More than a Stranger (October 2nd)

An adult stories – More than a Stranger (October 2nd) by Twisted_Rambles,Twisted_Rambles ***** This was written with my partner in 2022 for kinktober but never was posted anywhere due to the end being technically incomplete. I decided to post it here just to gauge a reaction to our writing I do have more stories that can be posted if this is received well. I hope you enjoy it.*****

A/B/O + Floorsex

Daniel looks up from his seat at his desk to the woman in his home office. His sister in law, Sassaba. He knows why she’s here to visit. It has to be about her daughter, Rieka, his future mate. It’s a subject Daniel’s been avoiding since he realized he’d imprinted on the girl. While it isn’t even uncommon for relatives in the older werewolf packs to imprint within bloodlines, it fucked with Daniel’s head a little. To the point that he had little to no contact with the girl as she grew up, despite being her Uncle. It was bad enough that he would be the one to bind her life to his. He didn’t need to make it worse by establishing a paternal relationship only to rob her of it.

“I don’t know what more there is to say about the arranged marriage, Sassaba, if that’s what you’re here for. I know it’s coming. I have every intention of following through,” the Alpha says. He’s tired. He feels old. Early forties isn’t so bad, but still. Old. Certainly, when compared to an eighteen-year-old, he’s going to marry.

Sassaba watches her daughter out the window as the girl picks flowers and lays in the grass. She had to admit Rieka was a gentle soul, mostly sticking to herself. Sassaba remembers being like that before she went into her first heat and mated to Adolphus. She came from a wealthy family in the next town. Her father put her in the car one day and drove her an hour and a half to meet with her soon-to-be father-in-law. He left her there, not knowing why.

The same thing she was about to do to her almost 18-year-old daughter. At least Daniel is her Uncle, so it’s easy to explain or make up an excuse as to why she is there.

“You know she turns 18 next week.” Sassaba turns from the window to face Daniel, her arms crossed. “That means her first heat is coming. I know you feel it. I always wondered how it felt for the males. As women, our first heat is crazy, not knowing what that feeling is or why this person is so irresistible, wanting to jump them every moment of the day.”

She paces the room, touching the bindings of the books adorning the cherry wood build-ins. “I am leaving her here. She is your responsibility now. Adolphus and I will stop by to ensure you are both still alive in two weeks.” she smiles.

Turning to focus on him. “I know you have had a lot of sex with the bitches in our pack and yours, but this is something different. Once you start this, it will be nonstop for at least a week,” she said, looking around. “I hope you don’t like this furniture.”

Daniel snorts. “I’ve heard about how it is. And I’ve done rather well, I think, with my self-control. Most Alphas turn into simps for their intended the moment they imprint. Playing the dutiful companion until the little Omega goes into their first heat. Yet I’ve kept my distance.”


“And I like my furniture, actually.”

It’s Sassaba’s turn to snort. “Yeah, self-control, that’s the thing, Daniel. You have it now, but wait, you won’t.” she pushes off the table she had been leaning on to make for the door. “Like I said, she is all yours. We will be back in a week and a half.” She opens the door and turns to look at him. “Please don’t break my daughter. You are bigger than her, after all.” She shuts the door and leaves the house.

Rieka waves to her mother as she gets in the black town car. They had already exchanged goodbyes before arriving here. Sassaba had told her that She and Adolphus had to go away for a while and were leaving her in the charge of her estranged Uncle Daniel.

She only knew he existed because of the family paintings on the wall. At a young age, she asked her mother who that man with Daddy was, to which she answered. Rieka didn’t know why, but something about the handsome man called to her. She often sat in the study by the fireplace and felt an overwhelming sense of protection next to the painting. It was most likely because her father was the Alpha supreme.

She dug in the knapsack beside her, double-checking everything was there. It sucks to think she turns 18 next week, five days to be exact, and her parents wouldn’t even be her. She was starting to feel strange. She knew the moment every girl looked forward to was coming. She overheard a bunch of the girls on the compound talking about it.

It only caused her to look around at her potential candidates and judge whether or not she would be happy with them. 90% were no’s, a few were possible, but no one stood out. She wanted someone sophisticated and handsome, a leader. She needed an alpha. Oh god, she basically just described her dad. She stuck her tongue out, making a face.

Daniel ventures out of the house shortly after Sassaba leaves, just in time to see that little pink tongue poking out of Rieka’s mouth. And this is precisely what he was afraid of. This. This is why he’d kept his distance. It’s more than just her little pink tongue. This natural feeling of possession and belonging to this girl in return. Hands shove in the front pockets of his trousers, and the man steps over to her in a calculated stride. Not too fast, but not a slow stalk, either.

“Hello. I’m Daniel,” the man introduces himself, giving her his best friendly smile. Gone, at least for now, is the brooding man who gave Sassaba a hard time in his office.

Rieka’s body went rigid as the man spoke, ‘Well, that’s weird. It’s probably cause he’s Alpha.’ She turns her gaze up to look at him. The pit of her stomach drops when she locks her eyes. They are even more hunting in person, and it may be creepy to say, but he is more beautiful in person. Fucking gorgeous, and the voice makes her want to melt. ‘Okay, Rieka, focus.’ She mentally slaps herself.

“Hey, I’m Rieka.” She holds a hand out for him to shake.

Daniel moves large hands from his pockets and reaches forward, taking her right hand and shaking it. It was a mistake. Everything in him screamed that this girl was his, the physical contact triggering something inside him that didn’t entirely give a damn about the five days until her birthday.

The werewolf in a man’s form lets out a quiet breath through parted lips and lets her hand go, dark eyes looking past her to something, anything else, so she might not notice the heat in them. A tree. He’s staring at one of the fucking trees in the yard.

“Nice to meet you, Rieka,” Daniel manages after a moment before turning back toward the house. “Come in when you’re ready. I’ll start dinner.”

As soon as his hand comes in contact with her, she can feel her inner wolf scratching to get out. ‘Stop it.’ She is glad he lets go, but the pup inside whines at the loss of touch. ‘What is wrong with you.’

She notices him staring off at the tree and sighs, “I think I’ll stay out here and draw for a little while.” She looks around. “It’s beautiful.” His compound was more in the woods. She just wondered where his pack was. There may be some cute young wolf boys she could swoon over.

Daniel nods, not saying anything, as he disappears into the large house. As soon as he’s got the door between them, he feels better. Venturing through the living room and into the large kitchen, he leans on the entryway, watching the betas working on dinner already. He didn’t even have to prompt them, which is what he would have done to ‘start dinner.’ He watches the twins move seamlessly through the kitchen, winding around each other, grabbing things from shelves, and chopping vegetables. He should say something nice to the young men. They’re being so good today.

He has to pull them off one another instead of when they fight all through his house.

“Zachariah. Zion. Thank you for cooking,” the Alpha tells them, the betas stopping what they’re doing to look back at Daniel with eager faces. They consistently do lap up praise so well. And it doesn’t take much. “Alright, don’t let me interrupt,” Daniel says after a moment, the twins hurriedly returning to work.

It was starting to get dark outside. Rieka’s eyes were glowing an icy blue as her wolf was helping her see in the dark. The smell of food hits her nose, and her stomach growls. Quickly, she shoves the sketchbook into her bag and stands. On The way in, another thought hits her.

Not only has she not seen a pack, but she hasn’t seen anyone that could be her aunt. She shrugs. Maybe his mate died. Perhaps that’s why he seems like such a hard ass.

As she walked into the entryway, something pulled on her heart as she toed off her sneakers. Like it’s home, even if it isn’t, she follows the smell of dinner through the house, coming to a lavish dining room. “Wow, this is beautiful.”

The twins grin at her, elbowing each other as they stand near the table, having just put dinner down. There’s lots of food, even if it’ll just be the four of them. Sometimes Daniel eats with the entire pack, but there’s a bigger dining room for that, more like a mess hall in a separate building. No, he didn’t want anyone around except the twins today, so the place seemed like a ghost town.

The twins are identical, even wearing the same clothing, to be little shits. Two pairs of green eyes stared at Rieka before one of them spoke up after much elbowing.

“Hey. I’m Zachariah. This is my brother Zion,” the tall beta introduces himself, striding over to her and offering his hand. He couldn’t be a day over 21, even if he’s that.

“Hey,” Zion says with a bit of a wave, hanging back, giving a big puff of air to his blond bangs. Then he’s racing off, going to get Daniel.

There were just two boys in the room when she arrived that looked exactly the same holy shit, that’s crazy. The one Zachariah walks around the table with his hand out. She takes it with caution, though this man is a beta. She raises her voice, and he will back off.

“I’m Rieka Daniel’s niece.” She turns to watch as Zion waves and gives a quick ‘hey’ before going to fetch her Uncle.

She sits near the head of the table, figuring Daniel will sit there. She waits patiently as Daniel approaches the room. Her inner wolf sits at attention, tail pounding the floor. ‘You are acting so weird lately.’

The betas go to their seats but wait for Daniel to sit first, the older male taking his seat at the head of the table. Rieka is given a warm smile before looking down at the food on the table.

“You’ve outdone yourselves, boys,” the Alpha says, admiring the food on his plate and the abundance of food on the table for seconds. “Did you already introduce yourselves to my niece?”

There is much nodding from the twins, who are poised in their seats, waiting for the Alpha to start eating so they can eat, too. So Daniel takes a bite of one of the vegetables on his plate, smiling down at the twins as they clabber to start wolfing down the roast beef they’ve made.


Rieka eats slowly and correctly. She speaks between bites. “So this can’t be your whole pack, right?” She smiles at her Uncle.

“I’m surprised I haven’t met an aunt yet. I mean, there is a very slim chance you haven’t mated yet at your age. A handsome Alpha, though impossible, right.” She chuckles. “So I guess I should say what happened?”

The twins stop eating for a moment, openly staring at Rieka. They’re even sitting across the table from her, so they’re getting a great view.

Daniel hears the first question and stops eating, just blinking down the table at nothing in particular. She keeps going, too, because, of course, she does. She’s a teenager, and implying something might be wrong with his pack size, relationship status, advanced age, and then generally questioning what happened here isn’t going to occur to her that she might be out of line. Well. At least she thinks he’s handsome.

“My pack, except for the boys here, are keeping out of sight today. I wanted peace,” Daniel says, accurately sounding like a fucking tyrant. He looks over at Reika and continues. “I am not married. You don’t have an aunt, at least not from me. And nothing happened. There’s no terrible story to divulge over dinner. Sorry.”

With that, Daniel continues eating.

The twins also begin eating again, staring at their plates and kicking each other under the table. Twenty-one going on 12, apparently.

Rieka freezes for a moment. ‘Maybe he’s gay.’ Nope, I won’t ask. She already oversteps her bounds. She slowly goes back to eating with a mumbled “sorry.” Her inner wolf curls up and whimpers.

Her mood drops, and she wants to go to sleep. “May I be excused, Uncle Daniel? I’m just exhausted.”

“Yes. Zion will show you to your room,” Daniel says, the beta popping up from his seat. “Have a good night,” the Alpha says politely.

Zion rounds the table toward the room’s exit, ready to lead Rieka to the room she’ll be using.

She stands to follow Zion out of the room. “Thank you.” She grabs her bag and follows the young man. “So what’s he like since I’m gonna be here for a week?”

Zion looks over at Rieka after she asks him that, his face thoughtful. “Stern. Fair. Gives perfect head pats. Always remember to appreciate when you do something good. Quiet.” He trots up the stairs, reaches the second floor, and continues. “Impressive growl. Strong. The other day, Zachariah and I were fighting, and he just picked us both up and dangled us in the air. You never know you need something until it happens, I guess,” the younger twin babbles, coming to her door and opening it.

She listens intently as the boy raves about the man. A few things pull her attention back. ‘Head pats, huh, that sounds nice.’ She bit her lip, and her inner wolf’s head raised quickly at the mention of an impressive growl and strength–tail thumping against the ground.

She enters a massive room with a king-sized bed in the center when they reach the door. “This is nice.” She spins around, taking in the desk perfect for doing art. This would be her haven for the next week.

“Thanks for showing me to my room. I’m going to lay down and sleep.” She smiles, closing the door. Back resting against its surface with a sigh. She pushes off and goes to the restroom, changing. She doesn’t bother getting under the covers, flops on the surface, and passes out.


Three days pass, with Daniel barely seeing Rieka, except for at meals.

It was starting to piss the Alpha off.

Daniel stares at her this time when she asks to be excused from the table. He’s supposed to marry this woman. Hell, even before that, he’s supposed to have sex with her for a week straight and break all his fucking furniture in the process. Yet they don’t even want to be around each other. Because he’s an asshole, and she’s a fucking child.

“No. You are not excused,” the Alpha says quietly. The room is loud and festive; otherwise, the pack eats together in the mess hall building.

It’s not like she had been avoiding her Uncle on purpose. It just seemed as if he didn’t want her there. That and every time he got close, she felt weird. Maybe it was the fact he was the Alpha of another pack?

So she had decided to stay out of his way like a good omega. Today was the first time she was excited about a meal. When Zion came to her door, he told her it would be with the whole pack! She hadn’t seen a soul in three days but her Uncle and the twins.

Dinner had been going well, and then she locked eyes with him. Her iris glowed icy blue for a second till she closed them and looked away. A knotting in the pit of her stomach and the urge to run. She spoke and stood. “May I be excused?” she had one leg over the bench when his baritone put her back to the seat, moving almost against her will.

Her inner wolf lay down and whimpered. Her voice was quiet when she spoke this time. “Excuse me?”

“You’re not hiding from me, Rieka. Even if you don’t feel like finishing your food, you’ll sit here and wait for me to finish mine. You’re going to keep me company,” Daniel says like an Alpha that’s used to telling everyone what to do and exactly how to do it when it pleases him.

The table doesn’t seem to notice their conversation, lively conversation continuing. The same goes for the various other tables in the vast room. It was almost overwhelming, all that energy, yet for every meal Daniel has with the pack, he has to pretend he’s okay.

Well, he’s not okay.

His life is about to change, and he doesn’t get a say. And as lovely as it sounds to have sex with a beautiful young woman until his body gives out, it would be even nicer if either of them had a choice about any of this.

Rieka nods, moving food around her plate and taking a bite now and then. He just spoke to her like her father talks to her mother sometimes. A chill ran through her problem is she couldn’t tell if it was from the nerves or excitement.

She shifted in her seat, an unfamiliar feeling settled in the pit of her stomach, and there was a slight warming between her legs. ‘Okay fucking weird’ her foot bumped Daniel’s under the table.

“I’m sorry.” She pulled away quickly.

The smell of cologne flooded her senses, causing her to close her eyes and take a big sniff. It smelt like heaven. When she opens her eyes, they’re glowing. Her brain was floating like she was in bliss. She didn’t know it, but her body was preparing for her first heat in two days.

Daniel can feel the pull of it. Her pheromones flooded his senses. It has him staring at her and staring into those glowing eyes.

Two days. Two very, very long days.

“You’re excused,” the Alpha says hoarsely. Not taking his eyes off her.

Rieka locks eyes with him, and her legs jerk, but something stops them. She almost jumped at him. Her inner wolf is clawing and nipping to get out. She has never felt anything like this, and it’s a bit worrying. Closing her eyes, she takes a few shallow breaths and hears his words.

Before she can say anything, her feet are carrying her away. As she reaches the barn door, she starts to run. Running as fast as she can into the night, as she reaches the tree line, she hits all fours, no longer the girl but the wolf.

As the mostly Snow White wolf dodges tree after tree, the woods break to reveal a massive lake moon shining against its surface. The wolf Fades, leaving the girl to walk to the shore and sit down, skipping a few rocks.

It takes him a few minutes, but the Alpha does follow after Rieka. He steps from the tree line, a massive wolf with black fur. He pads over to the girl, sniffing the air as he does before flopping down on the shore beside her with a huff of air.

Rieka smells the man. As he gets closer, she knows he is on his way before he even breaks the treeline. She does not attempt to look at him until the wolf lies down next to her. Turning her head to look upon him. “Hello, Uncle Daniel.” She turned back to look at the massive expanse of water ahead of her moon, shining off its surface. Slowly, a hand rests between his ears, fingers running through the soft fur, petting him as her mind calms.

Daniel’s tail thumps against the ground as his fur is petted. That feels good. Significantly, he’s discovering because it’s her petting him. Slowly, he lifts his head and looks at her solemnly before he nuzzles her hand and shifts it so he can lick at her palm. This is probably the best conversation they’ve had since they met.

Turning to look at him when he starts nuzzling, she tilts her head, watching him closely. A slight shiver ran through her body as his tongue made skin contact, just one more thing giving her more questions than answers. It was weird. She had never wanted to be so close to someone yet run away for fear of what she didn’t understand. She lets out a sigh, throwing another rock.

The Alpha stops licking so he can have more fur pets. However, he notices when she sighs and throws another rock. This doesn’t seem right. He’s got to tell her, just as he intended to when he came after her.

We’re mated. The words are said in Rieka’s mind from the Alpha. You’ll surely know it when you have your first heat soon.

Daniel isn’t the best at conversation. Dark eyes watch her, gauging her reaction.

As the words enter her mind, the hand on his head freezes, and her breath quickens, but she remains composed. She thinks for a moment the hand in his fur starts to move again. “Well, that explains why mother brought me here.” she grits her teeth at how her mother lied. She looks at him from the corner of her eye, offering a small smile. “It could be worse. You could be fat and ugly.” She chuckles softly.

The wolf doesn’t look the least bit amused for that comment. He may not be fat or ugly, but he is old and angry. But something about being in wolf form helps him take her comments just a little better. He still doesn’t like it, but he’s not barking at her to get away from him. Or him simply walking away. He lowers his head to his paws.

Rieka feels his ire radiating off him and sighs. “Well, we may as well get over it, both of us. There isn’t anything that can be done now. If we don’t mate, we will turn into savage beasts. If one of us dies, we will both die, so.” she shrugs. “I guess I’m just more curious as to how this happened. You were never around, not from what I remember anyway.”

I was around for your birth. That’s when it became apparent I imprinted on you. It’s… just something that happened. That happens the moment an Alpha first meets his Omega. They let me hold you, and when they went to give someone else a turn, I nearly tore their head off. Your father dragged me aside and explained what must be happening. I was horrified with myself. I left. Probably the most Daniel’s said in a while, all at once, to anyone. He stares out at the water, not wanting to see her reaction this time.

Rieka looks down at the hand in her lap. “Well, this explains a lot.” she smiles. “When I was little, I asked Mother who the handsome man was in the painting hanging over the fireplace, and she told me about you. I always sat in there to do my artwork, and when I needed to calm my mind, I didn’t understand why I always thought it was the alpha present of my dad, but I guess it was you,” she turned to look at him her hand still absent-mindedly playing with his fur. “So you didn’t abandon us?”

The wolf rises to his feet, towering over her as he turns toward her. Then he leans in, nuzzling the side of her face, the continuous petting starting to get to him in a way that makes him feel… Good? Does he so rarely feel good he hardly recognizes it? A heavy paw lifts, pressing under her collarbone, and then he pushes her down to the ground, pinning her, lowering his muzzle toward her face. Only to lick said face.

I just… I wanted you to have a childhood outside of me, doting all over you and being a complete ass. And I didn’t want to take your Uncle from you. If you never knew me, you’d never lose me when it was time to mate. I can’t even begin to think about how hard it might have been for you if you had trusted me all your life only to realize this was happening to you. The Alpha explains in a rush in her mind, even as he laps at her face as if that would make taking the news more accessible. And she tastes really, really good, especially to his superior wolf tongue.

Rieka leans into his fur, nuzzling back before being pushed down. Her face scrunched up with a giggle, hands moving to tangle in the poof of fur around his neck as he began to lick her face. She tries to speak between giggles as the tongue moves over her face. “I suppose that was for the best.” she tries to roll away, only resulting in her wiggling about under him.

The wolf finds that he likes the wiggling and the giggling. He wants more of that. He sniffs loudly at her face, only to lower his head to her belly, giving her a break from the licking. Her shirt is pushed up a little with the end of his nose, and then he laps at her belly button, tail swishing contently.

Rieka smiled, thankful for the break in licking. “Thank you.” She watched him curiously as he moved to push her shirt up slightly. As his pink tongue moves across her skin, she shutters a different feeling running through her; she is almost afraid to move or speak. She clears her throat, mustering up the courage. “Daniel….. Maybe you could wait a couple more days for that, hm?” she smiles at him.

The licking stops, and Daniel looks up apologetically. His paw is removed from her chest, and he backs away, shaking his head to clear it. Her scent, her taste, it was starting to drive him crazy. And he might try to bullshit himself into whatever excuse to touch her again.

You’re right. I should go. Daniel’s voice is unsteady in her mind. And then he’s turning, still shaking his head as he bolts to the tree line, back toward the compound.

Rieka lays in the dew-covered grass momentarily before rising to her feet. It would have been nice to have a ride back, seeing as her wolf is still temperamental and doesn’t always want to come out. She tries for several minutes before finally being able to change. She debates returning to the compound or finding a nice place to bed for the night. She shakes her head and decides to go back. There is no point in running from these feelings anymore.

Making her way back onto the grounds, she can’t change back to get in the house, so she huffs, curling up on the lawn by the porch, and falls asleep.


Daniel finally comes out of hiding from his room, dressed in a nice button-down and all-black slacks, shirt sleeves rolled up. He knocks on Rieka’s door and smiles at her when she answers. “Happy birthday, Rieka. I’ve come to take you out for your day.”

Slowly, one hand lifts to grip the doorway on the left side of the door. Then the other hand is on the right. He looms over her, struggling to seem friendly when he only wants to pounce, bite, lick, and touch.

No. No. He’s going to be a fucking decent human being and take his niece out for her fucking eighteen birthday.

Rieka opens the door and freezes for a moment. He looks gorgeous. “Thank you. Let me get changed quickly, and I’ll be down.” She watched his hands and shook her head. She dashes off to the restroom before she can get lost in her thoughts. Running a brush through her hair before moving to the clothes, she pulled out a simple sundress and some cute underwear. She holds the underwear for a moment, then tosses them aside. ‘I like those. Don’t want to lose them.’ she slips the dress on and puts on her sneakers. Once finished, she looks at the outfit satisfied.

She patters down the stairs to the living room to meet up with Daniel. “Alright, Uncle Daniel, I’m ready to go.”

Daniel can smell her. He can smell her the moment she reaches the stairs, the man just breathing her in like he might as well have his face between her legs. So he sits there momentarily, taking slow, deep breaths, watching her, trying to decide how he will get through this day since she must have chosen to wear a dress with no panties. Is she trying to kill him?

“First up is breakfast,” Daniel says, standing, a gentle hand going to the small of her back to lead her along. “What’s your favorite place to eat breakfast?”

The hand falling to her back makes her want to whimper, but she holds back. “Well, I didn’t leave the compound much, but I do know there is a dinner in town we went to once or twice.” she jogs down the stairs, heading to his car. She is trying hard to focus her brain. Her heat hadn’t started, but she wanted to be handsy with him.

“I know that diner. Delicious pancakes.” Who gives a fuck about the pancakes. Daniel is going insane. He will have to get over it because it’s her birthday. It’s important. He’s going to be able to fuck her brains out for the rest of their lives. She only gets one-eighteenth birthday.

So the Alpha unlocks the car and opens her door for her, breathing her in and gently shutting the door once he’s sure she’s inside correctly. Then he’s getting in on the driver’s side, and they’re on their way to that diner.

Once they reach the dinner, Rieka is reminded that she is hungry as her stomach growls. Getting out of the car, she waits for him. The smell of whatever cologne he is wearing is mixing with his natural scent and driving her crazy. Shaking her head, she clears her mind. “You know you talked about the pancakes, but I have never had them. I was just never big on pancakes.”

“Pancakes are delicious. Especially the ones here. There’s all sorts of variety on the flavors and toppings,” Daniel murmurs, opening the door for her so they can go inside. And now they are officially around people that will not understand if he loses it and starts nipping at her at the table, so he better get his shit together. “I’ve had the chocolate chip chocolate pancakes here before. With whipped cream. And more chocolate chips on top. They taste like sin.”

“Thank you.” she can’t help but run her tiny hand across his abdomen as she walks past. “Like sin, you say? Maybe I’ll have to try them.” she smiles, finding a booth in the back of the dinner to sit at.

Daniel takes a sharp breath when that little hand wanders across his body. And then he’s very close, looming over her as she sits at the booth, one hand gripping the table, the other gripping the booth seat. He’s just tense like that for a long moment, and then he’s pushing his face into her hair, sniffing, more animal-like than man. But words come after a moment near her ear, soft and slow.

“I want to give you a good birthday. Try not to touch me,” he said before pulling back and sitting across from her. And it feels like he’s just tearing himself away from a meal when starving. He’s not happy about it at all.

She can’t help the quiet whimper when he is sniffing at her, and then something in her goes dormant at his words. She waits until he is seated, placing her hands on the table in view. “I’m sorry, sir, I’ll try.” taking a deep breath, Rieka smiles. She knows he is trying. She can feel only slightly mad at herself for not doing better.

They order their food, and when it comes, Daniel digs into his chocolate monstrosity called pancakes. He’s even got a chocolate shake to drink. Because he’s an adult, he devours the first few bites, then slows down when he realizes what he’s doing. Should he worry? Is he going to go feral right here in this diner? Dark eyes lift to Rieka’s, and he smiles at her.

“How’s yours?” Daniel asks before taking another much slower bite.

Rieka had gotten a mini version of what he was having on the side of her eggs and bacon. She took a forkful, trying it slowly. They were pretty good. She took a few more bites and returned to her other plate as Daniel asked her how it was. Wiping the corner of her mouth, she spoke. “They are delicious. You were right.” She giggles softly.

“I’m so glad you like them. How’s your shake? I’ve never tried a Reese’s shake before. It looks good,” Daniel compliments before having another bite of his pancakes. Maybe he’ll make the waitress hate him and order himself one of those, too. He keeps eating, happily watching her, struggling to keep his tail from coming out. If it does come out, it’s going to come out wagging.

Rieka slides the glass across the table. “Would you like to try some?” she smiles, picking up her bacon and nibbling. She was about finished. She spots the claw machine in the restaurant’s corner and gets excited before calming herself down. ‘You are an adult, Rieka.’ she clears her throat.

“Thank you,” Daniel says, taking a sip before he notices her lighting up. He looked over to what she was staring at. “Just a moment,” he says, sliding her the shake back before getting up from the table and going to the cashier. After a minute or two, he returns with two rolls of quarters for her, setting them down on the table. “I bet you could win a lot of stuffed animals with that many quarters.”

She smiles when the quarters are placed in front of her. “Thank you.” Wasting no time, she runs to the machine. After about 10 minutes, she returns with three stuffed animals, a roll, and a half of quarters, setting them down. “That was fun.”

“You’re adorable,” Daniel decides, having watched her as he ate. He’s just smiling, and he feels happy for once in his miserable existence. His food is all eaten, and his milkshake is gone. He’s just sipping on water, the only healthy thing he’s consumed today.

Her cheeks flush, and she bites her lip. “Thanks. Um, so what else did you have planned for today?” she sucks on her milkshake, working on finishing it. She has a small black wolf plushie in her arms, just like his wolf form.

“Well, there’s your birthday party tonight over dinner with everyone in the pack. There will be cake and ice cream and presents. But until then, it’s up to you. The sky’s the limit. Well, except for time. We’ll need to be done before the party. But we can go wherever you like. Want to go to the amusement park? Or perhaps the aquarium?” Daniel asks, smiling at her little wolf plushie.

She finished the milkshake and set it to the side. The choice is easy. “Amusement park sounds awesome.” smiling; she squeezes her little wolf pup. She wouldn’t have minded the aquarium any other day, but it would be too quiet today, with nothing to keep her distracted.

So, they go to the amusement park, riding all its rollercoasters. They also eat copious amounts of food, snacking throughout the day on the good stuff. Like the funnel cake Daniel eats. That’s probably his favorite. He even wins her a few more stuffed animals, using the superior wolf skill to his advantage. So they eventually head back to the car, with his arms full of shopping bags from things they’ve bought and the stuffed animals he won for her, feeling lighthearted and happy.

Once they get to the car, Rieka helps him pack their things in the trunk. “I am super excited to celebrate with everyone. So far, this is the best birthday I have had.” she smiles, skipping to the passenger’s side door and hopping into the car. She puts her seat belt on as he gets in. “So tell me, with your clear love of chocolate, is my cake chocolate?”

“German chocolate cake,” Daniel confirms, getting buckled up and getting the car ready to go. “It’s my favorite. I didn’t know your favorite. I could have asked. But then we wouldn’t have my favorite,” the Alpha guiltily mutters.

“Yes, we would have.” she smiles. “Because I only do chocolate cake, any kind is fine.” shifting in the seat, she gets comfy and takes a deep breath. Rieka hopes she can at least make it through her party before her heat starts because Daniel went out of his way to make her day special. This is the sort of treatment she missed in her life. She knows she has said it a thousand times today, but make it one thousand-one. “Thank you for everything, Daniel. I appreciate it.” looking at the floor, a blush consumed her face.

“You’re starting to worry me about how your parents treated you. Do I need to talk with them?” Daniel asks quietly before realizing that’s probably not the answer she was looking for. “Also, you’re quite welcome. It’s been a pleasure taking you out for your special day.” Even if he’s almost a stranger, this should be something she gets to do with her friends and family. Not that he and his pack aren’t her friends and family now. But still. She should be able to choose who she spends it with.

“They just kept me at the compound a lot, and birthdays were never important.” she shrugs, looking out the window and watching all the trees going by. She smiles, thinking about all the gifts she must have waiting for her. Closing her eyes to relax for a minute was a mistake as her mind started to race, and something finally snapped. Opening her eyes, now glowing, an icy blue seat belt is softly undone so as not to cause concern. Moving her face into his neck, she took a sniff as a small hand sled up his thigh and landed in his crotch.

Just as Rieka sniffs his neck, Daniel breathes in her scent, dark eyes fixed on the road. They’re so close to home. They can make it. They have to. Oh, now her hand is on his cock. He groans, pushing his car faster, wrapping a protective arm around her small frame. He should tell her to get back in her seat and put her safety belt on, but he doesn’t have the will to do it. “You’re going to be okay, baby girl. We’re less than five minutes from home,” he says in a voice he hopes is comforting, even if it is hoarse.

Rieka lets out a soft moan when she hears him groan. Her little tongue came out to lick the side of his neck. Hand palmed desperately at his cock. “I know we are almost home. I can’t help myself.” her voice was full of lust as she chuckled. “You have a very big cock. I’m sure it’s going to feel great inside me.”

The only thing keeping Daniel sane right now is the instinct to protect her. Getting them home so they can do this in private is protecting her. Pulling over on the side of the road and fucking all over the woods? Not so much. So Daniel just keeps holding her close, listening to her torment him. He knows she can’t help it. She’s an eighteen-year-old girl hitting her first heat with her mate holding her. She’s helpless against this.

“Thank you,” Daniel murmurs thickly, dark eyes even darker as his cock throbs against her tiny hand through his trousers. Then, he slowly says, “It’s even bigger in my wolf form. I wonder what that would be like if you were still in your human form.” And that probably doesn’t help.

Rieka moans in the man’s ear, nipping at the lobe and moving down to mark his neck. “Mmm, that sounds like a lot of fun. I kinda want to try it.” she bites down hard and suckles on his skin, leaving a deep purple hickey in her wake. The hand in his lap starts to squeeze a little bit harder. “I bet it’s pretty too.”

“Did you not wear underwear today to torment me?” Daniel finally asks since they can still talk and are almost home. “I could smell you all day. From the moment you started down the stairs before we left. I wanted you, and I couldn’t have you.” His voice alters in tone from hoarse to a deep growl when she gives him that hickie. Then Daniel’s cock swells a bit against her squeezing hand, causing a wet spot to soak through his boxers and straight through to his trousers.

She was smiling, listening to him. “No, I didn’t know how this would happen, and I really like those underwear. I didn’t want you to tear them to shreds.” she nuzzles her Alpha. “Well, you could most likely smell me all day because you came to my door looking delicious and got me all wet first thing this morning.” she lets out a soft whimper, kisses traveling down to his chest.

Daniel pulls into the garage, then pulls Rieka wholly into his lap after stopping the car and turning it off. “Alright, time to get you to my room, your little bundle of hormones,” the Alpha growls out, opening the door and toting her out with him. He enters the house through the kitchen entrance attached to the garage, stepping past excited twins. Who looks at the pack leader and scurry out of the way.

Up the stairs, Daniel trots, and into the bedroom he goes, shutting the door behind him and locking it. This isn’t so bad so far. He controls himself, even with all the kisses falling against his skin. And with how wet he can smell, she is. And how desperately he wanted to rip her clothing off, just as she feared he’d do to her pretty panties, so she hadn’t worn any. See? He’d been listening. To the bed he goes, setting her on the edge. He cups her face, finally, finally kissing her. It’s soft at first, then demanding as he starts to see red, even with his eyes closed. His tongue pushed hard into her mouth, over and over again, even as his left hand jerked the skirt of her dress upward. Legs step between her knees to spread them. Left hand pushes between her thighs, cupping that wet heat that’s driving him completely insane.


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Rieka places kisses and nips over his neck as she is easily carried upstairs. Once his mouth is on hers, it’s all bets off. She feels it whimpering into the kiss, her hands carding through dark hair, tugging ever so slightly. She spreads her legs wide for him to have full access to her cunt when his hand moves to cup her heat, Rieka’s hips buck into the touch, a leg wrapping around his as she moans into his mouth. Small hands pulled the man’s shirt free so she could run her hands under the button-down and rake her nails down his chest and stomach.

A long middle finger runs the length of her cunt, getting wet in her slickness, before Daniel draws it back and uses it to rub her clit ever so gently. This contrasts the way he kisses her like he’s losing his mind because he is. By the time he’s lifting his head from her nails and raking down his skin, he’s snarling and dragging her to the floor, cupping her head so she doesn’t hit it when he pins her to it. He’s staring hard into her eyes, panting visibly.

A small squeak leaves the girl as she is dragged from the bed. When the man lays over top of her, she growls at him, legs moving to wrap around his waist. “Fuck me.” she pulls on his hair aggressively. “Please.” she pulls up, rubbing against him.

Daniel lets her go, only to hurry with his hands to free his cock. Nobody’s getting undressed at this point. They’ll figure out the clothing eventually. Once his cock is free, he’s rubbing the head of his cock against that wet cunt. Then he’s pushing inside her before he can even think to adequately warn her, snarling close to her face as he does so. “Tight,” he vocalizes, glaring at her as if it’s all her fault she’s got such a tight cunt that’s driving him insane.

Reika’s mouth falls open as a small scream falls from her lips. One hand pulled his hair, the other clawing his back. “It’s so big fuck!” her legs tremble around him. Whimpering, she tries pulling him in more. “Just take what’s yours, Daniel, please,” she’s begging him, whining.

Snap. Daniel’s hips drive forward, breaking through her hymen, and claiming her, burying himself to the hilt. His breathing was labored, but a low “Mine…” growled into her face. Everything is red-tinted. He can barely form or understand words. He wants to be in his wolf form, but he doesn’t want to risk hurting her more than he already could. So the instinct to protect her wins out, keeping him a man.

Rika’s eyes roll back as they drift shut, the pain and pleasure mixing together beautifully. Once he breaks through her virginity, her ears and tail pop out, the tip of her tail swishing happily between her legs. Icy’s blue eyes open to meet the dark abyss he has become. “Yes, all yours forever, my alpha.” She leaned up and brought her lips to his for a kiss; after a moment, she pulled away. “Mark me, please bite me and breed me.” she is panting.


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