My Aunt's Summertime Dick by DanCastle,DanCastle

She tried to push the thought out of her head again, but this time it lingered as she walked down the steps to the beach. She hadn’t even noticed she was approaching the people she saw earlier until one of them spoke up.

“Hey,” one of the guys said. He was good looking with dirty blonde hair.

“Oh. Uh, hey,” Dana said, “Sorry I was spaced out. But I saw you guys and was hoping I could join in. I’m here by myself except for my aunt so…”

“Yeah sure,” the boy said, “I’m Robbie. The other guys are Joey and Felix.” He pointed to each person he named. Joey was black with a buzz cut, Felix was pale and covered in freckles with short red hair.

“And then the ladies,” Robbie continued. “We got Paula, Olivia, and Antonia.” Paula was tall with a naturally bronzed skin and dark hair. Olivia was pale with red hair similar to Felix and Antonia had her blonde hair tied in braids.

“Is the new girl playing or what?” Antonia asked, she spoke with a Russian accent. “If so she’s on our team since Olivia wants to be a spoilsport.”

“I burn easily,” Olivia called from where she sat beneath an umbrella.

“Spoilsport,” Antonia repeated.

“I mean, you’re welcome to if you want?” Robbie said, “you go to school around here?”

“I’m visiting from Vermont,” Dana answered.

“Ooh nice, we all go to Florida State, so may I be the first to welcome you to our state. We have theme parks and alligators and Florida Man.”

“Hey,” Antonia called again, “make fuck eyes at each other later. I’ll make sure to beat you fast so you can get to it faster.”

Dana couldn’t help but laugh a little but she joined the team on the other side of the net and the game commenced. She didn’t have a lot of volleyball experience but she got the gist of it. Though Antonia seemed to be the pro of the group, or she was just highly competitive.

She spent the next few hours with them, playing on the beach and swimming int he ocean. She didn’t even mind the lustful eyes on her from the boys as she slipped out of her shorts. She was pretty sure she caught Olivia checking her out.

She learned a lot about their little group, turns out Felix and Oliva were siblings. Twins even, non-identical. Joey and Paula were dating, as were Robbie and Olivia, which disappointed Dana at first before it was pointed out they were polyamorus. Dana had hears of it before but never actually met anyone who was in that sort of relationship.

For a moment the idea crossed her mind that she could have both of them if she wanted. She smirked a little bit at was likely just a fantasy, but one she’d entertain for the time being.

But as the sun set and the night drew long, it came time to pack it in and call it a night.

“So, you going to be around tomorrow?” Robbie asked her.

“Maybe, I don’t really have a lot of plans but who knows what my aunt will want to do. But if I have some free time I’ll keep an eye out for you.” It felt so odd to flirt, she had rarely done it before but while she was feeling confident she figured she’d go for broke. “But until then,” she said as she inched closer to him, kissing him on the lips. It lasted just a moment before she pulled back. “Until next time,” she said.

“Until next time,” Robbie said as she left, ascending the stairs to her aunt’s house. All the windows were dark. It was awfully late, her aunt was probably asleep by now. She was quiet when she slipped inside. She went up the stairs and found her room. Quietly she opened the door and turned the lights on.

“Hey,” Ailen said as she was sitting on Dana’s bed. She was naked with her legs crossed.

Dana froze, “uh… hey,” she said, confused. Was Ailen drunk, she did say she was going to be drinking with her friend. But she didn’t seem drunk, not that Dana was an expert.

“Did you have fun?” Ailen asked. She was smiling but there was suddenly something sinister behind her smile.

“Y-yes,” Dana answered, starting to get nervous.

“Good,” Ailen said, “now it’s my turn to have fun.” She pointed to a spot on the floor in front of her. “Get on your knees.”

“What?” Dana asked, hesitant. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know what Ailen had in mind for her.

“Now,” she said much more sternly. Dana was startled but suddenly did as she was told. Even if she ran there’d be nowhere for her to go.

“Do you know the real reason why you’re here?” Ailen asked her.

“I have a feeling I haven’t been told that,” Dana said nervously.

“I had you pegged for a smart girl,” Ailen smirked. “The real reason you are here, is because your parents are in debt. A lot. Turns out dear old dad can’t seem to kick the old gambling habit and your mother has been hiring fuckboys on the side. It all adds up. They came to me, desperate. And I offered to pay off their debts, in exchange for you. So for the next month, your mouth, ass and pussy belong to me. Be good and do as I say and by the end of the month, you and your family will have nothing to worry about.”

A sinking pit formed in Dana’s stomach, to know that her parents effectively sold her like that. It was a lot to process, but why did this also excite her? Was this some kind of unknown fetish?

Her pondering were interrupted when Ailen uncrossed her legs, exposing her erect cock and stood up. “I think for tonight we’ll start you off slow. Have you ever sucked dick before?”

“A little…” Dana answered. “I had a boyfriend in college… it didn’t last very long. We did it a couple of times.” Her heart was racing, a mix of emotions she couldn’t identify in the moment saw she looked up at her aunt. Her eyes could only focus on the hard dick just inches from her face.

“It’s a start,” Ailen said, “you can start there.”

Dana blushed more, her mouth felt dry and she tried to wet it. To her own sprurise, she slowly reached out and grabbed her aunt’s dick. Gripping it lightly and stroking her.

“There’s a good girl,” Ailen moaned. Dana continued to stroke her as she leaned in, kissing at Ailen’s thigh. Slowly she moved inward, her lips caressed Ailen’s balls. She tried to remember stuff from the few porn videos she’s seen before. Ailen seemed to enjoy her efforts while Dana was glad Ailen was shaved. This would probably be a lot more difficult if she wasn’t.

Dana’s lips found her way to the base of Ailn’s cock, moving slowly along the side of her shaft. Ailen’s groans of approval moving her onward until she felt the head against her lips. She hesitated but only briefly before she opened her mouth an used her tongue to tease the tip of Ailen’s cock. The head was already wet with precum.

Ailen must have gotten tired of waiting. She reached down and grabbed Dana’s head, pulling her head onto her cock. Dana gagged as she felt the head hit the back of her throat. She was so big, bigger than any other she’s seen before.

“Fuck” Ailen groaned, “don’t worry, we’ll teach you how to take my cock. Soon you’ll be deepthroating like a pro.”

She rocked her hips into Dana’s mouth. Dana did her best to suck on her cock like she wanted but Ailen grabbed her head with both hands, suddenly thrusting into Dana’s mouth. Dana gagged with each thrust as Ailen facefucked her. She looked up at her aunt, her breasts bouncing as she felt her cock hit the back of her throat again. And she felt… aroused?

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