Major Dominance Ch. 06 by ErimisaTyre,ErimisaTyre

This story takes place at Dremeder University, a place where certain majors dominate others. Andrea is Leah’s roommate and owner.


At Loguria, our rival university, they had fraternities and sororities. At Dremeder we had Comitaas. Andrea got ready for the recruitment party while I vacuumed the carpet naked and collared.

A pair of long silver earrings adorned Andrea’s ears. She wore black stockings and heels, and a black leather jacket and skirt. I finished vacuuming and waiting on my desk chair waiting for Andrea to finish getting ready. She had been at it for an hour.

“You are perfection, Mistress!” I said.

“I know!” Andrea exclaimed smiling at her reflection. “I don’t think I’ve ever looked this good.” She turned to me, and my heart throbbed as Andrea dazzled me with her appearance. “Your turn.” I mumbled some response, prompting her to chuckle. “You’ll get ready quick. It’s not like you need to prepare an outfit.”

Andrea was freaking out before because she did not have good clothes to wear. I thought she had a ton of clothes, but Andrea was self-conscious in all of them. She’d never been to a college party, she explained, so she did not know what to wear. At that point I realized I hadn’t been to a college party either and started getting antsy.

Stacy came to the rescue, and let Andrea borrow one of her outfits, not her red dress – that was her favorite – but Andrea’s current outfit, which was all black.

I did not put any earrings on, but I did wear a pair of stockings, a lighter color than Andrea’s. Andrea also attached a short chain to my collar’s ring, which was more symbolic than anything, but it did pair well with Andrea’s silver earrings.

Andrea’s fingers brushed over my chest as she checked my body. I shuddered and did my best to not react but could not hide my hard tits. I avoided her eyes. I was more nervous around Andrea these days since she had been stepping into her dominant role as I had slid into natural submissiveness. “Will Stacy and Rue join us?” I asked.

“Rue is doing Stacy’s laundry right now,” Andrea said, smiling at me, clearly implying that she wanted me to start doing hers. I grumbled at her. I already had my hands full doing my homework, keeping the room a hundred percent tidy, and servicing Andrea, and now I would have another thing to worry about. I grumbled again.

“Don’t grumble,” Andrea said.

“Yes, Mistress,” I grumbled.

Andrea, closer to my face than I thought necessary, had not yet applied lipstick on me. I could see the light in her pupils before she leaned in and kissed me. I could not move, caught off guard as I was. My hands slumped at my side, and I began to melt into the kiss. A hand went on my chest while another explored between my thighs. My breathing picked up.

Then she stopped, leaving me as a hot mess. “I think you are ready now.”

She made me lick my juices from her hand and finished my makeup. She removed the badge indicating that she was a dominant major. The Comitaas we visited did not care about badges – they wanted to emphasize natural dominance.

“Let’s go,” Andrea said. My face glowed and I sprang up ready for Andrea to lead the way. “You are quite excited, my pet.”

“But of course,” I said, beaming. “I’ve never been someone who got to be a part of any cool group.” I only realized how sad that sounded after the words left me.

Andrea regarded me for a second but didn’t say anything. She pulled me by the collar chain as the two of us headed for the party.

Of course, there were many Comitaas at Dremeder. Each one had a specific purpose. Some were all female, some not. Some involved living arrangements off campus, others had long initiation processes. And each had a different internal hierarchy.

Stacy showed us the one that she and Rue were a part of: the Orgo Gs. They were the most standard straightforward Comitaas. The Orgo Gs were an all-female community, except they placed special emphasis on the relationship between roommates.

Stacy figured that Andrea and I would find their ideas appealing, so she invited us to one of their events, a recruitment party at their main house.

“I still think the Comitaas are scams,” Andrea said.

“Don’t say that, please!” I replied.

Stacy met up with us in front of a large white house, just off the edge of Dremeder. Technically, it was still inside Dremeder’s territory, which meant that I was legally allowed to remain naked, but Dremeder had designated this land for various Comitaas.

A relatively long line trailed from around the side entrance. I could hear music in the distance. An evening breeze tickled my exposed skin.

Stacy reminded us that the Orgo Gs valued discipline above all else. My obedience and dignity were of upmost importance. Andrea nodded, heeding the warning. Ah, dignity, I thought wryly. My favorite.

“Chin up, Leah,” Stacy said. “I’m heading in before you both. Kaycee is the one you want to impress. Find her and talk about anything besides classes. Good luck!” Stacy skipped the entire line and was let in by the gatekeepers, a pair of muscular women whose bright smiles felt out of place on their imposing figures.

I trembled. The recruitment process was very competitive, and I really wanted to join this Comitaas. Andrea put a hand on my shoulder. We can do it, Leah, her eyes said.

I smiled at her, and then eyed the competition. The Comitaas could not recruit all these people, which meant that we had work to do if we wanted to join the Orgo Gs. Most of the pairs in front of us were dressed up like me and Andrea, wearing stockings and other fancy outfits. Even many of the slaves handled elegant clothes, and I started to feel jealous that they were allowed to express modesty.

Andrea, nervous despite her intimidating appearance, was uncomfortable in this crowd, uncomfortable having to prove herself. Her left hand was restless against her skirt. “Calm down, Mistress,” I said. “We just have to be ourselves. And we have Stacy as a connection, so we have a leg up on the competition.” She eased slightly after my words.

The line inched forward. The gatekeepers only turned away a few people – some mistresses that were not dressed properly and some boys that tried getting in despite knowing that Orgo G was a female Comitaas.

“I know you’re better at this stuff than me,” Andrea said. “But try to follow my lead, okay?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I said. “That is what they are looking for, after all.”

“And don’t speak unless spoken to.”

I nodded, and the line inched forward. We were getting close now. I appreciated Andrea taking this seriously. She did not really like the Dremeder’s Comitaas system, but she went along with it for me.

Once the initial nervousness waned, I began to feel the thrill of adventure. I would finally belong somewhere, and my pussy leaked at the thought.

“Good evening, Miss Andrea.”

We turned to spot Rue standing a few feet away, not recognizing her at first. Her back was fully straight, she had her makeup fully done, and wore stockings and a tight black uniform. Her hands were behind her back. She bowed respectfully at Andrea, exuding an uncharacteristic elegance.

“Rue,” Andrea said. “What are you doing here?”

Rue nodded carefully. “I have been assigned to serve replenishments to the guests. I hope you have a pleasurable time, though I must be going now.” She bowed for Andrea again, skipped past the line, bowed at the gatekeepers, and walked past them. She had not acknowledged me even once – she had not even made eye contact.

The line inched forward.

“That was Rue, wasn’t it?” Andrea asked.

“I… think so.” Something about Rue’s appearance sent chills down my spine. I put my hands behind my back the way Rue had hers, figuring that must be expected of slaves.

We finally reached the front of the line. The gatekeepers looked at Andrea’s outfit and smiled.

“Greetings greetings!” one said. The other gatekeeper looked over me quickly.

“Hello. I am Andrea and this is Leah. We are here for the party.”

“Yes yes. We know well who you are. The Knots Monthly pair and Stacy’s friends. Welcome welcome.”

My picture on the cover of Knots Monthly was more famous than I thought. Apparently, the magazine loved my image so much that they decided to keep it for the rest of the year. And now even Andrea was becoming famous among Dremeder University students. What is it about that magazine that makes it so popular?

We walked past the gatekeepers and into the main house of Orgo G. I tried to keep a dignified air about me, as my mother had taught, but could not help but feel mesmerized by the ambiance.

The woody fragrance alone overwhelmed me. The house had a warmth fueled by classy music and the lively pairs of mistresses and slaves. Many slaves were on their knees, ignored, while mistresses spoke to each other cheerfully. Some served refreshments and a few stood meekly tucked under their mistress’ arm.

The nervousness returned as I felt out of place, like an imposter among them. Everyone seemed to do something while I was just standing there. Andrea started to gain confidence. The dominance she learned to have over the last few weeks surfaced, and she put a possessive hand on my shoulder.

I spotted Stacy talking to two mistress-slave pairs. She must have been welcoming them to the party and maybe deciding if they were worth recruiting. She spotted us from the distance and walked over. She nodded at me quickly before addressing Andrea. “Looking snazzy! Now, Kaycee should be around… there! (Stacy pointed in the distance) Head on over and introduce yourself. I’ll be busy welcoming guests, so you’re on your own.”

Andrea made her way to Kaycee while I trailed behind. Kaycee was a very tall woman. Her face was sharp, like a triangle. She had a relaxed smile on her face, more out of formality than anything else since I saw disdain behind her expression.

Andrea approached. “Hello.”

I looked at the floor, trying to be subservient to Andrea.

“Welcome,” Kaycee said. “Remind me your names.”

“Oh. I am Andrea. And this is Leah.”

“Right, I remember. Stacy told me about you, and there is the magazine. At any rate, make yourself comfortable.”

A slave approached Kaycee with a tray of champagne glasses. Kaycee grabbed one without acknowledging the slave. The slave then went over to Andrea, who refused a drink, which Kaycee noticed.

“I’m only eighteen,” Andrea said.

Kaycee’s lips curled up at this comment. “How responsible of you,” she said coldly. She took a sip of her own drink.

Andrea looked at me, but remembered something and looked back at Kaycee, who watched us with a careful eye.

“And how would you rate your slave?” Kaycee asked. I controlled my fidgeting.

“Oh… what do you mean?” Andrea asked.

“Well. She does seem to have some dignity, and is well dressed, though she isn’t the prettiest thing.”

Andrea furrowed her brows.

Kaycee chuckled. “Ah, I mean no offense. She certainly is quite pretty. Just not the prettiest.”

We were caught off guard by how condescending this woman was. Surely, Stacy was not friends with someone like this. Perhaps this was all a test. “I think beauty is a matter of perspective,” Andrea said. “And I also think that there is far more to being a slave than looks.”

“Good answer.” Kaycee took another sip of her drink. “In that case, how would you rate your slave’s discipline. If I reach my hand out like this…”

Suddenly, Kaycee reached for my collar’s chain. I took an involuntary step back. I cringed, realizing I had failed her test.

“A shame. Her dignity seems surface level. That is okay. You are both first years, so you have plenty of time to train her.”

“Now, hold on a moment,” Andrea said. “As her mistress, I don’t want her getting touched by strangers, so I am glad that she has an inclination against allowing others to touch her. If it were my hand reaching out to her, then she would not have flinched. I guarantee it.”

Andrea and Kaycee entered a kind of staring contest. I felt so small next to them. “Hm,” Kaycee finally said. “You are a very jealous mistress, I see.”

“I’m not…” Andrea blushed deeply. “She’s my property, so I don’t want to just hand her over to people without permission.”

“Relax,” Kaycee said. “I never said jealousy is bad for a mistress.” She chuckled. “I must welcome guests, but I hope we finish this conversation later.”

Rue revealed herself and bowed to Kaycee. “May I take your glass, My Lady?”

Kaycee handed Rue the glass and pet her head. “Now that is a disciplined slave,” she said. Apparently, my disbelief was visible on my face because Kaycee then said, “Your slave does not understand true obedience. But I really must be going.”

And then she left us alone. Andrea and I both relaxed instantly. We looked at each other, both unsure how that meeting went. Rue had the strangest expression, but her jaw was clenched. Not as disciplined as you think, I thought. Before I could say anything, Rue left with the tray of empty glasses.

And what was that about Andrea being jealous? I would have to probe her for answers later.

We decided to try our hand at mingling with the other pairs. Many people were already engaged in thick conversation, but there were a few people just relaxing. A group of couches lay at one corner of the house. Andrea and I went over and took a seat. We caught a few odd looks from mistresses also seated on the couch and slaves sitting on the floor.

I whispered in Andrea’s ear. “I don’t think I’m supposed to be on the couch.”

Andrea took the hint and ordered me to kneel on the floor beside her, facing forward. I made eye contact with a few other slaves. About half were naked like me, the others had revealing clothes. All wore collars.

One mistress sat next to Andrea. “Are you trying to get recruited?” she asked.

Andrea nodded.

“I see.” The mistress smiled at Andrea. “As some constructive criticism, you shouldn’t let your slave whisper in your ear so casually.”

Andrea blushed but gathered herself. “I instructed her not to speak unless spoken to, but she still lacks some discipline.” She put a hand on my head, preventing me from tilting my head up, so I looked down instead, ashamed as the two women judged me.

“Clearly,” the mistress said. Some anger welled up inside me. I’m a great slave, I thought. Eager and exciting. Who are you, random lady, to judge me?

Andrea was not as repulsed by her, though. “Well,” she said. “I’m open to feedback regarding discipline methods. My slave still needs a lot of work.”

I felt betrayed! Why was Andrea not taking my side and defending me against this judgmental lady. I needed to appear competent in front of my first proper cool kid group, not like an imperfect piece of property.

“Excellent,” the mistress said. “I am Ella by the way. You are Andrea, right?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

“I know many things!” Ella said. “But anyway, regarding discipline, practice makes perfect. What is your current discipline routine?”

Andrea explained the strict sleep schedule she kept me on, the chores I do to keep the room clean, and she also added that I did her laundry, even though I had never done that for her. She punished me when I did not do an adequate job and rewarded me when I did. She explained that she kept me on the edge of orgasm frequently to remind me of my place.

Ella shook her head. “No, no, no. That isn’t a discipline routine. What you described are merely chores. Discipline is more of an aura. It isn’t something conveyed by simple actions, but by intent.”

“I don’t understand,” Andrea admitted.

I felt Ella’s hands on my shoulder. Without asking me or Andrea, she started adjusting. She corrected my arms, which were loosely behind my back. She tightened my posture so that each hand was touching the opposite elbow. Then she forced my shoulders back. I gasped from the sudden intrusion. “It’s not just what a slave does,” Ella said. “It’s how and why a slave does.”

Ella dragged me to my feet using my collar’s chain and ordered me to present myself. I was uncomfortable and did not know what to say, but eventually managed to squeak out a “Yes, Mistress.”

She eyed me while I smiled sheepishly. She put a hand on my chest and circled my nipples until they hardened. Then she squeezed them painfully. “You address only Andrea as Mistress. I go by Miss Ella, or just Miss. That goes for every mistress in Orgo G, except Kaycee, whom you address as My Lady.”

I whimpered under her harsh grasp.

Andrea watched attentively. She seemed disappointed in me. I wiped the stupid smile off my face and started concentrating. No fooling around.

“Now,” Ella said. “I have an order for you to carry out.”

“Yes… Miss Ella,” I said. I wanted Andrea to be seen as a competent mistress, which required me to be a disciplined slave.

“Good, you are learning,” Ella said. “But your posture is incorrect. Again.” She spanked my ass to emphasize my infraction. She stood and fixed my hands and straightened my back. “Spread your legs. You are too constricted. When standing your legs should be shoulder width apart at least.”

Ella spanked me again since I took too long to spread my legs. She reached a hand between my thighs, feeling how wet and aroused I was. “Wow, quite a slut you are! You must have been dripping since before the party even started.”

I bit my lip and closed my legs.

“Don’t close your legs just because I call you a dirty name. First, you are a slut. Second, you have to accept degradation. It is a part of your duty.”

I slowly opened my legs, allowing Ella’s hand to explore my intimate folds. She reached her fingers deep inside me. I shut my eyes and moaned softly.

“Open your eyes,” another voice said. I opened and saw another mistress towering over me. “You should minimize your reactions. Cute as they are, they are a sign of ill-discipline.”

My silence earned a pinch to my labia, making me yelp. “Manners, slut!” Ella said. “What do you say to this kind mistress helping you out?”

“Yes Miss!”

“Good. Remember, everything you do reflects on your mistress.”

My hands almost came loose from behind my back, but Andrea tapped her shoe gently on my foot. I looked at her with strained eyes. She smiled at me, encouragingly, allowing me to relax and maintain my posture.

Ella’s hand thrusted in and out of my pussy. “May I please cum?” I asked.

“No,” the other mistress said firmly.

Ella thrusted faster. I tried to suppress the pleasure she gave me, but I also had to hold my position. It was impossible to do both things at once for very long. “May I please cum?” I repeated.

The two mistresses looked at Andrea. “You may,” Andrea said, thankfully.

I exploded onto Ella’s hand.

The mistresses did not give me time to recover. “Kneel,” the other mistress commanded. I knelt. “Stand.” I was slow to get to my feet, so Ella spanked me. I stumbled forward, earning another slap for breaking posture. I fixed myself as quickly as possible. The two mistresses and Andrea sat comfortably on the couch while making me kneel and stand several times. I did my best to impress them.

“Now worship your Mistress’ feet,” Ella said pointing at Andrea’s heels. I bent forward and kissed both of Andrea’s feet, eagerly. Ella rested her feet on my back.

“Remove her shoes first,” the other mistress added.

I stopped kissing briefly to remove Andrea’s shoes. I set them neatly beside us, earning a nod from Ella. I resumed worshipping. Andrea moved her panties to the side and started rubbing herself. Without being asked, I moved up her leg and started licking her out. Ella removed her feet from my back.

“That’s right, slave,” Ella said. “You live to serve.”

Andrea came hard with me against her face. She recovered and dragged me up by my chain and kissed me. “You taste good,” she said.

Ella seemed pleased with herself. “Discipline is intention. A slave should recognize her mistress’ needs and respond without needing to be ordered, just as you did.”

I could only relish in my pride for a moment because Ella then made me practice walking. I paced back and forth while she constantly judged every little movement. I had to keep my neck high while appearing demure yet also confident. I had no idea where to even begin. She made her own slave demonstrate so that I could follow, but I still couldn’t do it.

“Some people just don’t have the natural talent,” Ella said to Andrea while I kept practicing. “Make sure you keep training her.”

“I’ll do that,” Andrea said. “She tends to be very fidgety and clumsy, so it’ll take work.”

I stopped and stared sadly at Andrea who just glared at me and motioned for me to keep walking.

Ella’s slave walked beside me and smirked, probably feeling superior to me in every way as a slave, since I failed every task that Ella gave me. Every step this slave took embodied grace, but every step I took only added to my hesitancy and made my form worse.

Yet another mistress walked over. “You girls are having fun!” she said. “Mind if I join in?”

“Not at all,” Andrea said, and this third mistress joined the others by the couch. I just kept walking. Besides Andrea, there were three mistresses dominating me.

The third mistress held her crop for Andrea to admire. “This crop was once wielded by the legendary Mistress Yuma of the Renatia Nation. It has been in my family for seventeen generations and kept in perfect condition all this time.”

Andrea squinted at her. “Um.”

“Kidding. But I like it because of these special ridges that add an extra sting. I can’t wait to see how your slave will react to this once I get an excuse to punish her.”

I vowed to make my walk perfect so that I would never feel that infernal crop. Then I tripped over the edge of a carpet. The mistresses chuckled and ordered me to bend over for punishment.

The third mistress stood behind me ready to deal out pain. Before swinging she changed her mind and held out the crop for Andrea, asking her to do the honors. Andrea refused at first, much like herself, but then decided that she was curious to see just how much the crop would hurt. Of course she finds her dominant footing now!

Andrea stood behind me while I shook from anticipation. She swung hard. The pain was lightning through my body. I fell over. For breaking my position, Andrea ordered me to get back into position for another strike.

I gazed at her in disbelief, but she stood firm. Meekly, I got into position. How could I complain? I played the most significant role in making Andrea dominant. Plus, according to my pussy, this was what I wanted. Andrea rubbed my slit with the edge of the crop, letting me know that she was aware of my arousal.

The other mistresses made degrading remarks about my body and how turned on I was.

Andrea swung again and I stumbled again. Andrea ordered me to get back into position, but this time I was to face her. She circled the crop over my nipples until they became hard and swung. I stood in place, but an involuntary scream escaped my lips.

Andrea grinned demonically as I had to take another swing. She never would have punished me this harshly a few weeks ago, but she had become the creature of my design.

That fire of dominance which I hath stolen from somewhere above and delivered to that mortal Andrea had then become the vehicle of my torment. The adamantine pleasures shall be tampered not by earthly beings, and so suffer must I from my hellish infraction… What the hell am I talking about?


She circled my other nipple with the crop. Finally, I managed to stay in position as Andrea swung. We better get recruited after this, I thought.

Every surrounding mistress and slave watched the show, pausing their conversations to witness my humiliation.

Andrea gave me one last swat across my chest. I didn’t flinch. She handed the crop back to the third mistress.

Then Andrea focused on someone behind me. I turned and saw Kaycee standing a few feet away. She had just walked by to see me take that last blow without moving.

Kaycee’s arms were crossed as she nodded at me. “Not bad, slave.”

“Thank you, My Lady,” I said. I was sure to bow my head. The other mistresses had quieted to listen.

Kaycee closed her eyes. “Mm, not bad at all.” Andrea and I stared at her, unsure what she wanted with us. “I’ve decided,” she said. “You two have passed my tests and have proven, at the very least, that you have the potential to be a dignified mistress-slave pair. You are both permitted to join the Orgo Gs!”

I beamed at Andrea and practically ran over to hug her. She did her best to reciprocate my excitement and kissed me. “What happens now?” she asked.

“To officially become a member, you must assist us with whatever tasks we need for the rest of this semester. Then after that you’re in.”

Andrea loosened her grip on me and raised a brow. “Are we not in already?”

“You must go through the pledging period, like everyone. Then, you are a member for life. Your only obligation will be to pay a small price each semester so that we can keep events like these parties going.”

“And how much money is it?” Andrea asked.

“Around six hundred bucks each semester.”

Andrea stopped hugging me. “So… we have to do your errands for the rest of this semester and then even when we’re in we have to keep paying to be a part of this group?”

Kaycee frowned at us. “What do you think a Comitaas is?”

Andrea giggled. “Well, we aren’t joining one, that’s for sure,” she said. My jaw dropped.

Other mistresses started whispering. Kaycee continued, “I really hope you’ll reconsider-”

“Let’s go, Leah.”

“What?!” I said. “Mistress, wait a-”


I followed behind her as she pushed past mistress-slave pairs. Kaycee did not try to stop us. Why would she? There are plenty of others who could take our place.

Once we were far enough away from the house Andrea let out a breath. “Man! Can you believe them? Charging us money just for friends. It’s ridiculous. We don’t need them though. We have each other, right Leah?”

She reached for my collar’s chain to kiss me. I stepped back. “Why would you do that, Andrea?!”

Andrea petted my head. “Now now Leah. Is that how you talk to your mistress?”

I rubbed my chest, which still hurt from the crop. “Fine. Sorry, Mistress. But can we please try to join them?”

Andrea laughed at me and stepped closer. “Don’t be ridiculous, sweetie. This whole system is a scam, don’t you see? You are just paying for friends, essentially.”

I thwarted her attempt to hug me. “It’s just dues to keep the organization running.”

“Mhm. Sure, it is.” She smirked condescendingly and stroked my hair. “My naïve Leah.”

I moved her hand off my head. “Come on, Mistress. Please? I’ve never been a part of a group like this.”

Her tone grew serious. “Do you have six hundred bucks that you can spend each semester?” Andrea asked.

“Well… My family only gives me what I need to live on campus… so no, but-”

“Aha! My money, my rules. And my rules in general since I’m the mistress here.”

“I can’t believe you,” I said. I tried to convince her one more time, vainly. “Please… can we please join. It means a lot to me to join this Comitaas.”

“I said no already, slave. Zip it. I’m going to punish you later for this much questioning.”

I felt my throat tighten and my jaws clench.

“Are you seriously angry at me?” Andrea asked. “For this?”

I turned and marched off.

“Leah, wait!”

I started running as fast as possible. Not to the room, Andrea would find me there. I needed my own space. The Orgo G house was on the edge of campus. I ran to the other edge. I did not check if Andrea followed me.

Sweaty and breathing hard, I came across an old well.

The old well had four benches surrounding it. A shadowy figure sat on one of them. Great, I thought. Just when I need to be alone. I sat on the bench furthest from the shadowy figure. This was as alone as it would get since this edge of campus was the only place where students didn’t roam.

Besides the shadowy figure, the campus was dead. The night wind died down, leaving the eerie silence of solitude. A few dim lights lit up the well. My body was trembling. I put my knees on the bench and clutched myself to shield against the cold night air and stop my trembling. I hugged myself because no one else was there to hug me.

The shadowy figure regarded me as I sat. “Leah?”

He stepped closer to me but maintained a respectable distance. I recognized the man. “Ho?”

“Fancy seeing you here,” he said. His voice had none of the usual snark.

“Please don’t try to punish me. Please.” In my current state, if Ho were to order me to do something, I might have given in and obeyed him. It was pathetic, but I begged him to leave me alone, hoping he would listen.

He regarded me silently.

“I just wanted to get some air,” I said. I tried to keep my voice steady so that he would not realize how vulnerable I was.

“Me too,” he said. “This place gives some good space.”

I nodded in the dead of night.

“I was thinking about something,” he said. “You know, about the upcoming election.”

“I’m not in the mood to talk about the election right now,” I said.

He spoke no further on the topic. “Do you want me to walk you to your room?”

I was surprised that Ho would offer such a nice gesture, but I declined anyway. Maybe he was up to something. Besides, a walk with Ho of all people back to where Andrea most likely was did not appeal to me. “I prefer to be alone right now.”

It seemed like he wanted to say something, but he shook his head and walked off.

When he was out of my view I laid down on the bench and stared at the sky. It was a clear night sky, and yet no stars were visible. I thought she would understand me.

The old well had stopped functionality a while ago, so it made no sound. There were no students near me, and the night life did not sing. Full darkness and silence cloaked me. I quite liked this depravation of senses. Constraining my body was important to me, and if no person existed who could do it for me, then the universe itself would suffice. The night was my blindfold.

It must have been a half hour later when I heard steps in the distance, so I sat up. Andrea ran over to me, panting. “I looked… everywhere… for you…” She had taken off her heels and carried them in her hand so that she could run faster.

I eyed her with contempt.

“When you weren’t in the room, I got worried. It’s a peaceful night, isn’t it? Listen, Leah, I’m not sure why you are mad but-”

I turned away.

“Look would you at least tell me what I did?” She took a step closer. “I’m sorry, okay?”

“You don’t even know what you’re sorry about.”

“Then explain it to me.”

“You literally…”

Andrea sat down on the same bench as me. I shifted away from her. Andrea seemed heartbroken, but I was too angry to care. “Can we at least go back to the room and discuss it there?” she asked.

“You can go back.”

“You can’t just stay here. You’ll get cold!”

“I don’t care.”

“Why are you snapping at me!” Andrea huffed, struggling to control her own anger. She put a hand on my knee. “You’ll get cold…”

I pushed her hand off. “I did everything. I took you and that stupid Ella’s insults and judgments, and I took your crop hits and worshipped your feet so that we could get accepted to a group for once in my life and when we finally did you just turned them down because it would cost a bit of money.”

“Right,” she said. She looked off in the distance. “A bit of money.”

The shame was evident in her voice.

“W-well not just the money,” I said. “You also were being extra mean today. And maybe they could have offered some financial help to us or some alternative method of payment if we asked… Or – you know what money isn’t the issue, honest! It’s just… Andrea?”

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I know that mistresses are supposed to be in control, which means they should have everything together. They should be rigid and structured. They should be able to provide things to meet the needs of their subs. They shouldn’t have wild emotionality. They should be the embodiment of stability and security.” With a tight throat, Andrea said, “But I’m a bad mistress.”

The sky had some light, after all. Andrea’s wet eyes reflected it.

“I keep failing,” she said, tears spilling out. “I don’t know when to be harsh on you or lenient. I don’t even know what we are. Our… relationship… is just an amalgamation. Are we roommates, lovers, sex friends, or what? I don’t know anything, except that I’m not cut out for this. I can’t afford simple things for you, like meals or organization dues, and I’m not even a dominant person by nature… I just…”

The breeze picked up again. Andrea shuddered and looked at me, knowing that I must have been freezing, and yet she could not even command me to get warm. I inched closer to her.

“You are dominant,” I said.

“No, Leah, listen, I don’t want… I don’t want it to be about me, I came here for you.”

I had no idea that Andrea was going through such immense doubts about herself. I felt like a fool for not seeing it. She had tried to change herself so much during less than a semester for me. Had I just been using her for my own fantasies? Was I a selfish submissive? Did I even care about her at all?

You do, Leah. “You are a very dominant person,” I repeated.

She didn’t know what to say, so I hugged her, embracing her warmth. We stayed like that for some time, Andrea sniffling against me. “What if Stacy and Rue get mad that we rejected their group?” she asked.

“They’ll understand,” I said. “I’m sure.”

She took in a breath. “You know something?”

“What?” I asked.

“When applying to colleges in high school, I got admission into Loguria University.”

I looked up at her, surprised. Though I shouldn’t have been. Andrea was a smart person.

“I couldn’t afford the tuition,” she said. “I came here instead, since Dremeder gave me a scholarship.”

“Oh,” I said. “You could have met one of my friends if you went to Loguria.”

After rejecting the Comitaas in front of so many people there was no way they’d let us back. But after accepting the truth, it did not bother me. What was so great about the Comitaas? I had idolized them in my mind as the ultimate friend group. If I could join it, that would mean I’d gotten over everything else in my life – that I finally belonged somewhere. But what is the point in belonging to a group that makes me feel inadequate? Discipline is one thing, but why were members insulting my looks and personality? Perhaps Andrea was right that the whole thing was a scam.

“I’m glad I came to Dremeder,” Andrea said. “To meet you.”

Why did we need another group, anyway? We had each other. We sat in the cold, our bodies like fire against the onslaught of mid-fall cold.

“We should get back,” one of us said.

The despair dispersed and the cold coerced a room return, so we made that tiring walk back.

Andrea unlocked our dorm and I nearly collapsed to my knees from exhaustion. She held me up and eased me onto her bed. “Sleep in tomorrow,” she said. “I’ll make this up to you with lots of orgasms when you get your energy back.”

I nodded weakly.

Andrea climbed into bed beside me, and we slept together for the first time. She put her arms over me “Leah?” Andrea asked.

“Yes, Mistress?”

“Good girl.”

“Thank you, Mistress.”


I appreciate feedback. I have the final chapter mostly written already (I wrote it before this one, which is why this chapter took so long).

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