My Aunt's Summertime Dick by DanCastle,DanCastle

She forced herself to stop thinking about it, she was just a little pent up is all. She took a minute to calm down and when she was ready she left her room and headed downstairs. Her aunt was out on the patio, looking down at the people on the beach.

“Hey,” Dana said, as she approached. “I’m all unpacked if you’re ready to go.” For some reason the idea that her aunt knew she saw her was lingering in her mind but Ailen turned to her and smiled as if nothing ha happened.

“Great, let me grab my keys,” she said as she stepped inside. She led Dana to the garage where a few very nice cars were waiting. Ailen pressed the button on the key fob to unlock a shiny red convertible Corvette. Dana wasn’t really one who cared much about cars but she had to admit, this one looked nice.

The two of them climbed in and Ailen turned the key in the ignition, the engine roaring to life before she pressed a button to take the top down. She backed out of the garage into the bright sunlight and onto the street. Dana watched with the wind in her hair as the scenery rolled by and they drove into town. They were surrounded by shops and other businesses and tourist attractions. As expected, the sidewalks were full of people going about.

“Parking here always sucks so it may be a bit of a walk,” Ailen said as she finally found a spot to park before they got out. Dana couldn’t help but notice how much she stood out among the crowd of people as they walked. She was still wearing jeans and a black t-shirt while everyone was in tank tops and sleeveless shirts, short shorts and some just straight-up in bathing suits and bikinis having likely just walked off the beach.

Ailen first took her to a clothing shop around the corner, it had racks of summer clothes and swimsuits filling up the shop. They two of them browsed and Ailen grabbed a few things she thought would look good. A few pairs of shorts, tank tops and such.

But after that came swimsuits. Ailen hand picked out a few she thought would look good. Dana couldn’t help but notice she picked all the skimpy ones. Dana considered her options and decided on a bikini with a tube top that felt a little tight around her chest. Dana’s breasts maybe on the larger side of average, she had definitely seen other girls with bigger. But this top still managed to squeeze them pretty tightly. But it felt secure enough that she didn’t think it was going to fall off.

She put the bottoms on and tied them in place. Unlike the top the bottoms felt very loose, even though they barely even covered her ass. She had to admit though, it was kind of sexy.

“Sooo, how’s it look?” Ailen asked. “Let me see.”

Dana hesitated, could she really go out looking like this? She took a breath, and opened the curtain to the dressing room. This was the summer of trying new things, after all.

“Oh my,” Ailen said as she stepped out.

“It’s not… too much is it?” Dana asked.

“Oh no, it’s super hot,” Ailen said. “You’ll have them lined up around the block.”

Dana blushed a little but turned to look at herself in the mirror. She never really considered herself all that sexy but looking now, she could see it.

As she was looking at herself in the mirror, she couldn’t help but notice her aunt was definitely checking her out. It made her heart race a little bit as she turned around again. “Uh, well,” she said, trying to act natural. “I think this’ll do it then.” She said.

“Want to wear it out?” Ailen asked.

Dana hadn’t considered that. On one hand, the thought of putting her dark, warm clothes on again in this heat didn’t sound ideal. But she wasn’t sure if she could just walk around like this. She felt practically naked.

She slipped on a pair of the shorts they had picked out and a pair of flip-flops. She didn’t mind her boobs being out so much as she wanted to avoid people staring at her ass.

They walked out of the shop and Dana already felt like she fit in a lot more. Already she could see people glancing at her as they passed. Previously she always felt so invisible in crowds.

She didn’t get a lot of time to process that as Ailen was already on her way to the next stop. She led Dana into a hair salon that she frequented. The woman behind the counter recognized her. She was younger but still seemed older than Dana, maybe 30-ish with bleached blonde hair

“Oh, and who’s this little thing?” She teased when she saw Dana standing beside her.

“This is my niece I told you about,” Ailen said, “We’re having a little bit of a makeover day.”

“Ooh, and what were we thinking today?” The woman asked, the name tag on her shirt said “Anna.”

Dana had never considered what she would want for something like this. She came to the realization she had never dyed her hair before, that might be fun. But maybe dying all of it would be too much. While she thought about this she spotted a poster of a model on the wall. She had short dark hair with a bright streak of red.

“Um,” she said, “how about some color?” She asked, pointing to the poster. “Like this, but… maybe blue instead?”

“Oh we can do that, just you watch,” Anna said cheerfully as she led Dana to one of the chairs in the back in front of a sink. First she washed and rinsed her hair out before they started applying the color. The process didn’t take very long since they weren’t doing all of her hair. Waiting while the color set in was the longest part. While she waited she could hear her aunt gossiping with one of the other hairdressers.

When it was all finished, Ailen smiled to her. “Ooh, that is really nice,” she said. Dana took a moment to admire it. God, if only her mom could see her now.

After that they walked back to the car and rode back home. There was still sun left in the afternoon and Dana was feeling more sexy and confident than ever.

After they got inside, Dana glanced out the window, down to the beach below and saw a group of people that seemed relatively her age playing volleyball. For the first time in possibly ever she kinda wanted to go join them.

“I know that look,” Ailen teased her, drawing Dana’s attention away.

“Uh… what do you mean by that,” Dana asked bashfully.

“The beach is calling,” she said, “And it’s bad karma to deny it. Besides, I’ve got one of my friends from my support group coming over. We’re going to drink some wine and gossip and I doubt you’d be interested in that. Just make sure you take sunscreen, I’d hate to see you get burnt.”

Dana nodded and went upstairs to put away the new clothes she had gotten and grabbed a bag for the beach, packing in a towel, some water and sunscreen, making sure to apply some before coming back down.

“Alright, I’m heading out,” she called.

Ailen emerged from the kitchen, “Before you go,” she said before giving her a big hug.

It could have been her imagination but Dana couldn’t help but feel something hard pressed against her as her aunt hugged her. Was she hard? Until this moment, Dana had forgotten about her aunt’s dick. It brought a redness to her cheeks but Ailen released her before Dana could work up the courage to say anything. “Alright, go have fun,” She said and Dana nodded basfully and tried to casually rush out of the house.

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