My First Dominant Girlfriend Ch. 11

An adult stories – My First Dominant Girlfriend Ch. 11 by John_salen,John_salen The next few weeks I started to adjust to not having a job. In all honestly, it felt like I had just switched jobs. Rebecca had started making me daily and weekly schedukes. It became far more Formalized than I had anticipated. She also asked for weekly reports on anything I hadn’t finished and would text me through the day asking about progress.

She was generally very pleased with me, and had let me cum more than usual, meaning twice a week. She had sent me a strange text just a few days before our vacation that sort of worried me. She wrote:

“John you’ve been doing such a good job that I really think you’re ready for the next level. I have some training videos and articles I want you to watch. I’m putting together a long email for you, but I’m not going to send it until after our vacation 🙂 ”

So, I decided to put it out of my mind and focus on our vacation. I was really looking forward to the break.

We left on a Wednesday and stayed until the following Monday. Rebecca let me fly there without my chastity cage since the pink plastic did have some metal. As soon as we got settled to my room she pulled it out.

“Ok here’s the deal. I will let you go without this, but if you can’t control yourself from touching that baby dick if you’re it’s going back on ok? Can you control yourself?”

“Yes plus I’ll be with you the entire time!”

“Hmmm. Most likely.” I had no idea what she meant by that, but maybe she was thinking about the times when she’d likely leave for a run or go to the massage parlor.

The first few days were a lot of fun. We spent most of the day at the beach. Rebecca would run every morning and I’d grab our stuff and go find an early spot at the beach for us to hangout for the day. We enjoyed the beach drinks too, lots of them.

On the second day I got pretty drunk, and of course I was very horny. Not being in my cage left me with an erection nearly the whole time. But because I was drunk I was also a bit bold. Too bold. I kept hinting at being horny all throughout the afternoon while we sat at the beach. Rebecca was reading her book. I kept rubbing her arm and admiring her body in her bikini. Finally she had had enough.

“John, stop begging and acting like a pathetic child. I will let you cum in this trip but not because you beg. You need to earn it. And earning it starts with self control. Do we need the cage back on?”

“No” I replied sadly. I sat and sulked for the next hour. Rebecca noticed and finally got up and straddled me on my chair. I was instantly hard again.

“I know it’s hard baby. Seeing me in this tight little bikini all day. I know.” She stayed rocking her hips. People were around but we were both drunk and didn’t care.

“Does this feel good?”


“Good. But you have to learn self control. I have plenty of it. You don’t think I’m crazy horny right now??”

“You are? I mean I hadn’t noticed. And if you’re horny why don’t we go back to the room?” I asked.

“Oh sweetie.” She leaned forward and whispered: ” I’m horny because look around. Look at all these young muscular men. I see them checking me out. I can’t help but imagine their big cocks inside my pussy.” She started rocking harder against my dick in the chair.

She kept whispering. “That’s why I’m horny John. And I want you to cum right now in your shorts. Think about what I just said. Think about one of these men fucking me so hard while you sit out on the patio listening.” And right then in there looked over and saw a young muscle guy, probably 25-30 years old. He had on a tank top and he just looked like a quintessential alpha male.

“Yes, like that guy.” She whispered. I exploded. I could feel the cum flooding into my shorts. I leg out a stifled moan and my legs were shaking. She stopped rocking and got up.

“Good boy. Now I’m all wet you naught perv. I’m going to wash up in the ocean.”

I laid there and before I knew it I had fallen asleep. I woke up about an hour later. Rebecca wasn’t around so I picked up our stuff and went back to our room. She wasn’t there either. I changed my cum soaked shorts and took a shower.

When I dried off and got dressed she still hadn’t showed up. I figured maybe she was at one of the open restaurants getting a snack. It was nearly 5pm so they’d be open. I started walking down the path to the resort center where most of the restaurants were located, but about half way there I finally eyed Rebecca. She was sitting at one of the beach bars talking to what looked like a few people.

As I got closer I could see it was a couple and one other guy. They were all laughing and everyone had a drink.

“Hey John! Come meet my friends!” I could tell she was drunk. Apparently when I fell asleep she got bored and went to the bar. She’d been drinking ever since and apparently had met these people as soon as she got there.

“This Alex and Sara, and THIS big guy is Corey.” When she introduced Corey she placed her hand on his naked chest. The guy was young and very tan and muscular. Just like the guy I saw earlier before I orgasmed. He didn’t offer to shake my hand. I think he realized I was her husband in that moment.

I introduced myself and Rebecca suggested I grab a drink. I really didn’t want one so I said I’d just grab a water. “Ok well can you grab us another round while you get your little water?” When she said ‘little water’ she made a baby voice and everyone laughed. I blushed and turned around. I don’t think she was trying to be mean but it certainly made me feel small.

I brought back some drinks and finished my water as they slll talked and joked. I learned that they lived in our state about 30’minutes from us. Apparently that factoid was how they all got started talking. Corey and the others had only graduated college a few years ago, they were younger than I thought.

After awhile I started to get hungry and bored. I brought Rebecca to the side (or tried to).

“I’m getting pretty hungry, want to leave now and go to dinner?”

“No John I’m not hungry. I want to stay and hang out with them. Plus I’m still in my bikini, I’d need to go and change for dinner. Seriously, just go grab something to eat and meet me back at the room. I’ll only be another hour or so.” Then she gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

I didn’t like leaving her there. I didn’t like the way she was looking Corey. But while I was eating and sitting alone, I’ll admit that I started getting hard. I put it out of my mind and walked back the our room. I took a different route so I didn’t have to pass them.

I put on a movie expecting Rebecca to walk in any time. One hour passed. Then another. And another. I really started to get worried and was about to put mh shoes on and go looking for her when she suddenly burst through the room.

“Hey baby!” She threw her shoes off and stumbled over to me. She wasn’t drunk, she was wasted.

“Where were you? I was getting worried.”

“Ohhhhh little one.” Then she gave me a very deep kiss. I liked it but I could smell a lot of tequila. “I was fine. I was with my new friend. I mean friends.”

“You mean that guy? Corey?”

She started taking off her bikini. “Yes that guy.” She got close to me and put her hand on my dick. Her two fingers started stroking it through my shorts. “Does that make you jealous?” She took her top off and her perky breasts bounced down. I was rock hard. “Or does it turn you on?” She then licked my neck and continued stroking me.

She pushed me onto the bed on my back. She got in the bed too and sat on my face. She was facing my cock. I could feel her two fingers rubbing my dick through my shorts. Oh, how badly I wished my shorts were just off me.

She pushed her pussy right into my mouth. “Lick me John. Lick me clean. Lick my and my sweat.” It tasted very wet – wetter than usual – and very salty. All of the sweat from a long day in the sun.

“Mmmmm, keep licking John. I want you to imagine that’s Corey’s cum you’re tasting.” I humped the air when she said that. I couldn’t help it. It turned me on. “Imagine he fucked me on the beach and I told him to cum inside me John. Imagine he pounded me with my legs spread with his huge cock all the way inside of me! Ohhhhh god your tongue feels good.” I was licking so fast and so furiously.

She kept rocking on my face and stroking my dick through my shorts. “you like that don’t you little one? You like the idea of me getting what I need from a strong muscular guy. Getting his big cock inside of me. You’re such a pervert. Keep licking my clit! Ohhh god.”

I suddenly let out a very strong man and came all in my shorts. Rebecca stopped stroking as soon as she noticed how wet it was from the cum. But she kept rocking and I kept licking until just about ten seconds after I came she, too, let out a loud moan and came right into my mouth. A flood of very warm juices streamed all over my face. That didn’t happen often – maybe only a few times since I’d been with her – but it always meant she had a very strong orgasm.

The next morning we woke up and went to breakfast. When we got back to the room she laid back down and said she wanted to take a nap. I laid beside her.

“Hey,” I said. “You didn’t really do anything with that guy did you?”

“John, of course not”. She turned the other way. But I wanted to. I wanted him to fuck me John. Are you mad? Are you going to tell me how to think and how I should feel?”

“No of course not, but I just don’t know if I could really handle that sort of thing.”

She giggled. “You’re so cute John. Don’t worry i didn’t fuck him. But he made me very wet John. You’re lucky he’s leaving today.” I was relieved. But the way she was talking made me very hard. I gently started pushing my groin into her backside. She immediately knew what I was doing.

“Stop that little one. Im taking a nap. And I think one cum enough for this trip. I know you’re thinking about me with Corey, you little perv. You’ll just need to wait until we get home to cum again. And until then, I want you to put the cage back on. You’re too horny without it and you lose your manners.” So I did.

And with that we both took a long late morning nap. I was frustrated but honestly the rest of the trip was a lot of fun, and pure relaxation. Sometimes the sexual aspect of our relationship was stressful when all I could think about was having my next orgasm. I learned that having Rebecca control when and how I orgasmed – and controlling me with the cage – was actually liberating. Rather than be enslaved by my own selfish desires, they were in Rebecca’s hands. I didn’t really have to think about it at all until she wanted me to.

So, we turned home. As soon as our plane touched down, I remembered something: the email. When would she send it? And what did she mean by “the next level”?


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