate for me cunt, no cumming, but you know how I like whipping your pussy when you’re all aroused, you scream so much louder and intensely for me.” I didn’t really know if she enjoyed the pain itself, or if in receiving and suffering the pain she got the pleasure from pleasing me.

I went and sat on one of the large comfortable chairs usually used by clients. I snapped my fingers and Anna crawled toward me, stopping a few feet in front of me and squatting again on her heels.

“Tell me when you’re close slut.” There was a mix of need, and fear, in her eyes, a slight hesitancy, but then she put her hands between her legs and started rubbing her clit. At first, she started with both hands, almost frantically. I loved watching her masturbate, I loved making her masturbate for me.

It only took a few minutes before Anna was about to orgasm, which wasn’t at all shocking.

“Master, I’m about to cum!” I stood up, looming over her.

“Stop!” Anna was panting, her body was covered with a sheen of sweat. I reached down and pulled hard on the clamps attached to her nipples, not releasing the clamps, but tugging hard on her tits till she started to shriek in pain.

“Lovely.” I knelt between her quivering thighs, running my hand over her belly, trailing my nails across her skin till I was between her legs.

“You’re such a needy cunt.” Anna was sopping wet as I thrust 2 fingers in her snatch. I could feel her pussy convulse as I slowly finger fucked her.

“No cumming bitch!” I plunged my fingers deep in her belly, twisting them deep inside her, loving the way her inner thighs palpitated visibly.

“Yes Master, I will try Master.” I loved watching my fingers sink in her swollen cunt, her juices coating my fingers.

“MASTER.” Anna whimpered desperately.

“MASTER…PLEEEAAASSEEE.” I left my fingers impaled in her belly and enjoyed the way the weights on her nipples swung brutally in large arks as her body shuddered violently.

“MASTER!” I pulled my fingers from her hungry pussy. Her labia were engorged and her juices coated the inside of her thighs.

“On the table! Hold your legs open!” Anna scurried as quickly as she could to the low coffee table. She brushed all the magazines off quickly and got on her back. The weights on her nipples tugged the clamps roughly to the side, twisting her delicate buds painfully. She grabbed for her ankles, pulling her legs wide.

I didn’t need a better invitation, I’d whipped her pussy many times before and brought the head of the crop down as hard as I could on her throbbing, distended labia. Anna’s whole body recoiled viciously as the thick leather head slapped hard on her cunt. She let out a piercing howl of pain. Again and again I laid down blows on your pussy and inner thighs. My dick was getting harder by the instant as she screamed like a hurt animal, in utter distress.

I went from between her legs to squatting over her face. I’d long since lost my pants and pressed my ass down on her mouth. She knew I loved the feel of her tongue darting in my asshole. She hated it the first time I made her lick me, but she’d come to love it, or at least love the submissive aspect of it, like so many other depravities I’d introduced her to.

I continued to work her inner thighs with the leather till they started glowing bright red. I knew her pussy was on fire from the repeated blows of the crop against her most sensitive flesh, but still she forced the tip of her tongue in my ass.

“Un-fucking-believable!” I couldn’t take it anymore, I dropped the crop on the floor, reached for her chest and tugged the heavy clamps off her nipples till they snapped together with a vicious click. I loved the feel of her hot desperate screams on my ass.

I dragged her by the hair to the floor and mounted her. She wailed as I rammed into her raw and aching pussy. Anna wrapped her legs around my hips as I started pounding down into her tortured cunt. Her arms were around my shoulders holding me tight. I could feel her rock hard nips scraping my chest as I rode her.

“Maaa-aaa-ssssttttterrr, mmayyy, maayyyy I cum?” Her legs were locked to my hips as I drove down with all my lust and needs into her belly.

“Not till I do cunt!” I knew she was in hell, so desperate, frantic to orgasm.

I loved the way she grunted each time I impaled my cock in her snatch, each time she was slammed into the floor.

I grabbed for her hair and jerked her head back cruelly locking my lips on hers, burying my tongue in her mouth and started to orgasm. As soon as my dick started to erupt inside her, Anna’s whole body convulsed in orgasm, her thighs squeezed my hips like a constrictor, her nails dug into my back and she wrapped her tongue around mine in our kiss.

I don’t know how long we lay tied together in embrace. I loved feeling her under me, I always loved the feel of women pinned beneath me, it’s such a lovely feeling.

When I finally rolled off the girl, I was spent. Almost immediately Anna cleaned my cock gently, affectionately. Her tits were red and indented with deep, vicious looking groves from the clamps and weights. Her inner thighs were bruised and I could see my cum seeping out her battered hole.

“Master, what got into you today?” I ran my hand through her soaking hair as she suckled my waning cock.

“Can you clean up?” I knew she’d be stuck there at least an hour, probably more.

“Yes Master.” She was almost unintelligible, mumbling with my dick still in her mouth.

To Be Continued….

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed the new story, hopefully there will be more to come soon. I’m always interested in getting comments, it’s always encouraging, especially from women who like my work. Thanks again…John (Semiater).



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