My Roommate the Milking Nurse Pt. 02

An adult stories – My Roommate the Milking Nurse Pt. 02 by shykinkyguy,shykinkyguy -Chapter 2-

April inched her way closer to me on the couch. This was a side of her that I had never seen before, and it only intensified the aching in my balls. I wasn’t lying when I’d told her that trying to get myself off rarely worked. Over the years through a lot of trial and error I’d found that if I wanted to actually have an orgasm, I had to edge myself for a couple of hours to build up an intense level of sexual frustration and only then after at least 30 minutes of furious masturbation would my body finally allow me to climax. Simply put, it took a lot of effort. I’d found that it was just easier to avoid getting turned on and aroused in the first place. That was something that had now become impossible to avoid living with April.

“I know this goes far beyond anything we’ve ever talked about before, and I don’t want anything to negatively impact our friendship. But to be frank, ever since the day I moved in I’ve found you irresistibly handsome. I would love to help you out with your… blue ball situation? It’s the right thing for me to do since you say I’m the cause,” April said, her voice a wild combination of sultry, sexy, and concern. Her right hand, with its perfectly manicured French tips, slowly reached out and gently rested on my knee. Those doe-like deep blue eyes gazed into mine, flashing a glimpse of… hunger? Desire? Lust? It was difficult to discern, but her hand slowly travelling from my knee up my thigh needed no interpretation. Her fingertips nudged themselves below the hem of my shorts, the French tips starting to lightly draw small circles against the flesh of my inner thigh. April’s left eyebrow raised itself in question, again her eyes seeking mine… asking… pleading… if she had my permission to continue.

“April… Ummm…” I stuttered. All sense of moisture had vanished from my mouth. I quickly grabbed my glass and took several long drinks of water. April’s hand never budged, her fingers still making small circular motions. Was it my imagination or was each circle moving the tiniest bit higher on my thigh? I looked down at her hand, then back to April. Yes, her fingers were absolutely climbing higher. I felt that if I didn’t, or couldn’t, come to a decision soon, she was going to make the decision for me. April bit her lower lip ever so softly. You know that kind of bite, the kind that women around the world know how to do that drives men crazy. I swallowed hard and tried to speak again. “April you are without a doubt the most attractive woman I have ever met. Having you as a roommate has felt so cliché all this time just because of how drop dead gorgeous you look. I don’t think you have the slightest idea of how horny I’ve felt the last several weeks living here with you.”

April’s eyes sparkled and her cheeks turned a faint rosy red as she blushed. Her fingertips immediately jumped a full two inches higher with their circling.

“There’s just something that I have to tell you, and I really don’t want to scare you or worry you or ruin this before it’s even begun,” I sighed softly. What a horrible way to kill the mood right? As I slowly tried to explain my situation, the struggle of masturbation, the time it took me to orgasm, her fingertips stopped their circling. She didn’t move her hand away, but I could tell right away that she’d switched back to at least partial “nurse mode”. She nodded during my explanation, even asking a few follow-up questions. She removed her hand from my thigh and I felt a sense of dread hit the pit of my stomach like a gunshot. “Way to go! You royally screwed that up,” I thought to myself. April slowly got up on her knees on the couch and leaned over towards me. Her hands tenderly cupped my face on either side, and pulled me closer for a soft but brief kiss.

“Bill you sweet adorable handsome man,” April softly said. “First I want you to realize how much I appreciate your willingness to open up to me and tell me about your issues. Secondly, I’m very flattered about how you feel towards me. I think we could have been having some fun with each other ages ago!” she exclaimed. “I am still absolutely going to help you take care of your situation. In fact, the expression of your feelings towards me have not only increased my desire for you personally, but your condition has also peaked my professional nursing side as well!”

“April that’s fantastic! I just wanted to be upfront and honest with you.”

“Honesty always gets rewarded in the end you know.” April swung one leg over my lap and went from her kneeling on the couch position to straddling my lap. Her hands slid down from where they were at my face, her long subtle fingers tracing down the side of my neck, stopping against my chest. “From what you’ve told me about what it takes to make you climax, and given how you’ve said you’ve felt like you’ve had blue balls for the last three weeks. Would you consider yourself sufficiently edged?”

“I would absolutely agree with that statement. Even when I would edge myself it never felt this bad. My balls have felt like they’ve been in a vice for weeks now. And you walking around in such tiny panties… those thin crop tops… your nipples poking out… pierced… your tan skin… hips… neck… your ass swaying as you walk around…” I had started to ramble and squirmed beneath her.

“Shhhhhh…” she said as she leaned forward and kissed me softly and far too briefly yet again. “You’ve had it pretty rough haven’t you? I can tell.” She looked down at my chest. “I’m sorry Bill. I didn’t know. I simply didn’t know. We got along so well, and our talks never ventured into any sort of sexual nature. I thought you just saw me as a friend, and my dress, or lack thereof,” she chuckled, “didn’t affect you at all. Of course knowing what I do now I completely understand why you chose to avoid sexual topics altogether. But I’ll fix it. I’ll make things right!”

With her hands firmly on my chest, she pushed out and her shapely ass started to slide downwards across the tops of my legs. She shifted each leg back one at a time, moving herself further away from me. With another push she slid off my lap, her legs also coming off the couch to kneel between my legs. Those cute French tip nails moved from my chest to my sides, lightly scratching my skin through my shirt as she pulled her hands down my sides. Her fingers hooked into the waistband of both my shorts and boxers and she grabbed a hold with a firm grip.

“Last chance to back out,” she smirked upwards at me.

“Not in a million years!” I exclaimed, trying not to sound too eager. My balls were aching, and my cock had been rock hard since the beginning of dinner. All it took was a lift of my hips, and with one strong continuous pull April pulled down both my sport shorts and boxers all the way to my ankles. My stiff cock bobbed upwards, free from the imprisonment of my clothing. The shock of her move took me aback.

“Kind of like removing a band-aid, I find that sometimes it’s best to just yank things off and get right down to the heart of a situation,” April mirthfully said. Not even bothering to remove my shorts and boxers from around my ankles, she pushed my knees apart and wedged her gorgeous body closer between them. “Now let’s get a good look at what we’re dealing with here!”

I’m not going to lie and say that my cock is a foot long and as big around as a beer can, that’s just silly. But I will say that it is definitely above average. Now arguably I haven’t had a lot of female input about it given my aforementioned sexual issues. I’d been with a few women in college, but once they discovered how much effort it took on their part to get me off, let’s just say they never tried more than once, if they even managed to succeed in the first place. Oh sure they loved the fact that I could fuck them seemingly forever, but my inability to orgasm easily drove me crazy. The frustration became so much for me that I decided it wasn’t worth the hassle, so I’d stopped dating and started avoiding sexual stimulation as much as I could.

“Yes this will do! This will do quiet nicely,” April licked her lips and moaned appreciatively. She paused for a moment, thoughts running through her head. Her head cocked to the side and she asked, “So logically if it’s difficult for you to orgasm through masturbation, does the same hold true for…” she trailed off. I could immediately tell from the look in her eyes as she gazed upwards at me from between my knees what she was thinking.

“Yes, I can ‘go all night’ if that’s what you’re getting at,” I sighed. “But it practically kills me. The pain that builds in my balls and never stops makes me want to avoid sex!”

“Good to know, good to know,” she said as she licked her lips again. “Don’t worry Bill, you’re not going to suffer any more, not while I’m around. I think there’s some more exploration and learning that we need to do together to get to the bottom of your situation, but let’s focus on the immediate concern at the moment. Which would be your fucking beautiful cock! I mean wow Bill good for you!”

She reached behind her head and pulled the scrunchie off of her hair, letting it cascade down her back. Then she took the scrunchie, doubled it up and for the first time touched my throbbing aching cock. Electricity shot through every nerve ending of my being. She deftly slid the scrunchie over my cock, and pulled my balls through the loop as well. My body didn’t know what to think. There was no foreplay, no soft caresses, just her quick, simple, and immediate action of grabbing my cock and slipping the scrunchie around it. Her head turned back and forth as her eyes scanned the room, looking for something.

“Ah there it is,” she said as her eyes locked onto her bottle of hand lotion sitting on the coffee table. She leaned backwards, grabbing it, then returning to her original position between my spread knees. My cock hadn’t stopped bobbing in time with my heart beat since she’d freed it what seemed like a lifetime ago. “I usually use something a bit more slippery with most guys, but this will work on short notice.”

I blinked in response. I hadn’t even really thought about whether or not April was dating other guys, or even in a relationship currently. It just had never come up before. We’d always had other things to talk about. I started to wonder if I was a bad friend for never asking? As April squirted a generous dollop of lotion into one hand, she looked up at my puzzled expression.

“I see the gears turning in there. Don’t think too much about that right now. I’m open to talking about my relationships more later, but just know that I wouldn’t be doing what I’m going to be doing right here right now with you if I was involved with anyone currently.”

She rubbed the palms of both hands together, warming up the lotion, bits of it oozing from between her fingers. With a toss of her head to try to get her hair back behind her, she reached out with both hands towards my still throbbing cock. Her two hands, one above the other, closed slowly around my cock. I let out a deep breath I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding as the sensation of her slippery hands starting to glide up and down my shaft travelled through the nerves of my cock, all the way up to my brain. Her stroke wasn’t fast, nor was it slow, it was… determined if one could even call that a speed. My brain told me it was, because that’s sure what all my senses were telling me. As she continued to stroke, she bit her lip again and her voice took on a slow, sexy, sultry, raspy tone.

“We’re jumping into the deep end of the pool together. We know so little about each other sexually. Other than your condition.” While she spoke, both her hands continued sliding up and down my shaft. The top of her right hand would go over the head of my cock, and so a small twist as it went back down again. Consistent speed, consistent motion. Determined. “I definitely want to learn everything about you. What turns you on, what triggers your balls to ache the most? But we’ll get to that in time. We’ll stick with the basics to start with. First off, do you like dirty talk?”

My mouth had gone dry again, my chest rising and falling as I gasped from the sensation of her hands stroking me. I could only nod my head vigorously.

“I’m glad,” she purred. “I love talking dirty. I love being dirty. I love stroking big hard cocks like yours. I won’t give up, I won’t stop.” Her hands continued their same pace, stroking my member up and down, slippery, steady, constant. ” I. Will. Make. You. Cum.” Each word was punctuated with each firm downward stroke. “I will drain you. I will empty your balls. I will milk that cum out of you.” Her face took on a more harsh, less playful, but still incredibly sexy look. “I will become, your milking nurse.”

-Chapter 3-

“I will become your milking nurse,” April repeated. As I closed my eyes, the rhythmic squelching sound of her hands sliding up and down my hard shaft permeated my brain. Her technique was different than what other women had tried on me in the past. Typically they’d start off slow, then get faster and faster, expecting me to spurt my hot juicy cum all over their petite little hands so they could ohh and ahh and giggle at what excellent cock strokers they were. But with my… problems… once they reached the fast stroking stage, their giddiness turned into confusion, then annoyance, then exhaustion as their hands, arms, or even mouths got tired and they gave up. Of course they usually blamed it on me. Am I not sexy enough for you they would ask me? What’s wrong with you? I’d tried to explain to a few of them, but they never listened. They just didn’t care. It was too much effort. So they left, and I ached, and I stopped trying as well.

But with April, this was different. This was… actually working? She had listened first. She understood the situation. This wasn’t a race, this was a marathon. Deep down, she cared about me? She was willing, no, she was eager to go the distance. She continued to look into my eyes as both her hands worked their way up and down, up and down my throbbing shaft. That little twist of a wrist as her hand popped over the head before the return trip back down again. A faint sheen of sweat began to appear all over her face and chest. Her deep cleavage, a valley of pleasure between her large breasts, became touched with highlights from the combination of sweat and flashes from the TV. She grinned as she recognized where my gaze was focused, on the bouncing undulations of her breasts as her hands continued their methodical pounding.

“Ahhh so are you a tit man Bill?” she questioned me. “You did mention my nipples earlier. Yes they’re pierced, but you already knew that. I do love how my big tits make my crop tops stretch. The thin fabric makes my hard pointy nipples hard to ignore doesn’t it?”

Her voice and choice of words was definitely driving me closer and closer to the edge. I could feel it slowly, but steadily approaching. My hands moved down by my hips to grip at the couch cushion. My back arching, my hips beginning to push up to meet the thrusting of her hands. But still she continued her steady determined pace. I was mesmerized. Was she actually going to make me cum?

“Yes, I love staring at your tits,” I shyly confessed. “You don’t know how hard I try to conceal it, but my eyes get drawn right to your amazing nipples every time you walk past me.”

“And just think,” she quietly said while her hands gripped the littlest bit tighter, “you haven’t even actually seen them uncovered yet. In fact, all the skin you see exposed on me right now is probably all the skin you’ve ever seen so far. Well don’t worry Bill, that will change. You will get to see, and feel, all of me.”

“Oh April… I… I want to see you naked so badly!”

“We’ll get there, we’ll get there. This will not be a one time thing, at least I don’t want it to be. I said before and I’ll say it again, I want to learn all there is to know about you. You have no idea how kinky I can be Bill. You know I’m a nurse, but we’ve never talked a whole lot about the sorts of clinical trials I’m involved in working with at the hospital.”

The ache from my balls had begun to spread upwards into the rest of my body. I could feel myself getting closer to that cliff’s edge of an orgasm. Still her steady stroking never ceased. Never faster, never slower, just that same firm grip, up and down, up and down. This method was touching something deep inside of my soul, and it was responding with approval.

“Oh yes April… I can feel it! Just a little more!” But her pace remained the same. I had expected her to quicken her strokes, to dash towards the finish line, but no, that same measured disciplined up and down, up and down. My hips started to tremble. “April this is it!” I shouted.

Then all of a sudden her strokes stopped! My heart skipped a beat, a shock went through my entire body. No! Why would she stop? I thought we understood each other? After two heart beats, her stroking resumed their same tempo.

“April.. why? Please don’t stop! This is working!” My hips started to buck along with the trembling. Up and down, up and down. And then a sudden stop again! “Noooo please! April… please… please… please!! I’m begging you.. don’t stop… don’t stop… I need this please!” I blubbered, my hands gripping and release, gripping and releasing their hold on the couch cushions, my knuckles going white. Again her hands resumed. All the while her eyes stared into my soul, watching me, my reactions, my responses. Up and down, up and down.

“Cum for me Bill. Cum hard for me. Coat my hands. Explode. Do it. I want it. Cum for your milking nurse.”

The dirty talk, her hands, her looks, her attitude, her caring, her… soul? it all just worked. My eyes clenched shut, my hips thrust upwards one last time, and I exploded. I started cumming, and cumming, and cumming. Her hands never stopped. That same miraculous stroking, that firm grip, now milking the cum up and out of my cock shaft. Finally as my hips sank back down into the couch her stroking stopped. She slowly released her grip on my cock, and I opened my eyes.

“Oh my god I am soooo sorry!” I shouted as my eyes adjusted and focused on April. She was literally drenched with cum! There was a large patch of cum starting above her left eyebrow, spreading down over her left eye which was of course closed. Drips of cum were starting to run off the end of her nose as one blast had gotten her directly there. Another huge splurt was covering her right cheek. It didn’t stop there, several pools of cum were all over her chest, and it was already starting to slide down between her massive cleavage. April began to laugh.

“Bill I’m not going to lie, that was amazing!” April gleefully squealed. She continued laughing as she leaned towards the end table at the side of the couch, reaching for the box of tissue. As she started to clean my cum out of her eye she said, “I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but holy shit are my arms going to be sore in the morning.”

“Yeah I’ve heard that a few times,” I laughed.

“Sorry about that little surprise stop-and-go there at the end, but I was taking a calculated risk. We’re still learning things about each other, and I had a hunch, so I took a gamble and I was right!”

“And what exactly did you learn?” I asked.

“You like begging. You like not being in control, don’t you?” she asked as she playfully patted my knee. Her fingers swirled around the pool of cum gathering in her cleavage, gathered some up, and she brought them up to her mouth. Staring deep into my eyes, she put her fingers in her mouth, wrapped her voluptuous lips around them, and sucked the cum off. “And, you taste amazing! Now I feel bad for wasting so much in the tissues! Oh, more for you to learn about me I guess, I love the taste of cum. And I can already tell that yours is going to be as addictive as fuck!”

I leaned further back against the couch, my shorts and boxers still hanging around my ankles, unsure whether or not I was in a dream, or if this just really happened. After that first taste of cum, April got busy scooping up as much off of her body as she could and devouring it. She looked back at me, back down at my cock, opened her mouth wide and with one fell swoop sucked the entire length in her mouth. Definitely a dream right? She gave just one solid suck, and slid her mouth up and off, cleaning all the cum off.

“Tastes funny mixed with lotion, but at this moment I don’t care, I had to taste it. Now I feel a little ashamed, and embarrassed,” April said quietly. “Have things changed? They have haven’t they? Did I freak you out? Did I fuck things up? I fucked things up didn’t I.”

I reached down and lifted April back up onto my lap. I put one hand behind her head, and pulled her in for a long, deep, soul searching, passion filled kiss. We kissed for several minutes. No more of those short brief kisses, this was full on tongue involved curl your toes passion. I pulled back and looked up at her.

“No, you didn’t freak me out. No you didn’t fuck things up.” I began to gently massage her arms. “I am sorry though that your arms got a bit sore, but I can’t express to you enough how much better I feel right now. I don’t want this to be a one-and-done type thing either, and I would…” I blushed, “I would love for you to be my milking nurse.”

April let out a good chuckle and then melted into my arms.

“There’s still a lot for each of us to learn about each other,” she said softly. “As for my soreness, there’s ways around that!”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, remember those clinical trials I mentioned? What have you heard about… male milking machines?”

-Chapter 4-

April was still straddling my lap on the couch, her knees up next to my hips, her body laying against my chest, her head resting on my shoulder. The show on TV had long been forgotten. I casually ran my hands up and down her back, and then finally approaching her sweet ass that I’d also been secretly ogling for weeks. Her tight panties left nothing to the imagination back there, each cheek fully exposed to the world. I let my hands cup each cheek, my little fingers finding the cleft below each one, sliding into the crease and holding her butt firmly to my lap. She sighed with content. I still felt as if this were a dream, unable to believe that I was actually finally touching April like this. Unable to believe how hard she had just made me cum.

I considered what to say next about her topic of male milking machines. Yes, I had researched them, but how best to tell her that? It had seemed like a reasonable solution for my situation of requiring an enormous amount of continues stimulation in order to finally orgasm. However several things stood out to me as rather large downsides.

First was the cost. I made an above average living, and would happily shell out several thousand dollars on computer gaming parts. Maybe it was my upbringing, being harped at about fiscal responsibility by my parents that made me balk at spending several hundreds of dollars on a sex toy. It had just become easier, not to mention cheaper, to avoid sex and sexual situations.

The second issue was the problem of me being alone, not romantically involved with someone I mean. April’s instincts had been right on the nose. Deep down I did like to be teased, to be edged, to not be the one in control. And fulfilling those sorts of kinks is damn near impossible to accomplish alone, even with an expensive sex toy milking machine. Sure there were dominatrix you could pay, but that went back to issue number one about the cost, not to mention the legality.

I decided to just go with the honest approach. After all, hadn’t being upfront and honest with April led to the without a doubt, undisputed, most intense, longest, and strongest orgasm I had ever had in my entire life? Yes, yes it had.

“April, it’s fair to say that yes I’ve looked into male milking machines before. I feel a bit embarrassed to tell you that, but I have.”

April stayed snuggled close against me, her arms wrapped tightly around my chest. She turned her head a little so her mouth was closer to my ear.

“Bill, please don’t feel embarrassed. Honesty goes a long way with me, a long way. I’ve always cared for you. It started out as great friendship, being roommates and everything. Deep down I did wish it could have been more, and I’m beyond ecstatic that we’ve now crossed into that territory. I always wondered why you never went out on any dates, but I totally get it now. I’m not ashamed to tell you that my level of caring for you has grown immensely. Not just on a personal level, but professional as well. I understand now how much you’ve been hurting, and I want to help in any way I can.” Her teeth nibbled gently on my earlobe. “And you’ve seen just a glimpse of how helpful I can be!”

I grinned and closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation of her teeth nibbling my ear, and her soft sensual voice.

“So yeah, I’ve researched them a bit, but always hated the cost. Plus they seemed, less than ideal for solo play. Your hunch was right, I think I do like to be dominated a bit. I’m not sure to what extent though. I tried not to think about it too much because dwelling on it got me horny and frustrated, which would then turn into a multi-hour ordeal just to get myself off to relieve that stress.”

“What about bondage? Since it sounds like you enjoy giving up control, do you think you’d also like to be tied down? Unable to squirm? Unable to… touch me?”

“Ummm… yeah I think that sounds interesting as well.” I could feel my cheeks redden as I blushed. I just kept telling myself… honesty, be honest, don’t hold back. This has to be a dream so why not just go all out and reveal everything? “It turns me on quite a bit I think. I’d always thought about what it would be like to combine a lot of my kinks together. Some bondage, being tightly bound and restrained, unable to wiggle in the slightest. My hard cock and swollen balls on display, ready to be touched and teased. A strong dominant sexual woman in charge, controlling everything. Maybe she’d use a milking machine on me, which would completely remove the problems of sore muscles. People get tired, machines don’t.

“I’m such a contradiction April. I don’t even understand myself. I like to orgasm, who doesn’t, but it takes me so much work to cum, so I avoid sexual stimulation. But yet, I crave it. Deep down I want to be teased. I want to be edged. I want to be driven to that brink of insanity of being so sexually frustrated that I turn into a drooling mess. I want a dormant woman in charge of it all. I don’t want her to deny me forever, I really don’t feel like I’m into anything long term like that. But in the moment, in the scene, I want her to inflict sexual suffering on me, and I want her to keep me there at least for a little while, and then when she decides, to take me over that cliff and make me explode. You made me explode April, like nobody has before. I want that again. I crave that feeling like nothing else.”

The room grew deathly still. The only faint sound was our breathing, our bodies moving in unison as our breath fell into sync. Then April’s body started to… shudder? A gentle shaking at first, that grew stronger, and then stronger. Was she… no surely not. Not after what I just shared with her.April then burst out with a roar of laughter as her voice caught up to the laughter of her body. April leaned away from me and I grew suddenly worried looking up at her to see tears streaming from her eyes.

“Oh Bill! That’s me! That’s me Bill!” Tears continued to fall from her cheeks as her hands tightly squeezed my face, lowering her head down to kiss me firmly and deeply. “You described my kinks, wants, and desires so completely that I’d accuse you of reading my diary if I kept one! Those are all things I’ve done. Those are all things I love to do! Things I would love to do with you and to you!”

My heart resumed beating and I caught my breath. This all seemed too good to be true. The way April had made me feel when I climaxed was like a drug, and I wanted more.

“Why did we never talk about this before?” I asked, as a tears started to form in my eyes. I don’t tend to get too overly emotional, but I was laying my soul bare here, and April was accepting everything. We seemed to be a perfect match. I decided to go for broke. “April, could I… please… see your tits?”

That triggered another few minutes of deep laughter in April, that quickly spread to me as well.

“Yes Bill, you can see my tits!” April happily exclaimed. She leaned back a bit further on my lap, and crossing her arms in front of her grabbed the bottom hem of her tight white crop top in each hand. With one quick motion she yanked the top off and over her head. “Off like a band-aid!” No slow reveal, no bouncing titty drop, just one second there was a top, and then there was none.

She put both her arms behind her back and thrust her chest out, as if presenting her glorious breasts for inspection. And yes, they were glorious. Soft tender skin, the faint hint of fading tan lines. Average sized areola the color of a strong mocha. The generous curve of the sides of her breasts lent such a pleasing view to the eye. But those nipples. My god those nipples. Firm, hard, thick nipples stood out proudly from their resting places. Through each one was a gold colored barbell. For some reason I could never explain, nipple piercings drove me crazy, and April’s were definitely doing just that.

I placed my hands on either side, and slid them slowly from the outside towards the underside, my thumbs every so lightly centered over the tip of each nipple. Lifting her breasts in unison, I gave them both a firm squeeze. Way more than a handful, but exactly how I liked them. Unable to resist, I lowered my mouth onto her right nipple and began sucking and nibbling with my teeth at the tender flesh. April’s back arched as she gasped for breath.

“Oh shit Bill!” she shouted.

My mouth moved to her left nipple, giving it the same treatment as its twin. Having a hunch myself, I reached one arm around behind her back, wrapping my hand around both her wrists which were still crossed behind her back. I pulled outward and downward with a small but firm tug. Her eyes shot open.

“Bill! Oh fuck!”

My mouth continued its assault on her pointed nipples. The tip of my tongue flipping back and forth over the tip of the nipple, tonguing the end of each barbell up and down on each side, pressing firmly on the tip, circling broad circles around the outer edge only to repeat the pattern again. Her hips began to gyrate on my lap, her wrists still trapped behind her back. Her moaning intensified.

“Oh fuck. Oh FUCK. Ohhhhh FFFUUUCCCCKKK!”

I released her hands, removed my mouth from its current nipple target and leaned back in the couch, grinning from ear to ear at her.

“Bill you naughty and very clever boy! I thought it might take you a bit longer to realize that sometimes I like to be the submissive one. I have to tell myself that just because you avoid sexual encounters, doesn’t mean you’re a total virgin with zero experience! But we’re still getting to know each other, let’s focus on just one aspect of our relationship at a time ok? But holy SHIT did that get my kitty purring if you know what I mean! What we did earlier certainly got me turned on, and so did your confessions of wanting to be teased, edged, dominated and milked. But even if you only sometimes end up wanting to be in control of the situation? Holy SHIT Bill we are going to be fucking EXPLOSIVE together!

“But like I said, let’s just focus on one side of the equation to start with. And that would be with me, in charge of you. Now, this might sound a little weird, what with me having stroked you off, you having blasted weeks of cum all over my face and tits, me eating some of your cum, deep throating your still hard cock to clean and swallow the leftover cum off,” she continued to ramble on non-stop, “and you finally getting to see, feel, and suck on my tits… But I REALLY need to cum myself. And now Bill, here comes the weird part. You ummm…” she bit her lip. “You can’t watch.”

“Can’t watch? What do you mean? Are you embarrassed or something? Surely not after everything that we’ve just shared together.”

“No no it’s not like that at all. This is me, make that us, starting down the road of me being in charge, and in control, of you. I’m not saying that you will never see me get off or help me get off. Shit Bill I can hardly wait for you to get me off! No this is about the beginning of me fulfilling your deepest desires. Your need to be controlled, teased, edged.” She leaned forward, her heavy bare breasts pressing against my chest as she whispered into my ear. “Your need to be milked. My need to milk you. This is me, teasing you. Building that frustration back that we just took care of.” She leaned back and got off of my lap, which immediately felt cold, her warmth having felt so natural, so comforting. “I’m going to my room for just a moment, you wait right here. Or feel free to get up and stretch, get a drink, do whatever. I’m going to my room and I’m going to pull out my strongest vibrator, and Bill, as fucking horny as I’m feeling right now, I bet I’m going to be cumming my brains out within seconds after I start. I’m sure you’ll hear me, because since everything is out in the open now between us I’m definitely not going to be covering my mouth like I usually have to do.”

“You’ve been getting off in your room all this time?” I asked amazed. “But the heads of our beds share the same wall.”

“Duh! That’s why I’ve had to cover my mouth all this time! I get horny Bill, oh so horny. You’ll soon come to learn just how horny I get. But our friendship was never at that point where we talked about sex, so I considered it rude to make noises, so I covered my mouth. But no need to do that now is there. My pussy is literally dripping Bill. Look, there’s actual honest to god drops on the floor from where I’m standing back to the couch that’s how fucking horny and wet I am right now. I’m going to take care of myself like I said. The door will be closed, no peaking! But you can, and will. Hear. Everything!”

With that she darted into her room, leaving her white crop top still laying crumpled on the floor in front of me. Cum stains all over the front were visibly starting to dry. Wow, I really did blast her good didn’t I? I heard her door shut. I stood up, and pulled up my shorts and boxers that had still been around my ankles. Well I might as well get myself cleaned up.

I decided to take a shower while April was, occupied with herself. The bathroom was across the hall from April’s room. I couldn’t count how many times I’d seen her dart across the hall from the bathroom to her room and vice versa with nothing but a towel wrapped around her sensuous body. The towel never seemed to go low enough on her frame, and her ass cheeks were always peeking out the bottom. Even though it pained my balls greatly, I never got tired of watching those cheeks zip back and forth. April’s door was shut just as she said. I didn’t hear anything yet, but she’d only just gone in there a few minutes ago.

I figured I might as well leave the bathroom door open, and just as I stepped into the shower, I heard a loud buzzing from her room, followed by her faint voice saying, “Oh fuck. Oh fuck.” I paused for a moment, half in and half out of the shower, listening closer. Her volume increased. “Ohhh fuck. Ohhh fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!” Not fifteen seconds later a scream followed, “OHH FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKKKK!!!” What followed was a constant loud stream of, “OH FUCK”s and “FUCK FUCK FUCK”s. Sometimes her voice sounded pleading, sometimes commanding, sometimes it trembled, but again just those same phrases. I found it a little strange, all women are different after all, but one thing was certain. April was cumming, and she was cumming HARD! It was hard to tell from the constant stream of expletives if she was having strong and powerful back to back orgasms, or if she was just having one long continuous orgasm. In either case, it sounded like she was having a great time.

I looked down at my cock, already hard again. The sounds from April’s room were causing me to begin to feel at least a little bit of sexual tension building, just like she knew would happen. I stepped the rest of the way into the shower. April’s cries of “OH FUCK” continued for what had to be at least fifteen minutes. By the time I was done with my shower, she’d already stopped. All sounds from her room gone. I dried off, wrapped the towel around myself, stepped out of the bathroom and knocked gently on her door.

“Everything OK in there April?”

“Terrific Bill,” came the soft muted reply. “I am A-Okay wonderful yup yup indeed.”

“Are you really sure you’re OK? You don’t sound like yourself.” I said concerned.

“Don’t worry Bill, I’m just very very very cum drunk. Cum drunk. Yup. I came Bill. I fucking came a LOT. A LOT a lot. Yup. But I’m OK. I just can’t get up, or stand, or move. I’m made of rubber Bill. I’m a rubber maid! Kind of like a milk nurse but different!” She started laughing madly. How many orgasms did she have??? I could hear her take a deep breath to try to clear her head. “Really all good Bill, please don’t come in. I can hear you’re concerned, but I don’t want you to see me in this condition. I’m supposed to be the one in charge, at least for now. If you were to come in and see me in this state, it would set back my training plans for you by a lot. You’d probably want to start touching me and licking me and nibbling on me, and I would let you Bill. I would totally let you do that. I want you to do that to me Bill, but not now, not tonight. Not for a while Bill.

“We need to focus on one thing at a time, and like I said, we’re focusing on me being in control of you and controlling your orgasms. I am your milking nurse and you are my patient. So just let me get some sleep, and we’ll talk about everything in the morning. If you were any other guy I’d tell you that you’re not permitted to make yourself cum, but I know how difficult that can be for you, so I don’t think you’d go through the bother. But don’t Bill. Your orgasms are now mine.

“But I think I’m starting to understand how your mind and your imagination works, so I want you to consider this as you go to sleep tonight. At the hospital, we had clinical trials involving male reproductive health. As part of those trials, we had access to milking machines, such as the Serious Kit Milking Machine. I’m sure you’ve researched them before. But the trials are over, and that equipment is just sitting there unused. So tomorrow I’m going to go into work, and bring one home with me. I’m also going to bring home a bunch of Segufix patient restraints. We’ve got just tons of them at the hospital and nobody will mind if I borrow some. I want you to look them up, and just imagine how I’m going to restrain you down to your bed with them, and then put that Serious Kit milker to work on your hard needy cock.

“But now I need to sleep Bill. I came so many times. So many times…” her voice faded out.

I pulled back my hand that had been resting on her doorknob.

“Good night April. I’ll look into those, and do some thinking like you’ve asked. Thank you April, for everything.” I still couldn’t decide if this was reality or not, but I did know that I could hardly contain my excitement for tomorrow.

-Chapter 5-

I had a very difficult time getting to sleep that night. My mind kept replaying the events of the evening over and over. I had opened up to April, my roommate, telling her everything about my sexual… dysfunction? Sexual problem? Some women would probably call it a gift. Sexual curse seemed closer to the truth. My problem was that it took an inordinate amount of time to bring myself to climax. So much time that most women gave up, but not April, not last night.

April had not only risen to the challenge, she’d fully embraced it. Not only that, she was going to try to help me find a more permanent solution. Maybe a cure? Who knows. But what I did know was that finally getting to see her gorgeous breasts, to feel her hands gliding up and down my hard cock, listening to her dirty sex talk, all those things had made me explode like never before.

I’d shared some of my deepest hidden desires with her, and she not only accepted them, she matched with them. She too had admitted not only her attraction for me, but that she enjoyed doing the kinky activities that I’d only been able to fantasize about. We connected with each other, more deeply than I could have ever imagined.

And then she had given me some research to look into, after she had almost melted her own brain getting herself off for almost 15 minutes straight. Damn I wish I could have seen that instead of just hearing her. Segufix patient restraints and the Serious Kit Milker. Well I already knew quite a bit about the milker, having considered purchasing one in the past but deciding it was far too expensive. The Segufix I hadn’t heard of, but a quick Google search told me all I needed to know. April had guessed correctly that I had always wanted to try a bit of bondage, and those restraints sure looked like they’d take care of the job. The best part about all of this was that April said she could get both the Serious Kit and a big assortment of Segufix from her hospital for free! Something about some clinical trials for male reproductive health.

A beam of light slapped me across the face, and I groggily rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Something felt different. I felt April’s warm body snuggled up against mine. She must have climbed into my bed at some point during the night. I smiled with pure contentment. Thank goodness it was the weekend. If I would have had to drag myself out of bed to go to work, well let’s just say it would not have been a very productive day for me.

I tried to quietly remove myself from the bed without waking April, but she gave a quiet yawn and placed her arm over my chest.

“No, you stay,” she said trying to suppress a yawn. “Just for a little while longer anyway. I’ve wanted to cuddle and wake up next to your handsome body for longer than I care to admit.”

“I still can’t get over the fact that we both felt this way about each other for so long, and neither of us thought to even try to bring it up.”

“Yup, lot of time wasted that’s for damn sure. But don’t worry, I’m all about making up for lost time,” she said with an evil chuckle. Her hand that was on my chest slipped under the covers, down my chest, across my stomach, and went right for my already stiff cock. I was quickly learning that most things April just refused to take slow. Gripping my shaft with a firm grip, she began to pump up and down ever so slowly.

“Ummm is this a round two from yesterday? Because you know with my condition, I don’t think your arm is going to hold out.”

“No nothing like that Bill, you’re thinking too much in the present. This is me,” her hand stopped its stroking and started to squeeze and release, “teasing you, getting your balls primed so to speak. I know you said how you used to hate getting aroused because it took you forever to cum. But you also said that deep down part of you liked that feeling. That you wanted to be teased, to be edged. To have your orgasms controlled?”

“Well… I guess,” I began to stutter. Her hand continued to squeeze and release, squeeze and release.

“It’s a yes or no question Bill. Do you,” hard squeeze. “Want me,” hard squeeze. “To control,” hard squeeze. “Your orgasms?” followed by an even harder squeeze, which she did not release.

“Yes, please April,” I shyly said, my hips beginning to squirm on the bed beneath her grasp. Her hand released, and she went back to the slow up and down stroking again.

“See Bill that wasn’t difficult was it? Remember, always answer me honestly and truthfully. I don’t want to lose any more time than we already have. So yes, as of right now I am officially taking control of your orgasms. Even though I know you rarely got yourself off, that’s not going to be the case going forward. You will have more orgasms in the next few days than you’ve had in your entire life, I’m going to make sure of it.” The entire time she was talking, her hand continued to stroke me slowly, gently, maddingly. “How are your balls feeling this morning?”

“With what you had me look into last night, and what you’re already doing to me this morning, I can already feel the beginnings of a dull ache in them.”

“Good! We’re right on track then!” She withdrew her hand. “OK we’ve got some big plans today. I need to get over to the hospital to pick up that Serious Kit Milker and those Segufix straps. Oh I also need to do some quick measurements of your cock so I make sure to pick up the right sized receiver for you. I think you’re going to love the one I’m planning on bringing home for you! First though, I need you to get up, go into my room to my dresser, second drawer, and get me the pair of big shorts that are in there.”

“Uh ok? Your legs still rubber?” I snickered as I gently poked her side with my finger.

She giggled, “No Bill, I can’t get up because I’m naked under your covers.”

“You’re naked?” I quickly stopped poking her, stunned into silence. All April had revealed to me last night was her amazing rack and to-die-for pierced nipples. I started to lift up the sheets, but April quickly put her hand down over them to stop me.

“No Bill!” she laughed. “You do not get to see me fully naked yet! All in good time though. After my mind blowing orgasms last night, and I do mean mind blowing. I mean holy shit Bill I have never cum that hard for that long in my entire life. But after that, I woke up and decided that I just had to wake up next to you. I was still fully naked because,” she paused. “Because my pussy was just too damn sore and sensitive to put anything on. It still is. That’s why I’m asking you to go get me my big pair of shorts, that are super loose fitting. I plan on going into the hospital commando!”

“Ok ok I get it,” I chuckled. “Be right back.” I sadly climbed out of bed, looking back at this amazing woman laying there in my bed, her long hair cascading out behind her. She had the sheets pulled up over her tits feigning modesty. I started towards the door but when I got there I paused and turned to look at her again, having to get one more glimpse of her laying there in my bed. She suddenly gave me an evil grin and pulled the sheet down, exposing her huge tits to me.

“These I don’t mind showing you again since you’ve already seen them!” she laughed. “Plus I know how much of a tit man you are, this will just increase the teasing won’t it!” She leaned her head forward and lifted one of her breasts as her tongue snaked out and started flicking across her own nipple.

“Oh yeah, that’s the stuff!” I laughed shaking my head.

“My shorts please. Second drawer,” she snickered.

“Alright I’m going I’m going.” I turned back towards the hallway and walked to her room. I’d only been in her room a few times before, never really having a reason to be in there. I looked between her two dressers. Did she say which one? No she just said second drawer. Oh well I think she kept her clothes in this walnut dresser. I opened the second drawer of the walnut dresser and stared. “Ummm… April? Is this a… female chastity belt?”

“FFFUUUCCCK!!! BILL CLOSE THAT DRAWER RIGHT NOW! I SAID SECOND DRAWER OF THE OAK DRESSER!!!” I heard a mad scramble of bare feet slipping and sliding across the floor. A tornado of blonde hair and white sheets flew into the room. “SHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT!” April slammed her body against the drawer, closing it and nearly severing my fingers in the process. She blew a few quick puffs of air trying to get her hair out of her face as she looked at me with a smile, the sheets from my bed wrapped tightly around her body. “Ummm… hi.”

“Why do you have a…”

“Why do you think Bill?” she asked with an evil grin. I could tell she wasn’t mad at all, just very embarrassed. “You were NOT supposed to see that! We are not ready for that yet. I don’t know how you keep doing it, but you keep trying to skip steps. I am the one in control of you right now, and you were supposed to get me my big shorts from the second drawer of the OAK dresser.”

“You said second drawer of your dresser, you gave no specifications as to the variety of wood of said dresser. So I guessed.”

“So you guessed?” she blew puffs of air again, still trying to catch her breath from her mad dash from my bedroom to hers. Finally she aggressively rubbed her hand back and forth over her face to try to tame her wild hair, obviously feeling very flustered. “Bill I can’t tell if you guessed right or if you guessed wrong,” she laughed again. “Yes, you saw what you saw and that’s all I’m going to say about it right now. If it makes your balls ache just that little bit more knowing about it and what things might be in store for our relationship in the future all the better, but it’s not a topic for discussion right now ok?”

“Yes April, whatever you say,” I smiled at her. I reached out and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her towards me, sheets and all. She responded in kind, and melted into my warm embrace. “It does make me that much more curious about you, and it does make my cock twitch with lust, but I understand. You are in charge of me and my orgasms.” I gave her a tighter squeeze, moved my lips to her earlobe and gave a soft suck. “For now,” I whispered.

I could feel her body shiver and then she let out a squeal of laughter and squirmed out of my arms. “Bill you are so naughty! I love it! I just love it! So your cock is twitching with lust is it? Well then this is as good a time as any to get those measurements done then. Whip it out big boy!”

I rolled my eyes but did as she asked, pulling down my boxers, exposing my hard cock to her. She pulled the sheets tight around her again, then picked up a small fabric tape measure from the top of her dresser. She knelt down, looking at my cock closely. The smallest bead of precum had appeared at the tip of my cock. Never the one to take things slowly, April quickly grabbed my cock and latched her lips around the head. With a strong suck and a flick of her tongue she quickly took care of that little bit of precum.

“Yum yum Bill! Can’t wait for more of that!” She took some quick measurements of the length of my shaft, length of the head, and wrapped the tape measure around shaft to get an overall circumference. “Ok got it all. Boxers up and out you go! I’ve got to get dressed so I can get to the hospital and pick up the supplies!”

Pulling up my shorts, still the littlest bit in shock from feeling her lips sucking so hard on the tip of my cock, I turned to leave.

“Rest up Bill, relax, shower, get some food or whatever. Because when I get back…” she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at me. “It’s milking time!”

-Chapter 6-

I heard the front door fly open, slam shut, and then the rush of footsteps as April dashed through our place looking for me.

“Bill, I’m back!” she called out.

She found me in the kitchen fixing a snack, still moving at a rapid pace she leapt into my surprised arms. Fortunately my hands were empty and I was able to quickly place them under her smooth round ass to support her. She began to kiss me ferociously, her hands sliding all over my face and through my hair. She gripped the back of my head and Frenched me deep and hard. As shocked as I was I responded with gusto. She paused, gasping for air, her hot breath blowing over my ear as she squeezed closer to me.

“It’s milking time Bill,” she whispered breathlessly into my ear. I shiver went through my entire body. “Oh did I touch a nerve? You love it when I talk dirty don’t you. Your milking nurse has returned with supplies, and her patient is long overdue for a critical procedure.” I shivered again, having to take a step back to lean against the counter to steady myself and still hold her up against me. Her hips began to slowly gyrate as she started to grind her pussy against my body. “I’m going to tease you Bill, edge you. You’re going to think it’s the most horrible thing in the world, but you need it. I need it. It’s all part of the procedure, and which one of us is the nurse? That’s right, I am. I know what’s best for you.” Her mouth began to suck hard on my earlobe, interspersed with the nibbling of her teeth. “And what’s best for you,” she said between nibbles, “is for you to suffer.”

I staggered a bit more, my heart rate had increased quite a bit, my cock throbbing in time with every beat. I was both excited, and fearful at the same time. Yes I thought I wanted to be teased, but to suffer? I wasn’t sure what exactly she was getting at there. The grinding of her hips continued a bit longer, before she stopped and jumped down from my arms.

“Ouch! My pussy is still a bit tender from last night. But damn I’m so wet Bill. Walking commando around the hospital in these big shorts? I’ve never done anything like that before, and I’ve done some pretty kinky shit! It made me feel so dirty, I loved it. But anyway, be a dear and run out to my car and bring in the two big boxes. I’m going to go to my room and get ready. Bring the boxes into my room when you come up ok? And be quick Bill, I’m dying to get started. So much lost time to make up for!” She turned and sped off to her room, leaving me a little stunned, and with a faint wet spot on my shirt from where she was grinding against me. Guess she wasn’t kidding about being really turned on.

I went to her car to get the boxes. One had the Serious Kit Milker, a lot of various hoses, and some odd looking cylinders that I recognized as the receivers. The other box was full of assorted Segufix restraints. I’m sure if anyone had seen me carrying two boxes with a raging hardon in my shorts they would have done a double take. Believe me, after that brief interaction with April I was 100% at full attention. So I quickly made my way back to our place, and carried the boxes into April’s room.

“Mmmmm excellent! I’m so excited I’m so excited!!!” April bounced up and down while clapping her hands, her heavy breasts bouncing hypnotically up and down. “Ok set the Serious Kit over there,” she pointed, “and just dump the box of restraints on my bed right here.” She had pulled all the sheets off of her bed, and placed down several large towels. “Yup right there on the towels please. Oh my god I’m so excited!” she shouted as she continued her bouncing. “We are going to have so much fun!”

She moved to the bed, nodding and shuffling the pile of restraints around. She glanced over her shoulder to look at me. “What are you waiting for? Get undressed right now!” Then she quickly got back to work sorting and laying out the restraints on the bed in preparation.

I chuckled, she really was beyond excited for this moment wasn’t she. I had to admit I was too. I could feel my cock already leaking some precum, which I rarely did. It must have been all this increased excitement surrounding April and our growing relationship, so full of possibilities. I stripped down, standing there naked at the foot of her bed, a little unsure of what to do next. It struck me as very strange to have gone from never seeing each other naked in any way, to April only seeing my cock and me her tits just a day ago. April finished what she was doing with the restraints and turned to face me, a huge smile growing on her face.

“Damn Bill, you look goooood!” She sauntered over to me, grabbed my cock with one hand, placing the other on my shoulder, and gave me a deep kiss. Her hand started giving me a few fast strokes, which was a shock in itself because up until now, she had never stroked me with anything other than a slow and steady rhythm. Just as soon as she had started, she stopped. “Ok enough of that for now, on the bed on your back please. Quick quick quick!” She gave me a hard push towards the bed.

“OK ok I’m going keep your pants on!”

“No chance in hell of that mister,” April laughed.

Feeling slightly awkward and embarrassed, I crawled up on her bed over the restraints she had placed and laid down on my back. Everything seemed to be moving so fast, but deep down I was loving it. April looked me up and down again, licking her lips and wiggling her eyebrows. Then she proceeded to hook me into the Segufix restraints. My gosh there were a lot of them! My arms were pulled out to the side away from my body and attached to a strap across the bed. Straps went across the upper part of my thighs, also attached to a strap across the bed. Same for a belt across my waist, my ankles, my shoulders. By the time she was done, I could barely wiggle. I felt so exposed, so vulnerable. My cock had become even more firm, a line of precum leaked out and was slowly oozing down my shaft.

“Ahh free lubrication,” April snickered, her fingertip catching the precum at the bottom, gliding up my cock, and swirling around my cock head, coating it with a faint sheen of wetness. My cock bounced and I gasped at the sensation.

“Alright let’s get started shall we?” April’s voice had taken on that deep, lustful, sultry tone that sent tingles up my spine and up to the very tip of my cock. “I will be your milking nurse. I control your orgasms. When they happen, how they happen, even if they happen. Make no mistake, you will be teased. You will be edged. You will be tortured with pleasure. And throughout it all. You. Will. Be. Milked.

“I’ll be keeping notes, charting your progress. Procedures will change to make things more efficient. More difficult for you. To take your sexual frustration to heights you’ve ever experienced before. This might sound like a bad thing for you, but trust me. Bad things for you, mean good things for me. And good things for me, means good things for you. See how that works?” She leaned over me on the bed and started to slowly stroke my cock. “Let me phrase this another way. If you don’t experience the sour, how can you appreciate the sweet? Seeing you tied up like this, gets me so turned on. Thinking about what I’m about to do to you in just a few moments doubles that. Oh Bill, you have no idea how much shit you just got yourself into!”

While April was talking, my cock continued to twitch, and leak, and the ache in my balls began to intensify. She was turning me on so much with her dirty talk that I knew she was right, I was in for one hell of a ride. My lips smacked, mouth dry.

“Could I get a drink before we start please?” I asked.

“You should have done that before we started,” April chuckled, giving my cock a playful slap. “But of course, a good nurse always gets her patient what they need. I have to mix up some lube for the Serious Kit anyway. So you just stay right there, as if you had any other choice, and I’ll be right back.”

April exited the room leaving me there, alone, secured tightly to her bed with the Segufix restraints. I tried to wiggle just to enjoy that feeling of being bound helpless. It felt amazing. I wiggled a bit more, a bit harder. Damn I really was secured pretty tightly here. I hated to admit it to myself, but being bound like this was already driving me crazy with need.

“Hey take it easy in there you!” April hollered from the kitchen. She came back with a plastic cup with a long bendy straw for me, and a large pitcher of what I assumed was the lube she mentioned. She let me have a quick sip of water. “Ok here’s the receiver we’re going to be using today. It’s the see-through with constriction receiver.” She brought it closer to me so I could see the details. “See your cock goes in this end, and at the other end here is a smaller acrylic constriction ring. The head of your cock gets pulled up through this tighter ring with every pulse of the milker. So every pulse is going to feel like the tip of your rock hard cock is going in and out of a very tight pussy, or through my tight fingers if I were to make a ring with them and just stroke up and down on the head of your cock. The lube drips into the top here whenever a little additional lubrication is needed.”

Haven given me the quick rundown, April got to work setting up the Serious Kit, attaching hoses, plugging it in, and rigging up a suspension system to keep the receiver dangling directly over my cock which was now throbbing uncontrollably. She poured a bit of lube on my cock and gave it a few strokes, making sure the entirety was well lubricated.

“Ok Bill, here we go, are you ready?” she asked, holding the receiver in her hand. I could only nod my head, at a complete loss for words. She lowered the receiver onto my cock gently, then turned the machine on. It whirred to life, the vacuum pump doing its thing, but nothing else happened right away. “Alright I just need to adjust these valves here,” she gave one a twist and I felt my cock being sucked deeper into the receiver. My the head of my cock compressed a little slid through the tight acrylic ring. It popped out the other side. She twisted another valve, and the machine gave a schnik-kunk sound, pulsing the vacuum. The head of my cock squeezed back down through the constriction ring. Two seconds later. Schnik-kunk and the head was pulled back up through the ring. I twitched against the straps. Oh my god this felt amazing! Two seconds. Schnik-kunk. Back down my head went. Two seconds. Schnik-kunk. Pulled up through the ring.

“Holy fucking SHIT April!”

“I know right? I am sooo jealous right now. I kind of wish I had a dick so I could feel what that’s like, because from where I’m standing it looks fucking sexy as hell!” April’s eyes were transfixed on the clear portion of the receiver where every two seconds the head of my cock popped through the tight ring, and then two seconds later disappeared again.

Schnik-kunk Schnik-kunk Schnik-kunk Schnik-kunk Schnik-kunk.

Neither of us said anything, my back arched, or I should say it tried to and utterly failed due to the tight strap across my chest.

“Oh my god my pussy is dripping Bill. I’m literally gushing right now and I’m not even touching myself. I mean I always knew this excited me, but there’s a huge difference between doing this at the hospital for a clinical trial, and doing it to you in my room on my bed. I can’t stand it Bill, you’re going to get to see my pussy. You’re going to see it right now and you’re going to lick it. You’re going to lick my kitty and my clitty and I’m going to cum all over your face.”

Again her level of dirty talk touched me deep inside. The sensations on my cock, and especially the head, were indescribable. April quickly started to strip out of her clothes. I stared at her backside, her ass coming into view, the curve of her huge tits apparent on either side of her petite frame. She turned back around to face me, but kept one hand over her pussy. I raised an eyebrow in curiosity. She just giggled and started to climb up on the bed. She slipped each leg underneath my arms, so she could sit directly on my chest. I stared at her hand in anticipation.

“Are you ready for the big reveal Bill?” she asked in that same sexy sultry whisper. I nodded enthusiastically. She lifted her hand away, and I stared, and I was in awe.

What was not surprising in the least, was that she was totally shaved. At this point I had figured that was a sure bet, no doubt in my mind. The lips of her pussy were full and juicy and glistening with wetness. Curly wavey lips that framed the barest glimpse of a hungry hole that I could tell yearned to be filled. What stunned me to my core, and that I would never have guessed, was that she also had a clit hood piercing, the same color as the barbells in her nipples. A shiny golden ring with a small little ball rested just above her clit. Her clit was also glistening from all the wet juiciness that was emanating from her hungering pussy. She rubbed her fingers across her lips, spreading them tenderly, lifting the ring piercing from her clit, showing me everything. Her fingers quickly became coated with her juices, a faint schlick schlick sound was heard as she moved them over and around. She offered her fingers to me, holding them just before my mouth.

“Like what you see Bill?”

I tiled my head forward and devoured her fingers. I sucked her juices off of them as if I was a man dying of thirst and this was the only wet left in the entire world.

“April I have no words. No words. All I can say is, you are beautiful in every sense of the word.”

She blushed as she withdrew her fingers. “Oh Bill don’t you just say the sweetest things. But your nurse needs you to get to work. I am dying here. I need to cum all over your face. Right. Now.”

“Gladly, but can you make that milker go a little faster first?” It was still pulsing at that same two second rate, and it was starting to really frustrate me. It felt amazing, my head popping up and down through that tight ring, but fuck was it really starting to make my balls ache.

“Not right now Bill. Eat me first, changes later. Eat me. Eat me Bill!” she shouted as she lowered her dripping soaked pussy down onto my face.

I greedily began to run my tongue up and down each side of her dripping pussy lips. Sucking at them, nibbling just every so tenderly, sucking harder and moving my head side to side. More licking, making my tongue a broad paintbrush that painted up and down the center of her opening. My lips trapped her clit piercing and tugged, tongue finding her clit, and the tip flicking side to side. April moaned and gasped above me. In an almost exact repeat of last night, her stream of explicatives began.

“Ohh fuck Bill! Ohhhh fffuuuccckkkk. Fuck fuck fuck!” She started to grind on my face as my mouth and tongue continued to work her pussy over. “FuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK!!!” Her thighs clenched tightly against either side of my head, and she let out one last oddly quiet, “fuck” before her entire body went rigid. I continued to lick and suck and nibble, continuing the exact same rhythm and motion, not changing a thing I was doing. She stopped breathing, she stopped moving, her body still locked frozen. I continued my motions, hungry, thirsty, lapping at her pussy as her juices gushed forth, flooding all over my face.

Finally she drew in a massive breath with one huge gasp, her body giving one last shudder and she dove off of my face to plop next to me. She put one hand on her chest, which was hammering up and down as she struggled to regain her breath. The whole time, the milker continued its maddingly slow pace, sucking the head of my cock up and down through that damn tight ring.

I moved my tongue around my lips, trying to clean off her juices from my face. I guess turnabout is fair play, because my face was drenched, just like I’d drenched her with my cum the other day. I could feel rivers of her juices flow down on both of my cheeks, down my chin, flowing down across my throat.

“That was amazing, I totally needed that. Last night and today, I’ve cum in ways that I have never cum before. This one was strong like last night, but where as last night it was kind of like a continuous series of smaller non-stop orgasms, this was like an atomic bomb orgasm! I felt a huge bang, and then it was like all the air rushed out of me and I froze as the most pleasurable sensations ran all through my pussy and clit. It was fucking powerful! How many other ways can you make me cum Bill?” She moaned sexily into my ear and her fingertips twirled over one of my nipples.

“It was my pleasure to eat such a pretty pussy Nurse April.” I chuckled. My hips had really started to twitch now. I thrashed my head up and down, clenching and unclenching my hands. “But fuck can you please turn up the speed now? This is far too slow and it’s making me crazy!” My hips tried to buck up and down into the receiver to get some kind of faster stimulation, but again those tight Segufix straps held me incredibly still.

“That’s the entire point my dear sweet patient. I’m teasing you remember? Building up that frustration again. And based upon how you’re already begging for me to make it go faster, I’d say it’s working exactly as I’ve planned.”

“Come on April this is crazy. Just a little bit please?” Schnik-kunk. Head through the ring. Two seconds. Schnik-kunk. Head out of the ring.

“Bill, it hasn’t even been 15 minutes yet.”


“It hasn’t, you made me cum fast! And phase 1 still has a long ways to go.”

“Phase 1? What’s phase 1?”

She leaned in close again, her breath hot on my ear. “Driving you insane with the need to cum.” She laughed as she got up off the bed and moved towards the door. Schnik-kunk. Head in. Two seconds. Schnik-kunk. Head out. “But don’t worry, phase 1 only has another hour and 45 minutes to go. I’m going to go jump in the shower! Back in a bit darling!”

Two hours???

Schnik-kunk. Two seconds. Schnik-kunk. Two seconds. Schnik-kunk. Two seconds.

I screamed.

-Chapter 7-

April came running back into the room laughing. “Bill shut up! You’re being way too loud!”

“You don’t have a cock April, you don’t know how this feels. I’m already going insane here!”

“Umm hello! Nurse here! I worked on the clinical trials remember? I have pages and pages of research notes and patient interviews, so I have a pretty good idea of what it feels like. Besides, the insanity doesn’t really kick in until around the 3 hour mark. Actually funny story, there was a point where the graphs diverged. At the slower speeds, like the one you’re on now, patients tended to report feelings of sexual insanity after 4 hours. The patients on the higher speed setting tended to go a little crazy after only 2 hours. So we rounded and wrote down INSANITY >= 3 Hours. And phase 1 for you is only 2 hours on the slow setting, so statistically speaking you have nothing to worry about!”

I blinked in stunned silence. “Surely you’re joking. You’re joking right? You had people locked up with this thing jacking away at their dicks for 4 hours?”

“Ahem! The medical term is milking their dicks, and no of course not. Four hours and 2 hours were just the averages points in time for those speed settings where patients reported insanity! We actually kept the machines running on most patients for a full 8 hours.”

Schnik-kunk. Schnik-kunk. Schnik-kunk.

I began to really thrash against my bonds but they held me firmly down to the bed, the milker unrelenting and firmly still sucking the head of my cock in and out of that tight ring. That oh so snug ring of unrelenting acrylic material. It felt as if April had taken her hand, touched her forefinger and thumb together to make a ring, and was just lightly grazing it up and down the crown of his cock every two seconds.

“April I think I want out of this thing!” I struggled a bit more.

“You bring up an excellent point. We never did discuss safewords did we? You know what those are right?”

“Fuck yes I do April, get this thing off me!”

“Geesh Bill, I’m going to have to make a note of that in your chart. Patient becomes very agitated and verbally aggressive after only 20 minutes on slow speed setting. Anyway, what I recommend is a combination of the words Red, Yellow, and Green. Green is kind of obvious. Yellow is for when you are close to breaking and want me to slow down and give you a moment to catch your breath. Red means ‘STOP! Get me off this crazy ride NOW!’. If you use Red Bill trust me, I will turn everything off and have you out of those restraints so fast it will make your head spin. But that means we stop everything for a full 24 hours. I will do everything I can to make you feel safe and comfortable and to get you back to a normal state of mind. You can’t cheat and say Red to get out of something and then expect to go right back to us playing 5 minutes later, it doesn’t work that way. You have to trust me that I will listen to you when you do use one of those words, but you have to also know that I have to trust you that you’ll only use them when you really and truly mean it.

“Are we clear on that Bill? This is one of the most important things, and I feel a bit ashamed that we jumped right into this without having this discussion ahead of time. But I was weak Bill. I just couldn’t wait to start milking that horny desperate needy cock of yours.”

Well when she said it like that, how could I stay mad at her? “Yes I totally understand and accept what you’re saying. I was going to say Yellow right now, but I think that would be cheating. I know you’re trying to really push me, to tease and torment me. I can keep going, I want to keep going, even though this is driving me crazy!” I thrashed around a bit more, trying to dislodge the milker from my cock but having no effect on it.

April laughed at me and smiled. “That’s my good little patient. Only another hour and 30 minutes to go!” She laughed again, and I just groaned. “Your receiver could probably use a dash of lube right about now as well.” She gave a bulb attached between the receiver and the hanging lube container a couple of squeezes. Several drops of slippery lube dropped down the inside of the receiver and began to coat the head of my cock. The lube made my head shiny and each pop in and out through the ring was like silk gliding over ice.

“Crap April you just made things worse!”

“What exactly made things worse?” she asked with a knowing smile plastered all over her face.

“My cock head is just slipping through that ring with almost no resistance at all now. Before it was starting to drag a bit as it went through, which was giving me a subtle tugging sensation all around my head, enough that I thought I might cum soon. I mean shit it might have still taken another 15 minutes at that rate but at least it was something. But now you just robbed me of that feeling! My head is still popping in and out of that ring over and over but now I can barely feel it happening. Fuck you April! Why would you do that to me?”

April just shook her head and laughed. “Yup, very agitated aren’t you? But I know you don’t really mean what you’re saying. You’re just feeling frustrated, and that’s the whole point remember?” She snuggled up next to me on the bed, placing her lips right against my ear. “Why do you keep forgetting? It’s my job to torture you. I will drive you insane. And then, only when I think you’re ready, will I let you cum. And I won’t just let you cum, I will take your cum, all of it.” Her fingertips traced over my lips as she spoke. “Also here’s a little spoiler for you. When you cum, the milker isn’t going to stop I’m afraid to say. When you cum, that’s when we switch over to phase 2! And I’m not even going to tell you how long phase 2 lasts. It’s going to be so much more fun that way!” And with that she booped my nose with her fingertip and giggled.

April got up from her place beside me, pausing once again to look over my naked form, still bound tightly to the bed with the Segufix straps, the Serious Kit Milker on it’s slow two second pulsing action, and the constriction receiver pulling my now slippery cock head up and down through the tight internal ring. “Just a tiny bit more than an hour left for phase 1,” she said. “I’ve got an idea though to help you pass the time!”

April went over to the walnut dresser and opened the third drawer. “Thank goodness you only got the wrong dresser… and not both the wrong dresser and the wrong drawer.” She rummaged around a little bit, and pulled out a large purple dildo that seemed to be attached to a leather disc and had some long straps on either side. She turned to me, held it up and wiggled it back and forth, causing the large dildo to wobble from side to side.

“Surely you’re not planning on putting that in me are you?” I hesitantly asked.

“Oh no no no, this is for me! Although you will be involved, whether you like it or not. Now open wide.” She advanced on me holding up the contraption to my face. On the backside of the dildo was a rubber mouthpiece which she quickly inserted into my mouth. Then she tucked the straps around my chin and head, securing them with a buckle. I must have looked utterly ridiculous. Secured to her bed, my cock getting milked by a machine, and now with a large purple dildo looking like it was extending up out of my mouth.

I tried to say what the hell is this April, but it came out as, “Whmmphf pfh hepf iff fiff Aphfrl?”

She got my meaning and giggled. “This is for me. This entire process has me so fucking horny, and I’m going to get myself off again. And I’m going to do it by riding your face, and there’s nothing that you can do about it!” She climbed back up so she was straddling my chest again and poured a good amount of lube over the purple dildo. She lifted her hips, and then fully impaled herself on it in one smooth motion.

“MMmmmMMMmMMmmmm!! Shit that feels so good inside of me. God I’m so wet I don’t think I even needed that lube!” She began to slowly rock her hips back and forth, working the dildo slowly in and out of her pussy. I had a perfect view of her amazing pussy lips as they gripped and pulled at the dildo slowly ramming her. She moaned again, arching her back, one arm reaching behind her and to the left grabbing my thigh to steady herself, the other roughly grabbed and squeezed at her breast, her fingers beginning to aggressively squeeze and pinch at the nipple.

She rocked faster and faster, small droplets of her wet pussy juice began to coat my face and cheeks. My eyes were locked onto her clit piercing, watching it start to jiggle and bounce and rub against her clit as the dildo rammed in and out. This was torture. Pure agonizing torture. I couldn’t move, my balls had long since become unbearably painful, the milker continued at it’s fucking slow 2 second interval. And now on top of all that, the most gorgeous woman in the world to me was riding a dildo attached to my face, and I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t touch her, and I ached to touch her lithe tanned body all over. I couldn’t taste her, and having just experienced that earlier I knew I was already addicted to wanting to make her squeal as I ate her out.

“FUCK FUCK FUCK!” April cried out. “Knowing how much this is torturing you turns me on so much Bill. But I have another little secret. You know how I said phase 1 will last for 2 hours, and phase 2 starts after you cum? Well I didn’t really tell you the whole truth. While yes that’s all true and good, there may be a few more steps in between those points.” She grunted as she continued to buck her hips faster on the dildo and my face.

“Phase 1.A mmMMmmMmm FUCK.” Faster and faster her hips moved. “Phase 1.B…. Phase 1.C…. Oh GOD!! You still won’t be cumming for a loooooong time! HHHhhnnNNnnNnnGGGGG!!!” April then began to squirt all over the dildo and my face. Her body violently shuddered above me and streams of her pussy juice gushed around the dildo, flowing all over my mouth and face.

April screamed as orgasm after orgasm wracked her body again and again, a single tear formed in my eye. My balls were burning with cum, my cock as hard as steel. What had I gotten myself into?

-Chapter 8-

With one last primal grunt, April climaxed one last time upon the dildo that was strapped to my face.

Hundreds of small tremors coursed through her body as she slid off of my face, and collapsed to the side. Her eyes were closed tightly and her arms fell loose at her sides. Aftershocks caused the occasional spasms that would ripple all across her body from the epicenter that was her still soaking and dripping pussy.

I could only lay helpless beside her, muscles throughout my body feeling as though they were in a perpetual contracted state caused by the immense amount of sexual frustration that riddled me to my core. She said the average for insanity at this two second milking speed was 3 hours? I must have been an edge case, because I felt I was already there an hour in, and she’d kept this Serious Kit milker running on me for an hour more. My only hope at the moment, was that she stayed true to her word and that this ‘2 hour long phase 1’ she had planned would truly end very shortly.

April began to stir beside me and looked over at the clock. She giggled, then looked back at me. I had turned my head to stare at her, the dildo still strapped to my head, face entirely dripping with her slippery juices, my eyes pleading for mercy.

“MmmPphhHHHmmmHHH!!!!” I tried to scream past the appliance.

“Yes yes I know! You have been soooo good Bill. Phase 1 is now complete.” She stood up and quickly switched off that infernal machine. With one last Schnik-kunk it feel silent, leaving my achingly hard and bright red cock still trapped in the receiver. She returned to the bed, getting onto her knees between my legs. “I’m going to remove the receiver Bill, this might hurt a little.” She grasped the receiver with her fist, and slowly began to lift it up and off of my cock. There was still a vacuum inside of it, so as she lifted, my was also pulled upwards with a bit of pain, until the seal at the bottom of the receiver was broken with an audible POP.

As the cool air in the room assaulted my now overly sensitive and stimulated cock, I moaned into the dildo gag on my face. I shook against the restraints, causing my cock to flop from side to side in agony.

“Easy now, easy now!” April shouted. “Let me help you out with this first, then I’ll remove that dildo from your face.”

I nodded my head enthusiastically, the dildo humorously flopping forward and back, causing her creamy juice that was still clinging to its veiny surface to fly off and smack me right in the eyes. April saw this happen and fell over in a fit of laughter.

“Hahahahah!! Oh I’m sorry, I’m so sorry for laughing, but if I were recording this, that right there would have been a viral sensation!” April continued to laugh as she got up and dug around back in that mysterious walnut dresser and returned with some kind of lotion, a couple of latex gloves, and also a small hand towel. What the hell else was did she have in that dresser? “This is a very powerful desensitizing cream. Super prescription strength from the hospital.” She put her finger over her lips, “Shhhhhhh! Don’t tell anyone!”

She put on the gloves, then squirted a large dollop onto her hands. “This may feel a little cold, but in your state, that might be a good thing,” April said as she gripped my throbbing member and proceeded to stroke me slowly, working the cream into every area of my cock.

I bucked my hips in pure ecstasy. After nothing but the slightest most slipperiest sensation on only the crown of my cock for the past 2 hours, this felt like pure gold. I could feel the cum in my balls begin to boil, my cock mere moments from erupting! But then, just as quickly as it had started, the overwhelming pleasure turned to nothingness. My balls still ached like never before. You’ve heard of blue balls? Mine felt as if they were Midnight Blue, it was bad. April continued to work the cream in all over my cock, then began to tenderly caress my balls, coating them as well. She made sure to work a little bit of cream beneath them, rubbing a little into my taint for good measure. I couldn’t hold back any longer, I let out single sob. April’s head immediately shot up.

“Oh Bill! No Bill it will be ok I promise!” Tears began to form at the corner of her eyes as she ripped off the gloves and tossed them aside. She quickly removed the straps from my face and tossed the still dripping dildo on the pillow. “It will be ok Bill I promise!” she while doing a combination of kissing me gently and dabbing up all of her wetness that was coating my face.

“April, I hurt so badly. I need to cum! I have to cum or I feel like I’m going to die!” I said between her kisses. I wasn’t angry, I was frustrated, more horny than I had ever been before. I’d felt being teased before in the past, as women tried to get me off and then failed due to the effort involved, but those times couldn’t hold a candle to the aching I felt right now.

April continued to cover my mouth and face with rapid, small kisses, trying to soothe me down. “Oh I know Bill, trust me I know. But this is all part of my plan, you just have to have faith and trust in me ok? This will all be worth it. Please Bill, can you trust me a while longer?”

As much as I ached in the pit of my stomach, I couldn’t deny how excited I was to have been controlled and teased by April. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined anyone doing the things to me that April did, but she did them, and I loved every second of it.

“Yes April, I trust you. What you are doing to me is agony, but I trust you that the payoff is worth it in the end.”

“Oh Bill I’m so happy to hear that. I know I’ve said this before, but you honestly have no idea how much doing all of this to you turns me on. Well maybe you do, you’ve heard and seen me cum how many times since the other night? A shit ton Bill. Total honest always between us, I like to cum a LOT. And I have NEVER cum this many times in such a short amount of time. We’re connected Bill, I hope you can feel that.”

I nodded my head in agreement, “I do feel it. Speaking of feeling, could you maybe, let me go?” I wiggled a bit beneath her to prove my point.

She giggled, kissed me softly again and nodded her head. “Ok, but you have to promise me that you will not try to get yourself off! Like I said before, your orgasms belong to me! Deal?”

I took a deep breath, but nodded my head in agreement. The feelings April was triggering deep inside me were worth almost anything she could ever do to me. “I promise, I will not try to get myself off,” I chuckled.

“Ok then!” she exclaimed as she began to unfasten the Segufix restraints holding me down to the bed. She pulled open her nightstand drawer, pulled out a small bottle of oil, and used it to give my muscles a quick rub all over. I stretched, and instinctively started to reach for my cock, but stopped myself. April noticed this out of the corner of her eye. “Good boy Bill! Such a good boy! Alright I’m famished. Why don’t you go hit the bathroom, hop in the shower, then get dressed and we’ll go get a quick bite to eat before we continue our little play session. Sound good?”

I looked down at my body, my cock still bright red, the head swollen larger than I had ever seen it before, but at least the sensations had been dulled down to a disturbing numbness. I was so coated in a combination of sweat, her juices, and a light mixture of her massage oil. Yes I definitely needed a shower.

“Alright a shower sounds good. Maybe a cold shower at that.”

April laughed, “I would offer to join you, but thankfully I don’t need a cold one.” She wiggled her eyebrows knowingly at me. “Oh and Bill, do remember, no touching in there! At least no more than necessary to clean yourself up a bit.”

We each took turns showering and getting ready to go out. Me with my ice cold shower extra ice, and her with a long steamy hot shower. Yeah I heard her usual screams of, “Fuck… FUCCCKK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK,” as she obviously gave herself a few more orgasms in there thinking about me and all the kinky things she had planned.

I was waiting around in the living room for her to come out when I heard her call out to me in a sing-song voice. “Ohhh Biiiillllll!” I walked into her room to find her standing there, wearing a very cute full length floral sundress. What caught my eye the most though, was that she was twirling some kind of large rubber ring on her finger while she closed a drawer on the walnut dresser.

“Do I even want to ask what that is?” I asked.

“This,” she said still twirling the object around her index finger, “is phase 1.A. It’s aaaaaaaaa,” she paused. “RemoteControlledVibratingCockRing!” she quickly gushed out the words and immediately doubled over in a laughing fit.

“You want me… to wear… a remote controlled vibrating cock ring?” I asked her deadpan.

Still laughing she nodded, wiping a tear from her eye. “If you would be so kind please!” followed by more laughter. Absolutely loving everything she had done to me so far, I nodded my head and dropped my pants and boxers. April suppressed her laughter, applied a little bit of lubricant, and quickly pulled my balls through the loop, followed by my not quite fully hard cock. My cock quickly got hard again the moment she was done. “Glad we got that on quick! We would have been here all night trying to get that on if you were fully hard! This is to make sure you stay on edge and aroused all night long. Ok let’s go!”

April held out her arm, offering me to take it like an old time gentleman, which I did. As we began walking towards the door, the ring around my cock and balls suddenly began to vibrate intensely. I almost fell over from both the surprise and the intensity. April doubled over in laughter again.

“Oh Bill!” she laughed. “No idea!” still laughing she pointed down to her pussy. “So wet right now!” still laughing, then pointed to my crotch, then back at her pussy, followed by still more laughing as she clutched at her sides. I couldn’t say that I shared her sense of humor at that exact moment, but I was willing to tolerate it for obvious reasons.

We spent the evening at a very nice local steakhouse. Surf and turf for each of us. We talked long into the night about the sorts of things we always used to talk about, before the events of the prior evening had set in motion what I assumed would become our new lifestyle together. Of course throughout the night April would mysteriously trigger the remote control vibrations in the cock ring at varying intensities and durations. Also at the most inopportune times, such as when the waitress was trying to take our orders. She had the most confused look on her face as I stuttered my order while April had another fit of laughter.

At the end of the night, April reached across the table reaching for my hands. I held them tight in mine and we looked into each other’s eyes deeply.

“Bill,” she spoke quietly so no-one else could hear her. “You won’t always be tied down while I continue with your… milking procedures. Can you promise me, that you will always obey my orders no matter what?” She gazed deeply into my eyes again, her deep blue doe-like eyes staring into my soul pleadingly. This was important to her, she wanted me to say yes, but she also wanted me to want to say yes.

I looked back into her eyes, taking the time to admire her pure beauty. Thinking back about not only our experiences over the last days, but also our entire time as roommates, as friends, as best friends. I slowly nodded my head.

“April, I promise to obey all of your orders, anything you ask of me to do, I will comply.” I said boldly.

Her face lit up with a beaming ear to ear smile, “Oh Bill I am so happy to hear that! Now let’s get back home!” As she said this, more buzzing occurred from the vibrating cock ring, which had definitely done its duty of keeping me quite aroused during our entire dinner conversations.

When we returned home, April said she had to go to her room for a quick change. A couple of moments passed until I heard, “Shit! Where is it?!?!” I heard some frantic shuffling of objects in a drawer, followed by more cursing. “BILL GET IN HERE!” April yelled.

Smirking, I slowly sauntered into her room. “You called for me?” I asked cockily.

“Bill you little shit what did you do with it?!”

“Whatever do you mean?” I asked innocently.


“You mean the key to your chastity belt? The one I hid the day I found your belt? Why would you need that now?”


I doubled over with laughter. This was beyond perfect. “Why are you wearing your chastity belt now??” I asked.

She took a deep breath to clam herself down and began to explain. “Because it’s a way I like to tease myself. I usually put it on before going on dates with guys. It turns me on knowing not only can I not touch myself during the date, but that should the guy ‘get lucky’ he’s not going to be as ‘lucky’ as he thinks. Sure I might suck him off, but there’s not much he can do to me in return, and I loved that. It drove me crazy. Then when I’d get home, I’d unlock myself and fuck myself into a frenzy with my vibrator. But I can’t do that now Bill because SOMEONE STOLE MY FUCKING KEY!”

“I’m going to make a note of this in your chart April. Nurse becomes verbally aggressive when sexually frustrated.” I smirked and wiggled my eyebrows at her. “I promised to obey ever order, but this is one tiny exception. I will not return your key until I decide to do so.”

She fumed in anger for a moment, her hands unconsciously pawing at the front of her chastity belt in an attempt to stimulate her no doubt leaking and dripping wet pussy.

“Oh Bill, you are so in for a world of shit now!”

-Chapter 9-

April continued to storm back and forth in her room, one hand on her hip holding her gathered floral sundress, and her other hand pawing uselessly at her covered pussy. As she paced back and forth across her room I could catch glints of reflected light from the grool that was dripping down the inside of each of her thighs.

“FUCK!! Damnit Bill! You… FUCK!!” she fumed as she pawed even more ineffectively against the chastity belt covering her leaking pussy. “I need. That Key. NOW!” To say she sounded desperate was an understatement. “Bill look at me! I’m serious! You’ve only known me sexually for a very short time, but just think back Bill… think hard! How many times have I told you how much you turn me on? How much what I’ve been doing to you turns me on? I get so horny Bill, more than you ever knew. All the late nights we’d sit on the couch watching movies together. Romantic movies? Did you never wonder why I had to have you pause the movie so many times so I could get up and go to the bathroom?”

“Ummm.. you’ve got a small bladder?” I jokingly asked.


I went silent at this revelation from her. She’d really found me that sexually attractive all this time? She really meant it when she talked about having wasted so much time, and needing to make up for lost time. “I’m sorry April,” I started, “I didn’t know you felt that way, I really didn’t.”

She leapt at me, wrapping her arms around me and began to sob softly. “Bill I’m so embarrassed. I’m so ashamed for you to see me like this. I wanted to be strong, to be in control, at least until we had gotten time to explore some of our kinks together.” Whether it was consciously, or unconsciously, April began grinding her chastity belt covered pussy against my leg. “Please Bill, unlock me, I will do anything for you.” She looked up at me with those deep blue eyes and said it again, “Anything.” After saying this she silently mouthed the word anal.

I kissed her forehead and smiled at her, thoroughly enjoying this sudden change of power. “I don’t know if I’m ready to do that just yet.” I winked at her.

April pulled away from me quickly. “Oh so that’s how you want to play it then is it Bill? Are you sure that’s how you want this to go down?”

I looked back at her, suddenly slightly unsure of myself as to whether or not I’d made the right decision. “Um… yes?”

“Ok Bill. Ok. Ok Bill. Ok. Ok Bill. Ok. You promised you’d do whatever I said yes?”

“Umm.. well yes, everything except…”

“Yes I fucking know everything except giving me back my fucking KEY! STRIP! NOW! And get your ass back up on my bed NOW!”

Wow! When April got horny and deprived she got aggressive! I mean I thought she was super sexy and aggressive before, but the way she was acting right now… fuck if it wasn’t the hottest thing I’d ever seen before.

“Alright nurse, but I’ll have you know that I’ll be documenting all of this in your medical record…”

“Oh Mr. Funny Man!” April interrupted. “So funny aren’t you? Just keep digging that hole deeper and deeper why don’t you! We’re skipping steps now. No more nice and friendly phase 1.B, no chipper phase 1.C. No, we’re going direct to full on mother fuckin’ phase 2!”

Conflicting emotions of deep arousal and a touch of fear coursed through me as I got naked, and placed myself on the bed. April wasted no time in securing me to the bed spread eagle with the Segufix restraints.

“All nice and comfy cozy are you now?” April asked with an evil grin. I gulped and nodded my head. “Good! Because we’re using the standard receiver now. This one is just a tube for your cock with a slippery liner, which is kept constantly wet via the lube drip system. Steady drops of lube to keep that liner nice and slippery as the Serious Kit milker sucks and sucks at your cock.”

I gritted my teeth and prepared for the… best? worst? I was unsure at the moment. She pulled out a second contraption that also had hoses attached to it that she then attached to the milker.

“This handy little device is for your balls Bill. It sucks them. It sucks them good and hard, just like my mouth would have been doing right now, if only you’d have given up that key. It’s not too late Bill. I would do anything you asked of me. ANYTHING.” She mouthed the word anal again and winked.

Steeling my nerve I shook my head no.

“Your funeral Bill,” she said as she gently placed the ball sucker device against my swollen balls. “Oh one more thing Bill… don’t think I haven’t forgotten about that desensitizing cream I rubbed all over your needy cock.” She licked her lips as she said this, one hand still pawing at the belt, trying to find some kind of stimulation, any stimulation. She was desperate, and needy, and it was so hot.

She pulled out another cream, applied gloves, and immediately started to work the cold cream into my cock and balls. Immediately I began to feel a change. The numbness started to disappear rapidly, replaced by a slowly spreading warm sensation, followed by a tingle that almost felt like an itch. It grew, and grew, and I shivered. It was amazing! It felt like millions of tiny little wet tongues were slowly lapping up and down all over my cock and balls.

“April this is…. wow… I can’t take much of this, I feel like it’s going to make me cum soon!”

“Well that is the idea Bill. Before I gave you desensitizing cream. This is the opposite. Cream designed to heighten the sensitivity of any and all nerve endings of the skin it’s been rubbed into.” She quickly slid the milker receiver onto my tingly cock, then laid down next to me to whisper into my ear. “We’re in phase 2 Bill,” she whispered throatily into my ear, making me shiver. “And phase 2 is all about you cumming.” The way she said this made me slightly afraid, but I still trusted her completely. “Ready? GO!” and she flipped on the switch.

The machine whirred to life and my cock was sucked deep into the milking receiver. The receiver had a silicone liner that was now coated with lube. The milker sucked all of the air out of the inside of the liner, which then caused my cock to be sucked up firmly into the receiver as well. The liner felt like a wet and slippery mouth encasing my cock from all sides. It made one big wet slurp sound.

The machine then cycled, and two things happened. First my balls were sucked down hard into the metallic ball suction device. Second, the air pressure returned to the receiver, which caused less of a pull on my cock, meaning the receiver relaxed around it.

The machine cycled again, and the effects reversed. My cock was sucked deep into the receiver, and my balls were given a moments rest. Another cycle and the sensations reversed again, less sucking on my cock, more sucking on my balls. Every cycle the machine alternated between sucking hard on my cock, or sucking hard on my balls. I was in heaven. And then April turned up the speed.

“Oh fuck!” I groaned.

“Oh fuck indeed!” April laughed. “I can’t wait to see you shoot your first load into the milker Bill. I’m going to love watching your hot juicy spunk get sucked up through the hose and into the milker tank. It’s going to be amazing Bill!” April was still nestled up next to my side, her chastity belt grinding against the outside of my thigh.

“April this is so strong… already I can’t… I can’t hold on!” I gasped, I panted, I tugged hard at my restraints. April only smiled at me knowingly.

“It’s ok Bill. You can cum for me. Cum for me Bill. I know you need it. You need your release. I teased you so much earlier didn’t I Bill?” she asked me in a pouty voice. “My poor little Bill, so frustrated weren’t you?”

I couldn’t help it, I began to cum… hard. The sensitizing cream, her dirty talk, the alternating suction on my cock and then balls, all the teasing she had put me through, it all exploded. Every muscle tensed as my cock began to spasm. Rope after rope of cum shot out of my cock, only to be greedily sucked up and away from the relentless milking machine. Slurp. Slurp. Slurp. It continued at a moderate pace.

“Ok April I came! Enough… enough!”

April’s grin grew more sinister. “I still need my key Bill. Are you going to give it to me?” The machine continued to suck without mercy.

“Never!” I had decided to force her hand. What would she do? How far would she go to win that key back?

“Tsk tsk tsk. That’s too bad Bill. You see, I’m not going to stop the machine until you tell me where you hid the key.” I stared at her with my mouth wide open. “In fact, every time you cum, I’m going to increase the speed!” And with that she clicked a button, and the machine began to alternate its sucking at a faster rate.

“You can’t be serious!” I thrashed against the restraints even harder. “I’m too sensitive! I just came! And you put that cream on me too… it’s.. it’s too much!”

“Where’s the key Bill?” I remained silent. “Awww too bad.” The machine continued.

I had to think fast, the machine was assaulting my cock without mercy. The cream, the alternating suction, April next to me whispering in my ear… I came again.

“HHHhnnnnnngggg!!” I grunted as my cock erupted again, releasing more cum to be sucked up by the hungry milking machine. I could feel April shudder beside me, her humping of my leg had intensified a tiny bit. I could tell she was getting even more excited, and frustrated. She clicked a button again, and the machine picked up speed yet again. “FUCK NO APRIL! PLEASE!!”

April moaned deeply. “Key Bill. I need it. NOW! No key, no stopping, not even when you’re shooting blanks Bill, this machine. Won’t. Stop.”

I decided I needed to change tactics. I would never win at this rate. After having cum twice in such a short amount of time, the increased sensitivity, fuck the increased speed of the machine… I was going to lose fast. She’d have me begging and giving in very shortly. I could feel my resolve weakening. I moaned deep and long. April’s eyes went wide, and I knew I had her.

“If you… don’t let… me out.. then you.. don’t get.. your key. If you.. don’t get.. your key.. you don’t.. get to.. cum” I said between the rapid alternating sucking of the milking machine. I began to moan more, and louder. “Oh April… fuck yeah!! Oh April! I’m going to cum for you. You’re milking me so good. You’re milking all this hot sticky cum out of my swollen needy dripping leaking cock. I can’t stand it April. This machine is going to make me cum again.”

April covered her ears and began humping my leg at a furious pace. “Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up Bill!” I was getting to her, she was going to break before I did I just knew it.

“HHHHNNNNNNNNGGGGGG FFFFUUUUUCCCKKKK! AAAAPPPRRRRIILLLL!!!” As I screamed her name, my hips and legs constantly shaking as the machine forcefully extracted yet another load out me, April caved.

“OK you win you win. Fuck!! Please Bill OK you win! Whatever you want just please unlock me so I can cum! You win! You win!”

“Turn off… the machine…” I groaned in agony. She complied, her hips never stopping grinding on my leg. “Release me… NOW!”

April reluctantly got up, removed the milker which slid off with a loud scchhhloooppp sound. Tugged the ball suckers away with a POP, then unfastened my restraints.

“Please Bill… I… I can’t think straight… you… you’ve done this to me.. look at me Bill.. help me.. please?”

I pointed to the bed. “Remove your dress. On the bed, NOW!” She kept her gaze lowered and scrambled to quickly comply.

“Yes.. Sir.” she meekly said, removing her dress and laying down where I had just been moments ago. I blinked in surprise. That was totally unexpected, but at the same time, given everything we’d learned about each other so far seemed absolutely natural. Clearly we’d both learned in a matter of seconds, that we each had both Dominant and submissive streaks in us.

It was now my turn to fasten the Segufix restraints on April, securing her to the bed. As I looked at her crotch, the entirety of each inner thigh was coated and glistening with her wetness. Her pierced nipples were like diamonds. I gave each one the briefest of tweaks, and she began to moan and plead and beg nonstop.

“Please Bill.. I mean Sir… please Sir.. please.. must cum… so horny… so wet.. please Sir.. please Sir.. please Sir.”

I walked over to the walnut dresser and found the dildo that she had strapped to my face previously. With a devious smile I turned and showed it to her, giving it a little wiggle so the purple dildo wobbled back and forth like she had done to me before. Her begging stopped for a moment as she looked at me, not understanding.

I advanced on her slowly, staring deeply into her eyes. Still holding the dildo raised up, I slowly inverted it. The dawning of understanding appeared in her eyes, and lust radiated off of her in waves. I kneeled on the bed and smiled at her as she slowly opened her mouth. I slid the dildo slowly into her mouth, silencing her constant begging. She gagged a tiny bit as the dildo filled her mouth and throat, her eyes watering, but she nodded to me to let me know she was OK. I fastened the straps around her head. During the whole time, her hips had never stopped their unconscious thrusting against the straps holding her down.

I opened the second drawer of the oak dresser, turning to watch her face. Another sudden dawning of understanding flashed through her eyes before they glared daggers at me, and I pulled out a long chain with a small silver key attached from the drawer.

I dangled the chain over her tight toned stomach, letting the tip of the key brush and dance against her cute little belly button.

“So April, my pet… ready for phase 1?”

-Chapter 10-

“So April, my pet… ready for phase 1?”

April turned her head to look at me. I could almost see her mind fighting with itself, arguing back and forth in her mind whether to submit, or to resist and fight it. Moments ago she had broken. Her extreme need to cum was stopped by the chastity belt that she had put on before our date, unbeknownst to me, to tease herself. After our date she had gone to unlock it, found the key missing, and rightly assumed that I had taken it. She had put the Serious Kit milker on me and told me that she wouldn’t stop the machine until I confessed where I had hidden the key. Each time I came, she sped the machine up. It was a battle of wills, and sensitivity, and I had almost lost. I had started to fight fire with fire, and moaned and dirty talked my way into teasing April into a wanton lustful needy state, and she caved. She gave in, surrendered, untied me, and now I was going to get my revenge.

She mumbled around the dildo gag that I had attached to her head, drool oozing out from her mouth. The same dildo that she had previously strapped to my face and ridden to several loud orgasms. She looked so deliciously sexy and vulnerable secured tightly to her bed with the Segufix restraints and still wearing her locked chastity belt.

“I’m going to remove the gag for a moment alright?” I tenderly asked, and she quickly nodded her head. Unfastening the straps, I slowly pulled the dildo from her mouth and throat.

“Well I guess that answers the question of if you can deep-throat,” I snickered. “Lucky me I guess huh?”

April rolled her eyes. “You are so fucked Bill. When I get my hands on you again, I’m going to make you beg so hard to cum, and then make you beg to STOP cumming! You were supposed to let me be in charge until we got each other figured out.”

“Oh I think I have you figured out pretty well already. ‘You win’ I think I recall hearing just a moment ago? ‘Please Sir’ was also said, several times in fact.”

April blushed and avoided my gaze. “Yes well, you caught me at a moment of weakness.”

I held the chain with the chastity belt key above her again, and slowly dragged the tip of the key over her exposed flesh. Across her tightly toned stomach, swirling around her navel, up between her huge delicious breasts. Goosebumps followed the path of the key. The key teased over the tip of each nipple, causing them to strain to become even harder than they already were. Over her collarbone, down one arm, back up, again across her collarbone and down and back up the other arm. Brushing lastly over her luscious red lips.

April’s body shook and quivered in response to the tantalizingly teasing key. “OK Bill mercy… you have no idea how much torture this is for me!”

“Oh I think I have a pretty good idea. And we’re just getting started. Phase 1 is 2 hours is it not?”

She blanched. “You… you can’t… you can’t be serious Bill! I have never been teased that long before.”

“Well I’d never had a milking machine sucking my cum from my cock over and over and over either. I guess tonight is a night of firsts isn’t it?” I said with an evil smile, locking eyes with her. She averted her gaze again.

“Yes…. Sir.”

I made certain that her waist and upper thighs were secured as tightly as possible to the bed. “Try to move your hips for me,” I said. She struggled for a moment as I stared intently at her hips and waist, seeing virtually no movement at all. “Are you even trying?”

“YES! I can’t move my hips at all. What are you planning?!? This is… oh my god I’m going crazy!” April shouted.

“I’ve been told by a medical professional that insanity isn’t supposed to kick in until around the 3 hour mark,” I casually winked at her. I began to set my devious plan in motion. I held up the key, showing it to her, and then gently inserted it into the lock on her chastity belt. I could hear her hold her breath as I slowly began to remove it. It made a very audible sscccchhhllllluuuuurrrrpppp sound as I lifted it up and off of her absolutely drenched pussy. I could see her hips quiver as the cool air in the room slammed against her now finally exposed pussy lips and visibly red and swollen clit.

“Ohhhhhhh…sshhhhiiittttt,” April drawled, her eyes tightly closed.

I just had to take a moment to admire April’s body. She was undeniably in a lust fueled sex starved state, and her body showed it everywhere I looked. Her body was glistening already with sweat, her pierced nipples painfully hard. But what obviously drew my attention the most, was her glistening swollen pussy. I could almost feel the waves of need and want and desire emanate from her pussy lips and clit. A slow and steady line of her grool leaked from her entrance and flowed down between the cheeks of her incredible ass.

April watched me closely as I eyed her body all over. This was really the first time I’d ever been able to actually take my time to admire her. She recognized the lust in my eyes, and it made her feel even more horny. To be lusted after in such a way cranked her already intense arousal up to 11.

I rummaged around some more in the walnut dresser, pulling out a long and pointed feather. Her eyes went wide again.

“Don’t you fucking dare!! Don’t you DARE!! Put that away! Put that back RIGHT NOW!!”

“I don’t think you’re in any position to be giving orders right now… pet.” As I said the word, I could see her will breaking again. I advanced slowly towards her and held the tip of the feather out to the sole of her bare left foot. I began to draw the feather every so slowly across the sole, dipping between the gap of each toe, then across the top of the foot. April went wild with laughter.

“HAHAHHA Stoppp.. pleeassee STOP HAHAHAHHAH!”

“Sssshhhh!!” I said, knowing there’s no way she could possibly stop her laughter. I continued teasing her sweaty body all over with the feather. Lightly I brushed the feather over her nipples. I held the feather sideways, and drew long lines across her exposed sides, again causing her entire body to convulse with laughter. “I had no idea you were so ticklish April.”

“HAAAAAHHHAAAA!” She continued laughing hard, gasping for breath, tears rolling from her eyes.

“If you can’t keep it down, I’m going to have to gag you again. Maybe that would just be the quieter thing to do now.” I picked up the dildo and as I moved closer to her she began to beg.

“Please no I’ll be more quiet.. please no not the gag Sir! I’ll be a good girl I promise!”

“Oh I know you’re a good girl… such a good girl.” But I ignored her pleas, holding the dildo before her mouth she obediently opened wide, and I slid the dildo back down her throat and secured it in place. Picking the feather back up, I held it above her skin and looked directly into her eyes. My eyes never wavered from hers, as I hovered the feather lower, and lower down her body. She suddenly knew what I was going to do and began thrashing her head side to side, her eyes pleading with me. I hovered the feather just above her pussy, not touching yet. The anticipation was almost worse for her.

“If this gets to be too much, I want you to grunt loudly three times, do you understand me?” She nodded her head. “Grunt once so I’m positive you understand.” She grunted once loudly against the dildo. “Now I want you to grunt three times, just like if you meant for me to stop.” She nodded her head and gave three very loud grunts in quick succession. “Alright pet. That’s your safeword whenever you’re gagged.”

I lowered the feather slowly, and touched the tip of her exposed, swollen, throbbing clit. The faintest of touches, but she felt it, and she tried to buck her hips away, but it was useless. Long slow flicks of the feather went up and down on each of her dripping pussy lips, a stroke between them teasing the opening to her now soaking wet hole. A swirl around her opening, trying to push the feather inside, but it bent away. Then quick circles around and around her clit, bouncing around and over her clit hood piercing, making the ring bounce and flick in response.

April went wild. She squirmed, she bucked, well as much as she was able. Her arms shook, she screamed with laugher and cries for mercy into the gag. Even though I only did this for a about five minutes, it probably felt like a lifetime to her. I stopped, April gasped for breath through her nose, spit flying all over from the base of the dildo gagging her mouth. I unfastened the gag, removing the dildo once more from her mouth.

“You evil evil man… how did I not know how evil you were!” she shouted, still gasping for breath. “MAKE! ME! CUM!”

“Oh April…. oh dear dear April. We’re only 5 minutes into phase 1. You still have 55 minutes to go.”

Her held flopped back down onto the pillow in defeat. “Bill please, I’m begging you. I… I had no idea you were this kinky. How did I never know… how did I never know.”

“You might have solved my problem April. Maybe all this time it wasn’t the amount or duration of the stimulation that was the factor in making it difficult for me to cum. Maybe it was the quality of the stimulation. But we can figure that out later, I have two more big plans for you tonight. You teased me with that milker for 2 hours. It nearly broke me. I’m going to return the favor.”

“Oh Sir please! You’ve already broken me… you’ve already broken me… My pussy is so needy right now Sir. Please make me cum. PLEASE MAKE ME CUM!!!”

I almost felt the tiniest bit sorry for her, my cock was throbbing once more. The sounds of her begging, the sights of her body being bound and teased. It was all exciting me in a way that I’d never been before. I shook my head and said quietly, “No.”

I unfastened the drip lube feed line from the milker, and rigged up the harness so only the drip feed was suspended directly over her pussy. I aimed carefully, and adjusted the feeder on the line, causing a single drop of lube to fall, and land directly on her clit. Two seconds later, another drip fell again directly on her clit. Two seconds, drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.

Once again April thrashed and pulled against the Segufix restraints, trying to move her pussy out of the path of the oncoming drip but she was secured too tightly. I enjoyed watching her struggle, I enjoyed teasing her, just like she had teased me not so long ago.

An hour and 55 minutes later of the steady drip drip drip on her clit and pussy lips, and April was again broken. She had long since given up trying to form words. She still hadn’t been able to cum, and her entire body and face showed that fact. There was a hunger in her eyes. Her grunts took on a primal sound. She needed a release, and I was about to give it to her.

I stopped the drip of the lube and moved it out of the way. The purple dildo I every so slowly and carefully slide into her wet pussy. I moved it so slowly, so tenderly as I didn’t want to set off an orgasm just quite yet. She whimpered in utter frustration. The second part of my final plan, involved her Hitachi magic wand vibrator. I gently placed it against her thigh, the round head of the vibrator resting tightly against her clit. I secured the Hitachi with straps around her thigh, making it impossible to move away from her clit.

April had bent her head forward, her eyes still glazed with that sex crazed hungry look. The moment she realized what I was about to do, she finally found her words again. “Sir… make me cum?”

“Yes my pet. You will cum. But just like you didn’t stop the milker on me, I’m not going to stop the vibrator on you. You kept it going on me for what… 15 minutes? I think you deserve the same.”

He face went white as she realized what I intended to do to her, but she slowly nodded her head. “Yes Sir. I accept your punishment, thank you.”

And with that, I switched on the Hitachi to high speed. April’s orgasm rocked her body seconds later. Her juices began to gush and squirt from around the dildo deep inside of her, and then with a schlurp sound the dildo shot out of her by the strong contractions of her pussy. My cock ached to know what that would feel like. I knew I would have to sample that myself in time.

I stood beside April, watching her face contort and twist in sheer bliss as the orgasm ran through her entire body, from the tips of her toes to the hair on her head. No sounds came from her mouth. Just her upper body shaking, her large tits jiggling from the motion. And then the sensitivity hit her. Her mouth stayed wide open, but her face took on another look, one of agony. The Hitachi continued to buzz away right on her clit, the piercing rapidly bouncing around as well. Her face changed once more to bliss as another orgasm rocked her. Still she had no words, no voice, the sensations too intense after the teasing she had endured all night.

As I looked at her body, we locked eyes, and I began to stroke my throbbing cock. A smile crossed her face as she continued to alternate between the agony of overstimulation, and the pure pleasure of another orgasm. In mere moments my cock erupted, a decent amount of cum despite having been milked so vigorously moments ago, splashed over her face.

I didn’t make her endure the full 15 minutes, only most of it. I switched off the Hitachi and removed it from her leg. I unfastened all the straps, gently rubbing her arms and legs as I moved them back into a normal position for her. Then I picked up her large blanket, covering her and crawling under it as well to lay next to her. Sliding one arm under her head, I pulled her in close to me. I brushed the hair away from her sweat covered face, and leaned in to kiss her gently.


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