Moving My Sister by pujo1950

I’m sitting outside the Nashville airport waiting for my sister. I love her, she is my best friend, but she has never been on time for anything.

If I had a dollar for every time Mom has said, “Gloria you’ll probably be late for your own funeral.”

I’d have a lot of bucks.

I flew in to help her pack and load a U-Haul then drive it back to the family home. She married right out of high school three years ago. Her divorce was final this week. She hasn’t talked about the reasons, but I suspect he was fooling around. What an idiot.

Sis and I share the same birthday, two years apart. She is pretty, smart, funny and a great older sister. I’m excited she’s coming back home.

She pulls up in her red Mazda convertible, honks and waves. I pick up my carry-on, she jumps out and greets me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I throw my bag in the back seat and she guns the Miata, tires squealing, we’re off.

As I said, I think she’s pretty. Today she is wearing short shorts and a backless halter top. Maybe pretty is too mild a description. The wind whistling around us, conversation is tough, but she never shuts up. Mostly I just smile and nod. She drives passionately. Actually, she does everything passionately, eats passionately, talks passionately…

We arrive safely at her 3rd floor apartment. Inside there are boxes everywhere, most half full. She grabs a couple brews and we head for her tiny deck.

“I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve been running around like a chicken with its head chopped off.”

“Well, I’ll do my best to help keep you on track. What’s the plan?”

“For starters the elevator is out of order. They don’t know when it’ll be fixed. I’ve an appointment in the morning to have the trailer hitch installed. I need to do a little paint touch up so I can get my deposit back. My ex still has some stuff here. I gave him till tomorrow to come get it or it’s going in the trash.”

“OK, I’ll take care of the hitch. Do you have paint?”

“Yes. I have what the painters left.”

“OK, I’ll do the touch up if you want. What else?”

“Nothing urgent. Did you bring a swimsuit?”

“No, didn’t think I’d need one.”

“Follow me.”

We walked into the bedroom.

She said, “His stuff is in those boxes. You’re about the same size, see if you can find some trunks. I’m hungry, there’s a great Cuban café near here, I’ll go get us something to eat, then we’ll relax by the pool.”

I had changed and was on my second beer when she got back.

Handing me a big carry out bag she said, “I’ll go change, spread this out and open me a beer.”

There was enough food to feed a small army. She is little but can out eat the national pie eating champion.

She appeared wearing a bikini that barely hid her intimate parts.

While eating two large Cuban sandwiches, chips, pickles and a couple of Pastelitos for dessert, she told me all the details of her divorce. I was right, he is an idiot.

She told me she had applied to the school where I’ll be a sophomore. If they accept all her credits, she’ll be a senior.

Finished, we threw dinner residue in the trash, grabbed a small cooler of beer and headed for the pool. We found a couple of chaises, dropped the cooler and dove in.

The pool was crowded, country classics blared from a dozen speakers. She knew everyone there and introduced me to, I think, all of them. One of her friends, a cute redhead asked me to dance. Gloria danced with a couple of guys, then finally sat down.

Sipping a brew, she said, “This is what I’ll miss most, just hanging at the pool with my friends. What do you think of them?”

“They seem nice, and there’s some cuties here. None as cute as you, of course.”

“Well thanks little bro. C’mon dance with me.”

The first song was I Cross My Heart. Quickly my heart was pounding. Everything I touched was bare skin. Of course, my dick responded. I tried to maintain a little distance, but she pulled me close.

We took a few breaks for beer but danced and swam till they turned off the music.

If you’ve never danced holding a barely clad dripping wet lady, I do recommend it. Most everyone left but we kept dancing to the tunes in our head. It was almost midnight when we got back to her apartment. We enjoyed a glass of Tawny Port as a nightcap.

She said, “You need to be at U-Haul by 9:00, we better get some sleep. You take my bed I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“No, Sis You sleep in your own bed, I’ll take the couch.”

She was still sleeping when I left the next morning. It was almost noon when I left

U-Haul. They had to take the bumper off to install the hitch. I was just hoping the little Miata would handle the trailer ok.

She was bent over packing dishes, still in her bikini when I walked in. God, she has a great ass. Mr. dick popped up again.

She gave me a tight hug and kissed my cheek, “Thanks for getting the hitch. How’d it go?”

I maintained the hug, enjoying her bare skin again, as I replied, “Well they had to take the car apart, but you now have a hitch and a trailer.”

She squeezed me tightly, gave me a light kiss on the lips before pulling away.

I painted, she packed until middle of the afternoon. We had lunch on the deck then I started carrying boxes down three flights of stairs and stowing then in the trailer. By evening the only big things of hers still in the apartment were her bed and the couch. Thank goodness the appliances stayed with the apartment. By suppertime I was beat. After my last trip up the stairs, I collapsed on the couch.

She sat next to me and said, “Why don’t you just rest for a while, I’m getting a shower. If you’re up for it let’s go out for dinner. Or if you’d rather we can just have something delivered.”

“Let’s go out, I’ll rest while you’re in the shower then take my turn. Oh, wait a minute, all I brought were shorts and t-shirts. I don’t have any dinner clothes.”

“Give me a minute.”

She returned with a black shirt and pants, “I’m pretty sure they’ll fit.”

I dozed a little but woke up when I heard her bedroom door open. She was wearing a short black dress and looked stunning.

I said, “Wow you clean up nice.”

She did a little twirl, “You like?”

“Oh yeah.”

I showered. The clothes were a little tight, but I squeezed into em. Dressed in black, I looked like John Travolta in Grease.

In the car, she said, “The place we’re going is one of my favorites, not fancy but great food and their margaritas are to die for, and I love their DJ.”

She was right, the food was good, the margaritas were great. After our meal we sat and chatted over our second margarita and watched couples dancing on the small dance floor. Soon the DJ announced that tonight was karaoke night.

Gloria was excited, “I forgot that this was karaoke night. Are you up for staying a while?”

“Sure, sounds like fun.”

“Ok, be right back.”

Returning she said, “I signed us up.”

“By us I assume you signed me up too? I’ve never done karaoke.”

“It’s easy. Just pick a song you know. You’ve got a good voice.”

The first couple of people were not bad, not great but not bad.

Then they called Gloria. She did a fantastic job of Jolene. Earned a big round of applause.

The next guy was so bad I felt sorry for him.


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