Lost Empire 40 by pars001

Introduction: Thinags are coming to a head , 0001 – Tempro                               0403 – Johnathon                     
0003 – Conner                                0667 – Marco                  
0097 – Ace                                       0778 – Jan                    
0098 – Lucy                                     0798 – Celeste
0101 – Shelby (mother ship)        0908 – Tara                
0125 – Lars                                      0999 – Zan                       
0200 – Ellen                                    1000 – Sherry                                       
0301 – Rodrick                                         
Lost Empire 40

Trianas Macley cursed again as several systems were still offline on her ship. Adjusting several pieces of equipment she cursed again when almost all the same systems failed to respond. “Computer is the damage to the affected systems permanent?” Trianas yelled to get over several system alarms that were going off.
“At present all power systems are at half power. Suggest landing and repair cycle to bring all systems back to one hundred percent.” Her A.I. responded.
“That isn't possible you smart ass piece of shit!” Trianas yelled. “Turn those annoying alarms off!”
“Compliance,” the A.I. said as it was suddenly quiet in the small craft.
“Computer query, of those thirty systems can any of the vital systems that are affected be repaired while in space?” Trianas asked.
“Working on analysis,” her A.I. said then was silent for almost an hour.
In the mean time Trianas went to the back to look at the mess that was there. Cursing again after she'd removed a panel seeing that more than a few circuits were fused. Pulling out several cases she started to painstakingly replace each burned and fused circuit one at a time.
Finished with the first panel she was half done with the second when her A.I. chimed in. “Analysis complete. Since the repairs that have been started, it is estimated that ship A.I. can now begin repairs to fifteen of the thirty systems. These do not include weapons, light and energy shields, trans-warp, and hyper engines. Those will require work on the actual outer sections.”
“We have no weapons at all?” Trianas said incredulously.
“We have lost all plasma weapons, most energy weapons also torpedo launchers have lost power. Light screen is holding at fifty five percent, energy shield is at fifty three percent. It is not advised to go into another hostile area 'til such time as repairs are completed.” Her A.I. droned on.
“Really? No shit! Damn it! If you were alive I would so enjoy killing you!” Trianas almost screamed at her computer.
“Upon finishing the present repairs almost all systems should be near ninety five percent. Although the trans-warp will require more outer work. Hyper drive should be operable though at present only around fifty five to sixty percent.” Her A.I. replied unemotionally.
Trianas shook her head as she started to replace every burned circuit as fast as she could. Knowing that moron, asinine ex-husband of hers he'd be hunting her soon. “Take us to the far side of this planet's moon. Land, then I'll try to effect repairs.”
Her A.I. acknowledged her order as the ship slowly moved away from the planet.
Alexander was pacing about the deck as his crew was searching for his ex-wife’s ship. “Well,” he asked, exasperatedly as he walked up behind several of the techs who were doing the searching.
“Nothing as of yet sir, we are continuing to scan.” The head tech told the leader.
“We need to find that bitch before she has a chance to fire on us!” The leader said calmly, a calm that every man on the ship knew was by far more dangerous than his anger.
“Continuing all scans to all possible positions from last speed and course,” the head tech replied.
Alexander nodded trying to calm more. It wouldn't do him any good to kill his techs, not yet anyway. He was about to walk off the command deck when a young tech called him over.
“Leader, I am seeing an energy trail unlike any I have seen before.” The young tech informed Alexander.
Rushing over Alexander demanded, “Show me!”
Even as the tech was pointing out what he'd found, Alexander was smiling evilly. “Continue to monitor it. If you start to detect a ship, I am to know immediately! Today we kill that bitch, and then we can concentrate on that bastard that claims to be the emperor!”
It was a day later Trianas had managed to land on the dark side of the planet's moon. She'd managed to get almost all her systems back on line except trans-warp, plasma and most of her energy weapons. Stepping out in a safe low atmosphere suit, she stared at the bent and broken astral fins. Damn it! Her ex obviously had better gunners than she thought.
Setting to work, she spent as long as she could adjusting what was left of the fins. Disgusted she saw that even if she had trans-warp she had no way to navigate. On and off the rest of the day she worked adjusting and replacing what she could. The inner circuits she had plenty of, it was the external ones she was very short on. Sighing at least she had ninety eight percent hyper-drive. 
Funny Trianas thought, she'd expected her ex to have made an exerted effort to find her. She'd just sat in the command seat to plan when her sensor's started to go crazy. Looking toward the galactic edge she was reading a massive space battle. Apparently an alien race was invading, it also appeared that O'Toma was there with only 13 ships. Looking again she lost count of the huge force that was advancing.
“Computer, estimate percentage for Imperial fleet victory over invading force,” Trianas asked.
“At present Imperial force has superior firepower and defenses. Invading force is numbering upwards to ten thousand. Even with the superiority the Imperial fleet has, the sheer numbers the invading fleet has will prove fatal. Success of Imperial fleet estimated at twenty two percent. This will increase one percent for every one hundred twenty eight point two zero five invading ships they destroy or disable.” Trianas A.I. informed her.
With a wicked smile she thought, ‘Ha asshole! Looks like you bit off more than you can chew!’ Then her smile faded as she watched a hundred of the invaders vanish. Then a mere ten minutes later another four then eight hundred were gone. Damn it! The invaders weren't even getting close! Cursing her luck, Trianas knew that had she been able to reach the emperor with him so distracted, she could have ended his life.
Even as she watched, the number of invaders started to drastically drop. It was barely half an hour later that the invading fleet was reduced to half. Damn it! The bastard was obviously better equipped than she had at first been informed.
Alexander had spent the previous day pacing the entire ship as he awaited news. Early the next day his second found him, “leader we believe we have found where she went. Apparently she was on sub-space drive only!”
“Finally,” Alexander shouted. “Bout damn time something went our way for a change. I want lift off as soon as possible. It's time to end her once and for all!”
His second nodded leaving to fulfill the leader's orders. They had just lifted off when several of the techs started to yell. “What's wrong?” Alexander said as he rushed to the head tech.
“It appears to be an enormous battle at the galactic edge. I am reading well over nine thousand invaders.” The tech said his lip quivering.
Alexander whistled, so the bastard fake was making a good show of it huh? A mere thirty minutes later Alexander's smile had long since vanished as he read that over half the invading fleet was destroyed. “Damn it! I was hoping they might help take the bastard out and save us time! Oh well, just have to kill him after all!”
“Lifting off leader, course set for the dark side of the planet's moon.” His second stated.
Whirling Alexander started yelling orders, “I want all targeting set for anything that resembles her ship! Lock on and blow her ass away!”
An alarm let Trianas know that they were coming. “So you are hoping to trap me here huh? I think it's about time I hurt you as badly as you did me!” She laughed as she started to program several weapons. “Last time I gave you far more credit than you deserved. That won't happen again!”
It had taken her almost a day to make it here. Her ex would cover the distance in an hour and a half. Smiling she thought more than enough time!
The Betrayal made orbit of the moon then started to head to the dark side. Trianas smiled as she detected the ship as it was rounding the moon. “Now! Fire! Reposition as soon as the torpedoes explode!”
The front of her ship glowed a moment as two torpedoes were launched streaking away. The Betrayal had just cleared the moon's curve when several alarms went off.
“I have two destructive antimatter weapons heading this way at accelerated speed.” The head tech yelled then a moment later a huge explosion rocked the ship.
Alexander grimaced as he looked at the injured on the command deck. “Damage report!” He yelled above the alarms.
The second command tech who was checking the unconscious head tech on the deck stated, “The weapons overloaded the shields we have secondary damage to the shields and outer hull. All drives are off line. We still have shields but they are at forty five percent. Almost all weapons effectiveness reduced to twenty five percent.”
“Damn it! Fire whatever we have at her!” Alexander shouted.
“Particle beams fired, leader I am reading another antimatter weapon being launched! Targeting it also!” For the second time twin energy beams left the Betrayal. The first set striking harmlessly two thousand meters from where Trianas had been.
Smiling smugly it quickly vanished as a collision alarm sounded. “We need to evacuate! Particle beams will detonate the last antimatter torpedo!” Her A.I. warned her.
Nodding she had a new course set, had lifted and was starting to move when the torpedo went off. “Ah shit!” Trianas said as the blast caught and drove her ship back into the moon's surface harder than she wished.
Skidding for a few meters, the ship came to a stop. “Any hull breaches?” She asked of her A.I. When there was no response she cursed again. Bringing up what she could she saw that the integrity was intact though she didn't know for how long.
Running to the back she started to break out several cases as she was quickly replacing what she could.
Alexander was seething with anger. How dare that piece of filth ex-wife of his damage the sect's prize ship! Then a thin smile crossed his lips as he saw that she was also in almost the same boat that they were. “I want estimates as to when we can move! I want the propulsion and weapons systems back as soon as possible!”
Trianas was flying about the back of the cabin replacing everything she could as fast as she could. As of yet she was still receiving no response from her A.I. Painstakingly she started adjusting even more equipment, still getting no response. Finally she started to work on the main section of the computer finding that several circuits were burned out. She'd already replaced quite a few sections when the A.I. power started to flicker the start to strengthen.
With a smile Trianas kept working 'til she started to get positive readings. “Are you cognizant?” She asked of her A.I.
There was a low buzz then an extremely slow voice stated. “Systems coming back on line.” A moment later the voice was stronger. “Ship's computer coming back on line. Operating at forty percent. Attempting to rectify.”
Trianas nodded she had to replace what she could or she and the ship were sitting ducks if her ex got his ship up first.
Alexander knelt over the second in charge tech, seeing the long gash on the man's chest he knew the man was past help. Though blowing the torpedo away had the desired effect crippling his ex's ship, it had other effects. He had seriously underestimated the destructive force of it. Looking at what was left of the tech crew he shouted orders. “I want a full inspection. We have to get power back up before she does or we'll be an easy target for her.”
It was some thirty minutes later when the head tech found the leader. “Sir,” The man stated. “We've finished initial analysis, it appears that the power plants were damaged by the blasts. For the moment our trans-warp is down, as is our hyper and sub-light drives. We are barely able to maintain twenty five percent shields. I've started everyone on repairs but I am afraid we might be here for a while.”
Alexander was making a titanic effort not to reach out and kill the man in front of him. As calmly as he could Alexander asked, “What of weapons? Could we defend ourselves if we were attacked?”
The tech who had backed up a few steps replied, “Not really leader. Perhaps in another hour after we have effected repairs on the power plants. As of right now we have much of nothing.”
Alexander had to resist even harder the urge to put his fist through the face of the tech. Through clenched teeth he ordered, “Get on it! I want propulsion and weapons up as soon as possible!” Pulling the tech close Alexander growled. “I suggest you and the others hurry as fast as possible! My patience was already thin, I find now, it is almost non-existent!” Whirling Alexander shoved the tech across the room into the wall.
Shaking his head as he arose off the floor the tech knew he'd just survived what could have been a painful death.
Another two days found both ships still unable to move though weapons and shields were restored on both. Trianas had finally restored her sub light drive, only to find she couldn't lift far off the moon. Her shields were back at fifty percent with her light shield a marginal thirty five percent. She had managed to move further from the sect ship, problem was she couldn't get off the moon.
She had to get out of here as she was sure the sect had far more people to repair their ship. She was back in her generator room trying to restart at least one of the engines. “Anything,” she shouted.
“Now reading a five percent increase, still insufficient power to break moon orbit. Now reading sufficient power to obtain orbit” Her A.I. informed her.
Nodding she said to herself, “At least things are starting to look up.” Reaching out she started to adjust several more pieces of equipment.
“Power levels starting to rise, now at fifty five percent; ascent now possible though strain on engines would render ship powerless once again. Suggest repairs to raise power to at least seventy percent.” Her computer droned on.
“Shut the hell up!” Trianas shouted. “I already know that! Tell me something I don't know!” Holding up her hand she commanded, “Cancel last order, I don't want to listen to you prattle on and on.” Reaching inside the generator she twisted as hard as she could looking up she saw that the power levels were finally starting to rise. “As soon as they are at seventy I want to make orbit, then make for the planet with all speed possible.”
“Order understood power at sixty percent and steadily rising, sixty five and holding steady.” The A.I. informed her.
Breathing a sigh of relief she adjusted one more piece of equipment then closed the panel. “I'm going to command, as soon as you can, I want to get off this dust ball!” Trianas told her computer.
Twenty minutes later her ship slowly lifted heading for orbit. Another ten minutes saw her slowly heading for the planet.
Alexander cursed when he saw that she was further out of range, then raged when he saw that she had lifted off heading for the planet.
“We should have sub-light engines in an hour sir.” The head tech told Alexander. Smiling He nodded the tech had just saved his life, for the moment. Now all they had to do was catch her.
A day later Trianas was landing on Tauntoff's planet. She'd managed to get her light screen above sixty five percent so she was sure her ex would have an extremely hard time finding her.


Derrick was a hell of a lot happier than he'd been in a long time. He and Shelby had been talking about everything for the past four days. She really was perfect for him she wanted almost all the things he did, though the ones she didn't had him even more proud of her.
Lucy was growing at the regular rate now. Derrick had learned his lesson there would be no more short cuts if he could help it. Rising from his desk, Shelby also arose on the other side. “I want to go and check on Mara before we finish the tour of the Nobles.”
“I think that would be a wonderful idea, Shelby has given me updates though the real thing is far better.” Shelby told him.
A moment later they were in the med bay where a now frustrated Mara was fighting the bio-bed. “Let me out of here damn it! I am fine!”
“Please Captain Mara you have many advanced breaks and internal injuries. Each time you struggle like this you re-injure yourself!” Holographic Shelby was trying to convince the frustrated woman.
“No I said! I have to check on Mara! I have to make sure she is still alive!” Mara was starting to become hysterical.
“Mara!” Derrick suddenly shouted. “Stop this! You'll never leave the bio-bed if you don't completely heal!”
Mara stopped struggling as soon as she heard Derrick's voice. “I'm sorry Uncle Derry, I hate this! I want out of here I wasn't hurt that bad!.”
“You sustained a break to almost all the bones in your body. You had severe smoke inhalation. You had lacerations to over seventy percent of your body. Had you not started this most recent struggle, you might have been out of the bio-bed in a few hours. Now? You have re-injured several vital areas. You have also bruised your arms and legs again. It will take another day now.” Holographic Shelby told Mara.
Mara smiled sheepishly, “I hate confinement, what of Tara?”
Looking at Derrick he nodded as Tara appeared beside him. “Hello prime Mara. I have been in re-gen. At present it will be a few more days before I will be ready. I did as you ordered prime, though I did not like it.” Tara stated.
Mara's face softened more as she replied, “you did an excellent job Tara, I am sorry that you were as damaged as you were. I thought that your defenses were stronger than they were. I'm just glad I saved Captain Thomas.”

“Yeah I've got something to say about that,” A voice said behind Derrick, who was rolling his eyes. “You do that again and I might have to kick your ass. On a personal level thank you, I for one would die in that… thing!” Thomas waved a hand indicating the bio-bed.
Derrick tried not to laugh at this he remembered the last time Thomas was bio-bed confined.  Derrick and the others might hate it, Thomas absolutely abhorred it!
They all talked for a few more minutes 'til Derrick noticed Greeson outside the room. “Warrant officer Greeson!” Derrick shouted. “I suggest you get your ass in here before the Empress or I kick your ass for avoiding Mara!”
Greeson slowly walked in looking at the now living Shelby, then the Emperor and Captain Thomas. “I thought I was interrupting a staff meeting!” Greeson said tentatively. There was a smack then Greeson was flying in the door to the bed.

Derrick looked out in the hallway seeing a smiling Dempsy. “You really are as big an idiot as I had at first thought!” Dempsy said to Greeson who had turned looking back at his teacher with a heated look.
“Really sir! That wasn't necessary!” Greeson growled out.
“True,” Dempsy said, “but it sped things up. If I waited on you, we and you would never get anywhere! Go congratulate your hero, you have ten minutes!”
Grumbling Greeson bowed then turned to a now giggling Mara. “You better start coming by more!” Mara said.
“I have been here every day, you were asleep every time.” Greeson told her.
Mara was nodding to someone behind him, turning he saw that they were alone. “You should have woke me up.” She stated.
“I am not about to fight these machines. As I am sure you are aware you can't win. Did you forget I was here once?” Greeson told her.
Mara's eyes got wide as she nodded she remembered very well, though at that time she'd had no real interest in him. Looking him up and down she had to admit she sure did now! “I'm sorry I forgot you have had an experience with them. I hate being idle how did you survive it?”
“I just kept my mind busy with everything I was doing. You might think about what you will have to do when you and your ship are reunited.” Greeson replied.
“I'm sure that the ship's A.I. would've allowed you to wake me.” Mara said.
Holographic Shelby appeared shaking her head no. “I am afraid that Warrant officer Greeson is correct. Your health comes before social visits. I will allow though, for you to be awoken later. That is if you discontinue your struggle against the bio-bed. I can make allowances in that case.”
Leaning down Greeson lightly kissed Mara, sending a shock through her system. “I'll see you tomorrow.”
“You remember our promise I've done my part, now it's your turn.” Mara reminded him.
“I remember, I'll do my damnedest to come back after all this.” Greeson told her, and then walked out.
Walking in the training area Dempsy was waiting. Looking up at Greeson's approach he nodded at the look of determination on the young man's face. Finally! Perhaps now they could get in a few good days. Again Dempsy hoped it was enough to keep the boy alive long enough for him to get there and finish her off.
As soon as they started Dempsy could see that Greeson was more serious than he'd been to date, good! Perhaps there was hope for him after all. Dempsy was nodding when Greeson got through his defenses for the very first time striking Dempsy's arm. Finally Dempsy thought, as he increased his speed.
For the next several hours both men went at each other fighting almost to a standstill. Suddenly stopping Dempsy held up a hand. “You are finally fast enough, now I can start to teach you the techniques I have been wanting to. Remember do not be deceived by her attempts to gain mercy. She has no such word in her vocabulary.”
For the next few hours Dempsy started to teach the first of several techniques that would save his life if worse came to worse. The whole time he had Greeson doing nothing but the technique getting faster and faster 'til Greeson was almost a blur. “Good now continue 'til I return.” Dempsy told the man.
Walking out Dempsy made his way back to the med bay. “May I be permitted to speak to Captain Callie?” Dempsy asked Holographic Shelby. Who only nodded yes.
Mara looked over to see Dempsy at the door. My god she thought as she saw the silver oak leaves on his collars. He really was a colonel!
Greeson saw her staring and grimaced. “Yeah, he tricked me again gave me these earlier today. I hate being an officer have always been a follower. Might be what my master meant when he said I was ready. Though 'til this is over, I don't feel that comfortable yet.” Here Dempsy bowed to her. I am here to thank you. Your presence and actions seemed to have inspired Greeson to a higher level. One I was hoping he reach sooner.”
“Me?” Mara replied shocked.
Nodding Dempsy continued. “You seem to bring out the best in him. I am grateful.” Bowing again Dempsy left a completely bewildered Mara.
The next day over Earl Tauntoff's planet ten ships parked in orbit. Derrick could only shake his head at the report that he'd received about two ships that had battled near the moon. The fact that no one could detect them let him know that it had to be the sect and Trianas. Great he thought as if one wasn't bad enough now they both were here.
Dempsy appeared a moment later. “Yes sire you called for me?”
“I've received a report about a ship battle near the moon of this planet. Anything look familiar,” Derrick asked. 
Dempsy was nodding then his eyes narrowed. “So they both are here. Perhaps it is finally time to put my past shame behind me.” Bowing low Dempsy said, “I thank you sir, it ends soon one way or another, it ends soon.”
“Before you go,” Derrick said as he handed Dempsy two silver bars with three lines on them.”Please give these to Greeson. I think Chief warrant officer 3 is more befitting.”
Dempsy smiled as he said thank you as he headed back to the training room.  Read 28680 times | Rated 95.1 % | (449 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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