Mum's Friend Pt. 03 by alanhomerj,alanhomerj

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She quite clearly was not free, though, because she was moved forcibly to the sofa, and given her phone. Alan sat beside her with a laptop.

“Do something on your phone,” Rob said. She opened her text messages, and from the corner of her eye noticed the same thing happen on the laptop.

“That’s right,” said Alan. “We have your phone cloned on my laptop. I can see everything you do, and watch this.”

Alan typed something on the laptop, then clicked on her messages and typed again. About 3 or four seconds later text appeared on her phone in the message box.

“We have total control, including access to all your social media. From now on you do as we say, or your friends and family get to see what a slut you are. And it will look like you posted it, yourself,” Rob said. “We have hours of video from today.”

Tammy simply said, “OK,” not knowing what else to say. She was completely at their mercy, and part of her loved it.

The hood was placed back over her head, and she was stood up. No cuffs or anything now, but she was guided out of the house and into a car. From the feel of the seats, it was not the flash Porsche she had been in earlier. She sat there, too tired to do anything as the car was started and they drove off. About 20 minutes later, they stopped, and the bag was taken off her head. Again, the light almost blinded her, but it was Rob beside her, and she could just make out that her house was across the road.

“Out, and we will let you know when your services are required again,” Rob said.

She opened the door and slowly got out; it was even hard to stand up. But she shut the door, and the car sped off as she started to painfully make her way towards her house.

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