That was all true until recently when I spent several days emptying my balls into a woman multiple times a day. It had not been my intention initially but if I’m being honest once it started I took complete advantage of the situation.
Truth is it was a bad situation, one that should have never occurred, and yet I had enjoyed every bit of it. And, I had seemingly gotten away with it. I had gotten away with fucking my wife’s grandmother repeatedly over several days.
The day I returned ‘grandma’ home to my mother in-law I was nervous. I tried my best to seem normal but I knew that Lauryn, that’s my mother in-law, could tell something was up. When she pressed me about it I thought I was going to be exposed.
“Are you ok…you seem off a bit?” Lauryn looked at me concerned.
“I’m ok. Everything is fine.” I lied unconvincingly.
She regarded me seriously, “Jim, clearly, just looking at you everything is not fine.”
My nervousness increased. I felt like my life was flashing before me. Thoughts of what would happen if I were caught flooded my mind. I didn’t know what to do and blurted out that Murine had experienced her episodes and thought I was her husband George.
Lauryn studied me. She really looked me over.
“I…I guess I can see some similarities but you’re a much bigger guy than my father. He was a slight guy, he never worked out or anything like that, you’re probably twice his size,” she looked at me again “but given mom’s confusion your facial similarities are probably enough for her mind, searching for familiarity, to see you as my dad.”
Having fucked her mother and seeing her enjoy me inside her it wasn’t lost on me the unintended double meaning Lauryn’s words about my size held.
I looked away from her, “It was a little…weird. I remembered the conversation that we had once and mostlyplayed along though.”
Lauryn’s brow furrowed, “Mostly. What does that mean?”
I nearly shit myself. I knew I was on dangerous ground and that Lauryn was paying attention to what I was saying closer than I needed her to right now. Then I heard Murine moving in the living room and realized that I had no idea what she might say given her confused mind. I felt trapped. I decided the only way out was to lean into the story a bit and creatively change some of the details.
“I’m fine, we don’t need to go into it.” I knew she wouldn’t let it go at that but seeming to demure from the conversation was part of the set up.
“Jim, I need you to tell me what happened.”
“Well, I was honestly not trying to embarrass grandma by talking about it but…ok,” I started. “One day I was in the bathroom drying off from a shower and the door opened…grandma was standing there. I had been drying my back so my arms were in the air pulling the towel back and forth across my back when she came in and…”
“Oh my Go…” Lauryn gasped realizing the situation.
“…I was completely naked. I…I was caught off guard…stunned for a second and so I was exposed longer than I would have been if I had not frozen. But…oh…never mind.”
Lauryn’s eyes were huge at this point. Shock was written across her face, “No – don’t stop now! I need to know what happened.”
“I closed the towel around me but she – she just stood there staring like she was mesmerized with this smile on her face. You get the picture I don’t think I need to say any more.”
“Jim, I get how embarrassing this must have been but I need you to tell me what happened. Did she do anything?” Lauryn pushed me and I noticed that despite the deep brown of her cheeks a reddish color had begun to show and her breathing had changed too.
“I can’t believe I have to say this. She started to – to talk about it – you know me…down there. She was smiling and talking about how she couldn’t remember it being…” I paused playing my role fully.
I was almost certain Lauryn had stopped breathing and was literally hanging on my every word.
“…So big. She started calling me George and I realized she thought I was your father. I didn’t know what to do and she wouldn’t stop gushing about…about it. It was awkward to be there with her talking about my size like that,” I played up the whole size thing and I guess I really did enjoy all of this because the thought of my mother in-law thinking about my dick and wondering just how big I was turned me on “She started asking what I wanted to do with it. I-I couldn’t believe what was happening and knew I needed to find a way out of the situation so I told her I would tell her when I was finished drying off to buy some time.”
Just then there was a crashing sound from the living room. We both turned our attention to where Murine stood and saw that a vase now lay scattered in pieces at her feet. We made our way towards her.
“Mom, you have to be careful.” Lauryn was at her feet beginning to pick up the larger pieces.
Murine turned and saw me, “George! I’m so clumsy…”
“Gran…” I began but Lauryn shot me a look that told me to play along or else. “It’s ok…honey. It’s just a vase.
Murine stepped close to me and hugged me. I was taken aback by it and it must have showed on my face because Lauryn again gave me the eye suggesting that I keep up the act. Murine was clearly upset by the whole thing and so I hugged her in return and stroked her back. She melted into me.
Standing there pulling this woman, who I had fucked so roughly over the last few days, into me while her daughter watched and encouraged had the effect of causing me to begin growing down my pant leg. Murine looked up at me and smiled. She had felt it.
“I think we should leave Lauryn to clean up and go take care of some stuff…” Murine began basically asking me to fuck her. But she was cut off.
“Mom, don’t you think dad is tired he just got home from wor…” Lauryn tried.
Murine now sent the glare back at Lauryn that Lauryn had shot at me a few moments earlier, “This is an adult conversation young lady. No one asked for your input.”
The look on Lauryn’s face was priceless. I knew I had to do something. I may have fucked this woman but I certainly couldn’t do it with my mother in-law in the same house. I spoke up hoping to change the situation, “Murine, she’s right let’s just sit down on the couch and talk for a bit.”
My solution didn’t end the situation but it at least bought me some time to figure out what to do. Lauryn sat on a chair at the table about six feet from where her mother and I now sat together. Murine hadn’t unwrapped from me at all and that had caused her to be pulled partially across me when I sat. It was an awkward and intimate position.
I began to speak trying to control the situation while looking at my mother in-law whose eyes had again grown wide and who shrugged signaling she was out of ideas as well, “I think Lauryn is right…honey?! I did just get home and it was a big da…”