Mum's Friend Pt. 03 by alanhomerj,alanhomerj

Rob walked back into her field of view. His cock was rock-hard still. Harder, if anything. “Enjoying yourself?” he asked in a sarcastic voice.

“Fuck you. You know this is not what I wanted.” Her voice betrayed her, screaming that she did.

Rob walked toward her, and she thought he was going to stick his cock in her mouth. She was debating if she should bite it, but he didn’t. His hand found her cunt, and she was staring at his cock not 5 inches from her head, as he played with her. The sting on her lips hurt as he rubbed them, and she flinched.

“Does that hurt?” Rob said, “I think I need to relieve that pain.” He walked away and she heard the fridge open, then some noise, then he returned. When he returned, she realised it was not the fridge but the freezer; ice cubes ran up and down her lips. The cold burned, but the sting did feel better. For a good 90 seconds he ran the ice up and down her lips, and they started to go numb. Then just as suddenly as it had started, they were gone. But it was for just a moment; then she felt 4 ice cubes being forced into her cunt, pushed up inside her, deeply. Tammy wanted to scream, that was so uncomfortable, but managed to hold it in, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.

Rob’s hand then moved to her clit, and started to circle it. He said, “If you push them out, your pussy lips get more punishment.”

She did not respond but stopped trying to tighten her muscles to push them out. The feeling was like nothing she had felt before; it was so cold, but burned a little too. She could not deny the discomfort, which she quite liked, as Rob started to work hard on her clit, teasing and exciting it. One thing she was sure of was she did not want to be spanked more. Her arse, and pussy lips, were so uncomfortable, painful even, with nothing being done to them. She loved the idea of being spanked and actually wanted to he spanked, probably on the lips again too. However, she was prepared to admit that she liked the idea and anticipation more than actually being spanked.

Despite everything that was going on that was causing her discomfort, Tammy moaned; Rob was talented, and was driving her arousal quickly. He just seemed to know when to press, when not to, when to tease it, and when to leave it for a moment. His cock was moving as he worked on her. A couple of times, it got much closer to her face, but the desire to bite was not what she thought about. She just wanted it inside her. That thought ran around and around in her head as her orgasm started to flourish. With muscles tightening, and her legs straining against the spreader bar, her tits ached with desire squashed against the table. Like earlier in the living room, he was pressing hard on her mons and she could feel that same pressure building. It was so intense, and she wondered briefly if the orgasm would be as strong, but a hard flick of her clit drew her attention away. Tammy knew she would be coming soon, and closed her eyes, her imagination filled with images of Alan’s and Rob’s cocks, filling her holes. It was coarse and completely unrefined as far as fantasies went, but then, so was today as a whole.

Rob pushed so hard on her mons that the table moved slightly, but it did not stop him or distract him. Her clit was squeezed between his fingers in a final blast of stimulation before she climaxed. Her entire body shook; it was like every inch of her insides was on fire, then she felt the same incredible release from her pussy and, as if it was away in a dream or another room, she heard a splash on the floor. Dimly aware that she had squirted again, she lost track of the world, her orgasm the only thing on which she could focus.

When Tammy opened her eyes, she had no idea how much time had passed. She thought back to when the strap first hit her cheeks, and that felt like a life ago. She searched for a clock, and found the one on the cooker. It said 14:02. Had she really been here almost 4 hours? The aches in her body suggested that she probably had.

“Welcome back to the land of the living; you were in a world of your own for a good 6 or 7 minutes! We didn’t want to start the next bit without you being fully involved and aware.” Rob again seemed gleeful. She wondered what on earth they could have planned that was worse than what had already happened. Just as she thought that, she felt the water from the ice that had been forced up her cunt dribble out; she was quite numb inside, but she was sure the ice had melted, thankfully.

“Now, for my safety, you need to wear this,” Alan said, producing a ball gag. Tammy shook her head and tried to fight it being put on her, but she was grabbed hard. They managed to force her to unclench her jaw, and that was it; it was quickly forced into her mouth. As soon as it was in, she was flipped onto her back and carried back to the coffee table she had been on earlier. Laid on her back, her knees were forced up near her chest and Rob pushed on the bar between her legs. She was pinned in what was basically the foetal position, on her back. Alan stood over her head and placed his cock between her tits, before forcing them together around his cock. His arse was right in her face, and without the gag she could have probably have bitten his ball sack…and she bloody well would have.

Alan started to rock back and forth, his monster cock moving between her tits, but her attention was suddenly pulled away. The butt plug moved, then was pulled out, quite roughly. She yelped around the gag, making an odd, muffled noise. Quickly cold lube dripped on her hole and, with no warning, Rob’s cock pushed its way up. She shook her head vigorously; she really did not want a cock in her arse. But in this position under Alan’s backside, nobody could see her, and the gag meant her complaints could not be understood.

For a moment, Tammy thought this would be alright; his cock just seemed to replace the plug. But then, as a little more slipped in, she felt her body resist. Rob seemed not to care, and pushed hard. There was none of the care and cooperation that she had seen in porn; he just forced it, and again she screamed into the gag. She heard them laugh at her muffled noises. His cock seemed to go on forever, just pushing deeper and deeper into her, much longer than it had appeared in front of her earlier, but she was sure that was just how it felt. Rob stopped, and started to withdraw. She breathed a sigh of relief, and Alan started to pump her tits with his cock, harder now. She felt like a complete slut which, if she was honest, was a big part of agreeing to this. Rob stopped with just the head of his cock in her arse, then thrust back in hard, and she was sure more went in. She moaned into the gag, as she felt his balls slap the incredibly sore cheeks of her arse. From there, the thrusting built a rhythm. Alan and Rob seemed to synchronise and she was being pushed one way, then back the other. As Rob thrust into her arse, she decided that she did not like anal, but that nothing today had felt dirtier, or more like she was being forced into something she did not want. She would reserve it, she decided, and would never let a man consensually fuck her arse. They would always have to take it, and make her accept it.

For more than a few moments, she was lost in the thought, thinking about being forced into anal by strangers. Exactly as she was now, if she was honest. She had never felt so turned on, loving that she hated every moment of this. One of their fingers found her clit, but it was not going to need much; the fantasy of anal rape that was playing inside her head was getting her there faster than any physical contact. The orgasm that came was not intense like the last one; it was what she would describe as more normal. She closed her eyes and relaxed into it, although she did feel a tension that squeezed Rob’s cock in her arse. She really did not know how much more she could take; all of her ached, and she felt exhausted. Her legs had been restrained for so long, the muscles burned.

Alan was now making some noises, and she felt him release her tits. Then cum sprayed over her, covering her tits, and as he moved away, some dripped onto her face. How degrading…and wonderful, she thought. As he moved back and squeezed her clit between his fingers, Rob started to pound her so hard she thought he might break her. IT took Alan a minute to start getting a response from her; her clit was not really ready for another orgasm. But eventually it, along with her body, did respond, and she felt the warmth of another orgasm rise. In her mind, she was completely focused on Rob pounding her arse; it was sore and uncomfortable, just what she wanted.

Again, they seemed to work together, and as Tammy started to tip into orgasm for the…actually she had lost count. But it broke, anyway. Just as Rob thrust in and then pulled out, his cum spurted across her pussy, and stomach. She was covered, head to toe–well, cunt–by them. She collapsed back onto the table. She had no energy. For a few moments she didn’t feel anything. She could hear noise, but didn’t want to move to find out what it was; it did not sound that interesting. Then she saw Alan, fully dressed again. As he undid the gag, she also felt the spreader released; her arms, also. She moved. It was painful, but she could move. She saw a pile of her clothes by the table, and guessed she was to get dressed. She discovered that her bra and thong were not amongst the clothes, but once what was there was on, she looked decent enough. She did not really feel “decent”, though. It wasn’t just the lack of underwear; it was the cum that was all over her. She was not sure she liked that bit at all, which probably meant it would be one of her favourite things later when she thought about this.


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